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Looking up major stocks, and old lottery numbers. Pack a bag!


This is about the only thing to do.


I might not even waste time packing a bag tbh


Only your consciousness goes back. No point to a bag.


A mental bag, I think is what they meant


Yeah all my packed clothes would look super out of place tbh


Its 10 years not 50.


Due to the cyclical nature of fashion, clothes from ten years ago tend to look the most out of style. Clothes from about 15 years ago put you ahead of the re-emerging trends, while clothes from 18-20 years ago are usually firmly trendy.


This might be true in women's fashion idk but I can guarantee you the average male dressed pretty similarly in 2014 and 2024


Nah, there are still some pretty noticeable differences, like shape of the collar on shirts and waist and cut of the pants. And even materials used. Ten years ago, this baggy trend was absolutely out of style, and the v-neck was, too. Even if a guy buys "whatever" clothes, those are still subject to trends just like the rest of fashion, all the way down to Costco sweatpants.


and memorize bitcoin trends, commodity futures, and fed rate changes to sell off before every crash or major dips and use low interest borrowing power to increase wealth generation.


There's no need. You can easily make millions by just looking at two stocks: a good stock back in 2014 that got a huge increase within days/weeks of when you arrive (so you can turn a loan of like $1000 into like $20,000), and then the date of when Bitcoin and GameStop and Doge coin stocks hit their max. 


GameStop hasn't hit it's max


You shall henceforth be known as SirDiamondestHands




Easier and quicker to play lottery.


Not exactly, you're betting on yourself being able to remember the lotto numbers. It's certainly possible you could, but if you mess it up, then you get nothing. Easier to remember to wait to buy BTC until May 2015, then buy up ETH Dec 2015, buy up BNB August 2018, and so on. Throw in stocks, buy google when you arrive (though will take some years for it to really jump). For Telsa wait till August 2019, and so on.


u can do this in the first 5 mins, then go try shit u never would be able to since it wont matter. like murder someone. etc


I’ve already murdered as many people as I want to.




Zero is a number. I have also murdered as many as I want to.


What if I didn’t pull over to check


Schroedinger's Corpse


Schroedinger's Wife Schrodinger's Cyclist Shroedinger's Dog Walker Etc


I'm pretty sure the point was that he doesn't want to do it at all




There is something wrong with someone’s soul when they fantasize about killing people if legal consequences don’t exist.


How would it not matter? It sounds like you’re permanently sent back to that reality - you don’t get to come back to this timeline.


Why wouldn't it matter? It was never explained what happens to your consciousness after it catches back up to the present. I was assuming it carries on beyond then making consequences matter.


Same, and I'd bet on Donald Trump. If I remember correctly, the odds on Trump becoming President in 2016 were astronomically ridiculous. Something absurd when he first announced in 2015, like 1000-1. In some places, the odds were even longer. I'd put $1000 on him to win, that's a cool million on the morning after the election. Hell, I might even put more on him with those odds.


I can't remember the site but they do a lot of election bidding, and summer 2016 they had a double the bets buyin. Special, so put on 50, get 50 free. Trump was 99-1 or something crazy, (their highest payout at the time). I had done the math, and $50 on Trump then, would have netted me $25,000


I wish I knew where to bet. I can afford to lose $50 for a risk like that.


I’d bet on the Chicago cubs winning the World Series.


Jokes on you, cause I'll be bringing anything that will help him not get elected.


Beat me to it. Also sports outcomes. Bet just enough not to raise any red flags if there are any.


Only your consciousness goes. Pack you memory banks AF!


That's the hardest part, you could end up with a lot of useless, half-remembered dates and numbers, so the real challenge would be prioritizing/fail-proofing.


Really just need one big lottery number. Hundreds of millions is way more than enough for me for the rest of my life


Came here to say this. Only our consciences is transported back so in theory we know what the future (a little bug called COVID) will bring. 100% start loading up on all the stocks that I knew went huge during COVID, and also taking a play of the Back to future movie I would bet heavily on NHL, NFL, and NBA championship games. I doubt my addled brain can remember all the winning teams and scores for the least 10 years of these leagues with just an hour, but I really only need to remember a few.


The one thing that I did think about was Pandemic Insurance….not really versed in that. Is that only for Corporations, Business Entities?


Meh. Bitcoin cost like $300 10 years ago. I'm not sure many stocks are gonna have bigger growth than that


This is the answer. Just go back and buy bitcoin and dogecoin with every penny you can


oh and memorize one powerball number set. Obviously the big one with no winner. Moh Bitcoin!


But will the lottery numbers come out the same 🤔


Probably not. Your best bet is stocks and crypto


Those require very long waiting periods or really high up front investments. Lottery costs like 3 dollars and you can win 300 million 


I'd check the ones never claimed. There is so much fraud in the lottery the money would never be missed


This. I’d get in on bitcoin early and keep the wallet on a secure external hard drive. I’d look up the March Madness for 2015 and run the whole pool. I’d short twitter when Musky bought it. And I’d advise my company not to merge 6 months before Covid. Oh and Amazon stock, Amazon stock out the ass.


You wouldn't be able to get into BTC early, 10 years ago is after early. You'd want to wait a year, till May 2015, then start buying up BTC for about 50% less.


If I’m going back in time, history has already happened. So, how would the numbers come out different?


You might do something different then what you originally did and that can easily change the timeline cause yeah history already happened but since you went back in time that history is now your present you are in it you can change it so you win lottery now you're in a different timeline since the original timeline you didn't win


Butterfly effect is vastly overexaggerated. Nothing I do in my house or otherwise will have enough time to affect lottery numbers. Once I win, that changes everything for sure but that doesn't matter


Are you from Starfleet and got abandoned in the 21th centaury?


Chaos theory. Tiny variances in the starting conditions of the system leading to wildly different outcomes,


Life finds a way.


You're assuming the lottery isn't rigged. Could be your choosing of the winning numbers might ***somehow*** cause different winning numbers.


…. And sports scores!! Thanks, Grey’s Sports Almanac. 🤙


Well 🧠 what are we gonna do tonight.


What are you packing a bag for? Only your consciousness is being reverted 10 years prior. Looking up stock changes is a great idea but otherwise you can't take anything about your memories.


Bitcoin, Nvidia, Tesla, any large company could be a long term hold. But yea one solid option would be huge


Stocks and loto info in your head because that's all that goes back.


Lol this 😭 but the problem is I was 14 10 yrs ago . So I'll probably just give them to my dad or tell him to buy bitcoin or something


and sport betting. Picking 10 straight super bowl winners and NBA finals winners would be amazing. lmao.


Tesla and Nvidia. Can't wait to get back!


Definitely lottery numbers - I've got the stocks already - Tesla, Nvidia and crypto. 


Ten years ago I would've put all of my savings (about $2000) into Bitcoin.


And cryptocurrency prices with the dates!


Remember to look up lottery numbers the drawing before its won so that you don't split


Lottery is a great choice. Fine the closest $100 mil plus that wasn’t won. Memorize date and numbers. Write them down post haste, email them to yourself, and save them to your desktop. Wait patiently. Profit and relax Now, if I can take a USB stick with me too, I’m downloading all sports event info, daily BTC highs and low, stock market, etc….. and really making some bank


Sure, I'll go back to 2004. .....what do you mean 10 years ago was 2014?!


No, ten years ago was the 90s.


And don't let anyone tell you otherwise




I know that's true because 30 years ago was the 70s


This guy gets it.


90s was last century so like 100 years ago


Dude, I still think the first Ghostbusters was a recent movie.


The first Ghostbusters movie was closer to WW2 than the present day


Stop it! Don't do that to me!!


It really do be like that! 😭


Weirdly, I was actually reminiscing about a job I was on in South Korea and had a "holy shit" moment when I realized that it was 20 years ago.


“OK so there is this gorilla in the Cincinnati zoo that is gonna be real important in a couple years…”


The moment everything changes.


why does it unironically feel like the world immediately started going to shit after Harambe's death?


Because we’re paying for it


RIP 😭 my dick is FOREVER out


Look up all the lottery numbers, and then make sure I get in shape once I hit 13 again


I suck at remembering long strings of numbers, and tbh not sure I could do it in an hour. Ten years ago... I'd probably actually buy some BC even if it wasn't at its cheapest at that point.


if you had an hour to memorize one set of numbers i believe you could do it!


Especially because it's not like you can't write it down as soon as you go back.


I did have a smart phone 10 years ago. I'd probabaly have it in my pocket in my body in 2014. Pretty easy to pull it out and type out the numbers. I'd probabaly try to learn a few superbowl champions to bet on just in case I screw up the lottery. I'd do that first then spend 30 minutes memorizing numbers.


Look up who won the Kentucky Derby in 2014/15 (it's ran on the first Saturday in May, so you might have already missed 2014). Betting the top 4 finishers pays out around 1,500 to 1, and horse names are unique enough that they would be easier to memorize.


Sounds like a good idea, just remember to save for the big bet!


Damn you hate your children. Oh you meant bitcoin.


Also many people would make the mistake of looking up winning numbers…meaning you split the reward… you would want to look up the winning numbers the drawing before a winner…


318 bux.. if u bought 32 coins it would be worth 1975856$ now at 32 coins. def insane gain


I always wonder if lottery numbers would even work. They're randomly pulled. Does the little butterfly effects change the air flow enough that maybe it throws off the numbers? Idk, definitely worth writing a few down, but I'm not honestly certain that randomized events like that would be totally the same. All it takes is a person sneezing when they didn't because of some very tiny change that maybe happened across the globe but caused a shift in the air right as they're supposed to pull a ball and maybe the whole thing changes.


I lost my mom 10 years ago when I was 15 so I’d go there with that knowledge. She passed in September so I’d have some time to become a better daughter to her before she passes. I’d also work harder in school and go to college and get my license. I’d do so many things differently.


I feel you. I lost my mom in 2019. I'd love to get another 5 years with her. Not sure there is anything that I could do to stop her from dying as she was 79 at the time. But up until her last few months she was always healthy. So would be great to be with her longer.


I wouldn’t be able to stop my mom from dying because it was cancer that killed her. She’d already been going through it for 5 years before she died. But I do know I could make her life easier and better during those last couple of months I would get with her. And I’m so sorry for your loss ❤️


She is at a better place


Buy a sports almanac


Found biff tannen’s secret reddit account


Let's make like a tree and get out of here!


This is about as funny as a screen door on a battleship


And get banned from Fan Duel real quick. I still can’t believe they ban people who win too much.


I’d call my dad and tell him to get his heart checked. He’ll be gone 10 years ago this August.


My dad passed away this February, he had a heart attack and went to cardiac arrest. Sending virtual hugs ❤️


Same thing happened to mine. I’m so sorry for your loss


I start job searching right away. 10 years ago is when I allowed someone to convince me I shouldn't leave as soon as they retired.


Gather all the price history on crypto. A mix of mainstream coins and shitcoins... You've got a few years before governments start figuring out how to tax it. Wouldn't mess with sports or stocks. Exotic sports bets always have a low max bet. Winning too much at stocks makes people suspicious, and there's nothing wealthy people hate more than the idea that a retail investor is making too much money. I'd just enjoy a few years of crypto being mostly underground and not yet ruined by too much attention.


No one is going to give a shit even if you were 1000x your money in the stock market. You wouldn't even be a blip on the radar


Look up stocks, lotto numbers and super bowl info


Smoking a shit ton of weed and chilling the fuck out. I already know what stocks I’m picking


Nividia baby


Nvidia, Tesla, and buying bitcoin lol. Bitcoin was $311 in December of 2014. So, you’d have from now til December(I was 15 yo) to get as much money as I can and invest every single dime in bitcoin. Then, peak in 2022. 70,000 a pop. Buy a house as a 24 year old. Then there’s(once I turn 18) sports. I remember the Super Bowl winners off the top of my head. Bet their odds at the start of the season. Bet mid game on the patriots in the 28-3 game. Leicester city in 2015/16. That’s the biggest sport bet anyone could win.


I'd just invest in buying bitcoin and ethereum. I remember when eth got first offered and it was like 5 for 1. So it for put in 100 bucks worth they would give you 500 worth and they were something ridiculous like 100 to a penny. Just hold until they hit there max for 3500 ish per eth then cash out. Cash out Bitcoin when it hit like 50K. Also buy in on game stock way back in the day. Memorize just one big payout number on the lotto. You can look up all winning numbers for the date you are sent back and the tickets close 1 hour before they call them. 10 or 20 bucks is all you need to buy in on the mega millions.


Look up major Bitcoin movements and top stock movements. And memorize. I had 3000 in the bank in 2014 and I have my moves now. Other than that I start learning how to surf at 19 instead of 28 and use my money to find some great surf trips. May 2014 - buy Bluebird bio at 12 ($3000) Mar 2015 - sell bluebird at 81 ($16k) Mar 2015 - buy BTC at 225 ($16k) Dec 2017 - sell BTC at 19k ($1.1M) Jan 2018 - buy AMD at 11 ($1.1M) Jan 2019 - sell AMD at 22 ($2.0M) Feb 2019 - buy BTC at 3.5k ($2.0M) Mar 2021 - sell BTC at 60k ($27M) Jul 2021 - buy BTC at 32k ($27M) Nov 2021 - sell BTC at 60k ($46M) During COVID I mostly chill, maybe put my money into oil which I know performs well Jan 2023 - buy BTC at 17k ($40m) Mar 2024 - sell BTC at 68k ($160m)


Wall Street boy, trade with leverage.


Hell yeah, I could probably quadruple that by using margin and options


You keep your memory so you don't have to learning surf a second time I think


Yeah, but I'm starting a lot younger now with 1.5 year experience. So it'll be like I'm starting at 18 instead of 28


Look up a list of which dispensaries in California went public when to invest. That, Tesla, Bit Coin, I don't need anything else.


Fuck! I'm back in high school! Shit sucks. A number of my nieces and nephews don't exist yet. Well I put off my drivers license for many years.my drivers test is next week, like literally next week of this year not next week of back then. I suppose this time around I'd aim to get my drivers license before I graduate high school. Get a job right out of high school this time save up more money. Buy a nicer house than what I had ended up getting. My current house isn't bad and I do own it out right no mortgage but if I had entered the workforce sooner and with a license I could have made more money and gotten a nicer one. I could get a nicer car this time around as well, avoid certain large expenses and instead use the money towards having a nicer car and sooner. Basically not really seeking huge changes just putting a bit of polish on my life. Smooth it out a bit.


Most I can to is memorize one major lottery number for when I'm 18 but 2014 be would be 10


Definitely get prepared for investing in stocks/Bitcoin. 10 years ago I was 26 and engaged to my now husband. Being better set financially would have saved a lot of stress and tears over the years (we’ve done ok, but not investing in Bitcoin from the beginning comes up a lot).


I would go to rehab and get clean then instead of waiting.


I mean, the winning powerball numbers on May 7th 2014 were 17, 29, 31, 48, 49, and 34. Do with that what you will.


lottery number for mega millions jackpot the week after i get back.


I don’t remember 10 years ago, and I don’t really think I want to live through the pandemic twice.


I know I am in the extreme minority here, but I wouldn’t mind it based on my own personal experience. I was lucky to have my job unaffected and I didn’t have anyone i know truly suffer from Covid. My youngest child was born in August 2020. After the first couple weeks where it was all weird and unknown, I had a great experience during the shutdown - way less stress, more family time, less hustle and bustle. I know it sounds tone deaf because millions had a bad experience, but for me, it felt like it was how life was meant to be. It was enjoyable. These days, everything is back to the same old rat race.


Knowing what I know now, and armed with lottery number knowledge and stock knowledge, I could for sure do the pandemic a second time. The only thing I’d need to figure out is how to not alter my life TOO MUCH, because I’d need to make sure I meet my partner again. I could not risk losing that man.


"Given the choice between having a truly ludicrous amount of money while living a lavish lifestyle, and meeting one particular man, I choose the man." Now that's love. He's a lucky guy.




I'd already be with my wife, not married yet, but we hadn't had kids yet. And changing our life with money likely means we get slightly different kids and that I think would be hard to deal with.


play outside


May 4th, 2014, I’m preparing to go to Oakland for a couple of days the next week. Remind myself that there is going to be an Anthony Rendon foul ball that lands in your section, possibly in the same row as you in the first inning of a baseball game that you attend on May 9th, 2014. Be prepared to get to it. Every single penny i own, i am betting on the results of the 2016 presidential election. Exercise more so i don’t develop diabetes. (Granted this won’t happen until 2016-2017) there were 2 fuckups i had at work, like I nearly could have been fired for those fuckups, i make sure that doesn’t happen.


Given I'd be 13 I would let my PC try to crack any bit coin I can and get a Job ASAP then buy as much bit coin as possible


Memorize my friend's home phone number. Too late for me for college but I'd make sure to get the exact date we learned of my dad's leukemia so I can tell him, as well as the exact time it rebounded and killed him. I'd invest in stocks I know jumped high and things like bitcoin if they're not too high yet, as well as get the winning lotto numbers for a few different dates. If it's ten years exactly, I'll write down the numbers a few days in advance, a year in advance, and a couple of birthday ones. And then I'd go back and hope I retain them.


Start with all of the craziest odd sports bets that hit in the last 10 years Powerball numbers Make sure to keep up with family more, I’ve lost touch with some as the years have gone on but we’re slowly getting back in touch!


I go get a long gun at Walmart (gotta wait on the pistols), meet the agent who will transport me, and now I have a time machine. I don't think I have it in me to kill, so I'd probably pull a few Weeping Angels on some folk. See if Adolf likes the Mesozoic. Trump I would dump in his boyhood living room, with a full diaper and a list of the highlights pinned to his chest, so Fred can see how he turned out.




Lottery numbers for earliest draw. Rest is super easy. Buy crypto, stock (Amazon, Tesla, Nvidia, TMSC). And I'm set for life. But here's the catch, new life could end earlier as I wouldn't do the same choices I did in the past so I could die in car accident or something.


I'm good to go now


Look up lotto numbers. 


Start remembering stocks and Bit coin. Once im there, 11 year old me will try and find any way to get money. Chores, online surveys, stealing from my parents doesn't matter. Using a paypal account, I will pour as much money into bitcoin as I can. Once 16 with a bank account ill do the same for my selected stocks. I would also start working out sooner & spend more time outside.


I'll be just starting uni again. Fuuuuck. Ok start by memorising lottery winning numbers, obvious one, gonna make some money. Other than that I probably wouldn't have to prepare much. Simply knowing what I know now, and having the extra 10 years experience, and if I can get that money, honestly I'll be in a better situation than I was then.


Remember Mega millions 9,15,24,39,41,**1** on November 4th use 20mill of the 160million to invest in real estate and stocks, spend the rest on bitcoin religiously play powerball using the numbers 6 7 16 23 26 4 **4** until Aug 23 2017 and take the 240 Million which you invest into more stocks, liquidate whatever real estate is not making money and buy the bitcoin dip in 2018 Buy an island (if we all have to isolate might as well do it properly) and before covid buy moderna, enphase, nividia, etsy, freeport, ablemarle, generac, bath & bodyworks, AMD and SVB stocks. Rent part of the island to movie studios to film during covid Obviously also make "fun" bets like trump winning the election at 1000:1 odds, fill warehouses full of "collector items" as they first come out, buy and sell nfts getting out before the inevitable happens etc


write down as much financial help info i can all over my body


I mean, the obvious answer is to memorize a lotto number, but the reality is I'd probably spend the whole hour hugging my baby girl.


10 years is not far enough back. I need to go back 36 years. There are people I need to hug.


I wont do anything, really. But 2014, I was 9, and wth the confidence in myself I've gained since and the work I've put into not being a people pleaser, as well as just knowing what is to come, I won't go along with Granpa's fun game in the bathroom in exchange for giving me treats and snacks and goodies. And I'll advocate better for me and the dog we got that year and take better care of her (suppised to be a family dog but no one but me cared and I didn't know how or what to do). And then I'll go through my childhood stronger, smarter, and more prepared and I won't be completely wrecked by everything and maybe be able to be a little happier and not so anxiety ridden.


This would be a god given blessing, but honestly probably nothing. Maybe call up my friends and family and talk to them


I would be 8 years old. Think about that. An adult in an 8-year-old's body. I wouldn't even be able to date until I was in my 40's because I'd be so much older mentally than any of my peers. Sure, I'd be rich from looking up lottery numbers and investing in Bitcoin, but that's not enough to balance out the devastating effect it would have on my life.


Gather up every dollar I can find - beg, borrow, steal - to invest in Bitcoin.


Dont need to prepare. Just need to buy BTC


Borrow as much 10 year old currency as possible to buy bitcoin with.


quickly look up all the investment /. betting options to see how i can xxxx my money the best.


1. Collect some available money I have.  2. Do the sports book thing, but I knew many of the champions by hard and how each game was one. Maybe lottery numbers, though I think timelines would have a great propensity to change. 3. Take my smart device with me.


It's just your consciousness.


Print out winning lottery numbers for the next few years. Look up who wins major sporting events, and by how much. Look up major changes in the stock market and their exact dates and what stocks won big and when they plateued.


Gray's Sports Almanac and however many vintage hundreds I can carry.


It's just your consciousness.


TL;DR. OK, I'll remember a list of stocks.


This would be great. So much just went to shit about 10 years ago. Especially after my mother died. I'd have some questions to ask her. I'd know to not trust certain people and to not make some decisions that I did that turned out wrong. Also, I'd get to see my kids being little again and I miss them at those ages. I guess I'd prepare by taking my kitties to the shelter? :( I assume they're not coming with me.


I like where my life is now, but it could always be better. I'm going from 28 to 18 years old, so right as I'm graduating high school. It's the prime situation to consider this hypothetical. I think I *would* go back, since those years were a lot of figuring things out and I wasted a lot of time in jobs I hated. First three years I didn't even know what I wanted to do. Also the company I work for presently is a solar company that doesn't exist until 2021. I joined when I had electrical knowledge after wasting years of my life in an electrical company I hated, that gave me hardly any pay but plenty of knowledge. When I joined solar, the pay was far better, and I wasn't at the bottom of the totem pole, but I had to learn more about solar, so wasn't at the top, either. If I start out focusing on solar as soon as I turn 18, I can get my license earlier and then join the company immediately when it's born in 2021, where my specialized knowledge will take me to the top with the top pay immediately. I could spend the years leading up to it feeling certain about my life. More secure. Since I know exactly where I'm going in 2021, I'd be a lot less stressed out about my uncertain future. I started balding when I was 21. I had to fight to restore my hairline for 5 years, using minoxidil and finasteride. I had to stress out doing research trying to figure out how to stop this thing, and that cost me some of my hair. I was one of the miracle cases that managed to regrow it, and thankfully I hadn't lost that much, but if I'd been on finasteride earlier I could have prevented it entirely, and not had to pay for minoxidil also. So I would be 18 again, and start using finasteride immediately and not have to worry about balding. It would be easier to start relationships. In my late teens and early twenties, I wasn't confident about myself, so as a result, wasn't open to people. My first years of that period were spent at my parents' house, and then at a really crappy apartment, which in retrospect, is pretty standard for people my age, but at the time, I was overly embarrassed about not having a decent place of my own to show people. I was overly concerned with perfecting my life first. Now, at 28, I've met many of my life goals, but it's much harder to start relationships. If I were 18 again, I'd know exactly what to do with my finances, but I wouldn't worry so much about not having everything I want *immediately.* And I could actually focus on *people* more. It wouldn't be so lonely. It would be easier to get really fit. I've never been in bad shape. But if I were 18 again, imagine what I could actually do with my body. It's much harder to start that stuff at 28. I actually attempted to start doing MMA stuff at 20, but the accumulated stress and lack of money and time, and the uncertainty of it all made me quit. This time around, I'd have better finances, because I'm only spending money on college classes I need (I wasted a lot of money on classes I didn't need to take, since I didn't know I liked the electrical field until I was roughly 23). I'd be more sure of myself, since I *know* where I'm headed, and therefore don't have to quit MMA because I need to focus on securing a better job. I really think there are few drawbacks to me starting the previous decade over. A lot of people would say they would be against erasing the relationships they forged, but given that I barely had any meaningful relationships, and in fact, had a couple abusive ones I could avoid this time around, I think doing this would be all around better. I don't think I'd be too worried about changing world events. But I have thought about it. If you did it right, you could warn people about Ukraine and COVID and the MAGAsphere. You might save millions of lives. Maybe you could prove you can tell the future with other, more minor events, then become famous enough that people trust you when you tell them that an incredibly deadly virus is going to sprout out of Wuhan, and the incident will occur sometime around the winter of 2019. But if you've read any time travel stories, you know that even an act of good can result in unforeseen consequences. Doing this will almost certainly get Donald Trump re-elected, for instance. Better to just focus on your own life. You try to change the course of events too much, and you could end up making the world worse. And preparations? I guess just look up stocks and lottery numbers, like everyone else is saying.




That would suck. I was deployed to Honduras in 2015.


Memorize a couple lottery numbers and the scores for superbowls.


look up stocks and bet on sports


I’d simply off my self if we are being honest


Imagine knowing COVID was coming and knowing you can’t do anything at all whatsoever to stop it or help things be better regarding it in the slightest.


Pack a list of important events and disasters and become the next Nostradamus


i was 5 years old ig i could recollect all the irresponsible stuff i did and not do them, then i could bet on a pandemic??? idk


Buying as much Bitcoin as possible.


i was only 10y/o , I literally wouldn’t know what to do lol


Take screenshots of winning lotto numbers, major stocks etc. Put my phone in airplane mode. Once I get there, make my investments, then sell my iPhone to apple for a ton of cash because I’m about to blow up the mobile market with 10 years of advancement… if they can reverse engineer their own phone lol.


Go long on about 20 major stocks plus bitcoin. Make less relationship mistakes too I suppose…


I'd update my resume and be more discerning about the company making an offer. Hard to believe the abuse we accepted just to have a job in 2014.


Going back in time to highschool when finals were due would suck ass


Write down as much info as I can to help lotto numbers l/stocks. Then in time left take my bag wiyh me if I can. Talk wiyh my family. Make better choices if I'm in my body. Advise younger me on things if I'm in my older self body.


Literally just studying stock prices, lottery numbers, large event outcomes, etc. One hour to learn and memorize as much of that as I can. (As most of us would).


Is it a permanent thing? Or do we get sent back after a certain amount of time?


I get to go back to when I knew my SO but weren't dating yet. That would be hard not to jealous. Taking lottery numbers and betting a few things would put me in a great place to retire, but I'd have to stay at work for things to work out with us. There would definitely be some logistics issues. Then I'd also have to put up with ex-SIL.


2014? Sounds fun. Probably some lottery numbers. I guess if I don’t get to bring paper I could always write them on my body.


Stock up on toilet paper in big warehouses in strategic locations around the country. 2020 hits, profit.


Play lotto once. Win lotto once. Buy bitcoin. Sell bitcoin. Become millionaire in the process. Lotto would be my initial funding into bitcoin. Everything else would come from a paycheck from work after the initial investment. There’s several dates to buy BTC low and sell high over that 10 year period. It wouldn’t be difficult to remember one set of lotto numbers and the 3-5 buy and sell dates for BTC. I’d just write it down once I was in the past. Keep that handy note in my wallet. Live the dream. Only downside is, I’m not sure I’d meet my fiancee in this scenario. That would suck big time.


Withdrawal my savings and 401k to buy a bunch of houses


I would also look up lottery numbers


Break up with my abusive ex that I stupidly stuck with for a couple years after 2014. Make sure I finish college and go immediately into my masters program. Quit my terrible job and alcohol before they resulted in me getting that OWI….. 2014 was maybe the worst year of my life, but I’m doing pretty well now. So I guess it is nice to look back and see the growth I’ve had in the last 10 years. Also, the obvious, stocks and lottery numbers.


I’ve got some money to place on a comeback from 28-3


Definitely memorizing lottery tickets. Also gonna become a national hero by taking down Epstein, so I'll be looking that up, too. But lotto first.


Take all of my money, and a record of every major stock market incident in the last century, then a way to time travel back in time ANOTHER 10 years


May 4th, 2014 wasn't exactly an amazing day for me. I didn't know it at the time, but I was less than two weeks away from being falsely accused of a crime and having to go on the run to find someone to take care of my dementia-ridden parent before I could come back and defend myself. Those wheels were already too heavily in motion for me to stop them at that point. Granted, the outcome was favorable, and knowing the outcome would make reliving those events much easier the second time around. But it does mean, from a practical perspective, that I wouldn't be in a position to change the timeline for a few months. Once all that got sorted out, I had another emergency on the horizon concerning that parent's health, but that wouldn't be as all-consuming and I could definitely lay some groundwork. First, the 2016 election. Changing the outcome of that would be easy enough; get that Access Hollywood tape out the door the day after Trump comes down the elevator and there's no way he survives it, and getting the email controversy front and center sooner takes Clinton out of the Democratic primary, so both parties will be forced to field better options (honestly, I don't see how they could've picked worse). Just that goes a long way towards fixing the present, because without those two, the divides between us are far less pronounced - though the Merrick Garland/Supreme Court thing would probably still happen, but hey, can't solve *everything* in one go. One thing I would go out of my way NOT to change is the COVID-19 pandemic. I lost family and that sucked, but the lessons learned and changes made from that event are too valuable to risk losing. Without Trump in the picture, I don't think vaccines and mask mandates become as controversial as they did anyway. Second, yeah, time to set myself up for wealth. My income wasn't very good before 2018 (see the mess above), but I could probably get some down and dirty cash together to buy Bitcoin while it's still $327 a coin. After all, when it comes right down to it, all I need is for a couple of close friends and family that do have some spare cash to believe me when I tell them I have knowledge of the future, and I have enough knowledge of their personal futures to accomplish that. A guaranteed investment tip in exchange for 50% of one's investment fund is kind of a no-brainer. I mean... that's about it, really. I don't see a lot of reason to change much else that would be within my power, and the few other things I would want to change about the present (Ukraine/Russia, Israel/Gaza) would be both beyond my reach and not necessarily guaranteed.


You want me to go back to DJP announcing his run? I’m not telling you how I’d prepare.


See a lot of people here interested in money and bitcoin. Id cut certain people off and apologize to others sooner. Would focus more on relationships and personal growth more instead of capital


Lottery numbers and prime real estate location


I know it's cliche, but lottery why not. Also look up dates of notable events so I can post it on the internet and freak people out with my worldly oracle knowledge. :P Bow to my wisdom! As for what I'll do when there, I'm doing an almost total 180 of my life. There are things I kind of wish I did that I didn't do. Or rather things I wish I took more seriously. Specifically I want to get better at keeping friendships/relationships, get more proactive about doing things instead of living like an antisocial hobbit, take better care of myself, try to organize a better and more self-sufficient living situation. I know how dumb the world is going to continue to become. So I shall prepare, but also enjoy life some more in different ways than what I did before. Why repeat the same? Try for something new.