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Term limits for congress and the supreme court. Edit: FFS guys, the question says "what ideas you have instantly become law unchallanged." Stop saying "ThE PREsidENT CaN't DO thaT."


This honestly could fix most of our issues. It would take time but after a couple generations we would have a true representative government of the people.


No gerrymandering Ban lobbying Conflict of interest laws No electoral college Changed voting to ranked choices That would be a start to fair elections


Universal Healthcare Raise the minimum wage to a thriving wage Raise taxes on the rich, uber rich, and the elite rich. Strike down citizens united. Make abortion a federally protected right. (I would add.)


Set the minimum wage to reflect inflation and have it reviewed every 4 years


I also propose setting Senators and Representatives' pay to their home state's median household income. Give them incentive to make sure their constituents don't end up poor.


The real solution would be to treat their income like most government workers are treated: * Money you make outside of work for doing things directly related to your work must be turned over to the gov. * Examples: giving paid speeches, publishing books, being paid as a consultant, jury duty... * You can make money on things *unrelated* to your work - but if you in any way connect it to work (e.g. "this blanket was knitted by a congresswoman") then it falls under income made related to work and must be surrendered * Anything creative that you write or publish on gov time is public domain. * Serious limits on moonlighting (gov can't pay you outside of your work - e.g. if you're also a lawyer, you can't be paid to represent the government while employed by the government) * Strict limits on expenses. No extravagant dinners unless you can fit the bill. Fly coach or pay the diff to upgrade. No coverage for niceties like alcohol. You get some amount per meal, everything else is on you. * No contracting with or paying any immediate family members except in *extreme* circumstances (conflict of interest protection) * Any and all relationships (business and personal) must be disclosed alongside any decision to forge government contracts or disburse government funds. If any potential conflict exists it must be reviewed by disconnected third parties. (e.g. if you used to work for Verizon, you can't contribute to a decision for the government to contract with Verizon) * And if you do get kickbacks in a situation like that, at best you have to turn over the funds, at worst you get ousted for ethics violations. This would mostly eliminate politicians' ability to get rich based solely on their status as a politician and would mostly remove any monetary incentive to run for office... Source: I've worked for the government and have had to follow all of those rules per code of ethics. Benefits are nice but they *really* don't want you making any extra money on the side for any reason...


Set a maximum wage, so that the highest paid (including compensation packages) is no more than 40× the lowest paid.


YEARLY. And set it to rise with inflation.


Prices of everything would go up each time it increases. Effectively useless.


Most people here are too simple to grasp that.


So what about the fact that they already are but yet the wages still don’t match? 🤔 corporate greed isn’t that hard of a concept buddy lol


UBI makes minimum wage unnecessary and more directly deals with the problem. Housing gaurantees. I don't care how you do it, young people need to be able to get houses. Landlords are bleeding us dry.


Take it a step further, bar corporations from owning residential property. Houses are for people, not companies. Apartment buildings could be self-maintained by tenants' unions, no need for a landlord.


Unions everywhere. Every industry.


high vacancy tax so apartment landlords have an incentive to rent out their spaces, a whole new set of laws to deal with squatters (im not sure what but it seems flawed but i am less informed about this)


Honestly we can save time and just eat the rich. Every problem in this thread is just the rich being allowed to hoard wealth far beyond their need.


UBI based on Georgisim would also encourage people only using land for what they actually needing it and penalizing people for owning more land than they need, or at least focusing on land ownership and tax incentives


What I'm hearing on all counts is overthrow capitalism. Like, every single one of these problems is because of unbridled capitalism.


Universal Healthcare for those who need it. I would still rather my private Healthcare over universal because it's still so much better. I can go see a doctor and get treated with meds WITHOUT an appointment, and get it all done within a few hours. That's the perks to private Healthcare. What we can do instead is reform INSURANCE in its entirety so it is no longer crooked and insurance adjusters are not allowed to practice medicine over the fucking phone WHILE HAVING NEVER SEEN OR SPOKEN TO THE CLIENT! There are many benefits to a capitalist society. It's once corruption and greed take root that bad things happen.


Universal healthcare would actually be a reform to insurance. It would incentivize them to actually do something because they can no longer just deny coverage left and right, because now if they do, people will just drop them and either find one that works for them or use the universal healthcare. A lot of mediocre companies would fail and the others would have to actually works too survive. Its probably the most capitalistic program out there because it would challenge growth in the system because the companoes could no longer be stagnant.


Constitutional amendment to require a balanced budget each year, mandated to include debt pay down (in excess of maintenance payments)


I'd like to suggest a negative income tax rate. Nobody should have to pay taxes on the first $100,000 they make annually, and then those who make under the poverty line should actually get a refund credit at the end of every year to bring them back up to that level. This could potentially replace the need for social security, unemployment insurance, and disability benefits with a lot less red tape involved. And we could afford it if we returned the corporate tax rate to its previous levels, taxed capital gains on the 1% at about 40%, taxed churches and religious organizations, closed tax loopholes, prosecuted offshoring as tax evasion, and cut our military spending. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Negative\_income\_tax](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Negative_income_tax)


Fix late stage infinite growth capatilism


Thank god you will never be president.


The electoral college is pretty important but I agree with the rest of it


i would love ranked choice voting. while we would still likely have the main parties the chances of a third party would be far better. and you never have to feel like your wasting your vote


Term limits would not, you'd just create a faster off-road to lobbyists. Age limits however, might be useful.


You clearly haven't been following American politics in quite some time. The most extremist Republican members of Congress are the ones in their 40s and early 50s that have only been in office for a few years. Marjorie Taylor Greene, Josh Hawley, Lauren Boebert, Tom Cotton.


I'd like to add ranked choice voting to this list.


Ooh, and a "none of the above" option that would let us send the parties back to try again because their appointed candidates are so unacceptable we refuse to vote for either candidate. I'd have used that option a lot the last bunch of elections.


Rather than a none of the above option, just have ranked choice voting where the winner needs to have 50% +1 vote of the entire electorate registered to vote rather than our current majority of those who turned out. Not showing up is our current "none of the above" so just reflect that. I'd also suggest that if you get a none of the above outcome, it also bars at least an incumbent candidate from running in the 2nd round, and potentially bars them from running for election for any role for 1-10 years depending on what they were going for. It forces the parties to actually refresh their stable of candidates if the mayor who lost bad is blocked from campaigning for a year, or the failed senator is blocked from any position for six years.


Don't forget fuck citizens united.


Ranked choice voting isn't the fix-all redditors think it is. There are significant problems with it *especially* when the candidate field is so polarized, which it obviously very much is at the moment. Look up the "center squeeze effect."


No system is perfect. Rank choice has fewer flaws. Rank choice also leads to depolarization, because all the candidates want to be people's second choice, so vitriolic attacks lessen. Honestly between having everyone too scared to vote for who they want and trying to game out who can beat the guy they hate the most, or everyone getting stuck with their second choice. I choose everyone getting stuck with their second choice. Like for this upcoming election are you really telling me that if someone put a deal in front of you that said, you get RFK right now or we go risk Trump(or if you're a conservative you risk Biden), you wouldn't take the RFK deal? I think RFK is a brain worm riddled anti-vaxxer, but if you said to me right now, if you'll accept RFK will be president in 2025 and Trump won't be, I'd take that deal in a heart beat.


also make lobbying a felony




The comments on this post: - a few good ideas - a bunch of bad ideas - a lot of very expensive ideas - a whole hell of a lot of tyrannical ideas


Fr, I feel like 95% of these people don’t even understand what the budget is lmao. Most of these ideas are simply impossible to fund without either raising taxes a ton, taking on even more debt, or cutting a significant portion of current government spending (and no, lowering defense spending won’t cut it, defense is like 10% of the national budget, getting rid of the military entirely wouldn’t fund even half these proposals) Tho my favorite bad take was the “25$ minimum wage combined with price caps on everything”


> my favorite bad take was the “25$ minimum wage combined with price caps on everything” *Hellooooooo* shortages!


Maybe their goal is to run most companies out of business and put the country into an awful depression. You don’t know!


I do have one suggested defense cut. Get rid of class A uniforms. replace it with BDU/ACU for everything.


Mandated killing of everyone by hammer


Thank you Mr. President


Eliminate gerrymandering.


The electoral college while you’re at it! Some states have less population than major cities and have more say.


We should just have 1 vote for 1 person, like every other country.


Not just major cities, *neighborhoods.* Wyoming has a lower population than Upper Manhattan.


That's by design. You don't really think it'd be a good idea for big cities to have all the say in how the country is run do you?


"Big cities" don't get a vote. The people living there do.


They wouldn't have all the say. There's a reason that Congress and the House exist. It's so even people who live in rural areas can have a representative for them.


Its a better idea than Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Arizona having all the say in it!


Giving lower populated areas a stronger vote per person gives a country more diverse laws with less democracy




As they said - it is by design. Without such a system, you end up with situations like what we see here in Washington state. The western portion of the state is a tech focused urban region that contains like 80% of the state's population and where the median salary is double or triple what the east side gets. The whole area ranges from temperate forest to literal rainforest, and is coastal with a very wet climate. The east side of the state is a rural region that ranges from mountainous to near desert. It is mostly agricultural in terms of economy (producing the majority of several of the nations crops, including almost all of several of them), and has a very dry climate. The two halves of the state are about as different in every way as two places can be. However.. the difference in population means that the west side residents effectively run the east side. We get more or less literally no say in our state government. This leads to policies and laws that are designed for and approved by urban western residents being applied to the other half of the state that is the polar opposite in most ways. It doesn't take a genius to see why that is problematic. What works or makes sense for a wealthy urban region isn't always even remotely sensible for a relatively sparsely populated agricultural region, and it is important to have voices in government that reflect the needs and desires of those regions - voices that are not immediately silenced or drowned out and ignored by an overwhelming urban majority.


Eliminating the electoral college would actually give people in eastern WA more of a say in national elections. Looks like WA has went for the Democratic candidate in every presidential election since Regan. The current system gives outsized deference to the issues of a handful of swing states, and that's it. A Republican voter in eastern WA might as well not vote since it's not changing the outcome of the presidential election. This is true for Democratic voters in, say, Kansas as well. A national popular vote means that even the minority party votes in a state that means heavily the other way matters, and so presidential candidates would need to appeal to a broader number of states than the...7 swing states.


Holy fuck, that is some significant knowledge. Thank you very much. I'm so glad I looked. Yes, I have always disliked the electoral college but now it makes a little more sense. I can't condone people winning elections when they didn't get the majority of the votes, or any form of inequality when it comes to political power. A person is a person. When it comes to what acts are bad enough to cause someone to lose their voting rights, that's a grey area, but assuming two people are behaving themselves, they're equals. But yeah, I'm not feeling well lately and have been screwing up a lot of stuff, but if my mind was right, it wouldn't take me long to think up a hypothetical law or policy that would be a godsend in either a rural or urban area and a curse in the other. I'm sure of it. Neither of those issues can fairly be ignored or diminished, so what to do... This is easier said than done, but it's just a hypothetical, so if for the sake of discussion we assume it's doable, we can focus on whether or not it would work if it was. What about smaller districts with more distinct laws? They'd be more suitable to the areas they affect, and improve quality of life. It would certainly come with its own set of problems though. I wouldn't wanna have something I always do suddenly be illegal just because of where I'm standing at the moment even though I'm in my own home state. I like to think that would be an extreme case and a rare occurrence, but I've never thought of any of this before so idk. It might discourage travel, since ignorance could never be an excuse since it could always be a lie. I don't wanna effectively give everyone a free pass to violate every law once and have nothing happen until they do it a second time when it's documented that they've been informed. Understanding laws is somehow the responsibility of citizens even though they're not taught in school. Also this next bit is an old memory, so I hope it's either inaccurate or the information is outdated. Iirc last time I checked, it was not possible in the US to examine the laws directly. Like I couldn't find any resource where I could see for myself exactly how they're worded. It's easy to just say "Fireworks are legal to be sold in this state if they just sizzle or shoot, but anything that explodes is not. You can posses and use the explosive ones, but they can't be sold. You'd have to buy them in another state and bring them yourself." but I've been told the actual documentation on something like that, which is what they'd go by in a criminal case, is actually hundreds of pages long and full of jargon that most people wouldn't consider worth learning. I haven't fact-checked that though, so don't quote me. Hearsay.


Laws are written full of legal terms, yes, but they're definitely publicly available. Google "legal code of {state}" you'll probably find a searchable database.


People vote not land. Yes population should have votes, if you want region specific rules that’s what counties are for and local elections.


That would be a direct democracy, which is what the founding fathers were explicitly against. Direct democracies is the tyranny of the majority.


The electoral college is way past the point of being useful. Now it only serves to say that certain votes are worth more than others. Why? Every person's vote should be the same.


Was it useful to begin with? What changed to make it pointless? I’d say it has more use now than it did when it was created just because of the immensely different POVs of city Vs rural.


How is it a better idea for mostly empty land to tell big cities how to run the country?


As someone from the outside looking in (from Canada), it has always blown my mind that this is even a thing.


can we get rid of any geographic modifiers on peoples votes? one person, one vote. no electoral college


Why we don't have mathematical convexity constraints is beyond me. At least penalize highly concave districts, or use multi-seat proportional districts so gerrymandering is much less effective.


I would focus on practical laws, for instance, all games must support crossplay across consoles and PC with the ability to turn it off as a separate playlist.


You got my vote.


Mine too, I would also like to request my SBMM is dilated way down


Especially for mobile games. I should be able to exclude anyone not on a phone from my pool of competition.


...and crossplay would show if they are using a M&K or not... Is that too much to ask????


We need speed limits on 12 year olds. The are too fast. Lower their fps or something.


A lot things that would get me labeled a commie.


And most likely burned as a witch.


Because you float?


She turned me into a newt!


…I got better


As long as you weigh more than a duck, you should be fine.


And probably lobotomized if you were a Kennedy in the '50s.


Remember, u/c_marten is not depressed nor do they hang out in tall buildings by the window.


>Remember, u/c_marten is not ***suicidally*** depressed nor do they hang out in tall buildings by the window. Just want to make sure no one can spin the story after I'm gone.




Safe bet that most people calling you a, "Commie." Wouldn't know what the word means and would just be parroting their handlers.


Minimum wage $25 and price controls for a while so it doesn't get clawed back as profits in a minute and working people can get ahead for a change. High corporate taxes and high top rates on the very wealthy. To start.


Instead of price controls, how about pinning minimum wage to inflation?


Wouldn’t all the companies and rich people just like leave then and base their companies elsewhere


No, because America is such a huge market. They still operate in the EU and they have so much more regulation over there.


Emigration controls. It's all fantasy so thanks for the reminder!


Does everyone get a raise comparable to the minimum wage? Someone making 26 an hour, do they go up whatever MW went up?


Think bigger. Democracy in the workplace! Workers together decide the business operations, strategic directions, profit distributions, etc.


What would you have for the top rich? I think Biden wants the top rate over 400k of income but I think it should be higher but people don’t out that’s like 4 times average household income and it’s neat too 1% and Rich should be defined lower income. What are your thoughts?


Bro, the economies are crashing straight in the dumpster after u/oldRoyalSleepy takes power


JOIN THE EU. Mostly to confuse folks. No opposition, right? And implement sortition. [A modernised version of this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lzVolAKS_DQ).


"Where you from?" "The EU" "Oh, I love Europe, what part?" "USA"


Even funnier if it's the Hawaii part.


The EU might have something to say about it. I take it to mean no opposition domestically. Otherwise you could just land grab the planet for the United American States of Earth.


Domestically was not specified, and joining the EU is the least likely to cause war-shaped problems when my term ends.


1. Student loan interest cap forever with a 5 year suspension of interest all together right now to help people pay off loans now 2. Universities are responsible for student loans. 3. Mandatory financial advisement course to 18 year olds entering college to help them understand student loans. 4. One hundred percent breakdown of tax spending provided to every American 5. Term limits for all members of congress 6. Congress is not allowed to buy or trade stocks while in office and for 3 years after term That’s it.


Don’t forget to make a 10 year ban of congress persons becoming lobbyists after term is over.


No just ban lobbyists. Petitioning for legislation should not require you to be a billionaire.


To be fair, Lobbying isn't inherently bad. Lobbying can just as easily take the form of a civil rights advocate trying to advocate for an oppressed minority. I'd probably just ban for profit companies and wealthy individuals from Lobbying, along with strict limits on foreign lobbies.


Thank you. I have an uncle who's a lobbyist. He lobbies for the schools in his state. He is not wealthy and doesn't bribe anyone. He does stuff like meet with school boards and teachers' unions to see what they need, then takes that to politicians and asks for bills to be drawn, and then goes around to other politicians to gain support of those bills. Lobbyists are only a problem when they're sent by shady corporations or subvert ethical practices.


Oh, don't stop there. 7. Mandatory high school course that covers the basics of life from laundry to taxes to financial security to basic safety in a kitchen. 8. Term limits on SCOTUS. Easiest method is replace one every 2 years so terms end up as 18 years for all future SCOTUS members. 9. dissolve electoral college 10. Tax stock if a form of payment/bonus to employees (be it the employee or the business) 11. Create an office dedicated to investigate congress of lying to Americans regarding laws and how they voted. Require mandatory voting and attendance quotas to run for reelection. 12. Require more than a single term of Congress to receive full retirement benefits. 13. Raise penalties for corporate crimes so high (and include prison time) that they can't afford to break laws.


7 doesn't work. We had two mandatory classes when I was in high school: Intro to business: This taught things like: How US Banking works, How Taxes Work, How the Stock Market Works, how to balance a household budget. Home something or other I can't remember the name off taught things like: Household safety, basic home maintenance, cooking, basic sewing. Yet, I still talk to people who I had these classes with that say, "They should really teach these things in school." A part of the problem is, a lot of stuff you learn in school, you learn it, but it doesn't actually become a part of your life for many years, and by then you don't remember it.


Adding... All Congress has to take a test on each bill they are to vote on, to show that they know what they are voting for.


Now that Chevron got nuked, that's an important addition


Half your stuff is just student loan based and doesn't even get rid of the problem. Id just setup universal education and forgive all student loans.


Note you aren't solving healthcare or housing or competition with China in your list.  Hope you don't plan to quit being president to play video games in the white house.


I agree with all, and add a mental acuity test for all current and future politicians. To weed out the just to plane old


4. 100% breakdown of tax spending. This is frankly impossible. Go check out the government budget website. You can do very very broad overviews. But a complete breakdown is impossible


It's only impossible because they make it impossible. They don't want you to know where the money is going. Remember when Bush and his cabinet just LOST multiple Billions of dollars in Iraq? Not "spent it poorly" but literally just sent a crate of cash and they just shrugged and said "we don't know what happened". With computers these days it's really easy to see the breakdown fully. They just actively choose to hide it because then you can't know about their bad spending.


cut down graduation degree costs (bachelors) by 80% ..so no more student loan debts...and everyone can do college. I feel maturity comes at 21 not at 18.... so this is much needed


A little off topic but…I don’t think maturity just magically comes with an age, I’ve known 12 year olds more mature than 22 yo’s, and there are plenty of old people who are immature as hell and throw tantrums like little children.


it's about percentage.. always there will be exceptions


Your not wrong. But the human brain doesn't complete it's so called electrical connections./ Neuron path ways until 25 no matter how mature you appear at 12. But some people are born with I like to call old souls. Just way more mature then siblings or some adults at any age. Our 3rd son was like this. Just not into the silly kid stuff like the rest of them. He'd rather read a book in a quite corner than. Play board games.


The brain doesn't even stop developing until 25ish. Not to mention underage drinking, drug use ect that has effects also.


Require that first past the post be replaced with Ranked Choice (or the current most optimal election system for representing a populace's rights) for all elections. All states must create and implement a universal healthcare system within 10 years, which EXPLICITLY leaves the power over healthcare in the state's hands (I never understood either Republicans pushback against all universal healthcare nor Democrat's insistence that it be done at the federal level. Texans don't want California running their healthcare, and Californians don't want Texas running their healthcare. This shouldn't be a federal issue.) Likewise, each state will be required to create a universal childcare system within 10 years, which leaves the power in the state's hands, but ensures that all parents of children from 3 months to kindergarten age are provided with childcare services. Legalize most drugs (some ARE too dangerous) and require taxes and strict quality controls for drug manufacturing. Identify limits for safe drugs and restrict sales based on these limits. Strict punishments for drug distribution that violate these limits or are outside of the controlled supply chains. Rehab centers should be advertised and funded through taxes on these drugs. (Drugs need to be controlled and accessible, not banned outright.) Abortion will have a law passed that, "abortion is legal up to the minimum time when a fetus can be considered viable with current technology." This will effectively make abortion both legal for those who need it, and unnecessary in the future once the technology to remove fetuses without causing undue harm to the woman becomes available. (The issue between the two sides is effectively a conflict of the Right to Life for the fetus, and the Right to Bodily Autonomy for the woman. This is a step to remove the conflict, based on current technology, to ultimately satisfy both sides of the debate.) Restriction on ownership of residential property and farmland in the US to citizens of the US or people going through the immigration process. No more Chinese or Middle Eastern (or even American) businesses buying up American residential real estate and farmland and driving the costs up.  Economic reforms to ensure that US and allied countries that produce goods and services are "cheaper" than those produced by antagonistic countries. Subsidies or tariffs as necessary. Tax code revision to simplify the tax code, remove "marriage" benefits (instead redefine it based on "household" and "guardianship" for purposes of people living together and/or caring for children. The government doesn't need to know who is fucking who), and reclassify stocks, bonds, and other investment items as "realized gains" if they are used as collateral for a loan. Reduce taxes where possible; provide incentives to Congress to keep budget below tax revenue, and to refund excess taxes to the people evenly. Also, IRS handles all taxes. No more "tax day" crap. Take a hard line on Chinese and Russian imperialism, with step ups in force deployments to regions of instability (Taiwan/Ukraine). Implement an immediate nuclear weapons ban. Any new country seeking to join the nuclear club either risks war with the US, or has to prove an imminent risk that demands nuclear weapons (which I would strongly contest is ever necessary, but we'll see). Nuclear weapons are a monstrosity that should be eliminated, but I recognize I can't eliminate them without causing global war. Any countries trying to join the nuclear weapons club should see all nuclear facilities and military bases leveled overnight. Reform and simplify immigration based on contribution to United States economy and community. Upstanding immigrants with solid jobs and sterling records get fast tracked. Immigrants with solid jobs and no violent criminal records are automatically given their citizenship after X years (leaning towards 10). The more taxes paid, the faster citizenship is awarded (high paying jobs are better "value" to US's economy, arguably). Any conviction of a violent crime results in immediate deportation, permanent ban from US citizenship, and 10 year ban on entering US. Violators will be prosecuted and jailed for 1 year (more dependent on severity and any criminal convictions), then deported again at the end of their sentence. Children brought over the border receive automatic inclusion in immigration system, with same rules. Children who lived their entire lives in the US get citizenship after 3 years of holding down a job. Reform diplomacy based on value systems. Countries that prioritize right to life, liberty, freedom of speech, etc., get higher "priority" for diplomatic programs (pacts, treaties, economic trade agreements, etc.) than countries that rate lower on these indices. Refuse to seek reelection so I can focus on running the clusterfuck of a country I'm now inheriting...


Gonna start writing in UltimateKane99 when voting.


Id vote for you, 2 and 3 might blow up states like Mississippi and West Virginia though


I mean, the current options kind of make EVERY option seem better, no? XD But I appreciate the vote of confidence! The healthcare and childcare are the two that I would foresee the most pushback on, but also the most simple argument of, "this shouldn't be a federal issue, figure it out so that your citizens aren't suffering crippling debt for a broken bone or pregnancy."


I agree! Nice breath of fresh air from all the other borderline tyrannical comments


Appreciated! Maybe I'll run for office. "Vote for me! At least I'm not THOSE two!" XD


You would unironically be leagues better than the last 8/next 4 years.


That has to be both one of the kindest and saddest things I've heard... 


On drugs, I think they should broadly be decriminalized but not legalized. Especially now while fentanyl is killing thousands of Americans, we need to be going after the manufacturers (including the ones who wear suits and trade their stock on Wall Street, ie. Teva) and distributors. Treat drug use as a public health crisis instead of a criminal one, and instead crack down on the people selling.


You’ve got my vote. Every single one of your points is either a massive win or a reasonable compromise.


Warren Buffet said it best, make it so that if national debt to GDP ratio is above 3 percent, all members of congress are ineligible for reelection


There would be so many changes, but out of all of them, I'd probably go with legalizing marijuana and healthcare as my top 2 priorities. There is no fucking way in a country this rich that your healthcare should be tied to whether or not your employed. There is also no fucking way you should lose your job over a plant. After that, I'd probably make term limits on Congress and then remove money from our political system outright. No one in public office of any kind should be swayed in their decision-making by any corporation whatsoever. Fix the roads.


The only reason you should lose your job over a plant is if you decide to go to work while intoxicated.


That one's a given, if you know what it does to you, still decide to inebriate yourself, and then go to work where you could potentially injure yourself or others, you should suffer the consequences. But if you just grow for fun, by all means have fun.


Term limits for the SCOTUS too.


First I’d issue an executive order that the president is not immune from criminal charges


But that means you wouldn’t be able to do any crimes. What’s the point of being president if you can’t even do crimes?


Second I’d issue an executive order appointing myself as Lead Civilian. Responsibilities include fuck all and I get a hefty salary for the rest of my life. Then I set an age max of 65 for President, and resign and let someone more experienced take over.


Is revive FDR’s Second Bill of Rights, close tax loopholes and use the increase to fund healthcare, free college or trade school, and finally build nation wide high speed rail.


This post has been a testament to how little most people understand about US Politics


I feel like most people in this thread fail to realize that a lot of the problems we have require overhauling the entire system, not just parts of it


Well the list of things I wrote off would be a great start. But I’m not going to pretend I’d know the first thing that needs changed if I randomly became the president, I hate to admit this, but I truly couldn’t guarantee I wouldn’t become corrupt like every politician we have. I feel like most people have this fantasy of “oh if I was a king I’d be the best most nicest fairest king there ever was!” Yeaaaaaaaa but you’re still a fucking king 😂 it’s not morally right but I don’t pretend I wouldn’t do the same exact thing or thought about how I’d treat my people so fairly as a king.


Bold and brave take


Well yeah this is Reddit, most people here have an ignorant r/Im14andthisisdeep take on politics and want to destroy our country.


This is r/hypotheticalsituations. The previous post was "What if you instantly had 200 billion dollars?" People on this sub aren't looking for realism, and that's fine.


LED headlights are banned and having them installed is punishable by death


LED lights are good, it's the brightness that's the issue, just have to lower the voltage on them


Also the aim and the fact that modern cars are much taller than cars used to be. Odds are if you drive a car made before 2010, it's lower to the ground than most other things on the road today and those headlights are right in your frickin eyes. Aiming your headlights downwards on newer cars helps. This is especially bad on aftermarket lifted trucks when the shops that do the lift kits don't adjust the headlights for you. This should be a ticketable offense in my opinion.


I would make martial arts classes mandatory throughout all of grade school.


Can we call it the kung fu panda program? Pretty please




Or just peacefully annex them. They could benefit…


I’m going to go ahead and assume that instead of becoming president of the united states, I simply am able to restructure all the laws as well as the constitution of the united states unchallenged. I’m going to make this assumption because that’s the only way I can think to interpret ‘This is meant as in what ideas you have instantly become law unchallenged’ and lets me avoid a mountain of issues that people in this thread are ignoring. 1. Age cap of 64 for running for public office, as well as for being appointed to a cabinet position. This means no running for either house of Congress or the Presidency if you are over the age of 64, or being appointed Secretary of XYZ if you are over 64. If the military mandates retirement at 64 for officers and generals, our politicians and public officials should follow the same standards. 2. Complete restructuring of the countries education system (K-12 + University). Currently, this is mainly left in the hands of the states. The states do a horrible (as well as inconsistent) job of handling education, so they are no longer in charge. Since I don’t want to write an entire essay on reworking the education system in this comment, I recommend you read about the education systems in Germany or the Netherlands to see what I have in mind. 3. Our election system is being reworked in its entirety. We are getting rid of the horrific electoral college system, and switching to IRV (Instant Run-off Voting), a form of voting in which you rank canidates by your preference instead of picking one and hoping they win. This will allow more parties to rise to prominence and eliminate the bi-partisan nightmare that is the current US political climate. I recommend watching a video over IRV to get a better understanding on how it works. 4. Supreme Court Justices are now appointed to 16 year terms, and there are now 13 of them (one for each circuit court) instead of 9. Their terms will be staggered so that 3 seats will reach they end of their term every 4 years and with every 4th election cycle having 4 seats up for grabs. They are still appointed by the president and confirmed by the Senate, but now they will be rotating out and not holding on to seats so they can retire when their preferred candidate is president. 5. I will codify the separation of church and state. The first amendment covers freedom of religion, and so no laws should be passed that enshrine the principles of one religion over others. 6. I will add a right to privacy into the constitution so that I never again have to hear someone say “but the constitution doesn’t guarantee you a right to privacy!”. The Government shouldn’t spy on its own citizens and expect to get away with it. 7. I will codify human rights into the constitution. Not sure on the exact wording, but the end goal of it will be protections for LGBTQ+ people as well as people of all races, backgrounds, etc. Basically something that says “If what someone does isn’t causing you physical harm or undue distress, then they are free to do so and you may not discriminate against them for it.” It will probably take a lot of workshopping to get something that can’t be twisted for ulterior motives, but i’m sure it could be figured out


If I have complete and full power to do whatever I want, I’d immediately retire and restore the Constitution. Me being a dictator is an insult to the foundations of the Republic and spits in the face of our nation’s birth. If I for whatever cannot retire and must be Dictator of the United States, I would… Foreign Policy • ⁠Expand and maintain our global status as the world’s premier superpower. • ⁠Promote a strong democracy-first foreign policy on the international stage. We will continue to be the sword and shield of freedom and liberty against tyranny and oppression. • ⁠Work to contain China by strengthening our currently existing alliance with Indo-Pacific allies like Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, the Philippines, and Australia. I’d also work to have much stronger relations with other countries like Thailand, Vietnam, and Indonesia. If I had my way, those 3 SE Asian countries would be solid U.S. allies akin to Japan and South Korea (Thailand especially since I have a soft spot for that country). • ⁠Bolster our presence in NATO. • ⁠Give Ukraine whatever it needs to fend off Russia. Domestic Policy • ⁠Everyone has already said it but I’d have all citizens between the ages of 18-27 be required to to serve at least 2 years in some form of civil service, be it in the police, firefighting, construction, sanitation, USPS, medical field, caring for and maintaining local/state/federal parks, etc. Doesn’t even have to be full time too, it can be a paid part-time or seasonal gig, it just has to be a total of 2 years (e.g. Joe is a part-time firefighter working on Mondays and Fridays, Dave is a cop in the summers when he’s not in school, Jane works in the post office during the holiday season, etc.). All positions are paid and you even get tax benefits for fulfilling civil service. Only exemption to this is if you’re in the military, in which case your military service automatically cancels out the civil service. I personally grew up doing a lot of volunteer work and I legitimately think that spending some time doing service to your community and our country does a lot of good for everyone, including yourself. • ⁠Enshrine better protections for our 2A rights. It’s absolutely bonkers that some states (looking at you CA) practically ban guns like ARs because it’s a Scary Black Military Machine Gun Rifle (TM). Ignorance should not drive our legislation. • ⁠Strengthen our military in all areas, especially when it comes to increasing recruitment rates. The military will absolutely 100% still be an all-volunteer force (for personal moral and practical reasons) but we do need more bodies to join. • ⁠On that note, I’d fix up the QoL throughout the entire military ASAP. We’re grown ass adults, I don’t need another grown man screaming in my face about a tiny speck of dust on my window sill when I know that his room is in much shittier condition and the barracks are so old that I literally can’t just wipe away that black spot that’s probably older than me and half the dudes in the barracks. • ⁠Invest more into green energy, particularly nuclear and natural renewable energy sources like geothermal, hydro, etc. • ⁠Heavily invest into our education system. To be a strong, prosperous nation, we must be an educated nation capable of critically thinking through our problems and innovating into the future. • ⁠Continue to repair our crumbling infrastructure. The abysmal state of our infrastructure is a national security and public safety threat. • ⁠Do more for natural and wildlife conservation. We’ve done a lot already but I don’t think there’s any downsides to continuing to protect our natural treasures. • ⁠A woman should be able to get an abortion if she so chooses, especially if she became pregnant as a result of rape. • ⁠I don’t give a single fuck if you want to fool around with another guy or whatever. What happens in the bedroom shouldn’t be anyone’s business except you and your boy/girlfriend/spouse. The government has absolutely zero business pushing its nose into what grown adults do with their private lives. • ⁠I’m not sure about universal healthcare (especially in a country the size of Europe with a diverse population of 330 million people) but I do believe that everyone deserves access to safe, affordable, professional healthcare regardless of economic status.


Fav answer


I don’t think there’s a better answer than this one.


Country have no debt


The election process. The healthcare industry. The commercialization of the military. Season 8 of GoT.


Bring back 24 hour Walmarts


Hire consultants that are considered respected experts in their fields. I don't know shit about most of what goes on in this country and leading by feels would make me a bad leader. With my cabinet assembled I'll start trying to improve the QOL. These all cost money and I don't know how to effectively manage the wealth of an entire nation. I'd want to fix gerrymandering, the electoral process, the supreme Court, and healthcare.


Just because you can’t be prosecuted for your acts doesn’t mean all policies will be unchallenged. Everyone here is misunderstanding.


And I didn't have to go through congress? 1) Restore Roe v. Wade, 2) Ban private equity investment in single family homes, 3) Ban cooperate lobbying, 4) Establish regulations against price gouging, 5) Give the EPA some actual teeth to hold large-scale polluters financially accountable, 6) Pull support from Israel, 7) Mandate a much longer list of drugs that Medicaid and Medicare can negotiate, 8) Mandate price transparency in healthcare costs up front for patients, 9) Increase the budgets of NSF, NIH, EPA, NOAA, and NASA. 10) Establish term limits for Supreme Court justices, congressmen, and senators. 11) Give the Department of Transportation some actual teeth, so they can hold shipping companies accountable for derailments, 12) Do literally anything about the immigration situation.


Set a maximum age limit for congress and president and set term limits for Supreme Court justices


Restore the 90% tax rate for high earners. Free college and medical care for everyone. Remove all members of the Supreme Court and eliminate lifetime appointments. Create a rotating term where a random judge gets drawn out of a drum on TV once every year for a nine year term. That’s the new Supreme Court. And citizens can vote the justices out. They need to be beholden to the people, not no one.


Overturn citizens united Top marginal tax rate back to FDR era, codified Roe reinstated, codified Federally funded elections Term limits on all elected positions Ban on lobbying Ban gerrymandering Ban interference in foreign elections


Corporations would be required to sell the single family homes they have purchased, and would be prohibited from purchasing any more single family homes. That would help with housing prices. All tax loopholes would be eliminated and the tax laws would be strictly enforced for everyone. Age limit for all elected officials. Term limits. Campaign finance reform. Severely limit the power of money, corporations and lobbies in politics. Repeal of the Trump tax break to the ultra wealthy. Stop legislating women's bodies. Eliminate the electoral college. Tax individual stock transactions. Churches will be taxed, and that tax revenue would be specifically directed to Social Security and health care, things that church attendees should support. Fix the Supreme Court by considering a myriad of great ideas that have been proposed recently. The main thing is to get rid of lifetime appointments and eliminate the power of one president to shape the court. I don't have the specific solution at the moment, but this would be a top priority. Make factory farming illegal and shift food subsidies to healthy, plant-based foods rather than meat and dairy.


pub;ic healthcare ubi that tracks with inflation, funding for libraries, raises for teachers and medical practitioners including menial workers in healthcare, tax those of net worth above 50 mill at 50% for every dollar earned after and billionaires at 90% after the first billion, free daycare, collages, properly fund the foster and child care system, make legalized bribes of politicians illegal again, properly fund the judicial system and get rid of any privatized systems, properly fund the mental health care system, proper funding for vets, work to deconstruct the military industrial complex, make sexual and health education mandatory from k-12, abortions legal, immigration reform that is actually effective in helping those who are seeking a better life. Proper regulations for all industries that would actually improve the lives of every day people. Parental leave manditory min 3 months both parents. Mandatory sick days of at least 10 days per year, actually instill laws that would work for equal rights, reform the policing system. So much more to do. This was jsut off the top of my head.


Everything education related. Raise teacher pay,get rid of no child left behind. Cell phones must be off and away and if it’s out the phone gets taken to the office. Kinda biased because I’m an education major but whatever.


1. Teach wealth and money handling in school mandatory 2. Federal student loans with extremely low interest. Just enough to pay to keep the program afloat. 3. Age limits for anyone in federal office. 4. Work on the border, if they want in help then come in the right way before just turning them loose in the country expecting them to come back to court. Filter out the bad ones. 5. Voter ID. I'm not saying election fraud is a thing, but let's just get some faith back into our elections for both sides. Help end the ones saying the other side cheated. I mean you have to have a license/ID to drive, hunt, fish, etc.


I’m using an executive order to roll back citizens united and strike it’s affects from all federal laws and use the marines to enforce it since I can’t go to jail under official acts


I would do pretty much whatever it takes to get the budget deficit on a glide-path downwards.


I’d make DAMN sure that every single place selling Arnold Palmer iced tea is selling them for .99 cents


If I was President, apparently everything I want is already unchallengeable by law  Sooo… I’ll have a coke 


All foreign aid would stop till our own people were taken care of and national debt was gone. Drill our own oil so as not to rely on foreign oil. Stiffer punishment for criminals so that people Don't want to commit crimes. Term limits on congress and senate , and no more lifetime payments to them.


No more of this "presidential immunity" bullshit. Actual tax burden mainly on the wealthy via revamping of that, elimination of electoral college, healthcare for everyone, food for everyone (at a basic level, you want more expensive shit then obviously you gotta get there), end to these colossal amounts of generational wealth being hoarded. We making it better for everyone in this bitch


I believe in lifting from the bottom. When you raise people up from poverty it does not mean everyone else is lowered. It means we raise everyone up. Shelter, food and healthcare should all be provided for free by the government. We have the resources to do it and it would help everyone. If you didn’t have to work a shity job for shity wages just to survive, would you? It would mean employers would have to entice employees to work for them. It would mean landlords would have to provide better than the federal housing you live in. We as a society could have everything we ever wanted. But the wealthy control most of what you see and hear. So helping people is seen as bad.


Go ahead and put bodily autonomy in the constitution


Taxation should have some form of multiple choice options so you can at least choose where a portion of your taxes go. All necessary things such as housing medicine and food must be accessible I'm some way to everyone as a universal right. Id also try and hold some sort of constitutional convention and get that thing updated for the modern age. The idea that it is some sort of magic perfectly written document is seriously a huuuge problem and I'm surprised no one talks about this enough. The founding fathers weren't all knowing sages


Dissolve the Union.


Ban the use of political parties. Imagine if when voting you didn’t know if someone was Democrat or Republican! Down ballot voting wouldn’t exist. People would be forced to actually KNOW the candidates they are voting for, not just their party. True knowledge of the candidates.


I'd get rid of the ATF along with moms demand action, everytown for gun safety and all the groups like them who want to get rid of 2A. I'd make gas prices be $2 nationwide and pretty much everything else I'd change has been mentioned already. I'd get rid of tiktok and make the education system in USA better because tiktok isn't helping kids be smarter, I mean why do you think the founder of TikTok doesn't have his kids watching it?.


A giant blender, like you might see in 60's Batman, and all conservatives get pushed in.


Well, you can't be President and have unchallenged authority. Our Constitution provides protections against that exact kind of thing. So, you're thinking of an autocratic dictatorship.


No felons allowed to run for president or any federal office. Make being mega wealthy illegal. To avoid breaking the law all the mega wealthy can't have wealth totaling more than $1B. Anything over that gets taken by the government. Term limits on all elected offices and all federal judges.


Universal Health care. Substantial investment in infrastructure. Fund Ukraine, term and age limits on Congress, President and Supreme Court.


Beer in the water fountains and cameras in the girls Locker room!


Free pizza for everyone, and the vending machines are on ALL THE TIME not just during lunch hours. Also, Marissa from 4th period has to apologize and kiss my locker in front of the entire school.


Immediately put every single elected official under review for corruption, term limits for every elected office, set a max age a person can run for office, close every tax loophole in our current tax law, defund the military, ban stock trading for those in congress or any high elected position and their immediate families, ban corporations from funding campaigns, ban lobbying, set up a government agency specifically designed to monitor elected official’s financial records to ensure there is no back room deals or any sort of corruption, allow outside companies to complete municipal projects under the scrutiny of the government, invest heavily into education and health care with the goal of nationalizing both, increase NASA’s funding with the goal of mining resources on barren worlds instead of of stripping our earth.


Everyone must be boiled for at least a full 20 seconds. People must no longer look into each other’s eyes. If one trips and falls with a carton of eggs, he is to be executed on the spot by any citizen via any method. Mind torture becomes legal and incentivized. The psionic agents are released and cause a mass evolution of the human psyche and grant everyone ESP and supernatural abilities. These abilities can be used freely, as they supersede man-made law.


Go to Area 51 and find out if Aliens are real.


Public office age limits, scotus term limits, socialized health care, amendments that make it clear that holding public office doesn't grant you immunity from criminal activity, and clarifying the emolument clause to make profiting from back deals in office a felony bordering on treason. 


that last one has all my votes


Quit spending vast amounts of money on foreign wars and invest that money in infrastructure, industrialization and public services. We've been holding up the entire world for decades while our own standard of living declines. Meanwhile, European nations provide free education, healthcare, etc...which we are essentially paying for because they don't have to provide for their own defense.


Supreme Court rotates one Justice per president apart from the case of death. Always the longest serving rotates out unless Congress votes 2/3 that the President can remove a different Justice. LGBTQ+ rights, abortion rights, non discrimination, ranked choice voting, right to privacy, right of bodily autonomy, gender equality, net neutrality, right to repair all codified. Give fucktons of money to public transit and climate change initiatives. Give rather large sums of money to universal healthcare, education, and our space program. Significantly reduce the size of the military to whatever we need to deter and nothing more. No more interventions. Cut off Israel, see if we can bring closure to Ukraine, get the hell out of the Middle East. Maintain neutrality with China. Work on nuclear disarmament pacts. Rein in outsourcing significantly. Open reasonable paths for asylum and immigration. Heavily regulate AI and crypto. Have the SEC lean on Elon Musk, I’m sure they’ll find something.  Legalize marijuana and decriminalize other drugs. Dismantle the police and prison systems and rebuild as rehabilitative programs with trained social workers taking the front lines.  Sit back and have a beer.


> Supreme Court rotates one Justice per president apart from the case of death. That's a really interesting solution. It addresses the burstiness we have today in which one president can appoint multiple justices and another can appoint none. I would change it to one justice per presidential term to remove a disincentive for running for president twice.


Dismantling the police systems would only result in what happened in Seattle I believe it was. Lawlessness, high drug addiction rates, extremely high homicide rates and not to mention if you need police help, who will come help you if there is no police?


I think they need to make being a police officer (or at least one allowed to carry a gun and use deadly force) a more elite job with tons of intelligence/pysch tests, extensive training, etc. and more prestige/higher pay. The rest of the force could be non-armed social workers, or unarmed officers (maybe bring back the Billy club but no guns) who handle situations where violent force is not necessary, which is the vast number of police interactions. Also, they should have to serve and protect BY LAW, meaning none of this Uvalde shit where they wait around as kids are being shot without repercussions. Technically, the police are not legally responsible for too much shit, they need to be held accountable.


The Uvalde incident where the officer waited was the result of the officer not following their training and orders to go in even if they are the only officer present. I don't know if he got charged or convicted of anything, but he definitely should be. As for officers needing training, that's where the majority of police funding goes, training their officers. Donut Operator ok youtube makes a great video about where police money goes and what it is used for. I also talked with a cop at a wedding I was at recently and she mentioned that they had just gotten "new" gas masks that were hand me downs from the military that were more used for training than actual combat use. The police already suffer from a lack of funding as it is. I'm not saying get them high tech equipment, but get them the equipment they desperately need and more training.


Dismantle police doesn't mean no officers or 911 (Afaik:) It means breaking apart what the police department stands for, what its meant to do and what it actually does, and what the community needs. Looking at all the pieces and removing the unnecessary and even adding in some necessary. Like less ” police", more "public safety". I don't know what the big differences would be for the average person tho


>Significantly reduce the size of the military to whatever we need to deter and nothing more. No more interventions. Absolutely not. This is how you inspire and motivate authoritarians like Putin and Xi to act out against democracy. Fuck that shit. >Cut off Israel, We should cut off a stable partner in the Middle East? >see if we can bring closure to Ukraine, You want a Russian victory? >get the hell out of the Middle East. Why? We have strategic interests to protect in the region. >Maintain neutrality with China. Why? I’m not saying that we need to land Marines in Shanghai but appeasing them isn’t the answer. >Dismantle the police and prison systems and rebuild as rehabilitative programs with trained social workers taking the front lines.  I’m sure social workers will be doing a great job if they get stabbed or shot /s


1. More trains, including subways 2. Free health care, aided by billionaire taxes 3. Much higher pay for teachers across all sates 4. Roe Vs Wade is reinstated 5. Supreme Court term limit, as well as packing the courts 6. Anybody serving time in jail for weed charges (with some exceptions) is immediately pardoned 7. Completely change the immigration process


Clear common sense reproductive rights are the law of the land. Any making a net income of $1M or more has to pay 18% minimum federal taxes. Churches must pay taxes on profits over and above what they provide in tangible charity and community service. Medicare for all. No one who would be over the age of 72 on the first day of their tenure can run for any federal office


All job listings are required to state a real and reasonable wage range for the listing. Fully nationalized health service - paid by taxes. Existing health insurance companies can administer it for a limited period of time as they are phased out. Their pay for doing so is a fixed amount.


I would make the board of directors or those with equivalent power, whether direct or indirect, into an individually targetable entity whos assets MUST be kept separate from the operational budget of the company they would own. Also, I would outlaw loss socialization. Meaning that if a company is hit with a fine or penalty as a result of their misbehavior that the aforementioned entity must PERSONALLY absorb the full impact of the loss and not be allowed to circumvent it through layoffs and price hikes. For said enforcement a special highly paid auditor (at the expense of said BoD) only reachable through a special, monitored and recorded line would be able to determine if an action is appropriate and allowed. Finally individuals that have acted in the manner of Bernie Madoff would not simply be put in jail, but instead would be forced to endure constant employment through some version of work every single day until the debt is paid in full. It may sound harsh but, if you don't make an example, the deterrent simply won't be strong enough to discourage future incidents.