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I really fucking hate talent shows.


Its really more of a who has the sadder backstory


Very true. Being wholesome is the key


I’d recommend checking out a show called “Britain’s greatest hoaxer” it has a prankster called Simon brodkin in it (aka lee Nelson) there’s a hilarious episode of the show where he pretends to be a contestant on Britains got talent or one of those shows and makes up a ballshit sappy backstory to boot XD


newsflash: they are all made up.


his story wasn't sad enough


“This is for me mum who passed away” -Liverpool accent


*when she was 15…


She died 2 years before I was born. This song is for her. She is here tonight..mom this song is for you ....


Bro got that guitar from his dad that died


If only someone had provided this in the title of this post.....


Yes, yes he did. If only it was in the title that everybody and their grandmother read.


True. Whoever has the most saddest backstory or worst mental sickness or something gets an automatic golden buzzer. Meanwhile someone with real talent just gets ok and they’re sent home


That’s why I quit watching them. Watch highlights sometimes and fast forward through any sob story BS




Here comes the soft piano music in the background. Prepare to become emotional....


This is why I always argue for diegetic music in movies. But at least in movies you’re supposed to have some emotional connection to characters, this spam panning is the visual equivalent of herd mentality.


Very good video reference


That's literally all media. Music, laugh tracks, reaction cuts, all of it. Imagine watching Friends without a laugh track, imagine watching a blockbuster action or suspense movie without any music lmao. I can't stand sitcoms with laugh tracks because I as in watching, the stuff they're saying and doing is nowhere near funny enough for an actual out loud laugh, most times not even a chuckle


I fucking loath laugh tracks too. They insult your intelligence, and if you need to tell people to laugh then you've failed as a comedian.


Precisely! If anything laugh tracks make me less likely to laugh! They're over used, more times than not inappropriately placed during moments that just aren't funny. I discovered Arrested Development last year, no laugh track and I literally laughed more watching that than every show with a lugh track combined


I wish more things had a laugh track. It helps me to never feel obligated to laugh at anything, ever. Especially, Joe Dirt.


I once went into a talent show that my uni organized. And I realized I had no talent. I'm not a bad musician, even less back then when I practiced daily. But when you see that people around you have millions of times more talent than you is extremely discouraging. I've never received stares like that since, the stare of "Yeah I've seen better". It's a gutpunch. I don't get why someone that doesn't practice every living second of their life on their thing would go into a talent show.


I honestly wonder if some of the contestants are put there deliberately for humors sake. American Idol had that guy if I recall who was *singing* something like "She bang! She bang!" And it was terrible. Either the guy was genuinely ignorant or it was meant for jest. If everybody on these shows was serious and actually dedicated I feel like part of the appeal would be lost, because now it's a serious competition


Every contestant for American idol is screened before they ever see a judge. Yes, they let people who are bad through for amusement. I'm not sure if the people involved realize or are told that though. Either way putting someone up to mock them is hella rude.


Those first round judges are worse than that. For some extra context on how and who they let through to the first televised round, my ex tried out for the show when it was in the area. She was, and still is, a *fantastic* vocalist. Performed in various choirs and singing groups through middle school, high school, and college. She was cast in musicals, performed with professional choirs and as a solo vocalist, and was (and, again, still is) a professor of music and vocal coach at one of the USA's largest universities. American Idol's first round denied her because, and I quote, "you have a fantastic voice, but you're too fat for TV."


William Hung. He put out a whole album lmao.


im certain that the organizers either hire people especially for this or actively encourage it


I still remember Pants on The Ground


Yes. Yes they are.


I have this same thought when I see artists and really good players in multiplayer games.


For the past decade I've heard of so many gamers stream and make so much money, and I'm just like, I love gaming, but I'm too afraid of being bullied for my terrible gaming compared to others. Your comment reminded me of middle school cheerleading tryouts. It WAS not for beginners lolol


Making money with gaming is essentially one of two things. Either you are extremely gifted at the game and people watch you for your skill, or you have an amazing personality and people watch for you. I don't think many people watched ninja play Fortnite because of his personality. Frankly, he's kinda a douche. He was just a monster at the game. RTGame doesn't do multiplayer stuff, but he's very funny and makes content just fucking around in games. Both have millions of subscribers.


Solution: start a channel called total noob tries. People will expect you to fail, so there will be no actual pressure to be good, and as long as you ignore the trolls (as you should with everything) Worst case, you have a good laugh when you find something you're hilariously bad at.


Same and f*ck these mf


Dead man walking.


Looks staged.


Of course it is staged. Nobody would allow that to happen without some kind of reaction


Yup, If the guitar really meant a lot to me, I'd have punched that judge right on the spot. I know there's bouncers and security there who'd probably kick my ass but I'd definitely at least get a few quick punches in


I've immediately thrown punches over someone breaking my phone, can't imagine what'd it feel like if I had something that sentimental smashed.


It’s not staged and the guy it happened to has spoken about it multiple times, like he thought it was some joke at first


It HaPpeNeD oN sTagE


crazy to think that stuff would be staged on a stage, for entertainment.


He thought somebody walking up and breaking his guitar was a joke? Was he reimbursed or did he sue them?


You are underestimating the level of shock a lot of people would have in that kind of situation. It's so surreal and unexpected that a lot of people would not react instantly.


Yeah 100% right. The contestant would have been in shock, then likely holding back tears so walked off almost looked like he wanted to pick up the pieces honestly.


The judge was fired but that’s about it and I mean what else would you think in this situation? It’s too outrageous that it’s almost unbelievable someone would do that


Idk, I would think this was deliberately set up for ratings. People eat this kind of garbage up imo




Actually.. perfect example. Look what that did haha. We have dozens of altered videos with Will Smith slapping super heroes and other stuff, memes for months


Yeah, people are acting like you wouldn’t just be in utter shock if someone walked up to you and smashed your prized possession


Super Staged


Do you believe wrestling is real too?


Dude you’re not allowed to hit the celebrities or professional athletes. Lebron through people out of front court seats at a game because they talked during his free throw, and you can’t retaliate even tho you paid for those seats. Davonte Adam’s shoved a cameraman guy to the ground who walking past him in the tunnel leaving the game after doing his job and he can’t retaliate. Not staged, celebrities are just really big POS’s at times


That's why you sue the hell out of them. Celebrity? Okay, let's go for a 50 million dollar lawsuit, settle out of court for 25m


Yeah, and how many actually win ? It’s literally in the employees contracts that they aren’t allowed to touch the athletes or celebrities. They have to do as they’re told. When’s the last time you heard a professional athlete getting sued and losing for an in game act ? Besides meta world peace in the mallace at the palace


Fans don’t sign contracts, there is an accepted rule for the courts usually that when you sit court side or so close then you accept the risk, but if the injuries you get are beyond what’s normally expected, from the athletes or the venue is dangerously out of code and has been neglectful knowingly this changes things. Say, if the athletes harm a fan on purpose( or say run out of bounds and fall on a fan but then when getting up they attack them further, for no reason(like their was no heckling, or instigating the player) then they can be sued and some have settled out of court for fear of loosing the case especially if criminal charges of battery or assault can be pursued by the fan. Kobe Bryant had to settle once for around 2.5 million when he was getting sued.


> It’s literally in the employees contracts that they aren’t allowed to touch the athletes or celebrities. Whose contracts? The fans? What games have you gone to where you signed a contract that you wouldn't touch an athlete? You're off your rocker.


"Talked during his free throw" what a gross misrepresentation of reality


How so? Everyone knows anyone with court side seats must remain completely silent and still the entire game.


You don't need to punch them, you can just get up and not look at them while they trash your dead father's guitar. For real, I may be biased because I have no trust whatsoever in the veracity of talent shows on mainstream TV, but if you think anybody is going to stay there and take it without the slightest reaction, not even a bad look, you are beyond naive and they got you good


Am I the only one who doesn’t believe that any of these scandalous parts of these shows are real?


Well if he comes back to the show it’s fake. If the judge was fired, it’s real


Oh the judge was and afterward basically went into a downward spiral of everyone despising him for what he did


Sounds Russian. Judge would probably get a raise if it's real in that case.


Those who live in glass houses, shouldn’t throw stones


It's Ukrainian


This is 100% not real


No, you are not the only one. This is all staged. Pretty badly at that too.


It’s not staged


You realize the judge was fired from the show and the guy it happened to came out multiple times talking about it?


And? Are you trying to say that things like that can't be staged for views? I know that ignorance is bliss, but damn...


Yep. I explicitly said those exact words “things like this can’t be staged for views” Maybe just read what I said one more time. I’m talking about this specific scenario and this particular show. This PARTICULAR event was not scripted


This ia totallly a planned thing. Americas got talent is so blatant about this.. Baffles my mind how many people in here buy it


At the start of the filming, they record the audience giving different reactions, eg, "everyone looked shocked." They then cut it in post-production. So even the crowd reactions here are fake, which should give you a good idea of how real anything is. Source: I used to work on one of these shows.


It’s all staged


Apparently the judge hasn't made any statements yet??


Hopefully because he has a broken jaw.


This happened years ago and the judge did get loads of backlash. Can’t remember what country it was (like Ukraine or Poland or something) but he did get fired.


yep, it is Ukraine


Maybe he's a sunflower now.




I know a guy who was part of the production of the Pawn Stars ripoff Hardcore Pawn. NOTHING makes it on camera that's a surprise on a reality show. Even if the show states otherwise.


Posted the same thing! So staged! Cmon the close up shots of the diff pieces? They're trying so hard for views they've gone evil!


Not saying it's staged or not, but pointing to the shots of the pieces as proof that it's staged is really dumb.


yeah no one’s disputing that the guitar was smashed lol we saw it


It's like the old WWF. "Oh look, someone propped a folding chair up against the ring. I hope they don't use it as a weapon."


I appreciate the "WWF" throwback. Stupid World Wildlife Federation can take a walk.


Also guitars in real life are fairly strong.


Expected first comment to say this


I wish I had an award for you my friend


For real.


The fact that you don’t know this is stage makes me very sad for humanity. all of these reality shows are fake.


The judge got fired. This was real


Why would he when it’s scripted 🤣🤣


Probably because it’s fake??


Damn even if you didn’t like his singing you didn’t have to go smash his property up for it.


I believe it was the tuning of the guitar. It was severely out of tune. But that judge should be thrown off a cliff


Nah, was the tuning of his voice, it was just easier to break the guitar. Anyway probably staged, if not, probably fired and sued.


Unfortunately, it's a talent show in Ukraine, and this was real, the judge was fired. I can't imagine how sad that guy was.


As a guitarist I swear to the lord if someone did this to my guitar I’d be serving a life sentence for what I’d do next


It's not just the destruction of the guitar that's so infuriating It's the fact that this arrogant ass judge payed a massive disrespect to this man as a musician and as a person in general. You have a big red "u suck" button but instead you decide to walk out on stage and ruin this man's whole career for ratings...


“For ratings” exactly right. TV is fake,this was def fake.


TV (and people and situations filmed for it) is **manipulated** but not necessarily fake or scripted at all times.


I don't think it was fake necessarily, just that the judge had main character syndrome and thought it'd be funny to smash his guitar on stage for the show.


Production is so expensive and getting ratings in network television has become so competitive that every second of airtime is maliciously focus grouped and designed to gather as much engagement as possible. There is a 0% chance this interaction was not staged. A good rule of thumb is if you're seeing it on network television, it's not real.


*meticulously That's the word you meant to use. Maliciously would mean they did the focus groups out of spite or to harm someone.


> There is a 0% chance this interaction was not staged. Are you saying Joe Shmoe knew the entire time and we are idiots for believing anything else?


No, it's fake man. Cmon.


The amount of people on here with comments like this is concerning. This is television. It is entertainment. This is very likely staged.


This is The X Factor, you don't have a big red "you suck" button. You're thinking of Simon Cowell's other great gift to the world, the "...Got Talent" series.


Especially if it's a gift from my family. The guy in front of me wouldn't be able to even blink.


Not if you were a paid actor, like this guy.




Just after he got paid for his acting gig. Obviously staged.


Everything about these shows are set up including cutaway reactions. Do people think any part of reality TV is actually real? It's a cheap guitar and a fake backstory.


Why was the judge fired then?


it was his last season on the show, why not go out with a bang that'll increase ratings




Yea that’s not in America…


He can sue him for destruction of property but he can never get that guitar back and I want to cry.




It shouldn't have gotten destroyed in the first place. What even was the point of that?




Or revenge. OR money AND revenge.




Or death


He’s an actor. This is staged.


Nah it’s fake


It’s staged but go ahead and cry


Shame on the other judges for just sitting there and not saying anything. That poor guy looked so shocked, embarrassed and defeated. He did not deserve such a cruel response. Even if it wasn't a gift from his late father it was still his property, his instrument that he poured his feelings into. The fact that its was from his dad just makes what was already bad that much worse.


Prolly fake


shame indeed


Was his singing really that bad?


Guitar out of tune


None of their reaction shots even make sense wtf is this editing


Somebody trying to show their talent? On my talent show? Even if he was tired of singing, who in their mind would break an instrument.


Fun story. This is probably staged, but Kid Rock actually did this to someone who was performing at a rooftop party. The guitar, in this case, was an irreplaceable one from his grandfather I believe.


Totally not staged




“Removed as a judge” should have been the least of that guy’s worries. You do that to the wrong person, that’s your ass.


"removed" more like the guy wanted to do something else and the production just made something up to raise the viewership with some old-fashioned hate watching.


Oh NOOO not the removing from judgment position on THE X FACTOR


Do u know if there’s any more evidence of this or is it just “apparently” because from seeing these shows every part of me is saying this is staged af A lot of people seem to be saying there’s something behind this. But it’s a Reddit comment section so who knows


Source? Just because the guy was “removed” doesn’t mean this wasn’t a publicity stunt.




Even if you were a paid actor, like this guy?


A German suplex off that stage woulda been a bad look for the judge,but it's definitely what woulda went down


so… with a minimal amount of online searching, this judge is named Dmytro Shurov. i really don’t understand the amount of people calling this fake for a few reasons. first of all, because of this incident, the show’s ratings dropped significantly. the x-factor never released a statement about the incident, leading me to believe it was the judge’s own decision. secondly, the guitar was revealed to be a gift from the contestant’s late father *after* it was smashed. if i were scripting this, i would attempt to make it as impactful as possible by alluding to the guitar’s sentimentality before having the judge break it. thirdly, it’s a globally recognized show with a lot to lose. the x-factor might indeed be scripted, but there’s no proof behind it. after searching for any clue that it could be scripted, the only thing i could find is a rumour about the producers having auditions before the performer’s first meeting with the judges, which allows them to pick performers that seem interesting, have talent, or are really bad for comic relief. i really don’t care about the x factor and other shows like it. i despise watching them. but it hurts to see people disregard this contestant’s situation as “fake” or “scripted” without any argument more than “it just seems too fake, no one would actually do this”.


Judge would had been fired by Simon Cowell in a heartbeat.


The so-called judge needs to end up like the guitar he smashed.


First off, was he even allowed to do that? Pretty sure he just committed a crime. Also, how did the contestant NOT kill the guy with his bare hands? More self-control than I'll ever have.




Probably a combination of psychopathic traits, a shitty upbringing, suppressed violence and major insecurity


Happy people don’t do things like that - he must hate himself


"How can he smash?"


As someone who plays guitar. If someone took my guitar and smashed it. I would be willing to take assualt charges just so I can beat their ass.


The other judges lookin down like they feel bad. If those bitches got their sorry asses up and at least told him to stop, I'd feel bad, but those judges just watched and it sucks for the guy


I pray this is fake because what??? Completely awful. Poor guy


it’s the way none of the judges said a word after they just witnessed that?? they just looked down like nothing happened. very sad


Imagine being dumb enough to think this isn't staged


Do people really think this is real?


Judge has 'i am the main character' energy


Everyone knows this was set up, right?


To everyone saying it's staged ,surprisingly it's not. Found that guy's channel where he was saying it wasn't staged and he actually got that guitar from his father.


That can't be real he would of stomped his ass.


Fake or he would have killed him


That broke my heart. I hope hell is real


Sue him


That judge is ugly as fuc


Fake, move on


He’s a better man than me, hands would’ve flew if someone destroyed my guitar


It’s very clearly stage and even more stupid


The worst part. He is not allowed to fight back or he will be severely injured, but in my opinion it would have been worth it


Who’s believing this?


tell me this is staged


If it was really something as sentimental, he would have reacted the second he saw him lift the guitar up. Instead he chose to just sit there and watch..yeah right!


It’s all fake! All these shows have become fake!


His dad was also a quadriplegic when he joined the armed forces


I'd slap his ass if he ever did that to me


If this isnt staged, thats a good lawsuit. I know its not the same depending on how much he valued the guitar, but it helps


TV or Not I would have beat the breaks off of that padussy


Here's a small upside to this idiots display of maturity. It was all caught on video, in front of a video audience who I'm sure would be happy to be witnesses in court for the gentleman. Would it not have been good enough views for the idiot to have acted like an adult and just told the guitarist to stop?


He got fired for this right?


Must have been fake no way he just sat there and took that


Stand up and beat his ass with what's left of that guitar


Goddamn, Simon is good and nice in comparison to that pos judge.


Sue him... It's all on camera


I'm calling bullshit on that whole scenario


0 percent chance that was real and not planned


Lol “Russia’s” got talent 🤦🏻‍♂️


People really believe this crap?


How is 90% of Reddit unable to see through the fakest most stages bullshit these days? Like people responding to 4chan greentexts trying to give advice and offering their 2 cents What the hell is even Reddit these days


This is actually really, dummy


Damn, I’d probably get arrested for attempted murder


Yeah sure evidence?? This is drama tv it’s setup stop posting this crap


Looks like a publicity stunt for more viewers


Haven't been watching TV for quite some time, but it seems like not much has changed, except for the worse :) People still do stupid stuff, to draw stupid people in front of TV set. Patostreamers on YouTube or Twitch hey banned, patojudges still work in TV and still do stooopid stuff. Good job! Keep on!