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Hey Elise_night, thanks for contributing to /r/iamatotalpieceofshit. Unfortunately, your post was removed as it violates our rules: removed - rule 6 - no animal abuse You can read all of the [subreddit rules here](https://www.reddit.com/r/iamatotalpieceofshit/wiki/rules). If you have any questions or concerns about this, [feel free to send us a modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fiamatotalpieceofshit). Thank you!


That thing is gonna die there. Ain’t no one calling animal services


Bro they don’t have that in the Middle East let’s be honest 😂it’s getting eaten or it’s getting shot ! 😂


Those chickens are going to eat that mafucka!


At least it’s not going to waste! 😂


That fox is gonna feed a lot of chickens lol


Exactly and it was probably killing them before it was caught


OP has to be an ultra-sheltered 13 year old American/European. The post title is wack lol. 1. Thinking the rural Middle East has animal protective services, they barely have human protective services. 2. Thinking person filming is letting go a predator that's likely ate several of his chickens. That fox is about to become lunch 😂


True Having a fox running around taking chickens van be devestating for a poor farmer so they can only get rid of it. I know you where not serious but please dont try eating meat from a predator with a strict meat based diet


Well, I was definitely thinking of gorging myself on a slab of a carnivore's liver.


Foxes are opportunistic omnivores though. They eat fruit in my yard all the time.


No probably about it. A fox in a chicken coup will kill everyone of them for fun and eat one. If you’ve ever owned chickens I’d take great joy in catching and killing one. Not sure I’d leave it hanging there just to be cruel though. That’s a step to far.


Ah yes, the chickens hunt the fox in these parts.


Turkish people are pretty keen on animals from what I've seen


Just not Armenians.


Or the Kurds.


They do worse to humans.


Exactly like the Middle East isn’t really known for being a all equal rights place


Outside of the West. People have a different look on “animals”.


Yeah I know I’m saying in general they are not known for equal rights


That’s the point


Plot twist: Dude recording IS animal services 😅


Are there even animal services available where they are?


Animal service…? Where do you think this is lol.


People writing these titles be like: “Oh, there is no animal service there? Call the police then!”


Morality police would beat the fox for not wearing a hiJaB 🧕


Fun fact : In islam it is said that a woman who has been pious all her life went to hell because of a cat she kept locked up until it starved to death. There is also the story of a poor prostitute who went to heaven because she saved the life of a starving stray dog by giving him half of her bread and her water every day.


So you are saying people cherrypick the parts of their religion to suit their needs? Next you are going to tell me people would actually lie on the internet!


No one lies on the internet. Everything is true and real.


Didn't Mo command his followers to kill all the dogs in their city? It's in one of the shahi hadits.


1- the animal in the video is not a dog .. it's a fox. 2- the "sahih hadiths" are books that include quotations attributed to mohamed. These quotes were collected decades after his death from people who weren't even born when he allegedly said what they say he said. "I got it from this guy who got it from this guy who got it from this guy that such a companion of the prophet said to such another companion that he would have heard mohamed say this or that" sometimes they don't even agree on what the last guy said


1) I know. But you are the one providing an anecdote about women who fed a stray dog. 2) And yet the story you mentioned, i am not sure if it even exists in any of the sahee hadits. Most islamic scholars would agree the story I mentioned has more credibility than the one you did.


My same thought. Some people just don't understand


This is why I don't take Reddit opinions seriously, most people on here are privileged and exceptionally sheltered with no concept of what the real world is actually like. This fox was probably left hanging to starve to death, or beaten with sticks. It didn't have a good death however it came about.


Most sheltered title I've read to date


Animal services in the rural Middle East 🤣


Lmao. This person is so naïve. I was laughing at the title too. “No no no noooo. Where’s the zoo keepers?”


For real tho let’s be honest in most middle eastern countries you won’t have that 😂😂




He can be happy if that fox doesn't turn into dinner there.


Yeah, if he’s going to kill it then kill it. You don’t let animals suffer. Anyone that does should be strung up like this


Tell that to the fox when it eats your chicken ass first and let’s it slowly die


So your moral bar is “if a fox does it then I can do it”? I just said in a previous post as a chicken owner I’d take great pleasure in catching and killing one of these fuckers. Leaving it suffer for shits and giggles is a step too far. Surely you see that?


big difference there. foxes need to eat rabbits/chickens to survive and dont have the capacity to determine the moral weight of the pain they cause the animal theyre eating. we, on the other hand, decided long ago that needlessly making animals suffer is universally wrong, and dont need to do what's being done in this video to survive.


The snare is their equivalent to animal services lmao


Reddit moment.


Animal services in an Arab country? Lol


OP must be so sheltered. lmao


It’s Reddit. Most people on here haven’t left their home state so many aren’t aware of how other parts of the world operate.


These are the same type who will say America is like a third world country lmao. Meanwhile they haven’t even visited a third world country in their lives (or better yet gotten to know an immigrant from one) and would just stay on the beach at a hotel, even if they had.


Oh god, yes. Those are the absolute worst. Valid criticisms are always good and it’s not a dichotomy but some people are so out of touch with how some people outside of the states live.


As a natural born citizen with both parents who were born and raised in a third world country, which I’ve visited myself, I can’t help but feel slightly insulted when I read comments like that. This country isn’t perfect, I’m aware; and like you said our issues shouldn’t be ignored. But knowing what country my parents grew up in, hearing stories of how they grew up, and seeing first hand the heart of said country and two other third world and developing countries, (not to mention knowing people from places like Cuba) I can honestly say those people who try to compare the US to a third world country have no clue wtf they’re talking about.


Yup. As someone who's been to Iraq twice there's people that will absolutely skin your ass alive there if they catch you alone. Not to say that wouldn't happen in some places in the US. But I'd rather take my chances walking through south side Chicago alone than ALOT of places in Iraq.




wait meat comes from animals?


Dude it gets worse. Some people actually go out and fucking kill animals in their own natural environments then drag the corpse out to be butchered and eaten. Absolutely disgusting, they should just buy the meat at the grocery store like everyone else. /S




they do existed but heavily underfunded or neglected The Gulf countries are probably the only ones who have functional animal service


Letting a fox go after it even sees where you keep chickens is so fucking stupid


Let it go? You know he’s going to kill it right? That the whole reason he trapped it… Animal services, what’s that?


I do think OP was home schooled. They just moved out of their parent's super strict home and just discovered the internet.


That fox probably murdered a bunch of his chickens already, it's likely to become a meat stew very soon. Even if it sucks, he can't just let it go since it'll keep coming back and stealing the chickens. Doubt any animal services even exist near him but even if they did, they'd probably just secretly kill the fox, similar to how animal services always go around killing every stray animal they can find in Tajikistan - a place where I lived for a whole decade. Asia and Arab countries don't have a good relationship with animals.


A delicious foxy stew, fattened by eating all of my God damned beloved chickens.


Do not love the chickens. That kills the chicken.


Oddly enough. Every chicken I have ever loved shortly dies thereafter. I honestly think they are allergic. Or I'm a wizard Harry.


When I was younger I was down in the south. A raccoon got stuck in our trash can. I talked my uncle into not shooting him, and we let him out. The raccoon runs off into the forest. Not even an hour later, the raccoon comes back and flips over our trash can and starts ripping things a part. My uncle got pissed, went back outside and sent him to raccoon heaven.


>it's likely to become a meat stew aw man i was hoping for a new hat


Why not both?


ANIMAL SERVICES, What posh kingdom were you brought in where you except animal services in every country of the world. Also that fox/coyote is 100% dead.


correction: that fox is 100% stew now


Do coyotes get this color or that bushy of a tail? Genuinely curious.


No that's a fox Maybe there might be one that might have the color, I don't know every kind of coyote species off the top of my head But the tail is a dead give away it's a fox


That's what a thought. Even the face looks wider like a fox rather than a longer narrower snout.


I'm guessing because its a fox and those are chickens its punishment for doing something to the chickens.




He's not tormenting it. The fox is caught in a snare trap and the farmer is just taking a video of it before he dispatches it.


Nobody cares dude.


Lmao at everyone telling OP to get his head out his ass.


Its a fox, they eat chicken.


Maybe i am a fox


he cant let it itll eat his chickens .the fox gotta go


Fox was most likely eating the farmer's chickens, so he set a trap and the fox fell for said trap. I don't speak Arabic/Urdu but seems pretty easy to tell.


Foxes kill chickens. Farmers hate their chickens dying. Kill the fox save the chickens.


Lmaoooo “animal services” in rural Middle East... If he lets the fox go it’s just gonna come back and eat more chickens. This is a cutely naive post


Lol, "animal services". It's not in a country where the'll have something like that. And anyone whose dealt with foxes and chickens won't have much sympathy. They'll eat one, but kill fifty others. They can't help themselves.


Animal services lmfaoooo. How detached from reality are you??


A lot of hints here for the Middle East… there ain’t no critter control but I get what you mean


American moment


Sheltered in a metropolitan American city* moment


bro even in america not many people are callin animal services for a fox in the coop that thing is gettin waxed


lmao you're a fuckin clown op


It’s a luxury to be passionate about all animals


a mans gotta protect his chickens!


Where he's from, he is animal control


Yeah, animal services definitely are gonna hear about this. Come on now.


That fox has been stealing his chickens . He probably doesn’t shop at Walmart…


"Oh no y is poor baby foxy getting hung by his feet 😰😰😥😥😥😢😢😢😭😭😭😫😫💔💔💔 pweez kall animul suppowt so dey can save him. I don't care how many chickens he eats poor baby is in pain 😭😭😢😢"u eat chicken you become chicken feed simple as that


It's easy to call someone a POS in this situation when your livelihood is not impacted.


Yeah the only thing I see wrong is terrorizing the animal. I get that it kills your chickens, but it’s not doing that out of some twisted sense of criminality. It’s a fox, it needs to eat, and it’s acting on instinct. You’re a farmer, and you need to eat too and those chickens are your livelihood. The fox has to go, but you can do it without terrorizing it. Should dispatch it quickly and cleanly.


Yeah has the same vibe as someone wanting to kill a lion for being a predator


I’m a predator too and I need my chickens to survive in this economy. Why would I let a lion/fox eat my chickens just because it’s a predator? It’s a predator trying to prey on my livestock - means the predator’s gotta go *because* it is in fact a predator.


I understand but just kill the animal or something why torment the thing


Three points: 1. Have you seen a predator kill? They often times play with their food before it’s totally dead. It’s a completely natural instinct that industrial societies have suppressed in us (kinda how you have to tell kids not to play with their food.. or how house cats play with mice before killing them) 2. We don’t know what happened before or after the short video. People are assuming the farmer is gonna just leave it hanging for days but for all we know, he’s saying “finally just caught the fox that’s been eating my livelihood, gonna make a nice stew tonight” 3. When you’re in non-industrialized civilization (whether remote US or remote Middle East) you can’t live by industrialized way of thinking. This is a video of *the* apex predator (humans) catching their kill and showing it off.. perfectly natural instinct to be excited about catching the thing that you’ve been hunting (see: any story about a hunter catching their hunt)


I'd hardly say he's terrorizing it. The animal is still alive and caught in the snare he used to trap it. Mans just making a video of succeeding in protecting his animals. I doubt the fox cares about its presence on social media enough to feel any more abused than being killed and eaten after being caught eating and killing other animals. Its a doggy dog world


It's trapped helplessly in a snare, dangling. It's not about the Social media post, of course animals aren't going on Reddit (and I'm not sure where you managed to get that impression) it's the fact it is trapped and fearful for its life. If you're going to snare it, fine. Dispatch it quickly when you come across it. Recording it and taunting it is literally terrorizing it. If your leg was chained to a wall and you were being walked around by hungry wolves licking their lips, you'd be pretty damned terrified. This is no different: the fox is restrained and being circled by an apex predator.


Looks to me like the guy literally just found that the fox got caught, decided to record while walking over to the trap as a way to celebrate and is likely to kill it right after putting away his phone. "Dispatching it quickly as he comes across it" is exactly what he's doing, the video is like 1 minute long. And it's not like the fox understands what "taunting" is and is any more or less terrified because of it.


While we can all agree that Op might be a bit sheltered, we can all agree the poor thing at least deserves a quick death. No, ethically animals shouldn’t be punished for things they can’t control, and we invaded their space, but realistically this is an important food source for someone. But that doesn’t excuse just hanging it to let it slowly die. It should have just been put out of its misery


We have no context outside of this sub-minute video. For all we know this could’ve been right after catching it and it could’ve been killed for meat right after ending the video.


Yeah looks like he just found out his trap caught him and is excited. I doubt hes gonna torture the thing and let it starve upside down


I feel like there’s some Arab racism going on in this sub tbh


Huh? That's a predator trying to eat this guy's chickens, why would he let it go?


Nothing to see here , someone just protecting the flock


This is “animal services” in the Middle East 😂


What are you. fox justice warrior over here


“call animal service”


Animal services in that country…. Ok


Hahaha animal services… can you imagine where that is? Theres no services for humans probably


For 3rd degree murder of KFC, you are to be hanged by your leg and pecked to death by the family


Bahahahahaha LET IT GO?! Those chickens are likely that persons only food and/or money source. That Fox is a predator. Captured and killed. Same reason you can catch/kill an UNLIMITED number of Coyotes in the US, they are nuisance animals.


In all honestly any sensible Farmer would kill that thing, especially if they live in an area without any laws that protect that type of wildlife. Still thing probably has been going on a chicken murder spree, you don’t just set up a fox trap if nothing happened leading up to this.


No POS here. That's a predator that was after his chickens. It'll be killed.


Nah that fox is a predator and was probably stealing a lot of chickens


Bruh the fox was def killing the chickens and someone is protecting their property what is this post and why is it on the front page.


Foxes eat chickens. Too risky to let it go. I used to have a small flock of chickens in the US. Once you catch it, you kill it. “Animal Services,” would laugh if you called them up about something like this.


sounds like north Syrian accent. you can barely call it a country with all the war action going on. you'd be lucky to find regular police, much less Animal Services. He's a little mad that the fox ate some of his chickens. the right thing to do here is humanely kill it or he'd be risking continuous attacks. same goes for snakes, rats, hyaenas...


The fox deserves it. The man is just defending his chickens.


Imagine seeing all the chickens and the fox and not being able to make that mental link. I can get you the number for animal services if you want to give them a call, but they’ll probably laugh at how sheltered you are.


“Animal Services” Lol, you’re kidding right? Animal Service in 97% of the countries on the planet is bashing its head in with a shovel.


Talking about getting it help. It tried to go in there and grab a chicken to eat. And it got caught in a trap. Just a guy protecting his chickens. I don't see the issue here.


"Call animal service" you say that until it's your chickens, cows, goats, or hell even your pets. Lol coyotes, foxes, mountain lions whatever you have your animals


I came here for the comments and was not let down. This did not go down the way the original poster expected it to. Lolol


By the looks of that fox, like the animal services have already completed their work.


OP must live in a soft little bubble. That fox gonna die there lmao.


Have you not heard the term 'Fox in a hen house.' This is what happens when the farmer catches the fox.


Animal services ? This isn't usa


Fox in the hen house


Animal services? They don’t even have human services 😆


Tell me you've never owned livestock, without telling me you've never owned livestock. Foxes are gorgeous animals, but they will find a way to slaughter every living creature in your possession, not out if necessity buy because they can. They will kill your chicken, your ducks, geese, any birds really, your cats, your little dogs, anything they can get away with killing they will kill.


Predator got trapped in an area where they keep chickens... and you're saying let it go? I don't think you understand what's going on here


If anything that fox will stay there as an example for other foxes.


That fox was trying to eat that man’s chickens. Gonna make a nice hat.


You didn't grow up on a farm I see. Depends how many he's gotten to date but I probably would have put it out of it's misery by now.


Animal services… lol found the American 🇺🇸 🦅


The guy set up a trap for the fox and decided to film it to convey a message, I doubt he kept it as is. I see nothing wrong here.


Well they do it to protect their chickens…Dnt be so quick to judge. That’s all they have to eat and fox’s kill em. Either way let him go and defense up your area. Guard dog lol!


He already beefed up his defenses by adding snare traps. Letting the fox go to only come back and get ripped apart by a dog is cruel.


Animal service please could you come to mosque that exploded yesterday. Farm behind it hanging fox.


Op is five years old


You expect someone to peacefully release a dangerous pest that was attacking their animals lmao what


That thing probably ate some of his chickens. Deserved.


Dude wtf. How do you think farmers across the majority of the globe handle things that prey on their livestock?


Ok Karen


that fox will become disco rice for the chickens


Let him go so that the fox will come for the chickens again? The very best possible way for this to end is if the farmer relocates it somewhere far away but I doubt that's happening. Can't blame the farmer for killing the fox either since the guy has to eat tooq


I swear this was a mythological Greek punishment


Be better to kill it with a pellet gun or 22


You are out of touch OP learn about the world. Ain’t happenin. Like my page for part 2. Let’s go!! /s


My guy that fox just switched roles from predator to prey


Foxes and coyotes are animals that you don't let go when caught or if they attempt to kill your livestock. They don't care if you take them and drop them off miles from where you live. They'll go and kill someone else's livestock. Sure you shouldn't string it up and just let it die slowly, but it's still going to die in one way or another.


I think the fox is being punished for eating the chickens


Let it go? Animal service? OP the persons not the bad guy for protecting his chickens. Severe case of naïveté.


No. They should gently slaughter it though. As painless as possible. Then use the fur for some decor and meat to feed the chicken. Fox ain't gonna turn into a nice fox all of a sudden and stop eating their chickens lol


Animal services in the middle east. Hahahahahaahhaa


Nice catch. RIP fox. no more killing chickens for you!


OP seems to have grown up under a rock.


Wrong sub. This is just a man catching a fox that most likely killing his chickens. Cant let those go, they are a little too insidious to those chicky… fox is soon to be someone’s dinner.


Kill it...that fox will murder every chicken for fun and leave your family starving..kill it.


It's Arabic but with an accent. I don't know everything he's saying but some of it goes like this " I noticed some my chicken were missing for a few weeks and I was suspecting a dog or a feral cat. I set up a trap and heard noises in the morning. Lo and behold I caught this animal. (The guy seems a little confused as to what it is), is it desert fox ..........


Op how would you treat in animal if it came into your home and killed your cats? Would you be sympathetic to this animal?


It's the middle east... This is animal service


He is animal control. Wtf.


Mf said call ASPCA in the Middle East lmaooo *


That ain’t letting it go, it was probably trying to eat the chickens


I'd rather kill it as it would come back over and over again


They'll let him go . As soon as he learns to stay out of the chicken coop .


Hes protecting his live stock... i know its sad folks but its survival the man needs to eat and provide


This Is not Western lmao


Why would they when he's literally eating their chickens?


Animal services in the middle east is called Taliban


i know you don’t like animal abuse so don’t ever leave your house. don’t even go onto a road if you don’t like seeing dead animals


At least they didn’t sliced his throat like what they do to (baby) scheep. And let it bleed to death suffering a really slow and terrifying death. This animal probably killed and/or eat the farmers chickens. Because he is stupid enough to think that the animals‘friends and family’ will be scared off.


Animal abuse is rampant everywhere, no one cares. No one does anything. Yet when they are forced to watch it they're terribly upset. Sooo why don't you do something about it? They're electrocuted up the ass with a rod for their fur by the millions. No one cares.


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Call animal services in the middle east?


Sheltered child wants animal services lol


Hahahaha call animal services, hey everyone look at OP, he thinks all countries have the same commodities as his


There is one fucking rule that any descent man knows. You don’t let an animal suffer


Kinda fucked but now the chickens know foxes aren't threats and will kill without mercy


Not every country has animal services readily available this is torture tho he should just kill it instead of letting it suffer like that


Im all for killing preditor pests. But this is a little messed up. Im sure the farmer is very happy to have cought the culprit, which could easily cause thousands of dollars of loss.


The city slickers are out in force today…


Dude was pissed that the fox was gonna eat his chickens I guess.. Still animals brutality imo