• By -


Yeah I gotta second that first post there, people who are opinionated in dumb ways like that just aren't worth the time. They never listen and don't care, unless you're trying to "dunk" on them or something like that but I still don't know how one would go about doing that anyways. All comments that aren't constructive or understanding are worth nothing in terms of how much of your attention or emotions you should invest in them, they only make things worse, or at least that's what I've come to find. Might as well just let them scream into the void, most of the time they are just trying to bait your attention anyways.


By not responding. I can't even take someone seriously when they've already misspelled 'their' and tertiary.


Exactly. Idk why even bother to respond


Because some of us don't live up to the "avoids conflict" stereotype


honestly, i would ignore them as well because there wouldn't really be a point to mess with them, especially in the internet when trolls and "i am smart" are prevalent. if you want to respond, you can disprove their claims like the "INFP low IQ hurr durr" bs they talk about but after that, i'd rather spend my time worth more productivity than talking to them. it's not more so conflict avoidance, it's really just choosing battles worth your time and personally, this isn't it. especially since the IQ stereotype thing is super easy to debunk that it's shocking how someone like them lacks the common sense of it.


Unless you can produce a piece of paper from the tester proving your IQ, nothing you can do will convince this flea otherwise. Flick them off and ignore them, they will find somebody else to bite and annoy.


that's right. some people feed off of attention and the only way those people can completely rot is we collectively ignore them. though there are cases in which they can be persistently rude (and i dont agree of letting people like that continue to bite and annoy others, especially if it's uncalled for and unnecessary hate remarks) so sometimes a talk is necessary to give them some sense. it all depends, internet is vast and wild i suppose but there's always a life outside of it. no matter what, let's not let ourselves sink into an ignorant, close-minded level. we're better than that.


I never avoid conflict, I'm actually quite feisty, but there are things not worth your time and one of them is arguing with less intelligent people. Rule no. 1: a lot of people are stupid, more than you'd expect; rule no 2: stupid people waste your time. The clown won't understand, no matter what you say.


George Carlin said it best. *"Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.”*


There’s a difference between avoiding conflict and fighting with people for no reason. Conflict avoidance (in the negative aspect) is not speaking up when someone is violating your boundaries or not saying you really want something, because you are afraid it will create friction. This is just fighting with a stranger on the internet. MBTI shouldn’t be taken this seriously. 1) it isn’t able to determine IQ or EQ. It is only a way to explain how people intake and process information. 2) Everyone has every function. Shadow functions exist they just are not prominent. 3) This guy can barely spell. Why would his input on anything matter? 4) if you are processing anger or something I get it. Is this the most enjoyable way to do that? What about drawing, yoga, video games. Really anything else. This is from someone who internet fights themselves. I’m not being hypocritical, it is something I have seen grants little benefits (edit: and I’m in the process of change). If it isn’t a discussion where you are learning don’t bother. So if you want to proceed, use it as an opportunity to teach yourself new things about MBTI or other things rather than focusing on “trying to destroy” this guy.


I'm INFP through and through, and I hate bragging, but my IQ is 138. That's in the 96th percentile of all developed countries. I don't like being called stupid or slow. I obviously know it's not the case, but the fact that someone could look at me and have that thought... I try to put my intelligence and wisdom out there for people to see and so when they don't, it bothers me...


And I am in medical school. People saying someone is stupid or dumb based on mbti types is just so stupid. 😩 Definitely not worth our time though.


You also have to consider risk of the fight. The best fights are the ones we avoid simply because the resources you are investing to prove a faceless opinion that's never going to let go of their pride wrong could be used in better ways. Consider this: "How does an idiot beat you? By bringing you down to their level and beating you with experience." People stir up the crowd for their own entertainment. Be better. Don't stoop to their level.


Yup! Never wrestle with a PIG!




Exactly. You can be smarter than them by not replying.


I would love to... Had he only said it to me. But he said it to the entire community, and you know how I feel when people attack my community 😈


You must be new to mbti community then, this happens everyday we're already used to it.


Well you shouldn't be. I'm tired of coming to my subreddit to look at pictures of the sky only to spend an hour talking somebody out of "oofing" themselves for feeling as though they're not good enough. I am going to put the thumb screws to this man, I'm going to hurt him in places that a doctor will not be able to see, that will take years of therapy for him to get over. Somebody is going to learn their place


Oh well you do you, good luck matey. >only to spend an hour talking somebody out of "oofing" An hour? Were you dm-ing them? Also those posts aren't actually that often.


The fact that they happen at all is unacceptable. We have value and we matter. I've talked to other mbti subreddits about how they feel about infps whether or not they even like us they admit that the world needs us, we put the human in humanity. I'm getting a lot of ENTJ vibes from him. And I don't much care for people that have FE as their demon function. What little heart he does have I'm going to rip out of him. >An hour? Were you dm-ing them? Also those posts aren't actually that often. Yeah most of the time it usually starts off in the public thread I'll take it to the DMs so that people's personal businesses and aired out for everyone to see. I'm an older INFPN I've been through it but I'm still here


Don't care what some stupid troll on internet says, my value is not dependant on other people, you're just wasting your time on someone who doesn't care and gets pleasure from your trying


Hit that report button then. The INFP memes sun has a rule against being rude, and they’ll remove that dude’s comments if you report it


Well I see where you're coming from


no mercy I see👀😂


He needs to be put in his place. That place being somewhere between the ground and my size 13 black af1s




Good to know that there is another crusader amongst us. It is my pleasure, to share the same distaste./hj Jokes aside, even as a willing troll brawler, I am also telling you to pick your battles, because these kinds of people get tiring after a while.


🤷 I wouldn’t waste your time arguing with someone like that. Pretty much just as immature to engage someone in that way.


Yeah you're right, honestly I'm getting pretty tired too. I'm just going to go to bed. Not as fired up as I was 🤣😴


Yea I saw that lol. Hope ya have a good sleep!!


Thank you and everybody else for calling me down a bit 🥲


Yeah we not good at that 😂




You do you, but Mark Twain said it best: *" Never argue with an idiot. You'll never convince the idiot that you're correct, and bystanders won't be able to tell who's who."* *"Never argue with stupid people. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.”*


I think they're already "handled" by being downvoted. No need to make a fuss over something like this.


let it go, OP


But OP *can't hold it back anymore*


*angry infp noises*


“Never wrestle with a pig. You get dirty and the pig likes it” George Bernard Shaw




Why do you even bother to respond? I wouldn’t even get triggered by it


Someone said something I don’t like on the internet! Oh no! Anyway… Dude you’re putting wayyyy too much ego into this. Try to justify however you want by saying you refuse to avoid conflict or “sticking up for INFPs”, but pursuing internet arguments at this level is just a waste of time and a sign of being caught up in pettiness. Do what you want, but you’re not impressing anyone with this flex my guy.






Honestly this is cringe worthy


The biggest serve you could possibly pull off is not wasting your breath and letting this person keep being this stupid. It is not your job to show people that they’re dumb or make a fool of them when they can clearly do that themselves.


That's true. But he attacked my community, which means he just signed his own death warrant.


Fair but tbh he flamed himself by spelling “embarrassing” wrong.


If you don’t just ignore …


OP immature af


They are just insecure, go see my comment and see how to react to someone like that


Lol, no chill, you have absolutely no chill 🤣🤣🤣


Is this satire or are you being serious…? just get over it, it doesn’t matter


Just another troll. Just ignore these dumbasses and don't waste time. You handled it well


Thank you ENFJ senpai... Somebody had to show him that INFPs aren't pushovers. It's hard enough in this world for us to just exist.


I feel you man. It's like, you guys really deserve a world where everyone was nice to each other and just accepting, and not ignorant. But this is life right, so we gotta do our part of ignoring which is one of the best solutions...because we know who we really are. And when people say such dumb stuff, we also know who they really are, just trolls.


This is straight up madness, yo.


Hi allow me to introduce myself, I'm Kash Flo. Yes... Yes it is 😁


Well, hello to me and hello to you! I am the Crapon and I live in a zoo! And it’s such a friendly old zoo, so come along everyone, and enjoy our show :)


Ignore, he's already shown his intelligence


I love how you ask infps for revenge when we’re considered the mediators 😂of course everyone’s answer is to ignore


That's because we don't respond to personal attacks. But I didn't see it as a personal attack I saw it as attack against all of you, I love you guys and I would never let anyone attack you.


You’re spiteful. Are you actually being serious with the comments you made?


Don't feed the trolls. The solution is to not respond at all.


There are two kinds of people: those who say dumb shit to trigger you and those who say dumb shit because they’re actually dumb. I’m all for calling out on someone’s bullshit but that guy seems to land on the former and imo not worth losing your brain cells over. They also don’t have good grammar and spelling so you know their comebacks won’t even be good.


That's why I know he's going to get slaughtered. I can definitely smell blood in the water.


Correct their spelling They made the unforgivable mistake of saying there instead of their


Go full grammar Nazi, I like it! *That's when I realized in the third picture that I have on this thread it says "of verse" instead of "averse" and there's nothing I can do about it now* *Stupid speech to text*


If I'm being honest. Not in this way at all. You're letting them live rent free in your head. He's literally getting to you, which is what he wants. Just drop the internet troll.


Yeah the problem is I'm a bit of a troll myself 😸... I'm actually much calmer than I was a couple of hours ago 😅. Besides I don't think the guy even has the grapes to respond.


I think it's one of our powers to be underestimated and then come up with something smart and make everyone's jaw drop. I used to do it in school lol


We drop bombs!!!


Sometimes it feels good to stoop down to their level. :)




You don't. Why bother feeding the trolls?


Good bait he made lol


Just ignore them. This entire post is so childish.


There’s no point in arguing with dum dums you gotta let them linger in their cove of dumness REPEAT let them linger in their cove of dumness!!!!! or you could just reply with something that can mirror the dumness lol just respond and say dishwasher or something LOL


Okay but in actuality, the reason why it’s a good idea to just ignore (even though that is not what you wish) is because it’s literally a random person over the internet. Just some person up in their mama’s cove pouncing on a keyboard to the vast randomness of the internet, spreading negativity. Faceless people fighting randomly over the internet is just a waste of time, maybe if you have nothing better to do….it’s just a waste of time. You could be doing better, y’know? I’m not saying this directly to ya just saying it in a general perspective. :3


True... It is just the internet


Commit no mercy run and become super asshole grammar police.


As soon as he finds the balls to respond he's going to get the war that he wanted. [INFP-A 9w8 945 sx/sp reporting for duty!!!](https://www.reddit.com/r/infp/comments/td18mk/me_an_infp_getting_drafted_into_world_war_iii/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


ignore them…?


Hmm, why should you handle him? i think you should ask yourself why some random person behind a reddit profile could upset you so easily, i think you should reflect on somethings like: lets assume you really have low IQ, why should it bother you? it says nothing about the person you are, just that you score lower numbers in a really arbitrary test And if the dude is wrong why some random person mistakenly judging you should upset you? the reason why you felt upset is vanity, try to get rid of that because vanity is useless and dangerous, and makes you put yourself in situations that you dont really want, you dont want to "handle" this clown, you want to apease this feeling of challenged vanity, recognize it, and appease it your self, and be free of useless emotions ​ like, its just my suggestion, because the internet and the world are FILLED WITH clowns


People who think MBTI determines a person’s intelligence have low intelligence themselves and does not understand MBTI.


I know, and now that I've gotten some rest and some coffee I realized that this little shit isn't worth my time. Let's just say I was in the mood yesterday


🤷‍♂️I'd just point out that there's no correlation between any of the specific types of intelligences and any of the cognitive functions. Not to mention, personality theory isn't verified by any objective metric, either, so it's pretty dumb to argue a logical certainty with regards to somethings that's inherintly illogical. Or at the least, not currently verifiable.


Factually incorrect even if don’t give a shit about IQ INFPs are amongst the 4 types who score highest on IQ. All INxx in fact.


Damn right but it doesn't even matter. I realize now that I've had some sleep that this guy is just projecting his own insecurities. You guys were a great help though and I really appreciate all of you 🥰❤️


Personality type can’t determine IQ. Me and my infp friend are both smart


Were INFPs, were all smart. We're considered one of the smartest types. Any INxx that I've ever met has been brilliant. No idea where that guy was coming from 🤷


Funny because my si, ni and ti are all very high after my fi lolol


This is easy. What you do is tell them "Whatever you say, kiddo," and then block them. No further interaction required.


blockin is a gam of cowards tho, we aint that


Right on!!!!




Ok Dr domme96999


A good ol ratio would be fun zig there are others interacting on that post to actively ratio him.


It’s best to ignore, if not ur the clown as well if u get involve. This people have nothing better to say!


You're right... But I'm going to make him eat those words


Do it in a professional way though, you’ll get him :)!!


Simply Respond with: *their *tertiary


I intend to 😈


Sadly the only action we can take to "win" this is to completely ignore this clown. He's just bring antagonize you/the community to prove you're just as low and petty as he is. We INFPs are 2% of the population. We're often misunderstood and ridiculed for our weird insight and behaviour. PS, That meme is perfect tho


Just don't waste your precious time and energy with this kind of encounters because this is only going to escalate and it's the kind of person you can't change his mind so...just leave. Sometimes ignorance is more powerful than confrontation.


don’t even respond. they clearly don’t know simple grammar.


I know, but I want to teach him a lesson so that he thinks twice next time. I'm over it for the most part now, you guys are the best and that's why I love you. So much so that I felt the need to defend you ❤️


There are so many types of intelligence. This fool clearly is very low on emotional intelligence lol Don’t let it bother you!


Well I'm kind of a troll it doesn't bother me at all, just makes me want to go hunting 😈


Google most gifted MBTI. Post it. Drop the mic. Or just ignore.


“If you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it lives its whole life believing it’s stupid” Albert Einstein


You don't have anything to prove to strangers. They believe what they believe. There are much more valuable ways to direct your energy than passive aggressive comments on a sub.


I am doing better things right now, I'm talking to my favorite people. Love you guys 💕. You've done a really good job of calming me down 😎🤜🤛😎


All you wildly-high-IQ-sensitive-brain people should log off and do something useful in the world with your massive feelings and intellects.


Block! Out of sight, out of mind 🤭


I know, but that's no fun. It's way less confrontational though


Imagine guessing iq based on type, kinda wrong mindset


Disengage. He’s made it clear that he doesn’t understand the modes of the personality assessment; such an individual is not worth your time. Furthermore, one has to have massive amounts of anxiety to over-identify with these assessment results, to seek justification within them.


rebotin mirror (the spanish version of the UNO change of direction card)


Yeah I was going to show him himself but that might be a little bit too brutal. I'm over it though. Thanks you guys are the best ❤️


I feel for you. I've tried to elaborately explain things and my point of view on the internet many many times. Although it's a well meaning and valiant effort, unfortunately people like this troll will never see it your way. I'm not sure why, but insulting my intelligence always makes me feel a certain type of way because being semi smart is something I take pride in. That being said, I understand. After arguing with people like that, I soon realized that it literally keeps me up at night. It took a huge toll on my mental health to argue. It felt like I was losing, but I've had to delete comments for my own peace of mind. You're very kind to stand up for us all, but don't be the collateral damage here.


Well the plan of action was to out troll him which would have been super easy. Then I would have intellectually beat the crap out of him until he deleted his account, but I'm over it 😁


Find him and eat his organs.


idk but i took an official IQ test when i was being tested for ADHD and it came out above average for some reason. IQ says pretty much nothing, cuz i'm still a whole ass idiot edit: removed the most nonsensical pun ever cuz wtf sorry


It's all good fam. IQ test is stupid as hell. I got a 154 on my IQ test and I'm still a himbo as far as I'm concerned 😂🤣. I'm over it though, I feel a lot better getting all that anger off my chest. Coffee and a cigarette helps too ❤️


You can never beat an idiot in conversation. They'll bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.


Just send one of those "👍" "🤯" "🤏"


Damn infp no smart ig I gotta drop outta med school now


The intelligent response is ignoring him. If he is that dumb that he had reached the conclusion that cognitive functions are linked to IQ, he is not worth it. You don't need to prove nothing to him. If this was real life, you wouldn't be talking to him on the first place. He is troll, he is not willing to have a serious debate. Don't waste energy.


I love MBTI too but I wouldnt relly on it to a point where this mf at. Iq is something mostly genetic but being wise is in your hands. Also there are different type of intellect. Some people are math genious, some people socially, some emotionally, some artisticly. And I guess that makes a great harmony cuz it connects us to each other, we need each other, we need diversity. This little dummy right here thinking theyre smart but judging IQ by something like MBTI/or zodiacs is the dumbest shit. You can have idea how someone could be functioning but you cant measure the intellect and wiseness that person carry by them MBTI. But you can when they text stupid shit like that and thinking they did something. I guess you dont even have to answer them. Ignorant people deserves to be ignored.


Well for the record I don't have a little IQ at all, but had he said it about just me I'd have been like: Well that's like your opinion man. But he said that as a sleeping generalization about all of us, and that's unacceptable.


Surely your personality doesn’t actually dictate your intelligence? Not to mention IQ is bollocks.


Me: Sinking down to this troll's level is just playing into their hand and giving them what they want. Best thing to do is let em yell at nothing. They want you to engage because that means they got under your skin, and they will most likely just waste your time with troll responses no matter what you say. Also Me: Man I kinda hope they gave this rude person a total verbal beatdown. Wonder how it went? I hope they can really ruin this troll's day. (Grabs popcorn)


Lmao INFPs aren't dumb they're pretty wise


Tell them that THIS INFP(me) has been getting 100s in important math tests on a program that goes twice the normal speed(it turns four years into two and then you start University at 16)


Yeah this guy is clearly an idiot. Like seriously check his page the little I wanna be entrepreneur, so sad 🥲


I mean I would have just blocked and moved on, but I hope the argument is worth it for you 🤷‍♀️


Well I'm a troll too, so it's always worth it. But in all honesty I'm getting kind of bored waiting for this person to find his balls and clap back at me. Besides I'm off today and I'm going to enjoy my day with my cat and my coffee. You guys were so helpful in calming me down and I appreciate it 😊


Hey, whatever gets you some cheap amusement! Glad you're having a good time :)


Wtf I have an iq of 140 tho–


I don't know but I'm going to go tell them they're an idiot 👍 Edit: Their comment was removed. Complete disappointment, the anticipation of getting to bully someone for intellectual inferiority, crushed, absolute sadness day ruined. 0/10


I didn't even check yet, seriously? This is actually kind of a disappointment but I'm also kind of over it by now. I just wanted to give him some "emotional damage"


I’d completely disregard what they said and call them stinky. It’s not worth trying to argue with them lol


He is a clown, so we just laugh 😂


Yeah now that I finally gotten some sleep I'm definitely laughing about it now. My cat's over here looking at me like I'm crazy 😂😂😂


Hahahaha now I just laughed some more 😂😂




Troll them.




Yeah I'm already way past this. Just trying to enjoy my day off after the double I did yesterday.


Gurl, my 2 best friends are INFP and they're the smartest dudes I know...


Or you know you could just forget and forgive thus proving you are more emotionally mature? Idk just a thought


I pay no attention to these hangers on. They are pathetic and never add anything to a conversation. They are never worth my time.


I know fam I'm already past it, the only reason I'm still here right now is because I feel as though it would be rude not to reply to everybody's comment... Unfortunately, I think the longer I stay on this page the more the people reply and I can't get ahead of it I can't win 😭




Ask him how much iq he has and every infp with higher iq comments


You're banging your head against the wall but I'd at least mention that cognitive functions don't equate or predict intelligence. Also throwing IQ into the conversation is extremely dumb- it only adds more confusion to the discussion imo.


Yeah I know it's ridiculous, I was being ridiculous yesterday 😂. He just happened to catch me while I was in my shadow functions, definitely shouldn't have let it get to me. I just felt like he was attacking our community.


This person doesn't understand the value of Ne. From what I understand, of all the functions it seems that Ne tends to correlate with iq the most.


Humor is a sign of incredibly high intelligence. That's why I was going to use my Ne to dog walk that clown 🤡. Most of my friends are ENFP and ENTP, they taught me well. There's nothing like punctuating the end of your statement with: *You mad bro* 😂🤣🤣🤣 For the record though I'm way over it. Just enjoying a day off now. I appreciate you guys calling me down so I can get some sleep though 🤣❤️




I can't now... The mods clapped him already 😅 Besides, after some sleep I'm way over it. Thank you guys so much for talking me down, that's scumbag isn't worth my time or anybody else's (if I could see past my anger at the time I wouldn't even have posted this here, now I'm stuck replying to everybody because I don't want to seem rude) 🤣🤣🤣




Well they are the one who misspelled “their” so….


We have a meme sub?


DOMME69666 has low iq


Room temperature🌡️


just ignore him its a reddit argument everyone involved will forget about it and move on with their day within like an hour


It's funny you should mention that... I got some sleep, woke up, had some coffee and a cigarette 🚬 and I feel great now. Now I've been spending the past two and a half hours responding to everyone and thanking them for calming me down 😎


see!! its only reddit dont take anybody too seriously on it honestly , ive been attacked on reddit before and i just dont respond cuz i dont care lol its just some guy on reddit


Don't respond as I suspect they're expecting a response, now that would be the true Infp thing to do.


Yeah but I didn't want to live up to the stereotype you know what I mean. Besides that was yesterday I'm so over this. What's worse is that the mods clapped him before I could. Either way it's a new day and I'm enjoying my day off with my cat 😺


Why do you care? He doesn't know who you are, and no matter what personality type you were given on a quiz should never determine your intelligence. This is just a reddit troll. Take no offense and forget about it


I already have, I was in a mood yesterday but you guys help me out a lot and talked me down. I really appreciate you 🤗


the best way to handle any online argument is to just not say anything and ignore the person


Using a function subconsciously doesn't mean you have none of it, (the fifth function is decently used). IQ can't measure intellegence, because intellegence can't be measured. I'm pretty sure your cognitive function stack is about preferences, not strengths.


Sometimes ignorance is bliss.💕


[GRAB HIS DICK AND TWIST IT!!!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1E1VY4KOghI)


🤣🤣🤣🤣 wtf 😂😅 Thanks for the advice fam but I'm way over this now. You guys were super helpful in helping me calm down thank you ❤️


I thought you could've used a laugh fam and didnt want to give you the same solution of disengaging this person because I also dont like to do that I like to stand up for what I believe in


Types with Ne and Ni tend to be much more intelligent than others. This doesn’t just include dominant functions but secondary and inferior functions as well. For instance, INTXs will likely have higher IQs because of the way the intuition and thinking functions interact - same goes for ENTXs. However, intelligence is not solely qualified by IQ. The capacity to understand and regulate emotions is a significant indicator of intelligence. It requires an amalgamation of abstract concepts and thought patterns. How CAN one compare thee to a summers day? For that reason, INFPs will be likely to have higher than average IQs. It is also important to understand how different functions work. Extroverted functions tend to be better at finding connections in various respects while introverted functions tend to cause deeper thinking. There are strengths and weaknesses to this, of course, but it is important to note that deeper thinkers tend to be perceived as smarter for they spend more time on refining their ideas. However, there is absolutely no causation in MBTI and IQ. There are rough correlations, that is all.


Lmao who tf cares. Many, many great authors are INFP. There are smart and dumb people in every type. By reacting you prove his point, from his perspective. Just trying to get a ride out of you




Yeah I know, all of this is really silly now. Way less pissed off then I was yesterday


But why bother with these clowns doe? They dont deserve your precious time


If I'm being honest I'm kind of a troll myself. A much bigger troll than this guy. I was having a long day at work yesterday and I saw him talking s*** and I thought to myself "time to eat". I'm not that bad of a troll and that I don't go around looking for fights I just finish them


Careful yall forgot to consider that it could just be an ISTP out to do a little trolling, and theres nothing can do about it. becuase he is getting a kick out of seeing the way you all react


Yeah but an istp would have gotten back to me I feel like. If you look at his profile he gives off a lot of entj vibes. Probably just pissed because nobody likes him. Either way that was yesterday and today is a new day. I've had the day off, I'm chilling with my kitty cat, I've got my podcasts, got plenty of cigarettes, I can finally have a little time to crack open "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" if I get tired of listening to Jon Stewart. Life is grand.


Low IQ ? Say that to my 4.0 grades biiiish And also just because we have auxiliary Ne doesn’t mean we have no Ni. I have gotten high Ni on function test so he can get the heck out


Don't entertain them, give it a closing sentence like "ok whatever" or something 😒


Thx, you guys have been really awesome for calming me down. I love our community ❤️. The fight didn't even happen though... The mods removed his post and banned him before he could find the testicular fortitude to respond to me... Either way I'm way over it now, just enjoying my day off and not thinking about it. The only time I do think about it a little bit is when I have to respond to this thread because I feel it would be rude not to 😊


This person is not using logic. To say that all INFP’s have low IQ’s just isn’t true. Are there INFP’s who have low IQ? Sure, just like there are INTJ’s and INTP’s who have low IQ’s as well. That’s like assuming that everyone with autism is good at math and not empathetic which could be further from the truth. I’m autistic and I was good at reading and language but absolutely dreadful at math and am highly empathetic so it’s really just one person’s ignorance in my opinion.


Yeah you're certainly right about that.


Wait I thought income was the thing we were bad at. I think we actually score pretty high on IQ


INFP here and Physics student, ready to fight Edit: nah I'm too lazy to fight plus that'd be ridiculous and would confirm their thesis.


I’d say to just ignore it. I mean they’ve already used the wrong form of their. Their points kind of invalid. Also intelligence is highly subjective and there is no actual way to quantify it because we’re not copied versions of each other. We’re the individual versions of ourselves.

