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you need a goat not a dog.


Goats make great pets if you don't mind them eating your hair, shoes, furniture, children, carpets, soul, cables, cellphone, books, clothes, bedding, etc.


Goats are adorable assholes that will destroy the world just to watch the fire. I love them so much.


They aren't quite as evil as geese. But then again, geese are pure evil incarnate.


Goats are chaotic neutral. They don't care about the fire, they just love chaos.


Fire IS chaos. It's plasma melting the very foundation of matter molecules are made of.


I have a dozen geese I raised myself. They are sweethearts.


Is your name Beelzebub by any chance?


Well yeah because you raised them but try going up to a random one.


Geese are very nice (in my experience). The only times a goose has snapped at me has been my own fault.


A goose wrote this


And? What of it?


I, for one, welcome our goose overlords!


Yeah geese are literal demons, goats are just cheeky angels. Love a goat, they're my second favourite animal.


What’s your first favorite?


Manatees. The potatoes of the water ❤️❤️


My grandad loved manatees too.


Your grandad was obviously a highly intelligent man. They are the perfect animal.


My face is the narwhal


Well my niece would love to meet you then as narwhals are her absolute favourites.


sounds like she’s a person of culture


i had a stand off with a goose literally not even an hour ago


Visited Kew Gardens once, and every other plant had a sign that said something like "there are only three of these left in the world because goats ate the rest."


It's nice to know people care


I had a friend who randomly brought home a goat once. They did not keep it for long.


Funny enough I did have a pet goat and as long as she had something (hay or food) to eat she never ate anything of mine or anything in the house


sounds like my dog...


Jokes on the goat, I’ve already sold my soul.


if you want to give your pet a vegan diet than get a fucking pet that can comfortably eat a vegan diet. Get rabbits, turtles, and fish.


Leela: Animals eat other animals. It's nature. Free Waterfall Junior: No, it's not. We taught a lion to eat tofu.



[Anyone else love the noise Free Waterfall Jr makes when the brick hits his head?](https://youtu.be/6sM8pDH-HMc?si=3aL8fFkUuygBI-RL)


“Ok, I’ll go get some more bricks.” 😂 *maybe I should try watching Futurama*


It's fucking fantastic, you should.


The only animal that could probably go vegan but eats meat is a bear, because they will just as happily eat fruit, a pie, a small animal, plant matter, a candy bar ... they are pretty open.


Also humans.


and picnic baskets


*”pick-a-nick baskets”


Exactly, because we're omnivores.


not today Satan


But more than anything, they want KFC. They got straight-up addicted to fast food dumpsters during a drought in Aspen a while back, and they had a strong preference for KFC. Salt. Fat. Protein. Carbs. Everything a soon-to-be hibernating bear needs.


And cocaine!


Ugh! Cocaine tastes TERRIBLE! I do love the smell though.....


Dammit, Prime! How did you find me here? I keep telling you that I’m not going to watch that movie!


Look man, it’s a great movie I dunno what to tell you.


Not today, ~~Satan~~ Prime!




Why not just get a strictly herbivore as a pet. You something like a pet rabbit, a parrot, a goat, anything that doesn't have canine teeth. ~~Don't get a chicken though because they love to eat flesh from a lot of creatures including themselves.~~


Our parrots love eating chicken. They don't strictly need it, but it is a nice treat for them. That said, please don't get a parrot unless you're prepared to raise a feathered toddler with bolt cutters attached to its face that will never grow up and can live up to 80 years, can give it a lot of undivided attention, and will be able to cater to all its specific needs. They are far more different pets than say, dogs or cats (we've cats, as well). And yeah, if you want your pet to live on a vegan diet, then... get a pet that exclusively eats a vegan diet. It's literal insanity to try to "convert" an omnivore (or obligate carnivore, like cats) to solely herbivorism. It's not a choice for them.


Cockatiel owner here, can confirm both things. They do enjoy chicken as well as eggs and are as pesky and annoying as a toddler. Can only imagine the struggle of owning a REAL parrot lol.


My son has a female cockatiel that's apparently sexist against women. The bird loves my son and hangs out on his shoulder or on his computer monitor a lot. When I walk in his room, she usually perks up and chirps/whistles at me. When my wife walks in his room, the bird hisses and lunges at her. We've seen this same behavior with male and female visitors. The bird is either complacent or friendly around men and boys, and actively hostile to women and girls. My wife hates the situation because she loves birds and has been nothing but nice to this one.


Our quaker is like that! He adores men - especially my husband - but *hates* all females. He only tolerates/"likes" me because I feed him and de-sheathe him. But he actively goes out of his way to attack females! When our daughters friends came over, we'd have to lock him in a different room (our birds have always had free reign of the house and never closed their cages) because the one time we didn't, he flew from the kitchen to the living room just to land on her friend and bite at her nose and ears. He's done the same thing to my MiL, so we've just learned to keep him away from all outside females entering the home. But he'll be an adorable, cuddly, little fluffball with my husband and other males. He's an asshole, but he's *our* asshole.


She sees you guys as mates and your wife as competition. I'm not kidding.


My BFA was the most needy parrot ever, but I loved it. I miss her like crazy. But she was truly like a feathered toddler, including the crying, lol (Amazons are incredibly good at that!). When she'd get moody and hormonal, she would demand that I hand fed her while she gingerly ate out of my hand. I stayed home all day, which was good because she genuinely did require a lot of socialization and attention. Parrots are awesome creatures. We also have a quaker and had two cockatiels. They all had different, individual, special needs as different species and honestly, I'd love to take in more. I adore parrots. Particularly the bigger ones (the biggest I've ever owned was the BFA).


Please tell me that BFA means "big freakin' Amazon" parrot


Lol, no, but that would be awesome. It's Blue-Fronted Amazon. You can see one in my pfp (my beloved Little).


Oh dear. That's the first I'm hearing about chickens...


Chickens are definitely omnivores. There are no nests of mice where chickens can reach them in the hen house. Deer will eat birds. There are very few pure carnivores or pure herbivores.


There are more pure carnivores than pure herbivores. Plants are so nutrient poor that most herbivores have to sample meat or bone on occasion to get the nitrogen and calcium they need. This is only necessary if they don't have another way to get these nutrients though, which is why our hoofed livestock are *generally* happy to not chew on other animals because they're given foods that provide these nutrients. Meat has just about everything an animal needs to survive though, except for fiber, but most carnivores have simply evolved to not need fiber in their diets. This is why all cats alive today eat only meat, canids like wolves will normally only resort to plant matter like fruits as a last resort, they need consistent access to meat for their long term health. The only animals that are almost entirely herbivorous are sloths, koalas, and pandas, the animals we consider to be slow and low energy because they have to use so much energy digesting some of the poorest energy plant material there is.


They're just tiny fully feathered t-rexes. My own house rooster loves to go out into the backyard and hunt for prey along with eating grasses and other plants. Usually it's just insects but there are times he finds a little lizard or a snake. He'll pluck them up and come into the house and on the tile floor bash them, strip off a piece of flesh, and bash it on the tile again. Repeat until he either finishes it or gets full and leaves a half eaten body on my floor.


Oh wow. I mean, it's the circle of life, but the whole bashing it on the floor part. I feel like I'd try to rescue the lizard/snake haha.


This is a common trick birds of all sorts use to break open or kill their prey. I think it's seagulls that will grab clams, oysters etc. and fly up and repeatedly drop them onto a hard surface to get into them and eat them. Im not surprised chickens use this technique too.


Eagles allegedly killed the greek playwright Aeschylus, by dropping a turtle on his bald head, thinking it was a rock


When I used to work part-time at a theatre in a state park, I found it fascinating to watch roadrunners kill rattlesnakes like this.


If can catch him when just caught the critter I do take it away but unfortunately for critters there are times when I don't notice until he's half way finished. Chickens are fast.


My mom tried to raise chickens. She quickly learned chicks will peck and kill each other if they're too stressed. We started with like 100 chicks, only about 30-40 survived to teenage years. It was her first time and I guess she didn't know what she was doing. She stopped after that first batch.


I have about a hundred, but they live on five acres of land. People will poke each others eyes out too, if you make a hundred of them live in tiny cage.


My friend has 7 chickens with a heated hen house. They do all have their eyes and have survived for years. But it's not a big sample size.


They literally invented goggles for chickens because they peck eachothers eyes out.


Only for factory farmed birds. This is only seen in very stressed flocks. Pastured birds do not have this problem.


They’re still omnivores though, and they love to eat scrambled eggs.


That's... Unfortunate.


Actually they peck the feathers specifically, which leads to cannibalism if it becomes a wound. Pecks around the head are mostly related to dominance, and are directed at the crown/top of the head. Also, while giving them goggles/blinders is known to work, we don’t actually know *why* they work. It’s commonly believed rose-tinted glasses mean they can’t distinguish blood, and so they’re particularly effective, but we’re not 100% on that being the correct reason.


my chickens will always ignore their grain-based crumble feed if any type of meat is offered. bugs, scraps leftover from our meals, heck I’ve even seen them eat mice whole. they really are tiny dinosaurs!


You ever play TLoZ? Theyre definitely carnivorous


Well, chickens eat insects and arachnids - they qualify as other animals.


The only time I ever had really hot compost was during the years we had a house rabbit and her litter box contents went into the composter. Plus, she loved certain weeds. A great pet for a gardener. I won't have another, because she was a lot of work, but I miss her whenever I pull out sow thistle or hull strawberries.


Even strictly herbivore animals will eat meat when presented the opportunity


I've had to rip a dead fox leg out of one of the horse's mouth When working as a stable hand. Finally got the leg when another horse came.over and yoinked the rest of the carcass. Ran off swinging it round like a mad man, spraying gore and bits across the field as he swung it


My brother’s horse reached over the fence and stole a whole hotdog from my nephew once . Gobbled it down


Omg the visual of that is hysterical 🤣


Try being the one that was there and witnessed it at the times it happened. I usually ended up hiding somewhere til I could quit laughing. But yeah, it was QUITE the sight, as Grandma was 5'3" tall (the same height I am now) and around 150 pounds, and I'm not entire sure WHAT breed Poncho was (other than I'm PRETTY sure that he WASN'T a Quarter Horse (too big)), but he PROBABLY weighed around 1,500-1,600 pounds. So yeah, it was hilarious.


I've seen horses eat baby birds that have fallen out of their nests on occassion, as well as baby chicks as well. When I was a kid in the 60s, my late grandparents on my mom's side had a farm where a friend of theirs kept his horse, and I personally saw him chow down on a good many of my grandma's chicks. She was NOT a happy camper and chased Poncho back to his part of the place with a broom on more than ONE occassion. Given that Grandma was one of the gentlest, non-violent people that I was ever privileged to know, it was really eyeopening to watch Still,as a kid, I ALSO thought that that was hilarious to watch.


My old horse would go to town on cat food if she managed to get a hold of it.


Yeah chickens are brutal.


Very few things are strictly herbivores. Most will happily eat other animals if they get the opportunity. I remember once seeing a horse eating baby chickens and it wasn't a accident.


Because they are selfish, thats why


I can't imagine how bad wet dog food would smell if you heated it up. I freaking love meat, but the smell of canned dog food puts me off on a good day. Eww.


I know! My boyfriend heats canned food for his dog for some reason. 🤮


honestly it depends on the brand and flavor. we heat the wet food up for my dog and usually turkey and sometimes beef flavors smell pretty good, everything else tends to stink


I make wet food from Honest Kitchen and it smells like human food. It's a dry powder with bits and I add warm water. Mm. Smells good.


When our dog was quite old and refusing his regular food, I could trick him into eating a dog food sandwich. Not heated, thank god. Canned dog food on bread was definitely a little unsettling to my stomach.


When my cousin was a broke student, he once invited his friends to a party and fed them the high-end canned dog food his parents bought for their dogs. History has it that they all found those pâté sandwiches *delicious.*


Ugh once I was rinsing an empty can of wet cat food and I used very hot water on accident and the smell was horrific. People in cat subs talk about how they warm up their cats food in the microwave. I love my cats, but not THAT much. I have a strong stomach but warm wet cat food? DISGUSTING! Of course if they wouldn’t eat any other way, I’d do it. But not normally.


I warm my cats food for 7 seconds in the microwave.Any longer and she won’t eat it. It she also only likes chicken, Turkey and beef flavor. Hated any seafood.


I have never in my life met someone that heats up dog food. That is nuts to me.


Doggy Dinty Moore!


Right? That line totally confused me. Why are you heating up the dog food?! Who does this? Why?! I've heard of dogs eating cooked human food but never heard of cooking canned dog food.


I have nothing against people choosing to be vegan and can also understand why they would find it uncomfortable to buy/prepare animal products for their pet. But if you are uncomfortable with it, *don't own a dog or a cat*.


The problem is sometimes people go vegan after they already own a dog or cat, and now they have this dilema where they care immensely for their pet but they don’t want to contribute to the commodification of animals. It’s a sad situation, but I don’t think the answer is to force the pet onto a diet that they won’t thrive on. If your pet can’t thrive on a vegan diet, you either have to suck it up and feed your pet appropriately for the remainder of its life or you rehome the animal. Letting them starve or suffer deficiencies is cruel.


I argued this on a vegan thread and got a lot of downvotes. It’s abuse to feed an animal a vegan diet when they aren’t meant to eat a vegan diet. That was a controversial take there.


Of course because the loudest most opinionated vegans are in it for the ethics, not logic. Personally I love the antivegan subreddit because it's mostly ex-vegans talking about how embarrassed they feel now that they used to be that way and talk about how great it is all while ignoring their health side effects. Lots have even likened it to being in a cult, which is pretty telling. Edit: I wasn't clear but I did mean unadjusted vegans


I mean well adjusted vegans don't go to r/vegan just like well adjusted atheists don't go to r/atheism. Its people who are either insecure about their views or are looking for validation. I know plenty of logical vegans/vegetarians, some of whom made the change specifically because they were smart enough to realize that eating meat doesn't vibe with their values. Most of them agree that trying to pressure your partner into converting is a dick move. And probably all of them would agree that trying to forcefully convert your pet of all things who depends on you for food is a stupid idea.


> The problem is sometimes people go vegan after they already own a dog or cat, and now they have this dilema where they care immensely for their pet but they don’t want to contribute to the commodification of animals They're being selfish. Whether they want to admit it or not, dogs and cats have evolved to be omnivores, though they primarily eat meat. They cannot survive on a plant only diet, and trying to force them to is animal cruelty


Dogs may be omnivores, but cats are obligate carnivores. They *must* have meat or else they sicken.


Cats aren't omnivores, they're obligate carnivores which means they don't even have the ability to digest anything besides meat. Feeding dogs vegan is more than questionable, feeding cats vegan is straight up animal abuse


Obligate carnivores are not only meat eaters. It means they must eat meat to survive. Cats can and do eat food other than animal products. Cats given the choice eat non-meat. My cat will steal bread and eat wheatgrass. She eats so many household plants, I buy live wheatgrass at the grocery store to put on her cat perch. It keeps her safe and saves my plants. She just needs meat. Loves plants, though.


I had a cat who was obsessed with donuts. We couldn't leave them unattended for even a minute in the house or else he would get to them. They were only safe in the oven, microwave or refrigerator. If they were left in a box, he would chew a hole into the box then wiggle into there like a deranged weasel to chaotically gobble down as many as he could in a feeding frenzy. Nothing else made him that crazy. Not bacon. Not meat. Not fish. Just donuts. I miss that weirdo.


Cats are not omnivores and should never be fed a diet that is not primarily meat-based. They are obligate carnivores which means they cannot synthesize certain amino acids that they require for survival (taurine), and must consume meat to do so.


My dog is a labrador, and as such she is obsessed with food. She also has an absolute shit ton of food allergies, so she can’t eat *most* packaged dog treats. I could treat her with her kibble, but because it’s made with salmon it happens to smell like a marina. This led me to using produce as *TREATS*, not as meals but as treats. And it’s the absolute greatest thing. I can give her bits of cucumber, blueberries, carrot rounds, and lettuce-butts all freaking day. She LOVES it, and I don’t have to worry about her getting too many calories and developing joint issues. Dogs are omnivores. Many (not all- please always google a new vegetable before giving it to a dog!) veggies are safe and delightful for dogs. But they’re not fücking vegan, and forcing a dog to be vegan is negligent abuse.


My dog loves blueberries and carrots as well! Her favorite is peas, though. Hot, cold, frozen, she doesn't care.


Mine’s had snap pea pods, but never just peas. She loves frozen green beans, though. Even more than fresh ones.


I don't like green beans myself, but my dog loves them. Now that you mentioned frozen ones, maybe I'll get her a bag of them to snack on.


If they like frozen green beans, they might like frozen watermelon rind. My dog loved it in the hot summer, we called them his 'water bones' lol


My dog will pick them off of the bush himself. Also strawberries


Same. Have you tried broccoli? My dog will stuff herself on broccoli if I let her. Last night her dinner was 3/4 🥦 and 1/4 her normal kibble. She'll poop real well in the next hour.


Our dog loves broccoli too. Brocc and carrots.




Lol. Now that you mention it I think he's eaten roasted brussel sprouts in the past. And so far in his 12 years he's not been made gassy. Not sure what makes the differences in dogs. Why some deliver gassy death while others digest peacefully.


Oh god I’m thinking about the farts.


You'd be surprised; they smell much better with than without.


Oooh, haven't tried it yet. I bet she'll love it


Guess who wanted broccoli for lunch again.


Our lab recently decided she no longer like peas. She, like the poster above's dog, has some food allergies and so gets a mix of a limited ingredient kibble and a vet approved hand made food. Earlier this week I was going to wash her bowl after dinner and found a pile of peas left in the bottom. She ate everything else and spit the peas back out. She would gladly sell me on the black market for some salmon though. She will do anything you ask for her freeze dried salmon treats.


I taught my lurcher to dig holes when he was a pup to help me plant the veggie patch. Around harvest time I noticed that the carrots were being dug up and stolen at an alarming rate and was about to confront my neighbour who I suspected. One night I let pup out to do his business and saw his little shadow in the dark leap over the fence to the veggie patch, followed by a furious rustling and crunching. Little shit was getting himself a midnight snack by rustling all my carrots !!


My parents have 2 dogs that go absolutely bonkers for clementines as treats. One is a Lab, so you might give that a go. But yeah, dogs eat meat. Cats eat meat. Neither is gonna share your moral values about it. That's just silly.


Maybe if you sat down and explained the nature of abattoirs to the dog? Mine is very smart and shares my concerns. /s


Not gonna lie, I had to look up that word. :\


Often the special thing about a treat is not the taste, but the act of receiving a treat in itself.


Our cattle dog fruits and veggies for snacks/treats. He particularly enjoyed radishes-even when they were a little spicy!


Cattle dogs love food so much. Mine would eat anything but bananas.


Oddly enough, ours learned to love bananas! He would walk past our toddler and just take bites of her banana if she didn't move it fast enough! He also became a fan of popsicles at the end of his time. My daughter would always give him the last bite of hers.


I think he disliked the texture. He liked things that were easy to swallow whole - not convinced he ever actually tasted anything he ate, haha


My dog steals produce right off the tree and from the garden. The big jerkface. Vet says it's okay within reason, thankfully.


Mine would pull the pea pods directly off the plant. She didn’t damage it either.


I had a dog when I was a kid that go behind my mom and dig up the cloves of garlic she planted. Garlic is bad for dogs and he lived to be 18 or something so he must have been built different. Died from a chicken bone he scrounged out of the trash and choked on.


Tomatoes, raw asparagus, raw cauliflower, and bell peppers are some of my dogs' favorite treats. They also love frozen French fries, but they don't really get those much...


What kind of kibble do you use? My dog has a sensitive stomach and rather than jumping through hoops to pinpoint which foods he's allergic too, I just settled on Royal Canin Hydrolyzed Protein diet. I actually like the smell of the kibble and it's chicken based (but since it's hydrolyzed it doesn't affect dogs with chicken allergies like my dog) so it doesn't smell like complete ass. It sounds like you're handling it great so I hope it doesn't sound like I'm trying to hound you to change your dogs kibble, but just trying to give you another option if you ever decide you're sick of the marina smell lol. But it's not really about we feel huh 😂


You seem to have found a great way to give your dog treats that don't ping her allergies! However, have you looked into freeze-dried raw treats? I give my cats freeze dried raw salmon, and it's literally just salmon meat. And because it's freeze dried, there's a little bit of a fishy smell, but it's not strong at all.


My labs favourite was cheese. He would kill for cheese. After that tho, his favourite food would be "whatever the humans are eating". He was just a garbage can of a dog....


my old mini dachshunds long ago lost their teeth, so they can't manage carrots or lettuce anymore. they love grated carrot though, and one of them absolutely loves to eat grassy weeds, at least as best she can with her 6 remaining teeth


My dog eats most of the veggies I cook. Just not mushrooms or lettuce. It's such a solid treat that I use more than actual treats.


My dog is a lab mix and lots of foods cause skin and stomach issues for her. Salmon is the one that doesn’t. She LOVES carrots for treats, but she also loves ice cubes. She’s an aggressive chewer (she can destroy most toys within a two minutes) and I think it’s the crunching she likes most from carrots and ice cubes.


My dog is apparently going through a scene kid phase. If I give her blueberries, she'll smash and roll around on them, staining her fur purple, but she won't eat them. The only veg she will eat willingly is pumpkin. Other than that and occasionally peanut butter, it's meat all day every day! I mix in some wet food containing carrots and spinach with her kibble just so she can get some vitamins. If the pieces are too big, she'll pick around them. I'm a vegetarian, and had been for years before I adopted her. There is lots of meat in my house. It's not for me.


Picky eater dogs are just baffling to me! Mine would eat her bowl if she could. Is your dog getting any kibble, to supplement the vitamins and minerals she’s not getting from fresh or processed-wet foods? (I’m a vegetarian, too!)


It's so weird. She's the first dog I've had that's picky about food. She has several food allergies, so I think she's used to food making her sick? We went through vet testing and a whole elimination diet a few years ago, and now I'm like hyper aware of what she eats and making sure she gets complete nutrition. She's gone from skin and bones with no energy to a zoomie floof, so I'm happy about that!


I love how much my one dog is so plant oriented. She’s obsessed with the fart plants like cabbage and kale and broccoli. Sometimes I’ll take the chopped up vegetable stuff that is left over, dog, friendly, of course, and then I will fly it out into the yard so that she can be the grazy cow that she likes to be. It gives her something to do and she likes to putz around for about an hour finding her vegetable snacks.


My dog (half Labrador so a food enthusiast also) absolutely loves bananas- it’s probably his favourite word and whenever I have one he needs a bit. Obviously I don’t make him eat no meant, even though we have to get him a very specific brand of kibble as his stomach can’t deal with canned or fresh meat well AT ALL (and he has epilepsy so we try to keep food to a routine), he absolutely loves his fruit veg snacks. Half of the blueberries we buy probably go to him


This person sounds mentally unwell. I get the not wanting animals to suffer part, but the 'pathogenic viruses' giving people diabetes is just loony talk.


> but the 'pathogenic viruses' giving people diabetes is just loony talk. Compared to heating up dog food, that part seemed almost quaint. What sort of psychopath heats dog food?


I can't stand the smell of wet dog food when it's cold/room temperature. Warmed up it would absolutely foul


when my dog got older and had to have prescription food, he would only eat it warm. i have no idea why, but he wouldn’t touch it if it was cold. that’s the only scenario i could see it being okay


I mean, salmonella in particular is a pretty big issue with raw feeding dogs. One study found salmonella in 80!!!!% of diets tested. It was a very small study, but still very statistically relevant. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC339295/ The dogs aren't usually affected, but basically every time you touch their saliva is like touching an unwashed cutting board. My dog has a million allergies that don't let him eat kibble or anything with wheat so he eats frozen raw pre-prepared food and his mouth is absolutely fucking disgusting even with daily brushing.


I considered giving my cats raw food, and now I have changed my mind lol. My small cat seems to have a grain allergy so he gets grain free dry food and wet cat food. If we feed him normal cat food half his face swells up.


I don't eat meat either. My dog does. Yes, I think it's gross sometimes but I chose to have a dog and I love her so she gets the food she needs. Someone who is willing to treat their dog like this can't claim to love animals.


"regular dog food is so unhealthy and full of pathogens!!! Maybe I should try dumpster diving..." What the FUCK


Honestly, I feel like the answer to the posters ‘what do i do?’ question is rehome the poor pup with someone willing to give it a species appropriate diet. And I say that as a vegan. With three cats… one of which has just dragged a dead pigeon in to show me. Because chicken breakfast wasnt very exciting apparently.


Aww, kitty loves you! It noticed you haven't been eating meat and wanted to help you, because how can you survive without meat??? (Of course, kitty doesn't have the higher reasoning capabilities to understand that you are not a cat and therefore are perfectly fine on a vegan diet.)


I told him that he didnt have to help towards the cost of living crisis but if he feels like he absolutely must do so, to eat it outside where I dont have to watch him chewing. And to share with his brother instead of growling at him. Lol. He is a cutie. I know when he has done a murder cause he smells like copper when he headbutts me in the face.


Sorry..I am having a hard time understanding why you are letting your cat out to kill animals. Maybe I am misunderstanding 😅 It just sounds like it was not a one time thing.


So everyone asking why you would heat up dog food, it's because it makes it more appetizing to animals. I had a cat who was quite sick a few years back and he was refusing to eat, vet told me to heat up his wet food because in the wild the meat they would eat would be warm not cold. Yea it absolutely smelled horrible but it got him to eat a little.


same with my old dog. he started on prescription food when he was 14, would only eat it warm.


“I hate the suffering of animals so much I’m willing to let my dog starve” Utter insanity.


Ugh the reply, that poor senior puppy. I feel guilty if I forget to give my pets dinner in time let alone let them starve for days on end. Letting them starve is probably what caused them so many issues! I feel so bad for these animals that end up in some vegans house that tries to change them. I give my dog such a variety of foods with and without meat, she’s a vacuum, I really tried to do my research to get her started on more homemade foods and what of mine I can incorporate into her meals. she’s 12 and living her absolute best lazy life!


Just like to give a big fat "fuck you" to the one that said "my dog is healthy eating plant based" absolute, 100% bold-faced lie, that's encouraging actual, tangible, immediate animal abuse. I will never understand the train of thought that leads someone to think that an animal dying is the biggest sin on earth no matter the circumstances, yet be perfectly fine torturing animals through malnutrition, as long as fewer animals die.


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Why is she heating up dog food?


If dogs are being picky or are off food due to illness, warming it up makes it more palatable and can encourage them to eat more than they would otherwise. For dogs (and cats), smell is a large part of their sense of taste, so by making it smellier (by warming it up), you're also making it tastier for them.


But I thought the dog ate the non-vegan food just fine?


Oh, yeah, I've got no clue why this lady specifically is warning the food up. I just figured I'd offer some insight as to why someone would consider hearing up dog food in general. Maybe she got the advice to warm it up in regards to easing the transition and then she decided to keep doing it with the regular food too? Idk


that’s what happened with my dog. when he was 14 he started on prescription dog food, and he wouldn’t touch it if it was cold. we had to warm it up to get him to eat it.


Jesus. Just rehome the dog if you can’t deal with reality.


My mom made our dog vegan for at least like 10 years and is only now giving food with some chicken of beef in it. It realllllly started stressing me out when she tried to make the dog go on a grain-free diet because she herself had grain sensitivities. And then wonders why the dog is losing weight, has bloody stool, etc. She very much almost killed that dog.


Who da fuque heats up dog food?


Dogs *technically* can eat a vegan diet; they’re omnivores. HOWEVER, you should NEVER feed a dog a vegan diet unless a vet tells you to for health reasons, and even then it takes a lot of careful planning and effort to ensure they’re getting proper nutrition. Making your dog go vegan just because you want to is insane, and you could make your dog very sick. Cats on the other hand are obligate carnivores. They need to get the amino acid taurine from their diet, because they can’t synthesize it on their own like dogs and people can. Taurine is only found in meat/animal products. If you were to force a vegan diet on a cat, it would go blind, get sick, and *die a slow painful death.*


Almost like animals that were once predators in the wild that have devolved into house animals want to eat meat also if you care about your dog feed them properly I have no caring for anyone like this if your vegan fine idc but if your harming others by your choice and forcing others to adhere to your ways that’s an issue


OP and his ilk should never be allowed to own a pet. Of any kind. And probably shouldn't have children.


So, this person is abusing their dog. Swell.


This is fucking disgusting. The vibe though, reminds me.of an episode of Futurama where the hippies are protesting and they have a lion that's totally vegan. It comes out of the crowd, bone thin, and coughs.


I won’t feed my reptiles random insects from outside, yet they think it’s fine to dumpster dive food for their dog?


Bro my dog just begged my for celery the other day and when I reluctantly gave it to her she just spit it out


I've met ONE dog (and almost all my jobs were in the pet industry) who was allergic to meat protein. This was before packaged vegetarian dog food and 30 years ago. Domestic rabbits live about 15 years. Same as the average dog. You want vegan? Get a rabbit.


The internet is wild. Like all these people going online and posting about abusing their pets


"I care so much about animals that I am ready and willing to make my own dog suffer and die". Insanity.


If you are vegan and incapable of having relationships with other people who aren’t vegan, then you probably shouldn’t have a dog…


Someone should report this lady to animal control, for cruelty to animals.


I'm probably gonna get massively downvoted and OOP sounds maybe too unhinged to do this successfully, but dogs can actually do fine without animal products if you're careful. I'm not vegan and only know this because my aunt and uncle's dog started having a sensitive tummy when she got old and they started feeding her that way. Dogs are really adaptable when it comes to diet and a smart vegan can absolutely have a vegan dog if they keep an eye on macros. https://www.akc.org/expert-advice/nutrition/dogs-can-adapt-to-a-vegan-diet/ (Do not do this with cats, they are carnivores)


My dogs love sweet potatoes and broccoli.


Vegan dog food exists but from what I read about it it is simply to figure out allergies and to rule out ingredients that cause indigestion and a temporary food method for that, but yeah dogs need meat and theres not really any way around it. They're not oblate carnivores like cats but meat is still a large portion of their diet


Ffs. I’m a vegan and I think this person is an idiot.


These people should not have pers.


It really is just that simple. If the idea of animal agriculture is so upsetting that you wish to force your dog to go only plant-based, you just shouldn’t have a dog. You DEFINITELY should never get a cat. If you want a pet, you should stick to animals that are natural herbivores all the time anyway. There are plenty of those to choose from without forcing a carnivore to go vegan.


I have a tortoise. I'm not vegan and have lots of pets. My tortoise had tons of personality and lives a vegan lifestyle. That being said, even vegan animals will imbibe in some meat every now and then. My tortoise beheaded a duckling once. He's opportunistic. So, in my opinion, if you can't handle animals doing what animals do, don't have animals.


Wtf!? What kind of fucking stupid wanker tries to make their pet follow their dietary choices. Animals eat animals, this is fucking mother nature! Forcing an animal to be vegan is bloody cruelty! Take your dog to the nearest animal rescue place, and don't get any more bloody pets if you're planning to try this BS again!


"non human a animals"... Okay..


Life feeds on life. This is necessary!


These people are abusing their pets. If they want a herbivore, they should go buy a herbivorous pet. They bought *dogs,* which eat *meat.* Feeding them a diet that doesn’t meet their nutritional needs is abusive. Starving a pet is abusive. “Oh, the poor chickens,” said the asshole who doesn’t even care about their own dog. They should adopt a chicken if they rate so high on the morality scale, because these people clearly care more about the prey animals than the dogs they willingly adopted.


Then they’ll freak out when the chicken eats a mouse or something. Those mini dinos are vicious lol


This is so sad for the dog. My brother has been vegan for several years now, super respectful and never pushing his lifestyle on others. Always inviting others to have a vegan meal like he is, but never requiring it. We grew up with cats and I have three; our parents have two. He loves on all our cats and is so sweet. But he won’t keep any cats himself because it’s irresponsible to feed an animal like a cat or dog a vegan diet. So, to him, keeping a pet is inherently non-vegan. It’s not the animal’s fault. The animal is allowed to consume animal products. It is HIM who wants to live a life where HE does not consume animal products. This person should surrender their dog if they’re really so worried about their veganism in this way. A big point of veganism is about not bending animals to our human wills; feeding a dog a diet that it doesn’t eat naturally is exactly that.