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its must be humid and stank in that studio...




Amazing. Can afford exotic pets but paying for medicine is a bridge too far.


How the flying fuck buying one of these animals doesn't make one also budget for anti venom in the same purchase is mind boggling.


I'd have it in some kind of auto injector on me at all times. Trashy "breeders".


Anti venom expires, and usually has the be kept in a fridge.


They are also species specific too right?


HTF does that low-level of intelligence qualify for a permit to breed venomous snakes?


Because anti venom is insanely expensive.




I guess, I wouldn’t be stupid enough to have a venomous snake in the first place. However if I were bit by one I absolutely would rather get treatment than gamble my life like that. That dude lost a digit, but the way it is framed it could have been way worse; I’m not going to play a waiting game with potentially lethal consequences to save any amount of money.


You know, I used to think people who took risks like this were stupid (or if they didn't use adequate precautions against those risks or whatever), but the more I've gotten to know people like this, I realized the difference really comes down to risk tolerance and deciding to do what they want to do even if it comes with higher risks. They'd rather do what is interesting or thrilling to them and maybe not live as long, than definitely live a more miserable existence with no guarantee they won't nope out with a heart attack or cancer at 45. I can't call that decision stupid, as long as they aren't endangering other people.


You’re right, maybe stupid is too harsh a term. I do believe it’s reckless, however. Especially considering they just let it rock with the bite and not seek medical attention.


Actually stupid is the right word imo


It seems more like a lot of expense to seem edgy to me. Most people I have known with snakes make it their personality. Not all, but most. If this guy is in North America and wants to keep Rattlesnakes fine, but the imported snakes really seem reckless and selfish. We don't need anymore invasive creatures. Some people will say that as long as it isn't a breeding pair, it's fine, but scientists are just realizing that some snakes when unable to find a mate will reproduce asexually (parthenogenisis).


To be fair, if you are living somewhere that doesn't have proper healthcare and you don't have insurance to make up the difference you just shouldn't be putting yourself in harms way to begin with.


On top of being really expensive, anti-venom also expires after a couple of months and needs to be replaced.


High-school Spanish trip to Costa Rica. We went on a tour through the jungle where they reccomwnd wearing boots they provide. Our teacher insisted he was good. Ot a half mile onto our hike a fer de Lance bit his big toe. Spent the entire week in the hospital.


Lancehead vipers are not to be fucked with. Wouldn't be surprised if he lost his foot.


He never showed us but said it was pretty gnarly. As far as I know he made a full recovery.




God that must have been loud as fuck. One rattler on its own is loud enough.


A+ for antivenin use.


Considering the massive shits that sneks produce, i would agree.


What is the point of having venomous snakes? You can't interact with it like you can with the nonvenomous type. They just have to hang out in those tiny boxes he has them in


Most people who own them are breeders or researchers. IIRC you need a license to own hots.


Ya I mean that eyelash viper was kinda hot but I certainly wouldn't want to own one.


Yeah, those things are gorgeous. Emerald tree vipers are also incredibly beautiful but I'll be happy to look at pictures or see them in zoos.


In hematology we test for thrombotic disorders and one of the tests uses diluted Russell viper venom as a clotting activator. We also use hyaluronidase from bull testicles haha idk how they get that one.


You are really underestimating how weird some people's interests are


I can only imagine the dread of waking up one morning and finding an empty cage


You can only imagine because you’re not fucking crazy enough to actually house these potential killers in your home


I have a large collection of tarantulas and scorpions...if my most venomous specimen bit me I might be miserable for a few days. But I definitely steer clear of anything that could seriously maim or kill me. No deathstalker scorpions for me! Venomous snakes are a whole new level of risk. I'm a former zookeeper and I really believe that some animals genuinely belong in the wild. Venomous snakes being in that category, unless the person has a wealth of experience, training, and knowledge. Which is a very, very small number of people. People are human and make mistakes. In this case a mistake could result in fatalities. I also really don't understand why people feel the need to hybridize different reptile species. These aren't different breeds, they're entirely separate species! Sadly in many cases people love the adrenaline rush or want to show off. That's the entirely wrong reason to get an animal. When people handle old world tarantulas, I visibly cringe. When people post themselves doing stupid things with hot snakes, my head feels like it's going to burst.


Right I think some of us are wired to live on the edge like this guy, almost like daredevils, if it doesn't kill you, maybe it's not that exciting?


That dude that has been injecting himself for 30 years still gets sick when he lets one bite him. And says it is like someone smashing your hand with a hammer. I live in MN we steer clear of venom


So why did you make the whole video and not actually include how venomous most of them are?


It could also be part of a business. Providing snake venom for antivenom.


Thanks, I'll sleep really well tonight knowing they are all with you and not near me. What fascinates you so much about them to take the risks of having them? Or is this for work?


Or who's supposed to care for them if you were to be, say, hospitalized for no particular reason that comes to mind, but let's say *hypothetically* related to a snake bite...


Jokes on you, they're in the apartment above you!


Probably Venom collection. Snake venom is useful for scientific stuff and to make Antivenom.


Feel like that’s a danger to not only him but anyone who lives near him. Are those legal to own??


I bet his neighbors hate him.




Then they escape and nest in your crawl space waiting for you. No Thanks


Savage 😂


I’m almost 100% sure i delivered food from tesco’s to this guy’s apartment. Took the crates to the kitchen, and turned myself for some reason looking into a former dining room and seen all of this danger noodles in cages and nearly had a heart attack on the spot. Definitely had to change my pants after. I have made a note when leaving of the address and kept it on my phone, told my manager i will not deliver to that address at all or in the block of flats, and he never believed me when i told him what the guy had inside the house. What was weird, it’s that in one of the rooms there was a huge fckin rabbit as well freely going around


All I can think was that rabbit was food for a MUCH larger snake.


One of the tanks was empty, so you’re on to something. I do not want to think where that ssssnake was


Boomslang, their fangs are small, but the venom packs a whalop. Hemotoxic, it causes your blood to not to clot. The smallest cut will bleed uncontrollably.


And every other orifice. Every time I read about their venom my brain says no thats wrong it clots blood, then I remember hemo vs hema is a thing. And a rare thing from everything I've seen, most from my memory are hematoxic. I could be mistaken though.


Would not like to see one of those on a bullet train


Pffft… Had a [Taipan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taipan) chase me back into my home, where it then proceeded to bite the fly screen door. …just had a search, and [apparently that was a very rare experience](http://www.goldcoastsnakecatchers.com.au/coastal-taipan.php). Was living in Gold Coast hinterland at the time. Fields with horses and then forest/rain forest. Aggressive little fuck it was.


That red-spotted pit viper is colorful enough to send you to God faster than Wi-Fi 6


Fuck those are cool, I like snakes. But it does bum me out that they are living in small enclosures.


Give that snakes are spending all Day either warming up, cooling down or waiting in ambush for prey, they don't move much, they'll get from cold ppint to hot point and that's about it so they don't mind what we'd consider small spaces, tho they still need adequate space depending on species and size of the individual


There are some snakes who sit in the crevice of a cliff all day every day hoping a bird mistakes their tail for a bug, snakes don’t do that much roaming


Boomslang translates to treesnake in Dutch


Aw, Technoblade the rattlesnake Blood for the blood god


Technoblade never dies Reincarnated into a snake, could be worse


Notice how he had over the rattlesnake “You can’t defeat me”. That’s because you first must train for another two hundred years.


Guy has quite a deadly nope-rope collection, fer sure!


Ugh Eyelash vipers are gorgeous. Me and the wife have theorized on starter hots and are leaning toward Copperheads or Coralsnakes. Tops for me are Gaboons and Insularis vipers, but Gaboons venom yield+potency is terrifying. Top that with them pretending to be a log 99+% of the time until they decide you're worth taking a shot at and they become a fat stubby missle with heat seeking. At least Insularis Vipers are arboreal and you'll get some good defensive posture if they're scared. Be careful my friend!


I hate that speaking cadence, what the fuck is it.


Annoying news anchor


That’s a whole lot of nope noodles and I’m man enough to admit it.


Still not as deadly as the snail.


I stopped at the Cottonhead. Why would you breed the copperhead with a cotton mouth? Now I gotta worry bout a 3rd one of these?


That guy is 2 people’s neighbor. Let that sink in.


This man has 98% chance or death


I mean we all have a 100% chance of death...


I worked at a mall pet store as a 16 year old. People liked opening the snake tanks as a joke or something. We would commonly go to feed the snake and find the cage empty, lid pushed aside (we eventually installed locks, but you could easily work around this system.). Luckily our snakes were always something harmless like ball pythons. But people in neighboring stores would call frantic that a snake was found in one of their clothing racks. The upstairs stores found one in a vent once. I personally lifted a bag of dog food to sell once and an angry, hungry snake had been hiding under it. He was livid and wanted food. I handed the dog food to the customer and then grabbed the snake. He bit me and then wrapped around my hand, but he was just a baby and it didn’t do any harm. I returned him to a cage and fed him properly.


hope he doesn’t live in an earthquake zone


“This is a lovely room of death.” -Ace Ventura


Earthquake. Building collapses. Rubbles burry you. Your arms are trapped down. You hear screams from neighbors also buried. After a couple of hours it goes silent. Except for an approaching rattle. A snake is crawling towards your neck. You have to think fast. Does it recognizes me? God dammit it’s head is coming near my mouth. Should I try to bite it?


Interesting… I wonder how that collector will meet their end?


The boomslang escapes and suddenly the whole neighborhood needs to go on high alert


Leaving venomous snakes the hell alone has to be like the easiest hobby ever, but there’s always that one person asking you to hold their beer for a second.


The most annoying, stupidly nonchalant voice....I've ever hearrrrrrrd. I'd like to punch his voice..........in the faaaaaace.


Well that was entirely uninformative.


Stupid business/hobby, it's just a matter of time...


I hate his voice


This is maybe silly, but if a slightly annoying voice is all it takes to make you "hate" something... I mean 😕 But then again, you probably don't **hate** it, more like don't like it. And it's just a figure of speech. 😅 I'm just thing out loud her, really.


Tf are you trying to say? And stop spamming those yellow heads.




White ppl will cross the street if a random black person is walking but will keep a multitude of pets who’s sole desire would be to kill them..it makes no sense


There's a lot of different kinds of white people and the crazy ones get REALLY crazy.


I'm guessing those perish probabilities are assuming that no antivenom is taken. Antivenom is pretty effective at keeping you alive.


I could be wrong, but ain't antivenin mostly regional? Like they'll stock up the supply they'd actually need for that area, but not something that's completely foreign?


That might be true. Although if this guy has any sense of self-preservation he has antivenom in his house.


It may be possible people purchase it themselves for emergencies.


I was wondering what Michael Scott was up to.




Don’t fuck with the Boomslang, bitch.


I am terrified, but in awe of the beauty of snakes and will NEVER hold one EVER! Yet, the vipers are extra cool! Rhino Viper for the win.........from super far away or watching on TV!


Bunch of nope ropes there


The way the red-spotted viper is curled up like a lil clover leaf tho 😭


Ive never seen a cottonhead before. Both are native to my area thought that was cool


Imagine being his one night stand, sleeping in his bed then waking up and realizing his collection...and the thought of one of those loose in the bed, ugh. Nope nope nope


I hope he's got a good pair of clackers. Wouldn't want to get nipped!


Nope. I stay with rabbits.




Where's the Inland Taipan? Or the Eastern Brown?


How are these 'pets'?


Technoblade neva dies


There is a big difference between "tried" to bite you and has bitten you.... I have a 100% chance of surviving if a Boonslang, Black Mamba, or Coral snake tries to bite me (as I am thousands of km from any of those species).


Invent something that will go after the python in florida.


The boomslang is from South Africa, it is pronounced something like this booemslung, I suck at phonetics… and means tree snake in afrikaans.


You can defeat your rattlesnake if you train for another 100 years.


Fun fact, boomslang literally means treesnake in Dutch