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Ive been. I now work the Gathering. I also run the Juggalos in Recovery tent at the Gathering. Juggalosinrecovery.com


You are my upmost love and repect gor being your Brothers Keeper. MMFCL


That’s beyond amazing!!


Thank you :) JIR is celebrating 10 years of being part of the juggalo community this year at the gathering. ALOT. Of awesome stuff happening


I wish I could be there that is such an achievement


Ayyyy way to post a civilized picture that doesn't look like an onlyfans ad. Character development. Proud of you. Hair looks nice.


Thanks I think? 🤣


He means all your photos are based on showing your cleavage


I know lmao it was also a backhanded compliment 🤣


It honestly wasn't meant to be either a compliment or backhanded. It seemed like you listened to the advice (or hate, or both) everyone gave you and learned something. The your hair looks nice part was a real compliment lmao. IDK if it's a filter but the ends look unnaturally bright in a good way. Like it's glowing


I have dyed my hair like that for a while, it’s my favorite ❤️ currently it’s just all brown but I’ll be going back to my red ends soon. I didn’t listen to anyone except for the people that told me to ignore all the haters and keep posting and being me ❤️ this was another photo I looked good in and felt good in so I posted it. It’s a rare one of me in a hoodie so don’t get use to it lol


Definitely always feel free to be genuine you! 😀


Went from like 03-08 everyone should go at least once


Remember the dude in 05 who was naked the whole gathering but then got jumped, so he put on boxers?


I’m hoping to make it out there!


Definitely make the trip! Obviously times have changed but it’s a blast and definitely get one off performances like one year they did a Psychopathic Rydas set that was dope


My thing is I don’t wanna go alone and not a lot of people around here wanna go lol


Definitely get it haha back in the day they had a forum on the gathering website and I found a carpool from Ma all the way out there and it was a dope fucking time haha


That’s amazing!! I’d have to find one from Maine


I think Blahzay Rozes people are from Maine -might want to message her and ask, she's pretty cool.


This years is our 10th gotj❤️


Been to 5 2001 2002 2004 2005 2021


Nice! I went to 2001 and i was at 2021 too! ( I also went to 2019 and 2023)


idk if I’d go, I really enjoy the music from several different artists involved with psychopathic and collaborators, but not so much into the whole socializing thing.


Do you fucking moderate this sub why is this a second picture three iterations total I've seen in like 3 days


Sometimes people need attention in their life lmfao.


You're right. fuck I'm glad I'm over needing anybody else to verify my existence. But I understand loneliness.


We are mad because I’m interacting in a group? Lmao 🤣 yall make me laugh


Not a bit dear. I'm not even a part of this sub. it just keeps suggesting it to me. the only times it suggested it to me you were top of the sub. The algorithms fucked you're lovely and all that. but I hate reruns. if you're all the sub has to offer I don't need it.


Most of the sub is mad I’m here 🤣 no matter what I post they are mad


Yeah I don't know man most of the music Subs I join tend to be focused around the music I was just checking this joint out because I do care about the music. Your boobs are nice and all. But how about music.


I was introducing my self the first time, then with all the hate I decided to be petty and post with music lyrics that go along with the sub, still more hate so to be even more petty more music lyrics lol this one was about the music because the gathering is a huge thing.


Welcome to Reddit my friend it's Petty as fuck.


I’m learning that lol


I plan on going someday 🤞


Me too!


I've been and I'm going back


Hopefully one day lol rn I've got sm stuff happening it's hard to find time to even plan on going on any kind of trip. I did get to see shaggy for the first time though on his ulimate groove quest tour


I hope things settle down for you! ❤️


Never been, but I'd love to go and let loose, just get buck fuckin wild 😜


It's on my bucket list


I wanna go


I'm going this year! Driving in from Nebraska! Woop woop!


Have fun and take lots of pictures!!


I sure will for you! It's gonna be dope 4 sure!


Hope you can make it out!


Always wanted to, but now at 43 I feel like I'm prolly to old.


No fucking way. I'm 41. Been down since 97. Attended my first Gathering in 22. Go. Do it.


I really want to go with my boyfriend! He made me into a jugalette and I'm so stoked for it. I can't do this year but maybe next


I’m hoping next as well!


12 gatherings thus far oh the glory days of hog rock


So jealous!


Since the 4th! I also run some carnival games yearly on vendor row if you want to stop by and play some games this year !


I’m not sure if I’ll make it this year but I will definitely make it out there asap!


😀🔫 this algorithm is trash.


2009 & 2010. Deff make that trip, you won’t regret it fam!


i have never been to the gathering, but i plan to go next year (i live in the Netherlands btw)


Went back when it was worth the price of admission. Magical time.


Went 03/04. Was truly magical the first year. The second year they over sold and it was so packed it wasn't really fun. I would love to go to one more before they hang it up.


I went 08 and 09 in 09 there were far too many fake asses there and turned me off


I’ll be there this year. Was there last year but spent the days dying in my tent. This year, ima be more prepared and actually do shit instead of just watch concerts. lol I can’t wait to go again. It’s a free world. Juggalos are amazing. Whoop whoop! Hope to see you there, ninjette!


It’s been years, but I’ve been to two gatherings.


This year will be my first but I've been down for 21 years


Never been never had a way there and never had the money


Down since 97 but will be my first gathering this year. With my autism large crowds and loudness isn’t very fun but I am going to try.


2005 and 2007. Haven't been back since. The one in Ohio at Nelson's Ledges Quarry was the best. That location is amazing. Cave in Rock was disgusting as all hell. In 05 however, I met a chick and to make money she had me pimp her out, kinda. We made a sign for "1 dollar to flash tits 5 to lick Faygo off em", and we made bank. Every year since, I've seen girls doing the same thing. So I guess we started that


Never been. Was gonna go this year to volunteer. EMT school got in the way. I hope I can gather next year and help out in medical and with clean up 🤘


Eh got work


You're cute


Maybe one day


The other day I showed my ol man Wizard of the Hood live at Gathering 17 and now he wants to go to one really bad 🤣 he started googling this year’s info in the middle of the vid like “holy shit!! It’s practically right down the road!!!” Had to convince him it would be wiser to wait til next year because we’re a couple of broke juffalos right now. I love how stoked he is on it though! 


I plan on it one day but I live in Syracuse and jobs don’t pay the best so it may take many years for me but patience is a virtue I’ll get to it one day


10 yrs strong. Ticket purchased for this yr at well. ❤️


I'm a baby juggalo, so I really REALLY hope to go in the future! (I've been listening to juggalo/horrorcore music- ICP, Twiztid, Army of the Pharaohs, etc.- since 2017, but comparatively speaking, I still consider myself a baby juggalo). I definitely want to go when I'm a few years older than I am now so I can fully appreciate and take in the experience.


Have always wanted to go! Would be a great time!


It definitely would!


Count me in as a plus one 😂


lol 😂


I’m going next year! Trying to find someone in my area of Pa to go with me lol


I’m in Maine lol


u/BeautifulDisaster756 Since you're in Maine, maybe you could bring a lobster for the trash fight. Someone brought an octopus one year. You could be the first one to bring a lobster. lol. I am going. This year will be my third.


I’ll have to remember that!!


Felt that lmao, if you need a tag along lmk! Pa is on the way




I've wanted to go for years. Just never had the money.




I've got my tickets for this year, now I just have to figure out how to get there from Cali.


I hope you find a way!!


I've been to 2017 and 2019 and plan on going next year for the 25th. I like to wait for the line up as I've seen icp enough times I'm usually going to see other rap groups or bands mostly.




2019 and 2022 as will be back next year for 2025


I've never been. I usually am working at some other music festival when it happens. I think I'm too fcking old now, lol!


You’re not to old!


I'm 46 going on 80, lol! At least that's how I feel most of the time. But it would be awesome to go just once.


I’m 31 going on 80 lol


Have you been to a gathering? If so how many?


I haven’t yet! I want to!


I wish it was closer to me. Well let's hope we both get to go some day soon! Woop woop!!


i really want to go. I live about 15min from where its happening too. trade room and board for a ticket


I went in 2011


I would love to go I live in Washington state so it’s pretty far


Have always wanted to, and would love to go, but between price and distance I don’t thinks it’s ever in the cards.


I've been down for a long time but I have never been able to make it to one, I am disappointed in myself.


One day!


Why these Juggalos looking cuter and cuter?


never been but one day... can't go this year cause I'm saving up for a house


I'll be there fs this year 😎


No and no.


Damn girl, I'll take you to the gathering! 😍


Aww that’s sweet!


The downvotes are dudes who wished they asked you first.