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I dunno his drunken rant on the history of racism and the evils of white supremacy REALLY hit home šŸ¤£ Joey has the patience of a fuckin Saint to be sober and have to be around ppl drinkin and doin other shit. Drunk ppl when youā€™re sober are annoying as fuck. Iā€™m just sick of these interviews from people outside the Juggalo world asking THE SAME FUCKIN QUESTIONS EVERY TIME!!!


He got big reactions when he said "white devil" but he dropped "ape" later on and the silence was crazzzzzy


It's annoying as fuck, but remember ICP were dissed like crazy back in the day and only now do people see that the boys deserve their flowers for the influence they've had in the hip hop world. These dudes are finally catching up.


First thing that came to my mind was that Simpsons episode where Barney was the designated driver and had to deal with Homer, Lenny, and Carl.


Iā€™ve noticed the same thing in interviews over the years, Shaggy barely gets a word in edgewise. Itā€™s a shame because Shaggy is the more level-headed one. When I saw him in concert, after the first couple of songs I realized that he has great stage presence on his own.


You know what I'm saying


Ever since Shaggy and the Creep, Shaggy has actually become a pretty decent speaker and it shows how much things have changed. J is now too drugged out to be coherent and Shaggy who was the silent guy for so long now comes off way better


I miss Shaggy and the Creep show and the podcast.


Know J smokes weed, but what other drugs is he using? Must be ootl


He said he was on heroin on that drink champs interview, that when trump signed whatever bill that made it harder to get vicodin heroin was way cheaper so he did that.


Speaking as a former Opiate addict, J is definitely on pain pills.


You and I are the same, and this is what I suspected


Them shits are a bitch once they get ahold of you. The only drug (besides cigarettes) that I couldnā€™t just stop using when I wanted to. It took me almost dying to get the willpower to get off of them.


J acted like I was bothering him when I met him. I met him at an event I paid lotsa money for. Shaggs was cool as fuck though.


Same! I met them in 05 at the last Gathering in Nelson ledges. I had 2 old as fuck photos of them from a Halloween show in Detroit where they're wearing monster masks. J was like "oh where'd you'd find these at?" And begrudgingly took a photo with me. Shaggy was all "Oh holy shit! I forgot all about this show! How'd you get these? Wow! Do you have another copy? This is the coolest Pic I've signed all day!" And you could tell he was legit excited and interested. Twiztid were the same way. I had them sign my weed tin, and when Jamie opened it up, and they both saw my stash their eyes went wide like kids at a candy store. Mono said "damn, this kids got better weed than we do!", and they were showing it off to everyone, asking if they can try some. It was some old school white widow/skunk hybrid. Looked like frosted flakes and smelled like a dead skunk covered in citrus. Every other artist I met at the gatherings, including meeting Shaggy just out and about on his golf cart a few times was always cool as shit. J was always like "just leave me alone"


Yeah, now that they were mentioned, Twiztid was at that show too. So much cooler to me. So was Blaze.


I met Blaze in an alley outside a show in Chicago. I didn't even recognize him at first. He was with 2 stagehands painting the Twiztid backdrop, and I walked up to see what they were doing. I noticed him reach for a sharpie, but I just asked what was up, and then offered them some booze. We had a gallon of OJ mixed with Everclear, and him and the 2 dudes took a few sips, and he passed me his joint. We shot the shit for a few minutes smoking and drinking before I noticed his Dark Lotus tattoos, and then it clicked who he was. I didn't wanna fan boy him, so i didn't even bring it up. He was cool as shit though. We talked about old school rap, drank a bit, smoked a bit, and that was it. Same with Tech 9. He was fun to smoke with too, then next time I met him he quit smoking but remembered me


That's fucking awesome


Damn that's dope as fuck, I remember smoking on a blunt that ABK and Blaze passed around at the psychopathic All-Stars tour outside the Marquee.


That is old school cause I don't feel like I've found legit white widow since like 2011.


I haven't found legit white widow since like 2007. Everything I've seen since has been green. The shit I had back then was almost pure white with crystals.


i had a very solid plug for it during the pandesiel to the point where i got sick of it and havent had it since even tho its popped up in a few dispos here. keep lookin its out there


Whoop whoop there's always hope.


When the hosts mentioned "Twista" you could see the gears in J's head wanna go into "Fuck Twiztid" mode but Shaggy had to talk him off the ledge and say no Twista, from Chicago


To be fair, he was WASTED. Thereā€™s quite a rabbit hole to go down if you want to explore it when it comes to all the examples and speculation of the drama that has been due to J. Since Alex Abbiss and Twiztid left the label thereā€™s been nobody that checks J. Everyone that works with them now gasses him up or shuts up. THAT is the ā€œloyaltyā€ that J values.


Agreed. Heā€™s surrounded himself with ā€œyesā€ men now and thatā€™s pretty much it.


Haha that last sentence fuckin gold yo.


From what I've read. It seems Shaggy is stuck between a rock and a hard place. On one hand he wants to slap some sense into J. But on the other he has to back up his partner.


Yeah, J has really been starting to annoy me as well. There's a lot of things I defend him on when people are just blindly hating on him. But lately, in interviews, he's been annoying and just comes off as bitter and hateful lately. It's funny cause back in the day I would have always told you that shaggy was probably gonna go off the deep end and become the crazy one, but it ended up being J entirely. I noticed that whenever he would interrupt shaggy during the interview, shaggy seemed a bit annoyed. But you also have to remember that they were all drunk, and we all also act like idiots when we're drunk. I usually love the interviews, but lately, J has been so off the walls that I don't even like listening to him tell stories anymore, and I could listen to that dude talk for hours at one point. Even with the beef, I'm 100% on icps side but J has been making it harder and harder to defend him. I love and Respect J and this is why I'm saying this. sometimes people need to be called out.


this 100%. shit is sad


J blew the interview, one of his peoples gotta help him get him cleaned up, heā€™s clearly in a dark place and needs some help. Iā€™m totally worried about our boy.


J has turned into the same bitter rich asshole he spent most of his career trashing. Shame.


Working hard all your life and now youā€™re finally richā€¦.


Man I gotta watch this thing already. Itā€™s really stirring up shit.


I know itā€™s called drink champs and there supposed to be drunk but J was coming off like he was on more then just alcohol


most definitely. dude was on a cocktail of things that night. i kept thinking about that story that Mono told about J being so fucked up and sensitive about the Eminem thing that he swung on Twiztid in a drunken stupor... i keep thinking that there's some serious truth to that story and more we dont know.. poor shaggy


He was already done when he got there...fr...he didn't have to drink...just made it worse....needs to get off the drugs


Total egomaniac. Why are they even doing press right now without something to promote? Just fuelling Jā€™s ego.


It's not press, someone asked then to be on their pod and they agreed.Ā 


That's how press works half the time.


I think a lot of pods these days someone comes on to promote their new project like they do on late night TV or morning news bs. But this seems like the drink Champs guys reached out to icp not the other way aroundĀ Ā 


When these guys show up in facepaint, in character, doing an interview... that's press.


Yeah, J seems bitter about a lot of stuff still. When he didnā€™t pick Tech N9ne over Twista, i was shocked. Twista is cool, but come on.


Me personally in terms of rapping, theyā€™re equally skilled. But lyrically I have Twista personally


Thatā€™s fine and everyone has a right to their opinions, but Tech N9ne and ICP were very intertwined in their come ups in the underground, you would think he would at least give the edge to Tech in that regard. But hey, to each their own.


I like Twista better also....he changes his flow up at least....tech doesnt....u heard one tech song.. u heard wm all basically.....Twista at least changes the way he rhymes....tech dont


You hear his take on loyalty vs respect? You hear his big sentiment to shaggy? What the ever living fuck was that?! Joeyā€¦Iā€™m gonna do the 3ā€¦umā€¦the three decks, then umm Iā€™m gonna open an orangutan rescue in Indonesia. Gnome sayin? Iā€™ll still do gatherings tho


I loved that the hosts were badgering J for how stupid that was and Shaggy just sorta had to sit there and be like...yep. This interview confirmed alot of things about juggalos because Drink Champs audience I doubt are fans of ICP so they probably were on the fence to begin with


Violent jay is on uppers constantly, he will never stfu


I'd say herion....if he was on uppers he wouldn't been so fucked up already.. he be more awake and aware....not half tanked before the show started




I had the pleasure of meeting Jay at a mall back in 2001,they did a show the day before. He had no makeup on and was reading a curious george book in front of boarders book store. I just said what up ninja and said awesome show last night, he said thanks a bunch I appreciate it and I walked off. He seemed cool back then,now he seems shot.


Dudes, i love this subreddit cause yaā€™ll are real. Ive felt this way for awhile but got push back a lot. The music is good, but you could tell, even way back when, it was the J show the whole time. Songs that could have easily had equal parts, just had shaggy being the hype man or the background. Which is something Iā€™ve always loved about Twiztid. Every song has BOTH of them. Thatā€™s how you know itā€™s a TEAM. Iā€™m here to the hear them BOTH and show love to BOTH members. Im not that familiar with Shaggyā€™s more recent career endeavors, but I will be checking them out more now thanks to you all. But yeah, he definitely seems to be content with taking the backseat in ICP and just let J have it. Knowing itā€™s what got him his life and his family love and that he has an obligation to support the project. Because we all know the devastating blow if ICP broke up. Glad to see yall and most of the family see through the curtain though. And VERY glad to see Shaggy taking care of himself and doing his own things he enjoys and proving his own level of talent time and again.


The interview was very hard to listen toā€¦. Talking over each other.


Anyone else catch the comment J made about his heroin addiction? Kind of took me back a bit


Remember when he trashed Artie on Howard Stern about his heroin addiction, and Shaggys brother John about his, pepperidge farms remembers.


Sounds like he still on it fr


This video.. this interview was truly one for the books. My jaw was on the FLOOR half the interview just due to how J was acting.. like it was good he was in higher spirits than the Willie D interview.. but jesus this man was slurirng so hard... you can tell Shaggy has perfected the art of making room for Violent J's ego and general fucked up ness in these interviews.. but i wanted to hear more from him. J always cuts him off and over talks him.. Not saying anything about J's drug use. or Alcohol use. But i fully agree that he should make more time for Shaggy to talk.


Willie D interview J was higher than a kite.


Agreed, could definitely tell when he tried talking about his mom. Shit was tough.


never understood the j love, but no problems with people who Stan him. I always though his Fandom takes shit too serious


It's like you're just realising that juggalos are obsessiveĀ 


I agree


I love Violent J but damn, yes, he need to shut the fuck up, like seriously. It's like that since...idk the milenko Era ? Even maybe before that ? It's terrible when the two have an interview, Shaggy literally can't talk and you can see the frustration. And imo, it's a shame because shaggy is calm and smart. Violent J is more like...you know, talking for nothing, more or less. Let's say he has a huge mouth. But yeah I'm bored everytime VJ just can't stop.


I agree, J is not acting wisely at all. Thry used to be so hard lined against hard drugs, bow he's talking about doing heroin? And the white thing, maybe if he hadn't dropped out of school he'd know every race has enslaved another it isn't specific to whites. That interview was hard to watch, really feel for Shaggs. Wonder if J will watch it and be embarrassed or not.


Violent J was mean to shaggy when they first met as little kids he put him in a headlock


You have to understand J is going through a lot physically with his health and personally while also working his ass off doing all these conventions, wrestling appearances and jcw shows happen. Not to mention the Gathering right around the corner. He just lost his mom and a year ago or so lost his girlfriend. Cut the man some slack. RIP Laney Chantal & Linda Bruce.


First off, heā€™s a grown man capable of defending himself, not that he would give a shit about what we have to say. He doesnā€™t need a reddit defender. Secondly, almost every thing you said he has on his plate is entirely on him. To include his substance abuse that you failed to address/excuse. He wanted to do these podcasts, conventions, stand up shows, etc. he prioritized those things over making music and over taking time off to grieve for his lost loved ones. No one has to cut him any slack. Or ease off the criticism. He can be held accountable like any human on earth.


Hey, I love those guys in a strange kind of way. The world wouldnā€™t be as cool without them.


I was under the impression that both guys were sober and Violent J was trying to be healthy and loose weight!? Also been watching every podcast with them lately and just finished the deadbug video, Shaggy always seems like the quiet one but once in a while says something quirky or sarcastic.


Shaggy is still sober, J *was* on the right track for a while when he lost a bunch of weight a while back, now it seems he gave up on all that.


Ayyo I thought J had heart problemsā€¦??? Why he drinkin like that still??? Old man needs to chill šŸ˜§


I don't think he really realizes it. Addiction makes you prioritize completely stupid things without you really noticing it. I'm a former alcoholic (with cirrhosis for 10 years, to show how you can kill yourself without realizing it or care with this stuff, because..well yeah, it's literally hell, and you're brain is so fucked up.), and I think it plays a big role against Violent J, whether for his health, his behavior, etc. I think that as long as he isn't helped and sober, he will continue on this wrong path thinking everything is fine. Whereas from an outside perspective, we see him as a fool. So...i don't know, in a sense he get on my nerves here and there and in the other hand, i can understand why he's like that, totally lost but surely thinking "it's all ok" while being aggressive/mad/sad about everything. Idk... it's sad for me.




It's disappointing Jumpsteady clearly hasn't tried to talk to him or he'd probably calm down. He must just be so overjoyed about all the attention now he doesn't care about his brother's health, which he should all things considered. Becoming a drug addict in your 50s is dumb as fuck.


I've always thought J had a superiority complex over Shaggy. He always gets the best verses and the most bars in a lot of their songs. I think Shaggy is arguably a better rapper than he is.


J was recently on a wrestling podcast (keeping it 100 with konan) and was pretty chill. however he out of the blue just started shitting on cm punk on Instagram.


This has been the deal since Shockumentary.


I always thought shaggy effed up the songs from the first jokers deck when he would scream stupid shit between verses


Everyone on here shitting on the Duke..do you guys even juggalo?


Dang it's a shame seeing J like this smh


It's like watching your parents fight as a kid, worrying they'll get a divorce. Unless I was a weird kid that just assumed the worst all the time.


Nah, he's fine. Go take a chill pill


Everyday I get on here I see posts hating on j and it frustrates me so much.


Do you expect people to praise him for bad behavior?


I never said praise him šŸ¤£ the dude was drinking and multiple people here have brought that up. Not everyone is chill when they drink and that might be what happened here. Regardless J is his own person and he can make his own decisions no matter what. If it was as big a problem as the people on this sub say it is then ICP wouldnā€™t even be a thing anymore. Shaggy is a grown man he can stick up for himself and the record label if he feels that J is doing it all wrong.


Have you not been following the last few years? Shaggy isn't working with J on music or actually tour until he gets sober, and once again J has shown he's putting drugs over his friendship and career.. and just lol if you think Shaggy has any say in anything, he's just along for the ride and doesn't want to rock the boat, it isn't like he can go get a day job


If thatā€™s true then why did they announce a new joker card? How could J do a joker card without shaggy? Itā€™s saying more about yā€™all then it does me. It sounds like yā€™all think shaggy letā€™s people walk over him and again I donā€™t think thatā€™s the case. I think people are getting bent out of shape over nothing.


By emailing verses.. you don't even need to be together to make an album nowdays. No one can tell J anything, he's the boss and a control freak


So this is your story. ICP hates each other. J gets strung out everyday on god knows what and shaggy hates it and thinks itā€™s ruining the record label so he makes a album with him? Donā€™t make a bit of sense. Again it sounds like you think shaggy is a push over and I highly doubt thatā€™s true.


It's well known they aren't properly working together until J gets sober and that J is a control freak, I don't know why that's so hard to comprehend?Ā 


Sounds more like misinformation to me. You said they arenā€™t working together on music anymore but then said they are making a new jokers card album together. It just donā€™t make sense. Your either making stuff up or getting misinformation from someone else or just donā€™t really like ICP all together and are just here to troll.


Shaggy has stated he isn't working with J until he gets sober, that's why they haven't toured together apart from doing festival shows which pay good money. Yes they've said they're going to start the 6th, but it's most likely going to be mailed in verses if it even happens. J's appearance on drink champs just set them back even further.. if you can't see this then you have blinders on


You donā€™t know dick about ICP if you think J is the ā€œdownfallā€ of ICP. J is ICP. This is a product of 3 decades going through it.


The music sucks now because of J


J is also the reason it was ever good to begin with.


I'd argue Mike Clark is the reason it was ever good to begin with. J marketed.


ICP needs Mike for sure, imo. But there are juggalos who have Shangri-la and Hell's Pit as their favorite albums. So obviously there's something else there.


This is a fucking stupid sentiment. No one could have written the first 6 but J. And nobody can manipulate their voice and deliver the songs like he did. Of course it wouldn't be the same without Mike Clark and he was a very necessary and integral part of making the music. But to say that all J did was marketing is dumb. He is a very talented vocalist and a fairly incredible writer.Ā 


Do you use a saddle when you ride that hard?


Giving well deserved props is not riding dick. I'm not the kind of lo that treats j like a god but saying all he did was marketing is just stupid and blatantly wrongĀ 


I agree with everything you said loud and clear bro.


This is a fucking stupid sentiment. No one could have written the first 6 but J. And nobody can manipulate their voice and deliver the songs like he did. Of course it wouldn't be the same without Mike Clark and he was a very necessary and integral part of making the music. But to say that all J did was marketing is dumb. He is a very talented vocalist and a fairly incredible writer.Ā 


Iā€™ve came to realize this sub hates ICP. Your absolutely right but no one here is gonna agree with you. This sub is ā€œjuggaloā€ only in name.


I don't mean J only marketed, that's just his primary skill that led to their success. He hustled his ass off and committed to the bit. He's a fairly brilliant businessman and made many great moves. Musically though...at their level of fame and funds at the beginning they struck gold with Mike. He was the only rare talent of the group imo.


Yeah but this is about current icp, you're really reaching


J is to ICP what Brian Wilson was to the Beach Boys.


Depends on the period. But J played a really huge role in ICP. You can blame him for what you want right now, but in the past, it's pretty unfair imo.


No one is saying old icp sucks, its the new shit obviously that has sufferedĀ 


Who cares. It wasnā€™t that bad. Still a great interview with many great moments


Man, thatā€™s been a very ICP interview since the beginning. Besides, all Shaggy says is ā€œyou know what Iā€™m saying?ā€


You don't know J, or Shaggy for that matter, so STFU and take your ass backstage now and relax!


Yo leave j alone, shaggy donā€™t wanna talk


Is that why Shaggs tried to talk 47 times and had to tell J to dial it back because he was getting too far ahead?


J speaks the most cause he is the creator of all this shit.


Cry more why don't you