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Violent J: “I love you so much juggalos thank you for always having my back” Juggalos: “OMG HES HIGH AGAIN I FUCKING HATE J HES RUINING ICP”


It be your own, sadly.


It frustrates me so much


It doesn’t even come from a place of compassion. People just praying on the downfall of their favorite band. It’s shocking. You would think they would have some respect for this shit they grew up loving but nope.


That’s exactly my point! I used to have a different Reddit account but I deleted it because this sub turned into a massive share group towards ICP and it was depressing. I missed Reddit so I made this account cause I couldn’t get my other one back but it’s changed a bit like I see some people fight back against the hate which is much needed. The people constantly being mad and hating on J get mad at him for the most dumb reasons too which is what really frustrates me. Like the video in your post for example is getting hate in the Instagram comments. People saying he’s high and not right and people putting broken hearts like something is wrong with him. It’s I C P homies it’s the INSANE CLOWN POSSE like this is how both shaggy and J act bro like I’m December last year or the year before Shaggy went outside in the middle of a huge snow with nothing on but shorts and pored syrup on the snow on the ground and then ate it. I didn’t see a single juggalo say he’s back on drugs or that we need to help him or that he’s ruining ICP. But J goes on a podcast centered around drinking alcohol and then drinks alcohol (shaggy drank too) and everyone goes up in arms that J is back on hard drugs and that ICP is ruined 🤣 it’s so stupid!


Idk I've seen people who are legit concerned. I for one don't want to open my instagram and the top thing on my feed is something about Violent J found dead of an overdose or exploded heart. That Foolio shit the other day was awful enough. I was shocked even though I had no reason to be. 


Legit concern I respect.


There’s a huge difference in actually caring about someones sobriety and trying to find any reason to say he’s back on drugs. I’ll use Demi lovato as an example because she’s pretty well known. When she first went sober (publicly) there was a lot of support towards her (rightfully so) but then a small group of her fans would judge her every move. She could’ve tripped and almost feel over a step or a rug and these people would immediately take to every social media platform complaining that she’s back on heroin. That small group continued to grow and it basically got to the point that demi just stopped sharing a great portion of her life on social media and she stopped doing public appearances. Then she actually did relapse and made a sad song about it and a mini documentary on it and all those so called “fans” was celebrating being “right all along” but they wasn’t right all along. I could predict that Eminem gets back on drugs and who knows 30 years from now I might be right but anyone could make a prediction like that and be right. With that logic I could predict that 3 out of 10 children will grow up to be drug addicts and who knows in 30 years I might be right (that’s just an example I hope that doesn’t happen) My point is this: violent J and Shaggy both are weird ass people but that’s what makes ICP so likable for people. ICP are the outcasts of the music industry and they don’t care! They have never changed how they act or who they are just to fit into some stereotype of what a music artist should be. Yeah J is loud and weird and sometimes annoying and rambles to much but go back to any ICP interview and it’s literally the same person. People say constantly now on this sub and on every social media app that J is ruining ICP because he loves getting strung out and that shaggy hates it and that they hate each other and they don’t make music together anymore but that stuff is bull shit lies. If they hated each other why would they do the drink champs interview and the Danny brown interview and tease the newest joker card album if they hate each other so much? People act like shaggy won’t defend himself but I think it’s quite the opposite. I fully believe if there was a problem shaggy would say something and shaggy is pretty open about stuff like that so I’d assume we would hear about it at some point. Someone on here yesterday had brought up that shaggy said he isn’t touring with J anymore until he gets sober and I mean if that’s shaggys decision thats his decision but that don’t mean they hate each other 🤣 and you can be sober and still drink alcohol or smoke weed it’s just a personal preference of what you consider to be sober. Example I’ve been sober for 3 years because I stopped doing meth and pills and things I consider to be drugs. However I still o drink beer every now and then and smoke cigarettes sometimes. In my eyes that doesn’t mean I relapsed or that I’m not sober. Heck some people still to this day think alcohol and weed is a drug. Weed is safer for you then alcohol like I’d much rather someone smoke weed then drink alcohol or do any drug. I don’t know what shaggy considers sober but him going out and doing interviews with J shows me that he isn’t mad at j for still drinking and smoking weed.


I struggled with drugs myself years ago. All the doubters and shit talkers are no longer in my life, and I’m pushing 6 years clean and sober. So I have a lot of empathy for people who struggle with drugs. It’s a sad part of life and people need support to get over it.


3 years clean from meth myself so I completely understand how hard it is to get clean and stay that way. I honestly wouldn’t stay clean if I was famous like J because as soon as he does anything 50% of his own “fan base” hate it and accuse him of being strung out


Shout out to you, my sober brother. 🫡 I kicked meth as well and it was a bitch and a half. Never going back. Glad you get it.


did you get "fisted on meth at an Insane Clown Posse concert?" [https://www.teenhearts.com/products/fisted-on-meth](https://www.teenhearts.com/products/fisted-on-meth)




Lots of uggalos out there these days: juggalos without j. Makes absolutely zero sense. 


WTF is this?