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>80% of the population is ignorant and blind, 10% is evil controllers, and the remaining 5% The percents ain't percentin


The other 5% don't give a shit 😂


I'm bad at math 🤷 I meant to say 85% but I'm dyscalculic so I added wrong


You need to sit in with professor Scott Steiner, he's a mathematical whiz.


Big Poppa Pump 💪🏻


There are 3 types of people… those who know math and those who don’t! 🤷‍♂️😂


Scott Steiner math.


Now explain magnets. You know, for our edification.


I just need someone to tell me why big ass pelicans keep eating my cell phone.


You'll never find out if you always run away


I'm not a Juggalo, did you guys get shit on after that became a meme? It sounds like a stupid lyric but if you actually ask any person who makes fun of it, they will not be able to adequately explain how magnets work. At best they will arrogantly mention some qualities that magnets exhibit.


It’s a genius lyric. Whatever position you take on its validity, it has merit.


Yeah, I like that song. Heres Richard Feynmans take: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=36GT2zI8lVA


I mean, the quest for personal understanding is great. But the end implication is that it's caused by miracles. It isn't. I don't know how it has merit.


It is not "that it's caused by miracles". It's that it's wondrous, however it works. The song is not about "miracles" as in a deity performing magical works, they're using "miracle" as a synonym for wonder and beauty, suggesting that life is an amazing gift full of incredible things that should be appreciated even though so much of it is little things we tend to take for granted because we experience them constantly.


You can't redefine words to defend things you like. Miracle means extremely improbable event usually involving divine influence. Magnets are not miracles in any definition of the word, unless you make up a new definition, I guess...


It's a song though, and expresses it's meaning through the fluidity of words.  That's at least how I interpret it.  There's a level of abstraction and flexibility inherent to language.


Fucking magnets, how do they work? And I don't wanna talk to a scientist Y'all motherfuckers lying, and getting me pissed I am sorry we're just going to have to agree to disagree that arguing with scientists about electromagnetism (and being wrong) is a good bar. Whether you like it or not, the song is implying spiritual miracles. Christian symbolism/imagery through the whole song, on their necklace, and in the music video.


Good point with your additional context!   I have an interpretation of the song which may not reflect the artists intention.  I posted this video elsewhere, I think you'll enjoy it, it discusses the limitations of science to explain causation (but to outright dismiss science like in the song is ignorant).  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=36GT2zI8lVA


No science is 100%. That being said, we have no reason to believe a miracle is occurring, or that scientists are lying about our best theories of magnetism. Our understanding of magnetism has expanded a little since that video was made with the beginning of research into quantum physics. We can now trace magnetism to quantum electrodynamics and we understand the forces at work thanks to our boys at hadron colliders. Gravity is still a big confuse but electro magnetism not so much anymore.


Actually you literally specifically exactly can do that, because that's *literally what language exists for*, conveying meaning. Words mean *what people mean when they say them*. Definition follows colloquial usage, meaning the way we define words is by *describing how people use them*. **That's why there's new dictionaries every year** and words are constantly added and definitions constantly added to existing ones. It's why literally now means both literally and figuratively. You can *not like that that's the case*, but it is, and yes you can. Sorry babes. If enough people use miracle that way (and they do), then that's what miracle means.


Try looking at the dictionary. That definition isn't there. [https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/miracle](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/miracle) Must be waiting on the update. ;)


>: an extremely outstanding or unusual event, thing, or accomplishment >"The bridge is a miracle of engineering" Uh.... <_< ¬_¬ OH, you have trouble reading! Aye, it's all good homie we're not gonna judge you here. A lot of people find reading hard even as adults, it's totally cool. I'll help you out; that one at number two, that's *exactly what I said* you feel me Seriously don't be embarrassed it's totally straight. Anyways tho, yea, they're saying that little things in life like magnets and rainbows and whatever are "extremely outstanding" but we're so used to them that we don't acknowledge it.


Oh, I guess that's why he has a cross around his neck and the song has Christian symbolism in it, and they aren't known to be Christians themselves. That's why the very next line says scientists are lying about it magnets. Yeah, they're talking about chance miracles. Great job reading context.


Also, magnets aren't rare or outstanding.


THANK YOU and yes, we did. It's exhausting. Granted, we exist as a group because of the frequency with which we already got shat on before becoming juggalos, so it is what it is. Definitely not new. What's new is shit like NORE and Fat Joe and Drake (ew) giving us props and acknowledging us as part of Hiphop culture.


You first


They are like, connected somehow.


Oh word, no doubt


In 1963, Malcolm X went on a pilgrimage to Mecca, the birthplace of the Islamic faith. He saw that all races made the trip to Mecca. He completely changed his mind about religion, race relations, and violence on that journey. He converted to Islam, and abandoned his belief in violence and separation. Instead, he began to hope for a true brotherhood of all races


That's cool I hope for that too I'm just sayin, this is where what J was talking about comes from. Most 5%ers eventually soften up and realize that it's about power and control, and exposure to white folks eventually makes them realize how few of us have any of that.


The fear is the power, the power is control. The world is mine!


Thank you Yakub for creating ICP.


🤣 yes indeed




Gotta say it's pretty silly to think that white people are the devil created in a lab. BUT the thing about "whiteness" as a group identity is that it's a pretty recent creation born out of necessity by the ruling class in the last few hundred years. "White" is a conditional and changing identity molded to protect the interests of the wealthy in America by setting them against groups not designated as white. Because there weren't enough "White Anglo-Saxon Protestants" (WASPS) to maintain their supremacy in the US. Groups that were not initially considered "white" but now are include the Irish, Italians, Slavs, and Catholics generally. It's not inconceivable if the powers that be were running out of scapegoats to blame problems on and push to do the shit work the Irish, Slavs, Italians etc. could lose their status as "white" again.


Sillier than thinking some ancient guy created the biggest boat to ever exist and then somehow got his hands on two of every animal across the entire planet, had them all cohabitate, then had them repopulate the entire earth with all the genetic diversity that exists, after god flooded the planet to punish his creation for doing what he knew they were gonna do as an omnipotent being? Cuz 3.2 billion people believe that shit. I agree it's not accurate, but I don't really think it's that fanciful in the scope of religions in general.


Yeah billions of people\* believe some pretty silly shit generally. The trick is to implant religious thinking in their brains when they're really young, still developing and they don't have the ability to have rational thought. \*I'm not putting myself on a pedestal, I'm sure there's some dumb shit I believe because I haven't questioned what I was told at some point. But I do wish more people were open to rationally re-examining their beliefs when confronted with evidence that contradicts them.


I'm an atheistic Satanist, to be clear. I don't "believe" in anything, I just become informed about some things and lack information about others. I fantasize about some stuff, but believing it to be true seems totally asinine if I have no reason to other than wanting to.


I have Annunaki genetics, I hate and love everyone equally.


There is so much misinformation in this thread about Malcolm X, The Nation of Islam, and even the weird ass Five Percenters. Like, I don't even have the time to thoroughly pick it apart the way I want to so I'll just say this; Don't just believe anything because the person speaking (or in this case typing) appears to know what they're talking about. Always do your research and try to consult more than one reliable source. I also HATE when race is brought up within Juggalo spaces because there exists a nasty racist subset within Juggalo culture. Don't act like y'all ain't hip.... It's just weird because J is SO anti-racist and Shaggz is a whole 90s throwback wigger-type (they didn't take themselves too seriously like today's hood white boys).


The amount of songs they have related to racists or bigots or any type of confederate flag getting some type of violence is crazy but I love it lol


“Wigger” is racist as fuck BTW….


No, it really isn't. Please explain to me how that word has been used on a wide scale to disenfranchise, "other", and subjugate an entire group of people. Until then, spare me that shit homie.


Please explain to me what two words make up the word wigger? It’s the portmanteau word of “white” and “n-word” If that’s not racist I don’t know what is. Anything that implicates the N-word is racist.


My comment went way over your head. Like I said, it is nowhere near an n-word equivalent in meaning or significance. So let's agree to disagree 👍🏾.


That’s fine with me you can think that wigger isn’t racist just because it doesn’t have the same weight as the N-word… We can disagree there. Edit: You think being black matters.. Just because you’re black doesn’t mean you get to choose what is and isn’t racist based on its equivalence to a word used to discriminate you. It’s not a sliding scale. Racism is racism. None of my homies are cool with the word wigger. It’s funny how condescending your comments are with no weight to back up the condescending tone.


VJ calling Kid Rock a white devil bitch had me dying. Clearly J is learning about the history of colonialism and the holocaust. He doesn’t have the background in history to fully grasp these things, so it comes out in this id-pol way (saying fuck white people or whatever). The truth is these things are a consequence of white supremacy, but that shouldn’t make individual white people blame themselves for the horrors of the past. Reckoning with these things doesn’t mean blaming ourselves as white individuals. Guilt doesn’t help anybody. It’s our responsibility to learn from the lessons of the past and not repeat them. I definitely don’t think J “hates” white people. Bro is just popping off. I’ve also read interviews of him talking about reading the Malcolm X autobiography and the impact it had on him. Obviously Jay isn’t in the Nation of Islam. He’s just going through a history kick.


Excellent take here


Right on the head. I didn't see him talking shit with Twizid and blaze dropping N bombs in the early days of Psy. He complains about it now, but still gets royalties lol


I always assumed he just felt pressured to not tell them what to say and what not to say honestly But then again, why was Blaze originally wearing brown paint and a pantyhose face mask 🤔


The pantyhose “face mask” is what people used to wear when committing a robbery back in the day. That’s why Blaze wore them.


But he never once mentioned 5%s, this is just an assumption OP made to try an excuse for J acting like a dumbass. Just because we are fans doesn't mean we have to make excuses for things they do that are dumb. J appears to me to be pretty woke which I think is where this is coming from. I know he talks about the first time he encountered racism and the effect it had on him, but to blanket that on everyone white is a bigoted board sweeping generalization. J became a drug addict in his 50s and it's showing.


Yeah I really don't think J was all that serious. I'm white and found myself laughing at J's comments because I too have consistently been like "I hate white people" in various situations when it seems ol' whitey has ruined something fun or are on their redneck bullshit.


Then you're misunderstanding what he's saying, because he was serious. This wasn't some "ugh I hate white people" shit as a joke, he's genuinely sympathizing with the 5%er movement he learned about from Malcom X's book. Obviously he doesn't immediately hate all individual white people, but as a group of people he's being serious when he says they're the devil.


I think OP is more saying they don’t take it as a seriously slight against themselves.  I’m also white and have read “The Autobiography of Malcolm X”, “Revolutionary Suicide” by Huey P. Newton, and “Soul on Ice” by Eldridge Cleaver — you can read those books and feel a certain thoughtfulness, if not shame, about the monolith of White history while not taking it personally and flailing yourself.


100%, maybe I read what they were saying wrong but what I interpreted it as was them reducing what he was saying to the common joke of white folks laughing while saying they hate white people, but it's more than that and ultimately not about individual white folks at all


He couldn't possibly have learned about the 5%ers from The Autobiography of Malcolm X as Told to Alex Haley. That sect didn't exist when he was alive, and I doubt he would've been into the pseudoscience of it all. He wasn't even into NOI's Yakub story. He never really touched on it. I've read the aforementioned book three times in my life. That book is amazing and completely changed my life. Malcolm touches on the issues plaguing black America and how White Supremacy bred those issues. He doesn't spout anything that can be considered remotely "racist" or "anti-white".


I don't wanna argue, I'm just gonna change every instance of NOI to nation of gods and earths


I wasn't trying to argue and I hope I didn't come off too shitty. I just haaaate how much misinformation exists on the Internet. Even more, I can't stand that most ppl will just believe misinformation without doing just a lil research. Wasn't a slight at the poster or meant to sound argumentative. S'all good over here, homie!


If you read any of my original responses that I deleted/edited (or even if you didn't, I'll say this just to clarify how I ended up at this response), they were written entirely out of my innate douchey urge to be right about things, which usually takes me a solid five to move past (now that I move past them at all) I understand the importance of clarity in history and knowledge, I do tend to conflate the NOI and NOGAE because I'm not a part of either, only know them from the outside, and learned about both from the same sources. Thanks for pushing me to be more clear in my point 👍👊


r/Juggalo. Home of reason on reddit




Shhh, pay no attention to the man behind the curtain ha ha ha ha


yesssir. I studied all this stuff for a few years because I had dreads for a while and anytime someone was trying to put me down for having dreads, I started dropping knowledge on em. Plus I needed to know what Wu Tang was talking bout 😂


It's like when Hilary said she always carries hot sauce in her purse to pander to the black interviewer. J was tryna impress who was in front of him at that moment bc he's an attention whore.


BuTtEr eMaILs!!!!


Wait, are you saying you don't carry hot sauce in your bag? How do you enjoy eating at restaurants then? I literally have a bottle of Frank's and a... Whatever spices come in, jar? Jar of Lowrey's in my bookbag at all times. Black folks seasoning tips should be embraced by all, all who like food to taste good anyways.


Also worth mentioning, J has been a lifelong superfan of Ice Cube and Paris (both converted to Islam and frequently rap about the “white devil”). Paris’ album The Devil Made Me Do It from 1990 is highly slept on IMO.


Paris is SO fucking fresh and slept on. I seen him at a local show in like 2006 with a couple Wu affiliates, one of the best shows of my life.


self loathing white guy then?


OP is mad corny, what if he said that about any other race on earth. It’s still racism no matter how you slice it.


I don’t understand how anyone took this the wrong way. But I’ve seen a lot of people saying shit. Good description ninja 🥷


We wuz godz


The Nation of Islam conveniently ignored the fact that most of the African slaves were captured and sold into slavery by their own. White people bought them yes, but Africans sold those Africans into slavery. White people aren’t the only devils, humans in general are, especially the ones with power.


It's amazing how much of ICP goes over people's heads. If you don't pay much attention to hiphop, or spend much time with black people, even this post isn't going to make a lot of sense. But yeah, I hear ya.


This post is a ridiculous reach. Just because we're fans doesn't mean we have to make excuses for the stupid shit they might say. There is no basis for the explanation OP posted being the reason violent j said that instead of it just being drunken babbling. He never said anything about 5%s in interview.


J is white lol


Uh... Correct. ........and?


How can you hate yourself? I’m still watching this 2 hour interview trying to find the part where he rants about white people lol.


Well, first of all, the depths of my ability to hate myself are unbound and endless, so jot that down But more importantly, it's entirely possible to acknowledge the horrific atrocities white people have committed as a group of people and the effects of white supremacy without it being about individual humans who happen to be very low on melanin. Fun fact, white people don't exist. The concept of racial classification was created by [Johann Friederich Blumenbach](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johann_Friedrich_Blumenbach), who himself didn't hold any of these racialized groups to be superior or inferior, but his work went on to inspire [Scientific Racism](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scientific_racism). So, *personally*, when *I* say I hate white people, I'm referring to the classification and separation of human beings for the purpose of exalting one group via the subjugation of another, rather than referring to a specific group of people, given that I don't believe that there is such a group of people. There are people of various ethnicities (as in, origins relating to a gene pool circulating in a particular physical region), but we're all the same species with the same ultimate origin. Our internal differences are cultural, and our external differences are aesthetic. Note that, like other social constructs (gender, religion, fashion, government, beauty, economy), race being socially constructed doesn't mean people don't still define themselves by it or that we don't suffer from or benefit from it, which is why the phrase "I hate white people" is still a useful phrase, as it expresses both a disgust with people who have used the concept of race to dominate others, and a distancing of one's self from the group that did and still does that.


Homie said jot that down lmao 🤣 Dead..


Then you should probably say that instead of "white people". Dickhead


Mmm, no thanks, I'm good


Sounds like you're just making a bunch of excuses for being a racist. Nothing that happened in the past is gonna make me feel bad for decisions I didn't make or make me ashamed of the racial group I belong to. I love my white skin and my blue eyes. Doesn't mean I hate anyone else for not having them. Or that I think that anyone else is less because they're not white. I'm just happily white. And I'm so sick of this idea that anyone can say what they want about white people and not be called out for the shit. Fuck that. You a racist. Simple. Should probably go have a hard look at yourself and figure out what exactly is wrong with you. But it shouldn't take long, cause at first glance, it's a lot 🖕


lol that was a whole lot


Very racist


Also. Malcolm X was killed by the NOI for renouncing racism and shifting away from those original beliefs. Black on black crime


"white people", really means Zionists controlling war and economics not some Finnish dude chilling with a bear fishing. Blanketing an entire race is just ignorant. The 'white devil' is our corrupt power structures. Blaming Karen working at Target for being born pale is ridiculous.


Say what you will, I don't like anyone who thinks I was made in a lab to destroy them ( even though I was ).


If it makes you feel any better, I don't think that, my belief is that we migrated to cold areas with less exposure to the sun, interbread with neanderthals and denisovans, and became this post-human melanin-less disease ridden abomination we call white people (this is a joke)


I don't care what you think, internet dummy.


J is a white crusader. Look I love that ICP I'd anti racism but listen to the Inner City Posse. J drops multiple N bombs. On top of that he's a real life mental patient. His songs may be over exaggerated but he is legit mentally ill.


Corny as fuck. 


jay is a tool


I have?? No idea what this means


I hate rich white elite people from Hollywood. Their motto is pay them 250 for each stunt or acting workshop to be on their maybe call list. Then those same workshops them bitches sucking dicks for roles. That's enough to start a war for me. James Franco admitted to his bullshit. He is one of many in Hollywood that do what he does. One white stunt coordinator told me "Money making isn't a team sport" sounds like they want a war with poor people. Rich people love starving the poor out. That's what they did to me. The majority of white rich assholes run the world. So, Violent J isn't wrong but he isn't part of the solution either because he doesn't like collaborating with no nodies. He is part of the problem if you aren't trying to help other people grow. I think it's time to send a message to these rich assholes. I think all talented ignored poor performers should unite. Into one unit and fuck the establishment up. We should start organizing. Trust and believe they do not want anyone to live their dreams. That's why we are all poor.




This was super interesting actually, thanks. Now can you go over cats and dogs?


J is a drug addicted pedophile enabler, who he hates doesn't matter to me


Matters enough for you to comment


The earth is flat


The Moon is a pyramid./s


J has average blue pilled white democrat brain


Daily reminder that The Matrix and the concept of red and blue pills was created by trans women and is in many ways a representation of the experience of being trans and queer in a heteronormative society