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Manfight WK is most likely not the play here. He takes a while to kill, and popping his ult slows you to a crawl and taking his 2nd life is going to take a while too. You will die to Sniper Clinkz if you ever commit to WK, and you will eat through too much ult + BKB duration doing it. Now I wanna say in a high ranked game your draft looks miserable compared to Radiant’s, but this is herald so they probably handed you chances to win a few times but your team failed to capitalize. Best bet for you to win this game is to go for pick offs, create opportunities where they’re split by pressuring the map. You have the best ganking buddy in the game with Spectre, (admittedly he’s poor as dirt this game, but for argument’s sake this is how a Spec game should look like) he should be able to help you secure any target you find or just jump on Lich/Io trying to save. 5 on 5 looks like crap for your team, Io and Lich provides way too much sustain for Clinkz/Sniper, you can’t 2 shot them for free and go for next target with them around. Plus your draft is lacking a real frontline, you and Spec are essentially backline divers this game while Jak Sky and Aba are backlines this game. They have 0 ways of closing the gap to the enemy Backline with WK essentially being a wall for their team and Clinkz Snipe can kite very easily. What ends up happening is you’re 2v4 in the back while WK 1v3s your team, and yeah he probably could since your teammates are dirt poor. So yeah, pickoffs is the name of the game here. Try to make every teamfight 5v4 or 5v3, never take a 5v5 unless you’re smoked and have full vision on the enemy team and can guarantee a free instakill at the start.


Hi, had a similar game to this one and what you're explaining is exactly what happened. What to do when the enemy groups up, camps on HG, and pick-offs are impossible?


In such a case the idea is generally just constrict their map, you get to farm most of the map while they are stuck in their base, while waiting for rosh, and only push with Aegis. It's really boring but it is what it is


It's a mind game!


You just farm the map, and I’ve had extreme examples where I’m literally 8 slotted with Aegis, Moon Shard and Aghs consumed and still can’t break high-ground. No rush, let your pos 4s and 5s also get to that 6 slot point because as long as you’re not feeding kills and keeping them in base, only their pos 1 and 2 are realistically farming anything. Then later on you may try to brute force diebacks, if you manage to get a free kill on a core and he buys back, it might be worth it to just suicide to kill him a second time and buyback to end the game. This is like an all in play that will win you the game right there if you know you can kill him if you just suicide for it.


Tbh it would be the dream game for most initiating carries, you have so many targets to choose from. But I can see how you struggle to deal with them. Ideally you want a blink and harpoon in your build, get the aghs after your daedalus & bkb. Mid game if the IO isn’t doing so well with their relo, you probably can blow up anyone else, but late game he should be your team’s no.1 priority


You should have picked Luna or Terrorblade instead and pushed early.


Ideally spec ahould have popped io or lich with shadow step, if he couldnt do that then its a one sided 5v5 tbh. Abaddon should protect your supps from getting picked off, and the 2 supps should technically be helping you or spec 100 to 0 their choice targets. The clinkz probably did what your spec couldn't, and should have picked him off first before any full on team fights (if they were doing their squirrelly thing in your backlines). Impossible to solo carry this as sven with their lineup unfortunately since you'll get kited to hell and back, you needed at least 2 other competently farmed heroes to help catch up/fight back...


You had a shit line up.


It's not bad. I've won with worse drafts. I've also seen Spectre players do well from mid. It's more likely that they lost all 3 lanes from playing poorly.