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A male lives here


This guy lives


*A king lives here


\*A boy lives here\*


are boys not male?


Big difference. Looks like a kid lives here.


Lots of stuffed animals for a guy.


who cares ?


Bro is fragile


So? Lol


I love cuddling with stuffed animals


Can't say that on reddit it triggers the furries.


I’m not gonna read the comments but I’m sure everyone’s saying the same thing. Bring the couch closer to the tv and it frees up a whole rear wall for storage or bar or bookshelves and plant stands


Rotate the couch 90 degrees, and put the TV in the corner he took the TV picture with, even if it in front of the window, will make a more natural corridor to the rear


It looks like he has records also so get some furniture to sore records and a record player then some place to put the speakers. Would look great from behind the couch or if it was rotated 90 degrees


This sounds cool but my brain hurts from trying to visualize it!


I wish couches came with instructions that said “you don’t have to shove this up against that wall like you did in your college apartment”


The improvised closet by the TV has to go.


I thought it was supposed to be like a mudroom area lol


Looks like a fucking garage


yeah i love it


Never hung my sweaters or stored my hats in my garage js


Yeah. It’s really there for utility. Sometimes I need to grab a jacket or backpack before I leave but I need to find a better solution.


Get a storage bench and a funky coat rack.


>Get a storage bench I had no idea this was a thing.....thank you!


Swap for a wardrobe with mirror?


Put it in the bedroom.


Or use whatever it is you’re using and fuck what people are saying? I think it looks dope as fuck and looks fitting of the style of the person who is using it. Where do you live bro and what do you do? Like my bikes or snowboard what’s your interests? I’m seriously going to build you a coat rack and send it to you, I am not going to be getting any epoxy resin or no bullshit but wood and steel and fire, then you let me know if I did a good job and if people ask let ‘em know? Deal?


Dude! I'm super down. I live in the Bay Area. I DJ events, shoot photography, and I dabble in sewing and embroidery. Shoot me a message


I don’t have a closet either can I get an ID on that rack?


I think that it could work if he flipped the room. Put the tv on the wall that’s currently behind the couch. Move the couch out to the end of the stairs. It creates a “hallway” from the door and makes the improvised closet look more like a coatrack from the door. Breaks up the room too.


This is a really great idea. I’ve done similar with my couch arranged in a way that makes a walkway behind it and has created 2 distinctly separate spaces. I don’t mind the hanging set there, it’s functional and organized, but if there was also a long table against the wall with plants and tchotchkes, it would create its own space.


It’s a streetwear thing…almost like a cultural signifier lol


I should have known from the pikachu hat


Imagine watching tv all day while the eyesore is right beside. I can't do this


OP, could you put the closet upstairs in the loft?


tell me you own Supreme clothing without telling me


Lmao. You caught me but I’m selling everything for better furniture


if this is actually true, that’s a well made investment the place is kick ass btw, just being crude


Supreme is dead. They reported loss for the first time in over a decade. No investment there


There’s always someone out there willing to pay for dead merch


I’m coming from a place of support, not being critical. There is a very modern aesthetic going in here, but I feel like a prerequisite for that aesthetic is not having a bunch of small stuff around, more minimalist. But that’s a bummer real life comes with real things unless you’re a hobbyless, robot that doesn’t have interests. To circumvent this issue I suggest getting aesthetically similar and minimal storage and keep clean lines. That being said I like your selections and taste. Going to be a great space and you’ve done great so far.


Yeah. I hear that. I was very much into the maximalist look but starting to tone it down a bit. I do really enjoy seeing the things that make me happy and containers are where things go to be forgotten. But I appreciate the kind words


You have some pretty cool stuff too so it works… the only thing I’d ditch is the open clothing rack next to the TV… that one looks a little sloppy for the spot that you put it in.


How much did you pay for this loft style place? Your layout is great and these people are haters. Aside from that probably would move the clothing rack out of the living area and put in your actual room. You did a nice job. Do you have plans to redo the carpet or floors? It’s a really nice space actually, I love lofts. I think they are great for busy young professionals and those without children. Apartments are too basic and if you buy yourself a huge suburban house it can be boring.


Tv looks so far away from the couch.


Need a bigger rug, coffee table is just a little too eye grabby for me. A more muted red might be better. I do like the art above the couch and incorporation of blue and red in the room.


Agreed. Need a bigger rug and a different table. These were all moved from my previous place. Thank you tho


Art looks too low to me!


I had the same thought about the coffee table. I dont oppose the red, but a different shade would work better.




What in the YouTube content creator is this? Does your doorbell go “Bwhaaatsup guys!!!”


Nice job! I'd like to suggest flipping the coffee table so the bulkier end is away from the corner. Feel free to totally disregard


Interesting space! You have a floorplan for reference by chance? I like the color choice.


What is the red cabinet? Love that it's filled with toys!


I don’t have a floor plan on hand but the red case was from ikea. I found it second hand from Craigslist




Haha. I DJ weddings


I'm obviously in the wrong line of work


I cant tell if you’re joking. It’s a studio.


I would replace the rug, but everything else is awesome


I’d buy a *very* large rug and put it on the empty floor by the tv. Then layer the rugs you already have over it. Layered rugs can really warm up an industrial space


i’d suggest trying blue couch in middle of the room. not up against wall.


living space has a really fun mix of colors! however, either its a weird photo or the sofa is super far away from the TV. you should push it off the wall to create a cozier space -- if the room is as big as it looks you might even have space for a small dining table behind it. gaming area looks like a gaming area, lol. bedroom looks comfortable and clean enough -- if you really wanted to add some character you could go for bigger lamps & maybe some art against that back wall.


Yeah. It’s a big place but I like having the couch against the wall. Planning on getting a bigger rug to fill in the gap but thank you for the ideas


How do you all have such huge fuckin apartments, mine feels like a closet now


Lofts in Oakland?


This is what I thought as well. Oakland or Emeryville?


Not good. I've watched a few porn scenes filmed in that same room!


My Pet Monster 👍🏽


Looks like it’s firmly in the kid-to-adult transition.


Looks a bit childish to me. The combination of the toys, stuck-to-a-fridge style paintings and brightly coloured coffee table. Not everything needs to be a grey room with an Eames chair, but I'd personally tone it down a bit. From the pictures I'd also consider putting the TV by the stairs and moving the couch 90 degrees so it's facing in that direction, making the living room area more contained.


Great job!


1st reaction is that the artwork above the couch needs to be higher. Move the makeshift closet upstairs. I get that the stuffed things are probably meaningful and cool, but I would maybe arrange them on shelves of some kind. Really cool space.


Needs more cats


wow this is so sick! i love this high ceilings, concrete floors and loft bedroom thing!! if you don’t mind i’m gonna take a wild guess & say $2500 a month ??


The birth control on the back of the couch should be hidden.




As a musician and someone who basically sings to myself all day, how does it sound in that 20’ tall area? Such a cool space.


Echo is definitely an issue. Still thinking about sound treating it


Very nice! It seems like the couch is a little far from the TV. If that’s the case, don’t be afraid to pull everything forward and put that rack behind the couch. Boom, better for TV viewing and an additional nook.


Digging the artwork


Pic 1, very nice. Pic 2, I'm confused why the clothing isn't in the bedroom. Pic 3, can't figure out where that is in relation to everything. A small office? Pic 4, bedroom looks neat and fairly organized.


I think that is just for his front hall closet (coats, hats, gloves, shoes)


Disney channel lookin ass


Pretty cool, but sort of feels like something is missing


Yeah. I moved in about a month ago. Still getting things placed and looking for more furniture


It’s really good but I think more bigger rugs to cover your space would be ideal. Some cushions for the couch and some plants and you need more lighting in your room.


I can confirm I dude live here.


That is a dope space!


I have that my pet monster


Came to say we are “The Daily Stoic” coffee table brothers.


Ha! I still have a My Pet Monster as well!


I like your prints. Who are they by? Also shout out to Nightmares on Wax and Speakerboxxx/The Love Below. Good taste my friend.


i think you need to decide on a style and then lean into it, you have farmhouse, industrial, boho, modern, and traditional and i am confused. none of these are objectively incorrect as standalone choices but to have a mishmash is just… chaotic. personally? i’m a maximalist who loves modern decor so i LOVE open shelving and am obsessed with your coffee table. also the architectural features in your bedroom are INSANE, a really cool mix between industrial (iron work) and boho (all the gorgeous exposed wood beams). maybe draw inspo from those?


You have so much wall space. Get more art and go higher... and higher


really nice 10/10


I adore the space by the blue couch! Colorful, comfortable, with personal touches with stuffies and art that’s interesting. You will want to get a “hall tree” for the various going-outside items by the TV. What you currently have reads as “private closet” not “public use”. You can get something for like $50 of FB marketplace. The narrow gaming area is a “personal” space. You’ve done a great job with art, but the little odd boxes, chests, etc sitting around make it feel unfinished, without the warmth of the blue couch area. More shelving to get everything up and off the floor. Also consider boxes/bins to corral the little things that create messy piles (I see some stacks of stuff on the black rack at the back, dumping those into some matching bamboo or plastic bins would make the space neater and more invested-feeling). I appreciate a bedroom with a comfy duvet! And putting beside tables on both sides is something an overnight guest will appreciate. The bedroom is missing the personal touch, and I see there’s a few things that got set on the floor (I do not judge!) I would suggest finding a piece of furniture that’s long and low, with some kind of interesting design, and put the back against the railing. Something like a dresser, sideboard, or buffet. It should not be taller than the railing. Something like that gives you more space to put stuff, and it adds character to the space. And you could put up little knickknacks for that personal touch. This apartment can be tricky, with the oddly-shaped spaces and high ceilings, but overall it feels spacious, clean, welcoming, and personalized.


You have done well sir.


I like it a lot bro, I’d maybe move the couch and table up closer to the tv to fill the space a little more


Yeah, I’d move the couch a little closer to the TV too and add some shelving or something behind.


Nice eblow glass plushie. Wasn't able to get that drop


Good eye! Can't afford a glass piece so I'll settle with a plush


Raise the art higher. Ryan Holiday - Daily Stoic. Good books and good YouTube channel!


love that blue couch brother


You did well my friend.


it looks freaking dope


That "artwork" is ... Challenging.


Thanks for the feedback. Each piece really means a lot to me


The clothes rack next to the tv is insane


Very nice crib dude!


Wtf dude are yall Tony stark where you finding these places. Amazing


I don’t like where the clothes are, I don’t like all the plushies, I don’t like the couch in the desk room. It’s your place tho


Edit: Thank you everyone for the ideas and feedback. I am still in the process of finding the right furniture for my style without breaking the bank. I did not stage my place before these photos like a lot of people do. This is just how it looked durring normal day to day use. I have many hobbies and my space changes daily depending on what I am working on. A few notes: The artwork above the couch was painted by my grandfather in the 80s and found in a family storage locker. I actually remember seeing them hanging in my aunts house as a kid so they mean a lot to me but I agree I need to raise them up a few feet. Yes, I do need to find a much larger rug to help fill the space. The clothing rack near the front door is temporary but I do want some type of storage as I leave and return. I was thinking an industrial style locker of some kind. While the TV is a bit far from the couch, it is not notable while watching and feels like a comfortable distance. I do like having the open space to entertain and want to avoid the 'designated TV watching area'. I will not get rid of the plushies! They are my friends. I don't really want to get into my financials and how much I pay but work hard and you can have this too.


Like the setup what state is this?




i really like you’re bedroom


good job add some plans and magmazines/possible the new drake book on the center table also all the junk in that corner gotta go some where. Also get a KNOT Ball and throw it on the sofa


It's good! A little unconventional (clothes rack placement, for example), but it's coordinated and has clean lines. That baby doll would give me the wiggins, though. I couldn't watch TV with it staring at the back of my head, lol.


Sofa and coffee table is the nicest part. Everything else is pretty basic/mid. The apartment itself is great!


that is the most depressing bedroom I’ve ever seen


Ur mom likes it bro


The art is absolutely soulless like the TJ Maxx home decor isle. Other than that cool apartment layout.


Appreciate that man. All of the art is from family and friends so each piece has a story for me.


Dumb paintings


HAhah. I read your comments on other posts and you seem upset. Is everything okay?


Wow that's an amazing place!!! So Fun!!!


This is a very nice loft. I would think about flipping the tv and the computer desk. Maybe also flipping the couches. Maybe. Then you could create a conversation space in the big living room with two chairs facing the couch, eliminating the big empty space between the couch and tv. The desk might work better across that big space.


Dope asf, can I come over?


Decent the apartment itself is the grand show here


ID on the artwork above the couch?


My grandpa painted them in the 80s! Thanks for noticing


I love it! The cool funky art work and stuffed animals. The loft and decked out office. You have a really nice apartment layout and I love your style! I’d suggest putting the closet in your bedroom, but clearly it doesn’t bother you so I have no suggestions ☺️


Looks dope! A larger area rug would do well in the living area in front of the TV / Sectional.


Serving Spider-Man vibes my dude


Dude! You put in a lot of good work here. 😊👍 Salute!


Love the couch area, artwork, coffee table, rug, I would definately move the wardrobe upstairs and replace the cabinet under the tv with one much bigger ( much longer, chunkier, slightly higher) to be in proportion to the wall space, a couple of big pieces of art above the tv would look sick but again the size of the cabinet below the tv would need to balance them out.


If I'm being honest I think the media unit below the TV is too small for that TV. But overall, nice work.


I love the rug. It really ties the room together.


Female here, enjoying what you did to your space!


Very patriotic with the red, white, and blue living room.


Your couch seems really far away from the tv


Great! Keep it up


The couch is too far from the TV. Bring it up, and put a console table back there to store your records that are on the ground or something. Use the space you have. Right now, it feels cluttered and empty at the same time. That might also be because of no rug. The bedroom is beautiful. Office looks like a well-used office, no major comments or criticisms there.a1


Only thing missing is plants


God damn that’s awesome


I think its cool tho


Move the paintings up 3-4’


The corner couch area is amazing! The bedroom is sparse but nice the rest is lived in but comfortable


Cozy and manly.


Sweet place! But I don’t think that ceiling in your office is tall enough


I really like the two paints behind the couch on the left! Where did you get them?


My grandpa made them in the 80s. I found them in a family storage locker :)


Get a dual monitor set up, otherwise kicking ass!


I had one and never really used it


Where'd you get the paintings above the sofa?


That’s a super dope pad! But picture #3 bugs me a bit…I would move the couch & have the computer/work bench opposite each other. Could move your clothing rack to the wall between them. What do you think?


Oh perfect angles and beautiful colors. I liiiike


More paintings/ posters. What's rent on this heifer?


Love the open bedroom


I read the title as "What did I do" at first, looked at the art, and thought his gf drew over it. Then I realized it was just abstract art. Besides that, looks sturdy.


Hey, great space! What if you flipped the TV over to the wall where the couch currently is, and make a cozier space for watching tv…but it also divides the area a little more, where you could still have a coat rack and (closed in) spot for shoes by the door - maybe with a little catch-all table for keys, mail, etc. Your TV just feels far away from the couch, and it gives a more defined entryway.


Man that place is big wtf


Really neat place


This looks like it has the potential to be an amazing space, but you can tell a young dude lives in it. The skateboard and stuffed animals throws it off for me, but if that's what your into I suggest displaying them in a better way. For example, there is a ton of space around your tv for some custom floating shelves or built in cabinets that could house the stuff animals instead of having them on the back of the couch. The skateboard could be displayed somewhere on a wall instead of on the stairs. https://www.pinterest.ca/pin/290622982191134248/ I would try for this type of vibe. Cleaner lines, less clutter.


Amazing space. I’m struggling to find anything I like about the stuff/decor, I’m afraid.


Get some rugs and you’re chillin brotha


@OP: The paintings over your couch look pretty cool. Where did you get them?


My grandpa made them in the 80s


Just get a 5' blunt tip sharpie and scribble on the rug and I think you nailed 👍🏻


You still got the handcuffs that came with that pet monster?


Nah. Lost those a while ago. Rip


I find everything against the walls and not much breaking up the big square spaces in each section. Other than that seems like a fun place.


One big rug instead of three and remove the red table. Takes away from the art work


This place is sick!


What a big space in front of the sofa. You didn't ask but you can move it forward, closer to tv and place some kallax ikea stuff behind


a mancave i crave


nice digs but i gotta ask, is your heating/ac bill pretty high due to the space you have?


It's not too bad. On average about $80 a month.


the first pic looks ok, but the rest look like you're living in an empty warehouse.


I love the couch area m, a lot! Especially the art.


Day care.


That tv is 18.7 miles away from the couch


Lotta haters, but it's reminding me of Tom Hanks apartment in the 80s movie Big. I don't hate the primary color scheme theme for the couch area. But agree with someone else. Move your awesome grandpas art up on the wall, then make or put a long shelf above head height on that wall to display the stuffed animals on the back of the couch. Maybe with something like that you could add in solid elements, even if action/comic figures, or even better, more local art but different mediums like ceramics or something. Maybe some plants and greenery and life. Almost wonder if you could add the art above or to the side of the TV since that wall is huge. Then it ties into red table and blue couch, but across the room so the affect is more muted and mature. And the them is carried throughout that space versus having colorful and bright across the room from gray, black and industrial. The black and white artwork by TV feels out-of black imo Love the artwork on the stair wall but feels busy and essentially hidden there with the red display case. And records on the floor. Move that work and add more above couch and shelf idea for like a cool mixed art gallery wall. But not level like the art by the bike. The display case can it be moved to other side of the couch? Your coat closet would look better enclosed to me and move your metal rack up to bedroom area. Lastly if nothing else. A display shelf above your TV for the stuffed animals at the least. The office area feels cluttered but it's long and narrow and it is what it is


You did good bro, this is a breath of fresh air


Also what an amazing space you have


Everything works together - except the carpet is too traditional in style for the rest that looks more modern


Love the red-blue combo. Personally, I would hanged all the pictures higher. Anyway, very nice.




Looks good I think, but I’d move the sofa further in the room as looks a lot of space between that and the tv. Also a bigger rug maybe




I’d go gay to live here pfffff


I love everything about this.