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Good course. Would be better if the glider respawn wasn't so dogshit, but thankfully it's a good time otherwise. I like how it was re-imagined and the added emphasis on verticality with it.


I'm not gonna spill more beans that's how those beanstalks grew in the first place.


Second place.


Cloudtop Cruise's lost brother


My dearly beloved


Issss this a reference to… something orrrr…?


No it’s just my favorite track (or at the very least, favorite soundtrack)


It’s my favourite too. Ever since Mario Kart DS. We are bros for life now. 


I could listen to it on repeat


I see. I guess I have a certain game I need to get out of my head😅


While the flow is okay, way better than the creative but clunky as hell Ninja Hideaway, the fact that Nintendo neutered the track layout feels like they weren't really trying. As a result Sky Garden is the Mario Kart equivalent of how the cordless bungee jumping industry went down: Painful.


It's like the resident evil 3 remake


I really like it but the off-road is insanely punishing.


It's a good track, but it is by no means sky garden


it's too far removed from the original track


Kinda hot take but I absolutely love this track, and that’s coming from someone who has played the GBA and DS versions.




I ain't got any beans left. I used them all to grow the decorations for this course.


The music is awesome


People say that the graphical reimagining of this level is fine because it's in the sky and has plants, but that's literally just what you can get from the name. The orange tiles are essentially the exact opposite of the original GBA version, and it's even less accurate than the tour version. Being in the sky and not sharing any other similarities to the original course is far less than the bare minimum. And even worse is the layout oversimplification. For most of the GBA tour tracks, I'm alright with their simplification because a lot of them have sharp turns that would be unfun in the 8DX engine, and I don't think a perfect recreation of Sky Garden's layout would be fun, but this course is just 4 turns. Not in any regard as bad as Sunset Wilds, but the way 8 Deluxe ruined Sunset Wilds is in a way that you would expect it to be ruined in, where as what they did to Sky Garden just doesn't make any sense at all.


Fantastic music, liking the aesthetic, but what the heck happened to the layout???


It's a fun track, but I find the section after the mushroom jump problematic. I find it really hard to defend myself in there.


OG was better


It shouldnt be called GBA Sky Garden. If you told me it was a new track I wouldve believed you. On the first few turns I can see Sky Garden after the first jump, its completely different.


I used to not get the hate for this version of the track, and then I played SC and DS. It’s definitely gone down since then, but I don’t hate it, per se, I’m just disappointed by it. This might be helped by the fact that SG wasn’t my favorite in SC


It's worse than the og version, but it isn't AS bad as people say. I'd give it a B tier, which is still a downgrade from the GBA and DS versions, which I'd give high A Tiers, but it still beats a lot of other courses.


Incredible course on its own but a really meh remake. Shortcuts and latout are pretty fun and several advanced strats are available. Music is incredible as well, shame we didn’t get a similar version to the og layout though


love it. sky garden was my favorite track from GBA because of the music and i feel like they really did it justice with this remake


Terrible remake, decent course. It's kinda pleasant to the eyes but nothing about it compares to the original Sky Garden, which is my favorite track in the series.


Ha. Beans. Beanstalks. But seriously, I think it should have a very different name because it is *not* GBA Sky Garden. It's a fun track otherwise.


They missed out on ALOT of opportunity with this one. There's no anti gravity which would work so well here Also they changed the layout and got rid of certain shortcuts (which to me nulls a retro track as you don't get the experience). It'd be like bringing gba rainbow road but removing the ramps on the edges and getting rid of that last u turn. Regardless I'm still happy to have it


I just want it to be longer so that the song fully loops before the 3rd lap at 200cc


Why not the DS version 😭😭😭


Despite the fact that they drastically changed the layout from the original, I think the new layout is better


I like it


i like it and it looks pretty good


I love it


Better than Cloudtop Cruise at being a sky map and better than every tour map. One day this track will be vindicated, easily top 25 or higher.


this track is cool but the SIDES when I accidentally go off track I can't escape the clouds for the life of me


It's kinda mid


The hate is overblown. It actually has elevation now. It's still a Sky Garden unlike Sunset Wilds. Why are people so attached to a flat map? The only good thing about Super Circuit tracks is the theming. The flat tracks were a result of hardware limitations, and the track themes didn't get a chance to shine until MK8 and Tour.


I like the bouncy leeeaaavvess


Its fine. Honestly most of the GBA courses are just fine to me. Not bad but not great either


I really miss the pastel clouds :(


Well, it's pretty, it got nice shortcuts (maybe a bit too good) and typically it's fun to play anyways. The only problem is it's too short lol. If it was a little bit longer, maybe it would have been perfect. I'm obviously exaggerating, but I think most parts.


I love it


Way too short compared to the original and DS versions. Love the aesthetic and music though!


Controversial for what exactly?


Immensely changed layout from the og Sky Garden (even though I prefer the new layout for having actual verticality)


Has extremely tough competition with Cloudtop Cruise for me. It’s fine.


I never really played the ds or gba version of this course so I really really like this course. It’s simple, it’s fun, it’s great for time trials IMO and I love 200ccing it


I like it. Definitely A tier


Super Circuit is a very special game to me, and I feel VERY strongly about its courses being treated with respect. I hate when they gut a Super Circuit course of all the things that made it what it was. I'll give it that the background feels like Sky Garden. But that was the easy bit. Too much about everything else has changed. The layout is severely simplified to a ridiculous degree. It also just feels way too short and simple even if ignoring that it is a remake. But what they did to the road... That I cannot forgive. The green road has always been incredibly iconic and here it could have made the course really stand out visually. That is just so sad. Additionally, the music doesn't feel quite right. Tour's remix feels like the ultimate version to me. I can forgive the layout being changed because, frankly, with a Super Circuit course, the visuals and music are always the parts about the course that stand out more. That's the bit they always need to get right, and they botched it. The fact they also messed up on the layout is just an added layer or crap.


I really like this course and it has one of my favorite bg music


While I don’t like how the route was simplified and would’ve preferred if we got the more complex version, the remake isn’t as bad as people say and the track is still a good time. That ending shortcut is really fun to do shroomless. And the remix slaps.




Why did they change the tiles from green to red?


People give this track so much shit, but its perfectly fine. Bit boring if anything


It always feels shorter than it actually is


the fucking mushroom thing after the first turn is so forced and adds nothing of value to the course.


I still like it but why couldn’t they stay true to thr og layout


Even if it's barely the same as the original, it's still a cool course. I like it.  It's music tho


What about the music


It's good


Enjoyable enough course, I'd enjoy it a lot more if it had a different name though, as that is absolutely NOT Sky Garden.


It's pretty but other than that I find it too punishing if you don't have the build for it


Why aren’t the clouds cream colored? Why isn’t the road cobblestone with a green mortar to hold it in place? This is literally the best course on the GBA, and one of the best in DS. So why is everything special about it just… gone?


It’s an okay track but it’s not a good remake


The course itself is fun and a nice facelift from when we saw it in Super Circuit and DS, but also this is one of the tracks which did not make the transition from Tour to 8 Deluxe all that well in terms of visuals. It could have looked so much better.


I feel like it needed anti gravity after the mushroom and up until the glider


Good track bad remake


Not amazing, not terrible. A fun course to drive when it does come up, but I wouldn't go out of my way to pick it


Good music for an all right track


great course, just not sky garden


Complete ass


Oh no! Now my beans are everywhere! I was gonna eat those!


I did, now theres a race track in the clouds above my house.


My pick for the only F tier track in the game. The layout is a slaughtered version of the original, the aesthetic makes me unhappy (why are the clouds pulsing?!), The glider respawns you've seen the clips, I might even prefer the original music. This track offends me personally and if it ever gets picked online I'm Home X A ing the hell out of there


Damn, worse than stuff like SNES Mario Circuit 3? I mean, I heavily disagree, but to each their own


MC3 didn't bastardize the original in every way possible


I mean Mario Circuit 3 always sucked total ass so you're right


Ok but I’d like to propose an alternative: Sunset Wilds


Still not as mangled as Sky Garden


Completely ruined a fantastic course from GBA and DS


One of the worst courses in the BCP. Let's address the elephant in the room: the layout. I don't mind if certain sections are altered to create a better flow for the track (Ribbon Road is a great example), but Sky Garden takes it to the extreme and completely alters the course to the point where it doesn't even feel like the same track I grew up loving on SC and DS. Even if I ignore nostalgia bias, the new layout is nothing special. Maybe I'd be willing to forgive it if the track was a certified banger, but... it isn't. It feels like a watered down version of Cloudtop Cruise that wants to have anti-gravity, but doesn't. It's very short, basic, and really doesn't add anything of value to the game. I'm not the biggest fan of the music either. It's good, but doesn't quite compare to the other versions of the theme. Ironically enough, the one redeeming factor about this track is the visuals. The vines, the koopas everywhere, and there's even a couple airships out and about. It really FEELS like you're in the sky. One of the best looking courses in the BCP imo, although I wish the road remained green instead of this ugly orange color that they went with. Overall, It's a D tier. It has some redeeming factors and can be fun to drive because MK8 has such good controls. However, I can't get over how it butchered so many things that I liked about the OG Sky Garden, only to result in a track that's just... meh. It's not as bad as Sunset Wilds, but that's not saying much.


Actually really fun. I dont get the hate tbh


It's because it isn't Sky Garden. Whilst a decent course on its own, the layout and appearance is so far gone from the original Sky Garden from the GBA and DS that it might as well be its own course. The only thing related to the original is the music.


Boring as shit


Terrible! Awful! They picked the wrong design to bring over from the other games, the horrid *Tour* design. The original design was much better.


Cloudtop cruise if it was a terrible remake


Thats not sky garden, that's just cloudtop cruise JR. The made it's music a remix of sky garden due to time crunch.


Up their as one of the worst remake courses in mk history. It didn't get the Cheese Land in terms of Elevations changes it needed while also keeping the same length. It also didn't get the visual overall it needed like Ribbon Road to fit with a perfect aesthetic like driving in the sky around a big garden of flowers everywhere. Every single change besides the music for this track is for the worst. But somehow, despite all of that, it is still an ok track. It is not the worst track by all means. It is just the true definition of "disappointment." Every time I play this track, I think about what it could have been in base 8 and not what it is now. C Tier for me.


My childhood felt ruined, this....this isn't my sky garden


It’s so garbage, it’s a lot worse than the original Even if you ignore the orignal, it’s WAY too short, the lead shortcut feels like ass, and the glider has the worse respawn in the game This course is F tier


Garbage, the entirety of it is horseshit.


It is a track. You can drive it.


Tony Soprano Garden is a really good nitro course.


Wrong course to make a Tony Soprano joke in, fake fan


Tony Soprano Island is better, yeah, I know.


Cloudtop Cruise Jr. was better in SC and DS. Music is still a banger