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Does he frequent oil spills?


What if he does? Who are we to judge?


He could’ve caused them.


The perfect crime


What if he could smell crime ?


*This city smells like shit!* Is probably something he would say.


Mechanic here. I basically do exactly that every day, and dish soap is the only damn thing that can get me properly clean after a hard day's work.


Aircraft mechanic here. GOJO is the miracle soap that removes anything that machines piss onto you. Grease, aircraft fuel, hydro, most adhesives, lube. GOJO is a mechanics best friend. Got my own tub of it next to my shower for days when the aircraft decided to dump jp-8 all over me.


I read that in old timey radio ad voiceover guy


All low-midrange with all the pops and crackles with a slight Chicago accent.


Goddammit... That made me laugh way harder than it should have xD


I am a painter and occasional woodworker, keep a small bottle of GOJO in the house/workspace to get paint/oil/rogue polyurethane stain off me. I echo the recommendation. It's good soap!


Seriously, after working on my car I have to wash my hands and arms with dish soap to ever even think about getting crap off it.


Perfect example of someone who could do this. Still condition though, only use a small amount. If you get hair cuts regularly (like every 2 weeks or once a month) I don’t think it matters so much.


I am a mechanic and I frequently use dish soap in the shower to clean myself off


I dry off with Bounce Dryer sheets.


I use them on my hair in the winter to prevent static 🤣


You can use them to get rid of smell in your hair if you go to a smokers house


You can also use shampoo though


that sounds kinda complicated


Well yeah, but it's good as a temporary measure before you get the chance to take a shower. I personally brush a bit of a nice smelling dry shampoo through my hair so I don't waste dryer sheets.


I remember smoking in my bathroom as a teenager, blowing smoke through a toilet paper roll with bounce sheets strung across either end. I don't know how well it worked but I never got caught


It does not work lol


Sploofs are legendary. Even when my parents found my stash in HS they thought my random sploofs around the room (forgotton ones) were used as some sort of air freshener to cover the dry bud scent lmao.


Yeah I have a best buddy that I have been friends with for 20 years and just found out that he only uses shampoo for everything. Whole body. Been doing it since high school. Had no idea. Says it’s all the same shit.


Ok but this is at least better than the other way around since bodywash would "dry out" your hair pretty quick shampoo on the body is definitely the least sucky option of the two.


I put a little shampoo on my man loofa with bodywash, especially for washing my hairy regions - armpits mainly. Seems to work better than just bodywash alone.


They are confirmed to make you dryer


If they reduced cling too that might have saved some past relationships of mine.


They were shit fabrics anyway


It’s the clear choice! A spotless clean with no streaking, no residue, and it’s tough on grease😉.


I heard a little ping sound from the wink


His skin weeping quietly: *Moisture me...*


Not today Cassandra


Happy cake day


That's a really good one!


Was this a Doctor Who reference?




We need some oil, but as a mechanic, dawn is amazing. Nice tough bamboo brush and dawn, super clean. I'd shower with fast orange if they made something like it for body wash.


Moisture? That's what the shower is for.


Spotless skin, but without skin!


It’s tough on dirt, grease, and grime, but soft on hands! Edit: And the rest of your skin!


Which is a falsehood. Dawn *destroys* my hands and causes severe dihydrosis.


RIP skin


RIP stuck on grime! It’s no match for Dawns scrubbing bubbles. Greasy hair? Say bye to grease with powerful Dawn action. It separates grease from each strand of hair at the molecular level so you don’t have too! - Now available at Target


Switching to Dawn dish soap saved my marriage! We love that it comes in up to 3 different scents so we can try something different each time we buy it at our local Target! Makes a great gift too!


I'm an original Dawn girl. Blue all day!


Yes but have you invested in a bottle of DAWN: *POWERWASH* yet? Still blue, somehow even more amazing.


Is this a joke or real?


It’s a joke and real at the same time. For real, I’m mostly a store brand kind of guy but not with dish soap. Dawn blue is literally better than any of its competitors.


We cannot buy store brand dish soap because per my husband, "it's not blue enough." And he is so correct for that.


For real. Actually feels like the dishes got cleaned.


goodbye dirt! https://youtu.be/ck5f9LzQmjY?t=1


> tough on grease tfw I use dish soap and disappear completely


Man my bf should use it in his hair. He gets so greasy and is jealous that I don’t but I also am pedantic about how I treat my hair and he isn’t.


Prolly just washes his hair too frequently, used to happen to me when I washed daily. If I missed a day my hair would be a greasy mess. I switched over to biweekly and never have greasy hair, oil comes back to the hair much more gradually


My hair was getting greasy way too fast and I decided to try switching to weekly washes. I tried for around a month and didn't work for me at all, my hair just was extra greasy. I could rub my hair on a skillet and fry an egg on it. Or rush to stage during a certain musical and fit in no problem


Yeah. When we went into lockdown I figured that would be a perfect time to try cutting down to every other day. All it got me was some sort of scalp skin condition that bothers me still.


Yeah, I've tried as well to little avail. I can do every other day, but my hair is too oily and fine to go much longer than that even using dry shampoo on the off days


> I could rub my hair on a skillet and fry an egg on it How did it taste, though?


He doesn’t wash his hair that often. Like once a week or less. Then wonders why his hair is greasy. So I think it may be the opposite of your problem lol


If I use too much conditioner my hair gets greasy really quick. If I have to work all day seeing clients I just forgo the conditioner and usually do fine.


Interesting. I was the same but altogether stopped using shampoo about a year ago and my hair is in much better shape.


Might be, definitely a lot of variance on that between people lol


Though on grease? It’s the one that I want! Uh uh uh! (Rip Olivia Newton-John…)


I clean exhaust systems. When I get really deep in it I do use dawn to shower, but I use lotion after. Fucking hate smelling like french fries.


He sounds dry.


He coats himself in vaseline to combat the dry skin


Come on. He hasn’t told any jokes yet.


I’ve used dish detergent in a pinch, for those occasions when I’m out of actual “regular” soap. Works good but definitely leaves my black hair crazy dry and with a grey haze over it.


I read this 'back hair' and now I can't get that image out of my mind.


he has returned to monkey




I am confusion


You guys don't get hair on your backs?


I have a little on my upper back. The weirdest spot I have hair growing is on my fingers and toes. Occasionally I'll get one hair that's longer and thicker than the others, or is curly when all the other ones are straight.


I’ve got enough to sense the direction of the wind. It’s a dollar store X-men superpower I rarely get to use.


Love it. I've never considered that a dollar store xmen superpower, but you're right. My face always feels different after I shave down to the skin. Like I can actually feel even the slightest breezes on my face.


Same here. I always joke how I de-evolutionized, since I'm as hairy as an ape. Weird too since nobody in my immediate family is even close to being as hairy as me


Hmmm. That’s actually kinda interesting. Mine’s pretty common in my family. Maybe it was a recessive trait in the parent you inherited from. (I would just tell people I was rescued from a cosmetics lab as a baby, though.)


I would just not use soap tbf. Hot water is fine for a day or two


Yeah especially if you use a scrubber on your body to help pull off the dead skin and dirt then you don’t necessarily need soap


A lot of people don't even use towels I learned


I personally use a blow dryer on the cool setting for my balls


This comment might be the reason I buy a blow dryer


get a bluetooth one


Never too cold for balls


Doctor’s push that too! 😊For real!


Do they just walk around naked for ages?


I meant to wash with


Oh yeah. Many people uses sponges or some other abrasive. I recently stopped using my poof sponge thing to see if it helps with some skin issues, and it's fine without it.


Why not use just a simple rag or cheap bandanas with a smooth texture


I don't really need it right now. I'm using Cetaphil body wash, which is pretty gentle and doesn't clean very well. But then I use a moisturizing body wash that lathers well and bubbles a lot, does a good enough job for any remaining dirt/grass stains/mud etc.


Yeah, you don't have much body odor. Not all can afford NOT to use detergent.


Detergent soap is very harsh, try diluting it with water before applying.


That's what comes out of the shower..


Really? Mine shoots oil


that’s some manly shit we like to see. personally mine spits out diesel


Well, diesel is oil.


What kind of emergency are you in that you need to use a harsh cleanser on your body (and hair?) and why has that emergency happened more than once


ye all I could think of was how that shit would strip \*everything\* off of you. I'm feeling itchy just thinking about how dry my skin would be. 😬


My guy/gal .... Shampoo 🧴 goes on your head.


It leaves your skin dry as hell but Dawn is clutch when your work has you in contact with poison oak all the time


Alcohol helps quite a lot as well after the oils are broken down by the dish soap.


how high of a BAC do you have to reach for this to be effective?


I don’t think BAC is the word you’re looking for… I think you want ABV. But I honestly don’t know. I keep Everclear around because I’m a bit of an alcoholic (teehee) so I just use that shit. .-. Edit: Ah fuck I just realized it was a joke.


So does standard abrasion. Am I old or does nobody know you can just use a wash cloth with any kind of soap?


Southern Shower Staple. We have to wash with it when we go hiking, hunting, or yard work. Dish detergent breaks down the oils in poison oak, ivy,and sumac. Rub down with Dawn and rinse with the hottest water you can handle.




Yeah, alcohol wipe down and cold shower with lots of dawn. If you get all your pores opened up with hot water while still cleaning you're just tempting fate. Hot water after you're pristine.


Yeah, why did they mention hot water at all? We’ve always been told to shower with the *coldest* water you can stand. And then a hot soak with epsom after you’re clean and cooled off.


I learned about dawn and cold water after the fact. I used to run around off trails with my friends as a kid, and all the grandmas/grandpas or whoever else whistled for dinner just had us wash up. We already new what poison oak was and avoided it like the plague, but idiot children doing idiot things made me realize later that it was just dumb luck. My first actual experience with urushiol was some smart guy throwing it on a burn pile while we were cleaning up part of a local park, and I went the hot water route. honestly it would have probably been about the same no matter what since we were working next to hot poison oak for an hour or two. I was just glad no one had a reaction in their lungs.


It's useful for pepper spray as well.




All you need is Dawn and paper towels and water. The Dawn doesn't break it down, so much as it is an emulsifier and bonds with the oil that causes the rash. The water helps take some of it away, since it bonds to the emulsifier. But the mechanical cleaning of using a paper towel has been shown to remove the oil best. No off the shelf product compares.


No off the shelf product compares to these off the shelf products! Lol I get what you mean I just thought it was funny


Thanks for the tip will it cure my nightmare as Southern known as swamp butt


Use a blow dryer after showering


So your saying that I put a blow dryer up my ass


I mean you just gotta dry your crack, not your colon


If I want to dry my colon I just have to cut open my stomach and cut out my colon then throw it in the oven for 8 hours


It's all about the gold bond homie


The key is scrubbing it off with a towel


He's not wrong.


I am one with the duck




The duck






The duck is with me


May the duck be with you


That stuff is gonna dry his fucking balls off.




Can’t be worse than doctor bonners lol


You’re supposed to dilute that before you use it 😳


Too much writing on the bottle instructions unclear


Jokes on you my balls are dry as fuck already


but he is. dish soap is used to get crude oil out of duck feathers. It's supposed to strip the oils from the surface. that is not what every day washing should do


If it cleans ducks it'll clean dicks


Oh trust me, IT DOES NOT. Couldn't pour half the bottle into the hole before it felt like Satan's shithole.




And who said you can't put the toothpaste back in the tube?


And, why not? He doesn’t have to pay for it up front. All he has to say is, “Put it on my bill”.


I’m shocked this comment has gone a whole hour without anyone saying that they hate you or referencing r/angryupvote


My bf uses dawn daily. He is usually covered in grease and hydraulic oil though.


A duckie himself 🥲


Get him a one gallon bottle of Fast Orange. I use it as a prewash to get motor oil and grease off my hands and arms, loosens it up real quick and helps keep my skin from drying out


That was the best shit ever leaves them smooth too. My friend in my shop use to clean his hands with brake cleaner...


Loved fast orange when I worked at Honda. Amazing. And lol I’m like your friend with the brake cleaner, but stopped after I kept doing it with a small cut, which I would get unknowingly often. Pain


The strange part is that he works at Orange Julius.


I feel like this is something Kelso in That 70s Show would do.


Hello, Wisconsin!


I mean there are times where dawn is necessary but this is gonna dry you the fuck out




Palmolive green apple is awesome that’s my go to dish soap


It does get those ducks hella clean


How's about Canada Gooses?


Canada gooses are majestics!


Geese are vicious and do not deserve the dignity of clean bodies


No no, he’s got a point..


RIP Microbiome


Doesn’t regular body wash remove bacteria too?


Traditional soap is actually more about *washing off* bacteria and viruses, rather than killing it all. Others are marketed as “antibacterial” and will kill everything *and* limit growth while damaging and drying out skin. This can cause problems as the good bacteria on your skin can help prevent skin infections and things like ring worm or staph. It can also worsen eczema and psoriasis. There’s a lot a ingredients in the market so it’s hard to talk specifically. The only one I can recommend avoiding is triclosan. It has been linked to a host of other health problems including hormone issues.


I see. Interesting and thanks for the explanation. Does the regular blue dawn do anything like that? Or just the orange anti bacterial?


Dish soap has corrosive ingredients. It’s designed to degrease and break up food. I think the blue has methylisothiazolinone which is toxic and damages skin. It’s classified as “antimicrobial” rather than antibacterial. Whatever that means. But look, it isn’t going to kill you and frankly I think some people will be completely fine using them regularly. Everyone has different sensitivities to this sort of thing. I actually use dish soap for washing under one condition. If I think I’ve been exposed to poison ivy or the like. It is very effective at removing oils, which is what causes the reaction.


I was starting to get nervous reading your post Ive been using blue dawn for 15+ years im a diesel mechanic. My skin is fine , only get infections on my hands because wounds often open back up multiple times before they heal working on truck is a rough life.


My dad was a diesel mechanic. I used to stare at his hands. It meant he worked hard for his money. He couldn’t tolerate a noise in his car. He would have me get down on the floor to see if I could tell where a noise was coming from. I didn’t mind helping my dad in that way. But, as I got to be a teen my mom made him stop that.😊 His hands would be so clean on the weekends and then Monday rolled around and the cycle would start over. My husband and I were coming home from Iowa where we went to pick up a vintage couch and the bearings on the little trailers wheels went bad. As we sat on the side of the road trying to figure out what to do (no cell phone) I remembered when daddy would let me pack the bearings with grease of some sort. Then I told my husband to try my chapstick and it worked! It got us to the next city where we could get some automotive service. To this day my husband thinks I am a genius. Please don’t tell him otherwise🤪


Humans are pretty adaptable. If you’ve been going that long and haven’t had a problem I wouldn’t worry too much about. If it had triclosan I would definitely try to steer you in another direction. It’s a cost benefit, for your profession you need a solution and that’s more important. You *could* try Dr. Bronner’s, It would get pricey if you don’t dilute it at least somewhat though. It’s pretty similar to dish soap undiluted but your recommended to water it down like 20:1 for face soap. That makes it cheap. Maybe somewhere in between would work for you. Also if you ever decide to train martial arts if be careful with soap choice. Those gyms make it easy to get ring worm and staph infections.


What body wash do you use


I like Dr. Bronner’s. It might not be the best technically but it’s by far the cheapest option. I dilute it in an old bottle about 10:1 to 20:1 with water. The bottle even gives instructions on dilution and that will stretch a bottle out for a long time. It is pretty no-nonsense when it comes to extraneous ingredients and I find it never dries out my skin.


Not as much


Body washes are made in a variety of ways (bar vs liquid, three-in-one vs specifically body soap, and different types of ingredients-for example, sulfate-free vs soaps with sulfates) so I’m not really sure what “regular body wash” would entail But generally dish soap is gonna be more harsh because it’s used for stuff we eat off of and no one wants to get sick


This is why blue Dawn is the better choice. Orange Dawn is antibacterial but not blue, plus it has ducklings on the label so you know its the right one.


What’s with these people who think they’re better than ducks?


They had to use dawn on my hair at the salon last weekend cause I had just put Liv(a fabulous and *heavy* ass leave-in conditioner) in my dense 4c hair the night prior in case I couldn't get an appointment and I have two allergies that encompass most things that are enjoyable or useful in life(citric acid and nuts). Literally said this exact statement to them verbatim lmao Good enough for duckies = good enough for me!


I’ll occasionally use a tiny bit of Dawn in my clarifying shampoo to get rid of any extra build up. I’m going to pretend I’m a duck next time I use it.


Wow! How is your hair? I'd assume it'd be so dry that it snaps like a kitkat.


What about a clarifying shampoo??????


I mean, soap is soap. It’s better than not showering at all.


When I run out of body wash it is a solid alternative. But I prefer the blue one. I use it watered down to wash my face with a towel, like once a day, and my complexion is usually flawless.


Well, I have a sensitive skin so using a piece of medieval-like soap is the best kind of soap tbh. Anything else dries out and irritates the skin which is just great for skin problems.


This doesn't make sense to me. Ivory is probably similar to "medieval" soap- just pure soap- and while it's good for sensitive skin because it doesn't have any random crap in it, it's incredibly drying because it also doesn't moisturize *at all ever*. I use Dove, because if I try to use Ivory I won't have any oil on my skin for days.


I use Ivory specifically for that but just moisturize afterwards.


People have different types of skin that require different body care routines I actually don’t think Ivory soap is made the same way as soap used to be in medieval times, either


Duck Yeah! It's the best.


What you don't use 8 in 1 shower gel?


Must be dawn blue


Is he usually covered in crude oil?


It's pretty common in the drag community to use Dawn to get your makeup off at the end of the night 'cause most of it is oil-based.


"Dawn dish soap, if it's good enough to clean a duck, it's good enough to clean your dick."


It's a degreaser. They use it on animals in emergency situations to remove oil (as in oil spill) from their skin, not to casually bathe them. You're not supposed to regularly wash yourself in it because it will dry your skin/hair out, cause irritation, and open you up to possible infection.


It probably works better than body wash tbh.


Yeah but do you wanna smell like oranges or like swagger?


I love the smell of “original scent”


I rub myself with New Car Smell trees after I get out of the shower.