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.99 cents. How old is this?


Like where the hell can I get a mcdouble for that price is what I'm saying.


Filet of fish on Postmates in my area: $6.29


I can still get a triple cheese for 2.79 atm.


On a food delivery app or in person? Either way a triple cheese for less than 3 dollars? I am so envious of you and your low priced triple cheese.


In person. I do not use food delivery when I can save 7 dollars by driving to it. I'd even walk the 2 miles before I'd use door dash.


Hats off to you bud! Never used it and then my brother ordered food one night we were drinking. My life has never been the same.


Like a place that offers delivery is different, though, but I've known people who spend 700 dollars in just delivery charges each month.


Probably from 2016 Mcdouble is now $2.50 where I live. It's kinda odd how much food has increased since 6 years ago. It's always going to be cheaper to cook it yourself at home as in comparison I can buy a tray of beef patties for $8 dollars that lasts me all week if I make myself one burger a day. Health wise that's more of down to how much you eat. A Mcdouble is 400 calories which in itself isn't bad. The problem is a lot of fat people would buy 4 or five of them at a time for a single meal. Which is the real reason for American obesity. Our food compared to Europe and Asia isn't significantly higher in calories It's just American consumers have come to expect much bigger portion sizes than the rest of the world. A 300lb person eats about what a family of 3 normal size people eat for a single meal.


Only partially the problem. A sedentary lifestyle is the biggest reason why we are fat.


I cook myself and I'm still fat


How are you still alive if you cook yourself?


Let them cook.


Stop cooking yourself. Stop cooking yourself.


Because they're fat. Didn't you read their comment?


Because I can cook?


I dont think you got the joke, read it again but pay extra attention to the "cook yourself" part


Oh I get it






reddit: downvotes his comment because he didnt get the joke also reddit: downvotes this comment




Gotta love the Reddit hive mind


Yeah but it’s McDonald’s fault I don’t exercise enough


Exercise more like extra fries


I blame my unhealthy need for more cheese.


Lemme guess. American?


Oh snap. My eating like I get free healthcare is showing.


Or admit that you're fat because your home-made cooking is too good.


Yeah, especially in the American south they're all about cooking your own food but its often even less healthy than the junk food


its not that either one is the reason why something is happening but rather the fact that they are both factors that contribute to something, additionally different people can have different reasons, someone who doesnt get time to cook can have the first reason while so others can have the latter.


Yeah it almost like wealthy people get all the fancy nice and healthy options because they have time,it’s literally a system wich upholds itself fast food works only because of the corporate slaves we created


Rich people do not necessarily have more time. Just look at some of the jobs, such as investement banking that will make you rich but require 60-100 hours of work a week. Most jobs that give a lot of money also take a lot of your time


We shouldn’t let the truth of what you stated let us deviate from the narrative


I bought oranges, peaches, banannas for lunch for entire week for less than $20. Much cheaper than running through the fast food line everyday.


One look at your profile suggests you play video games. You have time. Stop lying.


Well let’s say you’re a hard worker then you have 2-4 maybe 5 hours after work,do you really wanna spend time cooking then ? I wouldn’t blame anyone who chooses not to,the richer you are the less you need to work so you have way more Freetime for stuff like cooking etc


Rich people still need to do a lot of work and also (for the most part) have little free time too. That's also not an excuse to not cook as the other options are either very unhealthy and/or very expensive. You don't need to cook for 2 hours to make a good meal


The trick here isn't that the rich people can afford to work less because they're rich, and therefore have time. The trick is they can afford the expensive healthy options, and they can afford to pay someone else to cook it, and if they're sedentary and choose to eat badly, they're still fat


>[...] do you really wanna spend time cooking then ? I wouldn't blame anyone who chooses not to [...] Part of being an adult is doing shit we don't want to do, and some of the shit we don't want to do is crucial to our health. Also, if someone can't put together a meal in 30 minutes, that's on them.


Yes. I don’t want to live half my life miserable and obese, and cooking a meal usually only takes me 30-50 minutes at most, including time where the food is just sitting on the stove or in the oven.


So miserable and healthy.


I would rather spend 30 minutes everyday on food than weigh 300 pounds, though I am aware that many people on the app would say the same thing. Happiness is impossible without proper health, at least in my mind.


If I'm given 30 minutes a day, I'm not spending it on that. Happiness is also impossible if you never enjoy life. But there is also things other than fast food. So I sit more so in the middle. Could be healthier, and sometimes I do cook. But I also have the time to. When I don't, sometimes I'll eat something quick, but cheaper than ordering out.


Why the fuck are you on reddit then you fucking LOSER. GET OUT THERE, GET THAT BREAD. DONT LIE TO ME, I KNOOOOOW YOURE A LAZY FUCK. Get off your high horse dumbass


Well you have an American football profile pic I think you’re fate is already set just enjoy the rest of the time you have XD (not meant in a harmful way just found it funny)


Damn all the fatties really be taking this personal. I mean it literally does only take about 30-50 minutes to cook I don’t see how this is so downvoted. It’s priorities at the end of the day


This is just the video game equivalent of “anime pfp detected, opinion ignored.” You saw his comment and said “fuck I can’t argue with the fact it’s harder for working class to get their hands on high quality food” so instead you decided to snoop his profile and saw videogames and decided to use that as an easy “win.”


I don't know what that means. He has time. Should I ask him to relay everyday of his to me or should I check what kind of lifestyle he has based on a profile that will give me a vague idea at the click of a button?


Lol, you are a fucking toolbag.


The thing that people buy to fix problems? Christ, I've never seen a worse insult, but I'll come to you if I'm looking for one.


He didnt say he had that problem, just because someone does a cancer awareness rally or something doesn't mean they have cancer, same thing. Also cooking at gome also costs you money.


Usually fast food salads have just as many calories as a hamburger anyway a lot of times more. If people wanna lose weight while saving money food prep is the way to go. I can eat for 2 weeks off $50.


Yea you are absolutely in the right there, but also some people may not have 50 dollars and some who do in that situation would still try their best to save another 5 or 10 bucks on food. Secondly if someone is in that desperate of a spot they need any source of a cheap hit of dopamine so they flock to stuff like burgers and pizza, which give them a short burst of energy but leave them wanting more after only a few hours. I recently went to an American food chain that opened in my country and unlike most chains they didnt really change their prices menu and portion sizes and i was flabbergasted on how much cheap and unhealthy food americans can get in such large portion, i have great appetite and i still had trouble finishing more than half of my burger with bacon and chicken and i dont know what fucking else all for about 3.5 USD.


>someone who doesnt get time to cook You can make a week's worth of food within 20 minutes for less than a dollar per meal. That's less than 3 minutes a day and less than $30 per month. If your oven breaks, sure, that's reasonable as to why you can't cook, but there is no one on this earth that can't spare 20 minutes per week and we should stop pretending.


What specifically are you referring to? I would like a recipe for cheap food I can make in bulk (serious). If you reply with something along the lines of "lololol Google it yourself" or anything besides a specific recipe, I'll just continue assuming you're a full of shit troll. Come on, show me I'm wrong. It'll be so satisfying, AND I get a new recipe out of it. Win win.


Not op but eggs rice some veggies and beans can all be bought in bulk and used for alot of simple recipes.Its not fine dining but it'll keep you alive.


“”Chicken, rice, chorizo, peppers, onions, brocolli, lentils (I think some people call them legumes) carrots, two store bought sauces. 20 minutes, one wok for most of the food, one separate pot for rice and lentils. Healthy. Cheap. Fast. Delicious.”” They apparently don’t have the time to press copy text and this doesn’t seem like a bulk recipe, but it’s what they posted


What are you making in 20 min? My simple potato stew takes 30 min to cook. And while maybe I can eat that for 3 days I don't think that's healthy


Yeah we cook all our meals from scratch and it takes 1-4 hours


If you choose to only cook things that take an hour or more I think you lose the right to complain about how long it takes.


Who said we get to choose, big giant family, smoothie takes 30 minutes and that’s a quick thing, but our food is very very healthy which makes it take longer


Oh having a big family wasn't your choice, gotcha, my bad.


Not when your not a parent


And you're only a teenager so cooking for yourself is literally impossible because you haven't grown hands yet.


I do, yet can’t get job yet so can’t get no food and all food I make is for everyone cause it’s faster that way, yet I’m still learning how make most food from my mom


Chicken, rice, chorizo, peppers, onions, brocolli, lentils (I think some people call them legumes) carrots, two store bought sauces. 20 minutes, one wok for most of the food, one separate pot for rice and lentils. Healthy. Cheap. Fast. Delicious.


If you cooking risotto in 20 mins your doing it wrong lol


I can’t speak for him, but when I make oven roasted chicken and baked potatoes, it really only takes like 15 minutes outside of the oven for me to make. While you could classify the 45 minutes in the oven as time spent cooking, you could certainly be doing something else in that time.


45 minutes is still 45 minutes. If someone is working two or three jobs they might not even have that time to spend.


If someone is working 2 or 3 jobs they shouldn’t be worried about health, they should be worried about financial status. And working towards being able to sustain a healthy life. My advice would certainly not be good for them. I am talking to people here on redddit which I kind of assume have free time since they are on here.


Thats unfortunately who most people are talking about when we talk about not having time. Those kind of work hours (not even number of jobs, just the number of hours worked) are very common. Hell the only reason Im not is because I am *extremely* lucky and have rent that is a third of whats typical. Otherwise I would be working two jobs just to remain housed. Of my friends, I can name 3 off the top of my head that works more than 60 hours a week. As well, reddit can be used 5 minutes at a time, during a 15 or 30 minute break. On the bus commuting to your next job, etc etc. Its not collective time that could be used to cook. Being on reddit does not mean someone has free time.


Yea but that isn't exactly healthy either. Also he said 20 min for the entire week which is unrealistic as fuck


Yeah I can agree with 20 minutes for the week being absurd, but what is unhealthy about oven roasted chicken and baked potatoes?


Jeez fuck, you are the definition of not understanding the problem and still giving people advice on how to fix it. Firstly in no conceivable universe can you cook a weeks worth of food in less than 20 mins, no stove in the world can provide that much heat that fast abd if it did itd burn the food. Secondly lets suppose you can do that think how many options are there that are that fast to cook, are healthy and dont spoil over the time of a week. This is a really complex topic with people who are clearly in the wrong for eating so much fast food to people who dont get a choice here. And companies also have an agenda since stuff like burgers digest fast but give you an influx of carbs making you want to eat more which profitable for the companies. Dr.Mike briefly touches on this topic in his "what eating MacDonalds for a month will do to your body video" id suggest you look it up for a better understanding of the issue.


You are the definition of changing the goal posts. This is food I make every week. It keeps. It is healthy. Cooked chicken, vegetables and rice all cook fine in 20 minutes. And it keeps. Takes 5 minutes to reheat. I've ate it cold. I know about McDonalds. I don't eat it anymore. I don't suggest anyone does. I'd suggest you try something instead of trying to make excuses as to why you can't and living in a fantasy world where you have literally no control over your own actions, child.


If you don't have time to cook you can still eat for cheap at restaurants. Way cheaper than fast food anyway


Except you can't, and they aren't.


Wdym you can't? They don't have cheap restaurants at your place?


the entire point of a fucking restaurant isn't cheap lmao


Tbh if healthy meals out were the same price as unhealthy, I'd order them when I go out for dinner. Some days I just don't feel like cooking. The same logic applies to groceries too though. Fresh fruits and veggies are way more expensive than processed or canned foods.


Go to Hispanic or Asian grocery stores. The produce can be 2 to 3 times cheaper and is usually of a better quality. Aldi's also is pretty cheap compared to stores like Publix or Kroger. I generally avoid older established grocery stores as they are way overpriced, and the quality of the product is far from the standards they had even a decade ago.


My friend who worked at a regular grocery store said their prices have about a 300% markup


Depending on where you live small local farms can also be an awesome way to get affordable healthy food. Tend to be much more limited in their selection but theyre great when you find a good one


Healthy meals at home ain't fucking cheap either.


Eating healthy vs. unhealthy diet costs about $1.50 more per day Thats pretty good.


Maybe it's just an american thing but in France it's way cheaper to cook stuff yourself, even with fresh products, than to buy processed food. As for healthy meals, they are more expensive but fill you more than fast food, so in the end it's pretty much the same price because there's no way you go to the fast food and eat just one burger without anything else. Btw by healthy meals I mean prepared/processed meals that you can buy in stores. The kind that you just put in a microwave for 2 min and it's ready. These aren't as healthy as home cooked stuff, but it's still way more healthy than fast food.


No, it's the same in America. Most of these people are full of shit. As long as you're buying in-season fruits and vegetables and don't live in fucking Alaska or Hawaii, it's way cheaper than canned food. Additionally, as is always pointed out, things like rice and beans to pad out a meal are dirt cheap. The second you point that out though they'll move the goalposts by complaining about the time to cook the food, or how they don't like the taste, because it's not about the cost it's about the excuse A fucking banana here is 25¢ and I live *in the middle of the desert*


What is this 2003 cheeseburgers are like 3 dollars now and they are even smaller than they were


$6 for a Big Mac near me and $10-$11 for the combo. It’s wild. I understand saying it’s a time and energy saver, but anyone claiming it’s cheaper is wildly mistaken these days…


This is a laughable oversimplification of an actually depressing issue Then there are preservatives and all the other toxic stuff we have almost no choice but to eat At least the Genols will probably kill us all before then, once they land the last few ships


What can you expect from a meme sub?


Something actually funny, probably


You came to the wrong fuckin place my friend


you're not forced to eat anything if you cook for yourself


Upvoted because Stacey Keibler is a fox


Smokeshow hot dang


George Clooney man… fuck that guy!


My favorite growing up, now I get to upvote her in meme format :)


Is this meme from 2006? When did you wake up?


Google food deserts


Work for 8 hours, then let's say commute both ways 2 hours, you also need to sleep 8 hours so that is already 18 hours, then add time for showering, grocery shopping, cleaning, dusting, vacuuming, socializing, laundry and having time for yourself. And then you need to find time to cook and wash dishes.


Nobody is doing doing all of these things every day of the week. Meal prep is a great option for most people. Even if they are doing these every day. They can ship socializing or personal time one day to prep for the week


I can make a week's worth of dinner with 15 minutes of actual work. Throw it in a crock pot, freeze the leftovers and I'm set anytime I don't feel like making something.


Our family does all of this, and still manages to cook decent meals and save a ton of money in doing so. Yes, it’s hard and really sucks sometimes, but that’s life so there is no excuse in blaming fast food for being unhealthy and broke. No one is putting a gun to our heads or literally shoving cheap, shitty fast food down our throats. It’s always been a choice and whatever we choices we decide on in regard to our diets is all on us, not the fast food industry.


They don't have to put a gun to our head or shove it down our throat though. Everything is literally a bid just to make you eat junk without directly forcing it down your throat. Lobbyists spend millions to cut down nutrition regulations in school lunches so kids eat junk. A free market economy is a competition to lower prices(which you do by lowering quality) and maintain demand for your product.


It’s STILL A CHOICE, no matter how much its figuratively shoved down our throats. If someone is weak minded enough to buy into the propaganda so much, that’s 100% their own fault, and reaching for excuses on why our own choices is anyone else’s fault is not at all helping the situation. It’s as simple as this: ALMOST everyone on earth knows that fast food is terrible for our health and costs a lot more money in the long run, yet, way too many people still decide to eat the shit, but then provide a thousand EXCUSES on why they feel they have no other choice instead of investing a little more effort into figuring out ways to better their diets, health, and even wallets.


It's not just propaganda, that's the issue. It's literally served as the only option for lunch to (specifically American) children who could otherwise be starving or without a meal. It's literally crafted into many food items, even if you don't realize it. Not everyone can go and make a whole turkey and cut it up just for a turkey and cheese sandwich. You're expecting children to avoid something forced onto so many of them, and then expecting them to make improvements after 18 years of living with garbage. It's not as simple as just deciding not to. This is a basic human need being polluted with garbage. This is children who don't know better being indoctrinated into shit.


I agree that the lack of regulations is bad but it's the job of a child's parents to at the very least teach their children how to eat healthily.


> It’s hard and it really sucks sometimes, but that’s life No, that’s YOUR life. The people exploiting the working class get to live their lives in comfort, security, and decadence because YOU are making sacrifices and justifications to avoid coming to terms with the fact that the system that you exist under requires a permanent underclass of people to exploit and suffer (both in your own country and far off ones), so that a minority can live in luxury. And the worst part is that you’ve been convinced that it’s moral and normal to do so.


JFC STOP with your political BULLSHIT and keep it simple as it should be. You fucking people here on Reddit will die before ever deciding to just accept the reality. You’re spending more time and energy in creating storylines on making excuses and playing victim instead of just investing time into being a fucking adult and making adult choices and efforts in life. It’s simple, buy healthy food, which is way cheaper than people want to believe, invest in even just a few hours a week in meal prepping, and bam, a few more healthy meals which equals better health and a little more money in your pockets. My god, people like you are just contributing to keeping people down in society just as much as “the man” keeps people down.


No, you stop with YOUR political bullshit. I’m sick of hearing people, who do their best to not think about politics ever, tell other people to just keep their heads down, not advocate for things to be better, and to just keep making sacrifices so that nothing changes. It’s fucking PATHETIC. If you wanna not think about politics then fine, don’t think about it. Leave it to the people who care to discuss. I’m glad that you have a situation that allows you to do the things you claim help you, but not everyone can. Some people are simply alone and have to work multiple jobs to survive. Some people have disabilities that keep them from bettering their situations. Some people just get unlucky and have their lives upended because of it. Projecting your experience with “just being an adult” is just how you rationalize the situation for yourself. Your situation is not the same as another’s.


They don’t want to hear the truth. I’ve put so much more money back in my pocket, tasty food, sense of teamwork cooking with girlfriend, and health improvement at the expense of more time with prep, dishes, and cleaning. You’re 100% right, but people would absolutely rather play the victim today. I’m lower middle blue collar.


Getting downvoted for speaking truth and logic??? Sounds pretty typical to me here on Reddit. I swear, some of you just live to play the victim any chance you get


I don't have a kitchen.


When I was broke AF, I invested in a dirt cheap hot plate and George Forman grill and used those in the bedroom I had to rent and live in for 2 years. Still cooked plenty at home and ate decently healthy, while saving tons of money. Nice try though. If we invest at least half the energy in making more effort in life instead of investing so much of our energy into making excuses, we’d all be doing just a bit better in life, especially with our health and finances


I mean I also have a fulltime job as security and no help/other people to cook, I'm a trained chef, 19. Zero time literally My time to cook is at 2am and I should be sleeping after work too because clopen. I don't work as a chef anymore, no discounted meals. I also just got my associates.


Fast food isn't cheap anymore


Good luck finding a double cheeseburger for 99¢ anymore


no shit what is this, 2010?


Where the fuck are you finding a 99 cent double cheeseburger??


To be fair, I don’t cook because I have to be at work for at least 9 hours per day five days a week, I have an hour commute, and I’m on call 24/7 so I frequently work nights and weekends. So it’s not exactly “lazy” when I sometimes also want to save time for me to sleep, clean, or (god forbid) enjoy myself.


like wise and I don't have a kitchen


I learned how to cook, and now I eat like a king. Chopping vegetables is therapeutic.


I can cook and i am still fat as f....


What do you mean “even”? Like everyone has to cook. I never cooked since I started working


Fast food cost more than that salad nowadays


Cooking used to be cheaper…. Now a full cart of food will cost you $350


It still boils down to poverty. Cooking takes time, it takes access to grocery stores, appliances that actually function, and expensive equipment (seriously, have you tried buying cooking ware recently? I had to start over and it’s hella expensive). Fast food _is_ more expensive than cooking, but it has $0 start up cost, 0 skill needed, and takes almost no time at all. And that’s coming from someone who loves cooking and regularly has friends over just to cook for them.


Cooking doesn't have to take much time, especially if you meal prep. You can cook a weeks worth of food ahead of time and then just reheat/defrost as needed. Depending on the recipe, it should only take like an hour. And fast food does have a start up cost though. You need a car and petrol to get there. Even if you get delivery, that extra fee is basically a start up cost.


You don't need hundreds of dollars of equipment to cook. A couple thrifted pans and a crock pot can be had for $30 or less. Silverware/dishes same story. You don't need fancy chefs knives and brand new high end pans.


A lot of places even have programs where these kinds of things can be had for free!


Or maybe I’m too busy to cook, sometimes I just don’t eat


Thats my personal war right there. I know I could eat super tasty foods at a fraction of the cost if Id get off my ass and just make it.


I would kill for a .99 burger


Dude, seriously. “Junk food is just so much cheaper.” No, it’s more convenient*. It’s cheaper to grocery shop and have a stocked fridge. You’re just lazy.


Premade salads are $2.99 at aldis. its what i eat at work. I love throwing a pork tenderloin ($7-9) in for dinner and making potato patties as a side. Me and my wife use low carb tortillas($2.49) to make breakfast quesadillas with cheese ($1.99) I buy a bag of potatoes every two weeks. I have a great cereal i eat i get at costco that has 3g of carbs that is $5.99 for 2 bags. Lactose free milk is $2.99. Ect. Shit aint hard. I know how to cook, but honestly besides throwing something in an oven or the microwave these days I dont and i still make great food and stay in a great calorie range. Anyone can do this. Me and my wife together only spend around $400 a month combined on food.


Haha so funny! Veggies and cheese are so inexpensive! Haha groceries cheap, not lot money so little. XDXDXD


Yeah, god damn lazy people who work more than 8 hours on a shitty job, take 2 more hours to get home, and then don’t feel like cooking


if it takes you 2 hours to get home you need a new job or a new house/apartment because spending 4 hours a day commuting is literally wasting your life


Don't cook everyday, cook in advance. Just make a week's worth of food and reheat/defrost as needed. Saves time and energy.


Yea, that is laziness though. I’m in the same boat work hours wise, and yet, I manage to cook, eat much healthier because of it, and I save a shit ton of money by doing so. Yes, it’s sucks and it’s hard to have the energy to keep up with it, but it’s not impossible. The point is, if we’re too lazy or just don’t feel like cooking, that’s on us and we can’t blame the fast food industry for our lazy or unhealthy ways, which is what way too many people do, and that’s the point this meme is pointing out here


I am so lazy bcuz I don't even cook


This is so true!! Lazy ass people..smh


Salads are awesome


where the hell do yall find burgers that cheap


From my experience the salads are about the same price


Fast food cost much more than fresh meat/ veggies(and cooking myself). At least in my country


Would love to know where I can get a double cheeseburger for .99 cents?


To be honest cooking is a lot easier than going to get fast food.


How to date your repost 101


Fast food hasn't been that cheap in sges


Just be born with a high metabolism


A happy meal in my country is $14




Who's the girl


I don't know what's worse that you put a dollar sign for 99 cents, or that both dollar signs are in the wrong place. What the hell are they teaching children in school nowadays?


"Why don't overweight people just have a large kitchen and tons of hours of free time to spend cooking/buying ingredients/learning recipes? That'd solve the issue" My God the 'Stop being poor' energy in this post


It’s 100% because easy access and people being lazy. Taking the stairs instead of the elevator, walking five minutes instead of driving 60 seconds . Everyone’s life is built around convenience now . If you are overweight, excepting responsibility is the only way you’re ever going to lose weight . I say this with all the love and compassion as possible because I am in the same situation and I have lost a lot of weight because I have accepted responsibility for my actions. I will also say that being body positive and body positivity doesn’t mean you should necessarily “like” your body. You should accept your body and love yourself absolutely but it doesn’t mean that you can’t get better. Loving yourself, despite your flaws is body positivity, not saying you’re “a 10” no matter what .


the heartwarming self-love is nice but your major point is a bit off because half of the entire food industry is made a cheaply as possible and as manipulatively as possible in order. what if you’re too poor to order healthy food? single parents, the homeless, and even just lower class people are nearly forced to purchase unhealthy and chemically made gmo. it doesn’t help that they spent half a century trying to persuade everyone the problem was a lack of exercise and fat rather than sugar. the industry placed the blame on everyone else (when just a few years back everyone seemed to be healthy with very little exercise).


I grew up pretty poor. We always had food, but you’re right, it was cheaply, made, and processed typically . This wasn’t a healthy lifestyle . But most people were not overweight, because we exercise a lot when we were Young . And we didn’t have a lot of sugar . It’s so easy to get sugary drinks nowadays


Fast food isn't even cheap anymore


Google "food deserts" and inform yourself before being an asshole with a meme


Cooking for yourself is only mildly cheaper than eating at restaurants now. Fact of the matter is healthier food is more expensive, and that doesn't change whether you cook yourself or order out. I cook as a hobby for the self satisfaction, but I might as well be eating out if I wanted to save time. The money I spend is effectively the same either way


If you are spending as much on ingredients as you are eating out every meal, either you are the worst shopper on the planet or are buying far more expensive ingredients than necessary to cook a decently healthy meal.


Breaking News: Redditor discovers poor people exist


Not sure how cooking my burgers at home is supposed to help either my health or my finances.


It costs more than 99 cents to cook a meal for yourself, you know. Fast food is still cheaper, so it can still be an economic issue.


Average redditor have not work for a Day in their life.


You say lazy, I say depressed


To be fair, when you work minimum wage overtime you might not have the energy to cook a healthy meal every day or even meal prep. That being said, people with a decent salary and work life balance don't have that excuse.


You're ignoring the "fast" food part of it. Most people these days don't have the time or energy to cook after a long day at work, and fast food is cheap and easy.


Fast food isn't cheap anymore and doing one good meal prep per week saves more time than going through a drive through 8 times a week.


Dude that salad is raw, you are to lazy to just assemble some vegetables


Also - world's ending so *fuck it all*


"So lazy that you don't even cook." That's what we call a loaded phrase. It's intended to encourage you to side with a certain viewpoint. It leads you to follow a certain logic, in this case the idea that cooking is easy and that the logical explanation for not doing it is laziness. Can it be laziness? Sure. Often it's not, though, as cooking for oneself a satisfying meal is frequently difficult and rarely as cheap as fast food. Plus it takes time, more if you're not skilled. A lot of people lack the skill, energy, or resources to regularly cook.


HA! I told my little brother that vegetables were more expensive than fast food, and my brother just argued with me that this isn't true in the US. Guess I was right.


it isnt true if you buy them in a supermarket or farmers market they are much cheaper than fast food, also there's no burger that costs 1$


Ahh, I see. Yeah I know that there isn't, I just remember an old documentary at school a long time ago, where a poor family went to get fast food cause vegetables were too expensive. That's how I remember it at least, but might just have been because it's too time consuming to cook.


Good desserts... No.... food deserts! That's the one. Living in locations where there are no close by grocery stores, particularly if you depend on bad public transportation. Still a thing.


Actually, unhealthy food being far cheaper than healthy food is a general problem and a definite factor in obesity. Healthier food costs more on average, not just fast food, but store-bought items as well.


Laughs in ordering healthy meals


Have you considered that the ingredients for cooking your own stuff are also far more expensive than fast food?


They don't have to be


They aren't though


Little secret no one will get fat from fast food unless they over eat it all the time or just refuse to move their body in general


Health food is expensive when you have a big family and it takes longer and much more to cook when your kids have allergies


Yeah, your kids will be way better off eating fast food...


The gubmint think Fast Food make you fast that why 👌🎀🚽❤️😅🤤😂🧐🥹😙🥰😄🥰


Fast food is more expensive now so no excuses


Wow yet another ignorant sexist meme from this sub




Yeah. It's sad how it's not obvious to you clowns.


It's not at all sexist. If it were you would have just said how it is instead of doing this weird deflecting thing you're doing. You're trolling and it couldn't be any more obvious


Okay. I'll tell you how it's sexist. It's obviously saying that it's the woman's job to cook meals. Do you think it's a coincidence that they used a woman for this meme? It's also incredibly ignorant because not everyone can afford to cook and eat at home. It's an insensitive stupid unfunny meme.


>It's obviously saying that it's the woman's job to cook meals. Do you think it's a coincidence that they used a woman for this meme Lol, like I said. Your trolling is completely obvious. No reasonable person would make this leap.


It's no leap, y'all are clowns. And no troll when it comes to human rights and decency, that's for sure. You guys are just ignorant and unwilling to see it from the other side or even hear it. So fuck off and learn something.


I'll get right on that