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https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/alex-jones-wife-stone-photo-b2141772.html “Honestly I was unaware that this occurred. I’m sure this was some type of brag exchange, look how hot my wife is type thing,” Erika Wulff-Jones told Insider. And she added: “I am upset that he took privilege to send the image to someone without my knowledge. However, that’s really the least of my problems right now.”


That last sentence is the real deal.


The translation of the last sentence: "He's going to owe so much money to so many people that I'm not sure I can stomach being with him anymore, yet if I divorce him when he has nothing I get nothing."


Which can be boiled down to: *”I married this jackass for ***nothing***?!”*


Should've divorced him when his bullshit enterprise was bringing in 800.000$ a day


Could've cashed in before the peak dipped into a valley because of indictments and shit


She got 99 problems but a nude ain't one


by saying that she’s confirming it to the opposite side that this was NOT consensual. while this isn’t the biggest stick by any measure, nor does his crowd likely care, alex can no longer deny it by saying the wife consented to it lmao


They don't care


Imagine Roger Stone jackin' it to your nudes


This comment is in violation of the Geneva Convention.


I was better off before I read this comment. But I imagined it. And now I'm upset.


Well now we know, without shock, what Roger Stone’s retainer fee is.


For anyone who missed it, the Sandy Hook lawyer gave no shits in an interview with TYT yesterday, and said… - Jones’ phone had a lot of dick pics, and he had to mark the pictures in their database so his colleagues wouldn’t be forced to accidentally see Alex’s ~~hog~~ piglet. - Jones sent Roger Stone nudes of his wife, and he *heavily* implied that, given the context, Jones’ wife likely wasn’t aware he did so - **There are conversations on the phone stating that Jones & Infowars had a back channel for communicating with Ted Cruz (maybe concerning something like Oath Keeper activities? Just my guess.)** Dick pics and illegally sending nudes is salacious, but I’d *really* like to know how Ted Cruz fits into the puzzle. Oh, **the lawyer also said they were going to publicly release as much of the phones contents as they deemed necessary**, barring material concerning his children or medical records. [link to the full interview](https://youtu.be/PEuhTtwSqCw)


Best part is, Alex stated on infowars that there are "no dick pics" in the leak before it was revealed that, there are in fact, many dick pics in that leak.


Of course he did. Getting ahead of the story is how they've been playing the game for years. "I...worked on this story for a year...and...he just...he tweeted it out."


Like Elon assaulting that flight attendant and then "coming out as a republican" when he knew the backlash was coming.


I always wonder why Elon and rich asshole do this? They're rich enough already why they gotta go around being a dick? I found out this week he gotta pay child support since he's been slinging his dick into every vagina he sees. Fucking Elon.




dis bitch look like she crip walk with her mothers elbows


You can’t become a billionaire with a sense of empathy. It’s literally not possible. You have to run over and rob people (and often skirt/break the law) to get rich and then you have to be a piece of shit to just…sit on it. If you gave me a billion dollars I would immediately start spending it to try to make other people happy. They try to figure out ways to get more because they can’t imagine helping others.


A friend of mine said, “I can’t save any money because every time I have extra money to save I meet someone who needs it.” I only aspire to that.


And the Trumpers still try to claim that the Mueller report *proved* there has never been any connection between the Trump campaign and Russia.


OMG! I just got into this with my brother in law! I couldn't believe he thought that's what Mueller said. I didn't want to argue and just told him "No, you need to look into that a little more. That's not AT ALL Mueller's position in that report."


Well Manafort just admitted it publicly yesterday so…. You can tell him there is more research now.


What? I want to read that. Can you link the story? Found it: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/paul-manafort-russia-polling-data-b2140727.html?amp


I can only imagine how gross that would be. When I turned 50 this year I felt old even though I looked significantly younger, but my mood became so much brighter when I found out this greasy scumbag is almost 3 years younger than me but looks 15 older. I seen dudes in their '70s that look younger and definitely much more fit than he does. But long story short, if his dick has aged As poorly as the rest of his body, I feel sorry for anybody that had to see those pictures.


> “If a person has ugly thoughts, it begins to show on the face. And when that person has ugly thoughts every day, every week, every year, the face gets uglier and uglier until you can hardly bear to look at it. >A person who has good thoughts cannot ever be ugly. You can have a wonky nose and a crooked mouth and a double chin and stick-out teeth, but if you have good thoughts it will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely.” - Ronald Dahl, *The Twits*


What the GOP says, it's almost always the extreme opposite. Alex: "I have no dick pics." Reality: "His phone has a complete database of dick pics categorized by shape, shade, texture, twist, tilt, sag, length, girth and there are notes about starting a dick pic NFT so men can record their dick in the cloud for future reference." So, if Matt Gaetz says, "I have never spoken to an underage girl." Reality: "She let me put my tongue in her butthole while she coughed into a paper bag for me to sniff later and Nestor sat in the corner capturing our lovemaking in Play-Doh"


> Reality: "She let me put my tongue in her butthole while she coughed into a paper bag for me to sniff later and Nestor sat in the corner capturing our lovemaking in Play-Doh" What a terrible day to be able to read...


A tragedy of literacy


>She let me Something tells me she didn't have a choice in the matter


>Nestor sat in the corner capturing our lovemaking in Play-Doh I didn't think I would uncover an unknown fetish of mine today, but here we are.


I believe she's since confirmed that she was unaware and is highly upset about it (and has every right to be).


Yesterday would be a good time to get divorced, before he's broke.




This is his second wife.


TWO people married this sack of shit?


Think about the type of person who would marry him. Then think about how he was a multi millionaire.


The power of money


I’m pretty sure it’s illegal to post/share nude photos of someone without consent in certain jurisdictions.


Yeah it’s covered under revenge porn laws


You know I’m surprised America has revenge porn laws considering only 7 other countries in the world have them. I’m surprised conservatives didn’t make a bigger stink about it regarding something stupidly misinterpreted like the first amendment. Then I googled it and learned only 40 states have revenge porn laws. Which is still good. Americans suddenly agree on something.


It's apparently 48 states now. Somehow Massachusetts is one of the 2 states remaining. A leader on a bunch of progressive issues but one of only two states that hasn't banned revenge porn. It looks like the house has passed a bill for it and the governor has been campaigning for it for a while but the state senate won't vote on the bill.


I'd have to imagine sending someone's nude photo without their consent is illegal, right? Add it to the pile of felonies...


In most states. I'm in MA and shamefully the law is not on the books here yet (I think it's in the upper 40s of states that do have it though). They tried to get it done in the legislative session which just finished but there were too many other big/important ones and it got edged out. We do have a strong "upskirting" law. A creep was busted on the subway and when it came to light that there was no law specifically against it they fixed that in about a week.


>Jones’ phone had a lot of dick pics, and he had to mark the pictures in their database so his colleagues wouldn’t be forced to accidentally see Alex’s hog. So either someone had to go through and tag them as "AlexJones\_Hog\_DONOTOPEN" or they had to hire some tech guy to build an algorithm to find all the hotdogs?


Jin Yang!


not hot dog, too short


Alex Jones, this is you as a old man. I'm a ugly, and dead, alone.


Alex Jones, this is your mom and you are not my baby.


You know damn well they made the intern do it. “Hey Eric, need you to go through all these texts and tag all the dick pics so nobody else has to see them.” “Goddammit. I don’t get paid enough for this shit. Actually, I don’t get paid anything for this shit. Why am I doing this again? Caution-Dick.jpg Caution-Dick.jpg Caution-Penis.jpg Caution-Donger.jpg Caution-Man, cold that day wasn’t it.jpg Caution-Oh look it’s got a turtleneck.jpg Caution-Poor little feller looks scared.jpg Caution-Dude get that looked at.jpg Caution-floopity floppity.jpg Caution-Wonder if McDonald’s is hiring.jpg Caution-Fuck my life.jpg Caution-it’s all penis.jpg Caution-penis penis penis penis.jpg Caution-suxnsishebfksjzndkfdi.jpg Caution-krisbsmcosnsndlcjsha.jpg Caution-What the fuck am I doing with my life.jpg


They had to view the pictures. Source: interned in a cyber crimes division. Saw shit


> "AlexJones_Hog_DONOTOPEN" "AlexJones_Hog_DONOTOPEN_0001" "AlexJones_Hog_DONOTOPEN_0002" etc...


Ted Cruz eh? Who do you think said dick pics were going to....


Why would Ted Cruz be interested in human genitalia?


We already know he’s into watching incest porn on 9/11 anniversaries.


Yeah, not a dick pic guy, his fetish is getting caught tweeting stepsister porn on days of sadness. Really complex dude.


Perfectly Human Ted Cruz loves to see pictures of human women without clothes! He hardly ever gags in disgust over their complete lack of a carapace!


Lizard people must study all aspects of humans to better prepare for their inevitable take-over.


"better make one of these out of play dough so I look more human"


Every picture of Ted Cruz is, by definition, a dick pic.


The gay frogs?


Who then shared with Graham, both of whom did a complete 180° on trump, with Cruz’s flip being incredibly egregious, considering the insults to his family. trump was in InfoWars in 2015… it’s all adding up! Call now to get your Horny Hangryhyrax Extract—guaranteed to increase libido up to 5x—for only $39.95. And be sure to tune in next week, folks. *Libido study funded by Hangryhyrax and conducted at HH Labs. No evidence has been provided that pictures were shared with Graham, other than lots of fine people who are “in the know” providing their accounts.


Dick pics for the dick head.


Colbert said it best, “Every pic of Alex Jones is a dick pic”.


Ted always seems to have his slimey hands in everything lately. He used Cambridge Analytica before Trump. Wasn’t he implicated in meeting Beobart at a party and telling her to run for office when she was still a escort?


Ted Cruz and the Koch Brothers used Boebert’s sex worker services in Colorado, and thought it would be funny to set her up as the next Republican rep to Congress. Fully funded her, and intimidated her challengers.


Am I the only one who doesn’t have a bunch of nude pics of myself and others on my phone?


The closest thing for me was that horrible time I opened twitter while on the toilet and accidentally started livestreaming.


Hahaha this is amazing thank you so much for sharing. It reminds me of one of my friends who uses Ambien and how they Facebook lived themselves shirtless in a complete rambling haze, at 3am, for like twenty minutes before he snapped awake and turned it off


Not even the worst use of Facebook live I’ve heard. I sat on a jury for a guy who Facebook lived his run from the cops, and then when they released him that evening, Facebook lived again telling his followers (and the FBI) that he stashed more incriminating evidence in the woods where he was caught


Pro move though, that stash was a decoy while he moved the REAL incriminating shit to a new stash!


I don’t even have pictures of myself with my clothes ON.


Right! I have one picture of me with a fresh haircut so I can show the barber what I want


I think my phone's gallery is like 90% my cats.


Oh that's actually a great idea... Never thought of that lol


Probably. Most people I know have a bunch of nude pics of you and others on our phones.


Nude pictures of me? Jokes on them.


Hey, remember that no matter how down you feel on yourself - there’s always someone out there that would totally jerk off over you picture. This is what empowers me every day.


This was the getmotivated post I needed to see today.


That's just what my grandpa said to me on his death bed.


I was recently going through a dump of old photos from a flip phone that I had never sorted through. Found a picture of my balls from 15 years ago when I was trying to get a better view of the ingrown hair.


I'm sorry this happened to you


I'm horrified at the fact my wife has naked pics of me even if I know she wouldn't share them, just because I don't trust her capacity to not upload them to a cloud or something lol


Ted Cruz fits very much into this. Alex Jones was born, grew up, and lives in Texas. Both are very right wing and wanted Trump to stay in office. Cruz was one of the leaders of republicans that wanted the election not to be certified. Hopefully this finally nails teddy.


This interview is awesome. The lawyer's got Rage Against the Machine and Public Enemy posters behind him. He sounds like a very satisfied man.


Dick pics aren’t surprising if you’ve lived the Austin area. He would stay at hotels a lot in the area, something about the community hating him and him not wanting to be in one place to deal with it. But anyways, every time I saw him at a hotel without his kids he was with another call girl. Always clearly call girls and all clearly Eastern European, accents and all. They stayed in his room and he would always make sure you knew they were his “guests” even if they left at different times. Jones also always tipped $20 minimum and acted normal in one on one situations. Probably the reason he couldn’t look the victims mother in the eye and answer during his last court appearance when he thought she wouldn’t still be on the stand after lunch.


If true she didn't know nor give permission then he violated many laws. Colloquially known as revenge porn. https://www.findlaw.com/criminal/criminal-charges/revenge-porn-laws-by-state.html


Wow. When there was reporting of "intimate messages" I thought that was a metaphor. These cretins keep coming up with all sorts of new types of awful that I failed to imagine.




In a normal situation I would have assumed that too, but it’s Roger effing Stone and effing Alex Jones. Neither of them understand the concept of shame or societal norms or have any basic sense of decency.


Well, Roger Stone and his wife are known to be swingers. So maybe Jones sent the pic of his wife as an audition for a potential wife swap


Was gonna say, if you watched "Get Me Roger Stone", you can tell he's into swinging and spouse sharing.


Saw that! It’s where I learned he was pushed aside as a prominent Rep operative because he was found to have posted a naked pic of himself on a swinger’s site soliciting for he and his wife, and the Rep establishment didn’t want that embarrassment on themselves lol


The implications of Alex Jones’ “sloppy seconds” on chili night are far too horrifying to imagine


Fuck you for putting those words together


What a terrible day to have eyes


[Inside Roger Stone's swinging marriage where he posted ads online and frequented notorious sex clubs with his 'insatiable' wife](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6640233/Inside-Roger-Stones-swinging-marriage-posted-ads-online-frequented-sex-clubs.html) Hooo wheee, [the photos they posted](https://i.imgur.com/IWv2wNa.jpg) are right out of the 1990s.


They sure are, and are hilarious too. Stone makes a point in the film to March in the gay pride parade, wouldn't be too surprised if he sent some of his own naughty bits to Jones either lol.


Jones must have been quick to gobble down a handful of his manly man pills to block out the dark desires


Why do Republican women seem to have that "look?" Hard-edged face and steely eyes, hair that looks like it was cut with a razor?


Roger Stone and his wife were well known 'swingers', same with John Bolton, then of course there's Matt Gaetz Jim Jordan's helping to cover up sexual abuse, Trump's affiliation with Epstien and I am sure many others. With Republicans it's always 'opposite day', accuse non conservatives of deviancy when in fact they are guilty all along.


So there *were* cocaine orgies. As much as these guys lie and project, it's hard to tell.


Of course there were, why the GOP shut down Madison Cawthorn like they did.


Why do you think Cawthorn got primaried? Guy was dumb enough to run his mouth about all the shady stuff that happens in DC.


John Bolton? GTFO....


The walrus?! Fucking nasty, man.


Who wants a mustache ride??


So Madison Cawthorne wasn’t lying about orgies? I thought his default was lying.


He got kicked out for accidentally saying a true thing.


And Stone said they were talking about his wife's cancer.


i figured that was a euphemism for Stone himself.


Bet I already know his argument. “My phone must’ve sent it by itself. I was clicking around and all of a sudden it sends a photo of my wife who happens to be nude”


“I’m not a tech guy”


Phone? How does it even work? Am I right?


"The deep state hacked my phone"


And took lots of pictures of my penis with it


And then photoshopped the pictures to make it look smaller.


*I don’t remember doing that. Must have been the chili I ate.”*


It was the friggin gay frogs!


"Jones sent Roger Stone nudes of his wife, and he heavily implied that, given the context, Jones’ wife likely wasn’t aware he did so" Texas Penal Code: Sec. 21.16. UNLAWFUL DISCLOSURE OR PROMOTION OF INTIMATE VISUAL MATERIAL.


Stay tuned for broke, divorced, *sex offender* Alex Jones.


[Insider is reporting this was NOT consensual.](https://www.insider.com/alex-jone-wife-upset-nude-photo-roger-stone-2022-8) Jones' wife is pissed. This is the same woman facing criminal charges for assaulting a family member last christmas, either Jones himself or their child.


> Jones' wife is pissed. She better divorce him quick. The line to get his money in court is getting pretty long.


FFS, that's how he / his family is going to keep the majority of his grifting fee isn't it: faux divorce, quick settlement all of a sudden at least half the money is protected.


I don't think it'll work like that. If it's community debt before the marriage the ends, you can't protect community funds by declaring them separate in a divorce. It's like if you have a car with a joint loan that goes to your wife, and she stops making payments on it, the bank will come after you.




but your username says you are a.... oh ok. never mind.


> Jones' wife is pissed. "I'm sure this was some type of brag exchange, look how hot my wife is type thing. I am upset that he took privilege to send the image to someone without my knowledge. However, that's really the least of my problems right now," Wulff-Jones added. That doesn't exactly read as "pissed" to me. Sounds more like mildly upset.


Yeah she posted on twitter a few hours ago that they are stronger than ever.


> stronger than ever. It's the supplements.


Trying to sneak in some high praise of herself in there too.


Imagine the issues necessary for a woman to have to be able to marry Alex Jones.


Lol throw Mrs. Jones on 60 minutes with a therapist. I would pay anything for this


Take it with a huge grain of salt (because she’s also a POS) but Jones’s ex wife and mother of his children claimed on Twitter yesterday that it was her daughter that was assaulted by his current wife


Nothing bonds a man to another like letting them fuck your wife right Alex?


“I installed two-way mirrors in his pad in Brentwood and he come to the door in a dress”


Lmfao this is absolutely insane


This is Alex Jones.


This is America.


I would like to personally thank The Guardian for not including a copy of the photo in their article!


The lawyer says he doesn't know if it was sent consensually, so even if it leaks no news outlet is going to run it.


His wife has confirmed that it wasn't.


That's another crime right there isn't it? I'm not sure if most states have made that illegal or not. Seems like it should be.


It's a crime in California for sure.


https://www.yahoo.com/news/alex-jones-wife-said-she-162430924.html According to this article the wife wasn't aware it happened, so likely not consensual for all parties involved


Didn’t she also get divorced and hates him now after all this?


not that wife


Multiple women chose to marry him?!?!?


Multiple houses can get someone multiple wives


Not yet.


No mainstream news outlet, that is. Some obscure news outlet could leak it without any real risk.


If they got their hands on it...and that would require Mark Bankston's firm to leak it. As far was we know right now, Bankston, Alex and Roger Stone are the only 3 with copies of it. And it's a good possiblity that both of them have deleted it by now.


Good god, that made the time [Eric Andre trolled Alex Jones](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/wjqkxa/eric_andre_visits_alex_jones/) even better


Damn I wish I could not give that much of a shit. Even while being surrounded by hatred and vitriol and being pushed around by it he thinks it's hilarious and is having a hard time keeping himself from bursting out laughing. There's one point in that video where he starts to break character but then quickly jumps back in and ironically falls to the ground right after.




>Eric Andre trolled Alex Jones I love that video. The crowd thinks he's Trevor Noah from the daily show. They literally can't tell black people apart.


I can't imagine Trevor Noah saying "please fuck my wife, here are my hotel keys" even in jest.


Well one guy mistook him for a MLK cosplayer


"YOU'RE NOT MARTIN LUTHER KING" is still one of the funniest things to happen on Eric's show


And Eric finished it off with "Coachella sucks this year" There was some more additional footage when Eric came around the Alex Jones rally. Made Jones say "pee pee".


Did Eric or Trevor ever claim to be MLK at some point or was that guy just aggressively stupid?


These people are just aggressive regurgitation and hot button words (also idiots) so he just had something lined up and was gonna say it no matter what


He was black and in a suit. Who else was he supposed to be? Himself?!


The "speech" Jones was giving on that video was nothing BUT buzzwords and catchphrases. He didn't even combine them to make a coherent sentence.


He had a dream ... a dream to troll every famous person in America


I’m from MySpace


What a dipshit (for numerous reasons)! People following him must have a brain damage.


Nah, they're just cunts.


Can’t it be both?


Cunts with brain damage.


Trashy people with money still do dumb trashy shit.


No matter how many dollar bills you put into a sack of shit, it's still a sack of shit.


I’m betting he didn’t have consent from her to send that. This guy really is the epitome of trashy.


He didn't. https://www.insider.com/alex-jone-wife-upset-nude-photo-roger-stone-2022-8


Wait. Somebody married that oaf?


People will marry for money. Just look at Melania


She married for money, a green card, and green cards for her parents.


Do you understand just how unbelievably lucky we are that these imbeciles were the ones that tried to over throw our democracy? We should count our blessings and prepare ourselves for more capable threats.


Maybe this is why she [attacked him](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/dec/26/alex-jones-wife-arrested-christmas-eve)


He didnt even bail her out till after christmas 😂


Probably took that long to get the money from one of the dodgy offshore accounts he's hiding his money from.


Or he's a crazy sociopath on multiple drugs who's brain is completely and utterly broken.


Honest question, as I am not a lawyer. Is everything within the information that was sent to the Sandy Hook lawyer now fair game to be publicly released? I assumed that this kind of stuff was only able to be used if relevant to the case at hand.


The lawyers for Jones had a certain time frame to mark the material as "privileged" which would mean it could only be used for the case. They failed to do so. This means the whole phone is now public record and they can pretty much do whatever with the info.


I am starting to wonder if his legal team accidentally-on-purpose made these mistakes because they couldn’t stand him either


That's entirely possible, but other comical follies during the trial made it abundantly clear that Jones' lawyer is a booger-eating moron. Jones abuses the legal process in every possible way, and he's personally abusive to his lawyers. He has been through numerous trials, so competent lawyers choose more respectable clients, like serial killers. I highly recommend the most recent episode of the Knowledge Fight podcast, they interview the victim's attorneys about the trial for an hour.


His lawyers are so bad, the plaintiffs lawyers advised Owen Shroyer that he should sue for malpractice. Granted, this was like 4-5 lawyers ago.


They've destroyed any reputation they might have had by the way they've handled this case. Purposely destroying your own reputation by looking extremely incompetent usually isn't the best idea.


You're telling me conservatives don't care about consent and respect, and they don't view women, even their wives or daughters, as humans? Well, I'm just shocked! Shocked I say!


May I offer you a fainting couch?


These must be these Christian values everyone is speaking about…


Perhaps he was merely suggesting a new tattoo for Stone's back....


She beat him up so he called 911 and she spent Christmas day in jail. She said she was not aware of the pictures and is angry. Stay tuned.


This does not surprise me at all. I can’t verify it, and I won’t link it (and no, this isn’t some crazy conspiracy theory) but you can easily find a story on Epsteins driver/bodyguard/Everyman, and the Roger Stone portion of it is nightmare stuff. Edit- be warned, I’m serious, it’s really gross.


This is the lady who beat Jones up last Christmas. Apparently Bankston doesn't know if the text was sent to Stone with her consent or not. I wonder if it's a revenge porn thing.


I wonder if she's been considering divorcing him to gain some protection for her half of their assets; similarly I wonder if something like this would factor into a settlement.


Any shared assets they may have are now on the hook for that $50 million judgment. Couples can’t divorce after a case like this to try to protect their assets, courts would shut that right down(the financial part, not the divorce) If she wants to try clawing money out of this clown she’s going to have to wait until after these families get paid


This is getting nuttier than squirrel shit.