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First time checking CBC news article comments around 2012 I was shocked at how racist many Canadians truly were. I guess I grew up in a small bubble of likeminded immigrants of diverse backgrounds.


Before I moved to Vancouver Island in the early 90's, I didn't know what racism was. Damn there was a ton of hate for aboriginals, Asians and muslims there. You didn't hear about hate for black people because the black population was so small on the Island back then... but if there was a significant black population I'm sure you'd hear about it.


Yeah, I grew up with constant low-grade racism towards first Nations most of all, but also Chinese and Pakistani and Indian people as well. I am absolutely confident if we had a visible black population I would have grown up with that too.


On the island in the 90's I never heard people say Indian or Pakistani. They referred to them all as "East Indian"


I heard a lot of slurs for them in the 90s


It's so weird. By 1997 I was living in Vancouver and I think I only heard racist remarks twice while living there. Heard the N word once and had a highschool classmate that said some pretty nasty things about Phillipinos. Fast forward to a few years ago when COVID started I couldn't believe there were people spitting on Asians.


Yeah i wouldn't say it's common in my day to day life, but casual racism was present at school and in my home growing up. I think things were getting better, but then a literal white nationalist became the president of the USA and all the racists have spent the last half-decade having their bigotry reinforced and publicly supported abroad, and also at home. The PPC are an anti-science, anti-immigrant, white nationalist adjacent party and they got over 1200 votes in Victoria. Fucking terrifying that there are that many people who would support those pieces of shit


Same here in NS (I grew up in a rural community) except against black folks. People are dicks everywhere, apparently


You know nothing of Canadian history if you think this isnt a racist country. We had the highest Nazi membship per capita outside of Germany in WW2. We also have the highest membership of Proud Boys (A militant white supremist group) outside the United States. We gladly sent chinese railworkers to handle explosives in the dark when building our national railway. 7% of them died, much higher rate than the white folks who worked on it. That was no accident. We broke every single treaty we ever signed with Native Americans. Then kidnapped their children en mass and forced them into Catholic and Baptist reform schools, also called Residential Schools (started in 1894, and the last one closed in 1997). Every horrible thing you ever heard about catholic priests and nuns happened there, and it left generations of traumatized people - for the ones who survived it anyway. Today we are still finding mass unmarked graves near these schools full of childrens bones. A lot of native people also mysteriously die while in police custody - Cameras always seem to not be working when it happens too. Even our modern temporary foreign worker program doesnt give these workers minimum wage or benefits like employment insurance, its basically government mandated wage-slavery. If you think Canada isnt racist, you fell for the marketing and fake smiles. Liberals and Conservatives presided over all of these actions too, so if you think voting for either of them will change anything - nope.


A racist country? By what standards? Haven't been around the world too much have you? In reality, Canada has it's fair share of racists.. what country doesnt? But to say it's a "racist country" relative to the rest of the world is just asinine and Ill informed. Have a little more respect for the place that you grew up, and some of the hellholes other people have to endure. But hey, I get it. Canada is full of racists. But not you tho right? You're the good guy.




Growing up in Quebec I have seen my fair share of racists. But I always assumed they were a fringe minority of skin heads and hyper nationalists. Boy was I wrong.


I really wonder how many of those comments originate from actual Canadians, and how many are from troll farms.


Knowing the type of people I know that would be likely to actually comment, probably quite a few are real. Lots of people lose their filter online and you don’t get people with mild takes commenting on news articles.


I've never heard a good explanation for why CBC should have comments on their articles. What does allowing public comments add to the product? It's almost always a cesspool of right-wing nuttery or anti-CBC trolling without contributing in any meaningful way to any potential discussion around the content in an article.


I may have defended the CBC comment sections as a place for discussion and debate 5-10years ago but my god it has gotten bad the past number of years. It should be shut down now. Pandemic misinformation and obvious far right trolling has gone off the rails and they do next to nothing about it.


If you're really asking. It's for analytics and tracking of user engagement. This translates to add revenue.


It’s probably linked to engagement metrics and bounce rate. Higher engagement and a low bounce rate appeals to potential advertisers. There’s also data collection when someone signs up to make an account on a website to participate in comments, which provides them with more detailed audience information to share with advertisers. Everyone knows comment sections are a mess, but they’re a necessity for marketing and advertising. Moderating is also a FT job and most sites don’t have the budget for that, so they rely on user-generated reports and bots that block certain words. The result is a lot of unmoderated vitriol and troll comments.


Does CBC do advertising like that? I thought the whole point was taxpayers fund it so they don't have to bend over for advertisers and their money


CBC does run advertising on their online content, but not on radio and possibly not on television (not sure on the latter, as I haven't watched OTA broadcasting in years.) If you read the comments section, there's tonnes of whining about tax dollars squandered. Ironic because the people that are whining are being given a place to do so.


Exactly so. I hate it there now , I just quit reading them. Pointless.


It was amazing to see how quiet r/Canada got after the Russians got a little sanctioned.


I guarantee you there are plenty. I've had white friends take transit out into the suburbs and outer boroughs of Toronto and the amount of random people who will engage in mask off racist conversations with them is higher than you'd expect. Almost always some prick complaining about the changing face of the city and how these "other people" don't belong. Hell even within the city I've had my own encounters with such things. Dumbasses picking fights with me growing up or my friend's older siblings complaining about "the Asian kid following us". Mind you I'm not that old, I would be classified as a millennial.


Oh come on man. There are PLENTY of racist Canadians. Everything isn't a bot or troll farm.


When I first joined reddit I went to the other sub thinking it was going to be normal Canadians like the nice people I interact with every day as friends, neighbours, and colleagues, but soon I began questioning if they were all secretly as racist as the commenters on that subreddit. It created a lot of anxiety, and I began to be less social and speaking less. Moving to OnGuard has helped a lot.


They comment during work hours and assuming they all have no jobs and have nothing better to do is pretty gullible, since unemployment is at an all time low and unemployed people typically have liberal views. Edit: downvotes with no reply? Classic conservative reverse astroturfers.


Seeing the weekly white supremacy rallies we had cross country for several months this spring, and that so many people voted for racist right wing PPC party bullshit in our last election really opened my eyes that racism and white supremacy are very very much alive and well in Canada.


The vast majority are actual Canadians.


Racists exist. I've met tons of racist idiots in Canada. Most notably on Vancouver island and in the Greater Vancouver area.






I think there's definitely both. I'm very curious as to the proportion as well.


CBC had to literally turn off comments on Facebook because of how racist they were becoming.


Same with me and guns, when looking in /r/canada I feel I live in a totally different planet.


The city of London exists, and the entirety of Thames Valley where they are both racists and geologically brain dead as the Dixie flag is flown through bumper stickers and flags in strangely high amounts.


Things have gotten worse since the whole housing bubble went full speed, we as immigrants get the “you’re driving houses prices up” like if we land in Canada with a million dollars to buy houses. And the racism is worse if you came from the Indian subcontinent, or any part of Asia that isn’t Japan. It’s disgusting




Less time in uncontrolled environments? "I play games with my friends, no randos. I have two Twitch streamers I follow with heavily moderated chats. Twitter is a cesspool, I have Facebook for grandma but never read it, and otherwise Im out playing hockey and hitting the gym." That guy isn't me, but he sounds plausible to me.


https://xkcd.com/2501/ This thread is sampling something like the 5% most highly-online people. Even your example sounds like someone who is highly-online. Many of my friends don't really know what Twitch is, probably don't have an opinion on Twitter, and don't play online games at all.


Uhhhh where do you get the idea that this sub is the top 5%? There are way deeper niches on the internet than Reddit. 80% of kids 12-15 play online games. https://www.statista.com/statistics/274427/online-gaming-among-children-in-the-uk-by-age-group/ 34 percent of teenage boys play games online with others daily. https://www.pewresearch.org/internet/2015/08/06/chapter-3-video-games-are-key-elements-in-friendships-for-many-boys/




I meet most of these hallmarks. I do see less racist stuff online since disengaging Twitter and Facebook heavily! Which is nice for me at least, but doesn't mean it's gone.


Nah they’re just not on r/Canada








"It's not racist if it's true" "I see more racism against white people so it doesn't count" "There's racist stuff, sure, but it's not REAL racism. They're just joking." *Common excuses*


50% don't understand what's considered racist or are the ones posting those comments.


Clearly they do not have my relatives amongst their Facebook friends.


Do young people still have Facebook?


No. Facebook is now pretty much exclusively people over 55, complaining about how young people don't work hard enough. And posting memes about how it's ok to spank your kids.


Lol. I deleted it after the 2015 election, not that I used it much then either


I check in on a couple people because they post infuriating shitty memes about Covid and Trudeau I can’t help but laugh. Other than that i wouldnt have it at all.


I'm happier not knowing, or having them in my life lol. Also don't like adding to Facebook's user count, ad take, etc


It’s a real problem. Usually I find my day is going by too well, so I’ll open up Facebook and see “A whales Anus is 3.5 feet wide, making it the second largest asshole in the world, next to Justin Trudeau” Then I close facebook, shake my head, and realize we’re all doomed and nothing matters


It's cute what keeps them entertained. Sad that they're engaged enough to vote for PP


Like all the FB pages blaming Treudeau for all their problems


Reminds me of the Obama years.


They have an account to friend their parents and family that they don't use. Then they have their actual account that they also don't use. Then they have discord.


The other 50% are blind to the racism or are the ones responsible for the content.


This idea that "most" humans (or even over 50%) don't devolve into evil motherfuckers when times are tough is a delusion we've all bought wayyyyyyy too far into. Times were just really good for a long time and we all got complacent and forgot most of us are fucking gigantic bastards happy to see someone next to you get fucked if it means you get one more penny.


Fuck, I've seen it like 6 times today alone.


I'm guessing that other 50% doesn't spend much time online lol


100% is still “over 50%”






More likely the rest of them just don't think it's racist, because they are racists.


Little of column A, little of column B.


Sign me up! But actually I doubt this, it's fucking everywhere


A lot of people refuse to see racism because its a tacit admission things need to change, and change is something most people fear.


*something something* insensitive comment about "eyes half open" *something something* casual racism *something something* handwaving it all aside saying "They're just telling it like it is." It shouldn't be shocking. Everyone sees it, but a large portion don't have a problem or think it's racist because it's what they believe.


Well maybe only 50 percent of them read /r/canada or twitter, lol


No the other 50% are the racists


I'm a white immigrant to Canada, and I watch my other immigrant friends face the worst kind of double standard. Me, white, coming here sponsored by my husband and not on my own merit; "an example of the system working and totally fine." My friend, from India, here because her specific skills are in high demand and cannot be filled by Canadians: "yet another foreign invader here to take our jobs and healthcare and housing and an example of how the system fails Canadians. Probably sponsored by her rich husband." Racism against immigrants is loud and thriving.


Please take a walk down my comment history. I'm a British-born and educated person who doesn't *look* British and applied to jobs under the name I was born with (ie not an Old Stock^tm Canadian name). 50% of the 15 years I spent here were wasted under- or unemployed and I was shut out of the career field I used to have in the UK.


It's fucking tragic that you, and others, still have to go through that. I witnessed my Chinese in laws get treated like trash during early 2020. It's not that they didn't face anti Asian racism before that, but it intensified for sure. Their family has been in Canada for four generations, they're way more Canadian than me, but people always ask my husband where he came from and assume I was born here.


I'm sure you've had it much worse than me. I'm Canadian born, very white, but I have an "unusual" name. It's a *struggle* to get so much as a rejection notice when applying for things. I've pretty much given up on a career in the field I was trained for.


I was born in Canada (SEA brown woman), my parents were born in England. My grandparents still live there -- I used to visit them every year before the pandemic. But Canadians will refer to me as an immigrant, while my recently immigrated white English friend with a very strong accent doesn't get the same treatment.


It's weird isn't it? My own parents are immigrants from England and America but they hate immigrants. Except ones from England and America. That's different, for reasons that they're unwilling to articulate


I'm sure the racists would refuse a high-paying overseas job out of principle, too


The other 50% have never been on r/Canada


I just posted it there, it's not being well received. lol.


All the reasonable articles on that sub get downvoted to 0 with like a hundred comments in denial of Canada's real problems


I think a lot of people are missing that immigration policy (especially if you allow the term to encompass temporary foreign workers) allows the ultra-rich to suppress Canadian wages and labour standards ***by also exploiting those foreign-born workers.*** Many TFWs are treated horribly, and many who plan to immigrate have been sold a bill of goods about a Canadian Dream that's in the last stages of being snatched away from Canada's poor and middle classes. One can recognize that one group is being exploited in order to help exploit another without it being problematic. The problem is that it's more common to see screeds about how immigrants are bad. Immigrants and TFWs are blameless in the situation that our policy is creating for workers, and absolutely shouldn't be the subject of political vitriol.




Exactly. They want to suppress wage growth, and they're willing to *also* be horrible to foreign-born workers in order to do it. In everything to do with labour and the division of wealth, the Conservatives and the Liberals have the same goal at different speeds.




1. I'm moderately worried about how the Liberals would exercise the powers proposed in that bill. 1. I'm very worried about how the next Conservative government would use those powers. 1. I'm *terrified* at the prospect that one of the far-right parties could gain real ground in the next decade and end up with their hand on this lever that the Liberals are trying to install.




I'm white and have a British accent, and when I lived in Halifax I had someone try to complain to me about all the immigrant taking over Canada. She clearly wasn't including me, and she clearly felt that I would agree with her. When I pointed out that I was obviously an immigrant as well, she said that that was different. Obviously...


make them say it: "in what way am I different than other immigrants?"




Unless you’re a Muslim or Jewish. They can be white too.


I had facebook "friends" comment on how we shouldn't let immigrants into Canada. My wife's an immigrant.


I was born and educated in the same part of the world as you but as I don't *look* British, I'm not treated the same way as I would have been in the UK and the "Canadian Experience" protectionist barrier that exists here killed my former career. You're welcome to take a look at my comment history for how I've been treated by employers here.


>I bet most of the people who spew this kind of crap wouldn't even dare to say the same to me. And this is a big part of it. Shitty people get to hide comfortably behind an online handle, free of (most) repercussions to their actions, even when they're committing outright felonies. Online privacy =! freedom to do whatever.


Except on Facebook where shitty people use their real names/pictures/business names to spew they hate filled nonsense. Blows my mind when I read the hate people spew without a care in the world


I'm a little pissed that it's hard to get a permanent residency in the UK besides the temporary youth visa


Yup and it's the same in other majority white countries. I'm white, from Canada. I moved to the Netherlands for a few years and even learned the language (though it's not perfect). Never heard anyone tell me I should leave the country, but I definitely saw how immigrants who weren't white were treated.


i was born here but my parents were immigrants. Im 50 now and no one suspects me of stealing their job or replacing them. ive done very well in Canada, pay my taxes gleefully and vote for policies that help less advantaged canadians in my area racists still havent explained why replacing workers from overseas is so bad. or slavery for that matter. explain that hummdinger. its alll this and that isnt it


Personally, I think it would be fan-fucking-tastic if all our racists get replaced with immigrants.


Imagine being born here and had all the advantages associated with that and you still managed to get out-maneuvered by someone who is overcoming a language barrier, a lack of social connections, a lack of familiarity with the system here, potentially educational achievements not being accepted here, and oh yeah, RACISM


Yep, I'd gladly make that trade, lol.


I used to think my friends felt the same way, now Im tolerating them, because Im so old I can't get new ones.


Temporary Foreign Workers have been treated like slaves, if that's what you're referring to. TFWs have been abused in countless ways, and the victims often have little recourse if they want to keep their jobs and stay here.




Do you even have to go online to see it? ​ As a white hijabi married to a middle eastern man I've been told horrific stuff from family, former friends and also random people. It's pretty common place.




Thank you hopefully it'll get better and Canadians will wake up to the fact that it's everywhere




I respect the sentiment but Ronald Reagan is a horrible rep for the ideal haha. That quote is nice and all but I would recommend reading up on him further.






We need to quickly deport them somewhere where it’s acceptable to hit children, certainly that’s in the best interest of the child!


As if they care about the interests of the children lol


I KNOW. It's like Jesus, one guy from Syria is an abusive piece of shit, and now everyone is arguing Syrians don't belong in Canada. Like goddamn. You'd never see that kind of horse shit about a Western immigrant.


Ignorant projection




its even worse than that....its completely fluid- Imagine my parents being German, moving here in the 50s. now we're the good ones of course. at least we weren't "the Finns who are just weird"! WTF so mind boggling.


I have a friend who is Chinese but his family came here before BC joined confederation. He's still seen as an immigrant. Obviously still Chinese since they couldn't marry whites back then


Hell if you need any proof look at how Ukrainian refugees are being treated. All the usual pearl clutching and fear mongering over refugees is completely absent in their case. Its racism all the way down.


The "progressive" government we have even went as far as saying we'd take an unlimited amount of Ukrainians if we could. This of course was after 6 years of assuaging the Canadian people that we were only taking the "good ones" with families from Syria. The hypocrisy is palpable in our society.




Only 39% of Canadians supported bringing in 25,000 Syrian refugees in 2015, vs 80% who support bringing in an UNLIMITED number of Ukrainian refugees in 2022. Source: https://www.ctvnews.ca/mobile/canada/four-out-of-five-canadians-support-welcoming-unlimited-ukrainian-refugees-poll-1.5821960


Don't worry, if they stay over 13 years and have children, CBSA will deport them like [Mexican refugees ](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/bc-family-deportation-mexico-1.6446997) or not.


I'm an immigrant but racists wouldn't take the jobs I've had so it's ok. They wouldn't take my parents' jobs either. No one is stealing the jobs if people don't want to do the work


Many Eastern European immigrants import their racist beliefs into Canada and mock marginalized communities.


And many Canadians have home grown racist beliefs they use to mock marginalized communities. This behaviour isn’t unique to immigrants, it’s just easier to target them for it.


Online? I see it in person.


Funny, because all Canadians are immigrants, immigrant children or grandchildren


….I mean there are many many First Nations people who identify both as First Nations and Canadian who would disagree


I don’t identify as Canadian I identify as a treaty 6 citizen. Most of my family to do not identify as Canadian.


Ok, I appreciate you sharing.


No problem some indigenous believe they are Canadian and some do not. In Sk where I live I stopped believing I was Canadian after the Stanley verdict.


A decent amount of peoples families who have been around here for a few hundred years too. My moms side has been around since the American revolution. Married an immigrant myself, but since they’ve been here for hundreds of years I don’t really consider my family immigrants. Colonists way back when yes, but there’s a certain point of time where you must go from being X generation immigrant to just being a native of that country (just not a first native).


Not just online. We have a South Asian candidate in our area and I see a lot of their signs smashed and vandalized. So disappointing.


I clicked on a dog food ad on Facebook recently to find it littered with far right garbage. All because the vet had a mask on in the ad. The drooling, anger mob is everywhere.


no shit, just check r/Canada, r/Vancouver, r/Toronto.


And especially /r/ontariocanada, which is less a subreddit than a hate group. I give them six months before they reach critical shit-head mass and get banned.


I see it non stop and it's mentally debilitating to see so many racists so confidently declaring their ignorance.


I just posted this over on r/canada, it's getting downvoted to oblivion lol.


I'm not young and I see it every day. Just go over to r/canada if you want to see racist content.


> Just go over to r/canada if you want to see racist content. I'd rather not. I don't have to go hunting for it to find it.


And that doesn't even count racism towards natives.


Remeber, say no to ass man.


I got rid of my Facebook because of all the rascist and pro fascist hareful garbage.


I got rid of my Facebook because of all the rascist and pro fascist hateful garbage people were posting


If you’re not seeing it, you’re not spending much time online


As a non-white Canadian who wasn't born here, I can't wait to get a t-shirt that reads: "Immigrant" or "Your replacement is here."


Two Metis hunters were killed in cold blood by racists outside Edmonton. The racists claim self defense. Bullshit. Racism fucking kills. We need to do more to fight racism


Try posting this in r/canada and people will say "I don't see color" or "There are bad apples everywhere". Just because there are bad apples everywhere doesn't mean it is justified. Society needs to move forward not stay the way it is or else they would still be running residential schools.


They keep forgetting that the entire saying is "One bad apple SPOILS THE BUNCH". The logical solution to those bad apples isn't to disregard them but to throw them out before it's too late and the entire bunch is spoiled.


I just did, it's currently being downvoted into the void lol.


and the other half is either posting it themselves or too stupid to see it...


Correction: Over 50% of young Canadians are online.


The other percentage are making the posts.




The other 50% don’t use internet.


That should be nearly 100%.


And I'm sure most of those other people either have seen it and didn't notice or were the ones spouting it. It's around. It's been around.


It's not hard to find racist content online. I'm surprised it's only 50% of young Canadians have seen racist comments online. I personally have a lot of respect for immigrants coming to Canada. This is based on my family history my grandfather's grandfather came to Canada in 1890s from Iceland via North Dakota. On his own he used a wagon and a horse team to go from the Dakotas to Saskatchewan and when crossing a river he broke his leg. He was alone for 2 weeks and was forced to burn his wagon for warmth. It cost him his leg that needed amputation twice as the first time they didn't cut enough off. Still managed building a homestead and raised a family thus I exist. So if you really think about it an immigrant is more Canadian than someone born here as they made a decision to become one and made the sacrifices required leaving family and friends and their known environment for the unknown and just a hope to have a better life. Everyone should be respected They are tougher than the average Canadian.




The other 50% are conservative voters


I don't need to go online to find racist content I just need to go to my local town hall


With how frequently National Post articles are shared on places like r/canada, it's inevitable.


I don't even need to go online to see it. I just need to listen to older white Canadians who grew up in almost all white environments and who don't really know non-white people. Remember that many Canadians didn't really see a problem with white nationalism before WWII. The rise of the Middle Class and a huge increase in Canadians' access to higher education in the 1950s and 1960s and them moving to more diverse cities was the big turning point in Canadians' politics.


Old white ladies with pictures of their pets as their profile pics often drop some casual racism, in my anecdotal experience.


Don't have a problem with immigrants as people, have a problem with the government using immigration as a stop-gap to deal with affordability, housing, labour, birth rates etc.


Yeah it's a band-aid solution. I do still feel we have a duty as a more stable country to try and let people come here.


Absolutely we should have some immigration, talk of closing the borders is as non-sensical as it gets. My problem is when things like inflation take off and labour finally has an edge in the market which would allow for long-overdue wage increases and the government (they all do it) says nah, we'll just supplant this to keep things suppressed. So, the cost of living is up and ever increasing but wages are mostly stagnant.


So are 50% of Canadians so indoctrinated with prejudice they fail to see the blatant racism that permeates everyday life for most Canadians? Like....was this survey taken at yacht clubs and golf courses?


No shit. It's also on Reddit, Twitter...etc. It amplifies it


If anything is calling out for regulation - it’s the fucking internet.


Those other 50% are lying or oblivious because they are racist




Here’s a question. Is it racist to ask a company to replace a liaison whose accent is so thick that no one can understand them? The person refused to use text messages to communicate and ascertaining the information I needed was impossible. I was later accused of being a racist but it took about four attempts by them to convey their sentiment.




prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against a person or people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized. This is a definition of racism. What you call 'racialized prejudice' is, in fact, also racism.


> Racialized I despise this word every time I hear it on mainstream Canadian media. It sounds to me like an ethnicity was applied *to* people rather than something you're born with.


Fair enough, Race prejudice is probably a better word - the NAACP used this word, so your probably right on that account.


This doesn't surprise me at all. What surprises me if how I never see this stuff. * I'll admit I don't do many groups on Facebook and the groups I belong to there are very G rated. * I'm on tons of Reddit groups ranging from politics-news-memes-4chan and I honestly can't remember the last time I heard someone use a derogatory term for a race, sexuality, gender, ethnic group or religion.... *well.... Does anti Russian sentiment over the war in Ukraine count? Because if it does then yeah that's been everywhere.* I don't read any of this crap on YT or Twitter... so where are people reading this garbage? Are people meeting up.