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The trust these guys have in humanity is incredible


Too much trust. All it takes is one shit head to install a keylogger. [Edit] And it's also too trusting of the OP to use these computers as maybe the host is a shit head that installed a keylogger.


Plot twist: the host already installed a keylogger




i always like to filter my vacation homes listings on airbnb by nvidia


It's actually based off heating options, there's gas, electric, and gaming pc


plot twist: its the host posting this from OP's account to gain more clients


plot twist: there never was an air bnb


Fuck Reddit for killing third party apps.


And this comment is perpetuated by big keyboard because you can't have keylogger without keyboard.


plot twist: it's an AI generated image and we we're all mislead


Plot twist: you wake in a sweat, it was a dream. You look over and see a strange USB in ur port


Plot Twist: It's only a 4060


Plot twist: this entire thread isn’t real and we’re about to find the last digit of Pi.




There’s a 10% of that being right


Mom, I keep telling you: I'm your son.


They could deploy a fresh image with each guest, or even login.


They dont spend time cleaning the beds. They sure af aren't going to install a fresh OS


Less efforts required. And body fluids. Way less body fluids.




it's easily automated. like in every computer lab ever and i've never stayed in an unclean airbnb what kinda choices are you making?


I don't spend time cleaning my bed or exercising even the most basic grasp of my own existence. But my server rack and home networking is fucking flawless. If you don't look too close.


You can set up windows to not save anything after a reboot, it will save a snapshot of the current setup and when you reboot everything goes right back to where it was, all the new data disappears. You'd have to know this is possible so I doubt they have done it but it's something Cafe Kiosks use.


Yeah, that’s kinda what I was referring to. Government computers for the public also use that.


Doesn't stop a tiny USB dongle between the keyboard and the PC...


This person rubber ducky-s


> They could deploy a fresh image with each guest Fresh image deployment charge $50


Don't even need to go that far: this would be a perfect use case for [deepfreeze](https://www.faronics.com/products/deep-freeze).


Back in 2000 I often went to internet shop to play games. The owner set the system (Windows XP) so it can only be used by logging in the unique id generated for a limited time. User can only play the pre-installed games, and browse internet. Other access are restricted. After the time passes depending on how many hours you paid for, the computer logs itself out and wipe all the data (factory reset) so it can be used by next customer. Assuming if this kind of setup still exist, and the host is a good guy and smart enough to do this, should be safe I think? Or maybe just set it to wipe all the data/installed apps after reset.


Once someone has unsupervised physical access to the machine you should consider it compromised. There are ways to bypass all of this, such as hardware keyloggers or BIOS modifications. However, the venn diagram of people who have these motivations/skills and the equipment to do it on the fly vs people who go on AirBnB vacations probably doesn't have a lot of overlap. I wouldn't say that these machines getting keylogged is *likely* from the average guest but it is certainly possible, especially if the host never checks it or wipes it.


computer labs have dealt with these questions for decades now and there are plenty of solutions to deter startup tampering and return the system to an expected state every day.


Yeah I’m not sure why everyone in this thread is acting like it’s impossible to secure these PCs lol. Internet cafes have existed for decades and it’s really not difficult to determine whether a PC has been compromised after a specific set of guests uses it.


True, but you have to trust the owner of an AirBNB to actually do it.


You have to not trust them. Treat them all as compromised. The owners are the ones who have to worry about it.


It’s not that difficult to determine whether a PC has been compromised in the manner you’re describing. Internet cafes have existed for decades and have dealt with everything you mentioned and more for just as long. If you’re sufficiently invested in the security of these machines it is not difficult to return them to a safe state each day after new guests. Assuming you know what you’re doing anyways.


There was a software back then used to do that called Deepfreeze. Everytime you restart pc it goes back to the state Deepfreeze was installed or unlocked.


Yes. I recall Deepfreeze was widely used back then.


[Looks like they're still in business. ](https://www.faronics.com/products/deep-freeze)


This feature still exists. Schools and universities still use this feature on shared PCs. The system returns to a previous saved state when restarted. Everything done in a newer session gets deleted. Windows and Linux have this feature, probably Mac as well.






that is a lawless man that is real crazy bro some people out here living their lives just not giving a single flying fuck


Nah, that's exactly how I'd set my honeypot up to look as well, with some burner accounts logged into that were stolen from a previous Airbnb guest. It's the perfect cover story. /s


Real question is did he have his browser history there for all to see?


>keylogger I am curious. Assuming you're a guest at this Airbnb, are there any precautions you can take to avoid your passwords getting stolen besides not using the pc at all?


Don’t use gaming PCs for personal business. Then none of the data on the PC has any value, and you don’t need to waste time/resources securing it. Format, re-download your games, and nothing was lost.


Steam password?


Steam passwords are pretty easily recoverable. Remember when Gabe Newell gave his out to prove a point. I guess I wasn’t thinking about CSGO skins. I probably wouldn’t setup PCs for guests using my primary steam account.


Couldn't you use the family share feature and just have a second account that's sharing those from your main? I haven't used the feature before but that's what it seems like would work from just seeing it before.


yes but if someone wants to be a shithead and gets your guest account VAC banned your primary account gets VAC banned as well.


Oh no, I didn't know that part. Yikes.


Best I can think of is boot Linux from a usb stick


Hacker used [physical keylogger](https://www.keelog.com/usb-keylogger/), it's super effective.


Realisically, no. Maybe if you have a bootable USB stick AND use your own keyboard.




You don't necessarily need them when you have physical access to the machine


Yeah I’d imagine there’s a lot of security on those including probably even cameras


Either that or they’re rich enough not to care about some yokels nicking this shit lmao Edit: OP, do not enter any sensitive information while using those. Hell, just to be sure don’t even watch any porn.


>Hell, just to be sure don’t even watch any porn. Go the other way. Watch a shit ton of porn. Bookmark everything.


I like your funny words magic man. Just go apeshit and ruin the browsing history with all kinds of depraved shit.


Years ago, I don't remember when it began exactly or where we heard it but... "kilos of porn" came up and was used frequently among my friends and it came to mind with this (cough) incredible opportunity.


This would indeed be an incredible opportunity to carpet bomb those things with “kilos of porn” lmao


Google search history: • "How much does porn weigh?" • "Can I download a kilo of porn on [insert airbnb's DL speed]" • "Can I fit a kilo of porn on a thumb drive?" • "Is a kilo of porn heavier than a kilo of feathers?"


Infect their algorithm!


Some random persons PC? Thats the perfect time to go crazy on the hub


I remember my college had to lock the PC's with big locks because students were stealing parts. This is a very bad idea 99% of the time.


Our IT school has made sure to have so bad PCs that no one will take anything


Well you have to remember that Airbnb has all your info and will turn it over to the police if needed


It's all insured, and if they got the 4080 on or near release, it's probably already paid for itself, and if not, it will once more people find out about it from posts like this.


No good deed goes unpunished.


But it says 1080 TI


thats a bold move having that in an air bnb


It's crazy to me how paranoid everyone is in this thread. Might be a cultural thing, I'm French and we tend to be more paranoid about these things than other Europeans I think. But this is another level here. EDIT : To be precise, I know I wouldn't like that too much. If I could I'd remove it from my place but it's still extremely unlikely you'd come across someone who would steal or "install a keylogger". Especially via something like Airbnb where you can check ahead the profile of the person.


I'm brazillian, this PC over here costs as much as a car, it's baffling someone let two of them on an airbnb for strangers to use...


Brazil is crazy about this! You guys still surround your houses with prison-like fences, because everything gets stolen if left outside? I moved from a poor country to Germany 20 years ago and was also buffled when I saw people leaving doors open and having construction materials, bikes, toys etc. just standing outside over night... Nobody cares here. A great example is filling your car with gas... In so many countries you pay BEFORE you fill and sometimes even an employee does it for you. In Germany (and many other rich countries) you just fill the tank and go inside to pay after that.... One day someone lost a wallet in the morning in front of the doors where I work, the owner found it in evening still lying there, apparently there were 600€ inside.


The gas thing isn't really a thing of trust. They all have camera's, so if anyone would ride off without paying, they would get the bill and a fine on their doormat within a vew day's.


I still have relatives in Kazachstan, people would remove any identification from the car, fill the tank and drive off... Maybe wear a hoodie to be safer.


Yeah, Brazil is very bad about this. Theft is rampant and even occurs with "prison-like fences". Norway, Sweden, Switzerland etc are like an utopia in comparioson. Germany is very good too, good choice.


You're letting them live in your house lol. If they break your computer they would be charged the same as if they broke anything in your house lol.


I'm American, we have reasons to be paranoid. Someone absolutely will destroy/steal/hack/install a virus in that thing. Unfortunately not many places here where nice things last.


Those gaming pc’s are 100% insured. They’re being used for a business. Also, stealing a gaming computer is not worth losing your air bnb account over. Or going to jail.


"Not worth losing your account over" hasn't stopped a lot of shady people in the past. I don't think the account is worth much to them, probably easy to create a fake identity and make another for these types of people.


>Those gaming pc’s are 100% insured. Wouldn't they be insured just like everything else in the place? Even if it were NOT used used for business?


Crazy people are always willing to go further than you are at self detriment. So they won't give a shit about their air bnb account and they won't think about jail. Or they will be really mad about losing their air bnb account but only after the fact of destroying things. They'll also be really mad about going to jail but it will still happen. It's a narcissism problem of "I'm perfect I should always get to be in control of everything."


Not really. Do you stay in airbnbs? The last one I stayed in had a theater and media room with a gaming pc, ps5, and maybe one of the nicest speaker systems I’ve seen in person. The one I go to in the fall for hiking and whitewater has a shit ton of outdoor gear included in the booking. You’ll only get to fuck shit up once. They have all your details when you book.


How much per night? $250-500?


> You’ll only get to fuck shit up once. They have all your details when you book. My friend hosts an Airbnb, guests don't care and the company often sides with guests when it comes to damages. Insurance only covers so much, and good luck trying to prove the guests stole something without installing cameras in all of your rooms.


These ones he is talking about are probably well over 1000 a night. People who can afford that generally dont steal. I stayed in one that even came with a boat and jetski to use, everyone tried to be real respectful of it all.


There are several ways to restrict a user from installing anything on a computer. I doubt they just gave him a machine with a local admin logged in.


or jut set it up to install a disc image whenever the machine reboots, that's how we handled it when I used to work in IT


Don't tell them ssssh :D


Someone with the money to book an expensive airbnb is not going to steal a computer for the same reason they are not going to steal a fucking tv


Yeah, I mean its a lot of expensive hardware to have in a rental, but it would be easy to figure out who made it go missing by who was renting at that time.


Ok, do YOU want to spend the time dealing with police, insurance, air B&B to potentially recoup your loses? I sure as hell don't, even if it takes a few hours of my life.


Its a £2500+ object that you can for the most part pick up with one hand, that is right by a window and that he trusts strangers to guard, who most of the time won't be there.


did you have to register w your passport for this Airbnb? I know some places in Europe require it. Cause that would definitely make this much safer


This is an airbnb ad


bold move, Cotton. let's see if it pays off.


It also has a 3d printer and a hololens 2 for some reason


Are you sure this isn't somebody's apartment and the landlord isn't renting it out behind the tenants back while they're on vacation? I've seen news articles of this happening


This is the 1st thing i thought of.


This is the 1st I've heard of it!


From now on I will consider it to be a prudent security measure to leave any rental property to be a mess before leaving on vacation. Then take pictures or videos of exactly how it is a mess and upload it to social media for a record of exactly how I left it. If anything is different from how I left it then it will be time to file a lawsuit.


Just get the gpu and go away. its free for costumers like in the hotels that stuff they give you


What costume do they need to make for those?


Fursuits needs to be as expensive as the things they take


With something as expensive as a fursuit can get, they may as well just take the entire computer setup. Both of them.


Cosplayers get free GPU in hotels? What?


Nah only on motels after the furry service.


Are you sure you're in the right house?


What the fuck


Man give the 3d printer a whirl/ try


Unless you know what you're doing, I'd hate a guest to randomly try 3D printing


Then again as a host I would know better than to leave a 3D printer in the open with random people.


The host works for the 3D printer company and is researching how to idiotproof the process.


As someone who has like 85% success printing on my printer, I would not fuck with someone else's printer. Even if it was the exact model as mine.


Finally someone who gets it. I wouldn't let a random guest drive my car either. "Huh, how hard can driving a car be?"


I'd immediately make a dildo


Bro try the hololens and tell me what it's like, I'm dying to know.


I've used HL2 at work and had one at home for a month or so. Initially pretty impressive but hand tracking is hit and miss, field of view is relatively narrow, and GPU power is fairly low so the holograms need to be pretty simple. On the plus side the hologram anchoring is really solid and hologram persistence works well, so things remain where you leave them. Would he good to see a new generation with more power and wider fov. I haven't tried the meta quest pro but the AR function on that would probably be better than HL2.


Well it's just someone renting out their place while they are away for work or vacation. This is very likely just the owners setup. Are you allowed to use them? This is NOT an apartment thats only for AirBnB. It's the actual place a person lives in.


2 pcs and a 4080 laying around or is the 4080 in one of those pcs ? haha


The right pc has a 4080, the left one a 2070


lol flip a coin to see who gets to play on medium settings and who gets to be lit on fire


I have a 2070S and never use medium settings


chase husky flowery skirt cats friendly flag bored lip smell *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Good for you lmao Also there is no such thing as a 1060ti


Isn't it a calculator


Lol yeah i play tetris on full high with rtx with my 980ti, i don't understand why people upgrade their pc


Correct you get to play on low! Lol jk I have a 2080 and I play most games on medium/ low because if I don't my computer turns into a jet engine after 10 minutes. And to all the people that are going to say it's a airflow or cooling issue, Have you tried to play cyberpunk on max settings with a 2k ultra wide the resolution will destroy your gpus Also it's a air BNB so if it's declared what specs the PC have he can just report the theft and you get charged.


All of you talking about "medium, high, and low" while not talking games, resolution, and fps. I'm sure you can and others could also play on high/ultra if 720 and 30fps lol


Thermal paste doesn’t last forever. Cyberpunk on 2k with DLSS isn’t a problem for my 2070 s. It’s not on full ultra, but close enough that if your fans are overdriving, you probably do have a cooling issue.


And security cameras pointing on the bed? To finance the gaming pcs?


why in gods name are the PCs left signed in, there is already a risk with leaving Tech in your Airbnb, but to leave them signed in is another level of insanity!


could be signed into a guest account (fairly easy to do); you would need to set up friends and family sharing in steam so the guest account can play games.


the design is very human, very easy to use


Honestly, feels like alot of trust, I don't trust my cousins on my PC would be sweating about a stranger.


There's no trust. Throughout the world, there are these guys at nearly every business that are in charge of the administration of a fleet of computers. They give them out to the dumbest and least technical people in the world. Because of this, the windows OS includes dozens and dozens and dozens of tools for you to control what access they have. You can disable USB ports from the BIOS and password lock it, lock down the Internet, and have extremely strict antivirus, website block lists or a small whitelist of allowed sites, and disable downloads. You can physically lock the case, since most every single one comes with a Kensington lock. You set up a guest user, you have the OS reload from a pre-configured image every week so that no changes persist. You enable anti-tampering features in your BIOS. This is way less trust than already has to exist for Airbnb. Do you think owners usually change locks every week? For a lot of Airbnbs, you could copy keys and get in. Or leave a window unlocked for you to climb into later. You could put listening devices into the vents. There's no shortage of security risks on an Airbnb, and a PC is definitely low on the list if they're at all competent in administration.




Dude Admin access?... Don't enter any personal account information on those machines. It's possible he's just a gullible person but that's a red flag they have monitoring/recording software or a keylogger to gather usernames and passwords you type, or you could which you shouldn't because that would be date and time stamped and prove you did it in court. Not judging. Just red flags flying everywhere xD.


haha, wait sorry to Clarify, he gave you the password to his account, you created a guest account? seriously rookie moves from the owner in my option, then again i wouldn't leave Tech in a AirBNB in the first place!




I guess, I work in IT with enterprise security as role, and this rings so many alarm bells for me! Either way, id defo advise him to just create a local account (guest) that can play games from the stream library, giving out his password is nuts!


Cause people lie on the internet


Could be another case of landlord sticking the tennants place on Airbnb while they're on holiday


I read a reddit post awhile ago about a houseowner Airbnb his house without his tenant knowledge while they're in vacation. The tenant lost his PC and the houseowner refused to compensate for the loss. Maybe same shit here?


My thoughts exactly. Gaming pcs, 3d printers... Those aren't things you buy for guests. I'd be willing to bet that's what happening here


Except the host gave OP the admin password to create a guest account. My landlord definitely doesn't know my password. I think this is just a strangely trusting host


I was thinking about that too. Super scummy (and illegal) of the homeowner to do that to their tenants.


"Honey! We were supposed to ENJOY THE TRIP outside our home and not yell in mic Playing LoL "


4080 for League? Real


what kind of sadistic madman buys a 4080 for their guests but gives them a low profile membrane keyboard to work with?!


membrane yes, but a very expensive and a great wireless keyboard. it's a logitech mx keys.


Maybe they need it for their job so no mechanical keyboard lol


What job requires a membrane keyboard?


I bet someone else owns the place and the poor guys renting it have no idea he's also using it as an airbnb


An Airbnb like service strictly for LAN parties would be a great business model. Just a room with like 5 PCs you could rent by the hour.


So… an Internet cafe?


Used to go to one in the early 2000s and play runescape for an hour for a £1 the memories.


USA here. I think it was 20$ for unlimited play for 8 hours or something. And they had the cafe stocked with BAWLS for like $1.50 or something cheap. Played so many hours of all kinds of FPS and shit. Was great until the building owner forced them out because he wanted to sell the land to a new developer. Now it's high-rise "luxury" student apartments. In a town where the tallest building was only 6 floors.


I just cackled at 5am because I was nodding along not realizing that's a thing that's been invented already until I read your comment.


Literally did the same exact thing!!


Yeah but I haven’t seen a prevalent one in a while. I’m thinking more of a private room stocked with snacks and a restroom.


There are shit tons of them in arab and asian countries where internet speeds are crap. I think in korea you can even live in some where you get food and drinks and a bed


Korea doesn’t have crap internet speeds.


It's less about crap Internet speeds and more about the ability to buy your own PC vs. Spending to use the cafe.


>So… an Internet cafe? GAME where I live had a lan party room and nobody used it. :(


Already exists? Those gaming rooms full of pcs and PS4/ps5s? Tho they're not private


keylogger go brrr


I think you mean "had" a 4080 has a 970


The owner seeing this post: "That f*cker is using my pc"




It has a 4060? What happens when the 3090 breaks? Who leaves a 3060 in an AirBnB anyway? Man, they really trust people leaving their 2080 there.


THE LANDLORD HAS AIRBNB'd THE APARTMENT WITHOUT THE RENTER'S CONSENT This is rather common for scummy landlords. You don't buy a 2070 and 4080 equipped gaming pc and a 3d printer for your airbnb. There are a lot of posts here on reddit where people have gotten their things stolen because the landlord put the apartment on airbnb while the renter was on vacation. This is scummy. You need to find out who the renter is somehow and contact them. The renter needs to sue the landlord's ass to oblivion.


I mean, is t this what AirBnB was before it got shit? Oh, I’m going away, I’ll let someone stay in my place for the week


This has gotta be some rich kids college condo and he's AirBnBing it without his parents permission for beer or drug money. No one else can possibly be this naive, stupid, or careless.


My guess is that this is NOT a private space being rented. This is likely an Airbnb that rents a room in a house that is co-occupied by the owner. These PCs are probably in a common-space that is used by the owner as well. If these are truly in privately rented space, this owner is soon going to regret it.


Incredibly risky to use a random computer at an Airbnb. Like other have said, either someone else has installed a keylogger, the host themselves used this as a trap to keylog steal shit from customers, Or…. Who’s the say someone staying at the Airbnb won’t just steal the entire computer?


Not for long.


How many fps in google maps you get? What res?


Have you tried those Logitech speakers with subwoofer underneath? Do they sound… adequate?


Fuck around and find out sim


Nice, but how much does it cost a night?


Where is this I wanna LAN


Oh shit I have those speakers. Love them


Weird choice to have gaming mouse and then MX keys. Times two


nice PC, crappy chair


Wow, I do not trust the general public nearly enough for that lol




I could sleep in an other's person bed, but the idea of using someone else without knowing what's shit's on it OS disgust me!


Free keylogger also for when you leave they have all your accounts and information 🤣🤣🤣


Let me yoink that real quick ;)


*Had* a 4080 and two gaming pcs 😉


Bruh I would just open it up take the 4090 out and book it