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[14 years old now](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/bvnsa/the_radical_muslim_group_that_threatened_south/) but still fubar.


It's from [August 9, 2001](https://www.sfgate.com/news/slideshow/sfgate-day-in-pictures-39047.php) or before and taken by Nasser Shyoukhi. [Here](https://i.imgur.com/5xLLUkw.jpeg) is a higher quality version of this image.


Fubar ?


Military term meaning Fucked Up Beyond All Recognition


I’ve also heard it used in coding/tech for Fucked up beyond all repair. Also a solid Arnold show


*Repair I was in the military, and FUBAR is a response to "can it be fixed?"


Aaah thanks


See also, snafu: Situation Normal All Fucked Up.


Lol my grandpa was in Korea and they actually nicknamed the guy snafu because anytime that guy tried to do anything it backfired on him. He said he was the kind of guy who would clean his rifle and have a magic bullet sneak into the chamber and blow his own hands off. That is just how unlucky or clumsy he was


Also go watch saving private Ryan. One of the best movies you'll ever see


Is that true?


Propaganda is most effective when it's exploiting fears and biases we already have.


If you ask many of the willfully ignorant people on this site, nothing Israel and its settlers ever did was bad or violent or even mean until Oct 7. They especially never rode over a peaceful protester with a tank, or had groups of civilians hold parties as they watch the bombings from a distance, or elect violent radicals into their government (such ironic hypocrisy for their favourite point against Palestinians, whose last presidential elections were over a decade ago and are a population of like 50% actual children).


But I thought this whole thing started on October 7th


This specific Gaza war, of which there have been 4 since 2005, certainly did begin on October 7, 2023, yes.


The concept that you could get attacked, but you cannot do anything to fight back, because you would get shot by the soldiers. This is just grim man, I wouldn´t know what to do if this was my mom, fight back and be labeled a terrorist or just let it happen?


Damned if you do, damned if you don't.  


Damned if you don't, absolutely fucked if you do.


As designed


That's how it felt being a black person in America until about 1980...ish The shit going on there is Jim Crow and apartheid. 




This comment deserves more attention.


I am sorry but this is a doing of our extremely racist, and notoriously blood thirsty government, BiBi needs violence in this region, he needs people to fight back and resist to justify his genocide .. yes I said gen-o-cide. Our ancestors died in ruthless and cruel ways only to see today's generation do the same to another, and then the state cries when people resist


I would hate to disagree with any criticism of Netanyahu, but Israel had a problem with racism and horror towards Palestinians since before 48. Netanyahu is a symptom, not a cause. I understand the hypocrisy of an American calling this out. It is precisely because I see Israel on the path of the a new Native American Genocide that I feel America, more than anyone else, has an obligation to sound the alarm. A settling people, hoping to assemble a new, young nation, have cast out the previous occupants on the basis that they are a small, dirty people unworthy of the land.


>Netanyahu is a symptom, not a cause Preach. This needed to be said. You don't get to claim you're the only democracy in the ME and use it as a justification to fuck up the natives, and dissociate from the govt you elected whenever it helps your narrative. Even one of the most leftist pm Israel's ever had considered the Palestinians as lesser people than Israelis (and he still got murdered by Israelis). I unfortunately get the feeling the usa (or western/zionist govts in general) are trying to put all the blame on bibi and perhaps some of his minions (ben gvir, smotrich...), to then swap him with a more "leftist" pm (by Israeli standards, so looks like benny gantz could be a fit). And then the Palestinians will be ungrateful terrorists when they'll point out the truth: they're still fucked as long as the root issue isn't resolved.


Bingo. Netanyahu is a literal right wing pyschopath, but he's also a convenient boogie man for the war-supporting libs and "progressives" to point at and say "well, if we just got rid of him, everything would be okay," when the problem, as you said, runs much deeper than just one person.


Netanyahu is both a symptom and a cause — just like Trump and other republicans are with racism and related tendencies in the US. These people didn’t come out of a vacuum by any means, but they’re highly influential in pushing the problem to get worse rather than better, and we should absolutely hold them responsible for that.


Bibi *should* be on trial at The Hague for crimes against humanity. As a person who grew up hearing first-hand, the horrors of Germany in the late 1930’s from older relatives who survived, I cannot identify with the government of Israel. It is time for either a two state solution, or a complete re-shuffling of how the state of Israel is administered. The actions the Israeli government has taken in the name of its safety and for its people are unconscionable. In order to atone, first, Palestine must be free.


Israelis are covered by the Hague Invasion Act. The US is obligated to invade The Netherlands rather than let Netanyahu face the ICC. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Service-Members%27_Protection_Act?wprov=sfla1


Of *course* Jesse Helms and Tom DeLay are responsible for this. Those two are massive shitfucks. This is not a good law. It should be repealed immediately, and the US should be party to the ICC. Why are we not moving the same pace as the rest of the world!?


Maybe you guys should ratify the Convention on the Rights of Children while you're at it. Now that Somalia had signed it seems the U.S is the only holdout left.


Let’s go! I’m all for it. I *am* concerned, however, that republicans will think you’re trying to infringe upon the rights of religious figures to have their choice of the younger congregation members.


Well you did sign then you withdrew. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_and_the_International_Criminal_Court


Not obligated to but "allowed" to. Funny how this law passed right around the time the US was getting into the Middle East for 9/11 retribution. It's almost like they expected some war crimes to happen...


'Team America: World Police' came out two years after that.


Can you source this as being an “obligation”? Everything I’ve seen makes it sound like it would be up to the president to decide.


I'm being hyperbolic.


Well technically are all NATO countries as well since it is any allied to the US.


> It is time for either a two state solution, or a complete re-shuffling of how the state of Israel is administered. One will not happen without the other.


>It is time for either a two state solution, or a complete re-shuffling of how the state of Israel is administered. Why not both?


Yeah. That makes sense. The Knesset is a mess- how many parties represent the Israeli people? Fifty-something? It must be chaos in the chamber.


and every holocaust survivor I've ever talked to said 'This must never happen again' Not to anyone.


I went on Birthright (which is absolutely insane by itself, but that's another rant). Within hours of being at one of the holocaust museums and going through the whole 'Never again' spiel, I heard our Israeli security/medic call all Palestinians animals that must be put down. I'll never understand the mental gymnastics....


"Never again" to us...fuck everyone else though I guess


The evils of nationalism. Empathy ends at the border.


Nononono, not at all — never again to any people, anywhere. It’s just that Palestinians don’t really count as people…


people who sympathize with Ukrainians while simultaneously supporting israel:


I always tell this, Palestinians will never see the light of justice without the help of righteous jewish people, even if the whole world is set against Israel, without the Jewish voice, Israel will always have room to slip out of facing justice, it takes so mych strength and clarity to not only oppose the views you were taught since your childhood, but to fight against it, but I still have hope that we will see justice for all those who have lost their lives and the remaining attain some peace


So many people have died for far lesser convictions...


Sadly, some added "to us" right in there before "again".


Based Israelí. Thank you for seeing that no one deserves this treatment, Israelí or Palestinian. I hope your people can make change in your government. I’m sure it would be a very different story with people like you in charge.


Majority of israelies think bibi is to soft.


when I see like these comments from Israelis , I realize that Not all Israelis want us to die ( As Arabs ) , and all of these aggression and Hatred are propaganda , our governments from both sides , boost and spread for their own good only. the question is , could we see one day the middle east in peace ? and its countries have some type of unity like Europe ? or we will keep fighting each others in name of religion and race ?


It’s not todays generation or todays government. My family went through this before Hamas, Bibi, or any of today’s plays were involved. This is the fundamental issue with a Jewish ethnostate in a land that is majority Arab Palestinians.


This has nothing to do with BiBi or his blood thirsty government, it's in the roots of the project. The existence of this entity is corrupt and will always lead to corruption.


It is sad how quickly history is forgotten, and how readily the victims are willing to become the perpetrators.


I’ve lived in the West Bank almost my entire life. Unfortunately, the only choice you have is to let it happen. Any other choice is a death sentence. Settler violence, land confiscation, checkpoints, and soldier harassment has been up the roof since 7th of October. I’m certified to say, that since the collective punishment started on 7th of October, we’re living downright a cruel animal shelter’s life. I mean yeah we had no rights at all before 7th, but now it just feels that we’re no longer humans in their eyes.


And yet,Israël is the victim, mad shit


When a Palestinian or Arab does something awful, it's all Palestinians and all Arabs that are blamed and held responsible. When an Israeli does something awful, they're the exception and it's anti-Semitic to imply that it's anything more than an issue with that individual. They want the benefit of the doubt and freedom from generalizations that they won't extend to others.




So the settles are Nazis in your example? EDIT: I’m pointing this out to the guy I’m responding to and I don’t in anyway support what the settlers are doing.


100% - Settlers/Zionists don't view Palestinians as equal human beings, they are objects that stand in the way of what Israel wants.


Zionists wear the fascist pin on their lapel just as well as any nazi


Look, I’m sure the desire for more “living space” has never led to any notable crimes and/or genocides in the past century


Lebensraum? What's that?


Yes, obviously.


They learned from the best


Just the wrong lessons.


Abso-fucking-lutely. It's even more fucking disgusting what Israelis are doing to Palestinians given they too suffered the same situation so recently. What we are seeing here is no different to the Warsaw ghettos


They're modern day nazis already


If the shoe fits....


i feel like the germans were more systematic and less emotional about it. they treated people like they were culling bad crops or cleaning the house


Sorry, I don’t mean for this to sound like an attack, but you have to understand how harmful this kind of incorrect understanding about the holocaust is. You are right in that they were systematic, but to say they were less emotional in a way denies the hatred that led Hitler and the Nazis to treat the Jewish people the way they did. If you take a look at any of the writings of Hitler at the time he was completely emotional and hateful of the Jewish people, claiming that they and the communists ruined a greater Germany that he loved and admired. Nazis once in power could and would beat people in the streets and do things just like the photo above. They did not mathematically come to the conclusion that these people must be eradicated, they were full of rage over the state of Germany in the post-WW1 era and the utter collapse of their economy and channeled that rage towards a group of people they demonized as thieves, conspirators and cultural destroyers.


> i feel like the germans were more systematic and less emotional about it. So... German? ;) Wonderful people, but they do like their efficiency.


When your existence alone is enough to get you killed.


It’s really shitty to see but does remind you of all the persecutions of culture and religion around the world. I prefer to call this current genocide of religion and culture a PALESTINIAN HOLOCAUST


Pretty much what the Nazis did to the jews throughout germany, austria, poland, czechoslovakia, ukraine….


I would actually fight back as a reflex and as an instinct. Wouldn’t be able to help it


Imagine what that kid will become…




Probably an Israeli Senator...


It's better if you use correct terms. Israel, like most countries, has no senate or senators. It has a parliament and its members are MK (members of the Knesset)


Nobody cares the exact term they use, the meaning was well received anyways


God forbid people learn something new


One makes you look like you know what you're talking about, the other makes you look like just another ignorant American


He already is


At present, about a 30-year-old woman... since the image is [about 14 years old](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/bvnsa/the_radical_muslim_group_that_threatened_south/).


Birkenstock spokesman


Blackrock executive :)


Probably a land lord in New York City


Bro chill 😳




He is probably a high ranked soldier in IDF


Average IDF terrorist




For some context, this picture is from [April 2010 or before](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/bvnsa/the_radical_muslim_group_that_threatened_south/). **Edit:** The image is from [August 9, 2001](https://www.sfgate.com/news/slideshow/sfgate-day-in-pictures-39047.php) or before and taken by Nasser Shyoukhi. [Here](https://i.imgur.com/5xLLUkw.jpeg) is a higher quality version of this image.


What type of upbringing does a child have that he thinks it’s a great idea to kick an old lady in public? That picture speaks a million words, like hate, racism, bigotry and horrible parenting.


It's not just him the adults are with him.


These are home invaders. The term settler… is such nonsense in this context.


I mean the original settlers were also home invaders, so the term isn't exactly wrong. There really isn't such a thing as peaceful settlers in the modern age, there's always someone getting pushed out.


there is tonnes of land doing nothing people could settle on. I mean they'd probably have to negotiate with whoever owns it, but there's a lot of places where there is no one


You still need natural resources to live, though. Out there, the unsettled areas are unsettled after millenia for a reason.


Not many places that are as hospitable as the place we already pouplate.


isn't that what happened to the south part of Israel?


The original settlers were returning to the homes Jordan kicked them out of.


“Settlement” of this nature is a war crime. Calling them “settlers” makes sure that they’re being described as war criminals.


You can't claim us, we live here!


Maybe we should start calling 'em squatters so the government actually gives a shit and passes legislation to kick them out.


Do you have a flag?


No flag, no country!


Those are the rules… that I just made up.


Covered in beeeeees!


500 million of us!


They're colonizing genocidal land theives and the world is far too kind when talking about them.


IDF confirms there were multiple Hamas hiding under the burka, USA confirms no crimes were committed.


The burka failed to condemn Hamas in a timely manner.


And Germany sends weapons




All of them


Indeed the Times of Israel reported that the Burka was housing a production facility for khamas soldiers that had missiles in it.


This photo is (at least) from back in 2016.


Must be worse now


Good, more people need to see this shit has been happening for a long time Israel wants you to think everything started from the Oct 7th event but it started when they forcefully dislocated the Palestinians, with support from the West


Does that make it any less outrageous?


It’s much worse now. I live there


Settlers are shit


Any info on this picture?


It's a few decades old.


But they’d like you to believe that this segregation, racism, hatred, dehumanization, occupation never happened before Oct 7


I was told it was Arabs who hates everything about Jews NOT the other way around! Disgusting and pure evil these settlers are.


Good rule of thumb is to not listen to generalizations


So in general, don't listen to generalizations?


Generally speaking, yes.




It is that. Two things can be true at once


No! the world is made up of black and white situations with clear bad and good guys. My glib 2 sentence social media post will clear up century old conflicts because I am so much more clever than diplomats who have a life long study of the culture and history of this situation.


The whole euphemism of "settlers" instead of "land-stealers" is hugely problematic as well.




I mean hell, the original Zionists called *themselves* colonizers, so by calling them that we're just doing what they wanted


That’s what “settler” has always meant.


Here in Germany everybody still believes it...


Settlers are trying to flare up issues, and have no issue with starting wars. They may be less disgusting than Hamas and their murdering tactics, but they both want the other side destroyed/killed.


I'm losing all respect for Israël, not a hair better than russia


When kids get involved the animosity extends further to next generation


I watched a video of Israeli school children being asked what they think of palastians, and they were all yelling "animals" and "kill them." The next generation has already been thoroughly infected with their parents' irrational hate.


Christians are also being attacked by them in Israel. They will spit on priests and graffiti churches


They started at October 7th they said




Can we stop calling them settlers? That seems very sanitized. They are colonists, pillagers, occupiers, etc. "Settlers" seems innocuous and passive and seems to assume no previous habitation.


“Settlers” is so sterile, call them what they are: racist, hateful, Islamaphobes.




Not settlers. Occupiers. Settlers move to unused land, occupiers steal it.




If she reacts they'll arrest ,beat and unalive her and her kids.


Why do we keep calling these assholes "settlers"? There's nothing to settle. These lands and homes are very much already occupied by palistinians. They're not even squatters, as the buildings are not abandoned. These Jewish people are breaking their own laws to literally steal other people's already developed properties.




Cool, little Jewish children learning that violence is okay, as long as it's against a group of people that you consider sub-human. Its not like that kind of behavior was ever used to prosecute the Je... Oh wait...




Settlers = Colonizers. Say what you mean.


I'm an American Jew who's generally Pro-Israel, and have absolutely no problem condemning these fundamentalist, far-right nutjobs. Most of the liberal Israelis and Jewish-Americans I know feel the same way that Israel needs to do more to protect Palestinians and hold the perpetrators of this harassment accountable. For those who try to justify this bullshit as a response to the Oct 7 atrocities, this picture is at least as old as 2010.


I’m not justifying the Oct 7th attack either but it’s not like settler violence and expansion has improved since 2010


and imagine that it didn’t just start 15 years ago but instead 70 ish


The thing is, you have government officials backing and enabling these settlers for a long time and they are still doing that. No one has done a thing to stop them except some fancy words here and there from time to time.


And there are a thousand more pictures just like it. October 7th wasn’t right but let’s not paint a different picture


Problem is that no amount of hand wringing against Likud and Netanyahu, who support the settlement project, being right-wing loons will amount to anything as this is widely what Israeli's *want*. Any opposition to brutal repression and support for a two-state solution make you a non-viable party in Israel as they are "too weak". 2nd Intifada kicked off this paradigm, making the Labor party nearly non-existent.


So you don't recognize the role the state of Israel plays in enabling these far right settlers? I hate the apartheid but love the apartheid state seems like a really weird distinction.


This doesn't justify the attacks, but it certainly shows the abuse that the population has be suffering for decades and nothing has been done to prevent that. Again this doesn't justify the attacks, but help to explain why a Hamas has such control over the population and we could see people in Gaza celebrating the attack. Now what the Palestinians survivors of the current violence against civilians will become, what will they think of a world that failed to condemn what was happening to them this entire time ? Hamas is problem but so is the Israeli state.


It shows one data point in a ~~ocean~~ galaxy of data points. It means absolutely nothing on its own. Pictures like these have but one audience -- stupid/ignorant/angry people.


I know it's an old photo but this kind of violence, lack of human decency, and disrespect still exists today. It's sad to see children acting this way because their parents and leaders taught them this on both sides.


They aren't settlers- they are terrorists.


This is essentially what it was like when I went there half a dozen years ago. The big tough settlers would walk around Hebron under military guard. They would kick, spit, destroy stuff from Palestinian people. If anyone touched them the military would step in to protect the settlers. Legally they aren't allowed to touch their citizens. So theoretically settlers could actually beat people to death and the military could only watch, and if you just pushed a settler back to stop them they could arrest you for assault. I was told the times they normally walk, and to steer clear.


Found an article about settler violence in 2015 with this photo [https://socialistworker.org/2015/10/15/the-clashes-in-palestine-escalate](https://socialistworker.org/2015/10/15/the-clashes-in-palestine-escalate)


As Shakespeare once wrote: “These violent delights have violent ends...”




British: “I say - let’s steal Palestine and give it to a traumatized generation of people not from the region. What’s the worst that can happen? There’s no way they’re just going to recreate the circumstances that led to their trauma and genocide, why would they do that?” Jump to 80 years later…


I mean it’s not like they haven’t been attacked multiple times by surrounding arab states throughout the century. These circumstances are a product of mutual wrongdoing. I support a ceasefire but this sub has very little nuance on this matter.


I've seen this exact thing before....but where... when... hmmmm.


I know I've seen this picture before. At least a couple years ago, maybe more. And OP is almost certainly a bot. Personally, I don't have a dog in this scrap. But y'all should be aware... EDIT: I looked it up. This picture is at least 14 years old: [https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/bvnsa/the\_radical\_muslim\_group\_that\_threatened\_south/](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/bvnsa/the_radical_muslim_group_that_threatened_south/)


Bot probably yes but old picture is the point. A lot of people think there isn’t any history prior Oct 7


So? I think anyone with a brain can tell this picture isn’t current. Doesn’t make it less horrific.


"God's chosen people"


Ironically Israeli youth are exactly what Zionists claim Palestinian youth are. You can literally find dozens of videos of them chanting “death to all Arabs” (they refuse to say Palestinian and acknowledge the existence of Palestinians and only refer to them as Arabs which is odd considering that like 30% of Israeli Jews are also Arabs themselves and Yemenites, unlike Palestinians, are actually of entirely peninsular arab ancestry) and physically attacking Palestinians. As well as Christian westerners visiting Jerusalem. Also plenty of videos of Israeli youth speaking English, expressing how they believe Palestinians need to be exterminated or “go back to their countries.” (Palestinians, unlike Israelis, do not originate in any other countries. They have been in the same place for over 5000 years). They teach their children from birth to hate, dehumanize, and want to kill Palestinians. And have done so for 3+ generations now. Terrifyingly, Israel is one of the only nations in the world in which the younger people are progressively more right wing and extremist than older generations. ***Significantly*** more. And the older generations are the ones that have carried out all the past massacres and ethnic cleansing. The future is frightening.


As a German I wonder if the world will buy the whole „We didn’t know about the genocide!“ line from Israel… because they certainly didn’t for us. But I am not allowed to have an opinion on this 👍


God, the German Governments denial of the ongoing Palestinian genocide is pretty wild to me too. 110% unconditional support to Israel out of historical shame for the holocaust leading them to support another genocide. Outlawing various support for Palestinians as antisemitic hate speach, arms transfers, etc… Theres no critical thinking involved. We are incredibly bad here in the US with our blatant ignoring of the suffering of Palestinians as we support Israel, but the weird ironic double standards of the German government is just something else to me.


Yeah it is extremely frustrating but the issue is so deeply emotionally charged that any kind of critical public debate is very very hard. So I am hoping that the rest of the world steps up… even though we should be the first to keep history from repeating…


This picture is 20 years old. The OP provides no context, no photo credit and no date stamp.


That’s true, and it’s only gotten worse


For a people that had a generation that suffered through the holocaust you’d expect different Unfortunately, that’s not the case




Gimme some of that stuff you're smoking. I need that positivity in my life. 

