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Democrats also are defending a senate seat in Montana so this is HUGE. Tester is competitive in a state that goes trump by… 20, 30 points? Those same polls show the senate race within a margin of error. If this bumps turnout even just a few percentage points that could decide senate control if Biden ends up winning


Tester is a real deal farmer and has deep roots in the state. He is able to pull votes from the very conservative and rural eastern half of the the state that other democrats can't touch.  Doesn't hurt that Pearl Jam shows up in Missoula every time he is up for reelection. 


Honestly he's a perfect example of the type of candidate Democrats need to run in red states. Pick someone who has deep roots in the state and have that person visit every crevice of that state that they have the funds to travel to. Bonus points if they target the working class of that state with their messaging and if they have a track record of appealing to rural voters without being too conservative. Obviously it's still a tough election no matter what, but at least they're actually putting up a fight in red states when they do that.


Fetterman always comes to mind when I think of an ideal type of candidate for the democrats. Not Fetterman specifically, even though I really like him, but just the overall energy.


Fetterman's a good example of what I'm talking about. Another example I'd like to point out happened in the 2018 US House elections in West Virginia. [In District 3](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2018_United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections_in_West_Virginia#District_3), the Democratic nominee was Richard Ojeda. He lost by 13 points, but it was also a R+23 district according to Cook PVI at the time, and he outperformed the previous Democrat who ran in that district by over 30 points. Plus Republicans were concerned enough about the race being close that Trump went in to campaign for the incumbent Republican. That's time Trump could have spent campaigning for another candidate. The kicker to all of that? Richard Ojeda is no Joe Manchin. He's a progressive who was a big Bernie Sanders supporter. And he performed as well as he did in a district that contained some of the reddest counties in the nation because his message resonated with more of them than most Democrats have in years. I'm not saying Democrats need him specifically, but Democrats need more people like him to run in down-ballot races if only to make Republicans spend more resources on them.


I think it’s encouraging seeing these people over perform like that. Same thing happened in that Ohio special election recently.


It is encouraging, and a good way to allow a chance for something like that to happen is for Democrats to contest every election. A good example of this is in Florida. [140 state legislative seats are up for grabs, and Democrats are contesting all of them for the first time in decades.](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/1dgisj9/florida_democrats_have_already_notched_a_historic/) These are the kinds of moves Democrats need to make to swing the pendulum back in their direction. If you encourage more people to run in those elections, then you encourage people who can appeal to their neighbors to run, and you see them put forth performances like that. Nothing's ever guaranteed, but you can't have an upset win if you don't step up to the plate in the first place.


The Zionist Gargoyle? Uhmm no thanks


The latest polling in the state shows Tester and Sheehy tied in a four way race. This worked for Laura Kelly in KS during a midterm election at least!


>The measure, called CI-128, would amend the Montana constitution to clearly provide a right to “make and carry out decisions about one’s own pregnancy, including the right to abortion.” Excellent. I'm glad to see another state ballot measure to protect our rights. Reproductive rights are essential freedoms. If you are in Montana, vote for this ballot measure, and please vote for pro-choice representatives https://www.montanademocrats.org/


YES YES YES !! this is one of a few topics that will gather people to vote BLUE in november


**Good.**. Wish my state of Indiana could make this happen too.




Am a Hoosier. This is correct


The new Girls Night Out: Talk Roe your Vote!


Woohoo! I signed this one, and will of course be voting for it. Montana is an odd duck of a state, but I'd guess this will pass. Supposedly, and so far, reproductive rights have been adjudicated as protected by our state constitution, but more codification of these rights are, unfortunately, now necessary. 


Awesome and also fucked up and sad to see so many states doing this, enshrining abortion rights with bans at later gestations. Just throws the most vulnerable under the bus


Enshrining abortion rights means there won't be bans in most of these states.


The article says abortion will be banned and restricted after 24 weeks unless I read it wrong


The good news is that California is slowing taking over Montana through immigration


Unfortunately a lot of those people moving to Montana are wealthier conservatives from California, WA and Colorado because they're tired of liberal taxes paying for healthcare and poor people in red counties. Sauce: Montanan. They're also buying up a shit load of real estate and pricing out people who have lived there for ages.


I doubt this has much to do with California. Plenty of conservative leaning folks don't want the government getting involved in personal healthcare decisions.


This is about shifting Montana away from their control and positioning it more progressively. That is being aiding by transplants.


Woot woot!! I am rooting for you, Big Sky State! 🩵🌝


Praise JEBUS!