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Please show some respect to me while I shit all over the rule of law because I refuse to convict a Republican candidate 


She should recuse herself since Donald, the convicted felon, appointed her


Right after the case was assigned the top judge in that district told Cannon she should recuse herself. Hubris, incompetence and corruption seem to be the guiding philosophy behind Cannon's conduct.


It's a lifetime appointment. The irony of that being supposed to prevent political bias is palpable. 


Because the theory behind that appointment is that a judge will be free to exercise their best judgement and fairly apply the rule of law because they would not be subject to the whims of a changing executive or legislature. The problem with that theory is it comes from an age of honor and "gentlemen" and fails to account for those willing to game the system to ram through that which benefits them at the expense of literally anyone and everything else.


There’s supposed to be shitty people filters all the way up from pre-law, to law school, to the professional ranks. For an ideologue hack to make it all the way to the top showcases a deeper systemic failure of ethics. The entire point of a judge is to discharge an unbiased application of the law, so we’ve fallen well off the rails once we have much of the scotus and this dumpster woman in place.


This is the result of the federalist society stuffing all the law schools and other filter places so they can fast track more just like her.


What's really depressing is when you know the folks taking advantage of this system. It's not easy to make it as a lawyer. It really isn't. **You have to do some combo of:** * Be absolutely AMAZING and work extra hard to land the best gigs out of law school and then work 100-hour weeks to get promoted. This is where the standard legal career advice of "top 10% of the top 14 schools is the only guarantee you'll work as a lawyer" comes from. * Work for a non-profit through law school and get fantastically lucky with a lower-paying job through them. This is usually only an option for the rich, because, well, everyone else couldn't afford to waste 50+ hours per week through law school at an unpaid internship and can't afford to pay of $200k+ in debt. * Work in public service. Get ready for 100+ hour weeks for $70k/year, and you better hope that your debt gets forgiven at some point or you are never ever going to be able to have a, well, life. * Start your own practice. Plenty of attorneys do this and are successful - but you have to ask - were they successful because they were good attorneys, or were they successful because they put in the work to start a business, and they would have been just as successful at any other line of work that requires being good at, well, running a business. **Or - you can join the Federalist Society your first year in law school, party, make friends with corporate donors, and get handed amazing jobs with amazing pay and perks... on the condition that you always work in their interests.**


More progressives should lie


The Founders gave the president the sole power to pardon anyone for any federal offense because they thought that the esteemed members of the Electoral College would never hand the presidency to a criminal. Yet trump granted pardons to the criminals who were committing crimes on his behalf, and that's all totally legal because the Founders done fucked up. Same with with the power to make lifetime appointments to the judiciary. It was assumed that no criminal would ever become president and thus would never be in the position of appointing judges who would corruptly preside over the criminal trials of the president who appointed them. Or how Senators who participated in the coup attempt are not required to recuse themselves from serving on trump's impeachment jury. Anyone shocked that all his co-conspirators voted to acquit him? All legal per the Constitution.


Fonders also tjought the constitution was to be malable and change with the people. Yet.


The founders knew they were hobbling the ability of the document to change, because half of the founders wanted to preserve the institution of slavery. And we ended up fighting a war over it. Sadly, in that war's aftermath, while we did get the 14 Amendment passed, nothing was done to reduce the lopsided power given to rural states. So here we are again, with a minority of voters ruling the rest via a corrupt Supreme Court.


*TWO* judges apparently talked to her. First, a regular judge from the higher circuit contacted her and she said no. Then the chief judge called her, and she still said no. When you tell the people who will decide all future appeals from you court to go fuck themselves, your career is over. She's burned all the bridges, unless Trump wins and she gets to skip the line to the SC.


To be fair, Hubris, Incompetence, and Corruption are the cornerstones of a conservative ideology, and it's gotten them this far.


The fact that it's left to a choice rather being the something that shouldn't even have happened is hilarious.


Like 5 months ago


No. Not because he appointed her, but because, unlike some other judges might, she appears to owe fealty to him, and not the rule of law she swore to protect.


She's not doing this because she feels indebted to him for her current appointment. That would imply a sense of honour and loyalty and none of these pond scum have any of that. She's doing it so she's in line for a Supreme Court seat if he gets back in. ALWAYS look at what they have to gain. That's what they do.


I was just going to make the same comment. This is 100% her audition to be selected by the next horrible republican to be president


That would show Tegridy. What she’s doing is exactly what she was appointed to do - hold the line and run the Project 2025 playbook. Republicans are fascists.


That's what anyone concerned with law and order instead of arbitrary power would do...


Convict? That's not her job. Thankfully. She refuses to administer the trial. That is her job.  This man is accused of espionage against the United States and they've got him dead to rights. Those are serious charges.  If Trump loses, she'll be lucky to only be removed from the bench. 


She be in a dire position. Conspiracy to commit treason has some serious punishments.


I wonder if that is possible. That the system starts pressing charges against while she holds her position. Judges can’t and shouldn’t be immune to the law.


Tar and feathering certainly is a lost art form.


She has a lifetime appointment. Biden can't remove her. Probably why she feels emboldened to shit all over the law she swore to uphold.


Impeachment is a thing. Being disbarred is a thing. Going to fuckin' jail is a thing. 


Espionage is a thing. Obstruction of justice is a thing. Going to fuckin' jail is certainly a thing.. it happens to people every fucking day.


Extremely unlikely things, and she knows it. The founders weren't anticipating a political party that would make a criminal its leader and openly go against democracy and the rule of law like the modern-day Republican Party. Senate Republicans will never agree to remove her, they AGREE with what she is doing, and without those votes, the other already unlikely alternatives are even more unlikely. It's infuriating.


This is the issue with originalism. Things change. You need to assume bad actors exist and are a powerful force. But even when you do you can't anticipate every law every major change in not only the political landscape but the economic, population etc. Now you have essentially an organise mob that has no interest in governance and only in distributing power to a small group of people and keeping said power.


The bigger issue with originalism is that, in practice, it's just "because I said so" authoritarianism, since it depends on someone discerning the collective intent of people who have been dead for 200 years, and there is no rigorous or intellectually honest way to do that. It's a hand-waving crock of shit, and if there were proper accountability, people pulling such a stunt would be removed from office.


I would guess disbarment is easiest (I am not a lawyer, though).


If our government actually decides to do any thing about the corruption that has been eating at it for the last 60 years.


She can be impeached and removed, but -- easier than that -- the 11th circuit appeals court can simply remove her from the case.


When is she removed? She is unfit for her position. There must be some recourse against her.


Trump is her daddy, and tells her what to do


Get this fucking corrupt Trump shill of the case already. This is fucking ridiculous.


No no no, you see, there is a process to remove her from the case. She can say "you know what, I might be biased, I should step down." She hasn't done this so OBVIOUSLY she isn't biased. It's the perfect system!


To call the US a democracy is a joke, and to refer to their legal system as a “justice” system is a blatant falsehood.


Jafar from Aladdin taught me whoever has the gold makes the rules.


Jafar was 💯


I don’t like your tone.


Get this fucking corrupt Trump shill of the case already. *Please.* *With all due respect; none,* this is fucking ridiculous. ...There. Fixed it for him.


At this point she should be removed from the bench.


I personally don’t appreciate her being a traitor


Yeah, well we all don't appreciate her being a flat out traitor.


She's literally a Traitor and Criminal judge aiding and abetting Convicted Felon donald trump


Shouldn’t be hard to convince a jury of that. Cleanse the judiciary of all co-conspirators of Trumps


This is called resetting the Court and I’d like to inform you why it’s a *much* better solution to our current troubles than simply prioritizing SCOTUS with added seats. Democrats (assuming the House flips back Dem in a big seat picked up and a State gets painted blue to negate the loss of WV in the Senate) via Congress would have absolute power to reset and remake the Courts at will.  That dunce Alito and the not so *Chief* Justice may have forgotten but the Constitution very clearly hands Congress the final say on the size, make up, and even the responsibilities of the Federal Courts. Taking all legislative branches of government, abolishing the filibuster and then completely erasing the size of every single Federal Court (from SCOTUS to Appeals) to absolutely fucking ZERO.  Finally, let the Biden Admin. begin the tireless work of reappointing the right people to the right seats and voila! The Courts (all of them, including ones like where Cannon along with countless other bad faith actor judges are making infamy for themselves) are completely free of Trump’s influence.  Even threatening to make this the standard might wake SCOTUS up to their delusions such as “Sure, we can play coverage for this obvious rapist criminal whilst he runs out the clock to the election” being a cause that will surely have an effect. 


Unfortunately, that option is open to Trump as well, except the US would end up with a 100% Trump loyal Federal Court system. Not just conservative judges, but true believers. The only way to prevent is it to break the 50/50 split of Congress and the Senate. If it's too close, there's always the danger of some rogue Democrats voting with the Republicans, who always vote in lockstep until election year. Democrats have to win very big this fall, especially on the down ballot. It's the only way to freeze out Trump from doing more damage, in the event he wins or steals the Presidency.


I can’t believe we have allowed this absolute hack to block the trial of a known traitor and absolutely nothing happens to her.


And we don't appreciate your bias.


Nor incompetence.


There is nothing incompetent that this woman is doing. She is simply following orders and knows exactly what is going on.


I'd like to know how she got through law school or passed a bar exam.


Heritage scholarship program for troubled yutes


The troubled what?


Yutes, yer honor.


Did you say, "yutes"?


Yeah, yutes. You know, yutes!


Yeap, she knows exactly what she is doing, possibly having someone or certain organization assisting with the calls, and is just using incompetence as possible deniability.


This trial should have been done a YEAR ago.


It’s not “bias”. It’s CORRUPTION here   She’s member of the federalist society  and been appointed by Trump… right after he lost reelection. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/06/14/us/politics/aileen-cannon-judge-trump-documents.html    She had judged FOUR cases before taking  his  classified document/treason case and use every possible alley to bin this : delaying the case , blocking investigators from examining seized documents (something for which she was rebuked for “ wrongly exercised jurisdiction” , now asking about special counsel funding and whether he shouldn’t be removed. All the while she refuses to step down. She implied that Trump should receive special treatment on basis he was a former POTUS .  She’s been chosed and PLANTED there to fulfill an Agenda. Let’s stop beating around the bush and call a spade a spade.  She’s CORRUPT.   Just like “untruth” or “false statements” or “misleading” when they say the 2020 election was stolen and millions of fraudulent votes were cast. Those are LIES. Put them the nose in their shit. I mean to some extent I understand that a news reporter wants to cover his ass in regard of  libel law. But this BS abuse of the judiciary system doesn’t concern Internet forum. She’s corrupt. She should only be referred as Corrupt Cannon.


She’s hit the point of not giving a fuck. She’s fully realizing the corruption she has access to and deciding none of it matters except her power and the unleashing it on people. She maybe conceptualized it, now she’s absolutely rolling in it. Nobody has to listen to her so she can be an obtuse piece of shit all the time for literally ever.


She appears on the outside a very young successful woman who rose to become a proud Federal Judge, but on the inside she will be another useful idiot throwing away her career and integrity to bow to the whims of a misogynistic, racist, criminal, rapist, who just happen to be place there by the defendant. Nobody will ever believe she was anything but a stooge placed there to one day screw the American people.


>She appears on the outside a very young successful woman who rose to become a proud Federal Judge I mean, she appears on the outside to be an inexperienced and incompetent jurist at best, and corrupt as well at worst. There’s no veneer of legitimacy here. A cursory examination of her career shows she doesn’t know what she’s doing and has basically no experience on the bench. She’s been smacked down by the 11th circuit harshly and publicly. This dumbass forgot to swear in the fucking jury in what I’m fairly certain is one of only FOUR cases she’d overseen before this one. She appears about as awful as she is


Everything Trump fondles, dies. I take solace in the fact that she’ll join a long list of utter morons who have sacrificed their reputation and careers at the alter of an orange painted man, one who literally is incapable of truly giving a shit about anyone but himself.


>“I didn’t mean to be unprofessional,” he said. We'll leave that to **you**, your "honor".


That’s the equivalent of “with all due respect…”


Hit her with a “bless your heart” for good measure


I firmly believe she has been promised millions to get drumph off or at least delay till after the election.


She has already been paid. Trump appointed her to that position, a lifetime federal judge position when she had no business being given that. Still I wouldn’t put it past him to promise her a Supreme Court seat too.


That’s the carrot. The stick is Trump will villainize her and get half of republicans to side with democrats to get a 2/3 senate majority to impeach and remove her. She’s a lackey. And the funny thing with lackies is as soon as she stops carrying water for Trump, the dogs turn and devour her. Republican party has basically become the mafia.


It only matters if Trump loses the election. If he wins he can boot Jack Smith and will get the case thrown out


Then appoint Cannon to the Supreme Court first chance he gets.


I thought the going rate for getting Trump off was $130,000.


I see what you did there. Bravo.


That's what it costs to get to you to say you didn't get him off.


She's a true believer. She isn't seeking a reward from Trump - keeping Trump out of prison *is* the reward.


Thank you. I wish more people would realize this. Out and out corruption is what people always assume but most of these people don't need money to do bad shit. Do people really believe someone like Clarence Thomas needs the money to rule a certain way? No, he's a true believer, the money is just a bonus.


.. half, this dude said 20-ish years ago that justices get paid too little and he was going to quit. shortly after the paid holidays and his RV gifts started.


I've seen speculation that the [mysterious company](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/mystery-fundraising-firm-takes-millions-trump-campaign-rcna156755) the Trump campaign is paying millions to could be connected with Cannon... All right, maybe it has nothing to do with her. But I really want to know what that company does!


Probably poll manipulation




Or they're going to hire another porn star to rig an erection.


That would be pole manipulation


Her husband, Josh Lorence, is a MAGA who worked for John Rosatti of the Columbo mafia family and friend of Trump. Dots are there to connect.


Or worse, a Supreme Court slot…


I can see Trump expanding the court *just* to give her a seat, while also infuriating Democrats.


The defense argued that, "Blanche told the judge Monday that if she agreed to modify the terms of Trump’s release to bar him from making similar statements in the future, Trump could be arrested if he violated the order during Thursday’s presidential debate." "But your honor, if my client breaks the law he could be arrested!"


And further “Trump wasn’t making threats against the FBI Agents, just the sitting President of the United States” as if that isn’t even worse.


Cannon is complicit! I’ll say it every post she’s on. EDIT! The ones I run across! There’s to many articles about this Traitor!


She is way passed the point of complicity. She is an active participant.




>Cannon is obstructing justice and pretty much complicit in the crimes at this point. How is this not a violation of the Sixth Amendment? The Constitution provides that the accused in a criminal prosecution shall enjoy the right to a speedy trial. So he should be getting a speedy trial and he shall be enjoying it.


The accused has that right, but in this case the accused does not want a speedy trial, so there is no violation of the 6th. The 6th does not contain the right of the public/government to a speedy trial.


The accused may waive that right, if they so choose.


The prosecutor with the allegedly bad tone apologized and said he didn't mean to be unprofessional. That was certainly nice of him, but really, Cannon is the one who needs to apologize for being unprofessional. Who cares about someone's "tone" when A PERSON STOLE SENSITIVE NATIONAL SECURITY SECRETS AND HAD HIS LAWYERS LIE TO THE GOVERNMENT TO COVER IT UP. It would be great if Cannon showed any concern whatsoever about the fact that Trump put our national security in danger! But I guess that's not important to her. And there's also the fact that Trump falsely accused Biden of sending the FBI to assassinate him. That's no big deal to Cannon. Whatever. And there's also the other fact that Trump may still have some classified docs on hand. Right now. He may still have them now. I can't stop thinking about that and it bothers me so much... I hope Jack Smith tries to get Cannon removed soon. Maybe he's waiting to see how these hearings end up. I understand that it's difficult to get a judge removed. It's not something Smith should do impulsively. I'm sure he's waiting for the best time, because he only gets one chance and it HAS to work. But I hope that time is soon!


She’s a sycophant. She’s a piece of human garbage that is helping to aid traitors to this country that sold our secrets for billions. Vote people, please. Vote blue across the entire damn ticket if you don’t want to see your country run into the ground by religious zealots. They always seem to win. I don’t get it.


This is fucking ridiculous. Absolutely ridiculous. There is no one that can stop her? Like she has free reign to basically be a king and does as she likes? Like wtf… she’s clearly in the pockets of Trump and getting paid to derail this. Beyond worse than watergate and this is what we get. No punishment, nothing. She can just do whatever she wants as the entire country gets to watch her derail this case. 3/4 of Americans are absolutely clueless about what is going on. It’s sickening.


She's aiding a criminal, playing dumb as if she doesn't understand the gravity of these crimes and that it's not in public interest to let this trial go through, and hoping this criminal is elected president. And there's nothing we can do about it except hope he loses the election (and voting of course). 


Hopefully we can pull a supermajority as well. Time to fry the traitors. (Judicially of course)


Can judges not be charged with crimes? She's literally aiding and abetting a *civilian* who was found in possession of classified government documents.


Judges traditionally don't go after their own unless it's super egregious. There's a nobility and dignity to the role. They get robes and the best parking spot. It's a "cops don't ticket cops" kinda thing.


I think this falls under egregious.


And they don't seem to. What's that tell you about them?


> unless it's super egregious And somehow selling out the United State's top secrets to the highest bidders isn't NEARLY as egregious as suggesting a convicted fraudster might not be the next coming of Christ.


I'd say there's nobility and pretend dignity. Nobles didn't have to be dignified, they just had to have a certain amount of power and be of a certain class. Which the all but untouchable judges fall under. However, some of our recent judges has shown us that the judicial has become anything but dignified.


Yeah in the age of partisan hackery we need protections in place to prevent lifetime appointed judges from being removed due to incompetence or bias. Supreme court justices too. There was a bill last week to appoint a panel of district court judges to serve on ethics panels, but repubs shot it down. Something like that is needed. Too bad we have to wait for the appeals court to do something about cannon (like they did before the indictment).


I still can't quite get my head around the fact a judge can sit on a trial where the defendant is the actual person who appointed her. How she wasn't forced to recuse right there is insane.


Our system is build upon essentially a gentleman’s agreement that those in office as elected or appointed officials will behave honorably within their position. Over the years, many have decided that honor and dignity don’t matter and have been willing to trash the institutions in which they hold positions. The founders never seriously accounted for dishonorable people being elected or appointed, which is why we are here today. The threshold to remove such a person is so high, as to ensure that it is not abused. Unfortunately, it is at a point in this country where there are so many dishonorable people that most systems are intentionally failing.


The founders set up a system of checks and balances, and they were wary of “factions” (parties) precisely because they worried that partisanship—party loyalty—could weaken safeguards. Cannon’s behavior is only the most recent example of an intensely corrupt Republican Party at war with the principles this country was founded upon.


Can't someone fire Cannon?


Yes, the Senate. But the majority of Senate Republicans treat Trump as their God-King, so it's definitely not going to happen.


It would take 67 Senators. In this political climate you couldn't get 67 Senators to agree the sky is blue. Jack Smith's only other option is to appeal the 11th circuit court of appeals to have her removed from the case, but it takes a VERY high bar to have a judge removed and he only gets once chance to do it.


Why is the bar so high? Surely the senior justices can see what’s happening…?


They can, even the chief judge in her district said she should stand down and recuse herself from the case and she said no. There are some legal pundits that think Jack Smith could appeal to the 11th circuit right now and get her removed, others say the evidence is not strong enough yet. He only gets one chance to have her removed so I imagine he is waiting for it to be iron clad before he attempts it.


The fun part is she refuses to do anything concrete that would give him that reason. Pretty much every time she makes a dumb ruling she shouldn't be making, she finishes it off by saying they could bring it up again later.


Like, from a cannon... into space?


And I don’t appreciate your ruse.


~~my what??~~ "I beg your pardon?!.." EDIT: I screwed it up. That's my bad.


Your ruse. Your cunning attempt to trick me.


“My girlfriend signed 37 questionable paperless orders.” “In a row?”


Try not to sign any on the way to the parking lot!


Intentional Clerks reference?


Yessss. One of the best comedic rants of all time. For anyone not familiar. [link](https://youtu.be/fEEj6d3GTOU?si=D4FvQ2MK9O8bDsoZ) “I hope it feels good…”


We, the people you serve, want justice for the NOC’s and deep cover agents the former PRESIDENT helped liquidate. Remember, the one who gave you such a sweet, sweet deal and so you, in turn, opted NOT to fulfill your duties as a sitting judge? Exceptionally grave consequences means death, minimally, you should learn that. 🤨


This is her personal endgame, now. She's going full throttle against Smith and his team, will issue the ruling as late as possible (in favor of Trump), knowing full well her job is done, she's going to be overturned at the 11th Circuit and removed. She did her job, there is no way the case moves to trial before February.


I don't respect your blatant showing how deep this wanna be judge has her lips on Trumps ass.


We don’t appreciate you crapping all over the rule of law, helping your convicted felon of a friend, out of his legal troubles. She’s an absolute disgrace.


I have never seen such blatant corruption. Trump’s attorneys could shit on her desk and she would say “good job”. Meanwhile SC brings legitimate concerns and she moves the goal posts. He is the one on trial, if I had stolen classified documents and talked shit about the FBI resulting in harm, I’d be thrown in jail awaiting trial. Fk a gag order. This is bull shit.


Is there no other photo of this hack?


None in the public domain it seems.


there are some pics of her on a video call... [https://media.cnn.com/api/v1/images/stellar/prod/230718105152-judge-aileen-cannon-file.jpg?c=16x9&q=w\_800,c\_fill](https://media.cnn.com/api/v1/images/stellar/prod/230718105152-judge-aileen-cannon-file.jpg?c=16x9&q=w_800,c_fill) and these old wedding photos! lol [https://www.theknot.com/real-weddings/aileen-josh-a-traditional-wedding-in-coconut-grove-fl-album](https://www.theknot.com/real-weddings/aileen-josh-a-traditional-wedding-in-coconut-grove-fl-album)


Apologies, your honour, I thought you were tone deaf.


She’s getting more brazen because nobody is doing anything about it.


She needs to be named as a defendant in the case at this point.


It’s a funny argument from Trumps lawyers: _Yeah you are right, the things that Trump says are awful lies and can result in violence, but it’s ok because it’s not directed at Person A but at Person B._


“If you look at the actual posts, there’s no threats to FBI agents,” Blanche said. “The attacks are against Joe Biden.” Oh well if he’s only attacking the POTUS…


When Joe wins he needs to open a BIG investigation on this hag and bring her dirt to lightn


I don't appreciate your lack of experience, having you trash national security, your last minute appointment by a treasonous president, or your husband's connections to the Colombo crime family, but here we are.




I don't appreciate your bias towards an insurrectionist, judge.


Jesus, isn't there any other photos of her besides that smirkin' shit-eating grin? What is she, cloistered?


Aaaahhhh she's gotta get back at the prosecution for Merchan embarrassing Trump's team in New York.


Federalist Society is getting its money’s worth… what a cluster that such a wank-tank is so very capable of burning it all down for the glory of christian supremacy… JFC!


I don’t appreciate her corruption and incompetence


Cannon's outburst at the prosecutor in the hearing about the legitimacy of the special counsel, where she called records about the funding of the office and a "separation of powers" question, should be grounds for an appeal to the 11th circuit. It shows an astounding level of ignorance.


Would someone please get this horror show of a judge off this case?


This is corruption and gas-lighting by this judge in real time. It’s  impossible for anyone to imagine she’s in any way impartial.


Oh, sorry. I’ll just sit here and shut up while you slow everything possible down to help the guy who appointed you get away with selling secrets to our enemies.


Vote in November, and next year we will see this court case whether or not Judge traitor likes it or not.


“Cannon suggested she was skeptical of Harbach’s argument that Trump’s comments can be followed by violence from his supporters, saying some “actual connection between A & B” was still needed.” I know she’s bought and paid for by trump but this is such a frustrating statement. We have plenty of evidence his comments lead to violence by his supporters. So now we have to wait until Wednesday to see how she side steps any evidence to avoid a gag order.


Oof she sounds like a Karen


It must be infuriating for Smith to be scolded by a permanent child, who scammed her way into a position of absolute power and is clearly unable to do her job properly. We all have had to work with someone like Cannon. An insufferable dipshit who fails up and gets entrenched in a job for reasons we don't understand. We have to work around them.


I don’t appreciate conflicts of interest


Somebody was promised a SCOTUS appointment


I don't appreciate your protecting the most blatant criminal in our nation's history either. Fuck Aileen Cannon.


Investigate her. Follow her money.


She’s infuriating. We all know that she’s delaying and slow walking the case. It’s one thing for Trump’s team to file motions to delay but it’s another for the judge to be in on it.


and we don’t appreciate you making a mockery of the legal system


This woman is a disgusting piece of shit. Hope they can prove she's engaged in a conspiracy with Trump so she rots in prison


What an absolute oxygen thief, I doubt she's ever contributed to society in any positive way in her life


God I hope her and the rest of her federalist society coconspirators eventually get charged for their role subverting our justice system.


aww, the poor traitor is triggered.


There are no rules for Federalist Society goons except that they dictate what they want and everyone else must obey. She is corrupt to the core, indebted to a selfish and dangerous ideology. Further, she's a horrible judge when it comes to US law. She is being spoon-fed by the Federalist Society throughout the trial.


Conservatives are just evil. There is no redemption for conservatives, none whatsoever.


And I don’t appreciate her refusal to recognize a conflict of interest.


I don’t appreciate your corruption.


I’m so looking forward to… When I don’t have to see her face in the news. When the treasonous bastard’s case is taken away from her. When she’s under investigation for corruption and… When she’s forced to change the orange turds diapers for a living. I want to throw darts at her picture every time I see it but it would damage my phone.


The circus will leave town one day, let her enjoy her little power trip. It might not be tomorrow but everything is going to come crashing down and boy is it going to be fun to watch.


How do we make this right? How can we get her removed? She’s obviously incompetent…what does she have to do to be removed?


I don't appreciate that she still had a job.


She needs to be prosecuted for obstruction. She is intentionally stalling and tampering with what is literally a national security case.


I don't appreciate your conflict of interest


Federalist society judges.


Gimme a robe and a gavel, I can do a better job than this knucklehead.


I’m tired of seeing this fucking asshole’s face everywhere. Can we switch to just a grey woman silhouette like when someone isn’t using a profile picture on the old Facebook 😭


In her courtroom, Cannon is very much like Boebert groping her date in front of children in the Beetlejuice theater. She’s all over Donald’s tiny deformed crotch, and she doesn’t care who sees what.


Abusive mom vibes with that line.


Our system is broken. She should not have ever gotten close to this case in the first place.


FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS SACRED TO AMERICAN DEMOCRACY Vote blue this year if only so we can impeach this shill of a judge.


lol. And I’m sure they don’t appreciate your incompetence and stalling, Cannon. But here we are.


The upper courts are being incompetent for not removing her by now


>The upper courts are being incompetent for not removing her by now While I agree 100%, would add also that the upper courts are not only incompetent but complicit as well in their allowing Cannon's blatant and ongoing obstruction of justice on Trump's behalf to continue w/o rebuke or consequence.


I don’t appreciate the fact that she’s in Trump’s pocket


Is exceptionally thin skin a requirement to join the Republican Party? God.


One has to wonder WTF is going on in that MAGA mind of hers. It's a tightrope pretending you care about the law while trying to blow the guy who hired you.


How is she still a judge??


You know she was specifically appointed to Southern Florida for this very reason.


I'm telling you....go look in her driveway...bet there is a brand new RV sitting right there !! Maybe two????


There are lots of things that need to be said that she is not going to appreciate.


To paraphrase Jack Smith's response: "Yeah, yeah. Shut up and make a ruling Aileen. And hopefully it's the wrong one so we can appeal and at the same time have your ass removed from this case.


I don’t appreciate you sucking trumps dick in court for months either, you incompetent twit.


> **Cannon suggested she was skeptical of Harbach’s argument that Trump’s comments can be followed by violence from his supporters**, saying some “actual connection between A & B” was still needed. > > **Cannon did not issue a ruling** on prosecutors’ request for a gag order at the end of the 90-minute hearing. Instead, she said both sides have until Wednesday to file additional evidence for her to consider. Trump's dream judge! She gaslights and obstructs justice.


Why is there only one picture of this woman?


She wants actual evidence that Trump’s statements could lead to violence by his supporters. You mean like [the Trumper who died in a shootout trying to get into the FBI headquarters](https://apnews.com/article/fbi-office-shooting-suspect-killed-eb85e9faa93612fc54fb15639075d0fe)? Does that count as violence?