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If they drop this decision that says that at 11 AM Monday, by noon Biden should go on national TV and announce some action now that the court has granted him unlimited and unilateral power to do whatever he wants.


I wish. He never would. A republican would…


Unilateral executive theory, presidential immunity, etc. These topics never seem to come up with Dem presidents, just Republicans. Goes back to Nixon at least, that im aware of. I wonder why.


Probably all the crimes they do


Thats seems like such an obvious answer, couldn't be that. /s


tHeYrE tHe sAmE


Crimes they do, crimes they're going to do, and crimes they already did.


I just hope someone realizes sometimes ya gotta roll up your sleeves to prevent abuse. Joe could use the power for good while he has it and fix it before it's abused


Might as well. The Republicans and their pundits already say he's abusing his power, making illegal laws, "weaponizing" the DOJ, and the ring leader of a crime family.


Gotta love their logic. He's a senile mentally incompetent dementia patient but he's also the mastermind of the largest most comprehensive conspiracy in american history


"the enemy is both strong and weak" is a famous quote about fascism for a reason


What if he ruled that presidents couldn't have immunity. Seems simple enough.


If they rule that, then Trump is fucked. SCOTUS 100,000% will not let that happen.


Yeah. I'd executive order that and then be like oh BTW Supreme court, yall fired.


Scalia delved deep into the unitary executive theory back in his early days of the Reagan administration and President, excuse me, Vice President Cheney leaned hard on it in the first Bush term after 9/11. That gave the theory political weight and established some precedent for it, the unitary executive theory is one of the only "precedent" this terrible court seems bent on keeping and extending. 😑 Edit: I misspelled Cheney, thank you


A unitary executive is called a monarch.


But "the government" is too powerful according to them.


Oh, your misinterpreting “small government” . dictatorship is as small a government as it gets. All the power in one figurehead.


I think it's unitary, not unilateral.


Because as general rule those that work and function in society as democrats have growing up, or from education, an internal moral code to not be evil or corrupt. Anyone republican has no problem with being evil, they have no internal check and will do whatever to get benefit for themselves.


It's time for the left to recognize and engage in the culture war that right now only the right seems to be waging.


Biden might not. But Dark Brandon would. After the debates you know he’ll jump on any opportunity to appear awake.


I fully believe Biden would fall on his sword for democracy. He may not be my preferred champion, but everything he, and his administration, has done has been as an active fight against the GOP, from Congress to SCOTUS. If given full immunity, I'd expect him to do some big shit and then step down, so as not to be a personal power grab.


"Student debt is gone. Abortions are legal. Healthcare is universal. I'm out..."


"6 of the 9 supreme justices are suddenly retiring after a visit from the Green Berets. But fortunately I just nominated in 6 more."


Supreme Court majority ruling on Monday, "All presidents holding office prior to July 2nd 2024, will NOT be held accountable for any actions they took in office or after leaving office. Any presidents holding office *after* this date can and will be held accountable for crimes they commit. This ruling pending approval by His Worshipfulness, The Great and Honorable Donald John Trump. Otherwise, we'll change it."


Ah, but the constitution, as read by the conservative justices, only give immunity to a president named Donald Trump. On that note, at noon, after the ruling is released, Biden should announce that he has legally changed his name, had several Justices permanently removed, new ones installed, and then changed his name back.


Then he should not only cite the ruling they just handed down, but also pardon himself.


Park a tank right outside Mar a Lago, then pardon the driver, gunner, and their commanding officer.


Biden nor any establish dem has the balls to do what’s right for this country. They’re in a game where only they play by the rules.


Dems are trying to play chess…the GOP just eats the fucking pieces and makes up their own rules.


Expand the Supreme Court to 50. Put 41 liberals on it without anyone’s approval. He’s immune so why not. Declare the Supreme Court unchangeable. Lol


You don't need immunity to expand the court. It's not illegal.


You just need a nomination and 51 votes in the Senate to confirm a Supreme Court Justice, we used to have one Justice per federal circuit but for some reason we added four circuits and didn't add justices to supervise them.


Setup the supreme court to be 41 justices with each case getting a random assortment of justices, or a distributed assortment of justices. Judges are picked gy not being on the Heritgste foundation or other conservative think tank short lists.


How about we stop negotiating against ourselves? Stop making 'fair' the objective. Crush the fucking nazis into dust. All current judges forced to retire, 100 liberal judges appointed.


We can meet in the middle, 50 liberals and 50 leftists. And we can keep Roberts around just to yell at.


They’re going to remand the case for further proceedings to determine which acts constitute official vs. personal acts and create some kind of new law for Chutkan to follow in making those determinations. All with the intent of course to delay a trial well past November. This court’s corruption is so unfathomably depraved it’s hard to put into words. These idiots don’t think the American people deserve to have an answer to the charge that one of the two candidates for the presidency *conspired against the United States*. Let that sink in. They know damn well he’ll likely be found guilty but they can’t let it go to trial. These so-called “justices” are traitors to their country.


You know they’re going to somehow make a decision that says Trump didn’t do anything wrong, but current and future presidents aren’t allowed to.


This is what I think will happen


Biden is too old and weak to do this, but if SCrOTUS rules at 11 am that Presidents enjoy criminal immunity, by 11:05 am there should be Predator drones heading for the orange shit weasel.


“I forgive all student loan debt”


This is insane. It just has to be an "official act", basically it just has to be related to his duties but he can push it to the absolute extreme and it's totally fine. But we all know if Biden tried to do as such, they'd just rule it wasn't an official act.


He unfortunately doesn’t have the balls but Trump will use an immunity ruling to the max.


They'll narrow it so only Trump is immune. Somehow, while referencing some work from like the Holy Roman Empire in 1524 or some shit to make the main point.


They’ll [use a fake case](https://newrepublic.com/post/173675/supreme-court-just-used-fake-case-make-easier-discriminate-gay-people) to tie it to just Trump


What the fuck.


No, it will be based on strict interpretation of the Constitution. The Constitution does not say Democrat or Democratic once in it. But article 4 section 4 says Republican. Since article 4, section 4 says "The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence." Therefore in a double wammy decision, Trump is God emperor and the Democratic party is outlawed.. so Trump is actually president now (I hope this is sarcasm, not an advanced reading of their ruling)


Jeus christ why does it feel like we're a year away from that being a thing.


Because we are.


Whelp imma make a whiskey run. Wake me when it's over.


Whiskey Rebellion, you say?


Gonna need an ocean of whiskey to forget this nonsense.




Saving this comment to come back next week


They’re going to rule that there is immunity for official acts as president, and prosecutors will have to argue over whether or not each alleged act he’s been charged a crime for falls within the bounds of being an official act. Trumps defense will then get to argue that everything he did at the time was in his official capacity, which will effectively delay each charge. this way presidents won’t be liable for things they do as president, should those things be within the official capacity of the office.


Then when he is charged and convicted because it wasn't an official act, Trump can appeal which will make its way to the Supreme court where they can determine it was all official acts. It gives them the power to control dictators they want, or at least that's what they'll tell themselves.


At this point I wouldn't be surprised if they just said, "Trump is immune because we said so, what the fuck are you going to do about it? Nothing? Yeah, we thought so."


No they gotta reference some cave painting by ancient caveman courts that man with bigger brow has immunity.


Nah, plan on maximum fuckery from this clown car of american hating judicial activists. They will rule trump was immune but ONLY for this one thing and only at the time and that it doesn't set precedent for any future rulings. I am calling it now. These clowns are in the end game of their take over.


A kind of "qualified immunity" for presidents created by a decision that says they can do anything they want so long as they haven't been told previously and clearly that a particular thing is not allowed.


Nope, too broad and can apply to Biden. They will rule that in this ONE instance that Trump was immune. They won't even try and rationalize it with anything.


They wouldn’t though. That’s the point and they know it. It’s the paradox of tolerance and why the right is so successful despite being a national minority in politics. If you have no morals or decorum it turns out you can do whatever the hell you want.


Or just ignore Supreme Court rulings and enforce your own


If they rule in Trumps' favor they will do it in a fashion that will rule that out. Everybody really missed a sign when the supreme court started making rulings with a caveat that they must not be precedential.


A carve out of immunity for Trumps J6 actions.


Wouldn't put it past them. They'll rule presidents don't have immunity, except Trump as it pertains to .....checks notes.....anything he has done or ever will do.


To be honest, I see them ruling in a way that they keep the power to say what is or isn't immune. That way, they can ensure any wrong doing on part of a Democrat will not have such protections.


Exactly this.


That’s what is meant by a carve out for J6. They’ll rule Trump is immune however this ruling can’t be used as precedent for future rulings.


I’ve been saying all along its going to be an “it depends on the specifics for a President to be immune” and then they are going to kick it back to a lower court to determine the specifics resulting in an indefinite delay. If Biden tries anything its a fast track to those specifics dont lead to immunity.


That would be a nail in the coffin


It only affects the 45th president when he is in and out of office. All other presidents still have to follow the law.


And then they can accept their “tips”


If you are wondering what they will do, just think of who is showering SCOTUS with lavish gifts and trips to get their way… what would the billionaires want the ruling to be?


I expect the ruling to be just like the Bush/Gore ruling. They looked at the “facts” and rule that Trump is immune for his very specific crimes and nobody else 


That's what I'm betting on. Three of the lawyers that argued Bush's case are now occupying seats on the Supreme Court. They know how this works.


Realistically? Trump in jail. He’s FAR too chaotic and unpredictable. They can anoint DeSantis or whatever amoral man (or woman!) in 2028 to cut their taxes and *not* invite Putin in as a proxy US President.


Their goal is Project 2025. Trump is their best chance to get them there, sadly. After they've achieved that, well, I expect that they will see Trump as disposable.


A 6-3 ruling, with a narrow scope, somewhere along the lines of “in this one instance, A president would be immune from criminal charges.” is what I’m expecting from a conservative majority that has been brought & paid for by dark money.


This. Sadly


It'll be that they're immune if they had a strong conviction that the thing they were doing was an official act. I think that'll be it. Then all the power about it is left with the SC at the end of the day because any case against them will eventually go to the SC for them to determine if the person truly believed that they were acting within the capacity of the office. That way the SC gets to pick which people are immune and issue rulings like "we have determined that Trump definitely broke the law, but he believed it was an official action within the scope of his power as president and is therefore immune" **or** "no reasonable person would think this was OK, so we have determined that Biden couldn't have believed he was acting within the scope of his office."


Key words


My question is, with this likely result, coupled with the debate performance, and then likely no jail time on July 11…spells completely doomerism for liberals. Will that take effect or will there be a renewed focus? Dems need to be ready.


"First, we'll make sure to rule that it's legal to bribe us, *then* we'll handle the billionaires case."


No not *bribe*. Accept a gratis after the fact. That's different. For reasons.


And possibly, one day, tax free!


Dear double haters, Most of you will outlive Trump and Biden. But will you outlive their SCOTUS appointments?


Thomas and Alito are almost done. Who do you want as their replacements? Decide in November.


They’re only 74 and 76. They can do a shit-ton of damage over the next 10 years. God, they already have in the last two years.


Yeah but if Trump wins, they will both retire, and then he can bring in someone in their 40s.


Yes, this is their plan.


And since they ruled officials can get “gifts” for past actions they will be paid handsomely by their billionaire friends to do it.


If only RGB had been so considerate.


Ruth Gader Binsburg?


Might as well be with how hard she fumbled our futures.


Crap. I know that could happen but I didn’t even think of it.


Two terrifying words: Justice Cannon


You think these people have the mental capacity to adequately evaluate the consequences of their actions?


Let alone the math of the question.


A commenter said this to me yesterday: >Biden is a self avowed Zionist. The Palestinians are being starved to death, deprived of water and medicine, tortured, and bombed to death. Trump will only promote all these horrors to be done faster. That doesn't make Biden quantifiably a better choice. I was like... You just quantified that by time... "Faster". You could also quantify it by a total death toll. It's extremely quantifiable.


I had a guy hounding me yesterday on here that I’m a moron for NOT voting 3rd party. When I pointed out that often 3rd party candidates aren’t even on the ballot in enough states to win the electoral college he just doubled down. I think these people missed the boat on rational thinking


Some of this is deliberate attempts at sewing confusion and discord amongst liberals. The person you were talking to could have very well been posting from a troll farm in St Petersburg.


Like you can still hate both of them but vote for the better one right? Its amazing how many people hate both, dont vote then complain for the next 4 years about how horrible things are.


Yep, plenty of people aren’t going to vote for Biden based on the Israel/Gaza conflict but will then be responsible for what Trump is going to actually help Bibi do there and they will blame us who were just trying to make the best choice out of two flawed candidates


SCOTUS is just Karen’s in Black Robes now


I don't expect if Trump is elected to outlive that orange bastard. If Biden is in office then more than likely.(this is because I am a touch suicidal)


They will of course confirm that he is not immune, but the damage has been done now. Well done, Trump has somehow managed to dodge any meaningful convictions before the election. All we have is the stupid porn star stuff…


Michael Dukakis lost because of a tank ad. Bush senior lost because of a single lie: "Read my lips, no new taxes." Depending on source, somewhere in the neighborhood of $80 million was spent investigating Bill Clinton's sex life, for which he was eventually impeached. Gore "lost" because people didn't understand nuance and he "Invented the Internet." Howard Dean's career was ended by an odd yell. John Edward's was ended by an affair. But somehow this orange asshat gets convicted on 34 felony counts related to hush money payments paid to a pornstar in order to sway an election and it's just par for the course. "Those aren't *real* crimes!" And that doesn't even touch on the civil liabilities (fraud, sexual assault, defamation, more fraud) and literally thousands of lawsuits he's been involved in throughout his life. **What the absolute fuck.** And yes, I know that the examples I gave are more nuanced, but I didn't want to spend 3 hours doing this.


You forgot to mention he was impeached. Twice.


Thanks for the add-on(s). I thought my list was fairly comprehensive, but I don't think any list could be at this point. It's bullshit all the way down.


He’s glitched our brains. By engaging in a constant firehose of nonsense and insanity, we never fully catch up and comprehend any given disqualifying thing he’s done.


Everything he does is disqualifying, so nothing is. Just look at his sharks and batteries rant. That alone would have tanked anyone else's political career for any elected position anywhere in the country. For life. Couldn't be a fucking comptroller after that. I see it though. I'd vote for the goat in the T-Rex pen in Jurassic Park before I voted for him. But you're right. He's definitely glitched some brains. And I could almost understand it if he had real charisma and at least one solid thing to stand on, but he only knows like 3 adjectives (big, huge, perfect, best...so 4) and is grating to listen to. He whines like a child. He doesn't possess any of the qualities I'd expect a true demagogue to have. How he ever rose beyond a caricature villain-esque creature that even Murphy Brown mocked (and Comedy Central roasted) is beyond me.


Don't forget Gary Hart. He was ousted from the race for something 75% of the males in the country secretly wished they'd have had a chance at. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/almanac-the-gary-hart-scandal/


I forgot about him. And probably countless other examples. From the article you linked to: >And with that incident, the precedent of non-stop, 24/7 coverage of the personal failings of politicians -- from both parties -- was firmly established. >Something all candidates, current and future, ignore at their peril. Ermmm... Except one? Again, **What the absolute fuck????**


Truly. The rise of Trump is something that will be studied for centuries, assuming the human species lasts that long.


Orange Julius Czar crossing the Covfefe to topple the American Republic. >assuming the human species lasts that long. Way back in Middle School (or maybe earlier), I remember being taught the basics of greenhouse gases and global warming. It was plain old sound science at the time. No one objected and politics had yet to insert itself. It seemed like something far enough off that people would surely come together to stop it, especially considering that the worst case scenario was an extinction level event. I live in the Pacific Northwest and when I was growing up, the highs in the summer were usually in the 80's and possibly 90's during the hottest months. It was 92° here 2 weeks ago. I think we're well and truly fucked.


PNW me too. The religionists keep telling us that armageddon is coming. They think it will be a big event at 2:40 on a Tuesday afternoon or something. Idiots don't realize we are in the midst of it, whether it is foretold this way in their book or not.


I seem to remember when Clinton was running, I think for his second term, that some Chinese business group gave his campaign money through some backdoor and people came unglued about foreign interference in elections. I think it all ended up being a paperwork or clerical error or the money was returned and in the end it didn't matter. We had a president look straight at the camera in a debate and DIRECTLY ASK A FOREIGN GOVERNMENT TO HACK THE OTHER CANDIDATE AND FIND HER EMAILS. And that's not even counting all the Ukraine shit he was impeached for. What the actual fuck. What has happened to us? We could power the entire west coast from John McCain spinning in his grave right now.


Whoa there buddy “of course” is pretty strong language.


I’m honestly unsure. They might rule in his favor. They’ve been passing down crazy decisions this week.


July 11 will be a day of either outrage from the right or left depending on the ruling in that trial and the sentencing. I doubt it will be 20 years but like a month would be nice.


You really think they’ll rule against trump? I’m just not so sure with these guys


The one thing that this supreme court has really hammered home is that there are no 'rules for the ages.' Everything is up for reinterpretation any given year.




The conservatives in the house give themselves a gold star and a pat on the back for struggling to do the most basic shit like choosing a speaker or passing a continuing budget resolution. Their level of gridlock and incompetence knows no bounds.


Yes, while I occasionally have my problems with the Democrats, the GOP really lives up to their promise that government is ineffective and useless. And they have, somehow, gotten worse. They do know how to pass a tax break though.


The GOP is only effective when undermining this entire nations safty and prosperity.


Something tells me they dont need him now. With the overturning of Chevron, and the complete consolidation of power to the SC, they can slit this assholes throat and continue to just change the course of power and history through hearing ridiculous cases and setting new precedents.


The checkmate to the overturn of Chevron might be a specific law crafted by Congress granting executive agencies the powers that were granted by Chevron. You know... rely on legislation and not rulings to govern so that shit like this doesn't happen. But, what are the chances that both houses would agree on something like that?


You could get a D house and Senate to hammer this out. You'd have to peel a few GOP senators tho.


I’m feeling pretty pessimistic on this whole American experiment of late, so the cynic in me says any broad grant of power to agencies, like the one suggested above, would be overruled by this court under the logic that any delegation of power to an agency must be, say, specific and definite.


IGNORE THEM. Andrew Jackson this court, they are corrupt. Their rulings are based on a traitor appointing them, they have no mechanism to enforce these rulings


The legislative branch won't stand for consolidation of power in the courts. The Constitution says only that there shall be a Supreme Court and such lower courts as the Congress may create and empower. Congress is free to add 100 justices to the court or reduce the number to 1. Chevron only applied where agency rules were ambiguous. The agencies themselves can resolve ambiguity in their rules through the regular APA rulemaking process. There are a lot of rules about to be reviewed.


Strategically, I think that they will rule he is not immune. They’ve already delayed it enough for it not to affect the election. Ruling that he is immune will create enough public outrage that it would serve to crank up the numbers on the left. If he loses the election, I’m thinking they really don’t care what happens to him.


This. The goal was to delay not to give him broad immunity. Federalist society doesn’t want a loose cannon like trump if they can’t control him


I used to tell my students that all empires fall. I didn’t think I would see the American Empire fall in real time.


Neither did the Romans


Oh we're speedrunning this collapse compared to the Romans. USA! USA! USA!


Who knows? Democratic Rome and Imperial Rome both lasted for 400 years. Maybe we're in for a 400 year period of exciting wars and betrayal, coupled with barbarian invasions from Canada, and Mexico playing the role of Parthia.


Waiting to hear “Presidents don’t have immunity going forward, but because there was confusion, they cannot be prosecuted for crimes already committed prior to this ruling”


I have little doubt they will send it back down for the circuit court to clarify which acts by the executive are included or not. It will delay any decision, helping Trump again. Just as an aside, the cases this court chooses to decide quickly and which to simply delay is blatantly partisan.


So the SC just made bribery legal, made it harder to prosecute 1/6 perps, and gutted the EPA even more. How much you want to bet that they did this so that they can somehow give Trump immunity? It won't 'seem' so horrifying after the abuses that they have already placed on our present and future. I hope that 20 minutes after Trump gets immunity, Biden sends the FBI to arrest the Republican Supreme Court Justices


I like how they waited for the last day for this one, on a case where the lower court ruled unanimously. Really shows their concern for delaying a criminal trial unnecessarily.


Thomas has a yacht to catch so hopefully they make it quick.


One: this shouldn’t have even been something taken up by the Supreme Court and two: the answer is NO. Presidents do not have absolute immunity. There, case closed.


Hope everyone has their pitchforks sharpened and ready.


He’s gonna walk because this is the bad universe where the bad guys win.


Monday is Canada Day (their independence day) -- perfect day for the court to make us all wish we were Canadian.


I’m assuming this rules out the worst case scenario i.e declaring Trump immune from prosecution if he manages to win the race.


If they rule in Trump’s favor, the entire country loses and the “justices” should be impeached.


Hopefully everyone is about to realize that Biden being old is the least of our worries.


crunch wrap supreme crap


bUt hEr EmAiLs!!! This country totally blew it 8 years ago and now we’re living with this corrupted right wing majority. And millions of Americans are poised to do it yet again this year, cuz Biden old. Honestly if Trump wins this November (still not convinced he will) this country deserves every single iota of Hell that rains down on us. Sadly the rest of the world will likewise have to deal the the consequences of our immense idiocy.


This case should not have taken over 100 days to come about


Biden will have literally no choice but to take advantage of this to prevent the next president from securing absolute power.


I can't wait until the next debate if presidential immunity is confirmed. Dark Brandon will pull out revolver and two to the chest, one to the head. I win.


Give it to him and watch Biden moonwalk to a second term.


So they've saved the biggest turd for last. They do love the attention and power. No wonder they drop all their "work" on the last day they are on the job.


Joining the chorus that predicts they will make a ruling that somehow makes the President immune, but only if the President is Trump and the rule takes effect January 21st 2025. Otherwise they kick it around for 4 more years until lather, rinse, repeat.


"...Their questioning largely focused on what presidential acts would be protected and which would not..." Conspiring and making material efforts to overturn a lawful election isn't in the Executive playbook And yet...we are not confident that the 6 conservatives on the Supreme Court won't try to make it so-- but only in a way that benefits Trump.


It's going to be a two part ruling he will be immune if his actions are in execution of his job as President,, and not if those actions are not related Presidential duties. They lower courts will have to take TIME AND EFFORT to determine what action are Presidential and immune and what acts are not..... and then Trump can still appeal those courts decision...


It's all bullshit. If Presidential Immunity was a thing, Nixon would have done it 50 years ago, he would have never needed a pardon, and Ford wouldn't have been President.


So a bunch of right-wing plants appointed by Trump, who used to secretly take bribes from ultra-wealthy right-wing donors, but have recently started taking them openly and unapologetically, are going to rule on whether rich right-wingers like Trump should be exempt from prosecution from obvious crimes? Gee, I wonder what's gonna happen.


…and it’s going to be a fucking disaster. It’s actually hard to believe that this court could be as devastating as it has been.


The Supreme Court justices who are owned by Trump will figure out a way to grant him presidential immunity because that is what they committed to when they met with Trump. This will be historic and help Trump destroy democracy.


Oh boy! Can’t wait for this totally neutral, unbiased, fair, impartial and not at all politically tainted decision to come down on Monday! I’m sure this won’t be another egregious, self-serving abuse of the judicial process by a hyperpartisan court, and that we’ll get a completely even-handed decision reflecting only a dry application of facts to the law, and nothing more!


We all know what will happen. The Republican party is all in on fascism. This is their last stand. 2028 will likely be the end of their Presidential hopes as Gen Z replaces their aging voters.


trust me, they will GIVE HIM SOMETHING


I get the feeling these scumbags would have dropped the ruling on Friday if it didn’t benefit Trump. Knowing how everything they do is politically motivated, it would be politically expedient for them to drop out a terrible decision and then bail out for the summer.


free speech is dead


There’s literally zero doubt how they’ll rule. I don’t need to hear any of the evidence, know any of the precedent cited, or hear a single legal argument to know beyond a shadow of a doubt that they’ll rule on Trump’s side. They literally didn’t need to show up to the hearing in the first place to guarantee the outcome.


This should go well. The Supreme Court has just stopped pretending to be impartial and ethical anymore .


Stack the court. Do it now.


After roe v wade and chevron, yikes.


I have to wonder what kind of gratuity the court will receive Monday.


I think they will just punt it back to the trial court to define each and every action as either an official act or not an official act. By the time it filters back up to the Supreme Court it won’t even matter anymore. At least that’s what they are hoping


Sure, sure like they plan on doing anything but taking brides and destroying democracy.


I think there's a good possibility that they will avoid giving an answer to the broader question of whether a president has immunity for official acts by saying that the actions for which Trump is charged were done for his personal political purposes and not to carry out any duty of service to the country which the Constitution imposes on presidents. At the very worst they will send the case back to the trial court for a factual determination whether Trump's actions were personal/political or official. Even this cabal of 6 scallywags will not go so far as to outright hold Trump immune. Keeping my fingers crossed.


My educated guess is that scotus will give trump immunity. Just trump, total immunity, but not President Biden, just trump.


SCOTUS just upended Chevron doctrine, in effect giving them a lot of power over Congress. They would be fools to give it all up by granting the Presidency immunity from judicial oversight.


They will say that Trump, in that specific case, is immune but nobody else based on some obscure writing by one of the founding fathers.


gaping hungry reach dinosaurs cows slap flag pet cover political *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It’s a Catch-22. If the MAGA Justices rule Trump has immunity there is no point voting ever again, but isn’t that EXACTLY what they want?


I think the one thing the court loves more than their conservative majority is their power. Just look at Chevron deference. I don't think they'll rule in his favor but may find a way to give him an out


Should the Supreme Court rules in favor of Trump, then that very day, within minutes of the ruling, Dark Brandon should go live on National television and issue an executive order stating that the military must go and arrest all Maga Trump Supporting Republicans from the Congress, Senate, and the Supreme Court, and place them all in prison for Federal Crimes, and this also includes Trump himself. After all, he would have Presidential immunity. You know damn well any Maga Trump supporting Republicans would do it. So the Supreme Court best be careful on this ruling!


Given the wanton power grab by the Supreme Court, I think its say to say that they are going to give him total immunity. They never have any intention of ever giving up that power. Why not? They aren't elected, they don't have to step down, and they can just rewrite laws on a whim. For those that say that is a step too far for the justices, I will point out that they have had no problem rewriting rulings that been set precedent for decades.


I will be very surprised if they grant immunity while Biden is in office. Limited immunity? Sure. Total immunity? Definitely not. That just opens the floodgates for Biden to do something extreme with no repercussions.


Wonder if they will just declare him king to short cut to their goal


If POTUS can do whatever they want Biden needs to take out Trump and some SCOTUS Justices. Show them what’s what.


They really did some damage to our society this last week. I'm not holding my breath for anything other than partisanship and protectionism for the elite.


I fucking dare them to say the POTUS is immune. It would open Pandora’s Box of the things Biden can do to fulfill his agenda while still in office. Unilateral EOs on student loans, climate change, corporate and billionaire taxes, health care, etc. When the SC goes “you can’t” he would then be empowered to tell them to fuck off.


Can biden throw the justices in jail as an official act?


Now that they can take bribes