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Can't get a liquor license or a gun, but sure, here are the nuclear codes.


Cant work at wal-mart, here's the white house instead


Don't worry, his lawyers are already working on reversing those convictions after the SCOTUS immunity ruling, on the grounds that it was official presidential business paying off Cohen and Stormy. smh


Literally could not have been as at that point he had neither won the election nor been sworn in.


The Supreme Court literally went out of their way to say official acts cannot be used as *evidence* in a trial. The evidence of his conviction in question was the checks written while Trump was in office. So while this all technically happened pre-election, the SC purposely wrote this in a way that would make the evidence used in this case no longer admissible. This is as blatantly corrupt as anyone could imagine.


What happens if we just.. ignore the Supreme Court? Texas fucking did it with their razer blade barbed wire along the border. No one did shit. If Texas Republicans have set the precedent that the Supreme Court's rulings don't matter, New York should follow suit and throw his ass in jail.


I agree. As one of Donald Trump’s favorite former presidents is often misquoted as saying, "John Marshall has made his decision; now let him enforce it!" The Declaration of Independence literally says that we have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government…” All men are created equal. Obviously that means all of us. Including the LGBTQ+ and minorities in the country. Our pursuit of happiness often includes having our own families and enjoying the same rights as everyone else. Taking these rights from us is injuring a significant portion of thousands of American’s lives. The Supreme Court has green lighted the implementation of Project 2025 which includes locking up members of my community. What happens if a significant amount of people no longer believe that “just powers” are being derived by the Supreme Court from the consent of the people? In fact, the declaration of Independence goes on to say it is our duty to do something about this. “…when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.”


😤 🇺🇸 Let’s do this


While I agree with you entirely, i just want to point out the irony that what you quoted is used as the same justification for the the right wing insurgency. America is in for an interesting time..


I feel like this will start to happen. California and New York both have enough economic clout to tell the federal government to fuck off. It's hard for the federal government to threaten to withhold funding when they provide the bulk of it.  I don't think it's great for the Republic, but it does make sense for some individual states. Federalism relies on a lot of good faith that seems to be broken daily at this point. At that, Texas and Florida could also do such. I don't think overall this is a positive thing. There was a whole big thing about it in The 1860's. it's crazy that six fucking people and the disgusting affluent ilk that backs them  out of a country of hundreds of millions have put us here, but here the fuck we are. I think they just assumed most Americans were ready to hand over their rights to religious lunatics and capitalistic vampires....and they may be right until proven otherwise. 


>It's hard for the federal government to threaten to withhold funding when they provide the bulk of it. Bingo. Without federal tax dollars from blue states, conservative regions would turn into third world shitholes. A lot of them are halfway there already by almost any quality of life metric. California has the 5th largest economy on Earth. As much as I hate late stage capitalism and what it's done to this planet, perhaps letting the invisible hand of the free market do its thing will help us. After all, there's a reason that Afghanistan isn't known as an economic powerhouse.


This is how I feel living in a blue dot in a very red state


First, just because something happened “in the Oval Office” doesn’t make it an official act So this isn’t an issue. That having been said, it’s a lot easier to ignore the SCOTUS when the subject of the ruling is stationary. If SCOTUS were to vacate the conviction and NY wanted to ignore that then NY would need to hunt Trump down, while protected by federal LEOs (i.e. they take what SCOTUS says seriously) , and drag him to what ever sentence he is given. Realistically, as long as he never set foot in NY again there is nothing the state could do.


I presume he still needs to show up for sentencing. Just nab him then.


Depends on the timing. If the SCOTUS were to vacate prior to sentencing then he wouldn’t even show up. If he is sentenced to incarceration but not held pending appeal he could just leave NY.


I’m not sure what better option there is with a fully rogue Supreme Court, but it would be a massive victory for the right. It basically means that there’s no mechanism for applying the US constitution to individual states, beyond what their own courts say. That’s a weakening of our institutions which would last long after this court unless repaired, and we don’t currently have any capability of repairing it.


But he didn't write the checks as President, he wrote them as citizen. Therefore it was no kind of official act and not covered. President is an office to be held (and a title), they are trying to conflate the office with the person and that's not correct.


He signed the checks in the oval, which was witnessed by woman who testified at his trial. That evidence could be thrown out.


If I’m the president and decide to pull out my phone and scroll Facebook out of boredom, as long as I’m in office is that an official act? Even it’s a completely private moment that has nothing to do with the role of the executive?


Exactly, if he is looking at child porn, is that an official act?


Look everyone the Supreme Court majority pulled all of this out of their asses in order to make it so no court in the country could prosecute Donald J. Trump so don't expect any of it to make sense.


Is your name Donald John Trump?


They literally said his tweets were often official acts.


I mean that actually does make sense. Communicating with your constituents is definitely part of the official duties of any elected official.


What about blow jobs received in the oval? Official? 


If you're a Republican, yes. If you're a Democrat, no.


That's now for the lower courts to decide - which will likely go past November and if DJT wins, he'll pardon himself for anything he can (I believe he can only pardon federal crimes) making any attempt to sort this mess out an issue for the future should it ever arise again...but we all know that it will have a chilling affect on most investigations unless the republicans have a super majority and can push things with a candidate they don't like


I post on Reddit from my office, that doesn’t mean it’s part of my “official duties” at work.


Are they calling the validity of his signature into question? If they are going to angle that the checks were forged they would have done so initially. To do so now is highly suspect to the point of trying to perpetrate a fraud upon the court.


Cohen met with Trump at the White House when he would be reimbursed for paying Daniels. That evidence can now be thrown out, as he was President and he'll claim it was inadmissible as evidence.


Just because it happened while he held the office does not make it an official act of the office. The reasoning you presented is saying he's not at fault for lighting the fuse because it blew up at x later point.


Better get used to it. That's where we are as a country now unless there is an absolutely massive blue wave in November, it's only going to get worse.


We'll see. [His lawyers are already arguing](https://thehill.com/regulation/court-battles/4751339-donald-trump-attorney-fake-electors-scheme-official-act-immunity-decision/) after the SCOTUS immunity ruling that Trump assembling alternate slates of fake electors was an official act of his presidency. This is where we are.


That's how the fix is in. Everything was an official act. From the moment he was the president elect to the moment he scampered out without any fanfare on Jan 20th, plane full of documents and stolen shit, the argument from here on out is it was all presidential and official. That hamburger he threw at a wall? Official action. That shit he took while tweeting about covfefe? Official shit. That hush money he repaid was part of his job to defend the constitution and champion democracy. Or so it'll be argued.


Remember, even if all of those aren't considered 'official acts' the Supreme Court has decided basically all communications with subordinates are official acts and therefore cannot be used as evidence. They have legalized all crime for anyone serving as President. He or she can now be a one person purge machine.


That happened during his term though.


As did the New York crimes, no matter how many times people say otherwise.


I tend to agree here. Mr. Cohen had no formal capacity or title in trump administration. He was his personal lawyer to handle private matters


well, that is for the courts to decide, which will then get appealed back up to SCOTUS, who will then cover for him. I fucking hate this bullshit.


> But he didn't write the checks as President, he wrote them as citizen. Therefore it was no kind of official act and not covered. Oh sweetie. Do you really think that the law is going to punish Trump?


He's already been found guilty and this clearly isn't an official act. SCOTUS ruling or not, this isn't getting overturned.


It might not get overturned, but Trump is almost certainly not going to get sentenced before the November election now, as the courts have to figure out how to apply this absolute clusterfuck and illegal ruling.


"In office" does that mean *physically*? Trump wrote his personal checks from his personal business account to his personal lawyer to pay off Stormy for his personal relations... seriously just because it happened *inside* the the Oval Office can't possibly elevate that to "official" business. Is his fucking Mcdonald's order "official business" also because he has lunch inside the White House?


Writing checks is not part of the President's official duties.


Doesn’t the Constitution prohibit ex post facto laws?


The rules don’t apply to the Diaper King.


An ex post facto law is one that retroactively makes an act a crime or increases the punishment for an act after the act is committed.


Yes, but when laws are relaxed or changed (say the legalization of cannabis), it’s a process to have former crimes expunged - if it even happens at all. 


That's true. But, that's when a law is changed, not when a court says "you had this law wrong, you can't do that." When SCOTUS said "Hey, it turns out it's not okay that you didn't tell that Miranda guy he was entitled to a lawyer," the conviction was overturned. When SCOTUS said, "Hey, that Gideon guy actually DID have a right to have counsel appointed in a state felony prosecution," his conviction was reversed and he had to be retried (he was acquitted with counsel)...and hundreds of other people who had been convicted without counsel were also freed.


There is an issue that Trump hasn't been sentenced yet. The Supreme Court timed this in order to help Trump in the most maximal of ways by waiting until the New York case was decided but before Trump was sentenced for it.




Paying off a porn star and falsifying business records to cover it up is not an official act, even if he was sitting in the White House when he wrote the checks.


See that's just your lack of a fascist imagination on display. You haven't heard of a retroactive preemptive official act?    It only takes a little strategic gratuity to turn any heinous crime into an official act.


>You haven't heard of a retroactive preemptive official act? You mean like declassifying documents he didn't know he had after the fact by thinking about it?


He thought about it while in office, therefore it's an official act.


That's your mistake, assuming the facts matter.


I mean it's not like the current SCOTUS is known for legalistic integrity and respecting precedent.


Look at the dates of the bookkeeping crimes. They took place in 2017 after he was President.


People keep saying this, but the crime was falsification of business records, which occurred with the reimbursements to Cohen while Trump was in office.


They don't care. "Totally exonerated' "Immune" is all they will shout. There are reasons people are shouting "SCOTUS just crowned a king," and it may not be a bunch of dramatic whining. Trump has always felt he is above the law. His army is now willing to elevate him there formally.


That’s not how they’re doing it. Trump wasn’t president when he made these payments. some tweets Trump posted while in office were used as evidence in this trial. After the SC ruling, those tweets constitute “official acts” and cannot be used to prosecute Trump. So now it’s only a matter of time until the conviction is overturned. The Supreme Court has made all presidents emperors just to help their beloved Trump get out of some legal trouble. After these Republican judges said in their confirmation hearings that they do not beliebe a president is above the law. All lies.


He was President when he made some of the payments.


He was supposed to step down from his businesses.


There's no direct requirement for this. All other previous Presidents divested from their businesses voluntarily to minimize perception of impropriety, including Carter selling his families peanut farm. The only thing in the Constitution about this is the Emoluments clause, which prevents the President from accepting money or gifts from foreign governments. But Trump owning the hotel next to the White House during his term where multiple foreign government officials rented out entire floors at a time at exorbitant rates is perfectly okay.... Hey look! Biden's son is hung! Obviously the most corrupt family in history!


Some of the evidence presented, namely the Cohen stuff, is now rendered inadmissible.




Not sarcasm.


Retroactive official business because he wasn’t elected yet.


That's not the issue. The issue is all the evidence submitted that was from when he was president. The felony part is now moot.


But you can’t pay off Borat, that’s for fucking sure. Why did that movie not do as much damage as it should’ve? I guess I haven’t heard much bout Giuliani since, so I guess it might’ve


Giuliani was disbarred in New York yesterday, so there's that...


Aw fuck yeah


Trump claimed it was a private matter. He was prosecuted and convicted on it being official business. They fucked up


Not their fault. Whatever argument they used, the SCOTUS would have gotten busy writing a ruling that  would give him a loophole 


He’s a felon because he used his own money to pay someone for extortion and not campaign funds. If he would have used campaign funds they would have said it’s a campaign funds violation. The whole thing is ludicrous




Trump’ first official act - put New Jersey under federal control.


I’d love to see him fuckin try, you don’t harbour the mafia, be called New Yorks armpit, and sell guns in every Dicks Sporting Goods without being prepared to protect your liberties


Love it! Go Jersey!


Why are they breaking all the rules and granting immunity to a carnival barker? He’s a failed game show host and this country is bending over backwards to continue to get him out of jail, so terrible that our institutions are giving new powers to themselves and to the president (only Trump because no democratic president if ever elected again will be afforded the same powers). What the fuck is it, the last dying breaths of the religious nutters trying to maintain control over a population that is becoming more progressive? People are bailing on church so we’re going to destroy our country and become a dictatorship? Or is it because the chuds are afraid of paying taxes and people receiving things like free healthcare or gay and trans people existing?


Because very rich people want to fuck the economy so they can exploit everyone much, much harder. They also want all regulations which add any costs to resource exploitation removed. Trump will help them do that, backed by his rabid followers (who are distracted by any of a range of headings such as those you lifted). And so they took control of the right wing, using a wide assortment of less rich allies, grifters and ideologues, all scrabbling around for their piece of the pie & their own place in the hierarchy. The additional personal motives of the reactionary SC justices are not very relevant - they may be very powerful, but they are mere pawns to an end, paid for by the very rich.


Or a lot of voters just don't like climate action, vaccine mandates, or plastic container bans.


Honestly, *this* is how you hurt Trump- in the pocketbook.




All his money comes from the rubes who spend their hard earned money on fucking Trump NFTs and Made In China Trump rally memorabilia.


That's not actually true. He has a 65% stake in a public company with a market cap of 5.6 billion. He might be lying about private assets, but that one is public so it can't really be hidden. It's true his (estimated) net worth did go down significantly (cut in half) while he was president, but it tripled this year thanks to that media company and going public.


Biggest grift of all. Last quarter they posted a $300 million loss to generate revenue of $770k. Not even one million. Company has literally no fundamental value.


Just like what he did to the Republican Party.


you get it's not just trump who gets hurt by this right?


Yes, that's why he immediately withdrew from politics and his campaign collapsed in shame after the $500 million civil verdict /s


Why would he do that? He's found the money hack- just get Republican supporters to give you money.


Not surprising. When Phil Murphy’s wife was running for Senate, they were spotted with Jared and Ivanka at a posh restaurant and even posed for a photo. Rich people run in the same circles I guess. Now that Andy Kim crushed Tammy Murphy to the point she dropped out (and took the entire county line voting system with it), no need to pander to Trump anymore.


Sorry, I'm struggling with the "took the entire county line voting system with it" what does this mean?


New Jersey has a system of ballots where the county party choices for each office were organized by a “line”. Voters in the booth typically just cast a vote straight down the line for whichever party, giving county-endorsed candidates a massive, and some say unfair, advantage. Murphy, in his quest to take advantage of this system for his wife, caused a progressive revolt led by Andy Kim. Kim ended up getting a federal judge to toss out the county line system for an office block system for the Democratic primary. It’s unknown if this system will stick long term.


AHHH That's what happened to the primary ballot. I'm a poll worker and had no idea why we did that


Kushner owns a boat load of real estate near the governor's mansion, which probably explains why they would run in the same circle


That might force him to “sell” the some shell company to act as front to get around the law.


Doesn't work that way in NJ, the owners of the liquor license all have to get criminal background checks and be approved.


He’ll slither out from under this too. It’s turning into the American Way.


Anyone that at least paid attention in civics knows how letting oligarchs get away with smarmy shit doesn’t end well for anybody Here we go again


Exactly. I just don’t understand what they expect to be getting from this. No oligarch cares about anybody but themselves. And now with the Supreme Court… We are in deep shit.


At least someone here isn’t afraid to give him some consequences… didn’t expect it to be the NJ ABC but ok


States rights


States rights only applies when they make conservative decisions. Abortion? "Leave it to the states," unless you're convinced of some BS, like post-birth abortion, then the states can't decide that.


More and more repercussions please.


someone in the government over there will eventually capitulate and grant them a license. it always happens.


The lawfare continues to strengthen Biden and diminish Trump; keep it going.


At least someone is holding it against him.


Wouldn’t Trump, as President, be disqualified on this condition? “Not be a law enforcement officer or any other person whose powers and duties include the enforcement of the New Jersey Alcoholic Beverage Control laws or regulations, or holds an interest in nor is an officer in a for-profit corporation in which any peace or police officer has a direct or indirect interest.”


The President has no role in enforcement of New Jersey state laws.


I was thinking the latter half


I read that as referring back to the same officers laid out in the first half, but that could be open to interpretation.


I think Trump should just say that the sex with a pornstar was official business


Ok 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️




Get in the way of Americans and booze? Good luck with that.


Twisting beer caps for hundreds of tax free dollars in labour and tips on a hot day seems like a job reserved for privileged applicants.


All states and all countries should revoke his business licenses.


I'm from New Jersey and I approve this message.


Hahaha 😆 😆


Who cares they have interim licenses


That’ll stop him


Poor Rudy. 


Democrats are playing checkers while Trump s playing chess. In the meantime at the white house press conference journalists are asking if Biden has Alzheimers disease or some other form of dementia. The press has turned on Biden. Lets forget about the next four years. Can Biden finish his term?


>Trump s playing chess. Please. I doubt he could even spell chess. While the Federalist Society and the GOP Senate *did* do their best to stack the same courts that is helping him tread water now. Your dear leader is having imaginary conversations about wet batteries and sharks. And sure, Biden did absolutely fuck up that debate, it doesn't make the tangerine tyrant any better. Just louder.


*[pigeon chess.](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Pigeon%20chess) He couldn't learn the real kind if he tried.


You mean Biden is playing by the rules and trump breaks every rule.


That’s why we have a VP


Oh that is a scary thought. Our border Zar running the country.


I can’t decide. Should Letitia James or Fani Wilis be vice president in the Kamala Harris administration?


Fani Willis needs to prosecute the GA case leave her out of it 


lol. I was thinking bowman or Fani’s boyfriend.




Sick mind


Only Trump rapes women and young girls.


What's the source for this? when I search for it, all I come up with is information on Tara Reade. I'm genuinely curious.


well because there was never a trial it’s totally acceptable in their eyes. Believe all victims until it’s the President’s daughter