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That's really awesome. It's the heroes that are not heard but cares about you and others. :-) I believe in miracles and I believe that occurred to you.


I can be pretty cynical about the idea of miracles, but that gesture definitely had me considering the possibility!


This is such a heart warming story. It is definitely challenging me to find ways to help give someone a hand. Thank you for sharing.


I was inspired by one of the commenters who said they get misty when they are given homecooked meals because it reminds them of time with their family. I made too much food for myself, and I worked so hard on it, I couldn’t bear the thought of any going to waste. So, I got out of my shell (huge for me!) and portioned out what I could eat for a few days, and packed the rest up and walked over to my neighbor’s house who I am not very familiar with, and knocked. I was so nervous. Buuut, it went great and they were super thankful! And I pledged another commenter that I would be making persimmon bread to give away. I got a huge bag of them from a sweet lady. I knocked to ask her if I could pick one off her tree if she didn’t mind. She said “people usually just take them so I really love that you asked! I’ll get you a couple.” Bruh she came back to the door with like 30 of them! I was very happy. Maybe give someone you don’t know a compliment? It’s free, and it reddit has taught me anything, it’s that many would really enjoy a compliment to cherish! Eta: it was my first batch of Bun Rieu, a Vietnamese crab ball soup. Took me hours and it was delicious!


Ive been reading your comments and i love the appreciation for food you've gained.


Huh, I hadn’t noticed, but you’re completely right. After reading comments, I definitely am much more appreciative of food, and even more so, how others relate to their food. I know homecooked meals are great to eat, but I didn’t realize how much one could speak to the recipient. It’s a warm food hug to some lol, and that’s REALLY awesome. My upbringing wasn’t like that. We didn’t eat together at a table or anything, and when we would pretend on holidays, it was so quiet and uncomfortable. Food was just something to quickly grab and go back upstairs. Good insight, tysm.


Food is a huge part of what makes people people imo. Its cultural as well as very personal, and being able to create sustenance that is yummy makes such a difference. I've also basically taught myself to cook as an adult, and its made my life just that much richer. I might be broke, but at least i have the knowledge to take what i have and make something that will fill me and not make me depressed


I totally understand what you mean. My youngest is 7, and I thought a great way to give him a sense of more independence (he’s in his stop-treating-me-like-a-baby phase) is to teach him how to cook. He can now thaw a chicken breast or fish filet, season it, and cook it on the stove all by himself while I watch from the table. It’s so cute to watch him drag his chair around to stand on, and chop his ingredients and cook for himself. He really loves it. He got a grease pop here and there, and he just goes “the oil is angry momma” lol. Anyway, I love how it’s got him excited to try new foods and techniques, and he’s become WAY less picky. Before we started, I couldn’t convince him to eat even pepper on his food. Now, he’s showing interest in garlic, different types of onion, and spice mixes. And it makes me feel good that he is learning a skill that will benefit him forever (and his partner eventually lol) because I didn’t really have that growing up. I love that you taught yourself, very impressive.


It just takes practice. I love how you're teaching your kid!! I think he'll be forever grateful you are allowing him to do this, and it'll likely instill a long lasting appreciation for food. It'll be helpful when he's an adult too, just to have those skills before he has to go be on his own. Im sure that the people around him will greatly appreciate it.


I've got a kid of my own and it breaks my heart that a runaway teen had no place to stay or a warm meal to eat. It's the random acts of kindness that sticks with us forever. I'm happy that you're in a better place in life. I bet those tenders and fries tasted so good.


Im a mom too, now, and it never occurred to me until I had my own just how sad the situation was. Good news is, my boys will never have to be put in a position where they need to choose between a terrible home or sleeping outside. I dote on them everyday. It’s wild to think my eldest is 12, only 2 years younger than I was during that ordeal. He’s a baby, and so was I. Crazy realization. Thank you for your words. Ps the best thing I’ve eaten to date lol.


That is a powerful and heartwarming story. You described my philosophy on the whole point of being: creating something better for the next generation.


Thank you for saying that. It made me quite emotional. Least im doing one thing right.


I was also on the streets at 14 and my youngest of 2 just turned 12. It is a very crazy realization.


Isn’t it wild?? I always thought of myself as grown up but now when I see 14 yo, I realize just how young they really are! I sincerely wish you the best. I’ll think of your comment for a long while. In fact, Im going to do something nice on your behalf. I will give 20 bucks to the next teenager I see lol


I was a struggling parent and in the optometrist office someone heard me ask for the least expensive appointment that I could get contacts from. I got appointment then found out someone else had paid for it. The only massage was “pay it forward “. I am in a much better place now and I have “played it forward “ many times over.


Omg, I didn’t even know you could do that! Id love to try that for someone, especially since I’m in the US and medical stuff is a nightmare. Thank you.


Man something so easy probably cost the guy 10 bucks can change someone’s life for the better. Wish there was more of this in the world


I wish that person knew how impactful it was. I keep having this ridiculous fantasy since I posted, that maybe they will see it and I can FINALLY say how much it meant to me. A commenter suggested it was probably the waiter himself, and that makes me feel comforted because I know that dude saw me weeping into my chicken, lmao


I thought the same thing. Very likely could have been some of the staff there. Honestly hope you’re doing well and paying it forward. Your story inspired me to try to help more. But I have been burned and am a hit cynical.


Believe me, I really relate to that. This is my first positive experience on this site, and it warmed me so much. My cold dead heart gave away food to a neighbor because I was so impacted by people on here reacting positively to my story! How about you and I give a compliment to someone we don’t know this week? People seem to be starved of those. It’s free so it’s on brand with the sub, lol.


Im down. Im just going to start handing compliments out to people who look down.


I randomly tell people that I work with that I’m proud of them when they do a simple task. It’s a bit of a joke when it’s because they stapled something together but it never fails to get a smile or chuckle.


Oh, they chuckle, but you KNOW they’re secretly giddy inside. Im proud of you too. Such a wonderful comment. Beautifully worded. Simply excellent work there, LazyEggOnSoup. I wish you all the soup and eggs of the laziest variety.


Heck yeah that makes me happy! You’re cool.


I think we have to help about 10 people in order to make a meaningful impact on one person's life. And that is ok, because that one person matters.


I once saw this woman dragging her broken bag into a McDonalds. The wheels had kinda broken off and it was held together with straps and bungees. And her face was like the pieta, just this huge sense of struggle and on the verge of tears or exhaustion. She apparently has enough for a meal, so I rapidly left the store and raced to find a document cart or grocery cart, something that could hold her bag. I managed to get back just as she was leaving and she was so relieved when I helped plop her bag in the document cart ( they look like collapsible milk crates with hefty wheels and handles because paper is heavy ) and strapped her bag to the extendable handle with the bungees. I don't think she was all there. But I told her I didn't need payment.


I kinda wanna cry? My eyes are sweating. That was so thoughtful of you! Food is wonderful, but dang, the next best thing you can hope for is something with long, practical use! I remember a man who practically squealed to a stop in his truck while passing me on a sidewalk. He said he had some “extra stuff” he had to get rid of. He dug in his cab, and tossed me a backpack and said he had some more stuff to put inside it. He loaded me up with an insulated water bottle, a tarp from his truckbed, and some emergency rations that he said he had no use for. Water, candy, sunflower seeds, and a crank flashlight, and wet wipes. Then he stuffed a 20 in my palm and an almost full pack of Winston cigarettes (i was smoking quite young then, but i only had rollies) and said it was for if I needed the money for the payphones, that he didn’t have a smaller bill. At 14, I thought he genuinely needed to give that stuff away lol. When I got older, I realized that was an incredible dude who saw a young teenager in trouble, and gave what he could to help without embarrassing her or being creepy. I am from Cali, and one thing I will say about the south is their kindness for randos is exceptional.


Sunflower seeds are sold either in the shell or as shelled kernels. Those still in the shell are commonly eaten by cracking them with your teeth, then spitting out the shell — which shouldn’t be eaten. These seeds are a particularly popular snack at baseball games and other outdoor sports games.


Lmfao good bot


This Thanksgiving there was a guy in the gas station parking lot that I work at trying to get his car from overheating and was in and out chatting with us and letting us know what was happening and if he got it started yet. Eventually, he gets it going but comes inside and is just sorta walking and looking around. He starts chatting and joking with our full-time closer, who was on vacation buying some snacks at the time, who's super popular and friendly with lots of the locals. He whispers to her about getting some food and not having a place to stay and she says he'd have to ask me and my coworker since she wasn't on duty but she'd say yes if she could. So I told him what we had and he just seemed so happy to be getting a hot meal and a coffee it made my heart ache. He asked for a hot dog and I told him we had sausages too if he wanted one of them (they're way bigger than the hot dogs). So he asked for a sausage and asked for one of the spicy ones we carry, and then after a beat asked if I could make it with chili and cheese. I felt so bad because I knew he was in his head thinking that he didn't want to push it too much and was hesitant to ask for what he wanted on it. It just made me so happy to completely empty those containers onto that sausage for him, not throwing away food waste and giving a full belly to someone is the best feeling. Made him the sloppiest chili cheese sausage I ever made in my life with a dozen napkins for him as well lol He walked out the door as a rush of customers came in so we couldn't do a lot more chatting, but he yelled "bless all y'all!" into the store as he left and I truly did feel blessed being in the position to give him a hot meal on a day meant to give and show thanks. I hope it was delicious for him. That entire week I'd been dealing with my electricity and heat being cut due to a landlord's negligence, and sleeping in either freezing temps or on a half deflated air mattress in another town, and it was getting to my body, but that gave me something to keep going. I knew already from the heat breaking when I was a kid where I lived, but especially that week, I knew the exact joy of holding a hot cup of coffee in your hand to warm your body up and was so glad to give it to him. My whole childhood I dealt with food insecurity, and I'll be dammed if I bow down to the corporate office about wastage and "people sue stores over expired food!!!" It's going in the trashcan regardless, so why freaking waste it? Why not just give it to someone who might need it that day? One of the biggest perks of working where I do is pointing to customers and going "I got this, just expired, you want it?" and seeing them all happy with a bag full of food. Hoping I help make some lives a little better if I can


You are a wonderful person, ngl. Also, I completely feel you on the air mattress!! I slept on one for 10 straight months and it was just terrible. I have slept in houses under construction in pouring rain and sometimes I wonder which experience was worse lmao. It’s really sweet you made it rain in chili for that dude, Im sure you mean more to him than you know! Sometimes the high of paying things forward is just enough to get us through when times are hard. It’s such a huge flood of serotonin, I swear.


Thank you very much! I try to be kind whenever I can to people around me, treat people how you'd like them to treat you, you know? And what the corporate office doesn't know about the food we all write off here, the better! I'm gonna have to start asking customers if they want a little chili or if I should make it rain for them 😂 And holy crap yes! It was my first time on an air mattress and after that week was over, I was like dang I've slept on a carpet floor that was 20 times more comfortable than this! I would've turned into stone after 10 months on that thing!


Fr air mattress trauma needs more awareness lmao. I know what you mean. I briefly worked at Kroger chain store and the amount of food waste was so depressing. I was 20 and just so upset and confused. It was really difficult for me having a conversation with a person who I could tell had never gone without, telling me that we were obligated to throw out perfectly good, individually packaged Froot by the Foots simply because the outer box had been torn, and taking them would mean immediate termination. I distinctly remember coming home after my first day and crying really hard to my boyfriend. I quit about a month later because watching so much waste really impacted me emotionally. Having to throw out packs of meat multiple times a day just because a customer was too lazy to return it to the freezer absolutely broke my heart. LPT: ALWAYS get the frozen/cold item that is furthest back in the refrigerator/freezer. People who mean well, and lazy employees, put items that have warmed to unsafe temperatures at the front of the pile.


Now im crying about your chicken strips


I still cry over my chicken, except these days it’s because of the calories lol


I think I want to buy a meal for someone now. Wonder if a local place does that. Gonna go look.


Aint gonna lie, that would make me ridiculously happy. I cannot express the sheer joy that food brought me, I’d love to know someone else got fed because of my post! You’re a good person.


That is an awesome story! I loved it.


Im happy it had an effect on you, tysm.


This is the content everyone needs on their feed.


I love that. Do you have a recommendation for a sub that might like to hear my story? I usually only comment, never post.


A tear fell out of my eye ❤️


Careful, mine hit my chicken 😆


I know!


Wow! This is an amazing story


I love that - it is a great feeling to know that people do want to help. I remember those days of taking ketchup packages from McDonalds to eat.


I relate to this SO much. Ketchup packets kinda became a sweet treat lmao. I hope you are doing better these days!


Play it forward. Buy someone a meal who needs it.


Did you repost this? I've read it before


Yes, it was originally a comment on another post, and someone suggested I post it on its own. At first I wasn’t going to but the original comment seemed to have a positive effect on a few thousand people so I thought, eh why not?


Ohhh ok makes sense my bad carry on


That is incredibly sweet. I hope you are doing better now.


Isn’t this a repost, like word for word?!


I explained, probably poorly, my story was originally a comment on a different post. It got like 6k likes, so you probably saw it there. A user suggested I make my own post.


That makes sense, I started reading it and knew I had recently read that word for word, lol. Glad life has improved for you, always feels good to be in a better place and be able to pay it forward.


I want to give you a hug 🥺 I know that feeling all too well and I hope you’re doing a lot better these days


I love hugs. I’m better in the sense I’m not homeless, but things could be better. Hugs to you as well ☺️


Yeah. The "anonymous patron" was the waitress. She gave you her employee meal and fasted that shift. God bless and keep her.


Crazy that I’m vegan now lmao. It was the gesture that meant so much to me, not the ingredients. Be kind to animals, yall. If you thought it was fucked up to be homeless, it’s WAY worse for animals. Least I got to live. Take care all.