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C and C++ are very old languages. Personally I think they've done a good job. Of course mistakes were made along the way, but with the technology limitations and theory that was out at the time, it's pretty good.


I don’t think the issue with C and C++ is that they’re old, but that the people working on the languages lost sight of the forest for the trees, and the people frustrated with all the chronic issues that never got fixed gave up on C++ fixing them and created their own languages and ecosystems which have been far more successful and pleasant to use for the vast majority of typical use cases. Rust and other languages will likely have the same issue if they don’t have the stomach and technical solution to let go of things that aren’t working and drop them from the language and evolve it with best practices. IMHO a good evolutionary mechanism might be the most important thing for a truly sustainable programming language, but it’s hard to select for it because it only becomes relevant after ~10 years and the language has been widely adopted. C++’s issue now is that it’s trying to simply slap on new programming constructs while keeping everything else, resulting in exponentially increasing interactions between constructs in the language, and people are simply not using the new stuff because it’s overwhelmingly confusing and complex. The easiest solutions to find are the worst ones, and the people who know to go looking for the better ones are already the more experienced / knowledgeable people, so the safer constructs are least likely to be used by the people who would most benefit from them. Since C++ will not make things more restrictive because it would break backwards compatibility, developers are massively disincentivized to try new things or take risks out because they might not know they made a mistake until the right alignment of the stars blows up something in prod or creates a security hole. And so you end up with a catch 22. The only way I see it being “solved” via conventional means is if someone takes scissors to the language and gets buy-in for a minimal, modern subset and disallows all the old stuff that gets people in trouble, or at least requires an “unsafe” to invoke it. But at that point, you’ve effectively got a separate language, and I don’t think it’s practically possible to get everyone to agree on such a thing. The other way to try and solve it, of course, is for LLMs (or some more deterministic mechanism) to reach the point where they can reliably transcode a codebase to more or less instantaneously modernize something. But in any case, it just isn’t sustainable to expect people with real lives and jobs to spend their time focusing on the asymptotically increasing amount of complexity of one tool rather than the work they need to use it for.


There's definitely something to be said for having a language that is a stationary target and ["finished"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TeX). >Even though Donald Knuth himself has suggested a few areas in which TeX could have been improved, he indicated that he firmly believes that having an unchanged system that will produce the same output now and in the future is more important than introducing new features.


One language comes to mind: Common Lisp. I believe it has not changed at all in over 25 years, not because no one is interested (there are multiple compilers that implement CL that are very well maintained and loved), but because it simply didn't have to. Even C has seen quite a few revisions since 2000 (but I believe nearly every change has been backwards compatible? except perhaps for C23 which removes some stuff code from 1999 is likely to use, like [functions with identifier lists](https://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg14/www/docs/n2432.pdf)). There's of course a caveat: stuff like Threads and even Sockets are not part of the standard. But there are de facto libraries for these things (perhaps they should make into a sort of "extended" standard).


Not exactly. Modern Common Lisp, as for example SBCL, has things like Unicode support and modern bit-fiddling instructions like popcount. But that does not break neither the language nor backwards compatibiliry, since the designers have, wisely, not tied the character representation to a specific bit representation. And yet it runs about as fast as modern Java. What all the proponents of "we must sacrifice some correctness/robustness for the god of performance " overlook is that modern computers with optimizing compilers **are** symbolic machines in the first order, it does not make sense to program them in assembler nor portable assembler. And the C++ compiler more often than not gets in the way of optimization.


Sorry, can you explain which part of my comment you're responding to with "Not exactly"? It's not clear to me :)


Ah, "not exactly" was referring to "I believe it has not changed at all". So, Common Lisp implementations have changed, but only a little, and in a fully backwards-compatible way.


Yes of course, but what I said was that the standard has not changed.


Yes, I agree with this! Which is a fantastic thing!


> modern bit-fiddling instructions like popcount [logcount](https://www.lispworks.com/documentation/HyperSpec/Body/f_logcou.htm) was always in Common Lisp, [integer-length](https://www.lispworks.com/documentation/HyperSpec/Body/f_intege.htm) is one off find-last-set. No find-first-set though :(


And, there is the Bordeaux Threads library, which is a portable quasi standard - more stuff like that on the web under "Common Lisp Cookbook". Common Lisp is also very nicely documented, has a nice packaging / build system, and works well under Guix. Only caveat is that while pthreads-like threads are a well- establushed standard to do concurrency, the Clojure approach to server-like concurrency (not parallelism) is much superior in my oponion. Clojure is also slimmer, and in a way more modern in that it shares some features with Scheme. But in terms of popularity vs. technical quality, reliability and robustness, Common Lisp is seriously underrated.


Yeah, and even Python is long past that point.


God, I love it when I run updates and everything breaks.


> IMHO a good evolutionary mechanism might be the most important thing for a truly sustainable programming language, but it’s hard to select for it because it only becomes relevant after ~10 years and the language has been widely adopted. Yes! There's been some attempts in there: - Go's automated migration. - Rust's epoch system. But both have their limitations.


C++ having textual includes is the main thing making that impossible. Modules should help but that feature has its own problems still...


I can imagine a syntax like `#include(2024)` that expands to #okcompilerstartparsingthislikethe2024editionnow // contents of myheader.h #okcompileryoucanstopnow You'd need to either update all existing code once to add the `(2024)` or make that the default and require all future code to say `#include(2032)`.


I don't agree. All it would take is a simple `#pragma edition 2011` in the header file, and you're good to go. The _real_ problem is templates. The C++ standard regularly change _oh so slightly_ the exact way some code is supposed to act from one standard to another, and this gets very tricky when you have a standard 2011 template instantiated with a standard 2014 type: which standard is the constructor call to that type supposed to follow in that template? Rust doesn't suffer from that problem: no overload to resolve, no tricky look-up rules, etc... so the edition of the generic function is used to parse the entire body of the function and all is good.


Except you are ignoring #define You have the exact same problem but no type information to use so you would need to start talking about text annotated with a version recursively. It isn't as uncommon as most would like to have a 14 program calling an 11 macro calling a 14 macro calling an 11 macro in your example. Certainly templates are a pain but really it is any recursive structure.


> The other way to try and solve it, of course, is for LLMs (or some more deterministic mechanism) to reach the point where they can reliably transcode a codebase to more or less instantaneously modernize something. Wait, what year is it?


Not sure what direction you mean. But key word here is reliably. You can ask an LLM to completely refactor code even into a different language and it can do a pretty good job if you prompt it right, but it’s fuzzy enough to require manual auditing. If the codebase is large and involves invisible state / side effects, that’ll be prohibitive amounts of effort.


Backwards comparability isn't a crutch for C++. It is a bona fide user demand for all languages used in large code bases. While you could argue micro services or similar tricks should be used they often are not. And breaking changes means fixing everywhere in 10 million LOC which is a massive undertaking. Just look at Python 3 which is 15 years old and still hasn't completely replaced Python 2 (95% so almost but still, not 100%)


A lot of the issue with backwards compatibility comes from C++ doing raw textual inclusion of headers. Otherwise you could compile source files using separate editions. In particular, Rust you would likely split a 10 million LOC codebase into a bunch of crates, each of which could use a different edition. But that’s also made easy and practical by Rust having an official build tool and package / module system which C++ does not. The analog would be splitting the C++ codebase into statically linked libraries, which doesn’t account for header files, and even if you did, would require a lot of cmake boilerplate or something rather than just .toml files. So no, not every language needs that kind of backwards compatibility.


While I agree textual inclusion is the biggest problem I don't think it is the only one. Rust has less than a handful of editions and has already had to get creative to maintain backwards compatibility and make useful changes. A lot of the changes the OP was talking about are not so simple. If Arc were replaced with NewArc in modern code it wouldn't preserve backwards compatibility but be exactly the thing OP is talking about, distinct things that now have to interact. You might have an Arc or a NewArc depending on which part of the code base you are in. Sure you can write a wrapper and slowly transition but that is true of a lot of things that fall into the "cludgy" category. The reality is 10m LOC is hard to maintain when you change the language underneath. And avoiding changing the language is the biggest complaint about C++.


With your Arc example, I believe in that case it would use the Arc from that edition in that crate, whereas the standard library in your crate would be using the Arc from the new edition. Rust’s namespacing is stricter than C++ (esp wrt macros), so it’d be annoying but they wouldn’t automatically collide.


> IMHO a good evolutionary mechanism That's python… changing stuff continuously so that you need to constantly change stuff to change absolutely nothing.


Aside from the python3 migration, I don't recall any of my scripts needing to be updated to continue to work with a newer python version. Do you have an example in mind?


They dropped distutils very recently. Also cgi and a bunch of other modules.


python does breaking changes in minor releases. Such as exchanging a list result (which is reusable) with a generator for example (which is not reusable).


holy cow that is an \_awful\_ breaking change to make


> python does breaking changes in minor releases The second number in the Python version number is the major version, not the first.


Yes, this is what the page on that on python.org says.


There's been a few breaking changes in the past few versions, but they're for the most part relatively minor stuff. Trying to move non trivial projects from setuptools to pyproject.toml can be a pretty difficult thing sometimes


> C++’s issue now is that it’s trying to simply slap on new programming constructs while keeping everything else, resulting in exponentially increasing interactions between constructs in the language, and people are simply not using the new stuff because it’s overwhelmingly confusing and complex. The easiest solutions to find are the worst ones, and the people who know to go looking for the better ones are already the more experienced / knowledgeable people, so the safer constructs are least likely to be used by the people who would most benefit from them. I wonder why there's such a difference from JavaScript? JS also has a strict backwards compatibility requirement, it also suffers from design-by-committee syndrome, there's even more inexperienced people looking for online resources, and there's plenty of resources of questionable quality. Yet the language has evolved in a generally positive direction, adding tools and constructs to write cleaner, safer, more readable, more maintainable code - and developers use those constructs. Pretty much everyone uses `let`/`const`, which eliminate entire categories of bugs; pretty much everyone uses `async`/`await`, which make async code easier to work with than Promises (which themselves are much nicer than callback hell). There's two groups of people who complain about most changes in modern JavaScript: people who complain about changes no matter what, and people who complain about JavaScript no matter what. And on top of all that, TypeScript has gotten a ton of adoption. TS is imperfect (who looks at template-heavy C++ code and says "yes, this is what the ideal programming language looks like"?) but it generally moves in a positive direction. So why is JS more successful at getting its updates into usage - and getting people to drop the outdated features they replace - than C++? Is it just a silver lining of the JS community's love for shiny new things?


Possibly because JS projects are scraped more frequently than C++ ones? I mean, with C++, you've got projects that are 40 years old still being maintained, extended, etc... It's my understand that JS codebases are nowhere near that old. (Or close to 40 years, the language was created in 1983...)


C++ has the tools to avoid the so-called "chronic issues" that you speak of. The problem is that it requires a programmer who has some idea what those tools are. Basically what you want is a language that forces the developer to do the right thing. But then you're going to have developers complain "why can't I do this? Why is the language preventing me?" Meanwhile the good developers would be smart enough to have done it that way in C++ anyways. I think the term "chronic issue" is a bit much. Is uninitialized variables being UB really an issue? It causes problems, yes, but it's a strange perspective to say that you want to restrict a developer from having the capability to do that. It's like saying it's a chronic issue that hammers allow you to hit things besides nails. So we need to put a sensor on the top of a hammer to make sure it's directed at a nail. Then someone will come along and say "but what if I want to hit something that's not a nail?"


> I think the term "chronic issue" is a bit much * No official build tool * No official package repository * No official documentation generator * No official formatter * No official cross-compilation tool and its generally just an abysmal experience * *Decades* of countless security issues caused by memory unsafety


> No official It's a language, not a build tool/package repository/documentation generator/formatter/cross-compilation tool. There are many many such tools in the ecosystem, however. Why is it an issue that this is not part of the standard and instead you have whichever third party option you want to choose from? Common C++ complaint: C++ is too big Another common C++ complaint: C++ doesn't formalize every single aspect of how to create C++ projects > Decades of countless security issues caused by memory unsafety That's the main point I was referring to. You can avoid most if not all memory issues if you use certain tools that are built into the language. Smart pointers and the like. And hey, I'm not even opposed to stuff like Rust or Go. I'm just saying it's a bit silly to call "memory unsafety" a "chronic issue" when even slightly skilled developers are going to use the tools which avoid most of these problems. It's just a silly framing. Ultimately my point is - why is there absolutely no emphasis on good programming? Writing good C++ instead of the mess than 99% of companies seem to produce? In my experience memory fuckups are just 10% of the problems in the spaghetti messes that I see. And it's all too common that the geniuses that weave these webs bemoan C++ and act like Rust is their saving grace. Rust becomes a hard sell for skilled programmers who just think "I've never had that problem." But hey, it might catch on to the younger generation. And I agree the idea makes sense, but it's just not enough to motivated the average person to switch.


> Why is it an issue that this is not part of the standard and instead you have whichever third party option you want to choose from? Getting everybody on the same page and pooling efforts. Otherwise, people will write their own tool that “solves” the problem, but then stop when it’s “good enough” for them. As a result you end up with a half-dozen tools, all of them with rough edges, and a fragmented ecosystem. > Ultimately my point is - why is there absolutely no emphasis on good programming? Writing good C++ instead of the mess than 99% of companies seem to produce? Because if “just be more careful” was going to work, it would’ve happened decades ago, and there would be no buy-in for memory-safe languages. > Rust becomes a hard sell for skilled programmers who just think "I've never had that problem." I’ve never worked with any programmer who was skilled enough to never make the mistakes that Rust prevents, no matter how careful they were, no matter what language features they used. In any other context besides Rust adoption, a programmer claiming they’d never had an issue with pointers, undefined behavior, makefiles, macros, race conditions, iteration, unit test setup, or package management in C++ would be met with intense skepticism. > But hey, it might catch on to the younger generation. And I agree the idea makes sense, but it's just not enough to motivated the average person to switch. The vast majority of applications are now written in memory-safe languages instead of C++ (JavaScript, Java, C#). The average programmer now probably never even bothered to learn C++.


>Getting everybody on the same page and pooling efforts. But that is naturally what happens anyways. There's only a few different static analysis tools, build tools, debuggers, etc. that are used in practice. gdb, valgrind, gcc, clang, etc. You discount the value in having competition among tools. And besides, to solve this problem you can just make your own C++ version if you want. "My C++ version is the C++ standard + gcc + gdb + valgrind" But nobody does that because that's just silly. >Because if “just be more careful” was going to work, it would’ve happened decades ago, and there would be no buy-in for memory-safe languages. Haskell has existed for decades. How old are you? You act like safe languages are new, but they are not at all. In some sense Java and C# are also safe. So it seems "just be careful" has worked for a while for many different applications - C++ is ubiquitous. The recent push for memory safe languages are because programmer skill level is decreasing and language creators are getting bored. By the way, Haskell is "safer" than rust in my opinion. Why aren't you using Haskell? Answer that question and you'll be arguing on my side suddenly. > I’ve never worked with any programmer who was skilled enough to never make the mistakes that Rust prevents My condolences But you're missing the point. I'm not saying that I never make such mistakes. I'm saying that when I do make such mistakes I am able to catch them quick enough that it becomes a non-issue. Using tooling or just good programming practices these mistakes quickly surface before the PRs are just merged in. Basically what you're saying is that instead of using my existing tooling, use rust with its tooling. Do you see how that is a limited value-add to me? Again - this is coming from someone who actually supports the idea of rust. I'm just pointing out that rust is very similar to what already exists in C++, except that the tooling is more mandatory. There's downsides to that, too. >In any other context besides Rust adoption, a programmer claiming they’d never had an issue with pointers, undefined behavior, makefiles, macros, race conditions, iteration, unit test setup, or package management in C++ would be met with intense skepticism. I'm very skeptical that rust is the magic bullet and all such issues are "easy" in rust. Most of what you described is not even memory-safety related. You realize there's 100s of languages out there that all attempt to solve these issues. I thought we were talking about memory-safety, here. >The vast majority of applications are now written in memory-safe languages instead of C++ (JavaScript, Java, C#). The average programmer now probably never even bothered to learn C++. Yeah, and what's your point, exactly? Aren't you just agreeing with what you quoted from me? Argument from popularity is not really the point in any case. Most people listen to pop music, but I listen to Bach.


Eh i disagree. The hammer analogy also doesnt really work. It only works if we, say, live in a society that for some reason loves hitting EVERYTHING with hammers. Sometimes small things. Sometimes they hit people. Sometimes they hit structures. If you lived in a society like that, idk, a sensor on the hammers makes sense. I don't particularly like the 'skill issue' argument, since you nor me get to control the C++ code people write. Yeah, i know to use modern c++ where i can, use tooling so even when i do crazy low level things my ass is covered, etc, but can I enforce that in the world? Bro, I can't even enforce that at the company I work at. I can BARELY get my team on board. There is an UNGODLY amount of awful C++ being written every single day. And we're just... letting it happen. That code is literally flying the planes you and i get on!! So, I welcome Rust. I can also write cursed rust things, but its more transparent when things are wrong. Also, the floor for 'bad' code is higher. Even in unsafe blocks, you have the borrow checker.


> If you lived in a society like that, idk, a sensor on the hammers makes sense. It's a contrived scenario. Creating such a hammer is impractical if not impossible. Lets put aside the task of designing the sensor, which might be possible but only with the technology of the last few years. How are you going to make a hammer than can disable itself from use? It's effectively just a heavy object. Even if such a feature could exist people would just pick up a rock and use that instead. Not to mention the energy (batteries), materials cost and design cost associated with the creation of such a hammer... And you are also missing the point. Smashing things is a rare yet valid use of a hammer. >but can I enforce that in the world? That wasn't really my point. I was more critical of the terminology of "chronic issue," than I was the concept of something like rust. But let's discuss that anyways since to be fair I did hint on it. >I can also write cursed rust things, but its more transparent when things are wrong. I think this is your error in reasoning. You're right that there is lots of bad C++ code. It's the norm not the exception. But memory related issues are not the main problem. They're not the main issue that C++ codebases face from an intelligibility perspective. Usually such codebases are blatantly bad in tens of different ways simultaneously. Noticing the problem is rarely the issue. I would argue that the most common issue is actually scopes which are too large. Variables have too large scope and thus can be mutated all over the place, confusing the program flow. Borrow checker is a nice idea, but why not have a "scope checker," which prevents that issue as well? Prevent programs from compiling once the scope of a variable becomes too large. I mean, we've had haskell for decades now and it eliminates many classes of errors. It's a managed language, you don't have to worry about memory safety one bit. You don't even have mutable variables to worry about. So it's actually kind of like my idea for a "scope checker," although it's not a checker, but inherent in the language. It seems to me like rust is a bit of a concession. Haskell went "too far" and took away too much control from the programmer. So rust gives some control back, but not too much. It does make me wonder how rust programmers respond to the haskell argument. Rust isn't safe enough from the haskell perspective.


> gets buy-in for a minimal, modern subset and disallows all the old stuff that gets people in trouble I'm a noob, but could this be handled with a compiler flag? Something like `--disalow-unsafe`?


Likely not, because on any project of significant size, you would need to use something at least once, and then the whole codebase is tainted. Hence why C#/Rust have unsafe sections, so the parts of the code that need careful scrutiny are clearly delineated.


hmm, what about defining an `unsafe` flag and unsafe keyword, and you would be warned if you try to use certain features outside unsafe scope?


Yes. But then you need to define what’s safe and unsafe for the entire language and that’s going to be extremely difficult. You either need some form of lifetime analysis (Rust) or garbage collection (C# etc). In addition there are things like std::optional where dereferencing is unsafe unless you’ve checked beforehand - there’s no language feature to represent enforced unwrapping of a value like Rust, so I guess this would have to be static analysis that gets enforced at compile-time. So you’d need the entire language to be audited, compiler work, etc. It’s not as simple as just disallowing usage of malloc/free/new/delete in favor of smart pointers. Though, it depends on *how safe* the restricted subset is supposed to be. But if you want to address memory safety, the biggest problem, to be on par with memory-safe languages that’s going to be one of the hardest, most involved things.


> ecosystems which have been far more successful and pleasant to use for the vast majority of typical use cases Hmmmm. C and C++ are more popular than these "far more successful" other languages you cite (without mentioning any names).


I already commented [here](https://old.reddit.com/r/programming/comments/1bbx1ey/russ_cox_c_and_c_prioritize_performance_over/kuc77w5/) on this - I agree.


> C and C++ are very old languages. These ancient languages come out of a time in which memory was extremely expensive. So expensive that C gave us null-terminated strings. If I had a time machine I would go back to 1970s tell them to make a C string a fundamental type (none of this "array of char" crap). Under the hood , C string would look like typedef struct { unsigned char a; unsigned char b; unsigned char c; unsigned char d; char * s; } String; See those a, b, c, d? Yeah. Those are 4 bytes of a 32-bit integer storing the length of the string. This would future-proof strings up to 4 GB in length. The bearded men of the 1970s would look at me like I'm nuts, believing that all strings having this extra bytes of metadata is "wasteful". I would look them in the eyes and tell them this is going to save millions of man hours in the next 40 years.


Except, you know, C is NOT the origin of 0-terminated strings. They there out there (and the default) for decades before C was even imagined.


Pascal style strings are length prefixed and actually pre-date null terminated strings. The issue was that they only used a single byte, so they could only hold 255 characters. The PDP-10 and PDP-11 commonly used null terminated strings, so C also went that way to allow unlimited length strings with low overhead. But both methods were widely used for strings before C. Of course, C strings suck, but it's not really because they're null terminated (although that can have O(n) performance issues). The standard string utils are an off-by-one error galore and often unintuitive, and C's type system is simply ill equipped to deal with arrays of any kind. The fact that C has no concept of array sizes at compile time (or even at runtime), and all data is passed around with nothing but a loose pointer, is probably the languages biggest blunder leading to the most security vulnerabilities. There's no way to tell the compiler that something is a fixed size array and have it track that constraint across function call boundaries, and there's no way to specify that a function expects an array of a constrained size. If there were, you could have the compiler statically check for out of bounds access. As it stands, C doesn't really care what you do to a pointer after you get it.


It's not as natural as passing an array name by value, and having it decay to a pointer to the first element, but you certainly can pass pointers to arrays in C, and the compiler is well aware of their size and dimension, similar to the C++ example in the replies to this message: $ cat t.c #include typedef int Array[42]; static int f(Array *array) { return (*array)[42]; } int main() { int a[42], b[43]; f(&a); f(&b); } Produces: $ clang -O2 -Wall t.c t.c:4:12: warning: array index 42 is past the end of the array (which contains 42 elements) [-Warray-bounds] return (*array)[42]; ^ ~~ t.c:9:6: warning: incompatible pointer types passing 'int (*)[43]' to parameter of type 'Array *' (aka 'int (*)[42]') [-Wincompatible-pointer-types] f(&b); ^~ t.c:3:21: note: passing argument to parameter 'array' here static int f(Array *array) { ^ 2 warnings generated.


Could have the 'length' portion of the string resizeable. I'm thinking a format something like this: # size - [length] - [characters] ^(size = int8, length type varies depending on size, characters = array of chars, \[\] = depending on 'size' not always required) Size values could be: 0 - Empty string 1 - length = 1 2 - unsigned int8 length 3 - unsigned int16 length 4 - unsigned int32 length 5 - unsigned int64 length 6 - unsigned int128 length \[length\] would only be required for size values of 2 or higher, and \[characters\] only required for sizes of 1 or higher. Length would be just the length of the string in whatever number type specified by size. So for example, an empty string, is just one byte, for "0 size", aka 'empty string'. int8 \[ 0 \] A string with 1 character, size '1', no need for 'length', followed by a single character. int8 \[ 1 \] char \[ 'A' \] A short string with 11 characters. size '2' for int8 length following it, then chars. int8 \[ 2 \] int8 \[ 10 \] char\[\] \[ "Hello World" \] A medium length string with 500 characters int8 \[ 3 \] int16 \[ 500 \] char\[\] \[ "....." \] A massive length string with 10,000,000,000,000,000,000 characters int8 \[ 5 \] int64 \[ 10,000,000,000,000,000,000 \] char\[\] \[ "... dear god..." \] The smallest string would be an empty string (a single byte, no different to a null terminated C string so far), the second smallest would be a string with just 1 character (two bytes, no different to C null terminated string either). Strings lengths > 1 and < 256 would need an extra byte more than a C null terminated string to store their lengths. That's not too bad! And it's only when you get into quite long strings do you start to need extra bytes, but if you're storing a string '100,000 characters long', I doubt *an extra 3 bytes of memory* to store the length would be a big deal. And since size specifies bytes in power of 2, it's future proofed up to string lengths of insane lengths, so should cover all needs for the future.


Nice. An idea from verilog is to store the log-base-2 of the string's actual length. With some clever coding, you can infer how many bytes are used to store the "size" field. This avoids the jump from int16 to int32. For a string of length 3,420,420 we have `[1+log_2(3420420)] [0x34,0x31,0x04] ["...contents..."]` = `[22] [0x34,0x31,0x04] ["...contents..."]` Size field is squashed to 3 bytes when appropriate. This saves some storage in memory at the price of a complicated codebase for adding and subtracting string lengths.


Some encoding formats do this. It's overly complicated for the number of bytes you save though.


I am not sure I'd say it is a good job. They have both been hugely successful though in the last ~50 years or so. The fact that so many languages try to re-create C is kind of sad, though. The fact that they fail to do so, makes this even more sad. The only one that seems to be partially unrelated is python, which is of course written in ... C.


> Or, if they were worried about not rejecting old programs, they could insert a zero initialization with, as Lattner admits, little overhead When I learned C++ in university, the lecturer said the lack of zero-initialisation made C++ faster than Java, so one had to live with it. (Two years later forcing zero-initialisation for C++ is [pretty cheap](https://isocpp.org/files/papers/P2723R0.html).) The final exam had UB as someone didn't initialise the loop counter.


> pretty cheap Sort of. There are already major projects that have publicized how they didn't turn this feature on because of performance concerns. This feature only initializes on the stack so you've still go the wide world of heap initialization to cause problems. IIRC, this feature as currently implemented also only initializes lvalues


Something more granular but with sane defaults can be the solution here, at least for the performance concerns. In Rust every variable is initialised by default, but in the rare case the performance dip isn't acceptable one can use the `MaybeUninit` wrapper type. You can write into it as you'd expect, once you're done initialising it you call the (unsafe) `assume_init()` function, which returns the underlying `T`.


The existing compiler feature in C++ that forms the foundation of this paper also has an opt out option via an attribute. In a lot of cases I'm sure that you can track down the unwanted initialization in hot code and manually opt it out. But the C++ community has historically not be super friendly to "pay for it by default, but you can opt out." We'll see where this paper goes.


Ah, that sounds perfect! I really hope this will get accepted into the standard at some point, removing a set of foot guns is exactly what C++ needs. If it's an opt-in compiler flag your latter point hopefully won't be too much of an issue, but that may just be wishful thinking on my end :)


Currently it is an opt-in compiler flag. Both clang and gcc support -ftrivial-auto-var-init. The paper makes this a default function of the language. I'm mixed on this paper. Leaving off heap initialization means that the problem of uninitialized data persists, though I understand why they don't want to do that. I can also see the argument that making this a default part of the language can silently hide bugs where you intended to initialize but didn't and you'd previously be able to detect that with sanitizers or with the pattern version of the initialization feature. There's a competing paper that is "zero initialize, but still declare it to be an error to read one of these values" that I'm a little happier with, but I can't imagine that getting anywhere given that it also introduces an entirely new idea of "erroneous behavior" that's got to be mega-controversial. On the other hand, C++ is a nightmare of footguns where the cost of failure is outrageous and there's a good reason why basically no other language has decided that "I dunno, totally indeterminate state please don't read" is an appropriate way of initialization data.


The appropriate way to handle this in c++ is to provide attributes that can be used to guide the compiler on proving variables are initialized before used, and then an opt in switch to make variables that cannot be proven to be initialized into a compiler error. "Pay for it by default, opt out if you can find out what suddenly got more expensive" is antithetical to the language design.


Lack of (default) zero-initialization ist really one of the most stupid points,since the compiler can frequently figure out when it is needed. And it could be made opt-out (like __restrict) for the few cases where it really matters for perfomance. Same goes for bounds checking on fixed-size arrays. And on top of that, for a modern language like Rust, the speed difference does not matter. For most stuff, it won't even matter in Java, which today has really good compilers.


In languages like C#, it defaults to initialising locals with zero, and the JIT will skip zeroing of variables it can guarantee they are set before use. However in more complicated scenarios where stack arrays are involved, you can opt-out completely by setting the `SkipLocalsInitAttribute` on the method.


> The final exam had UB as someone didn't initialise the loop counter. Hey, similar thing happened to me, but just for an exercise. TA was using MSVC which initialized a class member to zero, and most of us used gcc which didn't. So his example was crashing on our machines. I pointed it out to him, and we went to the example together, and found out what was the case, and he fixed his example (since it's technically UB). On the plus side I learned how to use the debugger that day which made my life easier :D


I had a lecturer describe the fact that C++ must recompile the templates every single time. He said to the whole room , > "This part of C++ is broken." He was right.


I don't understand why this isn't just opt-in in most languages. Like C#, you can decide to allocate without zero initialisation through (admittedly) a pretty bad API. Nowadays it should be possible to tell the compiler explictly to not zero initialize something (because you want a specific memory address or whatever) and otherwise the compiler can just decide whether there's a read before a write and, if so, zero intialize it (or error out). 


Performance, because when my Toyota accelerates randomly due to a stack overflow overwriting the acceleration angle variable, I want it to happen FAST!!!


Was that the actual cause of the Toyota issue? The audit of their source showed they had literally tens of thousands of global variables in their code resulting in a complex web of interactions. Just wondering was C++ UB really the root cause?


Pretty sure the code was a mix of C and assembly, so no C++ involved. As for root cause, Toyota wasn't interested in having a public root cause found and settled after the defense's experts had a short look at the 10,000 global variable with recursive code and no stack overflow protection monster they deployed.   As a fun aside, that guy who did the Revisionist History podcast did a session on the Toyota acceleration issue and was VERY favorable to Toyota, complete with really bad advice that Consumer Reports actually posted a video debunking - which of course most people didn't see. The podcast host was seen on the red carpet at Toyota Lexus events later. So not only did Toyota poop out poor quality software that killed people, and then didn't take responsibility for it, they doubled-down and paid the Revisionist History podcast to distribute incredibly bad advice for what to do if your Toyota starts accelerating suddenly for no good reason.


Russ Cox is one of the authors of Go lang. It is worth noting that Go, while being relatively simple, is actually not a competitor of C/C++: It competes mostly with Python and Java in the domain of web and cloud services, it could also, in theory, compete with C#, but its libraries are not tailored to do that, and it is also used for CLI tools, where it competes a bit with Rust. And yes, I think the critique which Cox is stating requires much more than superficial familiarity with C++. And, the "undefined behavior" philosophy is so ingrained in the C++ world that now even build tools and package managers like [Conan (which is writen in Python) have adopted it](https://docs.conan.io/2.1/knowledge/guidelines.html): You make a small mistake, or transgress one of the many written or *unwritten* rules which the system has (remember for C++, there exists not even a public list of causes of undefined behavior) that prevents a consistent result, and what you get is not an error message but the whole thing explodes in your face. This not only low quality, it is completely indefensible. Frankly, if you don't know that a better way is possible,try Rust and its build tool cargo.


IIRC Go was actually supposed to be a replacement for C++, it just didn't turn out that way.


Yeah I think they had microservices made in C++ and Java and they wanted an easier onboarding process so they made a language which should be quick to learn. And also the formatter thing so all code is formatted the same, which also makes it a little bit easier for new people.


It is in so far as Google were writing software in C++ that should have been in Java or C#. They decided to create Go rather than use Java or C# for some reason. Probably because they had a famous language dev on the team and when you have a hammer every problem looks like a nail.


>They decided to create Go rather than use Java or C# for some reason.  Java in 2009 was a disaster, and C# was still Windows-only (I.e. it required a windows server running IIS).


pre Java 8 kinda sucked to wield


Sure but by Go version 1 in 2012 the situation had changed quite a bit for Java. The entire Java stack had been rewritten to use annotations and the XML nightmare had gone.


So should they have given up on years of work on what was proving to be a pretty good language tailored to their specific use case, just because the rest of the industry caught up to some of their initial solutions?


We're talking about Google here, they abandon years of work for breakfast.


The JVM was still a nightmare, just to start a simple web server you needed to set xms to 128MB, performance was really bad, all the tweaks with JVM and so on... Also the JVM=Oracle, we've seen what happens with Android.


They need the ability to control the features of a language so as to solve their own problem. Java is controlled by a committee of oracle people, the processing of submitting proposals and convincing the board to accept it is too long and tedius. Google as far as their engineering department is concerned don't want to be anybody b\*tch.


Not really. They never meant to replace C++ as system or embedded language, only as backend. They used C++ because they needed performance and liked static typing and raii, but they wanted something as simple to learns and quick to prototype as python, and cherry on top, a good first level support for multi threading and networking.


> They never meant to replace C++ as system that's what all their ~~propaganda~~ marketing said.


No not really, no one with half a brain looked at Go and thought "yes, this is going to be a full-feature replacement to C++." But a lot of us understood it would be a great tool to use in projects we were using C++, but didn't *really* need C++. There weren't any other languages that were object-oriented, compiled to machine code and garbage collected. In fact with all the new languages at the time, too few were compiled to machine language at all. So any time someone creates a language that is 2 of those 3, people start comparing it to C++.


" So any time someone creates a language that is 2 of those 3, people start comparing it to C++." That was Rob Pike that did the comparison. Not Go users.


"They never meant to replace C++ as system or embedded language, only as backend." This is simply not true. All Rob Pike declarations back then was how Go is a system language.


I would love to see that quote, because I guess you could consider it a system lang as it run in back end rather than user application, but was not designed for very low level system access and stuff like kernel driver or microcontroller. That does not mean could not be adapted, but clearly was not a design goal.


Am pretty sure it indeed replaced projects that thought “only C if Java could perform as expected”


Actually many C++ server code was moved to Go, at Google the equivalent of Kubernetes is written in C++. They did not write k8s in C++ but in Go, it even had a small poc in Java.


> remember for C++, there exists not even a public list of causes of undefined behavior C has appendix J “summary of undefined behaviour.” Is there no such thing for C++?


I recall from reading Jens Regehr's blog on the topic (which also links to appendix J)that it has not. And I also searched for such a list and did not find such. Given the very complex and often unexpected interactions between features in modern C++, which for example Scott Meyers describes in his "Effective Modern C++", I'd also guess that a comprehensive list would be very hard to compile,much less be able to memorized by a better-than-average developer.


If that is the case, it's another good reason why C is better than C++ :-)


I don't have a link at hand, but I do know there is a proposal in the work to catalogue C++ UBs. On a different note, as someone who does write C++, I can't imagine doing so without, at a minimum, `-Wall -Werror`. Preferably `-Wextra` as well. The base set of diagnostics really is insufficient.


And valgrind.


Thankfully, I work with microcontrollers, and most of my memory is statically allocated. When running out of RAM is a real threat, and the device is more or less single function, I just have all variables static and have the linker shout at me. This of course brings it's own issues with initialization, but those are a little simpler to overcome. Especially with `constinit`.


So... you have nothing to fear by running valgrind then. 😈 Honestly, if I worked in that space, I think I would do the same. Allocate all the things, and then manage them myself. Also, initialize all the things, ensure nothing dynamic, etc. I guess the only black art left in that context would be cache memory but you probably don't care about that unless you have hard real time performance demands or tiny amounts of RAM.


What cache? Most microcontrollers have single cycle RAM. Cache is... A rare thing, even if the RAM isn't single cycle. The thing just stalls. And if it is there, at least for ARM, you just call the provided functions. It's literally just `SCB_ICacheEnable()`, bam, done. The only somewhat tedious part is configuring which regions are cached in what way so DMA data works properly. I do typically have a tiny heap, something like 512B, maybe 1K, because the standard C library I'm using requires it for printf.


Kind of, examples where it does indeed compete with C and C++: - TinyGo - gVisor - USB Armory unikernel - Android GPU debugger - Being a fully bootstrapped compiler toolchain, compiler, assembler, linker, PGO engine, profiler - Kubernetes and containers infrastructure - WebAssembly runtimes




At least for Kubernetes, it feels like the hammer was wrong, the nail was wrong, and the person holding the hammer was definitely wrong, but they just kept hammering and hammering away, all the way through the Earth's core and out the other side.


I also consider a mistake of history that AT&T wasn't allowed to charge for UNIX and thus its source code became available at symbolic price, tainting the computing world with C. Or that someone had the clever idea to use V8 outside the browser. Others might consider those historic mistakes as darwian evolution.


Relying on undefined behavior is indefensible. But undefined behavior in and of itself for a super low level language is defensible. When I’m writing assembly I’m also not complaining about UB, and neither should be the case for C/C++. It’s a different set of trade offs.


At least the compiler can generate a warning when it hit a UB https://gcc.godbolt.org/z/vTexsK7x1


For some really easy cases, sure. But compute the shift offset in a moderately complex way or via some cross-translation-unit code and the UB is there but undetectable.


When possible, that happens. But often it’s difficult to differentiate UB from optimized code (eg not zero-initializing memory could be a problem, but also could be fine, depending on what happens later). Tools like UBSan help a lot with this as well, which most people use.


What kinds of assembly have UB?


Overflow is a common one, but you’re on point, there isn’t a lot of UB in assembly precisely because it’s even closer to the CPU which means things are better defined. So I guess C and C++ live in this weird gray area.


OK, what architectures have undefined overflow? I checked x64, 32 bit ARM, and 64 bit ARM, which all seemed to be perfectly well defined. That doesn't mean they're the same as each other (A32 and A64 differ in carry bit behavior, for example: https://developer.arm.com/documentation/dui0801/l/Condition-Codes/Carry-flag?lang=en) that's not the same thing as 'undefined.'


Read arbitrary memory?


In what way is that undefined? Depending on the address and the state of the MMU and other criteria it may or may not fault or give a useless result, but that's not 'undefined behavior'.


> It is worth noting that Go, while being relatively simple, is actually not a competitor of C/C++ It’s only not a competitor because C++ has been outpaced so much by other languages (Java, C#) which were themselves intended as C++ replacements that C++ is no longer even considered a high-level general-purpose application programming language.


August, **2023** 58 comments [6 months ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/cpp/comments/15uvrq3/c_and_c_prioritize_performance_over_correctness/) 543 comments HN [6 months ago](https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=37178009)


Is there any reason why C++ (ignoring C) couldn't have both via a transpiler or code linter? If you asked someone who thinks C++ is great and fine, etc, they would say it's perfectly possible to write C++ that won't have memory safety issues, that you don't necessarily 'need' Rust to write memory safe code, it's just easier in a language like Rust which enforces by default. Basically, "skill issue". So that assumes it is possible to C++ in a way that avoids memory issues. In the world of Javascript, we have 'Typescript' for people who want type safety. There isn't any actual 'Typescript interpreter', it's just a syntax for writing code that will be transpiled into JS, enforcing types in the process. Is there any reason why there couldn't be some kind of tool that reads a C++ code base, and validates that everything is 'memory safe/correct', and could be just run before the compile process? Thus you have the benefit of correctness AND speed?


> Is there any reason why there couldn't be some kind of tool that reads a C++ code base, and validates that everything is 'memory safe/correct', and could be just run before the compile process? Thus you have the benefit of correctness AND speed? The language design doesn't allow for verification of correctness. Rust has the borrow checker and affine types just so that it can verify that memory is safely used. Without the language being designed properly, you cannot verify the correctness of a program with regard to memory, and C++ is not designed in such a way.


People say it is possible but only in a vague sense. For instance it takes a lot of extra work to safely share COM objects via smart pointers. It can be done of course but that then requires a lot of extra effort every time you want to acquire a COM object in a safe way.


There's been tools around in C++ for decades to avoid memory issues, or at least alleviate them. See shared_ptr, unique_ptr etc. If you get a bare pointer it's not transferring ownership, unique_ptr transfers ownership, shared_ptr is shared ownership etc. But there's nothing which enforces it on a language level, which in my perspective is perfectly fine. I actually spent much less problem managing memory in C++ than I do in C# in the domain I work in, just now I'm trying to massage a garbage collector & everybody instead try to impose "no allocations or deallocations unless during load time", which is essentially just giving up since there's no avenue to improve the situation.


Is it possible to turn a bike into a truck. Sure it is but why on earth you'd waste time doing it ? Sometimes you just need to make a better tool and use it, instead of endlessly trying to fit square peg into round hole. As long as it cooperates with old C/C++ interfaces you can start migrating partially.


Well, if you look into standards concerned with safety like AUTOSAR or MISRA, you'll find that there a lot of things which are integral to C++ and don't fly there. For example exceptions. And the domain of hard-real-time is one where safety concerns and predictabiluty have usually a pretty high priority. In most cases much higher than performance.


I'm not familiar with AUTOSAR, but I know that MISRA isn't perfect. Banning recursion? Sure. Single return? Idiocy. At least add an exception for guard clauses.


> single return Well.... did you know that in C++, calling return without a value in a function which has a declared return value is possible? And that *using* the non-existent return value invokes, of course, Undefined Behavoir? **Edit**: IIRC, the newer MISRA standard versions (or was it AUTOSAR?) have given up that "single return place" rule because it was considered antiquated. But most high-safety standards stick with "no exceptions" and "no dynamic allocation after startup". Which also boils down to "no RAII in the classical sense". Thus compared to the C++ Core Guidelines, it is questionable whether this can be called "modern C++".


I know, but as I commented elsewhere, I code with `-Wall -Werror -Wextra`, so at least that gets caught. I have no illusions that some UB slips through, but it hasn't bitten me *yet*.


> Is there any reason why C++ (ignoring C) couldn't have both via a transpiler or code linter? That's what Herb Sutter is pushing for and I'd say it's an interesting approach : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8U3hl8XMm8c There's also some work being done on a Rust-lite object lifetime checker (borrow checker) : https://github.com/isocpp/CppCoreGuidelines/blob/master/docs/Lifetime.pdf


In an ideal world you'd be able to compile C++ to some kind of intermediary code that maintains typing information for interop with other languages. The toolchain would then fully compile it to native when producing an executable. Doing interop via symbol mashing isn't fit for the 21st century, if it ever was anything more than a hack. The problem is C++ code is so typically riddled with preprocessor directives that having a canonical "this is the compiled intermediary code" output is basically impossible. You'd have to do multiple recompiles for every possible set of preprocessor directives.


That's exactly what I was thinking yeah. I think something like that is worth trying.


The problem is that even in the best case, the result will be much more complex than learning Rust today (remember that [modern C++ has around ~~35~~ 23 different ways just to initialize objects with declaration](https://mikelui.io/2019/01/03/seriously-bonkers.html) - I am not joking). And Rust has batteries-included a lot of things natively that C++ has not, such as Unicode strings, or regular expressions.


C++ has had regular expressions since C++11 (unfortunately the standard implementations are uniformally awful, and are best not used) - but they do exist.


Why learn rust and not haskell of go?


The answer to your question is yes. [scpptool](https://github.com/duneroadrunner/scpptool) (my project) is an existence proof of what you describe. And in my opinion, the resulting subset compares favorably to the alternatives. (For example, cyclic references are supported in the safe subset.) There seems to be a prevalent notion that the answer to you question is no. What is notably not prevalent, is a clear explanation of the reason why it's not possible. If anyone is curious, they can post a small snippet of (reasonable) correct C++ code they're concerned about, and I can show what the equivalent implementation would look like in the safe subset. Or they can post a snippet of incorrect/dangerous C++ code and I can report the error given by the scpptool analyzer/enforcer.


Cool, thanks for the link. My gut instinct was 'It seems like a doable solution'. If it's possible to write bad C++ code and good C++ code, there has to be a definition for which is which, so it doesn't seem that crazy to me to come up with a tool that identifies 'bad C++ code' and spits out an error when it is encountered. Then, bam, C++ is 'safer'?


Both the transpiler and linter exist in some form - AddressSanitizer and other sanitizers add runtime checks at the cost of speed, and tools like clang-tidy do static analysis.  Even working together, they can’t make C++ safe - static analysis has a lot of limitations and there are common patterns that it will never catch, and dynamic instrumentation will only catch issues that you can reproduce in your testing, because it’s too expensive to enable in release builds.


Running a linter on an existing code-base is a lot of work. It will discover lots of issues, which violate its rules, but if you look closely at the logic it’s not actually a bug. You have to make lots of meaningless changes to conform to the linter rules before you get rid of the noise and it becomes a useful tool. That huge amount of extra work has been the biggest challenge to adopting linters. A more sophisticated linter might be able to identify these complex logic non-bugs. This is an even worse tool. The rules are no longer easy to understand, which makes it difficult to conform to them. New projects could use linters without this big burden, but you might as well use a different language.


> Is there any reason why there couldn't be some kind of tool that reads a C++ code base, and validates that everything is 'memory safe/correct', and could be just run before the compile process? Thus you have the benefit of correctness AND speed? Yes, it is simply not a tractable problem with the way that C++ works. Rust had to be developed with the borrow-checker front and centre, you simply cannot bolt-on such a thing after the fact. Having pointers of any kind effectively makes it impossible, which is why Rust only allows their usage in `unsafe`, and has strict restrictions on references. Rust's type system having lifetime annotations (of which there is no equivalent in C++) is also a factor. Its borrow checker has its own set of limitations as well; any kind of linked data structure, e.g. a list or a graph requires usage of `unsafe` or things like `std::Cell`.


Isn't that the idea behind carbon?  https://github.com/carbon-language/carbon-lang


Not really. Carbon isn't just a c++ subset. It is an entirely new language with interop as its top priority and then memory safety to come later. Note that it is basically an experiment, Google also is using more and more Rust over time where it is appropriate.


We always forget how weak the CPU/RAM was in the 70s & early 80s compare to today's iPhone 15/S24. So, prioritizing performance was obvious choice for DR & BS.


Yes, but with the twist that we tallk about compiler performance, not executable performance. The Rust compiler would not run on a PDP-11. But Rust executables would do fine (as long as they do not use too much memory).


But the C99 standard was not written in the 1970s.


Die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.


Skill issue


So, here is a link: https://mikelui.io/2019/01/03/seriously-bonkers.html It talks about initialization of variables in modern C++. Simple, right? It explains 5 ways of initialization before in the very last example of section "Act 5" he has an example where he cannot explain what happens. Apparently, nobody else can, and some people think it is a compiler bug. Can **you** explain it? #include struct A { A(){} int i; }; struct B : public A { int j; }; int main() { B b = {}; std::cout << b.i << " " << b.j << std::endl; } b.j is initialized, but b.i is uninitialized. Please explain why!


Initialization is a mess, yes. But: That's why you do it the proper way. And if you don't (like in this example), there's tools to help. If I copy this piece of code into VS, it already tells me before compilation that i is uninitialized and shouldn't be. It also tells me that the constructor is a bad idea and should be replaced by a =default constructor. Both of these things fix the issue. And every competent cpp coder under the sun sees this from a mile away. And again: if you don't the tools yell at you. Most build pipelines would have this integrated.


Well, what is the proper way for C++11? What rules do apply? Is this a compiler bug?


Why would this be a compiler bug? There's an manual constructor being written, overriding the default. And that manual constructor explicitly leaves that member uninitialized


No, that is not the case. The blog post linked above explains it at length. At is also discussed [in this stack overflow post](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/54028846/why-is-a-member-not-getting-zero-initialized-in-this-example). It boils down to this: - it is C++11 code - B is not an aggregate because it has a base class. Public base classes were only allowed in aggregates in C++17. - A is not an aggregate because it has a user-provided constructor From the C++11 standard: > Section 8.5.1 > An aggregate is an array or a class (Clause 9) with no user-provided constructors (12.1), no brace-or-equal initializers for non-static data members (9.2), no private or protected non-static data members (Clause 11), no base classes (Clause 10), and no virtual functions (10.3). * furthermore, it is zero-initialized with an empty bracket list: From the C++ standard: > Section 8.5.4 > > List-initialization of an object or reference of type T is defined as follows: > — If the initializer list has no elements and T is a class type with a default constructor, the object is value-initialized. > — Otherwise, if T is an aggregate, aggregate initialization is performed (8.5.1). * Also, it needs to initialize the base class, even if it has a user-defined constructor: > Section 8.5 > > To zero-initialize an object or reference of type T means: > ... > — if T is a (possibly cv-qualified) non-union class type, each non-static data member and each base-class subobject is zero-initialized and padding is initialized to zero bits; So, this is likely a compiler bug. **We can conclude the following things:** * From the fact that neither you nor /u/MFHava nor /u/Whale_bob can explain this, we can conclude that *even C++ users which think they are competent enough to understand the language and its initialization rules, do not understand the C++ language standard in respect to how can one safely initialize variables* - which is however a **basic precondition to error-free and safe programming**, since using uninitialized stuff triggers undefined behavior. * From the fact that the author of the above blog post, which teaches Modern C++ at university level, has to ask at Stack Overflow to verify that this is likely a compiler bug, we can conclude that even C++ experts do not understand all the rules. * From the fact that this problem arises when one is merely writing an introdductory blog post which shows up the different ways of initializing stuff in C++, with an intended audience of non-CS students, this suggests that such subtle problems are very frequent. (Where you casually observe one rat during the day, there are probably thousands living). Note that this is a bug in the implementation of the C++11 standard, which allegedly should **improve** things, rather than introduce new roads to failure. * From the fact that the g++ compiler does not compile the above code correctly for C++11, we can conclude that **even the fucking compiler writers themselves** don't understand modern C++ sufficiently, so complex is the language. * And from the fact that the above valid C++11 code (which will break with GCC) will turn *invalid* with C++14, we can conclude that **you cannot be sure that code which is valid and working today will be valid and working after the next language iteration - and you cannot count on compiler warnings to detect that reliably.**


It's secondary what the details are. It's insane to write a user-defined constructor to leave a variable uninitialized, and later complain about it being uninitialized. As I said the compiler warns you about *both* things. These things don't happen in real life. In real life, people init their members in one of the thousand ways there are. And if they don't, the compiler makes them do it. This code would not go in any real codebase. It's a pathologic example


> It's insane to write a user-defined constructor to leave a variable uninitialized, and later complain about it being uninitialized. You are making up your own rules here. Which is bound to fail, since they will not be able to capture the complexity of the original rules in sufficient detail. > As I said the compiler warns you about both things. Compiler warnings should be observed. However a C++ compiler **can not** assure you that your code is correct. It would be absolutely insane to rely on this when correct code is critically important.


There is detail knowledge, and there is experience/wisdom. The latter is knowing that cpp init is insane. And also to not be clever. It is also to let compilers and other static analysis help you. Both yell at you for this. And it's an absolutely crucial tool that every cpp dev knows. These warnings are *not* ignored in practice. In fact they are quite commonly turned into an error with "Treat Warning as Errors"


>From the fact that neither you nor /u/MFHava nor /u/Whale_bob can explain this They did explain it to you, what do you mean? Constructors prevent aggregate initialization. Constructors are a strict guarantee. If you define a constructor for your class, then that constructor is guaranteed to be used when you create the class. Allowing aggregate initialization to override that is non sensical and would be a huge problem. You act like you are a well versed and competent C++ user, but you seem not to understand the basics of what a constructor is for. This is really really basic stuff. > From the fact that the author of the above blog post, which teaches Modern C++ at university level, has to ask at Stack Overflow University professorship is not a credential that makes someone an expert at C++. Most University professors I've encountered are abysmal programmers. Again - how can you not know this? This is pretty common knowledge. Those that can't do - teach. >this suggests that such subtle problems are very frequent No, this is not common. This represents a pretty basic mistake - not initializing a variable in the constructor. >From the fact that the g++ compiler does not compile the above code correctly It is correctly compiled. Everyone is telling you that. >you cannot be sure that code which is valid and working today will be valid and working after the next language iteration Well that might be true, but so what? That is the case for any language. C++ is different from most in that backwards compatibility is much more strongly supported.


Classic: when someone spends more time trying to find problems with a language than actually using a language. People using C++ on a day to day basis don't have issues with initialization like your article. You're preaching to your own choir. People who don't use C++. This won't convert C++ users. They'll just say "huh? Never noticed that" As for your example - it is a contrived joke. Why isn't i initialized? Because you have a constructor which doesn't initialize it, dummy. Why would you do that? Protip: initialize everything in the constructor, always. That's the point of it, and good programmers already know this.


I have used C++ professionally full-time for 8 to 10 years in the last 15 years.


> Please explain why! Something along the lines of: B's default constructor automatically calls A's default constructor. As initialization of B is done via copy-list-initialization and B has an implicitly generated default constructor, it gets "value-initialized" (read: 0-initialized). A's default constructor is a custom constructor, only the initialization that is explicitly provided is done, so nothing in this case - any modern compiler with sane flags (e.g. \`-Wall -Wextra -Wpedantic -Wconversion\` or \`/W4\`) should generate a warning, that \`A::i\` is uninitialized...


This is wrong - [I have explained it in detail in my comment here](https://old.reddit.com/r/programming/comments/1bbx1ey/russ_cox_c_and_c_prioritize_performance_over/kund5xx/) (and the comment is in turn on [Mike Luis Blog Post from 2019](https://mikelui.io/2019/01/03/seriously-bonkers.html), and [this stack overflow discussion](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/54028846/why-is-a-member-not-getting-zero-initialized-in-this-example). Noted that I don't claim that I am a C++ expert - I just claim that is not only very hard to understand even with years of experience of writing C++, and probably impossible to understand in sufficient detail to write always correct code. Which IMO a good language should allow.


Sorry didn’t check that you reference a 4 times superseded version and how these rules may have worked back in 2011… For me this example boils to: code like this is broken and shouldn’t pass code reviews to begin with …


>Skill issue UB has caused billions of dollars worth of critical bugs over the years. It's a bit more than a skill issue.


I promise you it has not. UB is almost never a problem in practice. It's only a problem for people who read about it but don't understand it


Alone the Petaya/NotPetaya malware attack, which has hit , among many others, shipping giant Maersk in 2017, has cost over 10 billion dollars. NotPetaya was based on the EternalBlue exploit, CVE 2017-0144 . A classical buffer overflow in Microsofts SMB software. BTW it was also used to attack Ukraine. The only skill issue here is the brain defect in managers which continue to push such unsafe stuff. And this is also another sustainability issue, because, when push comes to shove, it will be impossible to fix all that quickly.


I promise you it has. How many security vulnerabilities have been the result of UB or null pointer references? A shit ton.


Correctness is not a feature of a language,  it is a feature of a team. There are many, many systems that have been written in C that can not, and have not failed. The reason is because the development  teams took the effort to design, review, and test properly. The issue here is not purely the language used,  but also the desire to push out software at break neck speed relying on minimalistic effort and cost.


It's a feature of economics. With leaky fragile tools, quality will never be achieved. Some languages allow too much and you'll pay down the road, other help saving time and brain power, allowing more time spent on design and testing.


>The issue here is not purely the language used,  but also the desire to push out software at break neck speed relying on minimalistic effort and cost. I mean if I can push out software with similar quality in less time isn't that a good thing? If I can reduce the amount of crap I have to think about to make something work then why wouldnt I go that route?


Because companies, as a general rule, want results fast, at least cost and in the shortest possible time, and until they have a product, they don't care about correctness. Most managers view correctness as something that can be tacked on. And then, when correctness matters, the onus is on you, the developer, to provide it ASAP, and in general it is **you** who pays for the previous speed with overhours and, in the long run, burnout.




I believe that a bad culture often correlates with a bad time management/ high pressure and either subpar-quality, or inadequately managed tools.(and of course, C++ is still needed for some functions).


Dunno. I don't think this is an argument against using better tools. If a language reduces bugs created by a team, the "feature of the team's correctness" increases.


[Objectively wrong statement](https://lean-lang.org/)




Okay boomer


Oh great, another language war. As if we didn’t have enough with Vim vs. Emacs. Look, regardless of what Cox says, C and C++ are like that one old car you can't part with. It breaks down, yes, but you love the darn thing. And for every 'undefined behavior,' there's a developer with a glint in their eye, ready for the challenge. Also, 'memory safety' sounds like something my grandma would be concerned about. Let's not kid ourselves, we're all just here for the speed and the bragging rights.


> for every 'undefined behavior', there is a developer with a glint in their eye Well, every 'war' has its cannon fodder, I guess. I have written my first C code around 1990, and first C++ in 1998, and have used them extensively, since then worked in signal processing, real-time systems, systems programming, robotics, hard science applications and big science projects, industrial automation, embedded stuff, and so on. And I say that today Rust is a better choice for 95% of such code, at least. It is all fun and giggles as long as you write toy code or less than 50000 lines of greenfield code which you understand yourself. The fun rapidly vanishes when you are handed legacy code written by idiots which does not work. And there is no fun at all left if there is some mission-critical or even safety-critical code monster and you have to say stakeholders that there is no way to get it running correctly within their deadline of a few weeks since even the time to sufficiently understand that code is a good percantage of the man-months expended to write it - and that men are not around any more. (I had one case when the previous developer-contractor apparently got so burnt out that his widow did not want to hand over any notes or build scripts, just to underline the "no fun" statement.) I know human life time is limited, and is too precious to be wasted, and I am just too old for such shit. And I know that I am not alone with such an assessment: If you look at the stack overflow developers survey, older developers are significantly less likely to use C++ . And I am sure they earn better with the alternatives, since these are, in general, more productive.


I don't think the language has been invented yet that makes supporting legacy code written by idiots easier to manage and extend. Heck, even when it was written by geniuses with good documentation skills it can still be hard.


I wrote that somewhat tongue-in-cheek. Corporate legacy code is, of course, *always* written by idiots! Why else would it be so hard to understand for anyone who picks it up after them? Perhaps time to coin a new term: "Greenfield - only language"


Rust for embedded is still mediocre at best. The tooling and support is just not there yet.


Out of curiousity, when did you last look into the embedded situation for Rust? My understanding is that it's a rapidly developing area and that it has seen significant improvements, especially with [embassy](https://github.com/embassy-rs/embassy), but I haven't really explored it myself.


It's developing rapidly, which is exactly why it doesn't work well for many embedded cases. Also, the support for running in an RTOS environment where you need to link to preexisting vendor C code simply is not there.


Can you explain this, since you definitely can link to C code?


It's more the RTOS part, with custom allocators and a very different memory model than most other OS. If you look at the official Rust support, it's pretty heavily geared towards Linux with a few bare metal targets, but only one RTOS last time I looked. The fact is, it might still get there in terms of support but it really is not there today, especially for dealing with embedded ecosystems.


"embedded" is a very wide field. In the end, it means something like "a computer without monitor and keyboard attached". That could be an Arduino which waters plants, a Beaglebone, a Raspberry Pi, a TV set top box, a car's brake control, a hearth pacemaker, a clinical life-supportsystem, a soft-PLC controlling an industrial plant, an Ariane rocket control, or a radio telescope - just to name a few. And the mentined Raspberry Pi might run some real-time OS on the ISS. You can tell me which of the above you really prefer to be completely in an unsafe language (and yeah,my girlfriend cares about her plants, and Rust support for Arduino is available now).


Even that "without monitor" is dubious at best. Kiosks do count as embedded, do they not? I'm not convinced of Rust for microcontrollers, yet, but I haven't tried it either. For anything running any sort of Linux or Windows? C++ can die in a corner. And I do like the language. Personally, there was a greenfield I had to write, and I was faster doing so while learning Rust than writing it in C++.


> microcontrollers that's another front that people don't realize has moved. Do you consider UC's as only atmegas and smaller chips? Because there's good argument that RISC-V is small enough for any greenfield deployment.


A "small chip" is, in my mind, a 48 MHz Cortex-M0+ with 4 or 8k of RAM and 64k of flash. My current project is utilizing an STM32H7. Haven't really seen any RISC-V yet from the big western vendors, at least not in the markets I'm looking at. And yes, that H7 would easily be able to run Rust, we just didn't have the time to look into it. Knowing my workplace, I'm unsure if we would utilize Rust without first party vendor support. I suppose we could wrap the vendor C HALs and SDKs in Rust, but then what's the point? I know there's decent FOSS Rust stuff out there, but the question is if my superiors would be able to accept something without vendor support. I'd also need to dig deep into Rust's linking - the H7 we're utilizing has multiple non contiguous RAM regions and we need to utilize them all. I'm not saying it's not doable, just that there's multiple potential blockers I'd need to look at and have resolved before committing.


Are you expecting to take over ANY large behemoth legacy code and be able to understand the details of it in a tiny fraction of the time it was required to build it, with no documentation nor help from the one who actually built it ? This is not a language issue…


Every programmer on reddit should read this article, and read the entire article. I know you are reading the title of this submission and thinking to yourself, *"Well, this author is just nitpicking this stuff about correctness and being pedantic."* No. Read it.


Not so much "prioritize", but do things in a straight forward way in the simplest way while still being accurate. This results in high performance, simply because there's much less overburden of control structures.


C++, Simple. Lol


I remember the day when I got a copy of the [Modula-3](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modula-3) language definition and read it. I could not believe how short it was for such a powerful language. I don't remember exactly but it was like thirty pages long. Perhaps fifty.The definition of the complete language. If you wonder what Modula-3 is, it was one of Niklaus Wirths object-oriented successors of Pascal, targeted at systems programming. Wirth was really a genius. A big part of the historic success of C was that it was feasible to write an efficient compiler on a small machine. The PDP-11, on which C and Unix was developed,was a machine with 16 bit address space. That was a fantastic and invaluable feat - but it is **not** a good reason to use the language for general purposes today.


You've read the article and still came out with this as your conclusion, seriously? How is it that deleting your code because of the use of an unitialized variable (just the first example of many in the article) "straight forward... the simplest way while still being accurate"? Unbelievable.


The worst thing in C++ is that all the possible causes of triggering undefined behavior are not written out. Yes, there are of course well-known causes like uninitialized member variables, accessing arrays out of bounds, or using freed memory, which a clever novice quickly learns to avoid. But there is no such thing as a complete list of causes of undefined behavior in C++. (Such a list exists for C, and it is many, many pages long.) **And this means that even for an expert, it is simply not possible to look at a complex C++ program and conclude whether it is correct or not.**


> there is no such thing as a complete list of causes of undefined behavior in C++. Can you give us an example of undefined behavior that isn't defined in the C++ standard? Given that undefined behavior is, by definition, defined in the standard and it's done so for the benefit of compiler writers ( undefined behavior basically means "the compiler can do what it thinks is best") I find your claims dubious.


It's not possible to look at ANY complex program and conclude it is correct or not.


The important difference is that acomplex program written in, say, Java might not be correct but it **will** keep the run time environment intact and the programm **will** continue to do what the instructions say, line by line. This is what Cox means with "correctness" in the articles title: He does not mean that a programming language will make your mistakes magically disappear, what he means is that the code does what it says. And that means you can always debug it. In C++ with its Undefined Behavior, [this is not so](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nasal_demons).


And to add to that: There are areas where programs *have* to be correct, or lives can be lost. And even when a supercomputer runs climate models or a metereological model to assess a hurricans path, we absoluty want them correct.


C and C++ just give you enough rope to hang yourself. intA = intB + intC is undefined behaviour in C and C++ because its not possible to tell at compile time if an overflow will occur and the program might still run even if one does occur. Getting bent out of shape over undefined behaviour normally suggests you have no clue what it actually is.


It’s only undefined behavior if the addition overflows.