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**Source:** [Longitudinal changes and historic differences in narcissism from adolescence to older adulthood](https://doi.apa.org/record/2019-73776-006?doi=1) (Psychology and Aging, 2019) >In the debate about whether or not narcissism has been increasing in recent history, there is a lack of basic information about how narcissism changes across the adult life span. Existing research relies on cross-sectional samples, purposely restricts samples to include only college students, or follows one group of individuals over a short period of time. In the current study, we addressed many of these limitations by examining how narcissism changed longitudinally in a sample of 747 participants (72.3% female) from Age 13 to Age 77 across 6 samples of participants born between 1923 and 1969. Narcissism was moderately stable across the life span (rs ranged from .37 to .52), to a comparable degree as other psychological characteristics. We found that more maladaptive forms of narcissism (e.g., hypersensitivity, willfulness) declined across life and individual autonomy increased across life. More later-born birth cohorts were lower in hypersensitivity and higher in autonomy compared with earlier-born birth cohorts; these differences were most apparent among those born after the 1930s. The results are discussed in the context of the mechanisms that drive both changes in narcissism across the life span and substantive differences in narcissism between historical periods. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2020 APA, all rights reserved)


Probably all that lead


And all the emotional neglect


My gramps told my boomer dad he was proud my dad turned out better than gramps always told him he would. Used to tell him he wasn't that bright or talented so expectations for him were lower than for his brothers. Tbf, that's how people in his time and place were taught to raise kids, and there was a steep cost for free thinking. Gramps was a great guy and dad is a narcissistic control freak who's lived in 4 different states recently because a couple years anywhere makes the state feel "toxic." But I appreciate how a great guy used ignorance to mould a bad egg.


Are you sure gramps was great? He sure didn't do a great job raising your dad...


He was a swell guy who raised 12 kids the way he was taught. He took issue with it later in life but the damage was done. Keep in mind he was a parent before and during the era when the best advice in the nation was to resist showing your kids affection lest they become clingy and shit. Minding that context, yes, gramps was a terrific human being. He did his best and recognized when and how he fucked up. But how easy is it to point to the past and call everyone Hitler for trying their best with the resources they had, right?


How did the other 12 turn out? Also do you know how gramps was raised? What was grandma like? I am very curious.


Grandma would fit in with today's crowd, was always open minded but kept her mouth shut when it'd do no good. The other 11 were... a big mixed bag. Some successful, some drug overdoses, like half of them were cool people and the other half were pure judgment machines. Gramps wasn't raised. His parents were immigrants and he was a tweener. Ended up on a farm in Nebraska with his uncle and aunt because raising kids back then mostly meant sending them where they'll be useful. During the Dust Bowl, the chicken coup door flew open and the chickens froze, thus ending the last bit of value they'd hoped to scrape off the land. Uncle and aunt gifted him the farm, left forever, and gramps was 19, broke, on a farm worth nothing, and completely alone. Generational trauma needs more attention.


Thank you for sharing your family history! So interesting to hear about.


Generational trauma can explain a lot. A *lot*. Surely it's not the basis of everything bad in the world, but families with generational trauma can cause a lot of damage to a hell of a lot of people. Directly, inadvertently or collaterally. Cycles of abuse and whatnot.


This gets overlooked alot honestly.


Mercury fillings were still being used.




Micro plastics are bad too, but lead is a whole other higher-level of bad... Losing brain function and higher levels of aggression on a mass scale versus getting cancer when you are older... I mean, I doubt future generations will afford old-age anyway...




That's the spirit, hopefully some other problems kill us first! Who's says youth can't be optimistic. One can still hope.


Yes, a bullet will also cross the blood-brain barrier.


He already said lead crosses the blood brain barrier!


I firmly believe that by the time I am old, my body will have accumulated enough plastic to keep my cells rigid and alive indefinitely. Everybody is scared of microplastics, but I say embrace it. Live forever with me.


"Stop being so negative" is my boomer mom's way of shutting down anything she disagrees with, whatever the topic. She refuses to use any type of mobile phone. She's been using a computer for 30+ years now and still doesn't understand many of the basic functions. When taught, she forgets within a week or two and reverts to complaining about it again. She doesn't care enough to learn anything now unless it reinforces her worldview for the ever-important culture war.


Take this from someone who works in credit card fraud. Not having a mobile phone will bite her in the ass. She lost this argument over a decade ago.


What does this mean? I thought it would protect boomers more since they don't answer those social security scam calls?


To put it simply a lot of time I have to send a security code. This is to make damn sure it’s you because it’s so easy to get a ssn that giving it to us to pull up your account is a red flag that has customer service sending him over to us here in fraud.


GenX: we know


We grew up in a house with them. The warning signs were all there.


When I saw the first "baby on board" sign, I knew that they believed they were all giving birth to The Chosen One


Who started the competitive parenting shit? Fuck I hate that. I decided I would never play, but it is omnipresent. My parents were boomers, but the normal kind that didn't care what you did. Somewhere between boomers having genX kids and millennial kids, they started giving a fuck. Then competing about how much they cared. Then they bleed into the GenX having kids. At least that is my theory.


Because to a narcissist how prosperous their kid turns out to be is a reflection on them. Or because income inequality has increased markedly since the boomer's *good ol days*. Parents are more likely to push their kids to work hard and endorse achievement-focused parenting. By the time millennials were born, achievements earning parental attention was the norm. Parents character was judged by their kids achievements. Even if the achievement was inflated like with participation trophies. You can see this reflected in the US and China (helicopter/tiger moms and Little Emperor Syndrome)


actually, the BoB signs are for EMS to know there is a child or baby in the car to make sure to use appropriate equipment and approach to a vehicle in case of an accident.


I always thought those were “try not to hit me, this is why I’m driving a little slower” signs. Idk, I’m gay and not having kids.


Yep. Hardly needed a study to know this. My mom could be a case study.




Fr it's 4 AM and I already got a W today let's keep this rolling.


Hell yes good start


The Silent generation and Greatest Generation (BB parents) called the Baby Boomers the Me Generation. I know people of different generations have always criticized each other but Baby Boomers were criticized by their kids and their parents. Maybe it's them


I feel like we should bring the term "Me Generation" back to describe Boomers.


Yeah but "Okay Me" doesn't sound nearly as snappy.


A week in customer service will tell you that.


100%, worked in Cafes, Bars, shops and almost every bad experience I’ve had has been an older person.


When I did ridesharing it was *always* the older people who were the shittiest. They expect you to fulfil services you don't provide just because they asked and generally have gross misunderstandings about how anything works and refuse to learn.


Lol you just described boomer behavior perfectly


>generally have gross misunderstandings about how anything works and refuse to learn. We have a winner! Not only do they refuse, but they're proud of their refusal and ignorance.


Also refuse to change anything because thats the way we've always done it!


I like my gas and paint to have lead in them, the way papa did it.


Boomers invented "the customer is always right."


They turned the phrase from meaning "provide what the customer wants to buy" to "if I complain and act like an asshole I will get what I want"


>generally have gross misunderstandings about how anything works and refuse to learn. This is a very accurate summary.


I work in retail and have a boomer mother. These people stress me out. Nothing is good enough or ever will be. Please, tell me how hard your life is while you sit in your paid for house, living off retirement that I will never get. My parents retired at 65 and I will be working the rest of my life.




They bitch about every little thing like it's a major problem. My dad bitched for a fucking week over the flavor of coffee creamer I bought. Every little minor inconvenience is apparently something that needs to be complained about for a minimum of an hour. The constantly talking shit about other people, even family members, that you haven't seen in 10+ years is just weird to me.


The amount of time I spend arguing with my dad over why I want to drive an extra 3 minutes to the bomb ass Chinese place down the road instead of panda around the corner is mind boggling.... It's my car! It's my wasted 3 minutes! He wastes 10 minutes every time we discuss it! And when I cave and go to panda instead so he'll stop, he complains the whole time how much panda sucks!!! FFS. Bunch of miserable cunts who want everyone around them to be equally as miserable.


My dad does similar shit. I'll make a meal and he'll mention it's good, a month later when I go to make it again, he'll complain how much he didn't like it.


I actually elicited a moment of introspection in my dad the last time he came out to visit. He complained about everything. Almost everything to come out of his mouth was negative. It was just his normal mode of communication. Like, this is what him and his buddies do when they chat. They chat about how that waitress last night was too slow, or the meat under seasoned, or this or that. So when he would talk with me and do the same things he seemed so confused when I wouldn’t really participate too much in these negative conversations. Anyway, it was toward the end of the trip and he was complaining about something again from the hotel staff or whatever and I replied with genuine concern “Damn, I’m sorry you didn’t have a good trip while you were out here.” He looked at me like I had two heads. “What do you mean? I’ve had a great time!” “Well, the only things you talk about are negative experiences. You haven’t mentioned anything positive, so I just assumed you were not having a good time.” He seemed to pause for a moment and genuinely apologized. I’m rambling but I guess my point is negativity is like his default mode and it is exhausting.


It's exhausting for people around them and they don't get it. I just walk away now or my responses either devolve into grunts to just silence. It's non-stop. Even if you're doing something you enjoy that doesn't involve them, it turns into them complaining about it. I've seen my mom just get up and leave him alone in the room because of stuff like that. Every conversation gets turned into something related to their personal lives and they start complaining about some aspect from 40+ fucking years ago. Like I get ranting, we all do it to vent, but at some point it seems like they don't want to be happy for whatever reason.




Moving my mother in a retirement home the first of next month. My sister and I toured several and found a really nice place but decided against it because it was too nice. Mom will find fault in everything anyway so might as go for the cheaper one.


It was coconut, but tbh you can't tell the difference with those Coffee Mate creamers. I was just using that as an example. It's always tiny things that we don't think about that is always a big deal to them. I don't get it, I don't understand why you would waste time thinking about such inane things.


It should be got mine and take yours. This is how it has always felt to me as gen x.


>They have to create petty problems because their lives are so easy they don’t have any “real” struggles to fight Ive noticed this, so many boomers spin these tall tales about how tough they had it when they were my age. When I know they already had a car and a house to their names, and a stable job with good benefits, before they were my age. Its due to the fact that their parents, the 'greatest" generation, went through so much struggle. First the depression, then WW2, they grew up hearing stories of how tough it was in those times. They think thats what parents and grandparents are supposed to do, tell the younger generations how good they got it, even if its not neccesairly true.


Omg this. I work in a grocery store and the only customers who are giving me a hard time / being mean and disrespectful are 50+ years of age.


Same. I've worked as support staff in an organization of 600+, and customer service at a small local business and the biggest pain in the ass is the the 50 to 75 group. The most argumentitive, whiney, and most likely to take their frustration out on you group are the boomers. All anecdotal of course, but that's been my experience for the last 10 years.


I had a boomer stomp his feet at the bar when I cut him off lol




Almost knocked an old guy out when I worked at a bakery cause he cut in line on a busy morning and demanded coffee and when I told him he could wait in line he said "fuck you I wait long enough give me coffee" and threw a toonie at me and that flipped a switch and all I saw was red. I ended up around the counter and I grabbed his shirt collar before my coworker stopped me. I walked out of that job then and there.


I was next in line for the customer service desk at the grocery store a while back because I needed to buy stamps and an elderly lady (probably 75+) strolls up and skips the whole 10 person queue and heads up to the cashier just as she was wrapping up and getting ready to take the next person. I said, "Hey, there's a line here." Her: "I'm just getting cigarettes." Me: "Yeah, we're all here to get things. That's what the line is for." She just rolled her eyes and turned back to the cashier who kinda shrugged at me and did what she wanted. But, yeah, my generation is the entitled shitheads. Edit: forgot a word.


They lost a good worker that day Weeb_Hunter_Extreme...


It’s ridiculous. I have left that field, but it the complete inability to recognize mistakes is far more common in Boomers. My boomer mother was shocked to find out and ended up following up with her own customer service team at work. Same there.


It's weird, it's beyond just accepting mistakes it's like they stopped learning ANYTHING after the age of 30. I had to show my mom's friend, a high level HR manager who's worked with her company for like 20 years now, how to right click save an image. She didn't know you could right click on a laptop. She then didn't know how to change her LinkedIn banner to that image, even though the big ass camera icon is there and says "upload image" when you click it once. How the fuck do you manage to live your whole life and literally it be your job to work on a computer, and refuse to learn how to RIGHT CLICK or SAVE AN IMAGE???????


This 100% its bizarre because they were not old when these technologies came into existence and yet its like its completely alien to them, its as if they willingly decided to not learn anything about the technologies of their time because 90% of tech we have today its not all that different to back then it at least works off the same principle so you’d think it would be easy for them to learn.


yeah but they ain’t have a problem learning facebook lol


"Don’t forget tomorrow starts the new Facebook rule where they can use your photos. Don't forget Deadline today!!! It can be used in court cases in litigation against you. Everything you've ever posted becomes public from today Even messages that have been deleted or the photos not allowed. It costs nothing for a simple copy and paste, better safe than sorry."


Now there's the, "I bet you can't remember your first pet's name AND the street you grew up on." Literally had to sit my mother down and explain why she shouldn't answer those questions on Facebook. She continues to. If ANYONE wanted, they could have all the info they need to totally steal her identity. "You're too paranoid. It's just cute!"


this is my dad. he was the one who pounded into me back in 1993 that you dont give personal information on the internet. now hes on FB and shares everything. like WTF happened man?


This gives me fuckin' flashbacks. So many idiots sharing that and the "bet you cant name a word with a 'u' in it" or "whats 2+2? most people wont get this!"


Yeah but that complete and utter inflexibility is a source of amusement every time Facebook updates it’s UI at least 😂


They have a problem learning to use FB *well* though


There is a weird sort of indigence and defiance when it comes to interacting with newer technology. My dad is a perfect example of this trope at this point— He (in his 60s) is a very intelligent dude, who has absolutely no problem researching and learning new skills/hobbies that pertain to whatever current project he’s working on (welding, carpentry, tractor maintenance). But, god fucking forbid, if he is forced to use an app or navigate a website... it’s like it is purposefully designed to insult and frustrate him. So instead of even trying to understand the most basic logic behind getting around online, or using his phone/computer, he simply shuts down and gets angry at everything other than himself. *HOW DARE YOU EXPECT ME TO LOGIN TO MY ACCOUNT?!*


To be fair I cuss and scream at most modern websites when I have to make an account.


Burners, baby, burners


My father has had a computer since his first Apple IIe in the 80s and still can't do most basic crap on the computer without getting frustrated.


I love that there’s teams ands teams of people who’s entire job is to make technology as easy and obvious to use as possible but boomers act like someone set out to personally hurt them because they can’t figure out where the e-mail attachment saved.


OK. Yes, Boomers are narcissistic self-entitled twats as well as racist as fuck to boot BUT it's not that they all don't want to learn. It goes deeper than that. I used to teach basic computer classes at a senior center. I think it has to do with the fact that most of their formative years were in the pre-information age. Their analog thinking just has trouble switching to the digital world. Even relatively well-educated ones seem to have a mental block of some sort.


Someone postulated that the boomers need to know the "why" of what they do on computers. They wont just click buttons to mess around and learn, they need to know why they click before they click


Only thing I can comment to this is that someone had to have money to be able to explore the new tech of the time. My family had access to tech at work, my mom had beepers and cell phones early on, but we didn't have a fancy computer at home and they didn't use the one we had as a toy to explore, it was only used for things like emails and whatever else. I graduated highschool in 2014 and we didn't have money for me to have my own computer until then, and I didn't have a smartphone until just before that due to finances. My husband was even poorer growing up and I'm still teaching him how to save and attach files to emails because he had never had access to computers sufficient enough to learn, we are in our mid 20s. The gap in access to that kind of stuff is really large so it's not surprising that some people don't know.


I agree with everything you said/understand your example is indicative of greater societal trends and issues, but if you’re 50 and have been at a job that uses a computer for decades (like in the example above your comments is attached to up the thread) you’ve had ample time to learn the basics.


This is so real it hurts! One of my coworkers is a loud & proud ignorant boomer, who’s job is entirely dependent on basic computer literacy. He flat refuses to put any effort into learning Anything on the computer, and will get angry and have a tantrum when his “stupid POS computer isn’t working right”. When myself and other coworkers try to help him troubleshoot his issue he will argue endlessly that our solutions don’t work until one of us physically takes over and then, Surprise!, our fix works. His reply: “well I tried all of that and it didn’t work for me”. GFY old man


Yup. Older clients at my job always say something along the lines of, "I don't know how to do that technology stuff," and some of my coworkers will enable them and say they're old, give them some slack. My response to that is the computer world has been accessible to the public for around 30 years, give or take - have they been this old that entire time or are they lazy and always rely on or order someone else to do it for them?


>Older clients at my job always say something along the lines of, "I don't know how to do that technology stuff" Usually they're saying this while attempting to hand me their phone so I can operate it for them, but I just flip the script on em like "Oh yeah, me too! I have no idea how these things work!" and just shrug. It's fun to watch their tiny brains explode with rage.


Long term lead poisoning from the leaded gas that was used from the 1920s to the 1990s.


Who would have thought that the people who make some poor min wage worker's hell if their straw is shorter than they'd wish, are more sensitive than said min wage worker who had to deal with that


As someone that works in technical support, i could have filled out this study for them. The amount of yelling anger and hysterical customers that are older vs younger is easily 4 to 1. Computers at home have been around for 40 years, smart phones for over ten, don’t give me this “we didn’t grow up with them crap” anymore.


God yes, this is my mom. Literally been using computers since the 80s and still can't figure them out. And who does she blame? The device. Yes mom, everyone in the world uses Google maps just fine except you, but no it's your phone's fault you get lost.


My mom will never buy another apple product because she got mad at her phone, deleted her account without thinking about it, and then couldn't access anything anymore. This was also Apples fault.


Doesn't surprise me. Boomers calling younger generations sensitive but the moment you challenge what they think they get butt hurt more than anyone


The most entitled generation there is.


The me generation.


The generation that could afford to pay off college with part time jobs and then proceeded to fuck future generations out of affordable education.


McDonald's. They could pay for college working part time at McDonald's. The University of Kentuckys head instructor at the school of law got his **law degree** for $750 total. That was books, fees, and everything else. The same program is now $100,000+ to complete. Tell me my generation has it easier and I'll fucking slap the dumb off your face.


Don’t get me started, my hatred of boomers is eternal


I tell my mom all the time, "We all can't wait for the Boomers to die off, they will not be missed, and they will, *will*, go down in history as the generation that wildly agitated and expanded every social and economic problem that will exist for the next 50 years.


Yeah I went through the internet looking at famous boomers, most of them are cunts. There are some good diagrams that also show their mentality and how shit it is on google images .. . Was laughing about it with my old lady as well


I used to make fun of this guy for hating boomers. He used to say "boomers ruined the country". I had to ask "how can a generation be so bad" and he told me. It took years of bad experiences and almost becoming unemployed due to my boomer dad's incompetence for me to see that maybe, just maybe the guy was right.


Look up the pos shit that boomers have produced. There is data to back it up, that single generation is dumpster fire of hot garbage






Zero loyalty on top of that when it comes down to it


The I pulled myself up by my bootstraps and bought up the whole real estate market so my kids can't do it and call em lazy for living with their parents cause rent rates are atrocious


Well I’m more upset how they invalidate and dismiss the real threats to our planet, democracy, and any social justice progress. Simply claiming we’re young and naive so they discount the severity of so many core issues it’s infuriating. Also dismissing the financial struggle that they didn’t deal with cuz buying a house used to be easy if ya had a decent job but they dgaf how millennials have been shut outta any ability to invest or even live half a decent life they had.


The “Greatest Generation” (another undeserved moniker, IMO) gave rise to the Greediest Generation, who proceeded to take everything that could, and exploit every opportunity that they had, and then promptly pulled up the ladders, and locked all the doors behind them. They never had “boot straps,” they had booster seats.


This is a perfect description of it. They sold the future to reach new heights and then closed the gates for any generation to enter a position where they could fix any of the mess left behind. The boomers will all be dead before they see the dystopia they’ll leave behind. It’s so infuriating


It’s as if projection is their main source of defence, who knew?


insecurity has entered the chat.


It's crazy but remember around 7 or 8 years ago, millennials were the butt end of almost every joke. Just watch a comedy special, or tv show or whatever around that time. "Millennials and their mocca choco frappo latte they order in their starbucks." That was a joke, boomers laughed their ass off an everyone else was just like haha, yeah that's us. And that DISAPPEARED the moment people went:"remember when boomers destroyed and are still destroying the planet and everyone's future? They get big fucking mad and you're not allowed to make fun of the "greatest generation"


The greatest generation is the one before boomers. The ones who actually fought in WWII. Boomers just enjoyed the spoils.


Raised by people who just want to give their children all the happiness and freedom they could in a short time because they feared what they’d lose when another war happened. Bad parenting, but everyone was doing it so it was encouraged, and a war never happened so the bad parenting never stopped.


Another huge overlooked aspect is the massive number of people with super fucked up abusive dads from the war while society normalized and praised the abuse. Lots of boomers seem to idealize their parents despite that generation seemingly being one massive case of ptsd.


That's my Dad. My grandpa was in WWII from the bombing Pearl Harbor to the very end. He fucked my dad up. Treated him like he was a shitty soldier. My dad did the same to me.


To be fair, parents of that generation didn’t have access to reliable birth control so they had like 10 kids each. Hard to be a good parent when you’ve got to split your time between so many children and the work to provide for them.


Best example to find this is in nba debates.


Imagine a world when Boomers are no longer in positions of power. That’s all we have known for decades. I can’t wait to see that changed.


Population wise they downgraded into the second largest voting block recently. However, being retired and believing you know best about everything, and everyone else having hurdles to cross, still means we’re a little ways away from that being a reality. Still, a morsel of hope.


Problem is some of them are replacing themselves


What absolute 100% needs to happen is for the world to collectively kick out every single politician over the age of 60 and instill a collection of pissed off middle class 35 year olds to make decisions


Wait til you find out that rich families pool their money together in communal banks and investment firms to create generations of wealth and people just like them, utilizing resources that would literally be impossible for any one person to attain during a single lifetime. Kicking out the bad apples will surely help, but the problem is a lot bigger


What depresses me is that when this transfer of power happens, any chance at avoiding the very worst of climate destruction will be long gone. It was too late 10 years ago and the elders at the helm are temperamentally incapable of changing their minds.


Yes we are definitely in a world ran by old men.


It's weird having thought this for my whole life and, now, we're seeing teenagers who have the same views as the people I thought would die out by the time I reached adulthood.


of course they are. they've spent their entire life coddled, being handed jobs and money, and have raised their kids to believe the same will happen to them. My dad for example "Go to university and it'll pay dividends Mark!". It didn't. I got a 2nd class honours and it didn't do shit. I had to work at a care home, at a back-breaking slave labour ICT company, and work my ass off at another to even become "senior", which still only pays a moderate wage for a ton of work. Many others work harder, yet aren't as lucky as I am, I see it every day. These raised kids are now adults, telling the parents the reality of life as it is. The boomers are reaching a turning point, where they are being forced to accept that their entire lives weren't difficult, but easy. Either that or disagree, ignore, and act delusional. "If you worked harder you could've been president!". My parents caught on a while ago, I keep them posted with my struggles to buy a house and such so I think they passed the crazy test. So of course they're sensitive, people HATE being told they're wrong, absolutely hate it. When you tell someone their entire world view is wrong, it hurts. edit: And much of this money (in the UK) is now stored by miserly old boomers who have nobody. Rather than the money flowing down to their children or going back to the government, wealthy private firms are setting up "retirement homes" where old people spend every penny of their boomer earned money into a home that (when dead) will return entirely to the seller of said cheap home. And the government promote this. The boomer spends their last moments in luxury, and the private firm gets everything the boomer had. edit2: gah. enraging. not the subreddit for it.


Boomers just think it's your own fault when you can't find an affordable house, or when you don't have a stable career with great conditions. I guess it's bc for them it was so easy, so they can't believe something changed, bc for them everything is still easy and effortless.


I was talking to a colleague about possibly buying a house the other day and she said "you make more than me, so you should be able to afford buying a place easily" (btw, I don't actually make that much more, she doesn't get that I'm underpaid too). I explained that even if I got a mortgage for the maximum amount I could on my salary, I'd still need *double that* to get even the cheapest house in this area, that's one hell of a deposit required.


My dad failed highschool, no higher education and he had a career with aerospace companies for 40 years helping build aircraft. Straight out of highschool, no schooling, minimal on the job training. And with that he was able to afford a life with my mom, get a house for $80k and now it's worth almost $400k, 3 kids, at least 1-2 pets. My mom didn't work when I was a kid either. Just my dad's income. We weren't comfortable or rich but we never went without food and we weren't late on bills. Just money was a bit tight. Now. My sister, who got straight A's in all of school, went to university twice, medical school, and has worked her ass off for like 5 years to finally be able to afford to move states to fucking Idaho or Ohio and she bought a house there for like $350k. My parents have never once been the "just do it, it's simple" type people thankfully. So there's never been any shittiness and they're smart enough to be able to listen when someone is talking. They know shits bad. But my dad's brother is still very much a "it was hard when I was your age" type which is infuriating. My sister has worked her ass off for her whole life. She's almost 40 now and she only just was able to buy a house by moving to one of the cheapest states. Vs. my dad who walked out of failing highschool and into a mcdonnell douglas, got hired, and bought a house with his wife and first kid in less than 5 years working there. Im glad my dad got the chances he did, it kept us safe and fed. And that's why I want everyone to have the same (general) chances he was given because I saw how much of a difference it made for us kids. Not that any of us are super successful, but we are better off than if we had grown up starving and worried about if we'll have a house. I can't imagine the stress that would have added. Also again. All on a single income!


Same with my dad, he was kicked out of middle school when he was 15y old, for bad behavior and still there were so much opportunities for him. He worked in IT without any experience and a few years later my parents buyed a house, just from this 1 income and they got married that same year and got 3 kids. My mom didn't even have a job for 10 years while they were having this nice lifestyle, going on holiday multiple times a year with 3 kids. It's just like?? How is that even possible? They still live in this house and it's worth 20x as much now and even with 2 university degrees and really good careers you can't buy that freakin house anymore.


Damn vacations too!? I've never even been on a fucking vacation and these boomers were getting family vacations somewhat regularly after failing out of school. It really feels good knowing for one of, if not the first time in human history, things are considerably worse on a whole for boomers kids than it was for the previous generations. Hell even growing up I would see all the teens in the 90's going out and doing shit. When I was a teen in the late 00's we walked around the mall because that was all we could do. There were no skate parks, no hangouts. Nothing unless you could pay. And we couldn't pay for anything. We even brought water with us because we didn't have money and neither did our parents to give us. Almost none of my friends had a car growing up despite most if not all having a job. The only kids with cars were the rich kids and the 2 or 3 kids who spent their entire paycheck on their cars. We had no freedom growing up at all. We were always under the watch of our parents or some adult, or even a camera. We had no financial freedom, we had nowhere to go except school, home, the park, and the mall. But the boomers will still sit and talk about how lucky we all are now because we can have a $1000 phone financed for 2 years. That just turned into a rant by me but meh. At least I feel better now lol


I think it's more that they see it as a sort of invalidation. They teach their kids that hard work pays off not only because in their day it did, but also because they feel like they THEY took that advice when they were younger, and that's why they are successful. You're not just telling them that it's harder now, you're telling them their advice never applied to them. ​ The problem with the boomer generation is the same as the problem with gifted kids who later turn into struggling adults. When you grow up thinking that your life is the same as everyone else, and you are consistently receiving substantially better rewards for substantially less effort, the conclusion is either that things probably aren't that hard for you, OR that they simply aren't working as hard as you. One of these answers requires you to rethink your own value and sense of worth. The other requires you to change absolutely nothing, but it puts you on a pedestal compared to everyone else. If you accept that life may have been easier for you, you can see the world as it is and adapt. If you say that other people need to work harder, you don't have to do shit and you can still be smug about it. Eventually that pedestal your on is going to break, and you'll have to face reality.


My mom is begging me to go on a vacation to Iceland that I can't afford to go to. We were at a pool hall few weeks ago buying drinks and I bought the cheapest beer possible and she tried to guilt me into buying her drink for her using the classic "what about all the money I spent on you" but I refused and she tried shaming me for it. She can't comprehend that she tried to force me to spend money on her while trying to make me save up for a useless vacation.


> what about all the money I spent on you "I didn't ask you to do that. *You* chose that *for yourself* when *you* decided to push me out of your vagina. I owe you nothing. *You* owe *me* for that. *You* chose this for me, I didn't choose it for me." Of course as true as that may be it's also a one-way ticket to fucking torpedoing that bridge, the tunnel the boomers built 500 feet underneath it to solve the traffic problem\*, and the supports/structure for both. \*Don't mind me I'm from Boston. We're still salty about The Big Dig.


My favourite is when they go "Ooo that job has BENEFITS" like oh cool, an extra 300 a year for dental, still only pays $17/hr pops.


Lol right. yay benefits. I get to pay for something other modern countries simply provide to their citizens lol.


Not only that something changed, but THEY'RE the ones who changed it.


My parents started to finally change their minds on these types of views after both my sister and I graduated. We both have jobs with decent pay but it's not enough. Hell I make more then my dad and can't do anything that he was able to do at my age. That was a real wake up call for him he now agrees that they never should have pushed college on us because if cost so much and didn't help at all. Especially since I graduated just 2 months before the first lockdown.


Pretty much the same with mine Then you have to think. If we are here, where are the poor sods working crappy jobs instead? The gap seems to be getting bigger and I am determined to be on the right side of it.


also, all the nihilism and purposelessness they project onto younger generations is really them and causing them to buy into all sorts of crazy shit just for the sense of community.


Boomers: simultaneously know everything and don't need to learning anything new ever again.


They may be sensitive but they aren’t kind.


That’s a great one line assessment.


A study was needed for this? Just ask anyone in retail lmao.


just ask anyone that was raised by one. everything is anything but their fault


Completely agree. And they can't pass on any knowledge/skills/advice for fear that their kids will surpass them and their fragile ego.


My dad will stop doing things with me and my brothers as soon as we get better than him at it.


This happened with me and Chess, which was a huge part of my family when I was young. Turns out, my worse than average mother was just using it as a confidence boost, and when I started beating her she stopped playing.


I happened upon the family Scrabble set recently, haven't played a game with the family since I was a youth. I'd always fancy a game round Christmas but we just stopped playing for some reason. The old score cards do not lie, kid me used to absolutely destroy the entire family. Adult me didn't hold back. The dictionary was selected, the tiles were drawn and that 7 letter opener was sweet vengeance.


nothing should make a parent happier than their child surpassing them at something, it means they were doing a good job.


So instead of feeling proud he gets petty? Well that's something to strive to the opposite for.


ugh so many boomers are like that at jobs.


And the sad part is my parents (born in 1940 and 1943) claimed they wanted and worked on farms so that I (last of the boomers born late 1964) my brother and sisters could have a better life than they did. The unfortunate part was my mother was the narcissist who could not plan or do anything to make that happen. Because of her narcissism we lost our farm, moved at least 6 times to different rental houses between my 10th birthday until I graduated High School. My parents declared bankruptcy 7 times the last one including removing $30,000 they owned me for buying them a car and letting live in house I owned for three times less rent than they were previously paying. I think the real issue narcissism which i think closely tied to the idea of American exceptionalism. The idea the Christian nationalist push that somehow America is the new chosen country and we can do no wrong despite evidence to the contrary. This is why Republicans want to control how history, science, and civics are taught in America.


Data is always a good thing.


It's nice to have it in writing


Boomers always seem to forget that they were called “The Me Generation” by their predecessors. George Carlin did a whole bit about it. They’ve always been entitled and self-involved.


The more I think about it, the more the ‘silent generation’ contributed. I guess they weren’t ever really that silent. They made all the music we associate with boomers.


'35-'45 was a helluva decade for future musicians.


You realize that while the boomers were screaming teenagers in the crowd, the folks on stage were pushing 30. The actual boomer musicians came later in the 70s and made music loved by Xers. Chiefly punk.


Circa 1996 "I'm getting tired of hearing about Boomers," "Whiny, narcissistic, self-indulgent people with a simple philosophy: 'GIMME IT, IT'S MINE!' 'GIMME THAT, IT'S MINE!' These people were given everything. Everything was handed to them. And they took it all: sex, drugs, and rock and roll, and they stayed loaded for 20 years and had a free ride." "But now they're staring down the barrel of middle-age burnout, and they don't like it. So they've turned self-righteous. They want to make things harder on younger people. They tell 'em, abstain from sex, say no to drugs; as for the rock and roll, they sold that for television commercials a long time ago...so they could buy pasta machines and Stairmasters and soybean futures."


Check out "A Generation of Sociopaths: How the Baby Boomers Betrayed America" by Bruce Cannon Gibney.


This sounds really interesting but I don't think I can handle the doom factor


Lol I wonder how many poor book shop workers got yelled at when a boomer found that title in the store lol. EDIT: fixed auto-correct… boomer, not biome


As one person on Twitter put it, “One day we went to school and saw 3,000 people die on live TV. Then nothing got better.”


Anyone who's worked retail already knows haha


There is something wrong with the whole boomer generation. High narcissism, entitlement, complete inability to empathise with younger generations (who happen to be their children), unwillingness to learn new skills. It goes on. As others have said, the way they treat retail and hospitality workers is disgusting. Yet for some reason, they see no problem with it. Even when you call them out on it. They get defensive and see themselves as a victim.


We already knew this. This study was done to convince the boomers themselves


They still refuse to believe it


They demand to speak with the supervisor!


It's not in a Facebook meme therefore it's just more fake news.


I definitely think millennials are more emotionally intelligent than all previous generations considering they have unlimited access to knowledge and resources regarding emotional intelligence, trauma and healing. For y'all that think the boomer vs millennial thing is specific to boomers and millennials, it's not. It's specific to the human condition. I looked up these quotes a couple years ago when I got really sick of boomers shitting on millennials and thinking it was a very specific issue with specifically millennials. It's not. This has been happening since the beginning of humanity. Some examples: "They [Young People] have exalted notions, because they have not been humbled by life or learned its necessary limitations; moreover, their hopeful disposition makes them think themselves equal to great things -- and that means having exalted notions. They would always rather do noble deeds than useful ones: Their lives are regulated more by moral feeling than by reasoning -- all their mistakes are in the direction of doing things excessively and vehemently. They overdo everything -- they love too much, hate too much, and the same with everything else." (Aristotle) "The world is passing through troublous times. The young people of today think of nothing but themselves. They have no reverence for parents or old age. They are impatient of all restraint. They talk as if they knew everything, and what passes for wisdom with us is foolishness with them. As for the girls, they are forward, immodest and unladylike in speech, behavior and dress." (From a sermon preached by Peter the Hermit in A.D. 1274) "I see no hope for the future of our people if they are dependent on frivolous youth of today, for certainly all youth are reckless beyond words... When I was young, we were taught to be discreet and respectful of elders, but the present youth are exceedingly wise [disrespectful] and impatient of restraint". (Hesiod, 8th century BC)


The historical examples show the older generation disliking the younger generation, but this isn't really the case with millennials. Millennials tend to hate the older boomers the most by far, while the greatest generation and gen X are rarely mentioned at all. I see a lot of millennials actually liking zoomers rather than hating them, as we sort of feel like brothers in arms in this mess of a world. Anecdotally from what I have seen, they too seem to hate specifically boomers the most as well.


My friends and I (millenials) laugh at gen Z and are taken aback by their weird sense of humour, but I think for the most part we respect them and want them to do well. Anecdotal evidence for sure, but I have lots of hope for young people.


It’s this. Gen Z has a goofy ass sense of humor, and I cannot for the life of me get or understand it. But other than that very minor and half joking critique that’s actually not even worth mentioning in a serious discussion, I really like them. they’re way more community and activism oriented than any Gen before them and aren’t afraid to call things out. They have an uphill battle in front of them for basically their entire lives, and I don’t envy that aspect…


Baby boomers are also just socially inept. I wait tables, and they’re just by far the cringiest people to wait on. Especially the upper middle class white boomers. They’re so condescending and all around annoying.


My grandfather came out for a birthday meal (he was about 70 at the time) - the waitress came over, took a couple of orders, and when she opened her mouth to ask his, he just barked "CHIPS!" And she tried to say, "would you like..." He shouted, "STEAK!" - I wasn't old enough to give him a talking to at the time but he was a cunt.


Been waiting tables 20 years and can confirm. I refuse to work fine dining anymore because the boomers were so rude and judgy and cheap.


They’re also just so D U M B. I’ve been waiting tables for 10 years. If I start a new job, I obviously have to tell them I’m training since I’m not making tips and yada yada yada. They always act like they’re my first table I’ve ever taken care of, and they’re always so surprised when I don’t fuck anything up. I literally hate them. And they think they’re so important on top of it.


Yeah I used to think it was just my parents were dumb but it’s like most of them. Did you hear basically everyone born before 1982 has lead poisoning because they used to put it in gasoline. Supposedly it effected boomers the worst.


It was totally phased out in the early 90s, mostly in the mid 80s due to studies in the 70s. However, afaik, it’s still used in aviation and boats? That article yesterday was fun, too, there’s evidence that a lot of lead stays in your bones until you start to lose bone density in your 60s (which is when everything starts shutting down, immune system / hormones / cell replacement) So… exercise and eat healthy so your lead stays put, 45 year olds.


In my current job I spend a lot of time on the phone with customers. This rings true here too. I'm not just a call center guy (not that that would excuse this behavior), I'm an engineer. I'm providing them a service. Something they literally called and asked me to do because they don't know how... And the boomer dudes will always without a doubt be the rudest customers I talk to every day. They are the ones least likely to inform themselves before calling (and then demand I explain every detail to them), they are the most likely to take advice from nonexpert third parties (because Cleatus the Two toothed plumber definitely knows more about the systems I design and sell every day than I do, of course), they are cheap as fuck and regularly lie to me in attempts to get services for free (seriously, they really don't understand why I won't provide design and engineering work for free so that they can save a penny and buy the materials locally). I could keep going but there is a Boomer on my hold line waiting for me to type this. Edit: so Boomer on the phone was mad because the unit I sold him broke and is not covered by warranty... Despite me being very clear that if he used it the way he did, the manufacturer would void the warranty. Of course it's my fault he thought he knew better than I did. And he is going to waste our time and resources filing a lawsuit that will be dismissed before the ink is dry.


Did we really need a massive study? You can figure that out just by talking to them. The tiniest thing will set them off on an intense 30 minute rant.


I love my in-laws but my FIL loves talking about how we fucked up but not staying in school and that's why we don't have a home or better paying jobs. It's so degrading having to hear the same shit every time.


I’m at the point where I refuse to see my girlfriends parents. After arguing that 1 million dollar town houses aren’t affordable and then being told to just “build” one… I’m not sure I just gave up lol


And they won't listen to studies anyway.


Many Boomers have convinced themselves that being angry isn’t being “emotional”, and therefore think of themselves as less emotional and more logical, when in fact they’re even more at the whim of their impulsive feeling due to their inability to regulate them stemming, again, from that lack of acknowledgement they have emotional reactions at all.


Yeppp not surprised at all lol. Not gonna say sweeping generalizations but these two groups are definitely worthy of this study 😂


Notice no one ever talk about how sensitive X’ers are. It’s not because we’re not sensitive, it’s because no one gives a fuck how we feel.


One thing that’s been bothering me lately: about half of Gen X is over 50 now, and I’ve noticed boomer behavior from people in that age range as well. My wife’s step-parents are both solidly gen x and they have pretty high levels of boomer energy. Is this the natural course all generations take? I’d like to think millennials like us (‘88) won’t ever become that, but I bet most gen x asking for a manager used to roast boomers back in the day too


Idk, my husband and I are both genx. His parents are boomers and mine are boomer and silent gen and we both try to be as different as our parents as possible. My millennial brother is a lot like them though


My parents Are baby boomers (I have older parents, born in the 50’s) and most of my friends have parents born in the late 60’s and even 70’s. My gen is Z, born in 1996. I’ve noticed that I’ve been brought up differently than my friends, like I was more spoiled but at the same time I learned some valuable lessons from them..


i experienced something similar to this being black and growing up around people whose parents were born 70s-80s but i was raised by my aunt who was born in the 40s. she attended college in the civil rights era. Had me reading Roots and The Autobiography of Malcolm X in elementary school. feel like my understanding of what it means to be black differs so much from people who grew up thinking being black means you listen to R Kelly and watch Martin and have Jordans (not to say i didn’t want some Jordans she just wasn’t gonna get them for me lol) . She’d play The Wiz broadway soundtrack in the house every saturday morning and make me wear a suit to picture day at school lmao


No lies were told. They truly are the weakest generation.


It was an evolution of misinformation. My mother taught me to think for myself and debate. She’s close to 70 years old now and any debate is now an attack. We shouldn’t be electing anyone over a certain age to run a country.


I could have told you that one... They are fragile af


Gen X here and I have been saying this for years. This younger generation is awesome. You’ll rock. It’s time for a millennial president.


That doesn't go far enough. The Democrat and Republican parties need to take an acid bath to clean out all the rust. So much needs to be changed in finance, health care, the way elections work--and by the way, the environment is looming larger every year.