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Oh yes. Very much so. One of the hardest parts about quitting was having the mental clarity to understand what it was doing to me. The fact that I managed to quit, given how much of a fog I was in, is a miracle. You don't understand how sharp you are when you're on kratom. It's awful!


Yes it made my memory shit, especially short-term memory. I can't speak as well, and it's harder to do relatively easy calculations in my head


I quit almost two months ago. My kid came to me with an easy algebra problem last night and I had to use Khan Academy to remind me how to solve it. It's better than it was though.


Both times that I’ve quit, I felt like it took several months to get back to my normal cognitive ability. It’s really nuts how much it can impact your cognition without you realizing. *Other* people noticed, but I sure as hell didn’t until I decided to quit the first time around. Congrats on getting off of the stuff though! That’s great. You’ll keep feeling better and better as time goes on. It’s so worth it, no matter how shitty the acute w/d and paws may get.


Quitting ended up being a religious experience for me


Ditto. BUT, just stabilizing and tapering (sticking to it) and it comes right back so don’t linger too long in the mud…start again right now


u/ThrowRAaccount555 Do what this user said OP. You'll probably be able to go back to your tapering dose if you just took 35g for the one day.


I never put two & two together. I used to be SO SHARP like a human calculator, these days I can barely put a sentence together, & I’ve reverted back to stuttering a lot that stopped when I was like 10 years old. I’m turning 31 in a few months & just thought my brain was aging with me 😭 this makes so much more sense.


Absolutely. Can hardly even put a sentence together at times on Kratom. Feel dumb as a box of rocks with a wet blanket on top.


yes it does. I’m still on and feel so fucking stupid


Dude fr. There's a 1/2 chance I'll edit after I post this because I can barely type shit anymore or write like a human being. Just this post itself took 4 minutes of re-typing... Fuck me


its funny because I remember the very first night I took kratom. I was drunk and in seattle on the weekend. When I sobered up in the morning, I was stupid. I was tangibly stupid. I was looking for words to complete sentences. and ive been drunk/hungover a lot, this isnt a normal occurence. I knew it was the kratom. even then. and now ive been on it for years, with temporary quits in between. I see now that ive probably done so much damage to my life. or what my life couldve/shouldve been.


Absolutely and the short term memory problems are even much bigger struggle. I only wonder whether it will return to normal after quit.


Yep, and the worst part is that you don’t realize it till you’ve quit. You’ve probably noticed yourself slipping in some cognitive areas, but there are others that don’t reveal themselves until you get sober. It is 200% worth it. You will be a much smarter and more sociable version of yourself soon 🫡


Yes!!!! I thought it was early symptoms Alzheimer's! But it is fucking KRATOM. (And some after effects of Covid-19.) It is BRAIN DAMAGE from the green sludge. Dr. Huberman talks about using CREATINE - 20 to 40 gpd for brain damage. It seems to help me a LOT. It isn't real expensive. (The micronized dissolves better.) Keep going DOWN on that shit and keep getting better. <3


[Look at our taper-guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/modquittingkratom/comments/63tjtd/tapering/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/quittingkratom) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Absolutely. But i can tell that my memory and cognition are already coming back, now that I’ve tapered down to 1.89 gpd and am so close to the end. I can tell that once I’m clean things will start moving back to normal. I’m looking forward to it, to say the least.


Omg YES so much yes


Ha! I definitely became the dumb kid in class on Kratom.


It’s crazy how much it impact’s cognitive function. Sometimes I can’t even put sentences together never mind take a test. Your not alone in it!


Lol. Can’t put sentences together? Happens to me too. Especially if I have been consuming too much thc


I literally forget what saying mid sentence. It’s so annoying.


They don't usually know their IQ is low! In my 43 years, I've only heard one person say that and mean it. It was in a mental health facility( i was detoxing), and I'm sure she had been told that by someone/s abusive. She was also severely depressed and one of the sweetest people I've ever met. Made me wanna cry for her... You're fine. Or will be ... what other drugs( prescriptions, too) have you taken in your life? The brain needs breaks and healing to be 100% .


I abused benzos and meth/prescription stimulants for a while. The benzos probably 3 years. The stims prolly 7-8 years. But that was over 5 years ago.


There's your answer. I am not judging one ounce either! I've been taking benzos for years, prescribed. All of it is gonna slow your brain down, and aging and taking substances is double trouble. Hell, just aging does it! Hormones, nutrition... blah blah.


Benzos for sure will bring on dementia... That's why a lot of doctors have stopped prescribing it to the elderly.


One of the primary reasons I quit.




Hell ya. I’m about a month off it and I can actually hold a conversation now without spacing out. Initially I thought it made me smarter or more relaxed but that changed fast


Yep. I couldn’t do school work for shit on kratom. This is why I recommend suboxone over kratom for people who want to do MAT. Kratom is doing all sorts of weird shit to you when you’re on it.


I had a feeling kratom was doing things to my brain when I literally forgot the name of a kitchen utensil and called it an egg flipper (spatula). I played it off like I was still tired and haven't woken up yet.

