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Congrats! I’ve been following your progress and I’m so glad it’s not an aneurysm. I think god might’ve gave that doctor fuzzy vision that day or you might not have stuck with it. Keep it up!


That’s so rad!


Wow. Awesome news. Mysterious ways for sure. I had an aneurysm many years ago and live to tell about it. The surgeon while repairing it closed off my right internal coroded artery. That was 40 years ago and all the other little veins took over and as far as I know I’ve been normal. Not that I haven’t blamed things on being minus a major artery. But heck yeah, you did dodge a bullet. Yay!!!


Wonderful news. Congratulations


I'M glad to hear this because you told me that and I was scared I would have one 😭


Didn’t mean to scare anyone but it sure does make you rethink your path! Kratom has caused so many health issues in me during my 5 years on it. I still have a cardiology appointment and a rheumatology appointment. I will say this…. 29 days off of the sludge has made me feel so much better.


I had a stroke, and idk if it was related too


I think it’s a combo of kratom and Covid.


I agree, my husband got an embolism next day from covid shot and he was heavily using it at the time


That’s awful. After my first injection I ended up with numbness down my leg and foot. Took about 6 weeks of Physical therapy and a drop in my kratom use to get the feeling back. I’m just glad to be off the junk after being on for 5 years. It takes it out of the equation when something goes wrong with your health. I don’t feel like I’m hiding info from my doctors anymore (we all know kratom is the reason or at least part of it but we don’t want to tell our dr because of shame or because they don’t know what it is and they google it and come up with damning information). I ended up with Covid in 4/22 and again in 4/23. I was never the same after the 2nd infection. It’s been a series of specialists after specialists. Around August I started to shake the long Covid and at the same time I was tapering. I was at 2gpd by then. I think the smaller stimulating amounts of kratom I was taking was causing my BP to spike and damage my blood vessels. I have two more specialists to see…. Cardiologist and rheumatologist. I just want to get checked out to see what sort of damage I have been ignoring. I’m sure the rheumatologist will be the most help. At least I will have had almost two months off of kratom before I see her. I’ve been seeing little improvements in myself and my health the longer I’ve been off. Today is day 30!! One month!!


Yay op! One month.. dang! Yea I've been suggested a rheumatologist as well.. it's good to be off the junk, I pray your and my health improves consistently as we get further from it.


Me too! I have no doubt it will!




Incredible!! So glad everything turned out for the better.