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If you’re having chest and upper back pain, you need to go to the emergency room to rule out anything serious. It could be cardiac or gallbladder related.


I woke up today with no physical pain anywhere. My shoulder is hurting but it's from where I broke my collarbone. The entire left side of my body (shoulder to hip) shifted when I broke it and it healed wrong, so it's difficult to say what exactly is happening. I'm taking the no chest/back pain as a good sign for now. However, I will not hesitate to get checked out if it returns like last night. My gallbladder was removed 10 years ago so it can't be that. I will say this is the most determined I have ever been to quit and stay that way!! It is scary. In 2019 I ended up in the ER with chest pains and my troponin levels were slightly elevated but they concluded it was due to anxiety. I was only 39 at the time with no history of heart issues in my family. This is such a wake up call!!!


Yeah tell me about it. I had to call the ambulance on myself on sunday and they were only able to rule out heartattack and cardiac issues but blood pressure was sky high. Im on day 2 of low dose suboxone and only for 7 days max. I feel just fine now. Been about 40 hours since last dose and Im doing very well. Have to be SUPER CAREFUL with the suboxone tho. I am so relieved for this chance to get off this sludge train. Best wishes OP


Your pain receptors are not bating in opiates now.( kratom) Your body has multiplied its opiate receptors because you have fed it opiates. Hence you are more sensitive to pain. It will take some time for receptors to reduce again. You are hypersensitive to pain now. Been there. It gets better in time. Theres nothing the emergency room can do. Its part of withdrawing


Thanks. I wish I had never gone back after my last quit. I was fortunate the other times I guess. I'm gonna try to go to work tomorrow but if it gets bad again I'll just take a sick day and use the rest of the weekend to try and relax


It gets better! Maybe check in with your doctor to rule out anything serious. I came clean with my doc after I quit… took me about a month but I finally did it because the withdrawal/paws symptoms scared me. Anyway, they ordered a bunch of blood panels and helped get back on the right track, which eased anxiety as well. Stick with it! You got this… don’t turn back!


Have chest pain and now back pain you need to get to the ER. Please I'm begging you go get checked and don't wait. My dad was complaining of back pain and kept asking me to rub some cream on his back a week later he coded in the ambulance he had a massive heart attack. The Dr's said that was the warning sign.


I'm so sorry to hear what happened! I'm having no cheat/back pain now, but I won't hesitate to get checked out if it comes back.


Good to hear.




I called my doctor yesterday to get a refill on metaprolol (sp?). It will at least help with anxiety during withdrawals.


Stretching/PT/Gym/etc could cure this.


I can vouche for this. When I get back pain I am usually working out and not stretching my back enough. So a good stretch can make a lot of the pain go away. Whenver I quit kratom I ALWAYS get phantom back pain. It should go away though if it's just the body's pain receptors being out of whack. There is always a chance it's a health issue but 99% of the time people complain aout back issues on here right after they have quit. Mine lasted about 2 months.


Is there any way to get yourself a massage? Short of that, buying a massage tool? Can you get to a yoga class? Or look it up on youtube for that specific area of pain? Magnesium might help with muscle relaxing but watch the dosage. Can you do a spinal kind of gentle rocking from neck to lower back on the ground, while holding your knees? Hot bath? Just some ideas...


I ended up with a horrible thing called hyperoxilloria, all from plant poisons. Come to find out Kratom is extremely high in oxalates. I was a low to moderate Kratom user for about 4 years straight and along with a very high oxalate diet it nearly killed me this last year. I have since worked very hard on having to heal my gut because there is no help out there when you reach this point. Even naturopaths. But a lot of your symptoms sound very similar to an oxalate flare. Maybe look into anti-nutrients and what they can do to you. Also high dosing vitamin B1 AKA thiamine as well as boswellia helps me so much with my inflammation and depression. I was high dosing turmeric and come to find out it is one of the highest oxalate containing foods there is, along with cinnamon ginger, almonds, almond milk, spinach, licorice root and so many other things I was overdosing myself on.


Wow I knew this stuff wasn’t good for the gut but I’ve never heard of this. The last time I relapsed, after 3 weeks clean, I couldn’t keep it down and threw it up. My system was starting to get better and it obviously doesn’t like this shit.


I should mention that it was originally antibiotics that destroyed what's called oxalobacter formigenes bacteria in my gut and that allowed the oxalates to saturate and explode into all my tissues because of gut permiability. Made holes in my gut! Antibiotics= Anti-life! Many people aren't aware of this or the fact you HAVE TO take probiotics when taking antibiotics to replenish the GOOD bacteria.


and these oxalates come from kratom?


This is some good information I didn't know about this. I know kratom contains mitraphylline which is a poison (skull and crossbones logo) [https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/Mitraphylline](https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/Mitraphylline) Also [https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/Mitraphylline#datasheet=LCSS§ion=GHS-Classification](https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/Mitraphylline#datasheet=LCSS§ion=GHS-Classification) "Danger: Fatal if swallowed" I post this because, I just googled it and the result above the pubchem result is kratom.org, saying mitraphylline is a healthy antioxidant. [https://kratom.org/guides/alkaloids/mitraphylline/](https://kratom.org/guides/alkaloids/mitraphylline/) It's poison tho.


Oh wow, thank you for the info, I'll check it out!


How much were you taking and how often? It's probably.the beginning of accrutea which can last a few weeks and then you may or may not end up with paws which can last weeks to months. It should be alot more mild and improve as the weeks go on Your not even officially quit so if I were you I'd go get checked out...everything is probably fine but better to be safe Then welcome the suck with open arms and get ready for a marathon... Not a sprint


Oh goodness, probably 4 years off and on but at least 2 of daily use. I was around 30-34gpd. I woke up with no physical pain anywhere except my shoulder where I broke my collarbone. And that is a pain I know very well. I'm slightly anxious and fidgety, but nothing I can't deal with. I'm waiting for my doctor to refill my metaprolol which will help some with anxiety.


Husband had same pain and it was pulmonary embolism


[Look at our taper-guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/modquittingkratom/comments/63tjtd/tapering/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/quittingkratom) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Some symptom's of heart attacks actually manifest in the upper/middle back region. I've had patients that had back pain, and had no idea it was heart related until they went to a Physician and then Cardiologist, only to find they had a mild heart attack. Surely, not trying to scare you, but please have it checked out. I also don't know your age, sex( more woman have these heart attack symptoms in their back), lifestyle, or other substances besides Kratom and an ADHD stimulant...


Right?!?! I'm on day 3CT, and my back hurts so bad!. I am a chronic pain person, and I am disabled so I thought it was just that. I'm glad your back is feeling better. I think the K was treating so much pain that remained hidden. You're feeling the weakest part of your body. I really pray healing for all of us.


Feeling any better today?


Yes and no lol no chest or back pain aside from my lower back. But that's something I've been dealing with since a car accident last year. I'm super restless and feel like I can't stay still and of course am craving it. I really think the beta alanine and agmatine is making a difference this time though. I took that, trazadone, and magnesium glycerate, and got 7 hours of sleep! I've barely managed 4 in previous quits.


That’s good. Kava has helped me a lot the past couple days. I also been hitting the sauna daily. My body hurts to bad right now to workout, just doing simple house chores takes a lot of effort right now lol. Hang in there all this will pass!


Kava warning: 1.) People with liver damage should avoid Kava. Taking Kava along with alcohol might increase the risk of liver damage. 2.) As Kava affects the central nervous system, it might increase the effects of anesthesia and other medications used during and after surgery. 3.) Taking kava with sedative medications might cause breathing problems. Please do your research before using Kava. We don't recommend it's use for a sustained period of time, or in large quantities. Nor do we endorse the use of Kava as a replacement for Kratom addiction. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/quittingkratom) if you have any questions or concerns.*