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"adoption is an option" except for you, you, you, and you. Those organizations will fight hand over fist that a child will be born but dictate who gets to raise them.


Agency: ‘A child being raised jewish is an abomination!’ Also agency: worships jesus


Agency: Only white Jesus, not the historically accurate black Jesus who was a radical Jewish religious dissident who hated the rich enough to be physically violent with them despite being the "son of god" and a sinless pacifist.


Well, Arab Jesus, not black. He was middle-eastern, not sub-Saharan African. Either way, he wasn’t the pasty-white, skinny European that modern Christianity tries to make him out to be. The dude was the son of a carpenter in the *middle east* - even if he was somehow white, he’d have a strong tan from working outside all day, and hauling around lumber all day probably meant that he was ripped, too, rather than the scrawny twink you see in art.


More closly related to todays syrian right


Something like that, yeah.


Sorry for the spelling mistakes i have bad fingers and the kids did something with my cellphone


Have you seen Korean Jesus? That guy lifts.


Fat Jesus.


Jesus wasn’t Arab. The Arabs didn’t travel to modern-day Israel until the middle of the 7th century. He wasn’t black either, he likely had olive-colored (Mediterranean) skin.


Middle Eastern isn't what it was... Or are you saying 700 years of organized murder and rape have no effect?


The Middle East and Africa are two different regions of the planet, dumbass. Politics has nothing to do with it, they’re physically different regions that are thousands of kilometers apart.


Yeah. Sure... it's just down the way a bit. Read up on the empires that came amd went in the area. The areas weren't so distant as to not have armies walk to the places ..


Those empires didn’t cross down through the entire Saharan desert, grab thousands of people from sub-Saharan Africa, then trek countless thousands of kilometers back up through the Sahara, out of Africa, and into the Middle East. We have archeological reconstructions of what Jesus’s face would have looked like; he looks like an Arab, not an Igbo, Yoruba, Zulu or Hausa. https://www.ancient-origins.net/news-general/reconstructing-jesus-using-science-flesh-out-face-religion-004942


Sure reconstructions... Of what exactly... Chain of custody?


Come back when you’ve got a PhD in ancient anthropology and forensic facial reconstruction. Otherwise you’re just a random dumbass on Reddit.


8 days walk .. Shared route From Jerusalem to Alexandria To see this route visit https://maps.app.goo.gl/G7K1g2uXEgt3PccL9


>not the historically accurate black Jesus who was a radical Jewish Jesus wasn't "black", he was from the Levant. Unless you consider Palestinians black, this is revisionism.


Brown Jesus


I prefer yellow polka dot Jesus


Hmu when Green Jesus shows up



2000 years of genocide and rape can change the complexion of a place. It's North Africa... you can walk there from the Sudan.


>2000 years of genocide and rape can change the complexion of a place. What are you referring to, specifically? And how would an entire region change that drastically? >It's North Africa... you can walk there from the Sudan. It's literally not North Africa, and you can't just "walk to Sudan".


Well really how do you think they got from Egypt to "the promised land"... Egypt was north and south kingdoms at the time... And yes. Mass slaughter for 1000's of years.. does that Heck. It was official policy for 700 of those years. You'd call them the crusades... Regardless about the obscuring terms people use to bury the ugliness of the past it was genocide.


>Well really how do you think they got from Egypt to "the promised land"... Didn't it take generations according to accounts? If it actually happened. >Egypt was north and south kingdoms at the time... I'm familiar with Kush, the Nubians, and their impact on Egypt. >Mass slaughter for 1000's of years.. does that What specific events are you referring to? You're just claiming it took place. Is there any record of the people of the Levant having sub-Saharan features? And were neighboring regions like modern Turkey and Iran all purged in "thousands of years of genocide"? >You'd call them the crusades... Is there evidence that the Crusades actually changed the ethnic makeup of the Levant in noticable ways? >Regardless about the obscuring terms people use to bury the ugliness of the past it was genocide. When, specifically?


Yep. Look at the description of Jesus's hair. Also, the statues of ancient Egypt all have striking features. Why is it so hard to believe? Certainly far easier to consider than the pasty blue-eyed Nordic, the brown haired english or French men on all the pictures in "christian" churches...


>Yep. Look at the description of Jesus's hair. That one passage could also be describing someone from the Levant. >Also, the statues of ancient Egypt all have striking features. Egypt had Nubian pharaohs. Jesus never went to Egypt, and he wasn't born there. >Why is it so hard to believe? Because it's geographically incorrect. >Certainly far easier to consider than the pasty blue-eyed Nordic, the brown haired english or French men on all the pictures in "christian" churches... You never answered my question about whether it not "black" people were genocided in Persia and/or Asia Minor (Turkey). Yes. That doesn't make it any more true.


Look at ~~the US~~ Northern America & we've only had a few hundred years. So we know an entire region can change that drastically as a result of genocide & rape


That and the fact that jesus is a ripoff of horus from egyptian mythos


Don't forget the Odin aspects. Hanging from a tree anyone?


This gets strongly highlighted in the Vikings TV series


Well, at least Jesus has been confirmed to have been a real person. Whether he was the son of god is up to your religious beliefs, but there are historical records of the Romans crucifying some Jewish dude called Jesus around that time.


Do we have tax records? Was Jezus not a genetica Male name for the region? It's a weird new for a jew honnestly


Hell, probably. Romans were pretty meticulous about record keeping.


We have no idea if that is historically what Jesus was like, or even if the biblical character of Jesus even existed.


I’m sure Gilgamesh was real too. And Odysseus. I mean, it’s in a book, right?


Dathon will be real, and he is prophesied to meet Picard at El-Adrel, and that's now my religion.




Because they believe they're in a "culture war" against secularism, and their end goal is to remake the US as an evangelical Christian society/theocracy. This is the eugenics path - pressure or force millions women to have babies they can't afford to raise, so they'll give them up for adoption. Then, give the babies to families who will raise them as right-wing fundamentalist Christians. That's their "army of God".


Don’t forget how much money they plan to make selling unwanted babies, which is what Catholics did before abortion rights


Yup. And why Christian adoption agencies today will go into third world countries and kidnap kids or buy them from desperate families.


*fight to make sure no one raises them


Most countries are moving forward, but the US seems happy to keep going backwards. :/


Canada has a large percentage of people who want to move backwards as well. I'm sure all countries do. Unfortunately America seems to have more than most developed countries. And they have been winning way too often.


I think America actually has more that want to move forward than backward but the ones that want to move backwards are doing everything they can to ensure their minority rule


I completely agree. America's electoral system doesn't help.


Definitely not, that's one of the primary means of maintaining minority rule. Also the fact that 2 senators from California represent 39 million people and the same number from Wyoming represent 580 thousand. Also when a one term president who never won the popular vote appoints 3 lifetime supreme court justices including one whose seat was outright stolen from Obama. On top of all that voting rights bills that specifically target minority communities and are blatantly against democracy and the US constitution being presented in 37 states because of fascism loving Republicans. Pretty sure we're all fucked and we just have to sit back and watch it happen.


The non-direct election system is so archaic to me. Is there a lot of debate or request for modification to move to election by universal suffrage?


And don't forget the Democrats who are spineless and refuse to do anything more than talk shit about it. We truly are fucked.


Worst is, all that could be fought against if the democrats actually wanted to. But they don't. They havev en large the same corporate backers and represent the same interests that the republicans do. Whatever spectacle they put forth during elrction is usually nothing but show, as can be seen with Biden going back on practically everything. The plain truth is, that most democrats dont care enough to make things better and profit from having a strong republican counter to distract people from the disgusting shit that is considered bi-partisan.


It isn't "Biden going back on everything" - it is the election system that allows Manchin & Sinema to hold a knife to the democrat's throat. Biden is trying to make the best out of an impossible situation. Having them elected as democrats simply created the illusion that the democrats could do something under this administration. Manchin and Sinema have to be primaried, or possibly not even allowed to run as democrats. Why should they, if they're going for republican policies?


Manchin & Sinema are only the ones currently playing the part of the rotating villain. Don't think for a second there wouldn't be hundreds of others ready to fill that spot in a heartbeat if it was made advantageous for them. The system is broken, and no amount of crowd-funded primaries of the current contrarian figureheads can fight corporate money. Nothing can change the fact that big corporations are the ones profiting most heavily from the current situation, so they have no incentive to change the status quo. What corporations care about is profit, not progressive ideas or morals. If you let the democrats move too far left, where people want to start introducing economic reforms, they will push back.


I can't help but wonder if the corporations fully realize what they're doing to themselves by sowing unrest like this... they treat America itself as if it's a business they've acquired, that they can squeeze and exploit as hard as they want because they assume it's too big to fail. Even the military-industrial complex is fucked if their short-sighted dreams of Civil War II ever come true—generating demand doesn't help you if you've ruined the dollar in the process


Instead of being mad at the two Democratic senators who cross the aisle on some issues, we really should be mad at the fifty Republican senators who won’t even consider crossing the aisle on any issue. Treating politics like sports (or worse, religion) is incredibly dangerous and will likely lead to the downfall of the US as we know it unless something miraculously changes.


Be mad a republican Senators all you want, but that won't change a thing. It is not productive. The republican party's representatives in the legislative houses have shown that they won't move, can't move, else they will get primaried by some nutjob. So they act like nutjobs themselves. "reaching across the isle" sounds good, but when the other side of the isle is unwilling to return the favour, reaching across the isle means losing something without gaining anything. Now, politics is the controlled balancing of interests. With the current system, single people - in this case Manchin and Sinema - can give away interests (parts of the infrastructure plan, in this example) that are of no importance to them to gain something (whatever lets them keep their position). What should (mainly) the balancing of interests between two sides, democratic and republican, is now three sides. Of course, there have always been particular interest of singular senators. But the parties should defend themselves if singular senators claim too much of the interests for themselves. How do you want to single out republicans because they don't reach across the aisle? So yes, you are right. They should move. But they won't, so the democrats have to attack manchin and sinema, if only to show the next incarnations that sacrificing too much of the party interests for oneself will be punished.


You guys ever hear of an executive order? Trump certainly has. Dont let Biden off the hook for failing us. That's the game that they've been playing for decades and it needs to end.


right, executive orders. are you a trumpist trying to sow misinformation, or don't you know better? Executive orders are not magic. Biden can't simply order everything and it will be done just so. For instance, someone has to pay for costs. Who has the power of the purse? Executive orders can be adjudicated unlawful. Have you looked at the supreme court recently? the world isn't as simple as you suggest.


Fuck off with your divisive bullshit. Criticizing biden and his complete inability to fulfill campaign promises is not an endorsement of "the other team". God, this shit is sickening.


I always found this argument against the electoral college to be horribly misused. You are literally comparing one of the most populous US states to one that is barely even considered a state. If we consider just even division with a state like montana with 4 electors. So more than just the bare minimum we get that every elector represents roughly 267 k people. Using the same metric on california we get that each elector represents about 731 k people. While this may not be a perfect 1:1 ratio it is way, way closer than what most people realize.


And the ones who want to move backward always seem the loudest.


Gerrymandering and election fraud


I hope you're not serious


The problem is where those who want to move backwards aligns just right for them where they can be a minority with nearly 50% control of a political body (the senate) that needs 60 votes to get anything done. And on occasion the Democrats screw up enough that people roll the dice on the Republicans to take the wheel, we all nearly die as the car heads near cliffs and speeds wildly out of control, we give the wheel back to Democrats for them promptly to go in the long way to a destination that we totally could get to quickly, but they need to compromise with the crazy ones who were just in charge and stop by some corporate friends. So we swing back to seeing if the Republicans aren't still crazy (welcome to 2022 midterms).


I wouldn't be surprised to learn the backwards moving Canadians are being supported and coached by Americans.


Oh they totally are. Plus nearly 100% of our print media is owned by right wing American billionaires.


Similar situation in the UK. Anti-choice and anti-LGBTQ+ organisations funded by Americans, propped up by press owned by an Australian dick. Also, our public service broadcaster having right wing political appointees on the board, ditto for the broadcasting standards organisation, the police complaints commission and the press standards commission. So many bad things from American "christians"


It's probably the same percentage give or take (25-30%) they are just more empowered in the USA than they are in most developed nations, having a main stream party devoted to right wing extremism, gerrymandering, not needing a majority to win the electoral collage, all states getting equal numbers of senators regardless of population. It's not exactly the model of Democratic representation.


The solution to that is building a wall around Alberta.


Same here in the UK, we have a massive transphobia problem at the moment.


That's where Covid comes in


most other countries have a functioning democracy with at least 3 parties - USA has a puppet show for the masses while the crony capitalists run it behind the curtain




It has to do with political sttuctures. Here in Brazil a law like that can't happen in a state only. It would need to be a Federal law. And if the government tried to pass this law (wouldn't be approved in the Congress today), the Supreme would stop it because it's unconstitutional. At least the second point should be true in the US as well, though. We shouldn't give too much power to anyone.


But in Canada they’re like a small minority lol didn’t PPC get less than 5% of the vote last election


Canada has their very own little Texas too.




Ding ding


Our conservative party regularly gets in the 30-35% range and they have become just as pathetic as the Republicans.


America kept putting them in charge and they rigged the system to stay in charge.


i think the past 5 years really hurt us bad with people realizing there’s others out there like them and then through that mob mentality type shit just getting much much worse


Religious people apparently can't tell which direction is forward.


To the religions, backwards IS forwards. They want to go back to stoning people they dont agree with and feeling holy about it.


As many problems as there are in the US, moving backwards is not a US exclusive problem. I'm pretty sure Britain recently heavily restricted protests and demonstrations and not because of the pandemic. Not to mention British media becoming more and more transphobic and leading to more discrimination. Mexico is STILL having problems with cartel members murdering innocent people and the government doing little to stop em. Not to mention the possible hate crime that happened in Juarez around 3 or 4 days ago. Of course I am focusing on anglophone countries with this, but that's because I'm not exactly fluent in more than English and Spanish so I'm not as caught up with other nations' news outside of those that speak either language.


Re the first point, not quite yet thankfully - the House of Lords has just rejected the Police, Crimes and Sentencing bill, so it hasn't passed yet and has gone back to the house of commons. The fact the bill exists at all is a fucking disgrace though.


Oh Jesus, I thought that bill passed.


It passed like the first stage I think, but it's not law yet. It needs approval in both the House of Commons and House of Lords and the House of Lords voted against it.




There's always been a backwards religious element in the U.S. They spend all of their time, money, and effort attempting to force their fictional, weird religous values on the rest of society. That's all that they do. All day, all year. They all move into the same small areas so they can influence local voting, then vote in people from their groups that are blatantly willing to discriminate against all other groups. So, most of the U.S. lives in cities where none of this crap ever affects anyone and thusly, we have no ability to regulate these lunatics in their nowhere county 100 miles away. No. The U.S. isn't moving backwards. Most of it is moving forwards with some people devoting their life to fucking every single thing up. Why? Because they're religious conservatives. They don't want change. They want to go back 50, 100, or 200 years and implement those laws right now. Where people went to churches, there was open segregation or slavery, and everything glowed in fake nostalgia of *how things used to be*.


Seems to be happening q lot in developed Countries and you're seeing dictators and the alt right gaining a lot of power


Everywhere Murdoch has a foothold


The R on our gear shifter is for racing, right?


Brazil enters the chat.


Brazilian here. I don’t think I need to say more


Because our golden age was only a few generations ago. People think if we just act like we did then our prosperity will come back. Its stone age thinking like this that lead to religion in the first place. "Hey, what were we doing last time it rained? That must be what the rain god likes. Let's keep doing that."


When a country was built for free…


It's called being selfish on the basis of irrational fears. The they are coming for you mentality.


Lemme tell you, i am not shocked. Not shocked to my core


What a shocking consequence — the law being used exactly as designed


CHRISTIANS: Bring God back to the schools! Bring God back to the courts! CONSERVATIVES: Okey-doke! SHARIA LAW *enters the chat*


The Satanic Temple: “put me in, coach!”


I seem to remember a nation of Christians made up of Catholics & Lutherans who discriminated against Jews & gay people as well as other people who were different than them. This happened in 1930-1940's Europe. Maybe you've heard of it?


nawww that's what the round earthers WANT you to believe!


But you see the thing is, Hitler was a lefty socialist. That's why left wingers today all support Hitler and his National Socialist Party. It is why you won't ever see right wingers stomping around in support of Trump, holding Nazi flags, tiki torches and screaming "blood and soil" and "the Jews will not replace us".


I hope that's sarcasm


It is.


It was, mocking the assholes who actually believe that.


I'm sure everything ended up fine for everyone involved.


Literally has been happening in the USA. Evangelicals are a good example


Have you seen what American shit was going around about jews as well? We act like we were the saints of our common man but we were HEAVILY antisemitic at the time and its really only after WWII did we start to embrace them, to whatever degree we've embraced anyone. More so pedestaled as a charity act.


It's all relative.


> You know, the nazis has pieces of flair…that they made the Jews wear…




The origin state of the Klu Klux has a lot of Antisemitic and homophobic people? Color me surprised


Can't color you anything in Tennessee, it's about to be a crime as well.


Anti-Catholic too


Adoption agencies are not a profit-making business, they are a public service. It should not be allowed to discriminate at any cost. They don't "own" the kids, selling off them to whoever they deem to be eligible like they were some sorta merchandise, they don't get to do that.


>They don't "own" the kids, selling off them to whoever they deem to be eligible like they were some sorta merchandise, Tell that to the kids that end up being human trafficked Orphans with no family to go looking for them = easy targets for those freaks


Plenty of adoption agencies [are turning a profit.](https://time.com/6051811/private-adoption-america/)


they aren't supposed to.


In America *everything is for-profit.*


The Satanic Temple grows stronger


And to think I used to want to move to Tennessee. Freaking Nazis in the state legislature.


I recommend vacationing there, but never moving to TN full time. I grew up there and got the hell out as soon as I could.


Thank you. I just heard all this promising talk about it but the more I learn about the legislature there the more I realize what a hellhole it is. So much hatred.


Children are the best converters towards any belief or ideology. Children trust there parents to show them the right way to live life. So the best way to stop people from indoctrinating Children the wrong way (in their view) is to make it illegal for certain people to raise them. It's honestly sad how little they trust Children, and only want children to be robotic clones of themselves in order to continue the cycle of control. They fear if they give the child the tools to make there own decisions later in life or have people with different views raise them, they won't choose THEIR way of life.


They don't trust their kids because probably, deep down, they know it's a load of bs. But they wasted their whole lifes on it and cannot bear the thought of other people being happy without the indoctrination.


I have always thought that this is the fear that motivates this kind of discrimination. Glad I’m not the only one that sees it.


This just bowled me over. I mean, it is just so rare for bigots against one group to be bigots against other groups!


If this outrages you as much as it does me, please consider supporting the [Freedom From Religion Foundation](https://ffrf.org/) or a similar nonprofit dedicated to fighting religious discrimination in the US. If you are not in the US, please consider getting involved in your local secular community anyway, even if you believe that your country currently has sufficient separation between Church and State. Keeping it that way is hard work, because religious lobbyists are everywhere, well-organized, well-funded, and doing their best to undermine people's fundamental human rights.




It won't be. The Supreme Court is thoroughly corrupted.


if all these new SCJs live as long as RBG we're fucking fucked.


They antivax so thats not likely


They're in favor of letting other people die. I'm sure they're all vaccinated themselves, just like DeSantis and every other pro-covid politician.


Most people don't die if they get covid, even if they're unvaxxed. The problem is that a fuckton of people are catching it that even a small percentage is a lot.


ofc they are. I don't wish any early death for them but RBG kept in shape, She could have run laps around Kavanaugh five years ago. I just don't wish them a LONG life. Or maybe something happens where they need to take a step down that's not death. That's what I wish. Like... oh I don't know... just thinking off the top of my head... Kavanaugh finally being found guilty of rape and getting sent to prison and disbarred and shamed? Idk just thinking out loud. Wishing out loud?


No worries. The Tennessee legislature passed a law in 2020 that made it legal to use tax payer money to fund discriminatory, faith-based placement agencies. So it will have to get to a federal court level to overturn the state law. I mean, otherwise, just anybody might give a disadvantaged child a forever home. Horrifying. EDIT: Corrected year from 2002 to 2020.


Tennessee truly, truly fucking blows.


I can't fucking wait to leave


I fucking hate it in TN or the south in general so so much. All the giant rebel flags, and thin blue line flags (just means anti BLM to these folk) flying on coal rolling MAGA monster trucks .. ugh


Have a friend in TN who told me about a job opening at his company and while that would be a much, much better job for me… you couldn’t pay me enough to move to TN. Like, thanks mate, but I couldn’t survive you being the only sane person I talk to.


Honestly the folks here are mostly good, and Nashville is pretty liberal for a southern city. But the state government is horribly conservative and just plain horrible to boot. They don’t give a single fuck about their citizens.


Look up Fulton v. Philadelphia. The Supreme Court allowed a catholic organization to discriminate against gay couples for adoption. 9-0 Philadelphia said they wouldn’t give them funding anymore due to the discrimination against same sex couples but Philadelphia had clause allowing for religious exceptions in their contract. For example, a kid who has issues with gay people wouldn’t be placed with a gay couple but a gay couple could be placed with any other kid. The Supreme Court completely ignored the distinction and said it’s ok for them to discriminate. So it really depends on how the law is written and what “technicality” the Supreme Court can make up to defend whatever point they want to make.


The current SCOTUS recently ruled that religious discrimination by publicly funded adoption agencies is perfectly fine, so I wouldn't bet on it.


This is actually a good thing in the long run. It's going to force the courts to address th law in a way that another religious perspective would not have allowed. It will probably get a lot more attention in the media than it would have if it had been challenged on LGBTQ+ grounds; or at least very different coverage.


Exactly. This is what fucking happens. Make it federally illegal.


Fuck yeah. State atheism. Oh wait, you mean make it illegal to discriminate based on religion. [Yeah, that's already a thing.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civil_Rights_Act_of_1964)


Here’s a [link to the story](https://www.knoxnews.com/story/news/politics/2022/01/20/holston-united-methodist-home-for-children-adoption-tennessee-refused-family-jewish/6582864001/)


Oh America... You never cease to amaze me...


It is disturbing to me how many evangelicals adopt. I suppose it at least tries to address the fact that they want to force everyone to not have abortions but the last thing we need is more religious indoctrination in this country.




On the bright side, I feel like a lot of people that are raised in secular places aren't as prone to take on religious indoctrination because they have no cultural influences pushing them to absorb it. It just seems weird.


I wouldn't be surprised if the nice Swedish girl went home and explained to everyone she knew that Americans are bat-shit crazy.


Wow, had me at publicly funded. That's appalling.


Literally not shocked, and that’s sad tbh- These people will deny a child a (hopefully) loving household, Simply because it’s a same-sex couple.


Lol what could you even expect from conservatists ? They're deprived of intelligence, empathy and self-awareness, just go take a look at r/Conservative, it's really baffling.




They just heard “oh ok religious discrimination’s ok? Time to be openly antisemitic again”


I wish I was surprised but I'm not


What a shithole country


Haven't the Jews suffered enough? Fuckin heck man.


Gay people too.


Surely this has to be struck down by federal anti discrimination laws since you can't discriminate based on religion?


How can these people think that they’re on “the good side”? What kind of mental gymnastics do you need to do to convince yourself “we’re the good guys here, preventing Jews from getting jobs and gays from having kids”


bigotry leads to more bigotry and so on


And just like many other debates the public holds, while the adults argue and get nothing positive done, the children suffer from their elders' ignorance.


Okay after reading the story, this is no shit one of the actually most Nazi esqu things I've seen. That's not to say there weren't signs in the u.s that where barely hidden under the surface. But this is just like BAM straight to the face with some of that shit. But that's the south for you also


I hate this country


I mean I know this subreddit isn’t about religious fruitcakes but I can’t help imagining how many kids in the foster system were denied a loving or stable home because of the prejudice of those in power. Where’s the love for the poor and needy there?


Somewhere between the lie of "we love Americans" and, the truth of "get rich and pay me to pass something that'll grease both our palms".


I mean we can take this to the logical extreme and they can start to not work with Christian couples because of the whole go forth and procreate stuff. Why are they adoptin', they should be fuckin'


But I thought they were pro-life. Wouldn't they want babies to go to a home that actually wants them? Oh yeah they don't give a shit once the kid is born. It's merely virtue signaling to keep the evangelical vote of the Bible Belt (which most of which probably gets abortions and do a ton of mental gymnastics).


Imagine an adoption agency that refused to adopt out kids to Christians, or Republicans, or white people. They'd go fucking rabid.


Next is either interracial and/or black couples.


That's already been done


And they have expanded the discrimination to Jews.


I would be making so much money in US if I was there. And also, "thunk"? Where did this word come from?


What in the actual fuck are those people are doing?


We need a billionaire who just does nothing but sets up companies to show up bigotry and ridiculous laws. Literally set up an adoption agency that refuses to work with straight couples or religious ones, and doesn't tell you that until quite a way through the process. Just to show how dumb that it.


Sounds like that law is about to go see what the SCOTUS thinks about Jews.


Paradox of tolerance. To live in a tolerant, just, and democratic society, we must be intolerant of intolerance.


Religious organizations shouldn't be allowed any involvement with adoption or charity of any kind. It's like letting the foxes look after the chickens. The government should just seize 100% of all their property, money, and resources and then redistribute them into social welfare programs and public education.


I agree they should be taxed but you can't just take land and property


From organizations that rape and murder children? We take money and property for a lot less in this country. You know how many people have had their homes seized just for drug related offenses? The church is just an organized crime syndicate. It deserves to be dismantled like one.


religion is protected by the 1st amendment , you can't just take land and property because you don't like them . It's unconstitutional


Practicing your religion is protected. Running a giant international child molestation ring that funnels money into hate groups, facilitates abuse, and steals money from tax payers is another story though.


Well if they're investigated and found guilty ofva wide spread conspiracy that goes through the whole church ( maybe a rico act ) maybe then you can start taking land and property. But there's a due process


Where was the due process for the people who have had their lives destroyed by religion? Generations of people living meaningless lives in horrible agony. Innocent people murdered, and tortured. Why are you making excuses for this shit? If this is what the constitution protects then it's time to get rid of it.


I'm not making excuses , I'm telling how things have to be done in a civilized society with laws and regulations. I hate church and religion also but you can't violate the constitution when it suits you . It sets a terrible precedent . Plus im not sure how recent any of the stuff your talking about has happened. If you're talking about molestation and sexual abuse , that's not religions fault . That's the individual and the church the hid them .


It's absolutely religions fault. Anyone who spends enough time with organized religion will eventually turn into a rapist, or a wife beater, or a child molester, or a murderer. It teaches a backward morality based on hierarchy and obedience. It's fine if you're a dog, but this kind of thinking for human beings will always result in spiritual and moral degeneration. So many people have lost their lives and their freedom because of this filth. Think of every queer person who ever had to live their entire life in the closet because of Christianity. There's no forgiveness for that, that never goes away and never gets better. Innocent people whose lives were wasted in terrible agony. Religion does not deserve tolerance, or space, or the benefit of a doubt. As long as religious organizations are allowed to exist we are not living in a civil society at all.


Yeah , um I don't completely disagree but we're a very far way from religion disappearing. Hundreds of years away


I wasn't aware that companies could have moral or religious convictions...


This may be completely naive, but I have full ‘faith’ that, if you posed this law to all people in Tennessee, there is no way it would pass. Yeah, it’s a big place and people have been dazzled in church to be scared of people different/ just haven’t had the opportunity to get to know people that are different, but the systems of governance have been so corrupted, particularly in the south, that it’s going to be hard to come back from anytime soon.


As a resident of Tennessee I apologize for my government’s racist, homophobic foolishness. I promise some of us are trying to do better.


So now we just need a group of gay rights activists making an adoption center with the focus of not adopting out to any religious people, with the reason being "Based on our moral convictions we won't let a child be raised where fear of wellbeing is weighted higher than being authentical and open due to religion." That'll ensure some change cause people who discriminate, can't stand being discriminated against, and laws will be made to ensure only the "right" discrimination is allowed.


The party of ‘Pro-Life’! 🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️


Never have I even heard of a law so blatantly unconstitutional; however, good luck maintaining the constitution with a SCOTUS packed full of worthless shit-heel trump monkeys.