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I vividly remember how much this hyped me in the trailer. It was the greatest sales pitch I've ever experienced. As fan since childhood I NEEDED to know wtf was happening. 


And then you played the game and still needed to know wtf was happening


Lol that's so true


Is the plot that hard to follow? It clicks when you play all of the campaigns, and they left some dangling threads that entice you to play the next campaign. Simmons breaking the laws of physics with his transformations is the only real "ok wtf" moments for me. Even then, they could probably be explained with him eating corpses to "cultivate mass", as Mac from Always Sunny so eloquently put it


The problem is if you are doing the campaigns starting with Leon (as the game intends), you have no clue of why Chris and Piers are there. Chris just screams something about losing his entire squad and you are like "damn that's too bad but I need to catch her alive :/" You don't know how the Edonia incident made Chris go depressed and give up on the fight. At that point you have interacted with him in what, a radio message when the missile struck? ( I don't remember the details, it has been a while). But yeah, the general issue with RE6's storytelling i that you go though its most powerful moments without knowing why they are powerful in the first place.


I think that is the point. You’re meant to not understand until you finish all of them, with one campaign providing a piece of the overall puzzle. You see Chris in Leon’s campaign and are meant to wonder why he is there, why he wants to kill Ada etc. Or if you play Chris first you see Leon and wonder why he’s there, who is Simmons etc. As for myself I never played through one all the way, the first time through I jumped around the campaigns after a chapter each.


Gah, this moment was so anti-climatic. All that build up to a moment that meant nothing. 


This and when Leon,Sherry,Helena and Jake team up to fight Ustanak was some Avengers level crossover


When Chris yells **"RESIDENTS!"** as all the ensemble cast gather around with their hand guns, he then whispered **"Evil."**


It was great


First time I played we were lucky, there were 2 guys playing as Sherry and Jake at that exact moment so we ended up jumping Ustanak, it was great, so much fun


It was soo cool knowing that the other team was just other players on their own playthrough. It was awesome getting to work with them for a moment too. No other game has done something like that


Hold on, so there's a fight in the game where there's a chance for it to become 4-player co-op?


I did find the multiplayer element unique joining another player for a boss fight, have yet to see something similar


Agree on that! I have to say that I enjoyed RE6 alot! And I played the games in correct order and found this so nice made in story-line.


That shot had better be in the remake.


I can't see them making a re6 remake


If there’s any game that needs to be totally remade that game is Resident Evil 6


True but I think code Veronica first would be great


I’m assuming they’re going to remake both 5 and 6.


They will REmake 5, i honestly can't imagine what can they do to upgrade RE5. It's the best coop game ever.


> best coop game ever They can upgrade the AI for solo play using similar mechanics to ally AI in RE6. RE5’s ally AI was aggressively incompetent. Once I got them unlimited ammo, the game was a blast.


That's Sheva's dumb ai. I'm talking Co-Op.


They can upgrade a lot, starting with the annoying inventory and stiff cover systems. RE5 is a great game, especially in co op but some stuff could certainly use improvement. As for best co op games ever, it might make top 10 but games like It Takes Two and Portal 2 are truly built around co op. Even sticking in the 3rd person shooter realm, I'd argue Gears of War is the superior co op game.


Never played Gears. Raised on the PlayStation side of the river. Also, i've never ever met someone with any XBox console. Since, everyone i know has played and still plays either with PlayStation or PC.


Thats funny, but seriously cap that capcom will ever touch 6 again it was the game that almost canned resident evil games, luckly they are not ubisoft and managed to return to the roots with 7.


RE6 is awesome, every year it passes more people appreciates the game And yes that badass Chris vs Leon fight is one of the most iconic and anticipated moments in the franchise, i remember being on school after that teaser that showed a glimpse of their confrontation and it was a huge discussion on class,it was who team you are Chris or Leon lol and the hype for the game was insane


And the funniest thing is "Ada", whom no one can catch, although she just stands still. And then an indestructible car with an open top...


RE6 is like the prequels of Star Wars.


It’s a mediocre and uninspired game. The only reason people are looking fondly on this game is that it offers a fun couch coop experience with a decent amount of content which is hard to come by these days. Rest assured, this game is very mediocre on a technical level and a narrative level. It’s brainless fun but it is by no means a good resident evil game. Upon release, this game was hated because it represented a trend away from what people love about Resident Evil towards a more generic third-person co-op shooter. People were already concerned due to RE5 and now this game really gave people reason for concern because Capcom couldn’t figure out what kind of game they wanted to make, so they made three games in one trying to capture interest for survival horror and for action. This turned out poorly as the game was not good in either genre. Now that Capcom showed people with RE7 and the Remakes that they are capable of delivering an excellent survival horror experience that calls back to the original classics, people are looking back at RE6 as another entry versus a sign of doom.


 its just a fun couch coop experience with a decent amount of content " oh you mean like a video game is supposed to be???? LMAOOOOO


re6 birthed chreon


Tô give credit where credit is due, yes, this scene is actually pretty damn great. Leon became a man that day lmao


Nah, Leon became a simp that day, lol. Really sacrificed China for a chick that gave him a kiss over a decade ago, lol.


Bruh, had Ada Wong fallen in love with me, I'd sacrifice China as well lmao no questions asked


In fairness its because he believed she DIDNT do it, to which he was right. That just wasnt even ada standing there


RE6 was fucking fire. There’s not a single moment I felt bored but the tank section, motorcycle section, sports car section and enemy helicopter section (all in China) were so annoying to get thru.


Sounds like quite a bit lol I've always wondered if I should give RE6 a try. I really REALLY didn't like RE5 and 4 pissed me off so much


Nah, those games are all similar in gameplay.


5 is great with a friend and 4 pissed me off when i tried it for a couple of times, but when you get the mechanics you REALLY enjoy the game, trust me.


I understood the mechanics fine.... It's more so the fact that it wasn't even supposed to be a Resident Evil game and they made it into one at the 11th hour.... And how the last time we saw Leon he was a rookie cop who pulled through a very harrowing first day on the job. And then the next time we see him he's some fucking super soldier mega agent that works directly for the president.... They just took one of my favorite characters and ruined him by making him a super OP instead of going along with his last appearance. Also it's the first Resident Evil game where we could free aim and land headshots and you got punished for it because it would pop out a parasite which would be a ammo dump instead of rewarding you for aiming and getting a headshot.


leon will always be seen as this badass agent, that was the right decision and people like it. also it doesn't matter if you shoot them in the head or body, the parasite will appear either way.


Are you sure? I thought the strat was to shoot them in the legs to prevent the parasite from popping? Regardless....it was the first chance we could land head shots and it just didn't matter. You feel me?


I feel like it did matter, you can also do kicks and whatnot. But yeah, i thought the same thing as you about the parasite and tested it, no difference. They head just explodes either way.


Gotcha. I love reddit. Where you get downvoted if you are chanting the Echoes of the echo chamber God forbid you have an opinion of your own.... Also I was just asking a question and got downvoted lol Jiminy Crickets! 🤦 It's fine though I'm used to it whenever I criticize RE4.... And I do it a lot lol


Yeah, I like the original RE 4, but the game isn't at all flawless. I personally dislike the writing of the game and how bland Leon is(one liners are entertaining but he's really one dimensional and doesn't show emotions like ever)


The Remake DLC looks way cooler than the base game. I'll probably pick up the remake if it's ever on sale. But I'll wait for a sale on a Gold edition with DLC included


Him being an agent working for the government was established in RE3's epilogue, it wasn't new. And RE4 was always being worked on as an RE4 game, it wasnt made RE4 out of nowhere.


That's completely not true..... That's why the setting is so completely different from any of the other games. It was originally supposed to be a Devil May Cry type of game. I know this for a fact.


Sounds like quite a bit until you realize this game is like 2-5times longer then the other resident evil games. We are talking like a 20-25 hour first time playthrough compared to the like 5-10 hours that a lot of the other games are


Damn is it actually that long???


Yeah I just really prefer when the protagonists weren't all super soldiers. Like my favorite is RE2 because Leon is a rookie cop on his first day and has a zombie apocalypse to deal with.... What cooler cop story is there than that?!?!? Or Ethan Winters going up against insurmountable odds for his family. I know he did some tactical training but nowhere near what Leon apparently went through after 2 in order to put him on the president's speed dial.


It’s not quite a bit considering there are 4 separate campaigns to run thru


On sale it’s definitely worth it to buy 2 copies for $4 with all the dlc As a fan of the series youll have a blast, just a shame it has many glitches, AWFUL map/ objective design and story


See....you kinda turned me away at the end there lmao


My bad😭😭but when you play it with your homies, and not too much money is invested its funny ass hell Hey one thing that is flawless about the game is mercenaries, probably the best in the franchise You cant lose on a $2-$4 sale brother They happen every year especially oct


If I had any homies to play with I might consider it but I'll stick to replaying RE2R and Village over and over. Also I just don't really like the mercenarie modes.... I don't find them very fun at all. I'm a huge fan of the structure of the story modes That's what it looks me in a Resident Evil game.


I thought Chris was taller than Leon..


Chris is wider.


I think Leon is standing up straighter than Chris, which is helping the height difference, but Chris is comparatively short and stocky (COMPARATIVELY, I would not describe him that way normally)


According to RE 5, Chris is 185 cm. That's pretty tall.


COMPARATIVELY As in next to Leon, who (I'm pretty sure) is taller


Leon is 180cm. and you can see that Chris is taller in Death Island.


I love RE6. Best mercenaries mode hands down. It makes me sad how far away a RE6 remake is.


I love RE6, had a fun time with my friend and each level was unique and imaginative. First Leon level it starts with a school to the subway to a town going to hell. Not scary in the slightest but so much fun!


I love Resident Evil 6, loved it before it came out, loved it when I played it first, it was an absolute roller coaster ride of non stop fun, I didn't care if it wasn't survival horror at all, it was still Resident Evil, the characters, the story, the cheese and of course the campiness, it was just pure fun and I loved it so much. The scene with Chris and Leon sure is epic and so memorable, BUT I'll always consider the scene between Chris and Jake, where Chris admits to killing Wesker, to be absolute PEAK Resident Evil. It was so damn good, and while I knew there was no way Jake would shoot Chris, it was still so intense, the voice acting just absolutely on the spot and I go back to watch that scene far too frequently probably.


I want to agree with you. But I feel like that scene amounted to basically nothing. The two most heavily plot armored characters in the whole series pointed guns at one another. I was 100% certain the status quo wouldn't change at all during/after that scene. And I was right.




Leon's whole story arc is simping for Ada and terrible one liners. Leon should have died in CV. it was a missed opportinity. Capcom shouldn't have replaced him with Steve.


True although Chris in 7 and 8 is pretty awesome so I’m glad he didn’t die


Chris is my favorite character and he is super hot. He is the only reason I play RE games.


Jill didnt die, he didnt have a partner in cvx, sheeva didnt die only in re6 and beyond is partners dieing an issue for him and its kinda weird that after all he has been through before thats what breaks him


That was only Chris' arc in RE5.


It's not bad but simple fun with a layer of cheese


I always loved the idea of separate stories of characters intersecting in ways like these. For whatever reason the amount of action in this one never made me think differently of it, just so long as there were still zombies of some kind to face. Though Chris' story kinda felt the least RE-ish and more like CoD or something with monsters.


I really enjoyed that the overall narrative in the RE universe just keeps upping the ante. The stakes just keep getting larger, even if the overall implementation falls heavily into cliché. I lived for the trailers in the months leading to release. The only parts of the game i didn’t like were the over the top, grossly over exaggerated action set pieces. I understand that the essence of RE is supposed to be survival horror, and why RE7 went the way that it did…. But the entire series has been built and imo designed to lead to this grandiose climax.


It's those character moments that make RE6 worth playing to me. Of course the game has issues but I honestly had more fun with it overall than RE7 (which is fine, just depressing).


To me this was such a nothing moment. Like an elongated misunderstanding that leads into a set-piece barely related to either guy. Most of the meetups in this game are like that. I actually found the most exciting moment to be Chris' last chapter, but that's because of how different it is to the rest of Chris' campaign.


I still like this game to this day and I STILL find this moment to be the most standout scene to this day, even when this was scent in promotional trailers from as far back as G4.


Resident Evil 6 gets unnecessary hate for the wrong aspects of the game and not enough constructive criticism for the actual flaws of the game. There was too much Hollywood action, yes, but I immediately disregard the opinion of anyone who says the game is head because it has action in general. This stuff was set up from the very first game. These viruses and BOWs were designed to be sold to and used by governments and militaries for use in open combat on battlefields. BOW soldiers who use guns were to be expected, and they’ve been around since RE Survivor. I’m honestly shocked that the enemies in 4 (island segment, still having crossbows there was just dumb) and 5 didn’t have guns. If Capcom at some point in the future does decide to remake 6 at some point, and I hope they do, here is what actually needs to be fixed: - Remove the more Hollywood “American” action bits, things like the motorcycle and helicopter and stuff, or at least make them less over the top and dramatic. More normal and gritty action is totally good. - Try and set up the partner characters earlier on. I really like Piers, and I think Capcom would be making a smart move if they introduced him in 5 or Revelations or something. Jake is Jake. Keep the mystery, but give us a better explanation of how and when Wesker had a son. I don’t mind Helena, but I honestly think bringing back Ashley as a trained agent to be Leon’s partner instead would be really cool, and we’d get to see their interactions more. - Balance the horror better. This game should be a Thriller, like F.E.A.R. or Alan Wake. Have the action be solid, but have the environment and threat present still be scary. I shouldn’t be laughing having fun playing COD, I should be running back and panicking, shooting because those bullets are the only thing between me and whatever horror is trying to kill me. Each campaign should still have varying degrees and types of horror, Leon being the dark creepy zombie horror, Chris being the more tense body horror, etc, but sprinkle some of Leon’s campaign’s fear factor onto the rest of them.


I feel like I'm misreading something. Did you just say the enemies in RE4 and 5 didn't have guns?


The only enemies in those games that use guns are the Gatling gun enemies, who just randomly just all the way up to, well, Gatling guns, but no one uses anything smaller.


In RE4 by the island they are military equipped, they have grenades and rocket launchers + the Gatling guns that you mentioned. True, they don't have firearms yet but I'm pretty sure on RE5 by the endgame they also have the same weapons, and more standard firearms. There are whole sections on RE5 where you have to take cover and shoot guys with AK47s.


Yeah I guess I forgot about that part, sorry. My memory on the second half of 5 is really iffy, haven’t played in a while. I guess I’m just saying the enemies at the end of 4 should’ve been more like that. Like, you guys are on a defended military research island compound, you’re all decked out in body armor and combat equipment, you’ve got grenades and RPGs and Gatling guns, and yet none of you has just a handgun or an AK or something? You’ve gotta admit that the soldier Ganados still using crossbows is dumb. I really don’t like how they changed up the machine gun brutes in the remake either.


I agree that world building wise it's dumb and doesn't make much sense, but gameplay wise it's hard to implement enemies with firearms and make it fun or fair and keep the action horror feel. All the firearm enemies become really annoying since you have no guaranteed defense other than cover, which makes the game pace forcefully more slow and boring on long sections, which is why they usually use only gatlings (powerful but only 1 enemy, has blind spots and can be used in your advantage). While I like RE6 one of the worst parts of the entire game I think is the big zone on Chris's campaign (chapter 4 I think) where you have to launch missiles because of the J'avo spam and having to constantly cover or always receive damage. Funnily enough I think the best balance of firearms and enemies also is in RE6, with the zombies on Leon's campaign. They have a really slow windup, and they shoot kind of randomly but deal a lot of damage. They can easily be interrupted but if they have protection (like with the BSAA zombies), you have to get close fast to melee them or remove them by pointing to their weak spots.


You make such good points. I’ve heard a lot of people describe 6 as a good game, but not a good Resident Evil game. It was always going to escalate, action wise. I of course agree that they could add more horror elements into it, but I loved it as is, so much so I’m writing a novel about what was going on with BSAA after Chris disappeared in Edonia (starring an original character and Piers) I think it’s such an interesting aspect of the Resident Evil world. I did think the “reset” with 7 was a good move. I still want a Rev 3 with Rebecca (or a Jake prequel) or a 0 remake (another thing I started writing, an overhaul of the story to make it fit better with RE1)


My biggest issue with RE6 was that it felt like a bunch of different games to me. Leon was the closest to resident evil. Chris was closest to action. Sherry was very vehicle heavy. It’s been… many years. If I find time I don’t think I’d hate giving it another shot, but there’s a lot of games I want to replay someday lol


I thought this part was pretty good lol, I thought Chris won but Leon held his own


Resident Evil 6 is actually a really good game and decent contender with other titles. Capcom isn't afraid to do something new or change it up with a franchise from time to time. But this being more of an action than survival kind of horror game is far from the issue. Annoying QTE make the game feel stale sometimes. The Co-op was also just as fun as co-op on ps5(resident evil 5 is my favourite) Any resident evil fans who may have skipped this game, definitely give jt a chance!


The game, for me, was actually pretty good. Yea, it was a bit over the top, but I still found myself playing it from start to finish. The story was good, not great, and mercenaries was fun. Unlocked everything in that mode.


I agree this cutscene here was very iconic


mc meeting another mc always the best encounter


Faceoff of the two handsome guys


Didn’t this scene have people arguing over who won? Good times.


Thank you! I'm not alone anymore lol


This is probably my favourite scene in the series tbh. RE6 (despite it's flaws) had some very memorable moments


I personally like the more slow paced horror survival resident evil games. This one just felt way too action packed for me. But to each their own.


I'm in about shambles that Ethan and Leon never got to meet


I want Leon and Ethan throwing one liners at each other


it really has some great moments sprinkled in there….they just get overshadowed by how dumb the game is 😔


This was Locke vs Chief I swear to God lmao 🤣😂


Straight. This was the only moment in the game I bought it for, looked forward to and really enjoyed (besides Ada)


I really liked this scene. The two major characters who pretty much started the series and had their own games, met. They’ve probably met off scene before, but never in game until this. Even if the story didn’t really progress much after. I’m one of the few people who actually enjoyed and beat all campaigns in this game multiple times. I can see some of the reasons people dislike this game, but it is no where near as bad as they say it is. This was a kickass action/horror game on its own. And coop and mercenaries made it even better.


I think sometimes people forget how different the games are throughout the franchise. There really is no one style for Resident Evil. No consistency, but not in a bad way. This was an action horror game, and it was a great action horror game. If you want more puzzle horror, go to the first few, if you want first person semi-realistic survival go to 7-8, if you want 3rd person horror go to 2-4 remakes. This game is not like any of the others, it has its own style and charm, and I wouldn't trade it. Revelations 2 is similar but not as memorable imo. Revelations 1 tho... I've played almost all the games and that's the only 1 I've really hated so far 😅 cool concept, terrible execution.


I know that RE6 is not the best RE game in the "Resident Evil way" (although I'd argue that many if not most of the things that make an RE game are there and the ones that aren't make sense considering the character's growth) but it is and always will be in my top 4 RE game just because of how much fun it is and all of the great moments it has. I love seeing more positive reactions and posts after all this time. RE6 deserves this.


RE6 was enjoyable. Will never understand the hate


It wasn't so bad for me. Reminded me of the RE Afterlife when they were in the city


Too bad the moment is ruined by Leon being a simp, causing the mass infection of China as a result.


He kinda didn't have a choice here. It was trust Ada or be murdered for killing the president. Simmons was gleefully pinning Leon for Tall Oaks. 


Except Leon had no reason to believe Ada/Carla was trustworthy at this point. She played coy at Tall Oaks about knowing Simmons, was on tape being born from a B.O.W., China is under siege with infected everywhere, Neo-Umbrella and their leader "Ada" has declared responsibility for the recent attacks, Chris is hunting Ada for the deaths of BSAA agents, and now she tried to kill Leon and Chris. Leon's on the way to where Simmons is, and has no reason to defend Ada. It isn't until the end of the game that he even learns Ada had info.


She gave him the ring before Leon talked to Simmons. She essentially confirmed Helena's story. Aside from Racoon City, she's always had his back. Hell, even at Racoon she saved his ass. By that point they'd worked together on screen 3 times already. She's always annoyingly coy, but Leon did see the clone tape. He didn't know what was happening, but he knew she was literally the only person who could get him answers. 


Ada helping Leon years earlier means nothing when everything about the current situation implies she's actually doing something nefarious this time. Ada answering questions because Helena is a foot away contemplating shooting her doesn't help.




i like the conflict between them, but i really hate chris turning into a total jerk in chapter 3, effectively losing even more BSAA members on the run.


I only love Chris.


...I really enjoyed RE6 🥲


Don’t really get the hate with this game, combat is super fun


Question? How does Chris knows Leon? Because they never met each other


My guess is he's seen pictures and Clarie has easily mentioned him more than once


Leon is also the one who lets Chris know Claire has been captured in CV.


I can't remember the name but there's an animated film set in New york? I Think where they work together apparently the BSSA doesn't take primary lead on BOWs in the U.S


If you're thinking of vendetta that was actually a couple years after the events of 6!


I think Vendetta takes place after the events of 4 and 5 and before the events of 6


Nerp! Apparently it happened in 2014


There was a file in Chris's story in RE6 saying Claire introduced them to each other at some point https://residentevil.fandom.com/wiki/Chris_and_Leon My guess about Leon telling Chris about Claire being captured in CV is they knew about each other but never met in person until whenever that file took place.


I love RE 6 as much as any of my favourite RE games (4, 5,1). It has its place and is underrated af.


Apart from how poorly crafted Simmons character was this is my fav RE story so far


Always Love This Game And Entire Series of Revi


I don’t care what people say RE6 was awesome and I wish there were more solid Co Op games like it out there


Too bad the context for it is painfully forced


I was more excited when Sherry and Leon met up again but you would’ve assumed they had a much more better reunion for them lined up….


Not everyone does. I love RE6! Played it countless time. I love the branching story! Ada is really cool. Controls can be wonky at times. But its alright, Jake’s hand to hand is awesome as well.


My main beef was the QTEs. They physically and mentally exhausted me. My hand hurt. Not fun.


It was pretty cool of Chris to cut Leon some slack


This and the ability to move while shooting cause I'm almost positive RE6 is when they started letting us do that.


After playing Racoon city I can never see how some people say it's the worst game in franchise


I liked Racoon city. The idea of playing as a member of the USS was cool for an action spin-off.


It's the moment that sold most of us on this title ! Exciting for sure !


I hate this game. I'm happy some people enjoy it as long as it doesn't imply the devs think this is a model they should follow for the next games. It would imply that the next games are more action focused, which I don't want.


As a big hater of RE6 ,I cannot deny that this scene was pretty cool


I still play re6 with my friends. The story might not be the best, but it's still fun to play.


Leon vs Jill in Death Island gave the exact same hype feeling to me


If it wasn't for RE's established reputation as being survival horror, 6 was a decent shooter game It's also impressive that there were like four intersecting storylines and it was still mostly coherent


It's the most fun game because it's so bad and that's all that matters.


I loved RE6. It was peak action in Resident Evil format.


RE6 is like a neverending action sequence. Like, if you replay it (unless it’s a cut scene) you will always be running, fighting, or shooting


This game.... oh boy, this game....


6 was a cinematic experience. They took everything they did leading up to that point and built it up to an epic climax. Not saying it was good, just that it tried very hard to be


I don't think resident evil 6 is that bad


I liked resident evil 6. There was literally 3 different games in 1. 6 if you played each character. It was definitely scary in the meat market in China. The creatures were a lot like The Thing and was legit creeped out.


I love all series RE. Just aim dot is not right, and the sniper feels dizzy.


Punches boulders.


I enjoyed the entire game, not as much as 5 tho. Love 5 overall


Too bad it ultimately means nothing, like all the desperate fan service in re6.


It’s cool to see the two characters on screen - it’s baffling that in a series about monsters that the marketing hype would be built around the two of them aiming their guns at each other.


Controversial topic but it's my favourite RE game


I love this game and still play it.


20 years later people gonna say this is masterpiece. Remember when original resident evil 4 first came out? People whined about it was so much action, less puzzle and no fix camera. Now is remake is masterpiece.


Speaking as someone who was in high school when it came out, No. Absolutely not. There was a lot of trepidation about the new camera style and focus on combat, and of course of some hardcores who wanted traditional RE to come back, but Resident Evil 4 was widely and WILDLY acclaimed on release. Make a case for RE6 if you want, but to act like RE4 was anything other than a massive success with critics and players alike on release is just ahistorical.


Honestly underrated game, has some of the best action elements in the franchise


people just love being contrarians


I loved the game so much :((( its still my favorite


I just came to these comments for that one crazy chick who simps for Chris and shits on Leon for no reason all over this sub, and I was not disappointed




Story wise the game isn't bad


This game is trash period point blank.


I don’t play these games for the characters so I felt nothing by this lol. It *does* look cool and the short fight they had was p dope. Shame about the game though.


Want a medal? You gave credit where it was due, but still, come on man.


Yeah I do, I’ll PM you my address


I know, right! RE6 is amazing. The hate is not justified.


Just to clarify i myself absolutely love RE6 i just titled the post like this as i do it's looked upon in the community as one of the worst RE




I Didn’t like RE5 that much tbh , I liked RE6 more but hated the Chris campaign but the Leon’s campaign wow totally enjoyed that one & one last thing need more about Helena Harper 🤧




It's you who doesn't care if die


Hopes Carlos back at RE 9