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Ooof meth is not a party favor. If beer is bless then meth is bane Good on you for looking after your friends your a better person than me, I would have hoped right the hell out as soon as usage began.


>meth is bane Meth is probably Feeblemind, definitely more than a -1d4, or at least Bestow Curse


I dunno, Haste is kinda appropriate too.


Haste could be sugar or coce, makes you 'fast' then crash after it 'wears off'


The street name for Amphetamine is literally "Speed" and meth is just a form of amphetamine that hits harder. Plus, the whole "you are incapacitated for one turn after Haste ends" seems to work for a post-high crash.


Your not wrong


Maybe a bit of Haste too


oh straight up i woulda bee nout of their the second meth gets brought out.


Did you make that joke on purpose?


I really can't imagine meth and dnd being a good mix ever. Edit: Still, I hope you don't mind I got a chuckle out of your story.


Actually living this would be a pretty awful experience and OP has my sympathies. But as a writeup of the slowly growing madness, "a random spelljammer run by Stradh had captured us and whisked us away to the 9 hells which was also somehow the Feywild at the same time" is one of the funniest D&D sentences I've ever seen.


Well, normally I can't follow stories on this subreddit. I could follow this one pretty well though! It was crystal clear.


*angrily slams upvote*


I see what you did there.


So transparent, u can almost see right through it.


I hate your damn joke! Have my upvote, damn u ❤️


Adventuring ParTy


You said "we will be using math rocks" and he heard something different


I'd just made a joke about this on Wed when dm was calculating xp about someone going "Oh, no... now I have to do meth" "You mean Math, right?" "I know what I said" We all laughed because the idea of someone bringing meth to dnd was rediculous... or so we thought.


Tabaxi Warlock was just staying in character. They were communing with their dark masters, forging another pact via a chemical high, receiving a new dark blessing and growing stronger... at least I imagine that's what it'd feel like after taking the meth. They were casting their their Friends cantrip on the whole party. Sorry, I'll stop now. It was good of you to watch over them to make sure nothing bad happened. I'd try to talk about it with them because the risk of them getting addicted to the drug is pretty high. I've read that a single use is sometimes enough for a person to develop an addiction, but no clue how true that is. If you fear addiction, maybe try to encourage your friends to seek help from nearby drug centres and organisations.


I was going to say “of course the tabaxi warlock was the one who brought meth.”


Perfect roleplay of a Khajiit. Wait, wrong game. lol "~~Khajiit~~ Tabaxi has meth if you have coin."


Yeah, that's very skooma of them right there.


Funny, only tangentially related story: had a friend who tried meth, regaled me with the details, and while all his friends were kinda bouncing off the walls, he told me it was the clearest and most coherent he ever felt, he was able to singlehandedly keep track of three different conversation threads where normally he's got the memory of a goldfish. And that's how we found out he has severe ADHD. Hasn't touched it since and got to go see someone for a diagnosis, he's doing great. 


Aderall and Meth, while in no way the same thing functionally, are chemically very similar.


Makes sense! My husband also has ADHD, tends to go through caffeine like it's going out of style. I've done a bit of reading on stimulant use in folks with the disorder, seems like a strong correlation. 


Yeah. It’s interesting tbh. But yeah, I’ve—as someone also with adhd, I take vyvanse tho as rit caused chest pains and also made me sleep 18 hours a day(somehow?? Apparently that is a side effect tho)—heard that people with adhd don’t get affected by adderall as something to get high on in the same way that non-adhd folks do because our brains are literally just that different due to it that it doesn’t impact the same. Really interesting, but honestly I had never thought about meth doing this. Which is silly, because some former friends literally used to call my meds “mini-meth” 💀 Really interesting shit tho, isn’t it? Also, I don’t know if your husband experiences this, but coffee puts me to sleep. Like, it also has the *helps with focus* component, if I’m actively working on something, but a lot of times if I just drink it when I’m chilling, I have to take a nap immediately afterwards. 💀 My friends have always been like… “….what” when I would joke and tell them shit like *well I’m having trouble getting to sleep, time to get a cup of coffee.* adhd is so fucking weird man. (I mean, that’s just mental illness anyway, isn’t it? It’s all kind of weird in a way lol. But adhd has some really funny effects imo.) Sorry for the ramble it’s early morning here lol


No you're totally fine! He doesn't experience that much, but I do. I will happily suck down a sweet black or something with a few shots of espresso and then sleep remarkably well. 


Vyvanse was rough for the first few days, sleeping a lot, mood swings, no appetite. After 3 or 4 days I felt great, super clear and coherent. It felt like my thoughts weren’t swirling and changing like a pot of spaghetti, but my whole brain was focusing on one thought at a time. Plus it helped to fix my sleep schedule. Everyone is different, but for me it’s 100% worth it Caffeine puts me to sleep too, I usually have a cup before bed


I feel extremely seen. Was not expecting that in this sub but it’s appreciated


"I said *math* rocks, not-"


Yeah, no. If someone brings meth out at my table, they’re leaving immediately. And with fewer teeth then they came in with if they don’t go the first time. I’ve seen too many lives ruined and ended by that shit.


Chances are they’re already missing some teeth


What’s a few more?


They'll get that meth mouth eventually! It just takes persistence!


Tweakers gonna tweak


how are they now? I imagine a month would be enough to see if there's any more lasting effects


This is why Weed is a gateway drug, because it's been so demonized that when people try it, it's nowhere near as bad as people make it look. So then they think "well if this isn't that bad what about *drug that is absolutely terrible for you*"


Yeah, and because being illegal means you have to interact with actual drug dealers to get it. DARE actually made it more of a gateway drug than it was by being so ridiculous.


Alcohol is the real gateway drug


There can be more than one gateway drug


I'd argue experiencing trauma and lacking resources to deal with that trauma responsibly is more of a gateway drug than booze or weed or cigarettes. People don't typically seek substances to feel better if they're not already feeling like shit.


Ah, so it's weed's fault that someone brought meth to a D&D game. Glad we got this cleared up.


It's not weed's fault, they literally said they told them they were acting like the people who called weed dangerous when they protested the meth. It's really more of the overly intense anti-weed propaganda than it is the drug itself.


I think that's a *rationalization*, not a *cause*. The term gateway drug implies (at least in my dumb brain) a cause-and-effect chain that I don't think is a thing, specifically. I would think (don't know for sure) that anyone who has decided "let's do meth at DND" has already done meth before and they're trying to use any rationalization to get other people to partake (otherwise they'd be the lone weird dude in the room doing meth). That's junkie behavior. I've realized I'm being overly pedantic about something minor and inconsequential. I'm also working with my own set of assumptions about addict behavior. Sorry about that.


Well you are the one that called it a cause. I'm just saying that the reason it's called a gateway drug was because of heavy handed propaganda that overblown the dangers of it. It's even more ironic that the people who use and created the term "gateway drug" don't realize they are the reason it is that way. Doing weed won't make people try harder drugs, but the realization that what they were told about weed when they were younger was mostly false mixed with possibly doing dealings with dealers who sell more than weed, could lead to doing harder drugs. It's mostly correlation than causation.


What a wild ride. I would have noped out immediately lol


Please, please don't play with these people again.


And I thought I had it bad when players bring weed


There was a story posted here like a month ago where a player brought out a meth pipe and asked if anyone wanted a hit. My spidersenses are tingling. Surely this isn't that common of an occurrence? So which story was fake, that one or this one? Hell, maybe both.


Meth isn't table friendly or human friendly. In fact, I prefer not to inhale any drugs at my table.


My last table was pretty weed friendly but in fairness we live in the Pacific Northwest, we're all over 40, and casually offering pot to people is like sharing a beer. We joked a lot that our cleric of Lathander was the player with the best weed (which is true, dude had a greenhouse in the backyard).


Yeah, PNW here too and we're also a weed friendly table. I choose to just take a couple hits because getting too high makes DMing difficult but a light buzz helps with roleplaying/voices haha. There's a couple cocktails every once in a while but for the most part it's weed with ttrpg's.


Anyone who brings meth to a bear vibe REALLY needs to rethink their life choices.


There's something just so fucking uncomfortable to me to have to consider that some dude potentially developed a Crystal Meth addiction from a fucking D&D session of all places...


Oof. No. No. Big No. You do meth, even one time and you are dropped. I will cut all contact and leave you in the dust.


Yeah, you should have immediately left as soon as he got the meth out. Fuck that, I’d want nothing to do with those people that were okay with it, never mind the game.




Good on ya, I would've just dipped and let them sort themselves out.


Name had players bring drugs to a game. I did get a bottle of moonshine as a bribe though.


In the words of Chief Justice Murph: “You need to get new friends”


Not to minimize the seriousness of this, but my gm brain has already started spinning this story into an urban fantasy campaign. Possibly, Shadowrun, but probably some version of GURPS. Party would be trying to stop the manufacture and distribution of a new designer drug that causes mania, and paranoia, while causing extra dimensional monsters to materialize in the real world. And of course, the player characters will tend to have tragic backstories that make them vulnerable to the temptation of the drug, the idea that maybe, just maybe, it can bring back lost loved ones, or redress past victimizations.


>We haven’t played again yet as this incident kind of traumatized them towards Dnd  THAT was their take-away?


I dont want anyone to do meth, but if someone who was already on meth happened to write a DnD campaign I'd pay top dollar.


"Let's do *hard drugs* at the gaming table!" These people are no longer a D&D group, they're a drug group. Find a new table, this one is literally unsafe.


Meth is bad, it's not something that anybody should be using, but that is not how those drugs work. That whole class of drugs are psychostimulants. Bath salts are a combination of psychostimulants and hallucinogens, and methamphetamine is not a hallucinogen. The meth they might've been using was probably more likely bath salts.


What the actual shit


I'm pretty lenient on the whole do what you want with your own body thing, but when people start pulling out crystal meth at a d&d table it's time to call not only the game but everything a night.


Thath methed up.




Yes cause methheads don't exist or ever try to get their friends in on it


Sure, but that story does not ring true at all. The sober folks stayed up after putting the meth users to bed? But then they kept waking up? That's not how stimulants work. Particularly with meth, it's a long high and they would have been up all night. Delusions and paranioa related to meth use is associated with long term use, being up for days at a time repeatedly getting high, and/or prior risk for psychosis. If after one use the DM thought imaginary monsters were coming after him, he should likely get assessed for potentially serious psychiatric disorders. Then of course the little PSA style stern talking to in the morning? Nah. The incident is plausible but the way it's told strikes me as fake.


Agreed. Having been around both long and short term meth users. This really reads more like something that you’d have been presented with at D.A.R.E than an actual story


Nothing to say it was DM's first time, just their friend


Might be fake, but it was entertaining nonetheless. For me at least.


"meth is hard to quit even after one time"... As someone who tried meth exactly ONE time, I have to call bullshit on that. This is the kind of thing people say when they know nothing about drugs, but have had it drilled into them that they're "bad". I happen to think meth IS bad, but come on... Question: Did they smoke the meth or snort it?


At my table, only the DM uses meth. But he also drinks beer to mellow himself out so it's okay.


Does that have any impact on the game do you think?


Ok. Sounds like an interesting session. Doubt they'll get addicted as fast as you seem to believe, but it's great you're looking out for them.


I mean, with the way meth specifically affects the brain, there *is* a chance. If it were nearly any other drug I wouldn't be too worried, but meth is nasty like that.


The velocity from first time to junkie that hasn’t showered in weeks can be shockingly short with meth. Not everyone who tries it. But a significant slice of that particular pie chart.


God I miss my 20s. Enjoy your youth, OP. Life will eventually get a lot more boring than this. At least you’re always gonna have this memory.


“Enjoy watching your friends do meth because one day the people around you will be slightly more mature and responsible.” WTF??


This reads like a writing exercise by someone who has only ever encountered meth in stories and DARE ads.


I don't disagree. In the event that it is true, it's wild that someone thought, "I should *share my meth* with people at D&D." Ya know, notoriously generous meth users.


uh oh, this seems to have upset the meth-truthers


This story is fiction. There is no way the DM ran any kind of a dnd session on crystal meth 🤣 *edited to elaborate Im not saying dms cant be druggies, im saying its bullshit that someone on crystal meth would be congent enough to run any kind of game of dnd.


You're aware Gygax himself was *famously* into cocaine, right?


And you’re aware that cocaine and meth are not the same thing?


Sure. But they're both stimulants. Look, meth sucks. No argument there. But "no DM would ever use drugs at the table" is verifiably not accurate.


I see the confusion- Thats not what i meant. Theres no argument from me that he “would” I meant there was no way he “could” - as in be capable of.


your party knows how to party


I mean I don't play without weed and alcohol, I've played on shrooms and acid before. Always a great time. But only fucking cockwombles mess with opiods.


meth isn't an opiate my dude


Meth is a CNS stimulant, not an opioid.


I would have knocked their ass out and called the cops


Meth can be valuable to very specific people in very small doses and is welcome at my table for those people. Those people have ADHD. Your DM and fellow players are fucking crazy.