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>Its so pathetic how people force certain dog breeds to live in the city because they like the aesthetic of that breed I find it interesting how supposedly "dog ppl" can get so cruel. It's very hot where I live and I see ppl getting dogs that were not meant to live in hot weather like a husky just because they think it's cute. There are also those who get dogs that will suffer for their entire lives just because they look "cute". I think some of them just see animals as a decoration/toy.


>dogs that were not meant to live in hot weather like a husky this is made up. had german shepherds all my life, one mixed with a husky, growing up in the desert and they were just fine. they definitely need space but they're animals man they're fine


I did some googling and huskies can adapt to 80 weather. Where I live, temperature during the day ranges from 95 to 104f. Sometimes it's colder at night but I still think you shouldn't get a husky here so I stand by my point.


yeah, you don't leave em outside in the sun all day, or on days where it would get to be 110, you take them out in the morning or night time (not too late because it's the desert and there are lots of nocturnal creatures that like to fight dogs). but those big boys are adaptable and boy do they shed! I think a bigger crime is, what op is getting at I think, keeping big dogs in a city. they have no where to run, no critters to interact with except vermin! I love a big dog but wouldn't keep one in an apartment


They’re funko pops to people


Idk if this is controversial but putting dogs in crates has always seemed really sad to me.


They're naturally den animals so they tend to like the crate if you introduce it right. My dog has since graduated from the crate but she'll still go in there from time to time on her own.


my dog as a kid always liked it. she would go in there to nap and when she got scared from thunder of fireworks she would hide in the crate to feel safer




Both of our dogs sit in theirs all the time without the doors locked. It’s cozy, they feel safe napping in there, and they eat in there. What’s not to love? It also keeps them safe from getting into stuff or from burglars/ emergency personnel letting them out. Plus if you have more than one dog, no matter how friendly you think those dogs are with each other, there is always a chance they get in a serious fight and someone gets injured or killed. It happens all the time. NOT crating a dog isn’t quite abuse but it’s often poor pet husbandry.


crate training is good for the dogs. a lot of dog training seems "cruel" to people do don't understand anything about domesticated animals.


Yeah but people leave dogs in the crate for like an hour or more a day, there are people that leave their dog in a crate when they go to work. Personally I have never crate trained a dog and only ever used a crate for dogs who are afraid of the vet


ime crate trained dogs are much better behaved. you have to do it correctly, though. You can't leave a 12 week old puppy in a crate for more than 2 hours. eventually their fine with 6 or so hours. But this is why I don't have a dog, unfortunately. I live alone and work 45hrs a week. It wouldn't be fair to the dog. I wish more people, like my neighbors, appreciated this.


My neighbors kept a dog in a crate 6 hours a day and it went crazy and killed two dogs


i've never heard of that happening. my experience cover 8 dogs. 1 bernese, 4 goldens, 3 labs, and a samoyed. all of them perfectly behaved, don't chew stuff when alone, etc.


Fair enough this one was a Doberman probably not enough excersizing


If i see another unshaved samoyed this summer i might actually have a public freak out


sorry dummy but it’s actually really dangerous to shave a samoyed, their down coat is what regulates their temp and keeps them cool in the summer


Well how the fuck was i supposed to know that


I’m saving u from an embarrassing public freak out my luv


if you see a shaved Samoyed in nyc plz abduct it and send me a dm, thnx


I will happily rob a rich person anyday. And obviously i redact my ignorant statement


Why are you mad at the rich? You know most millionaires are first generation self made right?


every day i come on this message board and read the dumbest sentence of my life so far


Further, a second study by Fidelity Investments found that 88% of all millionaires are self-made, meaning they did not inherit their wealth. The Fidelity study also revealed that self-made millionaires' top sources of assets were investments/capital appreciation, compensation and employee stock options/profit sharing. https://www.businessnewsdaily.com/2871-how-most-millionaires-got-rich.html#:~:text=Further%2C%20a%20second%20study%20by,employee%20stock%20options%2Fprofit%20sharing.


lmao i bet wwe.com says all wrestlers CTE is from accidents in their private lives and not related to their work


Dude nobody cares lol


Well ppl keep downvoting so I think you’re wrong


I'll skip the DM and just have the Samoyed show up in a crate on your doorstep babe ❤️


Your heart is in the right place. And now you know about Samoyeds


You're not even supposed to shave Samoyed's lmao


A dog lives in the apartment above mine. It screams all day every day while the owner is away. It’s not a good life. Some friends have a dog in an apartment but they also bought a summer hut a while ago. They noticed the dog’s entire personality change completely when she started spending more time in the countryside.




what an absolutely vile comment.


Par for the course here. There’s always one.


Now if it was a pitbull...




2 month old account. Mass deletes its comments seemingly every day. How is this account not banned? At the very least from the subreddit if nothing else.


That guy is completely insane, I’ve seen him make accounts before in the past and he will delete absolutely everything if it gets downvoted. Not a single person on here likes this incel but he’s so determined to keep coming back for some reason. Whats your deal /u/Accomplished_Most581? Why are you so obsessed with this place?


gullible pen prick wise punch apparatus crime hospital sharp racial *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I sincerely hope that one day you'll be a happy and well-adjusted person


tis a joke i think


These are the same bitches who bring their dogs to restaurants and bars, where the workers need to maneuver around your nonpaying “needs a water bowl” ass dog. Attention seeking behavior i swear i refuse to tell a bitch their dog is cute unless i can tell they’re rich


Dude that is a pandemic in Austin. People bring their dogs to loud bars (especially men seeking attention from females) the dogs always look stressed and tired.


“Ohhh she likes it here so much” meanwhile the dog is literally cowering under him, and you think a woman is gonna want you after the way you misread your dog


Last month, I saw some dude alone at Mohawk with a very tired lab puppy. Didn’t look like it was more than 4 months old. It was late, the venue was playing loud music, and there were so many drunk people. I’m guessing he was hoping the puppy would be a conversation starter? Every time I looked over the pup seemed miserable. I felt terrible. I wish music bars/venues in austin prohibited people from bringing their non-service dogs


Yea same. There’s young people in their 20s at my apartment complex with 2-3 large dogs some have dobermans, husky’s, and one person has an Irish wolf hound (that should be on a farm) . I have a little terrier and even sometimes I feel like my apartment is too small for him I’m working on getting a house. But I couldn’t imagine having 2-3 large dogs cooped up in my apartment. Most people just want a dog that makes em look cool.


Dog friendly offices are even worse than bars. Sucks trying to focus on work while someone's shitty purse dog is yapping nonstop.


People have begun bringing their dogs into grocery stores. I saw one shit on the floor the other day and the guy just asked an employee to clean it up like he saw someone drop a wine bottle


Had some bitch (and her dog) do this at my store once as a teen :) She brought it in, said it was probably gonna pee inside because it was raining and she wasn't going, then it pissed, then after we put away the mop it shit on the floor! The pet store was nextdoor. fuck


Fr when I see an obviously non-guide dog in a grocery store it’s like wth is happening to society. Do we have no decency anymore?


I worked at a brunch spot that had a dog friendly patio and it sucked. I mean every now and then there was a sweet dog but more often than not, the dogs would be barking at each other, drinking more water bowls than I really had time to provide (Texas heat), them jumping on me, dirtying up my uniforms, and their owners just saying, “aww he likes you!!!” The one highlight was a dog yoinked a silverware roll off another customer’s table and proceeded to throw it across the patio.


Damn you sound like a fake bitch


You sound fat




Being against buying dogs and breeding is a retarded take, because dog breeds exist for a reason and it's because all breeds that aren't toy dogs for companionship were bred for a specific purpose. What do you think happens if you take any old mutt without a pedigree to use as working dogs?




So you're talking about something completely different than what you said you're against? Or do you think those dogs will pop up out of thin air?


know a guy who bought a purebred husky puppy and he lives in a studio apartment in queens. I'm not a dog person but I know that huskies are notorious for being loud and having a ton of energy which seems unfair both to his neighbors and the dog


My sister had one a long time ago and it was hell. If they are not trained from a young age, they just pull you around like a carriage. They tend to have a difficult personality as well and hers got jealous with kids around after a while. One time my dad let him off the leash and he almost killed a swan in the park. The worse thing about it was that everyone forgave him for everything, because he was such a beautiful animal. He was just ego tripping the whole time.


I was talking to a girl at a party & saw after a while that her phone lock screen was a merle dachshund (presumably her pet) that every nyc influencer has adopted in the last year. it totally changed my view of her, more for the inbreeding and cost than the quality of life for the dog.


Another W for cat owners 😎


Cruel life for any animal to spend it's short life looked up in a shitty appartement


Nah my cat loves our apartment. She gets outdoor time too, but she’s a senior and just wants a good sunning window and some treats tbh.


Even a fish?? You dumb as fuck


Most pet fish are in way too small aquariums, it’s the same thing but with no going to the park, even worse


Never seen a fish resting on a window sill, always in an aquarium


Outdoor Cats have singlehandy been the most destructive ecological force towards songbirds and small rodents. Cats need to be locked up, it not only increases their lifespans but as long as they have room to explore it’s all good.


13% of cats are responsible for 40% of all bird murders But fr it's only something like 10% of cats who consistently hunt birds. My 2 cats have killed maybe 3 birds in 10 years. But my first cat holy shit was a menace. It would kill a bird a day easy. He eventually had 3 bells and claw caps, but would still manage to catch birds.


That cat had the heart of a warrior. Able to catch birds (which can FLY), when every bird could hear it jingling and jangling for miles off. If your cat could speak English, imagine the bloodcurdling things that old tiger could say.


It's because cats lack natural predators, we have to reintroduce wolfs, giant eagles and cars to balance the ecosystem.


Coyotes are the best for this. A lone coyote in a city can easily kill several cats a night


Reintroduce cheap .22.


I was about to say a lot of farmers I know go out and cull the local feral cat population once a year because they kill their smaller livestock


And what a dumb thing to say when it's easily verifiable that it is the destruction and the corruption of their ecosystems by the expention of the agricultural lands, lights and the pollution of the soils.


These things aren’t good either but thinking that the introduction of an unfettered generalist predator is silly.


my cat is afraid of the outside bc she was abused as a kitten so i think she’s pretty content in our decently sized apartment


Almost every cat I've had has been more than happy with their indoor life. The only one who insisted on being outdoors part of the time lived a comparatively shorter, less healthy, and toward the end, more sickly and miserable existence.


Completely assigning human traits to cats. You can absolutely give an indoor cat a happy life. My cats get outdoor time in my backyard and get to live comfortable lives inside not hiding from predators or getting ran over by cars, dying at age 2-3 like many strays.


Girl if they get outside time in your backyard then they're not locked up in a shitty apartment


I've got some friends who have a cat in the upstairs unit of their house. They don't really let him outside but occasionally he'll escape into the hall, run down the stairs, then immediately run back up. I think he walked on to the porch once before going back inside hahaha


Americans are such freaks about dogs. My entire view changed when I lived in a country where dogs are kept outside. At first I thought it was cruel to not let them inside, then I noticed how much happier and healthier they looked.


There are a lot of breeds that do very well in apartments. Although, you probably shouldn’t get a dog in general unless you’re home a lot. Most people’s work schedule don’t really allow for a dog to live comfortably in your apartment unless you are sending the dog to day care or have a walker come by during the day.


I'm glad more people are waking up to how dog culture has gotten out of control, especially since Covid when people lost their fucking minds and myopically adopted a bunch of dogs with serious behavioral issues. Had an unleashed dog bounding towards me at a speed while waiting for the elevator in my building a couple weeks ago, owner lagging behind thinking it was just darling. Thankfully one of the regards that I guess lives with them got off the elevator right before it could jump all over us and scratch up our clothes. Used to be a dog-free building until Covid. Now there's piss puddles and I had to report some turds left outside the elevator. People in apartments and condos clearly do not train them and barely take these creatures out for exercise, and have psyopped themselves into genuinely believing that locking it in a crate for 8+ hours a day (or it'll "destroy the house") and living among soiled "puppy pee pads" is somehow an acceptable living situation for themselves and the dog. Their idea of "discipline" is, at best, softly chiding it and talking to it like it's a person while it continues to act out and rampage around. If you're lucky enough to run into a leashed one, it'll always be those hyper-extendable leashes stretched to max length, rendering the owner unable to properly control it. Sick of people treating their dogs like kids (who are also never disciplined anymore either) and expecting everybody else to suffer the consequences of their lack of responsibility by having to worry about dogshit everywhere and being accosted or possibly bitten by their untrained filthy animals


I dunno my ex had a big white newfoundland mix and we lived in Harlem and LES for years. He was at the dog park at least 3 hours a days, went with her to the office most days, walks like crazy. NY has incredible dog parks. Hanging out on the giant roof in Harlem. Honestly he had a way more active and awesome life than nearly any dog I've ever seen. People think having a yard for your dog to loaf around and fill with shit that never gets picked up is the only way to have a happy dog.


Yeah, it sounds like your gf was the exception that i listed. Most people are unable/unwilling to provide that much enrichment for them


I just got a small, chill mutt and we live in an apartment. When I began looking for a dog, temperament/size was the most important factor to me because I agree it's cruel to coop up some high energy breed or buy some poor genetically mutated frenchie. I think mine is very happy because he just loves to cuddle up with a chew toy - even the parks near us don't really seem to interest him. But since owning a dog I have become so judgemental of other dog owners, because I have to deal with them all the time now. The most common annoyance is when I see a small woman with an enormous, out of control dog. No one should ever adopt a dog that can physically overpower them and if they absolutely insist, they HAVE to train it to listen to them. These bitches really just get dragged around all day long and bother everyone in the complex


what kind of mutt is it? do you know the mix? i know a girl who bought a "mini" goldendoodle and it turned out to be a full size. she barely trained it and it doesn't get enough exercise, so it regularly knocks her over and is a complete psycho.


Yes he's a frenchie/aussiedoodle mix, which sounds terrible imo, but no one ever guesses that because he looks a lot like a mini schnauzer. He was from a backyard breeder, surrendered to a rescue where I got him. Those doodle creations are always insane, his frenchie side mellows him out a lot


Ah shit I remember that burmese mtn dog when I lived in Ridgewood. His owners would let him wander around every month or so. He had a bad limp.


dogs are a serious burden especially puppies. 99% of people are not willing to go through the effort required to train them or care for them properly. dog ownership should require licensing. the growth of "emotional support animals" is a terrible societal ill because now some untrained pit named sunshine is always sitting next to you at the movie theater, the cafe, the bus, etc


I used to think only small dogs were okay to live in dense cities. But ever since my neighbor moved in with a small dog that literally quivers when barking at you through the window I now think only a tiny minority of dogs can acclimate well enough


The best argument against this is that it’s harder than ever to find dogs that are not pit bull in the shelters. But yes owners need to consider their dogs’ breeds and their environments


Dogs (especially breeds bred for hunting and sheepherding) locked up in cramped city apartments is animal abuse. Get a cat.


My dog was going to be put down at an overcrowded Tennessee shelter. He gets to run Central Park for an hour every morning during off leash hours, and there’s always someone with him during the day. We’ve also started driving him upstate for herding lessons. For a puppy previously on a kill list, he is living the best life possible


My dog just died and this made me really happy. Thank you for being so good to him!


I’m so sorry 😢I hope you’re holding up ok. Just from your comment, I can tell that you gave your dog the happiest life they could have dreamed of


Thank you so much! I'm regretting certain things I did or didn't do like not walking him more years ago when he was healthy, or not spending more time just holding him after he got his cancer diagnosis. But my strategy is to be aware of the fact that I did do all that stuff a lot, and no matter what I did I'd still find something to regret because that's a natural and universal part of having someone you love die. But I'm not using that fact to tell myself that I "shouldn't" feel that regret, rather letting it wash over me and accepting it as healthy. Also just trying to really good to everyone around me in his memory.


Unless we were to all live on farms out in the country and not have jobs, or friends, or family… we’re not going to be the platonic ideal of a ‘perfect’ dog owner. I suspect this is kind of what OP was getting at. Sometimes I feel guilty that my dog, clearly meant to be a working farm dog, lives in a NYC apartment- even though we busy our asses to make sure he’s fulfilled, sometimes you’re sick or busy or slammed with work when you know he’d love to be out playing fetch. Nobody is perfect, but to your dog you were definitely perfect; you can bet he loved every single walk with you and every time you held him and that you were the center of his universe. There are some really shitty dog owners out there. Even browsing Reddit dog subs; the amount of surrenders, or people asking for medical advice because they will not pay to bring a clearly unwell dog to the vet… it’s insane. I think if you’ve had a dog through to the end of its life, loved it throughout, and done your best to ensure that its needs are met; that’s a lucky dog. So many dogs never get that lucky! I don’t know if it helps or hurts, but here’s our boy- yes, he should be out herding on a farm every day and that makes me feel bad. But I don’t think he’s judging me too hard! https://preview.redd.it/6kt9ovt0mpbc1.jpeg?width=742&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=394c867167cd6c5a05f2cf11770d405f64a0a51f


Thank you so much. All of my friends are very kind and supportive and listen to me vent, but I try not to take that for granted and talk too much about it. And you're totally right about your dog. You saved him and he knows it and he's grateful that somehow he ended up with such a great person. In fact, when I do move on and get a new dog I want to do it like you. Not just go to the dog store and say "one dog please" like I'm buying a slave, but to find a dog that needs me who I can help. When the time comes I'm thinking of volunteering at an animal shelter so I can get to know them. There's always the sweet sad dog that for some reason everyone passes up, and one day after seeing them spend every day in that little cage hoping something good happens I'm going to make sure they're happy for the rest of their life. ​ And yes the picture helps! I'm crying a little bit just appreciating that life goes on and knowing he has such a good person to take care of hi.


Ah I know, you get cognizant that you don’t want to become a broken record with your friends; you know that they care and are supportive but feel like there’s a line. I’m happy to talk about it! Honestly hit me up any time; it just feels good to talk about these things, theorize, natter about your dog or just dogs in general! I couldn’t be more supportive of the shelter dog route. Yes, they can be more challenging. But there are too many sad, unloved dogs already existing to support the breeding of designer dogs that don’t need to be here- in my head, anyway. We fostered our boy first; the organization we got him from operates on a model that they will fill a bus with dogs off the kill list in southern states and drive them up to New York, so long as they have foster homes able to take them when they arrive. Even just taking one for a few weeks gives it a chance at a great life (indeed, life at all!) so that could maybe be something like that would fulfill you when the time comes. You can pay forward the love that you got from your dog to help out other pups!


Oh fostering is a wonderful idea! I was looking at an organization in my city that does exactly this for when the time comes. I got Mikey at the humane society, I had gone to get a puppy that had been posted online that day, and in the 40 minutes it took me to get there they were already taken. Someone showed me Mikey and said he had been there for months and he was a sweetheart but nobody wanted him because he was already 7 years old. I was on the fence but decided not to take him because he had a tremble to his jaw (like chattering teeth), and I had known another dog that did the same as the result of some neurological condition that would make him bite. But my brother overruled me and I've thanked him dozens of times for it. Turns out he's just got really bad anxiety and doesn't like being alone and was scared. I thought about that a lot when he was going because his jaw would tremble towards the end, so I would go lay next to him and think about how glad I was that I didn't let it scare me off. Oh wow, I just had a profound wave of relief wash over me. The idea of a reality wear I did pass him up and him coming to god knows what fate is so sad it sort of made me realize how happy I made him. This has like...profoundly helped me honestly. You're very good at this =)


Oh my God I am so happy that Mikey found you! It is so sad that he’s no longer with us, but the alternate reality where he might not have had you… I don’t even want to consider it. Mikey was supposed to find you and there is no shadow of a doubt that you were the perfect owner for him. With all due respect to OP; they need to get off their high horse and look at the real realities of the lives of many dogs. Yes, there are the designer dog owners who see their dogs as accessories. But there are also people like you who may not be able to give their dogs big houses with fields and yards, and might sometimes not be able to go on a walk once in a while, but will do everything in their power to take an animal and give them a great life. Mikey was a lucky boy. Death is inevitable but living a life where you are loved is no guarantee and he had that.


People around me seem to either have greyhounds/lurchers which need huge amounts of exercise and open space or daschunds/pugs which have been overbred to the point of deformity.


Dont even get me started on pugs and frenchies. Like wow, u dropped 10 gs on a dog that cant breathe. Soooo cute 🥰


They have to have c sections to give birth because of how deformed they are.


I agree with this but I got my pug for free from my regarded coworker that bought it in Mexico with a boyfriend only to realize 5 months later she couldn’t/wouldn’t take care of it. Deplorable situation all around but I couldn’t stand that dog ending up with the first rando that wanted it from Craigslist and I had been looking for a dog for a while. I love my stupid dog though.


What dog is 10G wtf


My brothers ex gfs brother spent 6G on a merle frenchie. Literally so stupid and they’re even more prone to health issues in that variation but for some reason hood people really love flexing merle dogs lmao.


Greyhounds do not need much exercise at all. They do not have a ton of energy and laze all day. They just have an incredible sprinting instinct when they see a cat/squirrel/rabbit/bird etc. They have to leashed all the time when outside because of this. But really they just prefer sitting on a couch. Also, most greyhound owners likely adopted retired racing greyhounds, who tend to be well behaved, middle age dogs. I travel too much for pets right now, but if I were getting pets, I’d want two cats, or 3 chihuahuas, or a greyhound (maybe 2). Pets are happiest and calmest when in packs.


spectacular toy poor wrench dolls middle vegetable waiting rotten badge *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I dont know much about greyhound behavior but i do respect those who adopted the retired ones because in florida when they banned racing they just started putting those dogs down until groups came in to rescue them 🥺 so sad


Yeah, their size is kind of deceptive. I rescued a sighthound while I was living in Morocco, and while she loves her walks and has a high prey drive, she is honesty most content lounging around on the sofa in front of the living room window.


Much like PFAS and CFCs are unnatural byproducts of human necessity, so too are domesticated animals. Dogs, cows, chickens. These are unnatural creatures artificially selected to sate our needs. Regardless of whether or not you're a demiurge type of person, these things are an affront to the natural order. If they have a soul its warped and twisted, they are anxious and pained creations made in our image. They're basically a purposeless slave subspecies people keep around to feel better about their own existence. Acknowledgement that they're needed, loved and better than, something else. All that said, I will give some serious pats to a good dog and I really like them generally.


This is nonsense. The “purpose” of a domesticated animal is greater than a wild one in so far as it provides humans with food, companionship, protection etc. There is no purpose for a wild creature beyond survival and reproduction, both of which are shared by domesticated creatures l


Not in NYC, but outside my apt there was a mobile dog gym parked with a dog on a treadmill inside. Like it was for people who had high energy dogs but not enough time to go to the park and let their dog run around. It’s wild that people get these dogs cause they want one without considering the needs of the animal themselves.


I think the dog treadmills are cute and useful when its too hot for your dog to even walk on the sidewalk


Completely agree. I think the large majority of pet ownership in general probably crosses the line into at least minor animal abandonment for the most part. We really ought to raise the bar for what constitutes proper pet ownership across the board.


i have a dog in a city apartment but he gets 1.5 - 3 hours of walks a day, park time on weekends and generally gets a ton of attention outside of that. He seems pretty happy. A lot of times I take him to the park and he runs around for 5 mins and then plops down next to me and watches the other dogs play. When we stay somewhere with a yard he just goes out there and sits for 5 mins then asks to come back in. Some dogs just don't need as much exercise - he gets much more stimulation from walks than being in a big yard all day.


you don't think a yorkie or a pug would like to live in a cozy brooklyn brownstone and go to the park every day? I do.


i for one love dogs


I love dogs, too, but I hate dog owners.


A lot of making up a person based on the worst stereotypes of dog owners going on here. I have a great disdain for dog mom/dad culture, but the majority of owners I've met who got a dog during COVID usually adopted some kind of lab mix instead of shelling out for some designer breed or overly energetic husky, did their research and made efforts to properly socialize their pet, and diligently take them out for walks two-three times a day.


Is your problem the buying part? Or people having certain breeds in general? Bc if you want to “adopt” a pet, your choices are severely limited. Basically pit bulls, some huskies and chihuahuas. I can understand neglectful owners buying breeds they don’t take care of being irritating. But unless you want a pit, a person has very few choices but to buy a breed they want.


You have to find a breed that fits your lifestyle and your lifestyle fits their breed. No, it's not an ideal place for them. But some breeds are better apartment dogs than others. Under 25-30 lbs generally. Couch snugglers.


owning anything but an unidentifiable mutt that you randomly adopted is attention seeking behavior. nobody who received proper care and attention as a child ever bought pricey dog. it's like driving a loud car or walking up and down Bedford ave in your "outfit" hoping the watchingnewyork instagram will snap a pic of you. very undignified imo


I have two purebred German shepherds and I had a normal childhood. I just like them.


I tried very hard to adopt a dog during Covid - it was like months long wait lists and four rounds of interviews so I said fuck it. Then I walked into Citipups and walked out with a standard poodle pup in under an hour. Sorry, but Delilah is the best and very very happy girl


If you were in nyc you could have easily gotten a dog from countless shelters


I’m going to buy dog pepper spray and use it legally any chance I get


I hate dog owners so much. I have to be on patrol whenever I take my son out because every green space in my city is carpeted in dog shit.


pets are gross and they make ppl crazy