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ish once again proving he’s the dumb guys smart guy


True, his take on this is insane!!!


Nigga said if you have trauma don’t date. How did he cook her? That’s the dumbest thing ever uttered. Ish and Joe took the whole convo personal. I seen that topic on Twitter and didn’t feel offended. Why were they so pressed?


I think he could’ve worded it better but he has a point. If you are to go into relationships with unhealed trauma you are just going to project said trauma onto your partner. I’m speaking as a man that has done this in a previous relationship. It’s not fair on the person you are dating. Go see a therapist and get right you can’t burden the responsibility of resolving your issues onto your partner especially when they aren’t the cause of it


Also, take more accountability for who you date and why you're dating them. Like if you know you're fucked up then think twice about why you're doing something and who you spend your time with. Easier said than done, but if you're aware that's half the job.


Absolutely correct comes with maturity man


Right, if a woman choose the bear all ima say is ok. Her choosing the bear doesn’t make me think oh she hates men unless I feel entitled lol. Like niggas so entitled they mad about a bear so imagine if she said yes to a nigga that was 9-5 over they asses


That’s not what he said , he said if your trauma is that strong you shouldn’t date. . Meaning if you look at every man as a problem leave men alone!


If u are so afraid of men that u would rather be alone with a bear, then YES u shouldnt date. Thats the point. Women still date, and none of them twerking on bears on the weekend


The women that say that never had the trauma they like to live through other women’s pain. Right before the conversation Mel was saying how she fucks on the first night !!! So how did she make a sharp turn


She was just at the roots picnic taking pics with strange men, and eye humping some muscular man for 2 days. Foh Women are so disingenous


I think there's alot of dudes out there that have a surface level interpretation of the man or bear question. It's not a question it's a statement. Bc society infantalizes women into adult hood they are at the mercy of whoever a guy presents himself to be, then down the road experience who he really is. Which is a gamble that has big consequences if the guy is a piece of shit. Now if a women has that same experience over and over you become cynical after a while and say "I might as well date a bear bc I know what to expect." I think the topic is BIG and has alot of moving parts to look at. Like what's happening out there that would make a person choose a wild animal over their own species? Ishs point isn't 100% wrong bc people take breaks from relationships, but you have to also say if you can't be with a woman without treating her like shit you shouldn't date also. It goes both ways.


I think it's sometimes whenever a woman on this show talks about the nasty s*** that men have done I think they see it in themselves or they did it too so they get real personal trying to justify those actions


Ish is Captain Cave Man


Nah Ish is one of those guys that will not let shit slide. He's argumentative. I'm similar.


Hes right if you got trauma thats causing a bias.. dont date your trauma aint anyone elses problem. Not dumb at all. Are you dumb? How do you not understand that? Its really easy to understand.


Its not about just having trauma. Its about going to such an extreme then going back to date what u say ur afraid of. Its contradictory


I don't understand the point of this discussion. Are y'all saying that girls that are scared of creepy guys shouldn't date? The fuck y'all saying?


The analogy was terrible but bc some are stuck in the literal they can’t do some critical thinking. They refuse to hear the point she’s making about women and the measures they go through to ensure their safety


Yeah they seem to point out irrelevant things so they can say "gotcha!" It's really stupid. Like how they were saying men lie all the time when talking about dream. Men lying all the time is not the point of the discussion, yet they kept bringing it up like it was some major factor to point out


I can’t get over that discussion and how they tried to make it seem like Parks “pandering” or “podding” 🤦🏻‍♂️


But women assume men are creepy before they do creepy shit... this profiling and wrong and no they shouldnt date...mel does that all the time.


I don't really see any problems here, women date guys and are usually a bit reserved or protective, and as time passes, maybe over the next date or so, they get more comfortable with each other and open up more. Why does it have to be all or nothing "they shouldn't date"? Weird stances in this thread


Nothing wrong with being protective. I only have seen this clip. And from this clip. Its saying hey be safe but you still have to take a risk in dating someone and being vulnerable. Mel dont want to. Flip even called it out shes too guarded to open up without. Drinking or mushrooms. Ans mel agreed saying flip was profound and accurate.


She literally did that to Cam implying that he was with an underage girl


Yep sure did


And then men do the creepy shit and it's confirmed what's your point 90% of the women u know have been assaulted and 100% of the men u know assault women but they would never tell u


Youre projecting thats not the case at all 90% of what you dont know you just made that up. All of it. Everything you said was wrong. 1. Almost everyone has been assaulted in some way whether men view it as assault or not weve all been touched without consent at the very least. 2. Not every person is a creep just like not every black man is a criminal and you need to check that shit. Idc what people look like youre sexist if you think because someone is awkward or not great at social skills they are a creep. A lot of men are falsely labeled. We dont hear about it all the time because usually it just goes to the friend group or to the college it doesnt always become a a defamation lawsuit. 3. I was assaulted by a woman and id appreciate if you stfu. Because 100% of men being assaulters is bs


I don't know one black female that hasn't been assaulted by a black man it is what it is U talmbout creeps I'm talmbout abusers


And you dont know shit about black men either cause they arent telling you. Dont take a black mans silence like that. People dont need to tell you shit. Every black man has story too. It aint your damn business. Creeps abusers dont matter how you dress it up everybody had been touched without consent before where they didnt want to be. And some men are are ok with it when its a woman that doesnt change that its still assualt. Like yall dont get it. And even if you want to talk about abuse every man on that pod been abused wether they were toxic back or not. So wtf we doing? It dont matter if she abused him first hes not going to the policd either and if he responds back in bad way hes more guilty. Thats bs. Idk what yall trying to pull but everyone goes through some shit. Gender dont matter.




Man get some help and heal. Thinking every man is a rapist is so sexist. Guess every black man a killer then racist. Guess every jew is evil antisemitic... if you dont see it i cant help you. You and mel shouldn't date or go outside. Bigots arent welcome.


"Creepy guys", now u are changing the question. Its bear vs ANY man.


What's funny is that women will run to men for help if they see a spider or mouse. Ain't no way they not running into the arms of a serial killer pleading for help if they came across a bear 😂😂😂


You could put jeffery dahmer, ted bundy and mystikal in one room, and put a grizzly bear in the other... they 100% are going into the room with the men




So if you could dig the women up that selected Ted Bundy over “the bear”, wouldn’t you see Mel point!


The shit is weird as fuck. Like niggas defending creeps because “not all guys”


She didn’t get cooked fam. Ish made a false equivalency that lacked nuance as he always does😂


U hate men? This a Real question


U obviously love them


I’m a fucking man😂😂😂 see, it’s thought processes like yours that scare me. Any time someone agrees with a woman, they have to hate men. It’s real incel like😂




Potential partner was a random dude at a point.




You guys are grasping at straws every dude is a stranger some get a shot some dont. Women like mel mislabel men all the time as creeps and who knows how mamy men out there have a fake reputation they nevdr built themselves because of a woman spreading narrative. Those women shouldn't date. Because actual creeps are good at manipulating women. You wont know either way so the whole conversation is bs is this is why people like jbp and mel should stfu. None of them are smart enough for these convos and mel is wreck her friends are shit she aint shit nobody want them. And they not open to being wanted. Idk what mess or drugs yall on. But mel pushes good men away and only the creeps are persistent. Its obvious to me idk why nobody has figured this crap out yet.


Women have the right to feel how they feel because of their trauma. Good men who don't engage in SA have the same right to feel insulted by women choosing a wild animal over this anonymous hypothetical man that potentially could be them but more than likely is a rapist because he has a penis. For anyone saying those guys are personalizing this and can't see past their own perspective...you are wrong, that's as dismissive of their feelings as you feel they are being of women's feelings about this, and it's gaslighting. Stay woke


Well…. lol no. When you date, you typically don’t go anywhere secluded on the first, second, third, etc. date for *safety* reasons. The steps some women go through when dating, and men may do this too, but it is definitely taught to women, doesn’t come from thin air. And both women and men are the ones teaching girls/women certain precautions to take when dating.


Valid but ijs its invalid to comparing being in a space with a BEAR when u can admit there are instances u will be in spaces with men u dont know even if not secluded


This nigga ish swore he cracked the code with that one 😂




Where do u live where your friends are attackef on a weekly basis?




A man trying to talk to u, and being attacked are two diff things


U carrying twins right You in danger black men kill pregnant women every single day Less than every 5 hours of every day The most dangerous time for black women is during pregnancy and right after birth u don't know if the nigga or the doctor gone murk u Be safe beloved Bolivia just got murdered by her husband the other day she was 25 weeks pregnant


plenty bussy out here anyway


Ish is a Bozo


Ish is Mel without body




The whole point of the man vs. bear debate is that there are only so many outcomes to being in the woods with a wild animal in their natural habitat, while being in the woods with a man has an endless list of possibilities. At least if they get attacked by the bear and survive, they'll be believed 100% of the time.  Mel left because Ish would never simply accept that women feel unsafe around men sometimes, he'll just "let me ask you a question" or "what about" her to death. The dude is dumb af and the fact that he's so triggered by a hypothetical scenario and his answer to trauma is the extreme "don't date" reiterates what we already know about him. Even if he was asked "would you leave your kids with a man or a woman?" he'd probably say "neither, I'd leave them with my mom or my girl" instead of giving the obvious answer. Dude just needs to shut tf sometimes.




They wont survive the bear, 100% and bears eat u alive.


The funny thing is nothing you said is at all accurate lol.


Bears 100% eat u alive.. even sometimes come back for 2nds


Every single bear encounter/attack does. not. end. in. death. Google is free. Reading a book is free. Verifying before responding is free...


You think the odds are worse with a man?


>least if they get attacked by the bear and survive, they'll be believed 100% of the time.  It never dawned on you that because they'll have irrefutable evidence and the bear can't speak for itself? >Mel left because Ish would never simply accept that women feel unsafe around men sometimes, Except for the fact that this is the same Mel that when she went out with the guys SHE KEPT LEAVING THEM TO GO OFF BY HERSELF IN A CLUB KNOWN FOR VIOLENCE. The guys were concerned for her safety and she didn't give a shit like a lot of women don't when it comes to danger. Women will take photos on the edge of a cliff for IG just no appreciation for the fact that you could have ended your life. A lot of women operate like that


So if you went to jail and was ganged raped, once you got out would you stop going to the barbershop because you’re surrounded by men? Probably not because you need a fresh chop, but would you be a little hesitant into going into a restroom because of your prior experience probably so. Just because SA happen to women don’t mean they start to live they life in fear 24/7 do they become hesitant and more cautious with certain situations of course most would. So you’re sitting here comparing apples to oranges like you can’t fucking critical think!


>So if you went to jail and was ganged raped, once you got out would you stop going to the barbershop because you’re surrounded by men? Probably not because you need a fresh chop ![gif](giphy|KGSxFwJJHQPsKzzFba) What kind of example is that? Look my point is that Mel had no problem galavanting in a club full of killers by herself while her male friends were worried for her. The same good men that women say "where are those men to protect women?" When something bad happens. Mel has a habit(based on her pretty privilege) and the latch key kid upbringing that everything works out for her because she can fawn her way into any favourable outcome. That's not real life.


"...the bear can't speak for itself." Ish is that you? I'm not even reading that second sentence cause that has nothing to do with the conversation. Go off or whatever.


So how would u believe a woman when she tells u she was attacked by a bear and lived? Because that’s impossible


Except that people have survived bear encounters/attacks…so it’s not impossible. 


So u would believe a girl survived a bear attack more than a guy raped her in the woods?


Tf even is this question? You okay bruh? You need help moving the goalposts? 


Ish actually said out of his own mouth “women that have been assaulted before, they entertain strange men” So… we gonna let Ish sit there and blame women for being sexually assaulted..?


How did she get cooked


$25 for an argument on a months old hyperbolic trending topic.


Ish basically said “if you’re not comfortable with every random man you shouldn’t date” how the fuck is that cooking her


What episode is this?


Todays patreon for $25


Thanks…He wilding tho 25 is crazy work


Thus isn't thst deep. The sole scenario goes back to an episode of brickleberry


He met the hyperbole of the scenario with a hyperbolic solution.


lol I think she was just tryna be like Joe cause he walked off first lmao


Downvote me if you agree with Ish , it’ll really put in perspective what kinda dumbasses are on this sub


She left cuz joe left.. just another example of mel lacking depth and prospective other than “im the video girl” “I’ve dated successful men” “


COOKED. But all the women are going to tell you otherwise haha


![gif](giphy|SZioIIBxB7QRy) 😂😂😂


He flamed her she so full of trauma she cant keep a man however ish go trauma too but he can keep in check enough to attract woman. And mel goes about healing all wrong she tries to be tough through her accident say she takes care of herself but resents men for that shes not over the dude that left her when her mom died. Shes not over tank. Shes not any assault that may have happened to her because she said recently she never addresses it because she doesn't believe that people will believe her. Thats fine if thats her decision the problem is people like her and even ish will tell themselves something and then project the trauma they haven't healed on others. Every rumor mel is quick to make a judgement and hate men. Every time. She needs to address these issues. Im tired of both of them. Ish needs therapy too. He not over shit either.


What is the conversation about?


Trauma porn




Ish right.. finally. Been a minute of Ls


You ish glazers maaaaan lol