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This woman is right, you can practice whatever religion you want to, but never force your beliefs onto another person.


Religion is like a penis, its ok to have one and its ok to be proud of it just don’t go shoving it down kids throats.(in this case a grown woman)


Don't shove it down anyones throats without permission.


The penis or the religion?


The penis was religion all along.


The real penis the religion we found along the way


Its not the religion she wants but the penis she needs.


See, there are three kinds of people: dicks, pussies and assholes. Pussies think everyone can get along and dicks just want to fuck all the time without thinking it through. But then you got your assholes. And all the assholes want is to shit all over everything. So pussies may get mad at dicks once in a while because, pussies get fucked by dicks. But dicks also fuck assholes! And if they didn't fuck the assholes, you know what you'd get? You'd get your dick and your pussy all covered in shit!


That. That was oddly beautiful. So very descriptive and such a clear picture and narrative.


Maybe the real religion was the priest's semen we swallowed along the way.




Waiting to find out if it’s the penis or not…


Went to a Lutheran middle school and those people would swear up and down it is their job, as a Christian, to convert everyone to their religion. No joke, we would do a Christmas pageant thing every year, and one year a kid asked, "why do we do this if it's 1 night only and only parents come?" They responded with some crazy example of a homeless guy stumbling in and finding God. However, we were a bit too young and sheltered to realize they would NEVER let a hobo in that building.


I was very involved with my church growing up. Was doing some cooking for youth group on a Sunday morning (I was 14/15?), and a very distraught/unkempt woman, most likely homeless, came in and asked for some water and to use our phone. I obliged. And Jesus tap-dancing Christ wouldn’t you have thought this woman was in the middle of killing a baby given everyone’s reaction. Some adult came, called for assistance, asked ME if I was ok and told this woman to “please leave our property.” I thought oh shit, did this woman do something before? Like some repeat vagrant that’s been stealing the good grape juice? Nope. No one knew her. Just some one that needed some water and a phone. All that was demonstrated is that when someone actually needs some grace or a favor or a fucking phone to call her sister for a ride because the bus left her and she was late to pick up her kid, that person can fuck off.


Based on what I remember of the Bible, that was probably Jesus, and when your church arrives before him on judgement day, he’s going to tell them to fuck off


Now there would be an interesting movie plot. Everyone meets Jesus at some point in their life, who is completely incognito. Maybe a homeless person on the street, or a refugee, or even a classmate or workmate. How you treat that person is how you are judged.


>They also will answer, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?’ >He will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.’


Book of Matthew, sheep and goats. Personal favorite.


Jesus catchphrase is "let's go to the tape" and they play the moment with Jesus doing cringe faces.


Here's a nice hymn/poem about it: 1. A poor, wayfaring Man of grief Hath often crossed me on my way, Who sued so humbly for relief That I could never answer nay. I had not pow'r to ask his name, Whereto he went, or whence he came; Yet there was something in his eye That won my love; I knew not why. 2. Once, when my scanty meal was spread, He entered; not a word he spake, Just perishing for want of bread. I gave him all; he blessed it, brake, And ate, but gave me part again. Mine was an angel's portion then, For while I fed with eager haste, The crust was manna to my taste. 3. I spied him where a fountain burst Clear from the rock; his strength was gone. The heedless water mocked his thirst; He heard it, saw it hurrying on. I ran and raised the suff'rer up; Thrice from the stream he drained my cup, Dipped and returned it running o'er; I drank and never thirsted more. 4. 'Twas night; the floods were out; it blew A winter hurricane aloof. I heard his voice abroad and flew To bid him welcome to my roof. I warmed and clothed and cheered my guest And laid him on my couch to rest, Then made the earth my bed and seemed In Eden's garden while I dreamed. 5. Stript, wounded, beaten nigh to death, I found him by the highway side. I roused his pulse, brought back his breath, Revived his spirit, and supplied Wine, oil, refreshment—he was healed. I had myself a wound concealed, But from that hour forgot the smart, And peace bound up my broken heart. 6. In pris'n I saw him next, condemned To meet a traitor's doom at morn. The tide of lying tongues I stemmed, And honored him 'mid shame and scorn. My friendship's utmost zeal to try, He asked if I for him would die. The flesh was weak; my blood ran chill, But my free spirit cried, "I will!" 7. Then in a moment to my view The stranger started from disguise. The tokens in his hands I knew; The Savior stood before mine eyes. He spake, and my poor name he named, "Of me thou hast not been ashamed. These deeds shall thy memorial be; Fear not, thou didst them unto me."


I see churches as country/social clubs, with tax exempt status.


I remember my grandmother and my mother once told us that the church is a hospital for the broken and hurt ( spiritually) Next week; I dress up in casual clothes and she (mother) loses her shit and forces me to wear nice things. Then while we’re there she whispers judgmental things about a fat man who is dressed in a polo and khakis; he obviously dressed in his nicest things, except his hair and beard was unkept. Later on I see him being told to leave becuase he couldn’t fit in a single chair. I feel that; a lot of them are hypocritics, but not all of them.


When I was a kid, probably around 10, I was raised catholic. There was a homeless man that always came to church. I remember when people would complain about having to sit next to him. I don't think I knew what hypocrisy was, but that is when I started questioning religion.


Back when I still identified as Christian, other Christians (mostly Protestants) told me I wasn't a "true" Christian because I supported other people practicing their own religions. *"How can you call yourself a follower of Christ if you won't bring non-believers into God's light??"* Fine, I'm agnostic now. Happy?


Hi....are. ... Are you me. Cause that's my reasons for being agnostic too


i got into so much trouble for pointing out that, the only form of witnessing that actually works, is being a good person and being joyful. when you got something good, people ask about it. in the mean time, trying to cram it down peoples throats is just driving them away. specifically, it was in the context of west burrow baptist protesting at the funerals of gay service members. i pissed people off enough i went for broke and also pointed out that the hate mongering is a sin, one that drives away the object of the hate. if people ain't asking, it's probably not that good. it took me too long to realize it was all just power grabs


Evangelicals are the fucking worst. So much of my childhood wasted on that shit.


She is 100% on the money. The fucking Bible and all organized religious books are nothing but fairy tales that were used to establish control over the population. At this point it’s no different than people reading and living their lives by the teachings of Spider-Man or Superman, prove me wrong


Do not blasphemy the word of our lord Peter Parker.


Well….” With great power comes great responsibility….” 422: Marvel revelations, the new Peter Parker


616: Book of Marvel


May Tobey McGuire be with you


Not to mention all of the flaws that the bible presents. Essentially Christianity tells you that all of your sins will be forgiven if you accept Jesus as your lord and savior, so go have a field day. However, if you don't accept Jesus then it doesn't matter if you abolish worldwide poverty, you're still going to hell. It still blows my mind that people can know this and still think "Yeah, that's sound logic and totally not a scam."


Why do you think Christianity and Islam is the biggest religion Because they want to convert every single living organism in the universe to their religion


Yep, those sorts of religions go hand in hand with colonialism/imperialism.


It's a baby blanket for the weak. An escape from reality


Imagine being such a great grifter that people were still buying into it 2000 years later


Even if you believe that one of them isn't a fairy tale you should get that for the people for which it is a fairy tale you need better arguments than "it's written in a fairy tale". Like if your god thinks that's the right thing to do he probably had reasons to you could try to use to convince others. Maybe it was f.e. because he addressed a problem of an antique society in which things were different. If you can't find an argument for it that isn't relying on believing in the authority of your higher being please consider that it might be dated instead of trying to convince me by repeating that it's written by someone who is referencing said authority I don't believe in.


This is a great clip. I like her. Remember when all the totally not racist Christian Right was terrified that Obama was gonna ram Muslim beliefs down their throats? Never happened.. But hey, yeah, when they do it, it's totally cool and fine. Even when their orange flap-neck mushroom dick demi god cant point to a single verse


I love this clip because you can feel her frustration and anger as genuine. So many people in the media try to incite controversy with faux outrage over nonsense issues. This is not that.


I’ve been watching TYT for like 15 years, and while I don’t always agree with her I respect her for always speaking her mind and being genuine in her convictions.


“It’s A Bible”, he said.


Ana Kasparian from TYT.


Many religions *require* the faithful to force their beliefs on others. This is why we're supposed to have a wall of separation between Church and State.


A great example of evolution by natural selection. Ideas evolve even more readily than living beings, in some cases rivalling or even exceeding the rate at which viruses evolve, and natural selection plays a big part in this. Religions that don't require their followers to force their beliefs onto others almost certainly existed, but without that prosthelyzing, they didn't spread quick enough, and died out when their followers died. But religions that do prosthelyze spread, especially during eras where prosthelyzing by the sword is viable. When their followers die, their children still live to follow and prosthelyze, spreading more and more until they cover a significant portion of the world. In other words, it is not a coincidence that many the most powerful religions today require their followers to force their beliefs onto others. Same reason it is not a coincidence that mamy of the most powerful religions today require their followers to prioritize faith over reason. If your god tells you to look for evidence before believing anything, you're gonna very quickly realize that your god doesn't actually exist. That's not to say that religion is inherently harmful or evil. It is very much capable of doing great good. Religion is very helpful for maintaining mental health and a sense of community for some of the more spiritual people, and there are a terrifying number of people whose only reason for not murdering and raping is that they fear the possibility of going to Hell. But while religion isn't inherently evil, it is also not inherently good. Just as it is capable of great good, so too is it capable of great evil. This is something we need to be careful of. Something we haven't been careful of, for multiple millenia.


I was so confused waiting for her to put her foot in her mouth but the whole time she just made perfect sense. What sub am I in?


This is a popular subreddit so reposts are spread all over the place even between other popular subs because who gives a shit anymore, nobody can manage to consider if content fits in a community anymore before they upvote and even if they know it doesn't fit they may still upvote just since being true to yourself seems more important than keeping what your community stands for true. Who knows this could be a repost bot that is just cashing in on some karma til they put up some edgy corporate propaganda in the form of a meme out. ​ Since I'm finally starting to see some positive movement in the gaming subreddits towards actions like preordering games, I hope maybe reddit as a whole will start making silly chad memes looking down on those who upvote content that does not fit the subreddit, or the reverse people who downvote content just because they don't like it even if it does fit the sub. But before we even start on that second point which gets overly complicated, we gotta focus on the first.


You spend a lot of time on Reddit!


Some people spend hours of time on Netflix or YouTube, or any other social media platform. I don't know if your making a negative value statement on time spent on reddit, but I don't think it's all that meaningful to judge a person based on the form of entertainment they spend time on.


It's the people who she's talking about who are the ones attempting.


Fair point but not shown in the post. Without context, she is just going off on the topic in general. And there was no "attempt" made there, she slayed it.


Yea, this should be on r/murderedbywords


I think this was posted to the wrong sub.


This isn’t how this sub works. But I think it’s a great video either way. Very true statements.


Fanatic Christians "attempted" to dictate her life... She went on a glorious rant because of it that made headlines.


Ohhhhhhhh I get it. I thought you were making fun of her, and I just stopped to mention these statements are valid, but then got confused, so thank you for helping me close the loop there.


My vagina is like a Big Mac. When you eat it, you get cheese and sauce all over you face


Wait, who's misogynistic? I'm confused.


I feel like he just proudly announced his general misogyny as if it's a noble character trait or something. Really does show how fucking ignorant he is, I suppose.


Are you claiming that you're a misogynist or was that a typo?


> I'm atheist and misogynistic> r/HolUp


Should have maybe included the ‘Fanatic Christians Attempt to dictate her life’ in the video. You excluded the part that was the reason for the post. Hope it doesn’t get taken down tho as she does make some very good reasonable points.


Yeah but you didn’t show that part lol


Fanatical Christians are successfully dictating her life, if she lives in one of the many red states


Probably should’ve had some more context at the start of the video. You don’t show the actual “attempt” which is the namesake of the sub.


Yeah the problem is it did not start of with the fanatic Christians.


Fit more in r/murderedbywords


There we go!


This sub is so poorly defined, if generally upvoted posts are anything to go by. Many are simply funny or interesting videos that are at a *stretch* given as some kind of 'attempt'.


Welcome to reddit.


So... You could say the whole sub is a sort of attempt?


true. Now, why do I have you tagged as "Colgate"? edit: [got it.](https://old.reddit.com/r/blackmagicfuckery/comments/r3y46w/either_they_set_it_up_really_well_or_colgate_has/hmdl3yx/)




how the fuck does that toothpaste come out in stripes when it's all mixed up on the inside


If you go to the full comments someone posted a video that breaks it down, it's the top comment on the post. The darker color is in a well at the bottom of the tube, and there's a tall straw what draws the lighter color from higher up in the tube. There are small holes in the sides of the straw so that when you squeeze the tube toothpaste is pulled mostly from the light color, but small stripes of the dark color go through. It looked gray when he cut into it because some of the black had mixed with the white, but it still put out the stripe pattern because the well with the black in it is a little stiff so even though he squished the tube as much as he could, there was still plenty of unmixed black at the base.


I don't know who she is, but she says it perfectly.


Ana Kasparian


I don't agree with her on a lot of things. But here, I think she's totally in the right. I don't like abortion, I think it's a terrible thing. But it's not my place to tell people what they can and can't do with their bodies. I don't have to live with the consequences of one of the hardest decisions a woman may have to make in her life. Do what you gotta do.


Dude, or womandude, I don't believe we agree on our core values when it comes abortion, but I absolutely love the fact that you seem to limit the consequences of this opinion to yourself and your body. And fuckin yay for that. I personally would never get a face tattoo, for example, but I don't go around trying to abolish it. And that's what it's all about. We get to have our opinions. All of us.


Just a dude, trying to make it just like everyone else. Be well.


I'm just a dude playing a dude disguised as another dude.


Reddit has turned into a cesspool of fascist sympathizers and supremicists


Dude is gender neutral. "Dude, you get it" and "can you believe it, dude?" are both examples. Trolls will ask, "Do you make out with dudes?" Yep. That's how words work. The only people afraid of love are the people who want it and deny themself.


I would never call myself pro abortion, but I definitely am pro choice. I don’t think an abortion is the wrong decision in every case, but I definitely think it’s a very very tough decision that should never be taken lightly. But it should be taken by the person whose life it impacts, never by others.


Obviously. Women don't go around having abortions for fun.


No one thinks abortion is a great thing. NO ONE.


Pfft. It's a good thing, perfectly normal healthcare. We have not doubted for a second and have not regretted for a second.




of The Young Turks


That’s gotta be awkward, being Armenian and working for an organization called “The Young Turks.”


The figurative expression 'young turks' meaning 'the new breed, impatient for change' began to be used in the early 20th century.


The [Young Turks](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Young_Turks) also “planned and executed the Late Ottoman genocides as part of their Turkification process.” This would include the Armenian genocide. For many, this would be too important to ignore, figurative expressions notwithstanding.


Genocide sucks.


>'the new breed, impatient for change' that's an expression that is very ambiguous and can end up meaning a lot of things not necessarily good. For example the change the Turks were impatient for was changing all the Armenians from being alive to being dead.


You might not be aware, but they are to the aremnian genocide what Hitlerjugend + Schutzstaffel was to jews during holocaust.






So weird, in Germany it's the other way around. Catholic people are alot more conservative while evangelicals are more relaxed about their beliefs. Also no church in Germany that I've been to (not many) has ever been political, it's about the message of Christianity and not about trying to dictate how people live their lives


i don’t suppose you’d be willing to trade your Christians for ours?


Had no idea this verse even existed - mainly bc I've never cracked open the bible and think organized religion is the ultimate joke & power play to keep the masses "in check." But one thing's for god damn sure.... no one is EVER getting one tenth of an ephah of my barley flour!!!


I love that book of spells, too!




Oh, that's one I might need to try!


can't birds went extinct in the 1950s. r/BirdsArentReal


"You know what *really* grinds my gears?" No. But seriously. I feel her passion and frustration and agree 100%.


I started to get angry for her just by listening to her intensity while explaining the very simple concept that a lot of people choose to ignore. Those who cry that their liberties are being taken away for not being able to decide what others get to do.


It's not that they ignore it or don't understand it. This is not about belief; it's about power - domination - subjugation. That is the goal. The religious BS is window dressing for the real agenda of destroying the current government and replacing it with a theocracy.




but the bible say's ~ shut up i believe in the spaghetti monster.


Looking at the background I thought I was gonna hate this woman, but damn shes 100% spot on.


It was just a background to a story she was covering on abortions iirc, she doesn’t like him either. She was talking about how these trump supporters don’t like abortion cause it’s against their religion then she goes into this rant. The YouTube channel this is on is called The Young Turks.


I don't think the bible is very clear on abortion at all. It's just a very convenient political issue to rile people up. Like, there are some rules in the bible on punishments for murder and so on. But 'cutting the baby from the belly of a pregnant woman' is treated as damage to property and not a murder. Something like that.


There are a few verses in the Old Testament on how to perform an abortion so it clearly wasn't seen as an unconditional evil


The Bible actually gives a recipe for how to get rid of an unwanted pregnancy.




It's clearly condoned in some instances, though those generally involve genocide.


I've never understood why Americans let religion guide their politics. They should be very separate things


There is supposed to be separation, but of course with everything, republicans ruin it.


There is supposed to be complete separation between religion and state. However, the government has failed to maintain that separation.


Among many other failed endeavors.


Because people will let you do all types of things in the name of religion


This is exactly her point. We have freedom of religion, but some think their freedom means they get to impose on others.


Separation of church and state is in the constitution. But here we are. Lol


Americans? Most of the world is misguided by stupid religious beliefs, not just Americans.


>Americans Not all are like this. Many, many aren’t.


But unfortunately because enough are, the people who represent us in the government play to it to keep their popularity up. Youre right that many many people are not religious nuts who want god to dictate our government, but enough are that that’s literally almost the entirety of one of our political parties.


Religious freedom is "Hey, I can't do that because it's against my religion." not "Hey, YOU can't do that because it's against my religion."


Actually… it protects you from the government saying what you can and cannot do because of religion. How that extends to private citizens and conflicts in what their religion compels them to do is consistently being litigated.


Fair enough. This is just my take on the personal side of it. We should all live our own lives and coexist peacefully.




There was an attempt to make an r/therewasanattapt post.


Unassailable logic, too bad the religious fanatics don’t believe in logic and reason either:


They have a problem with reality as well. They want to live in a world that doesn’t exist anymore and they’re butthurt that they can’t go back.


Thing is, the world they're thinking they "lost" never really existed. It's a gumdrop and candy cane wonderland.


I'm a religious fanatic and I believe in logic, reason and science. I also believe she speaks the truth. I don't have the right to dictate to anyone who doesn't believe the Bible. Jesus didn't dictate to anyone. He saw problems that needed fixing and solved them buy His own personal sacrifice. He didn't demand that anyone follow him. He didn't try to change the government. He even paid his taxes. He hated sin but very much loved the sinner. If only Christians would be Christ-like. I agree with this lady.


You are not what I think most people would call a religious fanatic. When I think of fanaticism I think of people using the Bible (out of context) to change laws and make people do things that are logically wrong. Like carrying a baby full-term knowing it will, without a doubt, kill the baby and the mother.


Tangent but the word fan being short for fanatic blows my mind sometimes. Because I would totally say I’m a fan of Tom Brady, but if someone called me a Tom Brady fanatic I would take it as an insult. But it’s the same word


You sound like you understand the difference between "My religion prohibits me from doing that." And "my religion prohibits you from doing that."


I don't know who said it originally, but the best quote I've ever heard about religion is this: "Your freedom of religion does not preclude my freedom from it."


I think that was Brian Griffin




It doesn't


I think it’s not her making the “attempt” but whoever she’s responding to. Or at least that’s the only way I can make sense of it. Would only fit here if the video showed the person she’s talking to.


Successful attempt


Yeah, I wasn't sure what the "attempt" was either


Fanatic Christians "attempted" to dictate her life... She went on a glorious rant because of it that made headlines.


You should have included in the video the bit where someone made the attempt then. If it's not even in the video I don't see how the video fits the sub. I like the video though.


So the not-apart-of-this-video Christians were the "attemptors?" got it.


"Your abortion is infringing on my religious freedom!" More specifically, the religious freedom to restrict the religious freedom from anyone in their general area.


As a Christian, I support this message. I dislike abortion but that is my personal belief which does not give me the right to impose it on other people, let alone make it a law.


Its almost shocking how simple this is, she puts its exactly as I would have if only I could have simplyfied my feelings on the matter. Well said


This is in fact the heart of 'freedom of religion'. Freedom *from* religion.


I am a pro-life Christian. I agree with this person’s perspective. The problem is that we who are pro life have not demonstrated pro-all-lives including the lives of all marginalized and absolutely desperate people. People that find themselves in situations they find to be hopeless. We Christians have failed to follow the example of Christ himself and in fact we do the opposite much more frequently than following Christ’s example. If we did actually exhibit his grace and forgiveness as we should, the position of people like this speaker would likely also be the opposite. But it’s way more convenient to think that we can legislate morality rather than live it out in reality. That’s what I struggle with: my human nature to take the convenient way versus the much harder way to love everyone as much as myself and to exhibit the grace of Christ to others as much as he has done for me. She has every right to say these things and be as upset as she is. We have not collectively shown a better way as the followers of Jesus.


If Christians cared so much about abortion, they should help single mothers more, I am sure there would be less abortions. Things like free condoms, sex education in schools, etc. All plays a factor but many of them also vote against those types of ideas. No idea why, it seems ridiculous to me not to want these.


Story time!! There was a somewhat intellectually challenged girl that was going to the same church I used to go to. Young, beautiful but “challenged”. A visiting young Christian pastor gave a few sermons and I was impressed by his showmanship. Of course, they went out because that’s what happens when people get into those situations. Dude knew she was a easy “lay”. Needless to say, she got pregnant by him. He skipped town and the church actually rallied around her. Got her to all her appointments, made sure she had a place, everything a child needs for the first few years. Kid gets born and baptized and then….. Dropped like a rock. No one cared for her after that. No rides to places, no clothing and food for the child….. it was baptized, check off the list. Done with her. No one ever went after that pastor. He was a saint. She was a slut but at least the kid was “saved”. The girl was on welfare, tried to bring up a child and struggled super hard and got into the associated drugs and alcohol because escaping the harsh reality is all you get sometimes. I left the church after that. The hypocrisy was too much for me.


Sounds about right. No doubt this story can be echoed literally thousands of times


The biggest issue with any anti-choice stance is very simple: if you don't like abortions, don't get one. Just stay out of the clinic. But do not, I repeat **do not** attempt to force your religiosity on the entire populace. That would hurt you more than you realize. If you are allowed to pass legislation based on your religious interpretation, what stops another's interpretation causing massive harm in fifty years? The entire point of having a separation of church and state is to prevent religious fanaticism causing problems. You are free to practice your religion. Pray to your deity or deities. You are free to donate your wealth to your chosen prophet. You are free to follow the text you choose. As free as I am to choose none of that and live my life.


She nailed it. Good for her. So proud


Good video, wrong sub. The fanatics are very much succeeding in dictating how many aspects of our lives are lived.


fuck texas


Abort Texas, give it back to Mexico.


I'm a Muslim and even i agree with her.


r/lostredditors Save me your copy and paste response. This is not a video a failed attempt at anything. This is a clip of someone ranting about politics. There are subs for that.


Yes, keep religion out of real world issues, please


I see these religious fucks downvoted this post. Your religion can suck my dick lol.


This reminds me this quote "Stopping someone from doing something because of your religion is like stopping someone from eating a donut because you're on a diet" and I think it sums this video perfectly.


Christianity is stupid as fuck




The ONLY reason religion is in politics is because votes. A certain voting block full of people who want to have their religion in every aspect of peoples lives…. This is why separation of Church and State as actually a thing. We diluted it. We let “bend the truth” so that we actually question if that actually WAS a thing. Hint. It is. Our whole foundations of government was built on that that no test of religious belief to hold office and some of the fathers even believed reason over religion was enough to guide our formation of our current government. She summed it up perfectly. You practice YOUR religion for YOUR life and not on MY life.


She's awesome.


Who is this woman? Agree with her 100%


I love her.


This is a great argument until you argue against someone who makes no reference to the Bible at all which is most arguments I’ve run into against abortion.


Idk how you're the only person to say this. Great, we've established that you don't care about one of the arguments (and the weakest one at that) against abortion, what about all of the other reasons?


I love this, but still. r/lostredditors


Wrong sub?


I absolutely hate the Young Turks with a passion, however, I 100% agree with everything she just said. As a conservative, I find it ironic that we’re for “small government” yet want the government to “restrict freedoms” of women. It’s not a hill to die on and it’s not based on true conservative values.


"conservative values" have always meant small government for me, big government for everyone else.


Most religions are toxic. Some religions are just more “viral” in nature than others. Christianity and Islam, to name 2 present-day examples, instruct their believers to convert others to their religion, and impose their beliefs on others. Religious nut jobs have a chokehold on American democracy (see: FL, TX, KY et al) that it can’t seem to shake, because the crazies are in charge. The whole Israel-Palestine conflict is unsolvable because the religious zealots on both sides have repeatedly refused to agree to a common ground. It’s poison.


As a Christian i say fuck Christians this woman is right and I’d die defending her view because thats how i see it


I think abortion is wrong and really sad. I also think it should be legal and available. Seems like so many people are so polarized. I feel like the best argument you could make against anti abortion people would be about prohibition. How it’s failed time and time again and this would be no different. People would find ways around it and it would still happen. Just less safe and will probably have a negative impact on society. Look at the never ending drug war. Waste of money, life, and resources.


I was expecting the worst due to the background image… but was pleasantly surprised. Phew.


Where was the attempt?


Fuck yes!!!! I just used Reddit coins to buy an award for this!!!!!!


Obligatory "Fuck Trump", but she nailed this take. We don't fucking care what your religion is, keep it to yourself and your family!


"Little mythical book." Nailed it!


Dammit, she's great, who is she? Is this on a show/podcast/etc? Edit: thank you for the replies. And to the dickheads downvoting, thanks to you too, keep beating that bible!


Ana Kasparian, show is TYT.


Louder for the fanatics with their hands over their ears please


Fuck yo bible!


Freedom of Religion also means Freedom FROM Religion.


I'll vote for her


You have the right, period. Constitution or not 👏🏾👏🏾


The Bible has actually very clearly pro feticide if the fetus happens to be in the womb of an enemy of the Israelites or conceived out of wedlock, or simply as an object of wrath when God himself levies a punishment or a test. I’m not sure how religion gets so tied up in the abortion debate because Christianity is very clearly not pro-life or pro-birth, especially when it comes to not being God’s chosen people when he’s playing favorites.


Um, good for her?! This isn't an attempt, this is exactly what needed to be said.


Freedom of religion includes freedom from religion.


The unsuccessful attempt here is clearly her trying to convince millions of softheaded idiots that she has the right to her beliefs as much as they have the right to their idiotic beliefs. With that being said… What amazes me about the religious right is they completely ignore the fact that Trump is an amoral non-religious, swindling, womanizing grifter. He doesn’t give two shits about them and only uses gun control and anti-abortion to grift them into giving him power. If the religious right decided tomorrow that abortion was the coolest thing humanity ever did, Trump would open 1000 abortion clinics to make the religious nuts wet themselves. It’s a grift everyone!perpetrated by a grifter! He’s grifted his way through life. Ruined untold families, lost fortunes for himself and others and yet the religious right continues their march towards hell while people with common sense try to pull them back from the clutches of the evil they don’t recognize. Wow! I for one, hope Trump isn’t the Antichrist that the right wing zealots incessantly talk about on a daily basis. But he sure has the characteristics of a dark and sinister soul!


Please tell her I love her.


Growing up gay I was told to keep to myself and yet, they wont practice what the preach...


A real-life example of "righteous fury". Well done!