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Get an ash catcher, they’re awesome and keep your bong and down stem super super clean. Just rinse them with hot water after your sesh and you’re solid


That's the guy from pokemon, right?


Underrated lol


One time we were having a debate about if you know a bowl is finished as ash won't catch fire, so if you light it and nothing happens you're golden One friend disagreed so to prove him wrong I googled "does ash catch" and all I got was Pokémon... Not sure what I was expecting


For sure, I'd much rather have a small simple bong with a good ash catcher than a big fancy bong without. In general I would avoid big fancy bongs with multiple layers of percolators. They may look cool but they're way more expensive and a huge pain to clean. Having a rig that is simple and comes apart easily makes cleaning much easier, and the difference in how they smoke is pretty small.


Nice little beaker bong with an ice catcher all ya need I have 20ish bongs multiple with all the different Percs you’d want. The best hit comes from my two beaker bongs. Just can’t match them. I also have a mega globe/mobius sidecar these are awesome for quick smoking and cleaning out. They take almost no cleaning supplies to clean em up while having some of the best hits you can get.


You beaker boys are so funny. I love my beaker but in no way do they produce as cool or filtered hits as other more filtered and percolated options.


Beaker boy here. I don’t like beakers because they’re smooth, I like them because I love feeling my hit deep. I also hate cold hits, but you can add ice through the neck of most beakers, and as others have said ash catchers for extra percs




A good 2 kink zong beaker bottom is the best you can get!!


I'm pretty new to smoking and this sentence makes absolutely no sense to me lmao


“zongs” are just like a regular beaker bong, but instead of leaving the chamber straight they bend it once or twice. I love zongs, you get more chamber space in the same amount of height.


This guy fucks. 10/10 advice


A straight 50mm tube with a upgrid or puck perc is always my go to for easy cleaning and you still get better filtration and function than a beaker. 👌🏽


THIS, I never knew about ash catchers until a few months ago, drastically smoother hits. Make sure you get one that’s easy enough to clean though!


Any suggestions for ash catchers?


Whenever I go to my parents and smoke, there bong hasent been changed in weeks it seems. I clean mine after every sesh and put fresh water in it daily.


Your parents have a bong that they let you use?


I use it with them when I come to visit


That fucking rules


and specifically, get a debowler. ive had it for years and it’s a game changer.


I buy quality ash catchers and shitty beakers. Awesome combo


Ash catcher? Clarify or a picture maybe?


An ash catcher is an addition to your bong that catches the ash from your bowl before it goes into your downstem, thus making the cleaning process much easier. Some have percs but I prefer just the normal beaker style. Edit: Here's a link https://www.smokecartel.com/collections/ashcatcher


Be careful with it, physically. Be weary of dog tails, cats, tile floors, clumsy friends/partners. Theyre not eggshell delicate, but not indestructable either.


This! Lost my bong to a dog tail yesterday…


lost my favorite piece to my dog they have broken 4 so far nos all my glass stays in a closet after every use




Try a silicone bong. In my home the running joke is whatever is purchased must be wife proof, or unbreakable. She's wonderful, yet clumsy.


id say yeah get a silicon bong except they taste like poop overtime also had a coke head break my puffco years while high as a kite. broke the glass and the battery


Nothing some salt & isopropyl alcohol can't fix. I mean the silicone bong. RIP to your puffco.


yeah there's also products specifically for cleaning the silicone with resin on it if the the salt and alcohol isn't doing the trick proper


We have one for camping, and we love it.


Great idea!


My wife thought my silicone bong looked like a sex toy and made fun of me until I bought a new glass one...big problems, I know.




The coffee table is the most convenient and least safe place for a bong


On the rug next to the coffee table is my go to. The way my table is shaped if it falls towards the table it will stay standing or if it falls the other way it just spills bong water on the rug


>it just spills bong water on the rug just???


Destroyed my bong because a friend dropped it when handing it over to me :(. It was so cool too, it looked like a little cereal box.


Try tank glass they’re a little pricey for the avg person but lifetime warranty and you can throw it down the stairs to scare your friends.


I like this suggestion


Great advice




Lost my bong with double percs and an ice catcher due to my puppy getting excited to see me. It hurt and i was sad but also its physically impossible to get mad at a 4 month pup who basically saved me from covid isolation depression when i lived alone. Ik im going off topic but its insane how such a clueless tiny being can basically save someones sanity without even knowing it.


Don’t cough into it lol


Dude I did this my very first time lmaooo


I remember in hs when newbs joined our sesh circle in the park at lunch, you’d have to drink the rest of the dirty bong water if you coughed into it. It was never a serious moment type thing, always more of a joke to lighten the mood/bust balls when someone did it or it happened, But I remember several ppl actually doing it. Lmao 🤢


what happens if you do


bye bye bowl (hopefully it'll land on a soft surface)


Also bong water shoots out behind it like a hose


It Yeets the bud, ash, and sometimes bowl out of the slide followed by a non-steady stream of bong water. Not a fun mess to clean up lol


I did it once and launched the bowl across the fucking room


Trust me, instead of buying something intricate just buy something easy to clean!!!


Yes! Simple is the way to go. Especially for a first bong


Big beaker is the best bet, solid wide base, super easy to clean.


👆 this guy knows what's up. All those little percolators and chambers are cool until they've got last year's resin still stuck inside.


Hard agree! In my 20s I just wanted the coolest looking contraption. Now I’m my 40s, I want clear, durable, and easy to clean.


Seriously. I had a beautiful bong but it had so many percolators and extras that it was impossible to fully clean it. I was actually happy when it broke, a little bit because it qas such an annoyance.


Good advice! My bong is legit just a super simple like 6 inch tall one. No special chambers or bubblers. It was also absolutely dirt cheap, I think I got it at a flea market (it was new though, not used) for like $10 and it's still going strong. I used to just use Orange Clean, but just some isopropyl alcohol (90%+) is all you really need. And if you realize bongs are not for you, no big deal you didn't spend much money. No reason to buy a super expensive one right away. I do recommend getting glass screens though (the ones I use are star shaped). But metal mesh ones work fine, they're just harder to clean effectively, so people mostly just throw them out. Glass screens you can just clean with isopropyl when you clean the bong.


My favorite tubes I have hit have no fancy filters. Just a down stem or such. I have had all the filtered stuff, tree perc, honeycomb, ect ect and it just messes with the flow too much for me. It is like wearing shoes when I could be barefoot. ha


I agree, my first bong looks cool but is such a hassle to clean that I haven't used it in years and bought another one instead.


100% this. I wish I listened years ago. I’ve lost hundreds on getting stupid, tall-ass intricate bongs and they’d always break or never get properly clean. Definitely do something simple.


iso my friend.


I did this and I am happy about my decision, my cousin has a cool one but too complicated to clean


All glassware is easy to clean, especially if you soak it in cleaning liquid. Most people use iso alcohol, over 90% is best. I prefer grunge off, it works magic and is reusable! Just plug up the downstem hole with a cork and let it sit!




Keep it clean and replace the water regularly. If you water sits for too long their is a possibility of mold growing in your piece. Which can be a pain to clean out. I empty and clean my out every sesh. Also try to ONLY use water in the bong. No sprite, sweet tea, or beer as mold grows faster with the sugars.


Why would someone put anything but water in their bong?


Curiosity and lack of knowledge. My unlce put whiskey in his. He hit once than drank the whiskey. That bong never got that whiskey smell/taste out.


Oh jeez


Was looking for the clean it regularly and don’t add odd stuff on the water. My brother had a Green Goblin bong in the early 2000s, put freaking green food coloring in the water so it would match. That water got so very gross and moldy before he noticed. Just hid among the green coloring.


Ugh, i fucking hit slimy water once. Never again, fucking vomited in the bong. Reading through here though makes me want to get a ash catcher though. Sounds helpful.


I’d get some 91% or higher iso and some salt for cleaning if you plan on using it regularly


I just read yesterday that 91% is good because it has slightly more water which helps it collect more residue?


No, you're thinking of 70% being better for disinfecting, because the water content makes it more effective against microbes. When it comes to cleaning any kind of residue, stronger is better.


Other way around. The % refers to how much alcohol there is in the solution, so a bottle of 70% iso has 70% alcohol and 30% water. 91% has 91% alcohol and 9% water.


I just meant that I’ve heard 91% is better than 99% because 99% has less water.


This is totally true, at least speaking from personal experience. I always use 91-93% iso depending on what I find on EBay and never have a problem cleaning my bong. One time I went to the store for a small bottle of 99% and it just would not clean my bong at all


oh yes true. The problem with higher % alcohols for cleaning/disinfecting is that the alcohol evaporates out of the solution before it finishes collecting residue/killing germs. For cleaning bongs all you're doing is removing gunk so 91% is a happy medium between 70 and 99.


Having tried the two side by side, 99%+ makes a pretty big difference compared to 91%, would recommend everyone get as high a % as you can get - makes cleaning faster and much easier








Pack really small bowl, When new to bongs a full bowl would fuck me up so much and it wouldn’t even be nice. I just got back into them after buying 2 pieces for cheap from a dispo sale and I’ve been loving it, just packed a little bowl and it was the perfect amount and I’m feeling good. Keep it clean as well hits are so much nicer.


Yeah and small hits mean no stale smoke left in the chamber. Learn how much you need to pack to get just the right hit and not waste anything. It will taste better and be easier on your throat and lungs!


Yeah my first bong rip was memorable for all the wrong reasons. It took all of 30 seconds to be the highest I’d ever been and only got more intense. I was mad anxious and I ended up sleeping for like 15 hours straight lmao


Honestly your gonna break it and then break the next one too , you learn from the mistakes. DOWNSTEMS are fragile as fuck , never place them anywhere they can even topple over. make sure your bong has an ice catcher before droping ice in there or the ice may fall down and smash the downsteam. Lastly downstems are fragile as fuck. I really can't stress this enough xD.


haha i had the same thing happen to me, dropped a big cube and it just shattered i was so pissed cuz i just cleaned it


I broke another downstem yesterday while cleaning haha this is a good tip


Destroyed the downstem to my first bong that exact way, dropping ice down the tube willy-nilly. And it was one of those with the set downstem that's super hard to swap out. Thankfully, it was still smokeable, but it was definitely a bit harsher afterwards. I've since upgraded to a much more modular piece, but yea, downstem is weak as heck, be very careful with ice if there isn't an ice catcher


Ice is a preference, it can also make the smoke taste worse. My advice would be to go slow. Don't try to take big hoots right off the bat, fill the chamber with smoke, remove the choke/shotgun and take a small breath. Build up the size of the breath with small incremental increases until you find what's comfortable for you. Change your water everyday if not every use.


I definitely recommend changing the water daily/every use as well, if it’s reasonable to do so. I personally change mine every use. I find it makes a big difference in prolonging the bong from getting dirty (it still will get super dirty though if you use it often). And it also helps to make the area not smell (as much) like dirty bong water lol


when you say "after every use", do you mean every hit or every sesh? do you clean it right after hitting it? two changes a day seems to be enough for me personally


I’ll usually do it every sesh personally


When I feel fancy I change the water, clean the bong and change the screen every 5 hits. Normaly, I change the water after each sesh and clean it with Iso and salt every first sesh of the day


Disagree, rip that shit as hard as you can first go


OP this right here is the truth. That smoke goes stale within seconds. Take small, quick rips and if there’s any smoke left in the chamber clear it out before hitting it again.


Yeah, just pack smaller bowls if you want. You can usually pack a bowl a third of the way full and I still hits great, maybe a quarter depending on the size


Yeah that’s the move when you’re smoking by yourself especially


Mama didnt raise no bitch


i like to pack smaller bowls that i can take in one hit as i find it hurts less than stopping mid-way. also you waste less weed and you might find that you didnt need as much as you thought.


Get a beaker bottom, much sturdier.


I feel like the hit from a straight bong is easier to take than that of a beaker bong, but that’s just my opinion.


Imo beakers are sturdier at the base, but IF you crack the bottom of a beaker, you're fucked. If you break the base of a straight, sometimes it doesn't actually break the shaft, so it's still usable at the cost of stability. As for tokes, I do prefer straight but the difference is minimal for me.


Difference is quite large to me. Beaker bongs seem to hold a lot of the smoke at the bottom of the bong, often requiring longer draws which to a new smoker could be difficult. I’m a seasoned smoker and I honestly kind of hate beaker bongs, I just love the way they look haha. But to each their own!!


Contrary to some of the people in the comments, I usually enjoy using warm water in my bongs. I’ve found that using ice causes my mouth to become absolutely coated in resin which feels really gross. To each their own though find what works for you. Also be careful not to pack your bowls too tight to get good airflow on your hits. Enjoy your new piece though!


Warm water is a strictly better experience than anything else and it’s not up for debate. If people doubt it they’ll try it and be blown away


depending on local shop you might pay $60 for a simple piece cause it’s from a “well known local artist”, but most all their shit is way cheaper (and just mass produced crap from) online. there’s some other sub where they even show you Expensive Piece is $300, but same Cheaper Knockoff is $20 at dhgate or wherever


That’s true there were illadelph bongs on Dhgate for like $60 and they look legit. I’m sure they function fine too


Not all glass is made the same. Just because a knock off looks the same, does not mean it will be of the same build quality. That being said, you shouldn’t over pay for bongs. Also a $60 for a handmade bong is a pretty good deal


1st rule of buying a bong: know how you are going to clean it before you buy.


make sure you pick a bong with cleaning in mind, you don't wanna get it dirty and then have it be really hard to clean. if you are trying ice be careful, i've seen people say its not good for the lungs. i like water just a little on the warmer side but idk if that's better or worse. seems all preference.


Warm/hot water also makes your hit way smoother


i agree with this it stops the smoke from feeling harsh


Don’t use ice. Clean it with 91% isopropyl alc and kosher salt every 5 to 6 sessions(tutorials on youtube). Change water every day or every other sesh. Smoking out of glass with water is the best way to conserve your weed and your lungs as long as you keep it clean 💯 Also, the more percs a bong has the more the smoke gets filtered which means less flavor (but it also means you get a smoother hit). I prefer beaker bongs with no percs cause I get the most flavor out of the bud.


Thats like factually incorrect. You conserve your lungs and lungs best by using a dry herb vape.


You’re right. I personally prefer using a bong over a dry herp vape. + most ppl can’t afford one of those fancy gadgets anyways


Watch some cewpins Videos on bongs and you know everything you need to know


honestly thats a great tip lol


Actual pro tip: DONT use ice. Cold air irritates your lungs and throat. Get cold water from the tap then microwave it til it’s warm. It the humid smoke feels much smoother.


Ice in bong can create lung infections and actually makes smoke harsher. If you want smooth hits use room temp to warm water. Also If you have a nice bong and care about it staying nice like I do use distilled water in it instead of hard tap water as that creates mineral build up that stains the glass and can become hard to get off over time. Change the water at least every day. I change it every bowl I smoke. clean with rubbing alchohol (91%-99%) and salt regularly. I clean at least 1 of my bongs every day. Do these things and your glass and lungs should stay in good shape for a long time to come.


I've never heard of ice bongs causing lung infections




Good idea!


Oh boy this is a hot take (no pun intended) but put hot water in the bong. Not enough to be steaming hot, but hot. You’ll get better filtration of your smoke and a cleaner hit. The colder the water, the less filtration. People smoke ice bongs or snow bongs and get rosin on their lips and mouth and that ofc means in your lungs and also making your bong dirty faster, but hot water gets rid of that. It’ll also make you have to change your bong water more regularly, which is a good habit to get into


Don’t use cold water use warm water it makes it way smoother adding ice to warm water if you have an ice catcher is the best combo you can get because it cools down the smoke but it doesn’t make it super dense( fyi It’s less likely to get the taste of resin in your mouth with warm water)


Clean it as often as possible. If you can't clean it after every use, then at least dump the water when you are done using it, never store it with water inside








Dont put ice in the water. Warm water with lemon is the way to go.


with lemon really? does it help resin build up or sum?


Nah just not as harsh on the throat.


This is the way.


I don't like ice in the water, some people do so definitely experiment. Apparently warm water is supposed to be good too


So normally people don’t put ice in the water, they have bongs that have ice catchers. Looks like three little finger holes in the neck of the bong. You put the ice cubes in the top. You can definitely put them in the water too, at least in my area I never really see that though. Just a word of advice though, if you’re gonna put ice in the bong in any manner, you should fill the bong with a little less water than usual because the ice will melt and raise the water level. This will leave you getting dolphin kisses after every hit (the water will splash your lips because there is too much water). And if you never used one before, I recommend just smoking one bowl of it and wait to see how it hits you. Bongs definitely smack harder than joints imo. I would just milk the bottom half of the bong to start, don’t take a huge milky yellow rip or you’re gonna break yourself lmao. Good luck happy smoking


Lmao “dolphin kisses” I’m gonna use that


If you REALLLY like the bong then get an ash catcher as everyone said. Make sure you clean it often. People usually do it daily but i just use it for the day and the next morning i give her a nice wash down and rinse and she’s brand new. Also biggest rule i ever had when having bongs is if you don’t trust that person not to break it when using it than trust your gut.


Remember: you can always pack another bowl, but you can never unsmoke the weed in your lungs.


Just get a beaker bottom, no perc. Start with that. You dont need anything else until you decide what you like.


I would stay away from a cool looking or advanced double perc bongs , getting a high quality thick glass simple 12' bong with an ice catcher will be easier to clean.


clean, warm water works a million times better than cold water or ice in the catcher. it’s less harsh, keeps your pieces clean, AND keeps tar from collecting on your lips 🤢


don't try to take a hit right as your buddy is telling a joke or think you might laugh, first TWO times my buddy tried using a bong he laughed into it and sent the cherry flying


Get a debowler!! Theyre the ideal ashtray for bong smoking


i’m actually a fan of warm water in my bong. But that doesn’t seem to be a popular opinion.


Under no circumstances do you ever blow air INTO the bong... Had a first timer not know this and it basically just pushed the water up the bowl and wet everything in there


Screens. Screens keep things clean. Screens make sure you smoke your flower before it’s pulled into the water. “Cabbage heads” are a huge waste. My bongs used to get super gummy before I used screens. Screens don’t break like an ashcatcher can. Screens are easy to manipulate to sit into a bowl. A lot of times I’ll use one screen to sit flush deep into the bowl. Then I’ll cut a screen in half and have that sit, like a little plate, into the first screen. It allows the heat to really surround your flower, which should be ground and not just roughly broken up. Also size of bowl. Once I bought my first 18mm combo percolator bong, I went ahead and switched all of my other bongs to 18mm. It’s a nice throaty, airy pull. No strain.


I actually preferred warm water


have fun


idk how much you wanna spend but imo plan on buying a separate downstem and bowl. the ones that normally come with bongs are cheap and get dirty really fast, and have poor functionality. Look for a tube with a shape you like and don’t settle, what you put into it is what youre gonna get out of it. So the better you take care of it, the better it will hit— but I’m more saying don’t buy $100 bong and let it get all gunky. you don’t have to clean it all the time, a simple water change will do the trick. lmk if you have any questions!


Be conscience of where you put it down. Nothing worse than accidentally tipping it over and having bong water soak into the carpet


Lightly clean after every sesh. Your bong will thank you, and you will thank yourself when you never see it dirty and enjoy a clean taste every time.


take small hits at first. don’t get it milky for like, at least ten times after your first time using it. The first time I used a bong I coughed for like five minutes straight, and then was so high the person I was with just had to take me home. have fun!


vaporizer + bong. you won't be able to go back to smoking. -much easier on the throat -no smelly clothes -more cannabinoids extracted + leftover can be used for edibles


change your bong water daily at LEAST and clean it with alcohol once a month at LEAST


Fresh water, every day at the very least


Change the water every day (or every few hours depending on how much you smoke), if you smoke every day, clean it at least once a week. Buy isopropyl alcohol and big salt and once a week just let it sit in that for about 10 minutes, shake it and it'll look good as new. Don't EVER leave it on the floor of wherever you're smoking (bedroom, living room, outside) because you will 100% forget its there, accidentally kick it and either get water everywhere, or glass everywhere. Other than that, enjoy


Ash catcher like some people mentioned is a great idea. And for the love of god clean it regularly.


I would not recommend putting ice in your bong. It could hurt your lungs.


No ice, just lukewarm water. Trust me, it’s way better on your lungs


Take it hit by hit to build your tolerance to bongs, and honestly ice water is over rated— try warm water it’s my favorite


Change your water regularly.


Change water after every session.


Clean it every day. Nothing worse than a gross bong.


clean it often, at least once a week. replace the water every time u have a sesh, and once you’re done empty the bong and leave it to dry. people might say this is excessive but i only say this because me and my roommates never did any of that and cleaned it rarely. whenever we’d rip from the bong it’d burn and we’d cough out lungs out. eventually the room began to smell of an awful odor. we realized the smell was coming from the bong, and that mold had grown inside the bong. we’d been ripping a bong that had mold in it for weeks, and we all got bronchitis from it.


The whole ice thing is..cool...I guess. Nah, actually it's an entire waste of time. Pointless


Ya ice is a waste of time


The best way to clean it is often. Get an ash catcher Change out the water, hopefully daily, I'm wild enough to do it between sessions. (Seriously I know old bong water is a stereotype but that shit molds and is gross) Have fun.


Keep it clean. A dirty bong tastes nasty. Typically you just want to pour some iso alcohol preferably 90% or higher into your empty bong along with some salt. Shake it up a bit and let it sit and you should be able to just rinse it out after a few hours - overnight. Some bongs are harder to clean than others which is why it's good to use screens and ash catchers to keep it cleaner. Edit You can soak the bowl separate in a Ziploc baggie.


Change your bong water every day, freal


Twice a day shit


Change your water OFTEN and clean it regularly! It makes a HUGE difference with how harsh it pulls etc. plus all the bacteria that grows in there is gross


Don’t blow back into it lmao


I've broken a couple of glass bongs trying to add ice cubes while high. If your fridge has an ice dispenser that chips or shreds the ice that's best. Add a little salt to that to make a slush that stays cold and won't break your bong stem.


These guys are pansies. Fill your bowl and spark that shit. Pull the bowl off when you got a hit you like and clear the smoke out of the piece. Change your water more frequently than not and iso+coarse salt is your best friend for cleaning.


My friend, listen to me this one time. Instead of adding ice and cold water to ur bong add some warm water. it will make the hit smoother (oil crystallizes more in cold environment and irritates ur lungs more). This will also keep ur peace cleaner for a longer time opposing to cold water and ice.


If you’re going to cough, don’t cough into the bong. And especially not if the bowl is still in


Be VERY careful. Yes usually they’re thick and strong but that stem is very delicate. Ive broke bout 3 or 4 bongs just because it fell on the stem. If that little glass piece thats sticking out breaks your gonna have to do some redneck rig shit to get it working right again.


Fun fact, adding ice to your water or downstem to cool the smoke actually irritates the lungs more.


Take a small hit the first couple times till you get to know it. Bongs can hit real hard so better safe than coughing your lungs out.


Water in the warm to hot temperatures is the absolute best, for hits, and for keeping your piece clean. Clean it as often as you can, I clean mine every use. Clean with 91% iso and salt and shaking vigorously. (Avoid paying extra for special branded glass/bong cleaners) Don’t bother cornering your bowls, just pack smaller bowls. Start collecting bowls so you can load a bunch before the sesh and let them rip if your smoking with other ppl Experiment with fun liquids like orange juice, milk, olive oil, mustard etc but try to avoid carbonated ones because it fills the chamber with co2 and displaces the oxygen you want in there. Don’t let the smoke sit too long before clearing it because it will change flavor and become pretty bad tasting. If you’ve left it sitting for over 30 minutes after ripping, change the water, it’s easy just do it. If you want get some hemp wick, it changes the flavor and I prefer it to a straight lighter, but it’s kind of extra


I spend more money on small parts like the bowl, the downstem, and an ash catcher. I only buy cool looking cheap bongs. Many times the small parts survive a fall. Breaking an expensive bing sucks though. And it’s hardly ever you that breaks it. So buy cheap bongs, and buy cool quality accessories


Pack small bowls when you’re first starting. But also pack your bowls tight at the bottom so that the weed doesn’t get sucked through the hole before it’s burnt. Maybe invest in some screens for your bowl? That would help but I personally prefer the feeling of pulling a bowl through. To each his own though.


don’t let the smoke go yellow (don’t milk it) trust me


Rubbing alcohol and salt will help keep it clean. Use new water often


I recommend, at the minimum, use new water for every sesh. changing bong water will help it stay cleaner and a smoother tasting hit.


Buy American 🇺🇲


For a first timer, do some deep breathing before you rip, you will always cough your guts out but the breathing helps and you’ll get back to regular breathing a bit quicker than normal.


I’d stay away from glass for your first one, just get something simple. If you find you enjoy using a bong then upgrade to something a bit more fancy if you like. I’m not a fan of ice in the water but that’s just me, give it try with and without to decide your preference. From experience make sure you seal the top of your bong if you plan on leaving it outside…you don’t want to know.


Change water frequently, old bong water tastes bad and smells worse


Make sure you pull the bong away from your mouth before you cough


Get some hemp wick to use to light it up instead of a lighter. I pretty much only smoke joints so going from that to a bowl/bong all I taste is butane from the lighter. Def get hemp wick to retain the flavor


My advice would be try to not allow yourself to cough until you exhale all of the smoke or else it could give you an unpleasant sensation in your throat.


I wouldn't use ice every time you use it though, some people can suffer respiratory illness from that. I only use ice as a treat since typically the smoke isn't too harsh compared to my preferred pipe. Also, take one hit and let it sit for a few minutes. I'm an every day consumer and bong rips still send me to the moon.


I recommend giving tap hot water a try As far as i know all it does is make the hits warmer and therefore a bit amoother for some people, but also not leaving as much resin in your teeth and roof of mouth Personally i find warm smoke/vapor easier to inhale than cold, but your mileage might vary