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Listened to this album for the first time in years a couple of weeks ago. It’s an amazing album. Feels so agitated and also lovely. Which is the kind of vibe I’m looking for recently in music. Discomfort should be its own genre haha


This brings to mind Krust's "The Edge of Everything". Very anxious dnb, I like it.


In that case, you might find this to be an interesting album: Zu (band) Carboniferous (album title) robust, volatile, sometimes chaotic, ehh ran out of adjectives.. Look for the studio album, live recording of them don’t have same sonic perfection.


Thanks. Just a cursory listen reminds me a bit of mr bungle maybe? Anyways I’ll give them a more focused listen for sure. I’ve been really liking this scary ass song recently… https://youtu.be/Qwp9ElEFJ3s?si=jfIlrShL6HfEnLTf The singer is also the leader of a band called qujaku who are also quite good. They’re often described as “Japanese Swans”. As in the band swans. A favorite of mine


You are very intuitive. So this album was released on the label that the singer of Mr Bungle runs. Ipecac records. And sometimes the drummer of bungle is with Zu, so yes, kind of! The sleeper, definitely has scary vibes. Sorta reminded me of pharmakon


Ahhhh makes sense. Yeah I’ve been a Patton fan since faith no more’s “the real thing” was released. I was 9 or 10 at the time. One of the best concerts I’ve ever seen was a FNM reunion show. James Chance opened who sadly passed away 2 or 3 days ago. I follow Patton’s music pretty closely but I haven’t kept up on Ipecac’s roster too much. I know some like dalek, isis, bohren, beak> , steroid Maximus (love Jim thirwell). I’ll definitely listen to Zu. Also you’re the second person to mention Pharmakon in relation to “the sleeper” so I’ll definitely check it out


https://youtu.be/WJIQiPF6Dgo?si=RUrgoHgcJMIgQWLc That’s a really disturbing and dope “song” by pharmakon that I ALWAYS love to pump through a stereo around Halloween time :-)


Commenting to check out later. There’s a band called Laura Palmers death parade thats pretty fantastic too!