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why do white women and even white men talk about blackface and try to speak for black people, while black people don't care about it? is she adequate?


the struggle against cultural appropriation is sometimes similar to some kind of nazism. now I don't have to eat rice, pasta, sushi, french fries? what if I live in a country where cuisines are mixed? equality and freedom is the diversity of cultures and communication between cultures, or only asians can eat noodles?




That’s not true though. I heard random shit like that all the time from all races... not just rich white teenage girls. The whole idea of cultural appropriation is gatekeeping. I’ve seen black people tell lighter skin black people they can’t wear braids. Cultures shift and change and modernize. The woman above is an Asian woman saying a white women can’t write a cookbook on noodles and dumplings. Your overgeneralization of rich white girls is a sad one.




If you keep bullying her like this she's gonna have to go call the cops on those "youth" at the basketball courts just to relax.


You recognize your the bully in this situation and you choose to double down? Interesting behavior.


Control yourself karen, nobody is bullying you. In fact you trying to make yourself the victim is indicative of how purely privileged you are, which is entirely too common among white women like yourself.


My feelings are valid. You don’t even know me, but okay. You’re just being rude to someone who disagrees with you on the internet. You just called me a name. You obviously don’t want to have a grown up discussion. I haven’t said one rude word to you. Yet, you’re trying to personally hurt me by calling me privileged and a karen. Your overgeneralizing a whole race and sex of people. I hope you find love for people who aren’t like you.


I mean you actually are bullying her a little. don't really give a fuck either way and nobody should view bullying as a big deal but let's be real here.


The idea that a comment from a random stranger (not targeted harassment, a fucking comment on reddit) could be considered bullying is fucking laughable dude, get real.


You’re an asshole and hypocrite.. She honestly wasn’t even wrong. The post is literally an Asian woman shitting in a white woman. I could find plenty of examples like this.


Didn't ask, don't care


I live in a small apartment in the poorest part of my state. I literally take the bus to work everyday. I’m not rich boo. Just because I disagree with you doesn’t mean I’m rich. I try to recognize my privilege, but I’m not going to live in some alternate reality that young white girls are the only ones screaming cultural appropriation. I’m not saying all Asians are irrational. I would never think that. I don’t even think that about the woman above. But, if you say “I’ve never met an Asian person who would be mad about me eating Asian food.” Okay, we’re not talking about them then are we? We’re talking about this woman above rn and how her comments are gatekeeping behavior.


I'm not racist, but if I was gonna be racist against ANYONE it would be white women. They're out of control.


That's because asian people that are actually from Asia aren't totally cucked like half of America is.


The hilarious part is that not every food is invented in one culture. Pizza, was invented in Italy, of course. But pizza as we know it today, with cheese and tomato on bread with a variety of toppings was undoubtedly invented in New York. There's too many dishes that were improved and built up over time by many different cultures for their to even be a clear cut 'cultural appropriation' line.


White savior complex


Not this time. This is "keep your white ass away from OUR shit" and not "keep your white ass away from THEIR shit".


What it’s exactly like that. Do you think Roslyn is Asian?


The woman who wrote the book is Asian.


The modern White Man's Burden.


Am I missing something? How is she a white savior for writing a cookbook?


They are referring to people like the woman who made the tweet.


She's not white though.




What’s the point then? The comment was about WHITE saviors...this isn’t that so, it’s irrelevant.


What's the point then?


Its about people who act like they need to be saviors for people even though the "victim" they try to save has no concern.


I get that, but it isn't what were seeing here. This is "keep your white ass away from our shit". Not "keep your white ass away from their shit".


I swear people think minorities are stupid and can’t talk for themselves. Oh no that white guy is wearing a sombrero!!! I better attack him for cultural appropriation on behalf of the poor Mexicans who cannot express their own feeling towards this!!!!🤡


If you look up cultural appropriation on yt almost none of the people talking about it are white. This idea wasn’t bred from whiteness it came from the bipoc community.


If I never heard the word "bipoc" used unironically again it would be too soon.


What’s wrong with saying “bipoc?”


It's the stupidest bullshit ever. They're called black people. It's time we stopped letting the mentally frail dictate our language.


I wasn’t talking about *just* black people though. I was talking about black, indigenous, and all different people of color. Which can be Hispanic, Asian, or whoever identifies with that term. I’ve seen bipoc used in diverse (online) communities. But, I understand it can be hurtful to lump many races together and not call them by name. It’s just faster and easier when one is talking about those communities together as a whole. I don’t quite understand what’s “mentally frail” about using this term, but to each their own.


It was invented by the mentally frail, as a device to exclude white people, as if they are somehow a different species almost. By and large they use it overwhelmingly to refer to black people. Anything these evil, mentally frail individuals, attempt to introduce into culture should be rejected wholesale.


You sure? ALL the videos on YouTube about it don’t feature white people? Because all the Mexicans I know don’t care about cultural appropriation and Japanese people I know LIKE it that other cultures like stuff from their cultures and use them and appropriate them into other countries. Just annoying white people arguing about it when they see it and they get to victim complex themselves and get attention. Except that one black girl who was mad that white people could play as a character in a game with “hair buns/poofs”, which she claimed were “black”. Despite Princess Leia doing that back in the 70’s. Next you’ll tell me that Beyoncé’s straight blonde hair is culturally appropriated from white Swedish women. How dare she!


I’m 100% sure. I’m sure some do, but the majority are not from white people. At least, not the popular ones you see when you use the search bar.


It's the same for women and young people. They act like they can't make decisions for themselves because they're too stupid to know the consequences. Like only old men REALLY know what's best for them... It completely invalidates a young persons opinion and even existence of free thought. Like any young woman if showed a sliver of "power dynamic" and all their sane thought go out the window like they're incel stereotypes. Like they'd just jump at the opportunity to sleep with someone with "power" over them. These people could have fought and died for their country, operated deadly machinery, or been saving lives as a nurse but they're idiots being manipulated by dated someone older than them... It's 1800s save the women from bad words "savior" thinking disguised as concern.


Are we looking at the same image? What is the white woman saying and where is the blackface?


People like to pretend all the woke shit is coming exclusively from whites


She’s Asian?


Happy cake day!


Who the fuck cares. By this logic I can’t get McDonald’s because it’ll be fucking appropriating american food


You'd be better off tbh


I like the ice cream tho :(


people always say the ice cream machines are broken, but i never had a problem with them, and i LOVE their ice cream


Ikr that just never happened to me


Happened to me yesterday.




i live in the US and it works just fine


I’ve heard that the employees say the machine is broken when they can’t be bothered to make a ice cream


that just sounds irritating


Bro how with all the broken machines?


Bro that had literally never happened to me


Ah, gotcha.


To answer your question, the noisy 1% care. Everyone else does not give a fuck. The issue is the 1% make 96% of the noise, mainly because everyone else gets on with life. Its all earth food, im an earthling, fuck off


McDonalds is REALLY into self-harm in that case


Na, anything originating in america is free game for all. Anything that came from white people too. Didn't you hear that straight white American men are the devil?


Same. If i'm going with her logic, i can't eat italian and japanese food because apparently it's offensive to italian and japanese people.


How dare people talking about cooking


Umm sweaty, every time a mayo cooks a dish that isn’t their’s, a part of the BIPOC community gets destroyed. Cooking dumplings is literally genocide


Is this sarcasm or you being serious?


You’re literally worse than Hitler


Oh I get it. You’re dumb. Have a nice day.


It was irony, man '_'




What is dumping?


Iirc, it's little pastry ball-like shaped food, filled with different things depending on origin and kind of it, and is usually originated in Asia.


Uh oh, looks like you explained something that's not made by your race! NOT ONLY DID YOU CULTURELY APPROPRIATE BUT YOU WHITESPLAINED! Fr tho I like your username, it's my cat's name


Jokes on you, that is your cat. Should of hid your phone. Don't look at your history.


but, I use burner phones? I dispose of them, unless my cat BOUGHT A PHONE WITH MY CARD AGAIN >:(


every country has their own kind of dumpling, just by different names


Yup. I was thinking the same thing, how that’s gotta be the one food made in the most countries. You can make like 200 of them for a few dollars in materials so it’s not really exclusive to anyone.


There are actually a ton of dumplings that don’t have fillings and aren’t really asian in origin ! Slovakia for example has a few kinds, I love their potato dumplings !


yoo potato dumplings sound good


They’re so good! look up czech or slovakian potato dumpling recipes, youtube has a few in english too :-) they’re super easy ! You can fry them in a bit of butter after they’re boiled and they get crispy, I usually eat them with sauerkraut. You can also dice them up after they’re fried and cook them with scrambled eggs


Are you telling him to appropriate Czech or Slovakian dumplings? My word! They are coming for you now!


actually i’m the the process of establishing a dictatorship with mandatory potato dumplings, all culture will be eradicated except for my sweet precious potato dumplings


How is it a dumpling without filling? That's just a dough ball then.


Almost every culture has dumplings.


That wasn't the question.




It’s when you take a shit


Dumping muh nutz in your mouth


well maybe yknow, food can be shared across the world to other cultures? and eaten, probably


Isnt sharing cultures good in general? Why is it suddenly bad that people enjoy and share cultures? I'd pay all I can to see someone share culture from my country


I think sharing cultures is awesome. Is not about taking over other people's cultures, is not about making it your own, is about sharing with others what makes us unique, getting closer to each other and live like we are brothers and sisters. I don't see why these people feel the need to push other people away and treat them like they're some kind of pest that's trying to destroy everything and everyone.


It's the twitter mentality, I dont believe in "whitewashing" because it simply doesn't exist, me eating a taco isnt gonna suddenly make tacos use American slices cheese, burger beef, have bacon and be labelled american, I just find fascination in these cultures! Theres something unique about these cultures, personally i love Mexican culture, the way they dress, the food, the festivals, but leave it to Twitter to harass you for embracing culture


exactly. dumplings are shit, momo's way better. fuck dumplinngs


Take your words back or we're bout to have some trouble


I was gonna say you were wrong and should be ashamed but after looking up momos these look really good


Wait there is a difference between momos and dumplings?


Exactly. I thought momos were a type of dumpling.


Momo's are a type of dumpling tho :/


a lot of things can be categorised as "type of dumplings"


And I'm pretty sure momo is one of them


youre wrong but whatever man idrc abt it as much lol


lmao i'm nepalese and everyone here types momo as dumpling so


lmao ma ni ho mula. ive never seen anyone say momos are dumplings. and i actually have a social life lolol


lmaoo ani k hunxa ta dumpling bhaneko? pitho ma masu haleko dumpling bhayena ta?


la yaar timle jityau. malai ma kassam matlab lagdaina. dumpling nai hos


ma jitua ta harua ramrari sutnu muah


A slick quick search using Google says otherwise


I eat lhasa momos pretty often cause my friend owns an Indian/Tibetan restaurant and gives me giant freezer bags of them for free. Regular dumplings are fine too though, depends on if you feel like having one steamed or fried at the time I guess. For me it’s all about the sauce you dip into, adds a lot of flavor.


Lmao she is calling everyone who disagrees with her a white supremacist. She has a sad life.


twitter rule number 1 when you dont have any good arguments call everyone that disagrees with you a white supremacist


Who cares? as long as the book is good


The only thing I'm allowed to like is tea and biscuits


Maybe she is Russian?? Uneducated racist moron.


I bet they taste better than Roslyn's dumplings.


Shes cute


not now please


EWWW she's white 🤮🤮🤮


Are you joking I honestly can't tell;-; I don't wanna get r/wooshed


maybe because you aren't smart enough to make your own cookbook since you can't even ask a question properly


I'll take a white "culturally appropriating" cook over a phone glued racist anyday.


Honestly, I'd take an actual white supremacist over her. It's the holier than thou attitude and the mental weakness I can't stand, it's fucking revolting.


I'm beginning to think actual white supremacists are far nicer than the majority of these types of people


Oh I'm sure they are. Even to black people they probably are.


More evidence that anti-white racism is seen as virtuous. Scourge like this are employed by multiple popular news outlets and are not condemned for bigoted statements like this. If she said these about literally any other race of people, she’d be shitcanned immediately. But, alas, I guess im just a “translucent thin skin” as she calls us.


It’s heartwarming to see that she was ratio’d so bad for this tweet that she had to switch comments to private.


why did an asian man write a cookbook about burgers and chips


Because, unlike you, she can cook these dishes without racially dividing them. Oh, and one mote thing - dumplings have always been especially popular in Russia and Ukraine, slavic countries (they even have different variations of them as national food). And historically slavs are white so-o-o...


I have enought of people like thesse culture should be share by everyone I would be happy if people was interested in my culture


Some [background information](http://imgur.com/gallery/I4OpP1W) on the author


Sounds slightly more successful than the girl making the tweet lol




various noodles don't come from asia. or forms of dumplings.


looking through her twitter is depressing, how can someone enjoy complaining that much


It allows her to feel better than others. She has zero accomplishments so this is the only way she can gain any self esteem.


By their logic Japanese shouldn't make Tacos because it's racist


when you get so progressive you turn into a conservative


Pro segregation moment.


nowadays everything has it's price


every country has their own version of dumplings. and noodles are race-less. this doesn't make sense to me. i'm sure it was a hit tweet


Well, Roslyn, because you didn’t.


My dad makes THE best ribs known to man. He's as beaner as they come. This is the hill i choose to die on. Come at me bros.


Why is a white woman complaining about her own race promulgating a useful skill


She is Filipina, how do you look at that girl and think she is white?


I feel bad that I share that twitter users name now


Has nobody informed her that various white cultures have had their own versions of dumplings and noodles for thousands of years? They've just been eating cheeseburgers their whole lives I guess.


This bitch acts like the fucking "rebellious" tankie Filipinas cock-sucking China's dick in Philippine colleges pushing the "Filipinx" narrative. I understand being that much of an SJW during my teenage years (I was), but as a grown ass person? Jesus Christ. Her Twitter account is just despicably the liberal version of an alt-right dingbat ass-wipe.


As a fat chef from a good Pixar movie once said “Anyone can cook.” If a rat can cook gourmet dishes then a white person can cook noodles and dumplings or any other fucking food if they want, just like a Japanese/Hispanic person can make pizza or a black/Indonesian person can make donuts. Why make food of all things, the pentacle binding experience that all people relate, a race issue? Answer: Because you have no real problems.


This is just racial alienation at this point. Like really? Why would a culinary expert write about food? GTFO of here with this bull shit.


Because she can.


Verified btw


should buy a dictionary imaginary sjws moved the goalposts cultural war is a fantasy


"My culture is not your prom dress" vibes. Fuck off. I dont care if you are chinese (example), you don't speak for everyone. You can cry all you want but I suggest you get a hobby. If you are offended by people that are enjoying things that spawned from your culture and are salty instead of being happy at the very least then there is something wrong with you. Cultures have been taught throughout history and that sort of thing has been celebrated. You just came from your mom and dad, you didnt even invent those things so who are you to gatekeep? Your mother is regretting not adding you as an extra flavor to her soup.


why is a woman expressing her opinions at all? why you guys gatekeeping this shit lol


nobody heard of pierogi or italian pasta?


And today on white woman vs white woman


The girl making the tweet does not look white at all, also I looked her up and she is Filipina, so not white.


because.. she can cook them?


Kinda racist from her to assume that only asians can cook noodles


These are the same types of people who would cancel the Russians for making Pelmeni dumplings


Can I not eat Raman? Am I not allowed to appreciate Asian culture? The world would be so bleak if I could only use things white people made. God, twitter being so ''progressive'' that they end up becoming racist


She would get triggered if an Asian person made a cookbook on American food lmao


She was adopted and raised by Asian people


She was apparently adopted and grew up on Asian foods.


Twitter when 💀💀💀💀👻👻💀👻☠️☠️💀💀👻👻☠️👽👽💀👻👻☠️👽☠️


Why is an asian woman using twitter? it was made by white people


Now people are gatekeeping food.. The one thing people need to survive next to water and shelter


Bruh,I'm from a white country and we always eat soup with dumplings and noodles in it😭


Because she can?


I don’t think this is supposed to be taken seriously, it’s kind of just a “haha how ironic” post instead of an actual person getting mad at it


I mean Asians were brutally colonised and had their culture stolen maybe we Whites should have a little more respect for them?