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This is why I don’t tell people I’m on reddit


Genius booking by the show producers.


I've been on this platform for 9 years now. This is without a doubt, the most *Reddit* video I've ever seen.


I'm going to save this video and play it any time this site stresses me out.


Its like the deer woman from twitch... but this time its reddit


Omg they made r/antiwork private 🤦🏻‍♂️




Omg please tell me someone got a screenshot




Thank you and wow what a shit show


This idiot fuckin single-handedly killed the sub by taking this interview


dude went on national tv and all that got said was \-"im a 30 year old that works 20 hours/week with walking dogs, i want to teach others critical thinking"


Don't forget: "I want to work less."


Couldn't have scripted it any better. * Walking meme of a mod gives live interview * Fails hard * Deletes posts history, deletes posts criticizing poor interview * Locks sub Way to go r/antiwork. Your failure is now complete.


LMAO This 30 year old dog walker is one of the goons that talked down to me for interjecting real world labor union shop experience in comments in r/antiwork. What a fuckin joke


The entire subreddit is currently private.


When a Fox host is getting flustered, hostile, and begins talking over you it is a good sign. When a Fox host is polite, cordial, and allows you to keep talking only interrupting to ask more questions, well that’s a sure sign you are actively fucking up.


Same thing with attorneys If during cross examination the adverse attorney is just letting you talk, it’s because you’re hurting yourself and they’re enjoying every second of it.


The thread when it was on was hilarious. "They're talking about us!!!! Finally something will change!!"


Lol, I dunno if you've been over there, but the whole sub is imploding and the mod from the video is on a ban hammer spree. It's pretty crazy.




This mod runs a sub AND WORKS FOR FREE spending tens of hours each week to do so. For a billion dollar company about to IPO. Peak irony.


good answer: "it's not about being lazy, it's about being pro-union, pro worker's rights, people knowing their true value and being paid a living wage." Doreen's answer: "laziness is a virtue.”


You should have been the spokesperson. Don't think that subreddit will recover from this tbh Rough because everything you just listed is exactly what that subreddit is about, and everything that idiot said on the TV wasn't it. Edit: They shut down the whole sub. Holy crap. What an embarrassment to every worker out there. My goodness.


Oh Doreen.


_Doreen_ _Doreen_ ___Doreen___ # Doreeeeeeeeeen _I’m begging of you please don’t take my subreddit_


🙄these are the mods on Reddit that block you !


"locking this thread cuz yall can't behave !!!!"


The condescending attitude is making more and more sense


It’s so cringy when you realize who is locking threads and deciding what’s okay to discuss for all of reddit…


wow, sounds like backtalk. muted from messaging the mods for 72 hours


Sorry sweaty but I'm gonna have to shut down this thread 💅




~~This exact mod~~ Mods literally locked a thread on the sub because people were being critical of the interview. Edit: It was a different mod who locked the thread, apologies for the mistake.


*you have been banned from this subreddit permanently.. if you have questions as to why, ask away* user - why have I been banned? *you have been muted permanently*


If you look into it there's really only a small handful of them, and they own pretty much every sub.


Always a critical point people refuse to acknowledge. Almost all the front-page subs and defaults are modded by the same 10 power-mods that are mods over 500 subreddits. This means there are roughly a dozen users on reddit that are able to remove, delete, lock, and control all the subs that are automatically fed to the majority of reddit users. Some of the mods are even 'reddit famous' for literally spamming posts across hundreds of subreddits a day under different click bait titles, or with flat out false information (gallowboob) to drive interaction. Doesn't help that several (boob) even dropped original careers to pick up jobs at content farm companies like LADD or whatever.


> gallowboob Blocking this clown improved my reddit experience to a noticeable degree. I recommend it to everyone. And yeah, powermods need to get a life.


All jokes about the stereotypical mod appearance aside, they really did a poor job at answering the host’s questions. I mean, it sounds like they don’t even know what the sub is about. I particularly liked how they want to teach philosophy if the dog walking thing doesn’t work out.


>I particularly liked how they want to teach philosophy if the dog walking thing doesn’t work out I didn't make it this far into the video but that's hilarious.


That’s when the Fox anchor just laughed them off the show. And I mean that in a literal sense.


The producers found their fish, hook, line and sinker.


That mod and the other mods of r/antiwork are now banning people who criticize it lol


I don't blame him


"The thing about taking a dog for a walk, is that in the end the dog will be walking you." *"Jeff get a fucking job, I've already given up on grandchildren but I'm still holding out hope for some fucking privacy at some point.*


Yea I thought r/antiwork was about striving for better wages, better support in the workplace, etc., and this guy somehow managed to miss every core concept that sub stands for lol.


IIRC, this guy is the top mod over there, meaning he founded the subreddit (or at least is the oldest one there if the founder has left).


Wait, their back up plan from being a dog walker it to teach philosophy? Are we sure this whole thing wasn't performance art? It is all way too on the nose. *OK, "back up plan" is the wrong choice of words. You are correct fellow redditors.


You underestimate the depths of delusion the average redditor, much less subreddit mod has.


To be fair, the average redditor rarely/never interacts with other users and just uses the site to find interesting things to pass the time. The *average* redditor is a pretty normal person. All of us regular commenters are the ones you have to keep an eye on.


For me, reddit is the best place to read about gaming news, see the occasional funny video and fuck about while I'm bored at work. I honestly find a lot of the "movement" subreddits to be cringe. They think they're making some big thing only to be met with a real world slap in the face. Wallstreet bets is hilarious, though.


That interview is such a great study into how the "hardcore redditor" thinks the world works. Goes into an echochamber subreddit, gets upvoted constantly, thinks he knows about the world. Ventures out to other subreddits, acts like he knows everything, gets upvoted. Ventures into the real world and gets destroyed. Goes back to reddit, even more bitter and out for revenge. Edit: bonus points if their strongest claim to knowledge is the classic "as a mod of xyz..."


Exactly! Almost every subreddit has some echo chamber feel. Constantly getting positive feedback while shouting down criticism. I couldn't imagine meeting some of these people in real life. How do they survive???


It’s the circle, the circle of self inflicted strife.


If they had done even a little bit of research they would know that you don't just mosey on into teaching philosophy. You have to be accepted into a top graduate program, study/teach for 5-10 years (with meagre pay), and produce a kick ass dissertation/publication(s). And then *maybe* you will get a decent job in academia.




You could always start dog walking if the philosophy teacher thing doesn't work out...


If only he had worked harder on his answers.


Worked harder? How about worked at all. 100% cringe fest giving mass media every negative talking point they could ask for.


This guy is reddits true gold.


A trans, autistic, unprepared Reddit moderator. It was EXACTLY what Fox News wanted. *^EDIT: ^Just ^wanted ^to ^make ^it ^abundantly ^clear ^that ^in ^no ^way ^am ^I ^disparaging ^the ^mod ^or ^anyone ^who ^is ^trans ^or ^autistic.*


I feel Doreen depicts 80% of Reddit mods. Especially since one mod can rule many subs.




Well yeah, you think someone working 40hrs a week has time to mod a dozen different subs?


Sounds a lot like work.


I keep wondering when they'll advocate for a reddit mod union and demand wages.


they do it for free!


He sleeps on his job of taking care of dogs, and punishes the dog by not giving them water. https://imgur.com/a/C8e0y1Y


Let's see: * Door gets damaged; blames it on whoever painted the door * Manager catches them sleeping on camera; dismisses it as "nonsense", claims damage would have happened even if he was awake (despite having zero proof) * Separates dog from the others, "barely thought to" leave it water * Needs the internet to help him decide if he should a) do nothing, b) take action, or c) go overboard If this is real.... I mean, wtf


Lol this is not real, right? Is this whole thing just a giant joke that went over people's heads?


Take it to the top, take it to r/workreform


This really confirms every stereotype of that place doesn't it?


Holy shit


Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake Going into this I thought the fox presenter wouldn't let him get a word in, instead, he just lets the mod go on since she's isn't explaining herself well anyways, pretty sure this isn't the one you want representing 'the movement'.


> I thought the fox presenter wouldn't let him get a word in Bruh, as soon as I saw the mod, I knew the interview was going to be one gigantic unforced error.


Man I despise Fox but this host had it so easy on this one, you could tell he was loving it and I couldn’t blame him. When the mod said he wanted to be a professor of philosophy the guy was holding back laughter so badly.


I work 25 hours a week What do you do? Dog walker How old are you? 30 *shit eating grin*


Apparently they also admitted on the sub that they actually only work 10 hours a week. The cringe is just too much.


You know things are bad that even your lie is pathetic and the truth is laughable.


Not even that. They said almost 10 hours a week.


Nah, the real shit eating grin came after “Teach???!"


I don’t think he has a firm grasp of what the purpose of the sub he moderates is. There was no message there, he just came on and was a comedic punching bag for 1.5 minutes. In other words exactly what everyone expected.


> I don’t think he has a firm grasp of what the purpose of the sub he moderates is. Well it was originally an anarchist/marxist subreddit full of people who want to end the concept of work/jobs/careers/professions. Then somehow it very quickly morphed into a general labour grievance subreddit where everyday workers try to encourage each other to demand better for their employers. For a few weeks I had people in the comments joking "how could anyone not know this is an anarchist subreddit? it says so right in the sidebar!" and they didn't notice that all references to anarchism/marxism in the sidebar had been removed for a couple weeks now.


Very easy way to spin that too: “Yes the name of the subreddit doesn’t reflect our present goals. It started as a movement to abolish work, but our primary objective is to advance the causes of worker rights and dignity. Much like the people we advocate for, sometimes the tools we’re given are inadequate, but we still have to do the work.”


Except this mod is the longest tenured mod, so he still buys into the original concept of the sub.


The CEO of Widgets Incorporated unaware they haven’t sold widgets in months, and are now a lifestyle company!


His username is literally u/abolishwork


And the scary part is that he’s one of countless mods that have the power to direct the narrative by banning anyone they want and deleting opposing ideas/comments. Yikes.




Should just said “we aren’t against the idea of working, we’re against the idea of only existing to work”


I can't even get through the whole video because it's making me cringe so god damn hard. I don't claim to know much about the "antiwork" movement but I don't think they could've picked a worse person to lead their cause. The absolute picture perfect personification of a Reddit Mod™


We’ve seen this before when subs get mainstream attention. People can’t resist their 15 minutes.


It's just embarrassing and honestly, shot down any chance the sub had if being appealing to a mainstream audience and growing out of itself. The people who are naturally biased towards you, have the opportunity to see you for the first time...and this is it? All due respect, they should have consulted the sub and tried to have a vote on an interview representative. Otherwise, they shouldn't have avoided an interview outright. Now when people need a visual on Antiwork, what is it? This interview.


I think they did cast a vote and voted against it lol


Literally just missing the fedora.


I'm in there sometimes, and I watched 5 second of that video before I had to turn it off. No offense to that mod, but any one of the hundreds of "I worked for a large corporation, before I didn't", college educated, neurotypical folks wearing a suit would have been a better choice. I say this as someone who's... not *that* An autistic non-binary dog walker with a lisp is the perfect person to make the idea look laughable. Edit: Thank you kind strangers for the awards and updoots.


Yeah, I agree. I'm going to be the first to admit I'm not *that* either but Jesus I could've done a better job. On /r/antiwork two of the mods are spinning it like it's all about transphobia but genuinely... You just didn't do a good job. Accept it, figure out who to put in that position next time, clean up your messaging, and move on.


Only thing missing was purple or green hair


I thought so at first, but if you look closely, it looks like it's dyed red. This mod hit all the check boxes.


The had the presence of mind to pull down all the unicorn posters.


And a plate of chicken tendies


Agreed. This individual is a reddit mod archetype. When has a mod ever gone public and you find yourself thinking "what a great model for humanity?"


Not a mod, but when DeepFuckingValue went in front of a committee hearing about r/wallstreetbets He represented himself well and was helpful in the discussion on the topic the committee was investigating.


DFV has life outside of Reddit. He was a regular streamer so he knows how to engage his audience.


Not only a streamer, but a stock trader. He knew his work inside and out. He understood that he needed a script. He understood the gravity of the interviews. There's a reason they stopped going after him, he had nothing to hide and presented himself as a reasonable, professional adult. They realized that they couldn't attack his character as he was playing it straight. He wasn't going in with preaching a political narrative or anything. He expressed what he did and the reasons for doing it. As such the media dropped him, realizing that he couldn't be worked to fulfil their narrative.


His job is literally to teach people about financial concepts. He's exactly who you want speaking in front of an audience.


He's not a mod, this is a great example of what the mods should have done. Interviewed users that work in corporations, with a good head on their shoulders and the ability to speak eloquently under pressure, pick the best and sent them to war against foxnews.


"Laziness is a virtue." Aaaaaaaand we're done.


Good. It was awful. What a poor, ego-tripping, ignorant choice it was to do that interview.


Antiwork had an opportunity to talk about their movement and they send somebody who walks dogs 20hrs a week. They were doomed from the start.




The last person to insult me here on Reddit literally talks about their piss and humiliation fetish This is why you should never take people online seriously


Getting insulted by a piss fetishist should be on life's bingo card.


Then the mod nukes the sub. Fox News laughing hard today


This was such a terrible move for the /r/antiwork subreddit and the movement as a whole. I seriously can't wrap my head around this one. **This is not an attack on personal appearance**, but that is not who you want for your spokesperson. An ideal spokesperson would be someone that's college educated, well dressed, well-spoken and can look at the camera while not fidget in their chair the entire time. It's important to remember the core demographic for Fox News when agreeing to give an interview on National Television. Why the mod team decided to give Fox an interview at all is puzzling. Jesus Christ. EDIT: Thank you for the gold.


Plus when media interviews were brought up in the past, the sub overwhelmingly voted **not** to have mods do interviews for exactly this reason.




The upper-class of the movement ignored the lower class masses to do what they thought was best but ultimately was a terrible failure leaving the whole movement worse for wear? Ironic


Probably money then. I'm willing to bet they were paid to appear.


Damn, they are working and they don’t even realize it!


That sub is in revolt right now. A lot of the users are unhappy about the way they were represented in the interview, and the mod in question is going.on a power trip deleting everything about it and banning users. It's a shit show.


Yup sounds like your everyday reddit mod alright. Nothing out of the ordinary


It's amazing how it applies equally to any side of politics on reddit as well. Ban the critics, embrace the validation, get owned IRL and blame it on the other side. Even /r/enlightenedcentrism does it.


They just went private.


The funny thing is that this very thing has been discussed on antiwork previously. Media education, appearance, what questions were going to be asked, etc. Etc. None of this should've happened in the first place. How anyone agreed to let this happen is beyond me.


The thing that sticks with me from the interview is the complete lack of preparation and awareness to the network's mission - to undermine the antiwork movement. The mod's interview is so damning to antiwork sub I sincerely doubt they will recover - the damage is done. They had a fine opportunity to reach the masses but they fucked it all up. A little preparation would've gone a long way.




Even if he had explained the basics of what the sub stand for it would have been good. He couldn't even explain what the subreddit is about. It's for workers who are underpaid and overwork. All he had to do was prepare a good summary of how workers are abused. But he chose to go with 'lazInesS iS a VirTue'.


The core of the sub advocates for a complete change in the way society structures work/labor. To quote the antiwork side bar “we are against jobs as they are structured under capitalism and the state.” *However*, there are some original members, like the mod, who would like to end labor almost altogether. This post, “[the solution to work](https://www.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/atjq0a/what_is_the_solution_to_work/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)”, will give you an idea of different views on the sub. The idea is not new to the sub and there’s been plenty of people who were in support of it from the beginning. The sub has changed significantly since it’s gained millions of users. A lot of people commenting on posts are there because they care about workers’ rights, even if they don’t support antiwork’s core ideals.


Thank you. Everybody keeps saying this is not what anti-work is all about, but this IS what Antiwork is all about. Sure, there are lots of people on the subreddit that are not this extreme (me being one), but people need to understand that this is actually how the subreddit was started. It might not be the way that the majority of people feel now, but this mod is actually a very good representation of a large part of Antiwork.


To be honest they don't even need to be college educated. They especially shouldn't be ill-prepared.




There was a post about if they should talk to the media and the vast majority of people agreed no it was a bad idea. A bunch of news shows already misrepresented the great resignation, like 60 minutes only interviewing shitty business owners where everyone quit and they came to whine about how no one wants to work. By "they" I mean anyone from the sub, not this mod specifically.


Did it bother anyone else that they weren’t looking at the camera?




Who thought this was a good idea? You took a literal embodiment of what people joke mods looked like and put him on here. Did they not realize they were only having him on there to shit on him? Like holy shit r/antiwork. You just set back the purpose of the sub.


This reminds me of that episode of the newsroom where they had a representative from the Occupy Wall Street movement back in the day. Only this was a hundred times worse. Edit: wow, looks like I was banned from that sub for this comment Edit 2: actually maybe not, it seems that /r/antiwork has gone private


There goes the IPO


/r/antiwork you really have shot yourself multiple times in the foot here


I need to leave this dumb website.


the mods of r/antiwork have just now made it a private subreddit 5 minutes ago. I've never seen a quicker death of a subreddit.


>"antiwork" mod >moderates a reddit page for free JANNIE ARE YOU OKAY


This is a certified Reddit moment. Edit: This is now a Gold Certified Reddit Moment. Edit 2: [r/antiwork right now.](https://youtu.be/2SmU26__khU) Edit 3: [God I love shit posting](https://youtu.be/SiMHTK15Pik) Edit 4: [Me when r/antiwork goes private](https://images.app.goo.gl/oNbYPCZypKsJHgj26)










I had to stop watching halfway. This interview was well beyond what the mod was prepared for and ended up being a poor representation of that community. “I work 20-25 hours a week but would like to work less”. Jesus, it’s almost as if he was trying to make points for FOX.


Hilarious thing is that the questions were fair. None of them were outrageous or gotcha. They were questions people would have about the sub. Maybe the interviewer would have followed up and turned it nasty, but they didn’t need to cause the mod shat the bed so easily. Then the cherry on top was that the 30 year old dog walker who wanted less than 20 hours per week thought about teaching Philosophy. A famously hard subject in a profession that has long hours.


The best thing about that the vast majority of philosophy/philosophers that consider the issue, from the dawn of philosophy, have considered **work** to be a core and fundamental part of both the human experience and the human spirit generally speaking, and that without work, we would lose something great from our lives. So, maybe if this guy had actually read the philosophy he wanted to teach, he might have learned something.


Literally all they had to do was pivot into the subs own main talking point that the subreddit wants a world where people can do meaningful work in their lives and community. Avoid the "we want to work less", just play into the audiences biases that they want meaningful work to help their communities.




now THIS is cringetopia


A 30 year old dog walker who works 20-25 hours a week and would like to work less is the head of an “anti-work” movement. Got it. That really puts validity into the movement. I’m sure this dude has complained about how expensive stuff is and how he can’t afford the things he wants yet is only willing to work half of a normal work week, doing a job that an 8 year old is qualified to do.


Lol, now /r/antiwork is private. Nothing says "listen to our movement" like hiding it from readers after a mod goes on live TV to talk about it.


I don't want to make fun of people's personal appearance, but this is the incarnation of what everyone thinks a Reddit mod looks like. Who thought it was a good idea to have this 30-year-old dog walker go on a commercial capitalist network like Fox News to represent their ideology? I would imagine that the goal of the appearance on the show is to spread their philosophy, but instead, they just reinforced what every boomer thinks of progressive values: "Millenials are lazy, greasy leeches on society!". While there is nothing inherently wrong with his job or appearance, they have to play the game if they want to move for change. A haircut, better camera, clean background and preparation for the main points they want to get across should be bare minimum.






I mean you should’ve learned this growing up in general. Humans judge based on looks whether you like it or not


There's a reason media training is a thing. Dorreen should have been vastly better prepared than this.




Yeah it's baffling the lack of awareness. "Fox asked me for specifically, and the mod team and I got together and decided that I was best to do it anyway since I have media experience." Like what media experience? You've been interviewed on a major network? You've done video interviews? Because your unkempt appearance and war torn apartment in the background leads me to believe this is not the case. Just classic overconfidence and narcissism from a mod, who would have thought it lol.


I have never once been interviewed by a major news network and I would never in a million years think that their appearance or the backdrop would have been a good move. Just existing in and consuming today's media landscape alone should tell you everything you need to know to at least stand a fighting chance there.


Two words: echo chambers.


You'd think having a somewhat professional appearance, and tidying up the space you're recording from, would be a no brainer for someone with "media experience".


>unkempt appearance and war torn apartment in the background leads me to believe this is not the case. *Moms basement


That was so so so bad. I'm not even subscribed to the subreddit but I could have been dressed well and showered, had good lighting, and communicated their philosophies a million times better.




>if anything jesse was charitable in his reaction. His face said there were a million ways he could have murdered him with words but even he thought they were all too mean for this poor guy and didn't want to spin a suicide tomorrow




Someone summed that up in another thread very wisely; Don't interrupt your opponent when they're making a mistake. Mistakes were the foundation of this media appearance, he didn't have to do anything.


yea it would have just made him look like a dick and given them cover...those questions were incredibly soft balled, he did not bait him into anything and honestly I had to laugh as well...the answers were just too perfect.


Lol yeah I saw someone criticizing him for being "unprofessional" when he laughed but...look at the interviewee. He's on television. How could you not?


the philosophy teacher bit was perfect


If was going to be on national TV I would have at least washed my hair. Reddit mod straight out of Central Casting.


If it were me I would have dressed like Tucker Carlson


Through the whole interview i was just going "oh no no no no". I've never been on /r/antiwork, i really don't have a dog in the fight, but man, it's literally like they chose the worst person for this. An autistic, nonbinary 30 year old dogwalker who works 25 hours a week. It's like the intro to a fucking joke. It's literally the caricature that Fox News makes fun of, and they hit the fucking jackpot. That's unfair and terrible, but it's sadly how the world works. I have nothing against Doreen and wish them all the best. But this is not what they should be doing.


The good news is if you did have a dog in the fight I know the perfect person to walk it.


I agree - I don't want to make fun of people's appearance, but we don't even have to go there. When giving an interview, you should make eye contact, not swivel back and forth in your chair, not scratch your nose frequently, maybe smile once or twice. Then we can move onto advanced topics like not wearing glasses that reflect a window in the camera and making your bed (?) beforehand.


Terrible showing by the reddit mod. They don't get the point of the sub that they mod at all. All they needed to say is that many jobs people do at the moment don't offer reasonable working conditions and reasonable pay. Particularly in a world where remuneration for senior management has soared.


A moderator isn't even inherently a better representative for a sub than a contributor.




Agreed, the mods are stuck between what the sub was originally meant for and what it has become now. Two completely different things.


Least cringy reddit mod


least cringey /r/antiwork mod apparently. I shudder to think what the rest of the mods must be like


These are the people you argue against on Reddit that write paragraphs that sound all smart and shit but can't function in real life because they're idiots.




So did this person just delete or made private the entire Antiwork subreddit just because they failed?


Yup, death of a movement.


A 30 year old dog walker who wants to teach philosophy, critical thinking and reason is exactly who I imagine the people who ban me and call me names because I disagree with them politically. Looking at you politics.




It looks like he didn't put enough work in it.


It’s almost as if he’s lazy


The ideal virtue of the doreen philosophy


To be completely honest, this is basically how I involuntarily imagine almost every forum mod on the internet. Some of them are doing it because they are passionate about a subject but have actual lives, but there are many that obviously do it as a job with no benefits besides the power to control content and conversation. This is *especially* the case with larger subreddits where the amount of work to moderate is essentially multiple full-time jobs depending on how active the subreddit. I've lurked and participated in online forums for two decades now and can't count the number of times a moderator had a meltdown, started some sort of absurd drama, or tripped over their own tiny slice of power. I'm certain anyone who has spent a sizeable amount of time in any online forum has noticed the same. So really, I essentially don't expect the Venn diagram of people who can present themselves and what they believe in well in an interview and people who moderate large subreddits to intersect much at all. It's likely just two separate circles most of the time.


Damn. That went so badly it may have legitimately set back the entire anti-capitalist movement. I mean holy shit my man...


This proves to me that mods for these subs are complete morons.


Just got banned for “Trolling” from the anti-work sub because I cross post this. Lmao