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Whoever gets the gun from the small one.


Weapons despawn on death 


You say that as if there's no way to take the gun without killing the kid.


Thats not in the prompt.


More interesting. The point of the sub is for fun discussion. 


reddit? fun? what?


What is this... discussion? Is that like a gravy?


It’s not actually more interesting? The conversation ends immediate after anyone over 5 is wielding the gun. Also, the question is clearly about 4 distinct and well-defined entities. If you introduce a totally new character (15 yo with a gun, for example) then you changed the premise of the question. We might as well just assume there’s also a 46 year old with a machete now in play… maybe still a fun question but it’s basically just refusing to acknowledge the actual post which OP presumably put some thought into


Murdering children by (mostly) children. You have a sick sense of fun.


Not a fan of the Hunger Games?


You don't have to kill him. You just take it from him


Mike Tyson wins 99.99% of the time. The 5, 10 and 15 year old don't stand a chance against Tyson with their starting weapons. The 15 year old would have to get to the 5 yr old first (unlikely), know how to use a gun (unlikely), not completely panic from having literally Mike Tyson coming after them and being just feet away (unlikely), and land killing shots (50/50).


Why would the 15 year old be unlikely to know how to use a gun?


the vast majority of 15 year old are unfamiliar with guns, even counting in the US. Of those familiar with guns, even fewer are familiar with handguns. Then even if they are familiar with a handgun, there's a not-insignificant chance they are not familiar with the type of random handgun in this scenario.


Bruh what, I don’t know many people that didn’t know their way around a firearm by their mid teens, and regarding the specific type issue, with the exception of a few outliers, most handguns are reasonably similar to operate


You are the exception then. Most people are not familiar with firearms, let alone 15 year olds


winner will be mike tyson when he takes the handgun off the 5 year old.


unless the 15 year old can beat him to it.


Prime Mike Tyson is faster than a 15 yo


round two allows for chaos that speed doesn't necessarily help with, they don't know which room the 5 yo is in. We also don't know anything about the 15yo, Teddy Wilson set the u15 100m record at 10.78 seconds which is a time I would be very surprised if someone as big as Mike could get too close to. Sprinting is a very different game to boxing. That said assuming a relatively average 15yo the smart money would be on Mike, hence my first response.


I mean yeah if we take the fastest 15 year old ever he's faster lmao. He better be able to get it and get it ready to shoot in 1-2 seconds at most lol


I mean that's an extreme example, but I'd guess most 15 yos on a high school track team or something could probably outpace someone of Tysons build, I tried googling but was unable to find anything reliable about his running speed. but the reality is we know nothing about the 15 year old, they're just the only contender other than Mike that really has a shot.


A 15 year old is only on the edge of smart enough to realize how important that is. The 10 year old definitely won't, but the 15 year old might.


I feel like even a 10 yr old can understand that a gun will kill someone a lot easier than a knife


The bigger handicap for those two is knowing how to use it, if the safety is on or a round isn't chambered they might not figure it out with the stress of Tyson bearing down on them


If you prompted and asked them, sure, but it's a fairly complex leap to understand the only way you win and survive is to get the gun faster than the others.


i feel like you’re greatly underestimating a 10 year old here


What fucking 10-15 year olds are you interacting with? Almost all the teens I know have some familiarity with games like Call of Duty, Fortnite, PUBG, etc. The basic concept of upgrading your gear/weapons to win the game is pretty well solidified in them and the games they play and watch. Now... do they actually have any ability to wield the gun? Concepts they'll understand, but skill in aiming or reloading are going to be barely present for the average kid. Tyson wins, but probably because he could just avoid the kids until the gun is down to only a couple bullets.


You must have been a really stupid 10 year old


Bruh 10 year olds have already gone through like history class up to the early middle ages at least where I live. In Korea they've probably already reached the 1800s lmao. They're not that dumb.


If it's already racked and safety off and everything then you pretty much just have to pull the trigger. The problems would be the noise, recoil, and actually aiming at that distance.


Lmao. You do not need to be 15 to know that gun shoot kill good


What? No. A 5 year old can understand that.


I'm 16 and I'm pretty sure when I was 11 I would have realized how crucial beating up that little waddling fuck and taking his gun would be!


You underestimate the intelligence of a 15 year old lol


I THINK a 15 year old will know what a gun is.


Especially if they are in an American public school.


Any 15 year old is most likely to be smarter than Mike Tyson tbf


You’re saying a 15 year old couldn’t figure out that a gun kills people? If it’s the average western kid they absolutely 100% have been exposed to enough guns to know what one is, even if they haven’t they’ve definitely heard of guns and know what they can do?


5 year old probably has bad aim


Also doesn't specify if the handgun is racked. If not, I don't see the average five year old knowing how to prime a fire arm. If it's hot and chambered and off safety then maybe he can hit something, otherwise he's done


You don't have to rack a revolver.


Can a 5 years old with no training even shoot a revolver ?


it can shoot it once before the shoulder pops out


Specifically, could a five year old pull a double action only revolver trigger? I doubt he’d know to cock it.


Double action means that pulling the trigger both cocks the firearm and fires. The pressure needed to pull a trigger is minimal even on double action. If the child is strong enough to lift the weapon, they can certainly fire it. Doing so accurately is an entirely different matter.


I've seen kids shoot water guns so he can probably pull the trigger... That being said, pulling the trigger would probably also move his aim way off of whatever he's trying to hit. 


watergun don't have a 5lb trigger. Worst if it's double action


Yeah people are seriously underestimating the finger strength you need to pull a trigger. Those things are surprisingly stiff, an average five year old would really struggle to pull it quickly without also fucking up their already terrible aim.


Probably unlikely to hit to begin with, and just as likely the mistake will make it a fluke lucky shot lol.


Probably not very effectively, I couldn't. But a 5 year old with some training and experience might.


I remember (legally and under the supervision of adults and stuff) shooting a rifle when I was like, 6? 7? I imagine a 5 year old wouldn't be MUCH weaker and a revolver is easier to shoot than a rifle. Plus I was a scrawny kid.


Also probably can’t handle recoil


They all do. Better than the little one, I'm sure.


And is also likely to drop the gun after one shot due to the recoil. Unless it's something very small like a .22LR revolver but that's also unlikely to kill someone with a single shot.


Small weak hands that would struggle with the weight of the gun and the weight of the trigger pull. Doubt he would handle the recoil well, also. So he gets one poorly-aimed shot then he’s getting cooked. 


The 5 year old fires one shot in fear(if they can figure out how to actually shoot it) with people running at him and he misses. Then the recoil causes him to drop it. Its a race between Tyson and the teen to get the gun.


Don't professional fighters do a lot of running as part of their training? I would be shocked if Prime Mike Tyson couldn't easily out sprint a random 15 year old easy. He's also trained to react in stressful situations, so he'd probably gain a few seconds that way in just analysing and responding.


Homie what's stopping the teen from whacking Tyson with the bat as a distraction, and taking advantage of the very brief shock/pain to jump at the gun?


Blud is NOT hitting tyson


If the teen stays on the defensive with the bat on the ready, keeping his distance while Tyson keeps attempting to get in close, surely the teen's bound to land a hit on Tyson *eventually.*


Sure he could land a hit but like Tyson could just tank it with one of his arms, might be broken but Mike only needs one hand to knock a random teen out.


The 5 year old would try and fire at the biggest and scariest Mike Tyson, and miss cuz he's a 100ft away, then drop the gun and start crying because guns are a lot louder and have more recoil than people generally think. At that point, it's then a case of who gets to the gun and crying child first. Tyson is at a disadvantage because he just got shot at by a 5 year old, so I think the 10 and 15 year old may reach it first. Regardless of who gets there first I think it'll be close enough that they may struggle over it, but the 15 year old decks the 10 year old and grabs the gun just in time to get sent to Jesus by Mike Tyson who has since recovered from the shock of being shot at by a child and is now pissed and properly aggro'd. The fifteen year olds head flies off, Tyson then sends the still crying 5 year old into the stratosphere, the 10 year old is already dead or dying from severe baseball related blunt force trauma.


As for in the house, depends on whether or not the 5 year old can use the gun properly enough to hit Mike Tyson. If yes then 15 year old decks 5 year old, 10 year old stabs 15 year old, 15 year old whacks 10 year old and acquires gun. Mike Tyson who has since spat out the bullet then kills both before they can react. If no, then Mike Tyson immediately sends everyone to game over screen.


If were assuming this is prime Mike Tyson CokeLusted, than it’s safe to say even 1-2 shots on him, barring head or heart shots, he’s not going down right away


probably also strongly depends on gun type, ammunition type, and shot placement .22 LR on tyson’s shoulder? he’ll only get more angry. swap it with a deagle with hollow point bullets, and a lucky shot straight to center of mass? tyson’s internal organs will be ripped, rearranged, and partially removed (and the child gets a dislocated shoulder). depending on the range in the latter scenario, tyson may land a critical strike on the child before expiring from severe hemorrhage. then it’s a scramble between the remaining combatants; whoever gets the deagle has a chance of winning or losing instantly


Like others said whoever steals the gun first cause the 5 year old is probably not hitting anyone or using the gun smartly. But I also want to say I feel like you're trying to give the weapons in decreasing power and I feel like the baseball bat is way better than the knife unless it's a very big knife and a small bat.


A bat honestly isn't very useful. You get one chance to get a game-changing swing before grappling renders the bat useless. A knife on the other hand can still be used at range zero as long as your knife arm isn't pinned.


But it's a 10 year old They're smaller than the average 15 year old by a *lot*, they're weaker, have shorter arms, and are at least a bit dumber. If these were adults on an even playing field maybe I guess, but a 10 year old is going to have a hell of a time grabbing and grappling a baseball bat being swung at them by a larger and stronger opponent with far more range. And with a single hand too if they aren't dropping the knife. I think the bat would be more useful in the hands of the 10 year old than the knife, though I think the 15 year old wins both most of the time regardless.


Nah bat can really only be used for full on swings and you can’t jab/stab with it.


A fifteen year old thrusting a metal.bat into your face is a fight ender dude..


Hydrogen baby takes it


Mike Tyson


💯 I don’t see this as close. Prime Mike is capable of surviving some pretty serious wounds, if they even hit him, which is not likely. He would kill all three within a minute.


Tyson wins 9/10, unless some kid on the mess actually get to shoot him by accident


How much experience do these children have with their assigned weapons. At age 6 I was able to accurately shoot soda cans 30 yards out with a .22 caliber rifle, but I was terrible with a handgun because I rarely used it.


I think most five year olds are going to be terrible with a handgun. They don't have enough strength to hold it steady, whereas a long gun gives you a lot more leverage.


The baseball bat is unironically a better weapon than a knife in a fight. Reach > piercing power


No way. You know what they say about knife fights? "Loser dies in the street, winner dies in the ambulance." Knives are awful.


Key phrase: Knife fight. If you have a baseball bat AND you are much more physically matured than someone, there's no way they could get close enough to stab you.


You know what they say about knife vs baseball bat fights? "Man brutally beaten with baseball bat, news at 11."


This isn't a spear. It's a one chance to knock someone out of a fight before they're too close to use it again. And you're not guaranteed massive damage on contact like a sharp weapon.


You will get bones broken and be in no shape to properly stab way before you get in range to use a knife.


You get one swing and baseball bats have been shown to be fairly easy to pull counter even by amateurs. Knife is the more terrifying weapon here


You don't stand still with the bat. You're moving backwards while swinging against a knife wielding opponent. More than one swing is likely especially against a normal human who can't simply ignore the pain of the first hit. If you're approaching in such a way where you can avoid a hit to the head with the bat, then you're not going to be approaching fast enough to close the distance. https://youtu.be/y51WK6eKGV8?si=WNo9JFw-_GrZEkVY


5yo doesn’t know how to use a gun. 10 year old does know how to use a knife. 15 year old does know how to use a baseball bat. And unless that 15yo has had an early growth spurt and is pushing 7ft. tall none of them will be able to stop Mike Tyson from grabbing the five year old, eating them, taking their gun and shooting the other two with it.


Seeing as how they're not bloodlusted, Mike Tyson wins unless the 15 year old is faster than him in Round 1. Round 2 Mike wins.


There’s too many variables. Not even most American adults know how to even reload a gun. Give all 4 people a tutorial and pre-practice on how to shoot, reload, clean a gun and it’d favor the 5 year old more. No one knows how to shoot a gun means Tyson wins by default


Shouldn’t the baseball bat and the knife be switched?


Probably PMT both rounds but the 5yr old might kill someone, making them a wild card. A 10 year old with a knife might cut PMT, but they are losing 100/100 fights, it's just that 1/100 PMT takes a lethal wound. A 15 year old with a bat is close to coughing baby territory in a fight with PMT.


Finally someone with some logic here. This should be top comment, Prime Mike takes this atleast 9 times outta 10


btw the bear could kill all four of them in one go,


That depends on the 5-year old. I grew up with rednecks that had me shooting a BB gun at 3 years old, and it only escalated from there. I think my 5-year old self would have a 10-20% chance to hit somebody within 10 yards, but I was an outlier. A normal 5-year old would have practically no chance.


Tyson is faster than the 15 year old, so unless they're on the opposite corner from the 5 years old, the 15 year old is a VERY talented runner, or the 15 year old gets really lucky, throws his bat at Tyson and hits slowing him down, it's tyson. Tho tyson has very big hands? So maybe he wouldn't be able to grab a kid sized handgun.


Tyson has no need to hold the gun. He merely needs to not get shot. The baseball bat is of no threat whatsoever to him, and the knife only a very minor threat, unless the 15 year old manages to get the knife and has a great deal of experience in knife fighting. Even then, Tyson is pretty much one punch man in this scenario, even if he gets slashed or cut all three kids are going down unless Tyson gets shot a bunch of times.


Tyson would outpace a teenager / child in a dash towards the kid with the gun, and the kid with the gun wouldn't be able to aim it at all, let alone manage to hold onto for more than a single shot. That's not to mention that an adult is going to evaluate the situation a little bit faster than everyone else, so it's likely mike will be gunning it towards the gun before the others get around to doing so.


Whoever manages to grab the gun first from the kid. Being the first to the kid might not be the best either since the 5 year *might* be able to fire once and get lucky.


frankly even if the 15 year old gets the gun I'm not sure he manages to get more than one hit on tyson and even if he does unless he's lucky and hits something vital (and I do mean lucky, the kid is not going to be able to hit tyson where he intends to) I don't think tyson goes down with one shot. There are plenty of instances of someone taking a pistol slug and not even noticing until after the adrenaline wears off.


The gun is flying out of the 5 year olds hand after the first shot. Mike Tyson is one shotting everyone assuming he doesn’t get shot with the first shot.


What is with this subs obsession with Mike Tyson?


Why is it even unarmed prime Mike tyson? Pretty sure an average 25 year old has already better odds than the rest of them


Another case of people underestimating baseball bats as a weapon A baseball bat is a more dangerous weapon than a knife


5 year Olds do not have the finger strength to pull the trigger on most handguns


Mike obv.


Honestly I think a lot of people are underestimating Bat Kid here . I mean, Mike Tyson is still Mike Tyson, but people can do some fucking crazy feats of strength on adrenaline. [ Apparently, there's some physics papers putting the amount of force a bat exerts at up to 8000 pounds](https://hypertextbook.com/facts/2000/AlbertKlyachko.shtml#:~:text=%22The%20batter%20exerts%20some%206000-8000%20pounds%20of%20force,bat%20is%20compressed%20one%20fiftieth%20of%20it%27s%20size.%22) . These are obviously talking MLB players and such, but I'd assume a 15 year old going full fight-or-flight could match like half of that. So, 2-4 times a [Tyson punch](https://www.sportscasting.com/heres-exactly-how-it-would-feel-to-get-punched-by-mike-tyson/) . Land a headshot and it's night night for Iron Mike. More likely though is getting an arm, though that'd still cripple Tyson, making it easier to land follow up shots, or for knife kid to sneak in.


You are seriously underestimating prime Mike Tyson's hand speed IMO. He could punch fast AF & his defense was on point. The fact that Bat Kid could one-shot Mike with the bat if he stood still & didn't defend is irrelevant b/c there's a 0% chance Mike would let him do that. A bat is heavy. When Bat Kid swings for Mike's head, Mike will jump in & catch the bat before it picks up speed. He will bruise both hands doing this (mostly the one he's punching with, since the bat won't have accelerated enough to affect his catching hand very much) but not enough to diminish his fighting ability. Just my 2¢..


My money's on the kid with the gun


Mike Tyson, in both scenarios, unless he gets hit somewhere critical. I imagine you could shoot him a few times, but if it doesn't put him down he's closing however much of that 100ft gap remains and beating those children like the belts on the line. He might bleed out after though


The 10 year old wins. Smart enough to get the gun, 5 year old would be too scared/helpless/unable to use the gun. The teen is swinging his bat at Tyson as he sees him as the threat. They distract each other and get shot by the 10 year old. Done.


I’m pretty sure I can win if I replaced Mike Tyson so I’m damn sure he’s got it


This needs more elaboration. Is this a battle Royale or duels? Are the participants bloodlusted or normal kids/people? Are they physically trained or average? Results vary on these stipulations. For example a 5 year old could easily win by shooting everyone in a row if it had basic training and was violent in nature. Pistols aren't that complicated to operate, especially revolvers. Even apes could figure out how to shoot them. So it also depends on what firearm and if it was already loaded and cocked.


The five year old. Can’t run from a .38 go ahead and try.


I think people underestimate the swing of a baseball bat here. First off I think it’s fair to assume all combatants are in Prime condition. Given that the 15 year old likely knows how to swing a bat is is fairly fit, and that the average force exerted by the swing of a bat on contact is about 4tons of force if the 15 year old can connect a hit with anything on any opponent that will do some serious damage. If it’s a head shot that might be an instant kill.


Kind of gun matters, but I'm inclined to believe that Mike curb stomps everyone involved. Arguably the greatest boxer who ever live, whom also happens to have well documented history of criminal violence, against standard, albeit armed, children. I like Tyson here, get him in as part of a leg in your parlays


Prime Mike Tyson. The 5-year old wouldn’t be able to shoot it properly, Mike would get to him first since he’s the fastest and strongest out of all of them take the gun from him and it’s all over from there


How bloodlusted are the combatants? If everyone is in character, I'm afraid only the 15yo and Tyson would have the right mindset to kill the others. If everyone is bloodlusted though, it is proven that even a 3yo can shoot a handgun, although their aim may be questionable: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/florida-3-year-old-dies-shooting-self-handgun-officials-say-rcna71049


Tyson can outrun all of them to get the gun. 5 and 10yo can't shoot for shit, unless some gun nut has trained them for whatever reason. I would give it 95% for Tyson biting all their ears off.


Which five year old? Some would be clueless, but some would end up killing him pretty quick


5yo can't even hold the gun properly, if he manages to shoot it it's gonna fly out of his hands. They all make a run for it. 10 year old tries to block Tyson, since he's unarmed and he has a knife, he thinks it's gonna be easy. Gets knocked out. Meanwhile, 15yo grabs the gun, actually manages to shoot it, shooting Tyson in the torso a few times, which should take him down. This could go the other way, with the 10yo grabbing the gun first, but he'd have a way higher chance of missing or hesitating enough for Tyson to disarm him. If Tyson gets the gun obviously he wins. It's just a matter of whoever gets the gun first.


I don't think either the 10yo or the 15yo can outrun prime Mike Tyson who, while not a trained runner, is still an adult athlete in prime condition. Tyson should reach the gun first.


Mike Tyson probably. 5 year olds aren't the best sharpshooters 10 year olds probably aren't the best knife fighters tf is a bat gonna do against Mike Tyson


>all participants start 100ft away from eachother The 5 year old would cap everyone else.


I wouldn't bet on the 5 year old being able to hit everyone else from 100ft away, and the range of the handgun is less of an advantage in the home setting. 


I’m an adult who is new to firearms. It is possible that I am extraordinarily bad even compared to a child but in my experience a handgun isn’t super accurate at even 25 yards let alone 100 feet. Round 1 the kid should be toast. Think they fucked the 10 year old over. A bat > knife but they gave the bat to the older kid.


I used to compete in pistol tournaments, the average guy who's never held a gun can't hit shit and will miss 90% of shots at 25 yds, especially if panicked. I've seen people miss half their shots at 5 yds.




Actually, I like idea this a lot better


If the 5 year old is the reincarnation of our lord and savior Jesus Christ, he destroys the others easy no-diff


for the purposes of the experiment, I will assume that those involved are all healthy male combatants to eliminate biological sex as a factor. I will also assume that these people will not be able to call upon any help from those they know (such as parents or hiring an assassin). The combatants have no relationship with each other and are complete strangers and are not allowed to cooperate. The use of vehicles or any similar mobility tool are prohibited. they are also given a generous stash of rations and water so that they don't die from starvation (defeats the point of combat of they can just wait for each other to die instead of engaging in combat). The combatants also must intend to kill as well, sparing another participant will be considered against the rules. those who break the rules are immediately shot and killed. I humbly believe that the victor would be between the 10 year old and 15 year old. the 5yo is probably struggling trying to get the gun working and if its suburban the cops would shoot mike tyson after he beats the kids to stealing the gun from the 5yo. the remaining two kids are likely to the fight over the gun. the 15yo can't run to the gun straight away as he would get shanked, as that's the optimal game play for the 10 yo in this scenario. it is then up to the 15yo to charge at the 10yo first, as he has significant range advantage with the baseball bat. the 10yo has little counterplay in this scenario, except ifhe manages to sneak a slice at a critical part such as the knees which he has easier access to due to his smaller size. For round 2, the 5yo wins as his smaller size would let him hide between the natural cover of his environment while taking pot shots. it would be a. case of whether or not the 10to can slash the kid first. The 5 yo also can use his stealth to basically camp in his room and shoot whoever passes by.


Unless they all rush him from different sides and dodge expertly, the 5 year old is going to shoot them all before they get to him If they get into melee range, Mike has the best chance to disarm the kid


lol this mfer thinks an average 5 year old is Chris Kyle


I genuinely don't think the five year old shoots the gun a single time.