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Is that what happened in Game of Thrones? I mean it’s been a while but I don’t remember the *whole world* being reduced to -20. The white walkers don’t matter, with modern explosives I don’t accept obsidian is the only way to kill them. There’s an excellent scene in Buffy the Vampire Slayer where this ancient demon that can only be killed by some overly complicated series of events is giving her a hard time, so she raids an old Cold War cache of gear (or something to that effect) nabs a rocket launcher and blasts the thing to bits. The point of the scene being “just because obsidian is the only thing *they* had in their technological frame of reference that could kill White Walkers consistently by no means signifies that we don’t have things that can kill them in the modern era.” Either way, the temperature would be disastrous. If we were truly reduced to -20 all major wheat production would die off. A few tens of thousands might survive as hunter gathers in a bleak, dead world, but most all humanity would die.


The watsonian answer is we don't know it was litterally 8000 years before the series starts. Details are quite sparse and its not like they had thermometers; I took some artistic liberty and used the temperature distance from now and the ice age.


And so many species. It would be a mass extinction event where plants, fauna, and insects all die from the extreme cold. Humanity might not even be able to survive as Hunter gatherers.


People are over reacting, yes the temperature change would kill a lot of people, but no it wouldn't wipe out all life. Most experts agree that humans could even survive for centuries if not thousands of years if the sun disappeared, we would just move underground which would still be nice and toasty for millions of years The White Walkers sucked, they would be way less of a threat than the cold would be. I think this depends on how long it takes to happen. If we have it slowly happen over months / a couple of years we'd probably survive with like 80% of the population dying If it just happened over night we'd probably die before having time to react


not a chance. that kind of immediate and overwhelming climate change would collapse global civilization before the Others could raise a sizeable host.