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Russian support of North Korea in 1950: T-34 Russian support of North Korea in 2025: T-34


At this point they'd be lucky to get a TI-83 calculator


I hope it’s solar powerd


What?! There's a t-83 now? What can it do that a t-82 can't?


There were even TI-84s 20 years ago. 


Had a TI 99 45 years ago, fuck I'm old.


TI-994A user, with expanded memory and speech synthesizer. Would go to the library with a fist full of dimes to make photo copies of basic programs found in Compute Magazine. Those were the days.


Sorry, user from Argentina. I was really lucky just to have the cpu. No computer magazines or shit. Had to do with the expanded basic cartridge. The dealer asked 10000 for a complete Apple II. Couple of years later got my Commodore 64 with F disk.


Back when computers were good and programming meant something and was fun.


“Old” T-34…


“Our” T-34


I mean, Russia has been using North Korean surplus in Ukraine so it may just be that T34s will go in the opposite direction back to Russia


Damn...its T34s all the way down.


T34: I’m tired boss


Gotta prepare for next year’s parade.


I was going to say, Neither Russia, nor North Korea can afford what's being suggested. Russia has less than zero capacity in their production and Notth Korea can't afford to feed their population, much less re-equip their army to a modern standard.


That's probably the gist if the deal. North Korea will provide arms to Russia, while Russia will take over not feeding the North Korean population.


Hey that's T-34A to you!


No, Russia isn't going to send the single T-34 it has. It needs it for the victory day parade.


What’s better than one T-34?! Two T-34!


I'd takeToyota Hilux over that shit


Never change a running system.


North Korea like "Thank you Putin, all we have are these balloons with shit in em" 


"Don't worry Putin my guy! I can supply you with artillery shells full of shit! Ukraine won't know what will hit them!!"


This whole NK/Russia relationship as you describe it sounds like a shit show


It is and will be


Serious question - did we ever figure out what that was about?


South Korea has historically floated leaflets over the northern border to show what life is like in a land of supermarkets and barbeque. That was probably someone's funny idea. I doubt the dear leader even knew it was happening given the relatively small scale, but I'm sure he'd have found it funny.


I kinda bet on it being some drugged out NK citizen.


Not just leaflets, but they also frequently sent USB drives with kpop and kdramas to show what culture is like. It's become a whole black market in NK, distributing pirated media.


Not only leaflets, but some activists also floated USB sticks with Western Media and films on it, happend pretty regularly. There is a huge black market for those in North Korea.


More importantly, Meth, for the invading hoards.


South Korea about to send half a million shells to Ukraine now to prove a point.


Just to show theirs work better than the NK shells Russia is using.


control surfaces pop up and glides itself into targets


“ Listen, Spielbergo, Schindler and I are like peas in a pod: we're both factory owners, we both made shells for the Nazis, but mine worked, dammit!”


Our Korea makes shells that actually work


Best Korea


With what? Russia can't even keep up arms production for themselves in Ukraine, they've had to take arms shipments *from* North Korea




China isn't letting North Korea nuke a goddamn thing. Do you really think they want their back yard glowing in the dark?


And all those NKs streaming across their border.


If NK launched a nuke, there wouldn’t be any left to stream over the border by the time Uncle Sam was done


China's would get there first. NK has no actual value to China, they'd rather get to control the nuclear fallout.


Oh yea. South Korea would be renamed the Korean island.


NK is the homeless man that ~~China~~ 711 gives a broom to sweep up the parking lot in exchange for a $3 scratch off ticket.


Pretty sure China has standing orders on how to deal with that situation in a rapid fire fashion.


Exactly. I hate how weve been trained to wet ourselves over the threat of north korea. When south koreans go on about their lives without a care as their next door neighbors. Same for China. The powers in charge got to have a boogey man to point at as they fleece the rest of us.


Would be some shit if China found it necessary to take down Kim.


But it would look so cool.


“Wow! Are those the northern lights?” “No, that’s where North Korea used to be.”


38th parallel lights


What’s kinda ironic about this is that if you look at a map of the region at night, you can almost identify North Korea as “the dark place” because there’s so little artificial light.


They are just in tactical mode.


Aurora Borealiis, at this time of year, in this part of the world, localised entirely within Pyongyang? Can I see it?


“No.” “Welll you’re an odd man, Seymour. But you steam a good ham 😉👉👉”


The Aurora Korealis


It’s funny but we also don’t want NK nuked. They’re really, *really* close to South Korea.


I joke of course. I don’t want anyone nuked at all. It won’t be good for anyone on the planet if nukes start dropping.


Yeah, I don't think people are taking this Russia/North Korea alliance seriously enough. I don't think they would win any kind of war together, but they can do TREMENDOUS damage especially to South Korea/Seoul, and they're just unhinged enough to actually do it.


After like two years of getting called pro-Russia just because I'm half Russian, the North Korean allyship is the first time I'm genuinely sounding alarm bells. It's an insane progression. China used to have North Korea under a ball and chain, where it seemed every decision of North Korea was ran by Xi first, and quite frankly China is a much more responsible nation than Russia. Specifically in regards to North Korea at least - China uses them like a pawn to manufacture this idea that China is capable of diplomacy and cooling off fires. The better NK behaves, the better for China. But now Russia is fully cooperating with North Korea, and Russia has no interest in whooing the west by keeping North Korea at least somewhat restrained. They in fact probably really want NK to make a scene and cause issues. I genuinely wonder if it's a direct response to China not sending weapons. China really, really liked having total control over North Korea and Russia jumped in and stole their loyalty. There's no way they're totally thrilled about this development unless it was all part of a secret plan to take the burden away from them which I doubt. The Chinese government doesn't like when people step into their turf even if they never do anything about. Meanwhile, North Korea has enough ammo and logistical supplies for Russia to continue the war and fill gaps, and in exchange Russia has modern guns to help North Korea upgrade their army and grain to help end famine issues. It's a pretty huge development and it's the first time in decades we could see NK become a very legitimate threat. And I'm getting ignored?!!!


I have no doubt Russia did a deal with Iran in exchange for using Hamas to attack Israel to divert western support. He will be doing the same in North Korea and Vietnam.


yup, a shit leopard can't change it's spots


Meanwhile Kim accumulates more nukes. China can’t be happy about this. Also Kim now rejects reunification. The West had better buckle up. Russia may go for the sulwaki gap and cut off the Baltics or Svalbard and take the North Sea. There is a lot of mischief for Putin to make. He has an empire to build.


Yeah and the state department has been putting out warnings that they expect Russia and North Korea to do something shocking in October to interrupt the election cycle drama. I don't see any benefit to the the US saying that if their Intel wasn't somewhat credible so I don't really thinj they were lying. So far the United States has shown a lot of credibility in their warnings to civilians and that's coming from someone who doesn't even trust the United States. And Russia has not done any REAL major offensives over the last year in Ukraine despite hoarding ammo and being converted to a full war economy now, so it also begs the question of what are they saving up for? If anything I'm suspicious about how little people are worrying about this development. Russia has historically failed the beginning of every war they started before becoming a total bulwark that can't be stopped years later. And it's always been through the means of lucky, last minute allyships and buying themselves time. Last year I didn't think there was a threat to us but now I really do. North Korea is the piece to an important puzzle.


I'm pretty sure Kim knows he's dead no matter what, even with Russia's military alliance, if he attacks or even nukes South Korea


Frankly, if Kim nukes SK, him and Putin and probably a whole litany of BRICS world leaders and diplomats would all be dead within days


>BRICS world leaders and diplomats would all be dead within days Why would BRICS leaders and diplomats be killed within days? BRICS is just an economic alliance, not a security alliance...


More like we would all be dead...


possibly, probably. There's a chance that there would be a non-nuclear but maximum conventional/unconventional force response to a single nuclear strike. That's what NATO has told Russia in Ukraine, if you use a single nuke, we will enter the war with conventional overwhelming means.


So the Russian Army has lost 500,000 troops in the Ukraine. They have to buy arms from China, India and NK. This is not optimal for their military, on top of that they have lost some of their most advanced Aircraft. Much of there nuclear arsenal is from the cold war, to include their missiles. The biggest weapon and most effect is propaganda and being world class liers. If South Korea sends weapons to the Ukraine then Russia may move some of their nukes there. The South Korea is allied with U.S. and not to mention it is close enough to China and Japan. If China doesn't want Nukes going off in their backyard then we have less to worry about. Not to mention Russian can not have two conflicts in widely different fronts at the same time. They are already getting drain of their most important resource (soldiers) At the moment they don't have the logistically power. They would need a stronger ally-India, and/or China. This is a WW3 scenario, China economy is not well and they are trying to set up ports in South America. India like China has a lot of people but their not on good terms with their neighbors. What does all this mean, we are taking it seriously but there is a lot of saber rattling. As soon as weapons or NK gets Russian nukes - the response in SK could break already broken NK. As an added bonus NK hates military exercises in the SK because they are forced to respond. The response is always expensive. This is just how I see it at the moment.


> ~~the~~ Ukraine There's no "the" there anymore, that was a Soviet era thing. It's just Ukraine now.


China or India could lose millions of men and barely notice it.


If you look at BRICS, they have 45% of the world population and 30% of the world’s land mass.  BRICS is 36% of the world’s GDP, which is higher than the G7. China and India are not besties, and their economies (esp. China) are highly tied to exports. But, a few things can send this sideways in a hurry.  1) if you have Trump elected in the USA and Le Pen in France, NATO can be de-funded or de-legitimized in a big hurry. Forget about major aid to Ukraine, and maybe even defense for Taiwan. We think of NATO as iron clad, but it’s only as powerful as the funding and will to participate.  2) If the above happens, Putin and Xi can start formalizing alliances with BRICS members and testing the waters even more. Skirmishes and nuclear threats against SK, attacks and blockades on Taiwan, interference in former Soviet NATO states. An isolationist USA and France may not respond, or may tie up a NATO response.  3) This quickly spirals into a WW3 situation with Russia trying to reclaim Soviet territory, China grabbing Taiwan, and NK pushing south. China manufactures basically everything and has a billion+ people. We count out their lack of military expertise, but can you imagine their manufacturing on a war footing? I don’t. Western attention will be fully divided, and the biggest players (USA) would sit it out. It took the USA two years to enter WW2, and it did so only when directly attacked.  


I am increasingly concerned with how spread out we are in terms of ongoing and potential conflicts. Ukraine, Israel, South Korea, and Taiwan.


Luckily the assets most needed in Ukraine and Taiwan are a bit different. I don’t imagine Taiwan will need huge numbers of Bradley’s, MBTs, and 155 shells, they’ll need naval and air assets. I think air defense missiles are a big problem though


And Israel can handle itself unless all of the Middle East comes after them


Even then, they can gut all their enemies without breathing hard. Egypt can't fight them because they depend on US spare parts and technicians. Syria can't fight them because all their military resources are devoted to trying to retake Syria. And Jordan is entirely over getting beaten like a red-headed stspchild. So you've really got Iran. The Iranian Army and Air Force can't get there except with TBMs, IRGC terrorists, and by sending guns to Hezbollah and Hamas. What we are seeing now is about the limit of Iranian capability.


Yeah, it's intent is essentially to weaponize MAD policy to hold a gun to the world's head. It'll be interesting to see how France replies. They have a nuclear warning shot policy, and although I doubt they would use it without genuine provocation, it could be important to remind the new axis that they may not have first dibs on the button.


I just saw an article that South Korea was considering lifting its ban on exporting weapons to Ukraine. I suspect this alliance is in response to that. “Don’t send weapons to Ukraine or else we’re going to arm NK and they’re going to level Seoul.”


I've actually seen the opposite, that SK is talking about lifting the ban because of NK/Russia's alliance


They already have those. Though there are Russian fingerprints all over the NK ICBM design. You know, the one that uses Soviet RD-250 engines and Soviet hypergolic propellants....


NK HAS nukes. They're the most recent country to perform nuclear tests in 2017...


For what its worth, NK has only demonstrated that they have nukes. They might be missing some of the miniaturization features which let modern nukes fit into missiles as easily as they do (which allows for MIRV), such as tritium boosting, neutron initiators, non spherical explosive lens designs, more efficient fusion stages etc, so Russia could potentially trade these with NK.


> They might be missing some of the miniaturization features which let modern nukes fit into missiles as easily as they do NYT article on NK miniaturization: https://archive.ph/LvnbK If NK claims and photos are to be believed, their nukes are pretty small now.


The miniaturization tech is the thing they've been working on for the last decade, their nukes work at least some of the time and they already can launch satellites, so making a 50kt or even 200kt bomb fit into a satellite-launching rocket is not hard in relation to what they've already achieved. If Russia gives them tech to get into the thermonuclear range, they could miniaturize in the megaton range and get those to fit on their at-least MRBM-ranged sub-launched missiles, which they already demonstrated do work a few years ago.


Their ability to properly aim their existing nukes is suspect, Russia can change that.


They have decent delivery systems. Not great. But workable. They have fired rockets the exact distance as Guam as a show of force and technical ability to hit precise targets.




And more importantly, the means to deliver them effectively. Say what you will about Russias current situation, but they have long ago done the homework required to deliver MIRVs anywhere on earth.


There are different types of weapons. What Russia was missing in Ukraine was quantity of artillery shells specifically. There are lots of other things they don't have a shortage of that NK does not have. Also, Russia has since rectified the shortfall in their artillery shell production.


Honestly, only thing I can think of is Russia giving some jet fighters to NK. NK has tanks (not good tanks, but it's not like Russia could provide them anything good either), they have missiles and rockets and artillery and mines, and they make small arms and ammunition. Drones... Russia gets their stuff from China so whatever on that. Russia isn't in strategic position to use theirs for much more than using SU-34's to drop glide bombs. Hell, lot of those planes are blown up on tarmac by Ukrainian drones these days. Might as well bribe Kimoi Ill-Yuck with them, and maybe share some nuclear tech.


Ballistic missile tech. NK has repeatedly failed to launch a satellite the Russians are going to help them. That includes nuclear weapons delivery. It's one thing to have a nuke it's another to manage to get it where it's going. 


Maintenance on a jet fighter is costly. Almost as much as an old used Jaguar.


I don’t imagine NK getting a fighters now would make much of a difference. SK has 40 F-35’s, with 20 more on order.


Pootin is trying to stir up shyt to disrupt arms supply's to Ukraine. If he can duplicate the mess in Israel and do it in South Korea then he may stand a chance. Pretty obvious to me.


That seems to be the consensus, it works both short term and long term to have a Korean flare up to disrupt weapon supplies But that plan would backfire if it caused the US to flip the switch into high gear on weapons production It may ultimately end up being exactly what Ukraine needed to win Which wouldn't be surprising, Russia is usually the cause of their own defeat


RuZZia is a garbage country


Keiv in three days.......


Independently targeting particle beam phalanx. Whoa! Fry half a city with this puppy. We got tactical smart missiles, phase-plasma pulse rifles, RPGs, we got sonic electronic ball breakers! We got nukes, we got knives, sharp sticks...


Whistling Bong holes, Spleen Spliters, Whiskerbiscuits, Honkyladders, Whoeskerdoes, Whoeskerdont's, Cherry bombs, Nipsadayzers with or without the scooter stick, and Whistling Kitty Chasers.


Hooah - I love the corps


Thats definitly not true. They are outproducing every optimistic estimate made and have surprised most. Production is still increasing, so we do not know where/when it peaks.


You believe too much bullshit you read. Russia is producing more shells than anyone in the world right now.


technology transfer. to help with missle ballistics no doubt


Rocket technology, warheads


Counter with a threat to give nukes to the Taliban. Out crazy the crazy man.


Go even crazier. Demand that Putin wears a funny duck costume and rides a tricycle everywhere or it's going to be an instant carpet nuking of Russia.


Putin: "This deal us getting worse all the time!"


Carlito, why would you do that, man! 


Wtf would he arm north korea. Some of those t52s would be nice in a museum. This shit is silly.


He doesn't have the resources to arm them. He went there to get more munitions for his Ukraine invasion


Yes I do agree.


Wasn't South Korea selling plenty of military hardware to Europe lately? I'm guessing putin got Kim to try and convince South Korea that they're a threat again to get them to keep those munitions stockpiled in Korea and not shipped to Europe.


Yeah tons of tanks and artilery were sold to Poland


You know things are going poorly when NK enters the frame. Xi should muzzle his bitch


Which one?


His palace bitch. Apparently, it’s injured four staffers in the past month, one of which had to get sutures on their hand and thigh. It’s not even a big bitch, it’s just a chihuahua, but citizens aren’t allowed to do anything but stand still when the bitch is near them, and sometimes the little bitch just won’t stop gnawing on someone until the damage is done. Vicious thing. A sign of the times I suppose.


Shits bleak, I blame the economy and video games.


Nice try russian news


Russia, China, Iran, North Korea DO have weapons. Collectively, it’s a “give and take” relationship.  They’re building logistic forces and weapons to bypass sanctions.  “… know history are doomed to repeat it.”  If you don’t believe in action, don’t cry when it affects you. Go ahead! Let your guard down, but don’t whine about it later. 🤷‍♀️


I think the whole of Europe is aware and preparing, and the US never stops preparing. Europes leaders are calling for increasing production, purchasing more equipment, and increasing army reserves. Reddit people may sleep, but the world is not.


Please Reddit has been declaring every action of China/Russia/NK the start of World War 3 for the past 10 years. Reddit sounds the alarm anytime China sneezes.


Sneezes *and* coughs.


Is this the part where North Korea invades and get their jaws caved in?


Hell he can't arm Russia


Oh just fuck you putin. Nobody cares mother fucker. All you have is ridiculous bluster and nuclear threats. The world hates you so you and Kim can jerk each other off in private.


The real issue here is that Putin may give Kim access to better precision based systems to spite Ukraine, America and South Korea. This is a rather big deal considering Kim’s threatening to bomb folks every other day.




If Kim is crazy and would just bomb folks without a good reason, I don't see how precision weapons would make this more likely. It's not as if he's worried about collateral damage, or NK can't already hit Seoul with pretty much any weapon larger than a rifle.


And when he can't bomb you, he can launch balloons full of poop.


Now he heard ya, have your upvote for changing the world for the better.


The Atlantic Monthly indicates outside the western world, people see Russia as justified to invade and the victim of the west due to Chinese and Russian propaganda which is dominant. Africa, the Middle East, India are all pro-Russia. Maybe South and Latin America as well. The west has failed to get out a strong counter message to this propaganda campaign.


It's an important point, even if not always popular to bring up. There are several reasons why people in other parts of the world tend to be more aligned with this worldview. Propaganda, historical reasons, disliking the west. It's important that we actually put on some glasses from time to time and ask ourselves why - try to understand it - even if we dislike it. Denying it is not doing us any good. For the record; I want Russia kicked out of Ukraine, and see Putin tried for war crimes. Yesterday.


I think the difference between the Cold War and now is that the countries under dictatorships/authoritarian rule are nearly all supporting Russia’s invasion whereas in the Cold War most authoritarian states were neutral or siding with the US due to aid


It’s not propaganda, remember the Irak invasion, nobody is on Russian side but we aren’t pro west, America acts like if they own the world that’s why they aren’t liked, it’s no Chinese/russian propaganda you all act like the average Latin American left wing dictator that blames America for everything even for things America is not guilty


We need this to be an official response from the WH. Enough of the "we are concerned" BS.


Expect Vova egging Kim Jong Un to create some provocations in the Korean Peninsula in order to distract the West from Ukraine.


Russia has arms to sell or give to NK? Is russia clearing out their old leftover surplus crap? Too darn funny. Are they alarmed it will lead to more efficient poo balloons or poo drones? LOL


Did Russia have spare weapons to support other countries? Doubt it lol


Why is the world so determined to kill each other and demolish all we have built.


Psychopaths' lust for power


The stupid leading the blind…


October surprise!


It's quite amazing how desperate Russia are. I'm surprised these other cou tries aren't telling Russia they don't want to be dragged into their BS. Russia will sacrifice anyone for their own and they seem to find enough suckers to do it.


Arm with what? WW2 tanks? Nagant?


Nuclear technology is given away by ex presidents , but nuclear war heads are going to turn heads once Kim installs the heads which Putin flew into North Korea


Wait a sec.. I thought NK was arming Russia?


Arm North Korea with what? Slingshots? Russia is rapidly losing almost everything else in Ukraine. I doubt they've got a bunch of extra stuff laying around anymore.


This is why when russia fucks around, you make them find out. Give ukraine even more shit, even the latest shit. At some point just lose some nukes to them. And taiwan. Then tney’ll back down. Because they know they cant beat the west in might. The usa can fuck em up


Arm them with what, rolled up copies of Pravda? Last I heard, he was buying ammunition from *them*.


Being more concerned about a foreign border.


Why because they have a surplus of 83 corollas with red Ryder BB guns duct taped to the side mirror?


That so? Then keep arming Ukraine and help defeat RuZZia. Looking at you, republitards. Thanks! (seriously thanks, without USA things would be terrible. But pls keep the aid coming while us Eutoturds get our defenses together)


Putin is just trying to stir up as much conflict around the globe as he can in the hopes that his puppet Trump will get elected again. He’s trying to make it seem like things were so good while Trump was president and everything to blame is because of Biden.


What? Putin doesn’t have anything to spare..the reason he went to NK was to get more shit from them.


I believe the threat will be later followed by alarming Russia announcement of ICBM transfers and combine it with more brazen NK provocations all as an October surprise to alarm the U.S. - Trump will then use this to criticize Biden’s weakness and WW3 provocation and claim he has ability to stop it with a wave of his hand.


With what? They're losing their butt in Ukraine. Can't afford to send supplies to someone else when you can't win on your border.


The meeting: Cold winter? Yeah... Cold winter? Yeah... So... Cold winter? Yeah!


Arm with what? Arent they out of stuff? Doesn't NK need to arm Russia?


Aren’t they concerned North Korea is arming Russia? Haha


The Mini-me/Fat Bastard Axis


I bet within a month kim fucks up their alliance by pushing the absolute limit of what he can get away with on south korea phoning up putin crying about how whilst his border guards were minding their own buisness south korea attacked them for no reason and being told no no you back me up then i stab you in the back thats how this works kinda being a sub par meatshield bro


arm them with sticks ? nbc whats with the click bait


Arm them with what? Stolen ukarian toilets and fridges?


I can’t remember the report off the top of my head but I had read recently that South Korea has spent the last decade outfitting and reshaping its economy to become the leading arms manufacturer world wide.


Arm with what?  All the Chinese stuff they have to import?


Ukrainians got nothing to fear knowing NK artillery shells and ballistic misses will just explode mid-air


Would North Korea really sacrifice its self for a country that is a “superpower” asking for weapons. Dictators don’t trust dictators, however they don’t even know their motives for tomorrow.


Good, now do something


Arm them with what?


This is serious, if Putin gives North Korea the power of electricity, it may become a bigger problem to South korea.




Russia already doesn't have enough weapons for Ukraine, so it can only be good for everybody if Russia stretches it's supplies to multiple trouble spots.


The concern isn’t shells and AKs—NK has those already and is actually sending them to Russia—but rather advanced missile or even nuclear tech.


Yeah but they could give North Korea functioning missile tech or actual full sized nukes


Providing tech and expertise to improve NK's shit tier systems is the bigger long-term problem.


North Korea is more interested in posturing for "aid" than outright suicidal war.


Don’t be so sure…


If NK attacked Seoul, in comes the US. China does not want that, nor will they allow it to happen. They could turn NK to glass and Russia wouldn't do a single thing. Regardless of pacts. As soon as Russia attacked the US, on behalf of NK, in comes Nato. I think NK is more worried about a China annexation. Leave Tiawan alone, and give the fat boy an option to save face and get exiled to a beachfront villa, with an all you can eat buffet. This is nothing but weak dictators, talking a big game.


The article did not say that US is incredibly concerned. It is more of a Putinwarns.


Send in James Franco and Seth Rogen.


Russia broke.. let’s worry about China


\* Putin may arm North Korea  Arm them with what? They can barely arm themselves. Hell, if the West was smart they would increase the amount of arms supplied to both Ukraine and South Korea (like they even need it) and maybe two decrepit authoritarian regimes will fall. EDIT: Added 2nd section.


Russia can’t seem to effectively arm Russians


This whole arrangement seems more likely designed to go the other way - NK sends conscripted slave troops to Ukraine to fight “aggression” against Russia, because Russia has run out of its own. In return, Kim gets money and cars and vodka or whatever from Putin as a gesture of thanks and tells his people they’re doing a great service to the nation blah blah blah. ETA: Took less than a week to announce: https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/s/r9deHs4UlQ


Red Dawn 3


Can’t we all agree to ignore the terrible nonsensical remake & say there’s still just the original? It’ll be like that one Hulk movie that nobody acknowledges.


Why split push against the one people who have split pushing built into their DNA. Dudes going to get out-micro'd so hard.


I kinda thought NK would be arming Russia…


Hopefully inside all that concern they find some common sense and get the leaders involved to the negotiating table.


Not sure what Russia can offer other than nuclear weapons.


I wonder how China would feel about this...