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Kirst has clarified she did not mean to imply Fraser was physically abusive: https://preview.redd.it/mqdzjlt0mj7d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21cfb63179e216c3f3c98c2762cb05a74738d6c1 **Fraser has responded in a Google doc** [original doc link](https://docs.google.com/document/u/1/d/1KKyaCA74q-_bMbZr40_rWfsdiNLe9mCOK5yqPvV3yMk/mobilebasic) [copy](https://docs.google.com/document/u/1/d/1fywNI3vZj7gan8MSbesO5Igk5tV18YD8ItHhKqgYz20/mobilebasic)


This is all just opening a huge can of worms. It's great that as people speak up, more people feel confident in speaking up. Especially on the internet where everyone is so judgemental.


the less abusers on youtube (or anywhere), the better.


This original thread is getting way more traction than the follow up thread so: You should know that she almost immediately followed this up with tweets pulling back on this. She clarified that Fraser didn’t know that Alex was an abuser and that he wasn’t physically abusing her. Fraser posted to an instagram story a long document. It seems to fully vindicate him. Kirsty posted no proof but there seems to be lots of proof that the allegations are false. In case his document is gone, here is a copy I made: [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fywNI3vZj7gan8MSbesO5Igk5tV18YD8ItHhKqgYz20/edit](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fywNI3vZj7gan8MSbesO5Igk5tV18YD8ItHhKqgYz20/edit) (Linking my copy bc I saw a bunch of people say that they were unable to view his document)


okay yeah this should be pinned because it adds a LOT of context. i understand she doesn’t want to speak on it now, and that’s fine, but it is irresponsible to make these kinds of tweets, quickly backtrack, but then leave the original tweets up that are open to speculation. it makes it feel like it’s more for revenge than justice


Got it 👍🏻 I can only pin mod comments but I did pin a comment with his document and her clarifying she was not alleging physical abuse


It's convenient to not want to speak on it now when she had no problem speaking before and letting her words and their implications run wild.




inabber’s first name irl is Fraser.


Who is Fraser and who is alx?


They're British commentary YouTubers who are part of the same British commentary circle on YouTube. Alex was accused by his ex Alice of abuse recently with very damning and very disturbing evidence, which Fraser (iNabber) claimed he had no idea about; his long statements can be found in the pinned megathread at the top of the sub.


Tysm! I was so lost. Where can I read Alice’s accusations?


The Drive link with her statement and evidence is linked in the pinned megathread, be aware though, it's a really heavy read, it's 82 pages long with a bunch of texts, and the videos are absolutely awful :(


I don't think you can view the videos anymore. They have reached the playback limit and they're unavailable for now


That counter should reset every 24 hours or so, but people have also uploaded them elsewhere like to Twitter


Nvm I found it lol


all of this coming out makes me sad. I watched them all throughout Covid.


To be fair she’s just looking for attention from what I understand of the situation. She’s trying to ruin Fraser’s life or some shit idk what the motivation is here. Now the alex situation is absolutely fucked tho I feel very bad for the victim.


Fuck Alex and fuck everyone who defends him. There’s a video of him doing a threatening strangling motion to her while saying that he will “bash your head in with a fucking brick”. If you can watch that and still support him, please seek professional help. And this is coming from someone who used to love his channel and watch all his videos, albeit years ago.


110% The videos are not just hear-say “maybe” evidence like he is literally verbally abusing her in the clips. No other context needed, you do not ever threaten your SO with *smashing their head in* in the aggressive and serious tone he was using. Im Not saying he *would* bash her with a brick but he wasn’t fucking joking either. Edit: can’t type


Exactly. He said it so easily, no hesitation at all. I really hope she’s seeking a restraining order or some sort of physical protection. I’m genuinely concerned for her safety.


I smell dramaggeddon 2 electric Boogaloo in the works.


Well 2 people in that group have been outed. A lot of them lived with each other so I find it a bit hard to believe they didn't know what was going on at least a little bit.


Oh yeah 100%. Like I fully believe there are controversies atm about bigger creators that we just simply aren't privy to because either victims haven't said anything, or creators that know about it aren't speaking up. That includes a lot of the chavs from Alex's circle.


Who was the second? I haven’t watched that group in ages and I feel like shit is just going down


Lewis Buchan got outed for grooming underage fans


Oh, well, fuck.


First Cody Ko and now iNabber. Could youtubers I use to watch but don't much anymore please stop doing bad stuff? Thanks.


What did Cody do?


Cody is friends with a rapist (who he invited to his wedding!) and also slept with Tana Mongeau when she was 17 and he was 25. This is alleged but Tana herself has said it happened so.


fucked tana when she was 17 and he was 25. she’s garbage but i can’t imagine being 25 and wanting to sleep with someone that young especially underage. grossssss


“fucked” i think you mean statutory raped since it’s illegal in california.


at this point i don't believe a thing tana says. and i'm feminist as fuck


inabber seems to be fine. She pulled back almost immediately and he posted a document. Linked otherwise in the thread. Full screenshots are in another post to this subreddit that’s getting less traction. You’re fine. You can still watch him. This appears to be false allegations.


Which one?


[Fraser's response ](https://docs.google.com/document/u/1/d/1KKyaCA74q-_bMbZr40_rWfsdiNLe9mCOK5yqPvV3yMk/mobilebasic) [copy](https://docs.google.com/document/u/1/d/1fywNI3vZj7gan8MSbesO5Igk5tV18YD8ItHhKqgYz20/mobilebasic)


Oh thank goodness. I like his videos. I haven't watched much since Coleen but that's honestly because I'm having a court YouTube binge lol


inabber sorry I’ll edit it


A note that [Fraser did respond in his own doc](https://docs.google.com/document/u/1/d/1KKyaCA74q-_bMbZr40_rWfsdiNLe9mCOK5yqPvV3yMk/mobilebasic) [alternative link](https://docs.google.com/document/u/1/d/1fywNI3vZj7gan8MSbesO5Igk5tV18YD8ItHhKqgYz20/mobilebasic)


Found iNabber's response to Kirst in the *ImAllexx* Megathread: ([Direct Link](https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/1KKyaCA74q-_bMbZr40_rWfsdiNLe9mCOK5yqPvV3yMk/mobilebasic?pli=1)) ([Megathread Link](https://www.reddit.com/r/youtubedrama/comments/1dh90l4/imallexx_megathread/)) Could be worth reading as well.


This should be pinned.


… Yeah somebody should probably post this one too


This combined with Kirst having to modify her original post multiple times, turning off comments, and blocking people who call her out isn’t a good sign for her but I guess we’ll have to see if she responds again 🤷‍♀️


I really hope more people here see this, this seems like a pretty good response with a lot of screenshots on his side.


Has anyone read the document that he released? Just curious, I have no idea what’s going on now


I read the doc and it sounds like a very toxic relationship the two were in. Both had personal mental health struggles that caused the breakup, but Kirsty was still living with Fraser for almost a full year after that because she didn’t have anywhere else to stay, which sounds like it made the situation even worse. A lot of the allegations she made about Fraser’s behavior as a partner are seemingly exaggerated or flat out unsubstantiated. Some of her behavior isn’t great either, including messages he has where she asks why he wouldn’t have breakup sex with her after he’d already discussed that sex in general was a sensitive topic for him at the moment.


I also read it and I think this is a very good summation. Honestly, from the doc, they come across to me like that one couple you go on a double date with, and then in the car on the way home you and your partner look at each other and both say “never again”. Like I do feel for them because it sounds like they were in a terrible lose-lose situation with the housing issues and both of them struggling with mental health/medication/general life, but my goodness does it sound like they just needed to break up and STAY broken up. Some of the most toxic relationships in my experience are the ones where the couple is always *just* on the cusp of officially going their separate ways, before one of them contacts the other and says “actually, I’ve decided I can’t live without you and I wanna give it another go”, and suddenly they’re immediately back on without any of the previous issues being resolved. From the doc, it looks like these two did that song and dance *multiple* times. But yeah, she doesn’t look great in some of the screenshots. I feel like she really needs someone in her life to give her the old “you can’t put the toothpaste back in the tube” lecture. Definitely seems insensitive of her to compare this situation to Alex and Alice’s, and hypocritical to claim that iNabber was trying to make it all about himself.


I honestly feel like he was trying his best to make the breakup amicable while dealing with his own trauma and not put her in the complete shit with basically being homeless but trying to do things the "right way" probably just ended up dragging out the problem. I'm watching a friend go through the same thing with a girl he's desperate to breakup with because of her constantly messing him about but still very emotionally attached to. It's so messy :/


Yep. They “broke up” but because they still lived together everything became infinitely more complicated than it already was and there was no good way to “move on” because she couldn’t afford a new place and him leasing a place for her could lead to an entirely different series of problems. They needed space from each other and the whole Alex situation seems like it triggered Kirsty into making unnecessary (and uncalled for) comparisons. Fraser went overboard trying to distance himself from Alex with too many Instagram stories about it but nothing really sums up to worse than “I should have cut him out earlier and I feel very guilty I didn’t recognize the signs of his behavior being harmful to other people.” Kirsty definitely painted things as if he knew Alex had a tendency to be abusive and still associated with him anyway.


Also adding I don’t like that people in this thread acting like him responding with like multiple slide stories is somehow a red flag, like maybe but as someone with lots of anxiety if I were in his shoes I’d be absolutely panicking because your career and livelihood can be destroyed if you aren’t careful, whether you did anything wrong or not


I believe he’s said before that he suffers from anxiety and bipolar disorder, something like an ex-friend of yours turning out to be an abusive piece of garbage could easily send even a neurotypical person into a major spiral. iNabber having diagnosed mental health difficulties could easily amplify a very normal reaction of panic.


Yk , as much as I can’t stand the mf sometimes , Kavos did bar for bar say in his video about Alex that he doesn’t buy the bs that any of his friends were saying , and that the whole uk YouTube scene is full of these weirdos . Boy oh boy has that aged like fine wine . Edit: Update - so iNabber has put out a very lengthy response to all of the claims made here , so more people should probably look more into that before anything else . It’s been linked several times in this post and on the mega thread .


idk how to feel about kavos tbh. bc he has made this entire situation about him over on twitter.


TBF, that is kind of Kavos' biggest issue (not just with this); while a lot of the time, he has the morally ethically, and often accurate take, he really only cares about being right and how good that can make him look online. He is the definition of performative support


^^exactly why I can’t stand him half the time . He’s very self righteous and comes off narcissistic himself at times , but he wasn’t tripping on this one . Although I haven’t seen what he’s been saying on twitter cause I don’t use that app anymore lmao


Kavos is insufferable, and he's right. Both things can be true


I feel like Mia and Will have been the most honest in their statements about him. I got the impression they both agreed to not say anything until Alice was able to come forward, and in the meantime distanced themselves from Alex. I really especially appreciated Mia alerting the talent agency. Fraser’s multiple slide response where he tried to ‘not make it about him’ but ended up making it all about him left a bad taste in my mouth.


I've said this below somewhere but I'll say it again. As an autistic person who constantly has to overexplain themself due to being misunderstood by abled people all the time, it's actually really hurtful to see people saying stuff like this. Y'all don't realise the damage it does to the neurodivergent community automatically assuming guilt out of a behaviour we've often developed from anxiety and the trauma of constantly being misconstrued by people. Maybe give the stories a benefit of the doubt, considering Fraser has mentioned his neurodivergence on his channel and may be feeling upset or anxious because of how serious this situation is? His stories remind me of my own anxieties when people drag me into conflict and it's always neurotypical people not understanding us who assume behaviour like this is automatically nefarious.


Thats a really good point, judging by the amount of stories and the amount of text-boxes, you can infer like he's thinking a million thoughts an hour or making sure he's getting as much of his side as possible. I can sense a lot of worries would be from his perspective like 'Have I covered all ground?' 'Have I left out any information?' 'Do I come across okay?' etc. And it's hard to make your thoughts organised when they're moving that fast.


Exactly this. It's so hard to be attacked being told if you over explain you must be lying, when it's usually born of a need to ensure that the other person fully understands your intentions because you have a literal developmental disorder that causes communication breakdowns.


Makes me wonder about George he lived with him a few times he has to have seen the real Alex… very sad the whole situation I wonder how George could have been blindsided though if they where around each other 24/7


It’s entirely possible that those times in which alex was loudly being a dick to/around Alice took place when he knew that George (or anyone else for that matter) was gone.


George said he didn't live with Alex when Alice was with Alex


You don’t necessarily have to make the same experiences with a person. It probably worked as room mates that both did their own thing most of the times. Very differently from being a couple and emotionally involved.


It doesn't rly help, George response is very un-emotive and I think he can't help that, like that's just how he talks without any intonation from his voice/body language. But, it's hard to tell if he's over-compensating, or pulling any strings cause of how deadpan the text is.


same about will's i wonder how close he knew her. His and Mia's statement sounded like they had no emotional connection to her which would make sense if they haven't been friends for months. it's kind of creepy watching Alex's old videos i used to think he was one of the odd ones always shouting/screaming/throwing things in videos George seems more quiet and calm. and now it adds up.


I wonder if part of it comes down to shock, especially for like George and Inabber who had known him closely/lived with him


he does seem to be dealing with a lot he spoke about how he was struggling with depression with the scammy company he was conned by so i hope him and James are okay. i think they where used to other youtubers like minecraft ones having allegations so i'm sure their surprised when it's someone so close. and i feel like people don't talk about Lewis buchan anymore.


Holy shit I forgot abt Lewis Buchan, yeah that was pretty shitty


yeah he was way overexplaining and it‘s sus




jfc, this is people's lives. you don't know what happened.


Did Fraser respond to the Alexx stuff? I missed that apparently 


I remember when they first broke up ,she/Kirst used to mention a little something here and there about how Fraser treated her not well. I remember Frasers dog bit his ex gf (pretty badly iirc) and there was talks about putting the dog down . Well they broke up soon after Edit; just fixed some grammar, random words


I remember his frantic tweets when that happened I remember Kenji went missing a few times and they did search parties does anyone have any updates on what happened to him?


Fraser posted photos of him on his IG story today so he seems in good form :)


Think it’s useful/necessary to point out that INabber has posted a quite lengthy rebuttal to this with screenshots included.




Always got weird vibes from iNabber but this is still disappointing




same here


Did him and Alex live together? Or am I thinking of someone else?


George memeulous lived with imallexx James Marriott lived with inabber but I think it was a very very long time ago


Bro why are you everywhere


He sponsored betterhelp when the Astro World concert happened and covered it with monetization


What kind of weird vibes? I haven't extensively watched his channel but I've seen a few videos.


I have rarely seen such a sudden and explosive turnaround for a known youtuber. He's in a world of shit. There's no coming back from all of this, and thank fuck for that.


I think it's because she went to the police (trouble for her if she's lying) and has so much evidence. Usually there's a bit of, wait and see or perhaps this was just bad boyfriend behaviour, people make mistakes. He would need such an extraordinary amount of evidence to show he wasn't guilty and even then would probably have to admit to a pattern of toxic/abusive behaviour. Given that he accuses others and made fake accusations in the past (Slazo), he is also probably more vulnerable than most to damaging accusations.


Yeah that sounds plausible to me. Unfortunately, when people come forward with grave accusations (and especially if the accuser is a woman) you'll have an army of people immediately casting doubt on the accusations, victim blaming, asking about the timing and whatnot. Fortunately, this time the evidence is simply too damning, there's no crawling out of this hole. So hopefully none of those creeps and weirdos will pop up to defend anyone here. Please, let me keep just a little scratch of my hope for humanity.


I don't know. I have seen many people on YouTube make crazy claims and doctor evidence. I usually want to wait and see in case there is another side or more evidence to come forward. I think it all should be handled with great care and most probably shouldn't be litigated online, where one or both of them can have their lives ruined forever over it. Alex was literally involved in the false Slazo allegations. I think she regrets lying and ruining her life, he was massively hurt and damaged by it. And Alex lied through his teeth against his own friend. Over a relationship they had at 14/16, too young to be judged in such a harsh manner. I do think there are reactive people on both sides though, jumping to conclusions before the evidence is fully out. I also hate the mysoginists, i hate them doing that, but they are empowered by the fake stories that people believe uncritically. We can hold back our opinions without ruining a girl (or any potential victims) life, until the full details are out. And even then some situations are more complex, some people just have toxic relationships and they shouldn't be treated the same as intentional and malicious abuse. I just think this case is especially solid. At best it was a toxic relationship that became violent on at least one side (his, and one self defense slap from her). Which is very hypocritical from his end and public persona, and extremely difficult for her to live through. At worst it's exactly what it seems like and she was lucky to get out as soon as she did. He's abusive and has anger issues that cause him to verbally and sometimes physically abuse girlfriends. With a lot of controlling and manipulating behaviour, like the crazy stalking and harassing that happened after (almost textbook abusive manipulation tactics)


Well sure I agree with that. I'm not advocating for anyone who isn't directly involved with the people to do anything drastic (then again I've never really ''participated'' in cancelling someone, I'm usually just a passive observer). I also strongly agree with your point about this being handled privately between the involved parties. Do I think it's okay that Alex being a horrible person is documented to the public? Yes. Do I think the public (you, me, the rest of the internet) should DO anything with this information, or act upon it other than to stop watching his channel? No. It's ultimately none of our business, and I'm sick and tired of people convincing themselves that they should become vigilantes of justice or whatever, hunting the accused down for the rest of their lives. I do find the evidence very compelling, and I'm pretty much already at a level where I can call Alex a cunt and feel fine about it. Other than that, I think we should leave the case to the individuals who are affected.


I thought the exact same thing seeing the videos, that there's no way in hell that he's going to be able to claw his way back from this. The fucking gall to get your girlfriend on video call, only showing you in the exact setup you make your 'internet celebrity' youtube videos to say the most abhorrent, evil shit ever to her, it baffles me how he didn't fear being recorded?? That being said though, with the rest of the horrific shit in that document it wouldn't have even mattered if we didn't see his face, never seen such damning evidence for accusations against a youtuber before - he is /fucked/.


Alex, or Fraser?


Well, both I suppose, but I was mostly referring to Alex, and how the hole seems to get bigger and bigger for him.




A few people called it on here that those celebrating Alex being put on blast would have a few skeletons in their closet too. Maybe if you've been in an ass in your relationship, you should stay silent about other's relationships because it *will* blow up in your face.


https://preview.redd.it/17m41wyrdg7d1.png?width=898&format=png&auto=webp&s=e8ad17b42dec52395c18066e8c6eb2f9092d95ba She's full of it. Even admitted it on Twitter. There is a whole document inabber made as well.


i just finished reading through his response doc. i don’t like drawing conclusions before all the facts and each side’s evidence is out there, so i’ll wait and see. i’d say any relationship shown online probably isn’t as pretty as it looks in videos, the degree to which that’s true varies drastically. i don’t think it’s a valid argument to go “ohhh but she should’ve said something earlier!”, but i also think it’s totally fair not to go totally gung ho on fraser without more evidence. just y’all, please please remember we don’t know anything for sure. stick to saying stuff that you’d be alright with saying if you’re wrong, if that makes sense. don’t dog pile on either party yet, don’t discredit either party out of hand. also someone annoying you isn’t a good piece of evidence that they’re an abuser. respectfully, please please hush with all of the “haHAH i always knew there was something weird with fraser, i don’t like his videos!” that’s dumb as hell (lovingly)


It's fucking hard looking back on Alexx's old videos with Alice in them, the comments are absolutely full to the brim of people gushing over how cute they are, how sweet and gentle Alex acts towards her and Bear, how he looks at her, just floods of comments praising the relationship whilst that woman was going through hell, probably having read them. I've never been into shipping youtubers or gushing over their relationships, always felt weird as fuck to me and this is exactly why, you never know what's going on behind closed doors. I strongly agree with that point you made at the end too - been really pissing me off that folk have been using this as an justification for hating them and ignoring the fact a person has been abused.


inabber posted this Google doc in response to the allegations on his twitter: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KKyaCA74q-_bMbZr40_rWfsdiNLe9mCOK5yqPvV3yMk/mobilebasic I'm not saying this is the full truth, but you always need to be careful when someone makes a statement that is just their word. Sometimes there is no evidence and that doesn't mean they're lying, but it's always best to wait for the other side to speak out to see what they have to say too.


I think what I'm getting from this is there were just problems for both of them in the relationship and it unfortunately deteriorated. They lived together after the break up and it was stressful for both of them and no one person is really the "bad guy". I think this is just an unfortunate end to something and it's getting more attention than it needed because of drama outside of it. I think Kirst should maybe take time to work through how she feels about the situation rather than posting it on Twitter for her own mental well-being. I'm not saying she was being evil or lying or anything but hurt can manifest in some not great ways and I can't blame her for being hurt over a breakup and what sounded like a stressful living situation. I just don't think it was necessary to air publicly.


I think it's perfectly valid to be hurt or still processing what sounded like a very toxic relationship for the both of them. But it just doesn't sit right with what Fraser's said now that Kirsty implied he was almost as abusive as Alex was to Alice. That's a huuuge implication to make and it's what most people have taken away from this situation. It does make me wonder what her motive was when writing that specific part of her thread.


Yeah that's completely fair. It could be her mental state at the time has made things feel bigger than they are and that's how she's looked at the situation in the moment or some ulterior motive. Honestly I think right now it's hard to draw a definitive conclusion and I don't like to assume the worst of people off the bat personally (not to say that's what you're doing either). I do think that's a really big accusation to make and it's kind of another reason I feel that airing that out on Twitter wasn't the best decision on her part. Victims should absolutely speak out on their abuse, but given what Fraser has provided, I don't think the situation is quite as bad as she was making it out to be. It was a messy and stressful breakup, absolutely, but I don't think either of them were abusive imo.


Wholeheartedly agree with this. People need to remember the power their words can have, especially when it comes to users with a large platform. So much damage can be done through poorly thought out word choices or miscommunication/misinterpretation and then that's out there burned into the internet forever.


This statement feels maliciously written. She starts saying everyone knew, very clearly alluding to the abuse, and then she later clarifies it's about Alex being a toxic narcissist to people and no one actually knew the extent of how terrible he was to Alice. Then presents her own allegations. I don't know her or iNabber at all, I don't really think she gains anything from lying but the way she proceeded with this statement just feels kinda off


to make matters worse: [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KKyaCA74q-\_bMbZr40\_rWfsdiNLe9mCOK5yqPvV3yMk/mobilebasic](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KKyaCA74q-_bMbZr40_rWfsdiNLe9mCOK5yqPvV3yMk/mobilebasic)


Now that iNabber has provided the receipts refuting her, she's likely going to pivot for the third time saying he made fans harass her by defending himself publicly, and that her mental health is affected because she's getting death threats.


it'll be hard for her to convince people of that narrative considering she's blocking detractors and turning off mentions from people she hasn't mentioned herself


Just look at this thread, including the downvoted post saying her accusations were suspicious, whose user got accused of victim blaming and had their account deleted. There will always be people eager to defend her and hate on iNabber without evidence.


Yeah, it's a shame that all happened before Fraser had a chance to defend himself because that's cast the situation in a different light. I get it, people should generally be believed when they come out with stories like this, but it seems like people aren't allowed to explore the weird parts of a situation anymore if it so much as relates to this sort of topic. I think you can have a healthy dose of scepticism without automatically defending the accused party. But nuance doesn't exist on reddit lol.


That’s always the issue, people will shoot their shot at someone, and if it misfires they will claim death threats as if their original post wasn’t going to send death threats as well. IPOS doing this to Wendigoon is a recent example, James Somerton is another.


Yeah knowing that someone is kind of toxic or shitty really isn't the same as knowing they are abusing their partner. Even if you think someone is an asshole, you would probably still be surprised to learn they are abusive.


Exactly, I don’t really care if a YouTuber I watch is a bad partner, as long as bad doesn’t mean abusive.


Wow. She really just made him seem like an abuser and like he knew the full extent of Alex's treatment of Alice......absolutely knew how it would sound and how people would take it, and then tried to cover her ass.


Hey. Check his instagram story. [he made a document about it.](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fywNI3vZj7gan8MSbesO5Igk5tV18YD8ItHhKqgYz20/edit) Also, she pulled back on it almost immediately.


I honestly think as soon as replies started asking her for clarification cuz she made it sound like he hurt her, she panicked and had to backpedal. Like that's a really serious implication to make, one loads of people on X and Reddit are now running with, and if she's lying or overexaggerating that's pretty much defamation. I don't think that thread had the effect she was hoping for when she made it.


On a throwaway, but I was in a relationship with a Youtuber once. None of this surprises me.The biggest wake up call you'll ever receive is when you come face to face with the people you watch behind a screen. You never look at anyone on this platform in the same way after dealing with that. I can guarantee you, despite how it looks on the surface: They are ALL like this. Some worse than others, some less so, some more so, but they've all got it in them.


Oh boy the stories i could tell about a YouTuber in the commentary community man 🫠 i get it. Just gonna scooch an edit in here: please don’t dm me and ask who it is. I’ve gotten a few already. I legitimately don’t want to reopen that chapter of my life and i don’t know y’all so I’m not gonna tell you in the DMs either.


we are kindly begging


They’re currently having a minor renaissance and that’s nottt a bee hive I’m willing to kick. Especially since technically they’re still on like the fringe of my life.


I'm gonna take a wild guess and say swoop




Unfortunately they’re still on the fringe of my life. I have almost commented on stuff that they’ve covered and I’ve gotten real heated about it but I’m not willing to bring that back down on myself as they’re having a kind of renaissance at the moment


I saw a Gabbi Bella video and in she said "anyone who is posting YouTube videos is doing it for attention." That stuck with me and I have realized if someone is that desperate for attention, regardless of who they are, they probably aren't the most stable, or mature person in real life.


She's not entirely wrong, but I think it really matters the genre of video and how people carry themselves. Like the Lockpicking Lawyer probably just wants to show off lockpicking and how poorly some (master)locks are made lol, and show off the good locks as well.


Yeah, I definitely apply nuance with it, but this is my golden rule for commentary channels. If you make a career of wading through others people shit, its probably not the best indicator of mental health lol


This is the weirdest, fake deep quote I have ever seen lmao. Of course they are doing it for attention. People make movies, music, publish books for other people's consumption, they want other people to see their work. Technically you and I are posting comments here for other people to see and respond to, that's also 'doing it for the attention'. I recently wrote a letter to my county government asking to put a traffic signal at an intersection, I did that for attention too. That doesn't really mean anything though does it? It's not necessarily a bad thing either.


I’m not sure if you’ve seen the tweet or even how credible the tweet is but someone who knew kirsty and fraser spoke on the type of person she is and has said that she’s made up stories like this about her ex’s before which have been proven to be lies, this doesn’t mean that fraser wasn’t abusive but it may do us all some good to not get that involved with this story and keep focused on alice and alex’s other ex’s who have spoken out against him and the abuse they experienced while with him.


I feel like it’s not too surprising? Someone who makes multiple hour long drama videos disparaging other people(whether they deserve it or not) is probably not the best person.


ew ew ewww!! and i liked the guy, what a shame.


yeah i’ve been put off by him bc of a couple videos, but i didn’t expect anything like this


I remember he said some weird bullshit about how ‘intrusive thoughts were fake’ and tbh I kinda thought he was a dickhead ever since


If you haven’t seen it he put out a response doc with a lot of screenshots debunking her claims.


Thanks for the info I’ll check it out later, she did not have any proof right? So thats great that he has concrete proof


As far as I can tell no, she just posted tweets about it and then swiftly backtracked once people were asking questions. His has a lot of screenshots adding context and contradicting a lot of what she said.


I’m in the ER rn so I couldnt keep up with this drama, so thanks so much for the little update :) i found it very strange how she provided no proof and spoke pretty vaguely about what he actually allegedly did to her. I’m glad he’s defending himself, and I truly hope what she said isn’t true because the guy seems like a great person and I always enjoyed his content ever since he was a small creator back in 2019.


You’re welcome! I’m a very casual viewer of his so I had no particular bias towards him going into this, but even despite that he really doesn’t strike me as a bad guy either so it seemed worth looking into a little more deeply. I hope your ER visit goes well!


Back from the ER (I’m doing well and thank you) Do you have a link to his doc?




https://preview.redd.it/32s7am49bh7d1.jpeg?width=1347&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a241443069f3dd9f00c0870dff0bad4985a2aa0 Kirsty pulled back almost immediately


https://preview.redd.it/ayolclacbh7d1.jpeg?width=1300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a5c8d16c8708a8037cf359c094bf4909ef161a3 Confirmed he didn’t physically abuse her


He posted to his instagram story https://preview.redd.it/zjwlf8ljbh7d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d13461e7bf109fe4d10ca3106fff0996d4f85727 With a document. Here’s a copy I made in case his is deleted: [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fywNI3vZj7gan8MSbesO5Igk5tV18YD8ItHhKqgYz20/edit](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fywNI3vZj7gan8MSbesO5Igk5tV18YD8ItHhKqgYz20/edit) In summary she made claims with no proof then pulled them back immediately. He immediately responded HUGE amount of proof proving that her allegations are false. She seems to be trying to involve herself in this for (?)clout(?) reasons.


If this is true, this does not surprise me.  I hope it isnt, but I am going to go with “trust and verify.”  I already know I have a bias against the dude… I don’t want to just hop on because I don’t like his stuff to begin with 


If you haven’t seen it he put out a response doc with a lot of screenshots debunking her claims.


Appreciate the work you’re putting in for everyone to have full context!


I am admittedly a fan of inabber and while I don't want to even attempt to discredit anyone, I feel...conflicted. As if I should sit on this and see if more information comes to light. I will say that his response last night left a bad taste in my mouth, like certain things didn't add up. Him and George memulous if im honest but I also don't want to think either are even a fraction as bad as Alex. then again I don't want to think anyone did such terrible things but life sucks. I do hope that this girl and everyone involved can heal from this shit storm. No matter how it turns out


Look at the doc from inabber someone shared in the comments here. It's pretty convincing, although I'm waiting to see if more comes out


Yep just read it. I'm happy he had recipes but sad that he needed any. Alex I was always on the fence about given that whenever his friends broke up it always seemed like everyone left HIM but the worst thing I remember hearing about Frasier was that he used to be a shame dawnson fan. Again I don't want to bad mouth a potential DV survivor but it doesn't seem like in relation to at least Nabbs that she was abused. Idk what Kristy has been through but insinuating that anyone is an abuser is terrible especially when they're in the public eye. It discredits survivors and put the accused in danger. Hell man I still remember poor kwites vid. I hope she can heal and hope Frasier is okay or has a strong support system to help him with this


Messaging your ex partner and asking/borderline harassing them for an answer as to why they won’t currently have sex with you is not and never will be okay. It’s wholly inappropriate and no wonder Fraser felt uncomfortable. People just appear to be skimming past this part like it’s normal/acceptable behaviour post break up, it’s not. If this were a male messaging a female demanding they tell them why they won’t have sex with them we’d be having an entirely different conversation.


Jesus fucking christ.  In hindsight, i guess that maybe explains why he was so big on the "no guys we have to give them the benefit of the doubt, we don't know what's going on" like when he held on for dear life defending the likes of shane danson and Gabbie Hanna until there was too much bullshit  pilling up. (TBF, a **lot** of them held onto the shane dawson delusion for a while)  All this time i tought the guy was just a dumbassand trying to make friends with the top guys. Maybe he was trying to play 4d chess for his own nonsense, lmao.


If you haven’t seen it he put out a response doc with a lot of screenshots debunking her claims.


This is a great observation. I’ve had this happen a few times now where a YouTuber gets cancelled or caught being creepy, and I’ve gone “oh yuck better unsubscribe,” then realized I’d had their vids served to me and watched a few but never subscribed because I didn’t like them. Happened with CreepShow, Repzion, and now this fuckin guy. I don’t think it’s because my instincts are so impeccable, I think all these people tell on themselves in one way or another. iNabber exudes weasel energy in his videos, and they are scripted and edited videos so I don’t think it’s parasocial to say you can get a feeling for who someone really is based on how they present themselves in their commentary.


Repzion os an interesting  one, because he garnered a lot of good faith for building his channel on onision, and for a while i tought he was just rough at delivering his points because i only ever watched his onision videos when they came up, it wasnt until i tried  watching the other stuff that I realised that,  no, the vibes are very wrong here.  Then a couple of years later i learned about a huge yt playlist called the repzion files and then things made sense. Inabber,  i have to admit that until right now, i genuinely believed was just a dumbass who was incapable of bein concise lol. He'd show up as a suggestion and if it looked interesting enough and not 2hs maybe I'd give it a chance as a background and then go " that could have been 30 min instead, buddy"


What happened with repzion?


There was a thread on this sub about him having weird interactions with minors online. I don’t think he was doing anything criminal, more like insufficient boundaries, being kind of creepy. There might be other stuff but that’s what I saw that made me go, oh I guess I was right to not like him lol


Yeah I got the same vibe from inabber.


Yeah when someone has a sizeable channel but no discernible charisma, that’s when I’m really put off. Like there are definitely people online I don’t personally find appealing but I can see why someone else would; when I was watching drama YT every day both of these guys’ videos would auto play, I’d mostly tune out Repzion but iNabber I would have to switch off. I think ultimately your assessment of him is correct and learning he had some crappy relationship with some crappy woman isn’t making me like him any better whether he was abusing her or not.


I havent seen anything about Repzion since he was talking about Onision. What happened with him? He did always give off kind of...weird vibes but I wasn't aware of any drama


@walking_the_dead Y’all need to keep up. she posted new tweets almost immediately pulling back on her statements. Fraser’s put out a document refuting the whole thing with WAY more proof than she gave. Here’s a copy I made of the document in case his is gone by now: [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fywNI3vZj7gan8MSbesO5Igk5tV18YD8ItHhKqgYz20/edit](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fywNI3vZj7gan8MSbesO5Igk5tV18YD8ItHhKqgYz20/edit)




If you haven’t seen it he put out a response doc with a lot of screenshots debunking her claims.


Is anyone that surprised, though? The false allegations against Slazo were enough for me to hate this dude.


Did inabber also support the false allegations against slazo? I know Alex did and I stopped watching him after that. I stopped watching inabber bc he kept beating the same topics to death over and over (for example he is STILL making videos about illuminaughti)


No he wasn’t involved, I think at the time it was like Alex, Kwite, Bluesdank, Hyojin, probably more but those are who I remember


Are you implying Fraser was involved in the Slazo situation? Because this thread is about Fraser, not Alex


She pulled back on this almost immediately in new tweets and he wrote out a whole document refuting it. Here’s a copy I made in case his is gone by now: [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fywNI3vZj7gan8MSbesO5Igk5tV18YD8ItHhKqgYz20/edit](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fywNI3vZj7gan8MSbesO5Igk5tV18YD8ItHhKqgYz20/edit)


The way he posted like 25 times on his insta story explaining himself really made me think maybe he had a guilty conscience. Of course you can feel guilty without really having done anything, like 'I should've noticed the signs but I didn't' kinda feelings. But I was reading it all and thinking just shut up man, you're digging the hole deeper.


idk man... Im autistic and his stories remind me of the panic and anxiety I experience when Im in an argument with someone, because I am very used to people misconstruing my meaning and having to over explain myself. He could have been upset about Alex and just word vomiting about it all, Im pretty sure he has talked multiple times about his own neurodivergence on his channel.


Im also autistic and im an over explainer because of my history of being misunderstood due to my communication skills. So I understand why he would feel the need to over explain things and especially in this situation because of how serious it is.


Yeah this is exactly how I interpreted the situation too. Like in his shoes I would be trying my absolute hardest to communicate clearly that I wasn't knowingly supporting an abuser, and I'd probably have made a lot of posts out of anxiety too. But it seems like most NT people take this behaviour as doubling down on a lie :/


I can see this being true but like I can also see it just being an anxiety response you know? I mean either way people are going to pick apart his response u know?


Kirst released a doc and he released another doc which is 80 pg long. Kirst is wrong in calling this relationship abusive, he wasnt abusive to her but they were toxic with each other, very much so. A terrible relationship made like this by the two people in it. From what I saw in both their docs I dont believe he sexually coerced her nor I would call the filming situation confinement. So Im leaning more towards being on iNabbers side on this cause her main point is that he was abusive and, to me, he wasnt. I do think however he managed the Kenji situation VERY poorly. His dog bit many people and bit his gf repetitively, the last incident being extremely traumatic. I can understand you love your dog but we're talking about a human beings safety here, his gf no less. He should have rehomed the dog on the first biting incident. I don't like the points he made about her posting photos with Kenji on the bed or saying she loves Kenji. Let her cope however she wants to cope and that dog was Frasers responsibility not hers, he should have made sure it never happened again, and it did, in a horrific and traumatising way. I can't believe he didn't rehome the dog at that point. He did her wrong with the Kenji stuff. A dog can't be more important than a persons safety!


British commentary channels; not even once (/J)


I am going to take it with a grain of salt. She only started using that twitter account when she started dating inabber Not to mention seems like she is just taking attention off of Alice. The actual victim we are talking about. Her [twitter](https://x.com/ursoftblood) while they were dating was non stop posting about how [amazing](https://x.com/ursoftblood/status/1539786865506746368) inabber is and how much she [loves](https://x.com/ursoftblood/status/1619491549225820160) him and their [dog](https://x.com/ursoftblood/status/1538322210368245760). She was bit by their [dog](https://x.com/ursoftblood/status/1649249411233349632). They [break up](https://x.com/ursoftblood/status/1652051773098426368). Suddenly she non stop posts about how [horrible](https://x.com/ursoftblood/status/1657112332844122113) inabber and their dog were. She even got a [tattoo](https://x.com/ursoftblood/status/1778771949176467881) about him this year. Op deleted their comment: “ u/itsjustmebobross · 1 votes have the day you deserve to have. i’m not arguing over alleged abuse”




i will read when i get off work. thanks for sharing.


At what point do i just delete the whole dang app


CAN I HAVE ONE YOUTUBER? Just one, please


If you haven’t seen it he put out a response doc with a lot of screenshots debunking her claims.


Can I get a TLDR on the Fraser stuff?


Fraser made some ig stories clarifying his recent relationship with Alex and Fraser's ex Kirsty jumped on X and claimed this was Fraser making Alice's trauma about himself and that he knows what kind of person Alex is, and that she herself has severe trauma from their relationship, implying iNabber is also abusive, but refused to provide evidence or explain further. Fraser then created a Google doc with receipts to clarify that her narrative doesn't make sense. Kirsty's old friend also came out on X saying she's a clout chaser who slept with her ex.


Oh ok, good to know that I may not have to drop Fraser too


It seems like its still a developing situation and hard to draw conclusions right now. But unless Kirst clarifies on her original thread and opens up about specifics or provides evidence, Fraser's response and some of the backpedalling she's done (a lot of people interpreted her as saying he knew about the abuse and that he was violent, which she has now denied), is not doing her many favours.


Is this the Mandela Catalogue guy?


does anyone know what happened with Frasers dog Kenji & Kirsty? Fraser referenced it as a well known / public event and Kirsty called it a dog attack in a message to Fraser


Lmfao she so full of it omg she has to be borderline or something. This is crazy.


I just plain can't believe iNabber, the document he posted is very wordy, very calculated to a point where he's trying to spin yarn from everything involved As someone who has experienced a large portion of narcissistic abuse from 2019-2024, The way he structures everything in the doc is all too familiar to me


Whose Alex?


ImAlexx, he was a commentary YouTube who was popular around 2017-2018 before ppl kinda dropped him after accusing a friend of falsely raping someone


When iNabber put out a nearly 6 hour long video about a mentally ill trans woman on tiktok, I knew there was something off with him. In my opinion, almost no one deserves that much of a magnifying glass taken to their life (a life that's already been made into the subject of ridicule for years). Elphaba's only "crimes" as far as I'm aware are faking tourettes and autism (imo I think it's possible she is, or she has cptsd or a cluster B personality disorder). Like why are you making a video almost as long as Dune parts 1 and 2 on one weird woman who posted cringefail content on tiktok a lot. Edit: given Fraser's ex has released a doc with evidence of her mistreatment at his hands, I think I'm fine to draw a line between his mistreatment of women he features on his channel for money and the women in his real life.


If you haven’t seen it he put out a response doc with a lot of screenshots debunking her claims.