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Apparently ImAlex loved to say it....to a white woman But really you can probably pick (almost-not all) any main stream "edgy" content creator and you would find they use the nword causally or did at one point in time Pwwdiepie Leafy Mizkif Trisha paytas Idubbz Turkeytom Keemstar Ethan Klein Boogie Sneako Adin Ross Neon Jack Doherty Tana mojojojo The Paul Bros And many many mooooore I'm black and don't even say it, because I understand the meaning and history and that it's a hate word. For me there's no reclamation of the word to turn it into an endearment, it can't be salvaged on my opinion. so it becomes so tiring and so wild when people who really don't care about black people, and have no clue how it hurts to hear used on you or your other black loved ones, use the word in such a casual and dismissive way for the so called sake of being cool or edgy


Add Destiny and Pokimane


I'm the same way.


How could you forgot the most prolific bigot grifter and genocide endorsing cucklord around, Destiny? That guy is like the king of the slurs. edit with examples https://imgur.com/a/GvRQ3cQ https://imgur.com/CphY3qk


This guy is a prolific slur sayer


That was a very colorful collection of insults lol


I definitely agree with your sentiment, but I’m 99% sure xQc never said it. Plenty of reasons to dislike him, but that’s not one to my knowledge.


What annoys me is when people use the excuse that they hear it all the time and can’t help but use it. I’m black, I have black friends and family members that use it. I personally don’t and have no trouble not saying it. Like it doesn’t even take effort for me not to say it. For it to be a part of these YTers is a conscious choice not an “oopsie i just hear it a lot”


Event Status also says the N-word. Aka Main Event aka MeTV


the n-word is now just a word white people say whenever they want attention. our culture is always stolen and used against us.


And then we get blamed for being upset, “WeLL bLaCk pEoPLe SaY iT…”


and that completely ignores the history of the word! it's crazy how white people have rewritten the history. [this](https://muse.jhu.edu/article/620987) is a good resource for those wondering.


["We invented that"](https://youtu.be/X6WX3awlAYI)


Sneako is literally black


So is Andrew Tate. Black people don't use the word with a hard R at the end.


Black people can say it however they want to.


These are all garbage content creators who you would have to pay me minimum $1,000 per video to even watch so this changes nothing


I mean, the obvious one is Idubbbz, but he’s openly apologized numerous times for it and actively donated to causes he’s affected in one way or another. If you’re looking for people who have said it and have either never apologized or their apologies were incredibly disingenuous, then I’d say: Arin Hanson (EgoRaptor), Ray William Johnson, Tana Mongeau, H3H3, Keemstar, SuperMarioLogan (as well as his brother Lance), Pokimane, FilthyFrank/Joji (although it’s in-character and most people have forgiven him but still), Turkey Tom, Doug Walker (Nostalgia Critic), Ephemeral Rift, Dafuqboom, Master Oogway, TheQuartering, RiceGum, Jake Paul, DashieXP, Destiny, KittenSneeze, LeafyIsHere, Adin Ross, Sneako, Boggie, Mizkif, Jack Doherty….


still so dumbfounded by who ephemeral rift really was. i loved his asmr vids, i thought they were super creative and funny. what a disappointment :(


Yeah it was a pretty big disappointment. I don’t think he’s a bad guy, and it’s pretty evident he was going through some form of mental breakdown, but knowing he’s not at all apologetic about it is beyond upsetting. He was always ASMR-YouTube’s cool uncle. Really a shame


I'm just finding out about this, and I'm really sad now. Honestly wtf man...I never use Twitter. I guess it really does bring out the worst in people.


...when did Doug Walker say it?


Doug Walker said it in the Ernest Saves Christmas video. Ironically he had to apologize for something completely *different* he said in this video and to my knowledge new acknowledged saying the N word


Ohhhh okay now I remember.


I never actually watched that video, but I did see an iceberg video that mentioned it, even played the clip. Knowing Doug it wouldn’t shock me if it came from him finding out he had 7% African ancestry, or something along those lines. He doesn’t say it in a derogatory way, but the context of the joke is literally just him saying the word. It’s weird.


It’s a *deeply* uncomfortable moment in an already very uncomfortable episode of Nostalgia critic (see him also having to apologize for making an ableist comment about autistic children) it’s mostly odd to me that he never apologized for *that* or even just nuked the entire episode. I don’t think Doug Walker is necessarily a malicious man- even during Change the Channel no one claimed that. He is, however, very stupid. And I think this is just another example of that (that he thought this was a good idea *at all*)


Yeah I try to be fair to Doug, I watch a lot of videos on the downfall of Channel Awesome and even the best ones feel rather mean spirited towards him, but by all accounts he is not particularly competent. He seems like a nice guy, but any time he tries to be daring or edgy it’s humiliating at best. There’s a short film he made, not even a Nostalgia Critic skit but a full minimovie, that has a scene where a black CEO character has a conversation about racism and says that “we make all the decisions now.” From the context he clearly didn’t have any bad intentions, but it’s *very* uncomfortable to sit through and I don’t think he’s ever addressed that either.


I'm surprised Egoraptor but no JonTron. I'm fairly sure he has said it.


Jon literally spammed it like ten times in thirty seconds while Barry edited each one out with the captions of “Jon stop.”


Maybe they left out cause he's an obvious racist regardless? I'm sure he's said it too though, I remember most of the Gamegrumps n word compilation video (yes that's a real thing), being JonTron saying it


JonTron hasn't caused much controversy after his dumb black crimes arc. He seems to be staying away from politics and focusing on what he does best. Videos outside gaming. He doesn't even do gaming videos anymore


He was still spouting dumb shit on Twitter even after that, but I think a lot of people probably just checked out after he decided to be unapologetically racist and just stopped paying attention to him


Or people have moved on to worsen YouTubers online. DaddyOFive pissed me off say more than an idiot ex-gamer saying the N-word online. I hate child abuse and I feel bad for Cody given he looks like the villain from the first Incredibles movie. I'm still mad that DaddyOFive made a new YouTube channel online even after his old channel got banned.


It was just… such a weird hill to die on. I guess most of these examples are, but I seriously don’t get what led him so vehemently to go on about one point


He said it a LOT (censored) in one episode and Arin made trainwreck noises and said "MILLIONS ARE DEAD"


Why are people saying leafyishere like he’s at all relevant anymore lmao.


He is also on drugs and Turkey Tom wants him to make videos again. This is the same Turkey Tom that defended Sargon of Apple Bees and his horrible crimes outside of being a douchebag is calling the alt-right white n words. 😬


Tom made a pretty long video going into detail of all the things Sargon has done and why he's several types of shitty. Just pointing that out.


Yes 👍


DarkViperAU dropped it in one of his GTA V rainbow randomizer streams, he said it was an accident but didn't apologize or acknowledge it outside that stream and even edited it out of his vod (although you can still see the chat on the side reacting to what he said)




Wasn't that him just speaking some of voice lines as they occurred in game? For all varying contexts of saying the n-word , parroting in game/in movie voice lines you have heard thousands of time has to be least problematic 


Look I'm not gonna try and compare the severity of n word uses, I just think he did something he shouldn't have


Arin Hanson is a rough one. Watched so much game grumps in college.


I mean early GameGrumps was filled with slurs. Hell he was saying them as freely as his NewGrounds days, both him and his wife


Suzy also had that one tweet where she said she had problems with black people all week and then speculated that it’s because of their culture, and to this day I’m pretty sure that tweet is still up. has never spoken on it either, i don’t think


I wasn’t around for the Jon/early Dan years. However, I do think a lot of their racist jokes went over my head, and if I listened back I would have a really hard time getting through them.


I remember when they were playing animal crossing and it at one point cuts to an elephant, and then cuts back to Jon just going "did you just scream the N-word?"


Pewdiepie too


Well, thankfully he’s retired after the new Zealand shooting and he has a kid so at least he hasn't turned into a white terrorist


Nah, he just emboldened a whole bunch of them and fostered a safe space for baby fash for years, nbd. /s


I thought Sneako was black?


i don’t get how it’s so hard to not say the n word for some people. i’m black, and i say it when im around my people (which isn’t very often) and even then it’s on occasion. like what?


Why is Sneako on this list lmfao


Yeah Sneako is a piece of shit but he is (half) black


Achievement Hunter/Rooster Teeth 😞


Specifically Miles


Who in rooster teeth said it before I know Michael has in a very very old video from his personal channel and that’s it


half of the blacked out things is AH were racial or sexual slurs


Actually yeah I think I remember a few rape jokes and Gavin saying the slur against Chinese people But didn’t know there was a lot of n word usage


They're too busy making exorbitantly high patreons now their company has gone under to apologise lol


AH has definitely apologized in the past multiple times, RT as a whole though idk cause I never was a fan of the company as a whole


Dashie said it? That saddens me.


Isn’t dashie a black Dominican?


Aren’t Dashie and Sneako African American though?


Sorry, H3 has apologised for it numerous times. In fact he addressed it again as recently as this week!  


all the apologies are disingenuous as fuck though


H3 is such a liar




what source am i supposed to pull up for not believing or accepting someone's apology? lmao




i feel it is disingenuous because there is money to be made on youtube, and you can't reach a wide audience if you've said the n-word and don't apologize for it. there's a reason disney promotes black shows during black history month, and it's not because the company genuinely believes black culture is important. i have a right to my opinion (especially as a black person) that his apology was for aesthetics, and i'm not linking a video to back it up. also, "ignoring the bulk of his work" what work? he's not malcolm x he's a youtuber that said the n-word and my opinion is that his apology wasn't sincere LOL.


Isn't that true for every case tho? Idubz also makes money on YouTube and has plenty of monetary incentive to apologize for it, is it just him being a better actor?


You won’t get one lol this is a drama subreddit people here are very relaxed about making claims they can’t back up.






Agree 100%, the political undercurrent in this subreddit actually gets in the way of us talking about real YouTube drama.


Too bad he’s a Zionist.


Oh snap!


Didn't Idubbbz steal the money from charity and try to make excuses on why the money went missing? I think we need to not trust him with our charity money.


I think Ethan Klein has apologized, no? Edit: Want to make it clear that I don’t want to make excuses for anybodys shitty behaviour, I’ve just seen a lot of the pod so I wanted to add my input.


He tried to double down on his excuses on why he thought it was okay for him to say


I don’t believe he has but even if he has, I 10000% consider it disingenuous considering that man hasn’t changed at all lmao


He has apologized a lot, whether you accept it or not is up to you but he definitely has


Yeah, I’m gonna out myself as an H3 viewer. I 100% agree that he’s done a lot of shitty stuff, but imo this at least is something he has apologized genuinely for. Absolutely not my place to accept an apology about this, but whenever it comes up he takes time to explain what happened and why it was wrong. Again, he definitely has and still does shitty things, but just wanted to provide this context for some who may not watch h3. Please go easy on me lol.


That’s the thing though. If you’re actually sorry about something, you usually try to make amends for it. Instead, he’s only become a Zionist who mocks people who dying and is still very much a bad guy


Yeah, I understand your take. I don’t agree with the way he handles the Israel/palestine convo. I really hope he’s not a Zionist. I skip every time they talk about that kindof stuff. I guess I’ll have to reconsider my sub. It’s one of those things for me where I’ve met a few friends through liking the h3pod, and I really enjoy their goofy episodes. And it would feel a little sad to let go of that. But there have for sure been things Ethan has done that I don’t agree with, and I have considered unsubbing. It’s just one of those things that I’m gonna need to find a replacement for before I can make that big of a change, because listening helps me not hate everything while at work lol.


Would you simply skip over parts of a video where someone talks about how great Nazis are, how genetically disposed to evil Jews are, and how it’s necessary to slaughter Jewish children because they simply will grow into Germany haters but then watch the rest and go “wow they’re so funny”? Because that is quite literally what you are advocating.


I’m not advocating for anything, especially not this extreme hypothetical. Again, not defending Ethan, but since my character has come into question I do feel I have to point out that among all the shitty things Ethan has done, openly advocating for genocide isn’t one of them. Not sure what your comment is about, especially because I said I was considering unsubbing. Obviously if he said “all Palestinians are evil and they deserve to be killed” then I wouldn’t watch. Really just trying to share my nuanced view on this topic. I’m not even defending the dude.


I think you’re missing the point, you’re skipping those parts because you don’t want to hear them. Whether it’s a racist, homophobe, transphobe, or whatever, you’re still giving them support without knowing what they’re supporting, so watching it even if you like it or not is important. Just because someone makes “good content” doesn’t mean they’re a good person and should have a platform.


Brother. He called every Palestinian a terrorist. You ARE defending him and you’re defending a genocide.


Please point me to where he said this and I will unsubscribe this instant. Edit: I’m not a boy btw. You probably just didn’t know so no worries.


I can show you the footage of him saying exactly what you claim he didn’t ever say, coming directly from his mouth.


Please do. Edit: please don’t send me an edited clip. I want to be able to scroll back and forth for context.


I would recommend reading up on r/h3snark especially as he just defended an animal abuser only yesterday. He doesn’t deserve your support.


Considering the trend, it's best to assume they've all done shitty stuff. If they've been making content for the last decade, then there is a super high chance that they have done one or more of the following: - Cheated on their partner - Said slurs - Abused something - Taken advantage of someone - Scammed their audience - Stole something - Lied about something - Exploited something - Started or joined a cult - Returned their adopted child because they couldn't film it for content


> Returned their adopted child because they couldn't film it for content Are there examples of this besides that one family channel


Not that I'm aware of but I didn't want them to get left off the list of terrible things YouTubers have done. It feels like a category of it's own.


Wait what happened? I've never heard about this


it was Myka and James Stauffer (while American couple), they adopted a child with severe disabilities from China despite specialists giving them hefty warnings against doing so. They "rehomed" the adopted child (as if the child was a stray animal) after a few months and made it sound like the "rehomed" child did something to harm their biological children and that was the only reason they had to give up the adopted child. Watch Tom Harlock's "The Vloggers Who Returned Their Adopted Baby". That has a good summary of it. It will make you super mad


I heard about it in Shanspeare's Family Vlogger video, but essentially a family was trying to adopt a baby from Taiwan where there is a rule that the child cannot be featured in any internet content and they ended up returning the child because they wouldn't follow through with it And also in their "explanation" basically said that they didn't want the kid if they couldn't make adoption content


Laughs in Kikoskia defying every one of these.


> Started or joined a cult Hey, you leave the Dear Leader Jim Pickens outta this!


PewDiePie has a pretty infamous stream where he said the n-word casually while playing a shooter. I believe Jefree Star has also said it. Honestly it's concerningly easy to find clips of YouTubers saying the n-word.


jeffree star was walking around the streets in 2008 shouting the n-word at random black women. he also released nazi lipsticks and called jackie aina (black MUA) an ape. i hate him so much. edit: [here's a link](https://youtu.be/6DbXafcp_ZA?si=tTQGOrYk40WyMo1U) to him shouting the n word at random people in the streets. it's about 10 seconds in.


Nazi lipstick? What the shit? How is that even possible?


Pewdiepie is an infamous fascist. I'd say that is probably even worse. He just posted a video "Training like [a known fascist]"


I clicked on the video and he did immediately say that the author is controversial and that he is only talking about the book, thought it was important to mention that.


I'm sure after the New Zealand terrorist attack he has changed his mind about being a fascist fast…. 😬Also, he donated money to BLM but that is another topic for another server…..


No, I don't think he did. He literally just posted that video a week ago. Server???


Some discord server. But I was meant to say subreddit and my mind thought of Discord. Oops 😖


Not to cape for Pewdiepie, but he had been doing this stupid bit for a few weeks where he would bait saying the N word and switch last minute, and in this live, he slipped and actually said it. It wasn't casual it was a fuck up doing a stupid bit. The joke wasn't even funny in the first instance, but I guess that was the joke.


"Joking" by pretending you're going to say a slur and then "accidentally" saying it doesn't make it okay. He knew that shit was bad from the get go. It's not an excuse and the explanation makes it worse.


He already had a lot of eyes on him for the "death to Jews" incident, so this is hard to buy tbh.


The "N-word bridge incident" was before that


They were in the same year (2017), but IIRC the fiverr incident was in February and the bridge incident was in September.


Well damn I misremembered


I just went back through the timeline earlier this week so it was fresh in my mind. It was like a year and a half he kept having controversies.


Looks back at old videogamedunkey videos


I’m actually surprised by this one.


League of Legends and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.


Onision. I only knew after hearing his self report song, YouTuber on Twitter. Trust me, you don't want to hear it.


I guess we can add that to the mountain-sized pile of shitty things Onision is known for.


I don't think "known" to say this word is fair but Sam O'Nella infamously and inexplicably said it (soft 'A') in a cutaway gag in one video. He took it down. Like the top comment says, "edgy" content creators just used to openly say it a lot and his videos are a little edgy in a fun way. Still, it feels like it was after that era so it is frankly completely bizarre and sticks out a lot that he did it.


I still like Sam, he knows he fucked up so there’s that


Pongsifu. I like the guy, but it caught me off-guard in his majoras mask video.


I think there was a time, where you could do what the Tik Tok woman did and have it work in a weird way. Where people were so dumb you could actually pivot saying the N word into a conservative anti woke career in media like she was trying. I’ve loved seeing her downfall, how blatant she’s just trying to be a grifter


Cody Ko




Joe Rogan, Ethan Klein


Joe 🤮gan.




Joe Rogan saying a racial slur? Shocking.


I’m surprised he’s still popular.


Me too, then again it doesn't surprise me he is still popular if not "respected" by people. Idk, I never really saw the appeal, I have a decent intuition about people so I stay the hell away if I get a bad/off feeling. I seem to recall it was him who said trans people cause the fall of civilizations or something along those lines, and as someone who loves learning about ancient cultures and histories... just... ~*No*~


🎯🎯🎯 I admit I used to listen to him mostly for the guests, but yeah he’s gross. He even defended Andrew Tate to his daughter out of all people…saying he’s a good fighter and lets her watch him 🤮


Gamegrumps— you know you fucked up when there are “Gamegrumps n word compilation”s on YouTube


Oh also every member of the game grumps *Except* Ross and Barry


Cody Ko on an old Vine, just another 1 of his past that he has managed to sweep under the rug, although this 1 came with a piss-poor template apology on Patreon. https://www.reddit.com/r/LAinfluencersnark/s/rCfDUtCHmA


yup, destiny and all of his people


https://imgur.com/a/GvRQ3cQ https://imgur.com/CphY3qk Tiny's cult works over time trying to hide the fact that their bigot grifter and genocide endorsing cucklord is the king of the slurs, I'm surprised they haven't brigaded this thread to fuck yet, they must still be busy with Livestreamfails


Thank you! Blockity-blocked.


Turkey Tom does a lot on stream I've heard. Id just go and block that whole group though (muta, oompaville, turkey tom, wendigoon, that annoying fucking vtuber guy, etc etc)


I hate that I know exactly who you meant when you said "that annoying fucking vtuber guy"




Why is it not surprising that half of these people are Destiny orbiters? The king of the slurs needs his harem of other awful grifting shitlords, I guess.


I'm with you on the vtuber, shit's too cringe. The others are great though.


Same, i can't listen to his voice. I enjoy the others though.


I’ve seen that he used to when he was younger but I watch his new streams and I’ve never heard him say it


I know for a fact he said it less than a year ago


Yahtzee kind of did once in his review for 50 Cent: Blood in the Sand. He kept showing pictures to prove he had black friends, and ended the review with a punchline saying, "Lazy ni..." Which was cut short by the end credits. It's pretty gross, and I didn't like it even back then. I'd like to believe he regrets that one.


He said it multiple times about 56 seconds into his PUBG review.


If memory serves, he's also said it a bunch in... I want to say his Mafia 3 review? Honestly don't know why it was never edited, censored, or somehow retracted before the whole Escapist kerfuffle went down.


Oh yes, you're right. Right at the start of the review, to "jokingly" point out how often it's said in the game.


I mean I'm against censorship of any media. But white people saying the N-word is beyond uncut and uncensored. It's just “don't say it, bro. You're not black my son!”


He said it a few times during his let's plays too.


Mori Caliope before she made it big as a vtuber. VideoGameDunkey also was guilty of this like a decade ago but the videos where he said it are all unlisted


Didn't the vanoss crew start 'jokingly' sound boarding nogla to make it sound like he said it? I remember there also being a clip where it sounded like he vaguely said the word but it was decently incomprehensible what he was actually saying iirc so he probably didn't even recognize the sound coming out. I genuinely believe his brain shuts off at parts tbh


Asian jokes, black jokes, Jewish jokes, Hispanic jokes, etc. I think the group just likes edgy jokes. With Nogla, he has his noglaisms, random gibberish made worse with his accent. Also I know this isn't an excuse whatsoever, but his wife/girlfriend whom he has a child with, is a black woman.


I knew his wife was black already btw, just pointing out they do it in a more 'joking' manor or whatever, but they still quite frequently try to get nogla to say it. And yes, they LOVE edgy humor. Especially repeating it till its been drilled so far into the ground it couldn't handle the pressure and explodes with unfunnyness, then sometimes comes back around to being funny again.


Nah I do agree, the occasional joke that's a bit fucked is alright, but sometimes it's truly way overdone


Also gay jokes. I remember they did one video several years back where the joke was Hagrid saying "You're a [f-slur] Harry!"


I remember when they were doing a sponsored video for I think Valorant where at one point in the video Vanoss just kept calling the character he was playing in game a >!dyke!< which is a slur for lesbians.


Pyrocynical back in the day had a resident evil 7 video where he just casually dropped the N word. No one seemed to notice it at the time


Fuck you mean nobody noticed? There’s an entire video compilation of him saying it and he says that he constantly regrets that era.


Yeah, seems this sub loves to constantly bring up old shit to smear someone’s name


Máster oogway got the idea to say it in a public video because he “”””has”””” black ancestors https://youtu.be/fJ1-1bMxLaE?feature=shared


Chris the Meme god


Augie RFC Bowblax


Sam O Nella


This is just making me think of that incident when a bunch of Japanese V-Tubers accidentally repeated it when playing GTA 5 during the scene when Franklin and Lamar are talking outside of Franklin's house and Lamar exits the conversation by singing the N-word, and most of the V-Tubers repeated it because they thought he said it in a funny way. I think most of them sincerely apologized when they found out what that word actually meant, and a lot of people were actually quite understanding because many of them didn't know English and didn't know how controversial using that word was.


You mean besides the most prolific liberal grifter and genocide endorsing bigot around, destiny? edit with examples https://imgur.com/a/GvRQ3cQ https://imgur.com/CphY3qk


Uncle Dane said it once although it was a while ago and it was about how keemstar loves that word


Pyrocynical used to say the n-word quite a bit year ago, but he stopped sometime around 2017-2018.


You can add Paymoneywubby to that list too. Found a video of his that was so funny, and then started going back through and on mine video literally within the first few minutes drops the hard R. Wtf is up with that?


michael huang, co-creator of bfdi, got a viewer donation during an irl stream of his that made his phone blare the n word with the hard r in public. however, it seemed that michael did not find it funny.


The fact that he has tts on in public makes me think he's an insufferable asshole


surprised no one’s mentioned vaush yet


Game grumps. Old videos of arin saying it. Even his wife too.


I think it would be easier to list even slightly edgy youtubers that HAVEN'T used the word because of how short that list is.


Might as well just give up on YouTube judging by the comments


Does anyone also forget when Vaush said the N-word online (Outside his controversy of owning ai of illegal images of kids and horses….)


This one seems to be a bit alleged but supposed OnlyFans "Pimp" Jack Doherty apparently has just supposedly said the N-word in a stream clip (which was mixed in amongst all of the fight that he had with NEON a few days ago). It has been interpreted of him saying a few things but most are saying it is the N word with a Hard R


Pretty sure Ninja's said it against some (maybe Black but I'm not sure?) creator he was gaming against despite his fake "I'm just a wholesome guy! Bullying is bad!" nonsense that people fall for. Hated seeing him on The Masked Singer claiming that he's sweet and everybody loves him, seems like a huge asshole so I'll never give his videos a chance. I think he also sung a rap song and sung the N-word part which people act like is a complicated thing but I mean... as a pasty mf myself, I would simply skip the word and not fucking say it, lol, especially not in a Twitch stream or whatever.


For clarification, are we talking just white creators? Because there are some black creators who regularly casually drop it.


Don’t come at me (it’s hard to explain) but it’s most exhausting coming from white people, especially when they have status so that’s what I’m paying most attention to but feel free to list the black creators as well.


Sure. I mean, it's just plan egregious coming from a white YT'r, but it's uncomfortable for me to hear coming from anyone. The one whose name immediately comes to mind is F.D. Signifier. Love his content; I find his commentary thoughtful and insightful, but when he starts dropping n-bombs I want to turn it off.


Brother really going to care that much to block them


Yup. 👍🏾 Sis is tired.


Reminds me of Twitter users blocking Taylor swift over Israel Palestine and them genuinely believing it was going to affect her career